Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mediaeval"" "subject:"mediaevale""
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Řemeslnická a živnostenská bratrstva a cechy v pražských městech od pozdního středověku do konce cechovního zřízení / Brotherhoods and Guilds of Tradesmen and Craftsmen in Prague Cities from Late Mediaeval Period to the End of Guild SystemSmrž, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
(in English): This master thesis follows the history of Prague guilds from the very beginning of their system to the end in 1860. Research was focused on cities which created former Prague - Old Town, New Town, Lesser Town and Hradčany. At first, used sources and their evaluation for the above mentioned research are described. There are reflections of the most important moments in the history of guilds in the Czech Lands, especially in Prague towns at that time, in the next chapters. Main goal of this thesis is to reconstruct a picture of all historical guilds and brotherhoods in the cities of Prague. My own research reflects knowledge of previous researchers. These were thereafter compared to some new sources and revised. Unknown parts of the history of Prague guilds were elaborated, such as history of this system in modern period. Based on some particular knowledge of history of singular guilds new hypotheses of general evolution of guilds in Prague were formed. Attached are glossaries of names of professions (Latin, German and Old Czech), that were in Prague towns in the past.
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Morbidity, Rickets, and Long-Bone Growth in Post-Medieval Britain: A Cross-Population Analysis.Ogden, Alan R., Pinhasi, R., Shaw, P., White, B. January 2006 (has links)
No / BACKGROUND: Vitamin D deficiency rickets is associated with skeletal deformities including swollen rib junctions, bowing of the legs, and the flaring and fraying of the wrist and long-bone metaphyses. There is, however, scarce information on the direct effect of rickets on skeletal growth in either present or past populations. AIM: The study investigated the effect of vitamin D deficiency rickets on long-bone growth in two post-medieval skeletal populations from East London (Broadgate and Christ Church Spitalfields). Subsequently, inter-population growth variations in relation to non-specific environmental stress (dental enamel defects), industrialization, urbanization and socio-economic status during infancy (birth to 3 years) and early childhood (3-7 years) were examined. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Data on long-bone diaphyseal length dimensions and stress indicators of 234 subadults from Anglo-Saxon, late medieval and post-medieval archaeological skeletal samples were analysed using both linear and non-linear growth models. RESULTS: Rickets had no effect on the growth curves for any of the long bones studied. However, pronounced variations in growth between the four populations were noted, mainly during infancy. The diaphyseal length of long bones of Broadgate were significantly smaller-per-age than those of Spitalfields and the other samples up to the age of 4 years, and were associated with a high prevalence of enamel defects during early infancy. CONCLUSION: Socio-economic status, rather than urbanization, industrialization or rickets, was the central factor behind the observed differences in growth among the post-medieval populations. The observed inter-population growth variations were only significant during infancy.
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Средњовјековне историјске теме у периодици Црне Горе од 1835. до 1941. године / Srednjovjekovne istorijske teme u periodici Crne Gore od 1835. do 1941. godine / The medieval historical topics in the periodicalsof Montenegro from 1835 to 1941Jovović Vasilj 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Ова дисертација се бави проучавањем средњовјековних историјских тема у<br />периодици која је излазила на подручју данашње Црне Горе у периоду од 1835. године до<br />1941. године. Циљ нашег истраживања био је сакупљање и анализа разнородне грађе о<br />темама из средњовјековља јужнословенског простора, које су третиране и објављене у<br />периодици на простору Црне Горе у посматраном периоду, њихово груписање у тематске<br />цјелине, хронолошко излагање, као и састављање једног потпуног и вјеродостојног<br />историјског прегледа развоја медијевистике у периодици на простору Црне Горе у<br />поменутом периоду. У раду је обрађено 458 текстова у којима је заступљена<br />средњовјековна тематика, од којих је највећи број објављен у часописима: Гласу<br />Црногорца, Зетском гласнику, Записима, Просвјети, Гласу Боке, Гласнику Народног<br />универзитета Боке Которске и Зети. Такође, кроз систематизовани преглед, углавном<br />дескриптивног карактера, жељели смо да дамо потпунију слику и што свестраније<br />изложимо све радове из средњовјековне историје јужнословенског простора објављене у<br />периодици на простору Црне Горе у посматраном периоду. Намјера је била да изложимо<br />сваку помена вреднију активност на овом пољу, што би могло представљати допринос<br />изучавању и заокруживању слике заступљености медијавистике у историографији Црне<br />Горе.<br />Значај дисертације огледа се у томе што овој проблематици, до сада, није<br />поклоњена пуна пажња у радовима који су се бавили периодиком на простору данашње<br />Црне Горе у посматраном периоду. Такође, чланцима који се односе на средњовјековни<br />период јачала се национална свијест, утврђивао идентитет, његовала културна баштина и<br />фолклор. </p> / <p>Ova disertacija se bavi proučavanjem srednjovjekovnih istorijskih tema u<br />periodici koja je izlazila na području današnje Crne Gore u periodu od 1835. godine do<br />1941. godine. