Spelling suggestions: "subject:"media discourse"" "subject:"pedia discourse""
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Russian Foreign Policy Discourse during and after the Georgian War: Representations of NATOChernysh, Kseniia January 2010 (has links)
The study analyzes Russian foreign policy discourse on NATO during and after the Georgian war as constructed in on-line news articles from the state-run RIA Novosti news agency. The thesis adopts constructivist and discourse analytical approach. Namely, it is based on the interplay between the three main theoretical pillars: language as constitutive part of social reality; media as a type of discourse; and the constructivist understanding of the foreign policy discourse as being embedded in the domestic social and cultural dimensions. The research has shown that the discourse on NATO constructed in the news articles of Ria Novosti to a great extent reflected the official Russian government’s discourse. The overall unfavorable representation of the organization was evident throughout the analyzed material. This ‘negative-other representation’ served to establish political frontiers between ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’ of the discourse. In the context of the Georgian war, the questions of the future power balance as well as effective transatlantic security mechanism gained particular prominence. The geopolitics of the regional security was represented as bipolar, comprising NATO (or ‘the West’ in its broad sense) on the one hand and Russia as the legitimate leader in most of the post-Soviet space, on the other. Such representation tended to possess distinctive features of the Cold War discourse.
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Feminismus v českém mediálním diskurzu: případová studie / Feminism in Czech media discourse: a case studyKindlová, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the media texts concerning the abolition of the Women's Scenes Photographic Exhibition: Scenes in the Library within the framework of the Week of Science and Technology Week of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to map out linguistic and narrative strategies aimed at achieving communication success and dominance within the discourse of the event. During the elaboration of the theme, a corpus was created, containing 61 texts published in printed media, Internet media, radio and television news coverage during October 2015 to January 2016. The analysis criticizes Ruth Wodak's qualitative discourse- historical method (DHA) for central themes, concepts, social Actors and stereotypes, and these findings are confronted with the relevant socio-historical context of the development of the women's movement in the world and Czech context, the education of women and their position in society.
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Politizace jazykové otázky v Ukrajině: diskurzivní konstrukce jazyka, nacionalismu a identity v ukrajinských médiích. / The politicization of the language issue in Ukraine: the discursive construction of the language, nationalism, and identity in Ukrainian media.Hu, Qianrui January 2021 (has links)
Despite already thirty years after gaining independence, Ukraine is still having difficulties forming an integral and united national identity. The language issue in Ukraine is a vivid example of the problem Ukraine is confronting. Numerous efforts have been made with the aim to strengthen the role of the Ukrainian language, but the presence of the Russian language in Ukraine is still strong. Furthermore, the battle between these two languages often provokes huge public debates, and the debates do not revolve around the language use itself, but usually associate it with the wider debate of the Ukrainian common memory. Although much research has been devoted to analysing the narratives of relevant language laws, the discourses of Ukrainian politicians, or public opinions of the language issue and their links with people's political orientation, this thesis will focus on the discourses of media, an equally important site which represents and reproduces everyday nationalism. By adopting the methodology of critical discourse analysis, this work aims to uncover what are the common themes behind the everyday debate on the language issue in Ukrainian media and what are the typical mechanisms and strategies in the language use of media discourses to facilitate propagating their language ideologies. After a...
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Obraz ruské a americké účasti v syrské občanské válce v periodikách Российская газета a Независимая газета (po roce 2014) / The Image of Russian and American Participation in Syrian Civil War in Periodics Российская газета and Независимая газета (after the Year 2014)Semianová, Annamária January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with media discourse of a participation of russian and american armed forces in Syrian Civil War since 2014 until the end of 2018. The aim of the thesis is to show by discourse analysis how oficial state daily Российская газета and independent Независимая газета inform press readers. The main aim of the analysis is to show a difference and stereotypes in the representation of russian and american participation in this conflict. Electronic and printed articles of these periodics are fundamental sources of the thesis. Within the research methods we derive from theoretical works about a media influence on public opinion, media image processing, stereotypes and other means that are forming this image. Key words: Russia, USA, Syrian Civil War, Rossiyskaya gazeta, Nezavisimaya gazeta, media discourse
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Katastrofa v Americe: kritická diskurzivní analýza hurikánu Sandy v českých médiích / Catastrophe in America: Critical Discoursive Analysis of Hurricane Sandy in Czech PressBednářová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the way of presenting the catastrophe called Sandy in the Czech media. The motivation for choosing this topic was the ascertainment that the information about Sandy narrows only on the information about New York in spite of the fact, that this hurricane, sometimes called tropical storm or "superstorm" caused many injuries in the area of Cuba, Jamaica, the Bahamas and especially Haiti. The analysis is realized by force of critical discourse analysis of Norman Fairclough, because this method is appropriate especially for analysing mass media texts in the way of offering complex view from the level of social context, through the process of production to the language form of texts. Consequently, theoretical background comes from the methods and concepts of Norman Fairclough, from the definition of media discourse, which is oriented on new media, news and news values. The analysis is oriented on the most readable Czech online news and the on the news web pages of the Czech public service television and the Czech public service radio. The goal of this thesis is primarily the comparison between the way of reporting about the hurricane between the commercial and public service online news articles; revealing ideological and powerful aspects in the way of this reporting; and the...
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Hodný, zlý a ošklivý (The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) : The representation of three minority groups in printed media discourse from the Czech Republic / Den gode, den onde, den fule : tre minoritetsgruppers representation i tjeckisk mediediskursElmerot, Irene January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att göra en kvantitativ, korpusbaserad undersökning av den språkliga andrafieringen av tre minoritetsgrupper: romer, vietnameser och ukrainare, i den tjeckiska mediadiskursen under 15 år, samt att få ett omfattande, representativt resultat genom att jämföra neutrala, positiva och negativa adjektiv som står intill sökorden. Till teoretisk grund ligger hur språket hjälper till att bygga och förstärka maktstrukturer samt hur korpussökningar efter kollokationer och närliggande ord kan tydliggöra en språklig andrafiering. Här används en kvantitativ metod för att besvara analytiska frågor om dessa benämningar. Materialet som ligger till grund för analysen är SYN version 4 i det tjeckiska Nationalkorpuset – i sin helhet består det av 275 miljoner meningar. Det verkar inte tidigare ha utförts någon sådan undersökning på ett så stort material, även om några forskare har använt liknande metoder. Resultatet bekräftar att de olika grupperna beskrivs på olika sätt, och är, genom det stora källmaterialet, ett bevis på hur språket i mediadiskursen speglar diskursen i samhället i stort.
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Medias framställning av unga kvinnor i marginaliserade områden : En kritisk diskursanalys av medieporträtteringen av unga kvinnor i tre StockholmsförorterKarlsson, Mira January 2021 (has links)
Media’s representation of places and individuals shape public understanding of these places and of their residents, as well as shaping residents’ own understanding of their communities and themselves. Media discourse about marginalized areas is often male dominated and focused on violence and crime which has attracted much attention in previous research. The purpose of this dissertation has instead been to study media discourse about young women living in three marginalized suburban areas south of Stockholm. By studying which discourses about young women in these areas are (re)produced in media we can gain knowledge about the opportunities and obstacles young women face. The study is based upon a critical discourse analysis of a large empirical material of media texts, informed by theory on territorial stigmatization. The analysis has an intersectional perspective. The texts cover a wide range of topics, with three recurrent subdiscourses described: “owning one’s place”, “safety” and “otherness”. The results are in line with previous research in some respects, but also deviate in important ways. Young women in these texts are on one hand, not depicted as responsible for the problems often associated with marginalized areas, but on the other hand, are depicted as responsible for their parents’ integration. / Medieframställningen av platser och individerna som bor där bidrar både till allmänhetens uppfattning av området och de boende såväl som till de boendes uppfattning om området och sig själva. Mediebilden av marginaliserade områden är ofta mansdominerad samt associerad till kriminalitet och oroligheter, en framställning som uppmärksammats mycket i tidigare forskning. Den här uppsatsen handlar istället om medieframställningen av unga kvinnor i tre Stockholmsförorter. Genom att studera vilka diskurser om unga kvinnor i marginaliserade områden som (re)produceras i medietexter bidrar studien till vår förståelse av vilka hinder och möjligheter unga kvinnor möter. Studien bygger på en kritisk diskursanalys av ett omfattande mediematerial, som informerats av bl.a. teorier om territoriellt stigma. Texterna har analyserats med intersektionellt perspektiv. Medietexterna handlar visserligen om många olika saker, men genomgående framträder tre subdiskurser: ”ta plats”, ”trygghet” och ”annorlundahet”. Resultaten följer i flera avseenden tidigare forskning, men avviker samtidigt i några viktiga aspekter. Till skillnad från vad tidigare forskning om medieframställningar av marginaliserade områden och dess boende har visat framställs inte de unga kvinnorna som ansvarsbärare för de problem som ofta associeras till marginaliserade områden. Däremot framställs de unga kvinnorna i stor utsträckning som ansvarsbärare för sina föräldrars integrering.