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je sakupljanje i analiza raznorodne građe o<br />temama iz srednjovjekovlja južnoslovenskog prostora, koje su tretirane i objavljene u<br />periodici na prostoru Crne Gore u posmatranom periodu, njihovo grupisanje u tematske<br />cjeline, hronološko izlaganje, kao i sastavljanje jednog potpunog i vjerodostojnog<br />istorijskog pregleda razvoja medijevistike u periodici na prostoru Crne Gore u<br />pomenutom periodu. U radu je obrađeno 458 tekstova u kojima je zastupljena<br />srednjovjekovna tematika, od kojih je najveći broj objavljen u časopisima: Glasu<br />Crnogorca, Zetskom glasniku, Zapisima, Prosvjeti, Glasu Boke, Glasniku Narodnog<br />univerziteta Boke Kotorske i Zeti. Takođe, kroz sistematizovani pregled, uglavnom<br />deskriptivnog karaktera, željeli smo da damo potpuniju sliku i što svestranije<br />izložimo sve radove iz srednjovjekovne istorije južnoslovenskog prostora objavljene u<br />periodici na prostoru Crne Gore u posmatranom periodu. Namjera je bila da izložimo<br />svaku pomena vredniju aktivnost na ovom polju, što bi moglo predstavljati doprinos<br />izučavanju i zaokruživanju slike zastupljenosti medijavistike u istoriografiji Crne<br />Gore.<br />Značaj disertacije ogleda se u tome što ovoj problematici, do sada, nije<br />poklonjena puna pažnja u radovima koji su se bavili periodikom na prostoru današnje<br />Crne Gore u posmatranom periodu. Takođe, člancima koji se odnose na srednjovjekovni<br />period jačala se nacionalna svijest, utvrđivao identitet, njegovala kulturna baština i<br />folklor. </p> / <p>This dissertation deals in with the study of medieval historical themes in Montenegrin<br />periodicals which coming out on the territory of Montenegro in the period from 1835 to 1941.<br />The aim of our study was the collection and analysis of diverse materials on topics from<br />medieval on area of the South Slavic, which treated and published in Montenegrin periodicals<br />on area of Montenegro in the observed period, their grouping into thematic units, chronological<br />presentation, as well as the drafting of a comprehensive and credible historical overview<br />development medieval history in Montenegrin periodicals on area of Montenegro during this<br />period. The study included 458 articles in which he represented a medieval theme, of which the<br />largest number was published in magazines: Glas Crnogorca, Zetski glasnik, Zapisi, Prosvjeta,<br />Glas Boke, Glasnik Narodnog univerziteta Boke Kotorske and Zeta. Also, through the systematic<br />review, mainly descriptive character, we wanted to give a more complete picture and most<br />comprehensive expose all the works of the medieval history about area of the South Slavic<br />published in Montenegrin periodicals on the area of Montenegro in observed period. The<br />intention was to expose every noteworthy activity in this field, which could represent a<br />contribution to the study and completing the image representation medieval history in the<br />historiography of Montenegro. The importance of the dissertation is reflected in the fact that this<br />issue does not give full attention until now in papres which dealt with periodical on the area of<br />present-day Montenegro in the observed period. Also, the articles which refers to the medieval<br />period by strengthening the national consciousness, determined the identity, cherished cultural<br />heritage and folklore.</p>
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Ovidio en la General Estoria de Alfonso X / Ovide dans la General Estoria d'Alphonse X / Ovid in Alfonso X's General EstoriaSalvo García, Irene 16 March 2012 (has links)
La thèse « Ovide dans la General estoria d’Alphonse X » a pour objectif l’étude de la réception du poète latin dans l’histoire universelle conçue au sein de l’atelier dirigé par Alphonse X pendant le dernier quart du XIIIe siècle (ca. 1270-1284). Ladite œuvre prétendait relater l’histoire de l’homme depuis la Genèse jusqu’au règne du roi Alphonse lui-même. La source fondamentale de la General estoria est la Bible. S’ajoutent à la matière biblique diverses notices païennes ou « gentilles » (étrangères au peuple hébreu). Dans les deux premières parties de la General estoria, les sources fondamentales pour les récits gentils sont les Métamorphoses et les Héroïdes d’Ovide. Cet usage est complété par un emploi fragmentaire des Fastes, des Remèdes à l’amour, de l'Art d’aimer et des Pontiques. Nous avons porté notre attention aussi bien sur la méthode de traduction de l’œuvre d’Ovide que sur les techniques de compilation de la General estoria. Ainsi, cette thèse est structurée de la façon suivante : 1) une introduction où nous décrivons les règles qui caractérisent la lecture d’Ovide au Moyen Âge (ch. 1) ; 2) une étude des éléments contextuels du texte latin en trois sections : une étude des accessus, des gloses et des commentaires qui accompagnaient le texte latin dans l’étape médiévale (ch. 2) ; une analyse des œuvres mythographiques qui s’insèrent dans la compilation (ch. 3) ; enfin, la description des caractéristiques qui définissent l’utilisation des œuvres d’Ovide moins employées: les Fastes, l'Art d’aimer, les Pontiques et les Remèdes à l’amour (ch. 4). Finalement, dans le deuxième bloc de la thèse (ch. 5), nous avons fait une analyse exhaustive et détaillée des fragments empruntés aux œuvres