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Organizational Colonization, Corporate Responsibility and Nation-Building in India: “More Dreams Per Car”, or Less?Mitra, Rahul 31 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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From Clown to Hero : The construction of Volodymyr Zelensky in Swedish newspapers 2019 and 2022Abd Alwaheb, Frida January 2022 (has links)
This paper explores the linguistic construction of the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyj, in Swedish newspapers in 2019 and 2022. Using the framework of Critical Discourse Studies along with Cognitive Linguistics the aim of the study is to gain an understanding of what constructs a heroism discourse surrounding Zelensky. Utilizing the Discourse-Historical Approach as the main method allows for a certain qualitative analysis of news texts which illuminate discursive strategies and possible conceptual metaphors. Findings suggest there has been a shift in the discourse concerning Zelensky, and that he in march 2022 is part of a heroism discourse in which he symbolizes change. / Den här uppsatsen har som syfte att utforska hur Ukrainas president Volodymyr Zelenskyj är framställd i svensk media i 2019 och 2022. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket bestående av kritisk diskursanalys och kognitiv lingvistik undersöks hur diskursen kring Zelenskyj sett ut och hur den har förändrats. Studien utgår från den diskurshistoriska analysen eftersom den möjliggör för kvalitativ analys av nyhetstexter genom att belysa underliggande diskursiva strategier och eventuella konceptuella metaforer. Resultaten visar att diskursen kring Zelenskyj har genomgått en skiftning och att han i mars 2022 ingår i en hjältediskurs, vari han symboliserar förändring.
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Кинорецензия как модель межкультурной/межъязыковой коммуникации: передача стилистических особенностей жанра при переводе (на материале английского, русского и французского языков) : магистерская диссертация / Film review as a model of intercultural/interlingual communication: transfer of stylistic features of the genre in translation (on the material of English, Russian and French languages)Попова, Я. К., Popova, I. K. January 2024 (has links)
Объект ВКР: стилистические средства английского, русского и французского языков в жанре кинорецензии. Цель работы: выявить стилистические особенности жанра «кинорецензия» в контексте межкультурной/межъязыковой коммуникации и определить наиболее эффективную переводческую стратегию для их передачи на другой язык. Методы исследования: сопоставительный метод, общенаучные методы исследования (индукция, дедукция, анализ, синтез), метод сплошной выборки, контент-анализ, метод контекстуального анализа, метод стилистического анализа, метод лингвокультурологического анализа, статистический метод. Область применения полученных результатов — лингвистика, перевод и переводоведение. Значимость настоящего исследования состоит в уточнении понятия «кинорецензия» в лингвопереводческом аспекте. Исследование позволяет конкретизировать нормы перевода стилистических параметров данного жанра в следующих языковых парах: французский−русский, английский−русский, английский−французский. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при переводе кинорецензий (в языковых парах: французский‒ русский; английский–русский; французский‒английский), а также в преподавании таких вузовских дисциплин, как стилистика, основы межкультурной коммуникации и практический курс перевода. / Object: stylistic means of English, Russian and French in the genre of movie review. Aim of the work: to identify the stylistic features of the genre "movie review" in the context of intercultural/interlingual communication and to determine the most effective translation strategy for their transfer into another language. Research methods: comparative method, general scientific research methods (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis), method of solid sampling, content analysis, method of contextual analysis, method of stylistic analysis, method of linguocultural analysis, statistical method. The field of application of the obtained results is linguistics, translation and translation studies. The significance of the present study consists in clarifying the concept of "movie review" in the linguistic and translation aspect. The study allows us to specify the norms of translation of stylistic parameters of this genre in the following language pairs: French-Russian, English-Russian, English-French. The results of the study can be used in the translation of movie reviews (in the language pairs French-Russian; English-Russian; French-English), as well as in the teaching of such university disciplines as stylistics, basics of intercultural communication and practical translation course.
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