d’Ovide dans la General estoria. / The aim of the dissertation “Ovid in Alfonso X’s General estoria” is to study the translation of the Latin poet in the universal history conceived within the workshop directed by Alfonso X during the last quarter of the 13th century (ca. 1270-1284). The aforementioned work intended to recount the history of man from Genesis up to the reign of King Alfonso himself. The main source of the General estoria is the Bible. Various pagan or “Gentile” (non-Jewish) notes are added to the biblical material. In the first two parts of the General estoria, the basic sources for the Gentile stories are Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Heroides. This usage is complimented by fragments of the Fasti, the Remedia Amori, the Ars Amatoria and the Epistulae ex Ponto. The study is also centred on the translation method of Ovid’s work as well as on the compilation techniques of the General estoria. Thus, the present dissertation is structured as follows: 1) an Introduction where the rules that characterize the reading of Ovid in the Middle Ages are described (ch. 1); 2) a study of the contextual elements of the Latin text in three sections: a study of the accessus, the glosses and commentaries that accompanied the Latin text in the medieval stage (ch. 2); an analysis of the mythographic works inserted in the compilation (ch. 3); finally; the description of the characteristics which define the employing of Ovid’s less used works: the Fasti, the Remedia Amori, the Ars Amatoria and the Epistulae ex Ponto (ch. 4). In the end, the second part of the dissertation (ch. 5) develops an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the fragments taken from Ovid’s works in the General estoria.
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Degenerativní změny kloubních spojení u velkomoravské populace z lokality Mikulčice - Valy / Degenerative joint disease in Great Moravian population from the locality Mikulčice - ValyMüllerová, Soňa January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis had two primary objectives. The first one was to examine if the incidence and development of primary degenerative joint disease (DJD) of the joints of the vertebral column and the limbs in an early medieval population from a cemetery by the sixth church in Mikulčice were affected mainly by the skeletal age of the deceased, or if other factor of physical loads was more significant. A set of 83 skeletal remains was evaluated primarily by Waldron's method (2009), but methods by Stloukal and Vyhnánek (1976); Buikstra and Ubelaker (1994); and Sager (1969) were also used. Schmorl nodes and eburnation were tracked too. Evaluated were vertebral joint (both intervertebral and apophyseal), jaw and limb joints. The results indicate that the incidence of degenerative joint disease in intervertebral joints, temporomandibular joint and appendicular joints is significantly affected by age, with the onset of degeneration being after the 40th year of skeletal age. No correlation of incidence of Schmorl nodes with age was present, and only a few cases of eburnace were noted. The relationship between the presence of DJD and the sex of the skeletons was not approved. I have compared these results with those from similar studies. I have deemed the primary evaluation by Waldron's method to be good...
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Mocenské postavení prvních Ronovců a jejich pozice v české středověké společnosti / Power of the First Generations of the Ronov Noble Family and Their Position Within Czech Mediaeval SocietyVáňa, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis Power of the First Generations of the Ronov Noble Family and Their Position Within Czech Mediaeval Society was dealing with the position and power of the first three generations of the representatives of Ronov noblemen in the direct line towards Hynek from Dubá. In the prosopographical part of the thesis the lines of testimony were analysed and these proved clearly that the maximum of their court career was occurring during the reign of Wenceslaus the First. This maximum is also reflected in the other part of the thesis - which is the analysis of possession- holding. At the age of Wenceslaus the First Ronov noblemen built up a vast area of their particular possessions in Northern Bohemia and gradually they were developing colonisation of this region. Even though Ronov noble family did not take up any posts at the court, the exception is the position of Budysin administrator, they created a very tight connection to Premyslid kings due to the common childhood with Wenceslaus the First and they also supported him politically and also militarily in his inner and foreign policy. After the death of Castoslov from Zitava the position of power in the direct family line began to deteriorate, the peak of power was now for Lichtenburg family. The minimum of the court career comes after their left the...
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Du récit à la représentation : la transposition de sujets de la littérature grecque antique dans l’art gréco-romain et la peinture occidentale (XVe-XIXe siècles). Le cas de la Punition Divine / From Narration to Representation : The Transfer of Literature Themes from Ancient Greek Literature into Greco-roman Art and Occidental Painting (15th-19th Century). The Case of the Divine Punishment.Painesi, Anastasia 10 December 2011 (has links)
La punition divine est un phénomène récurrent dans la mythologie grecque. L’hybris, commise par des individus vaniteux et orgueilleux aspirant à se comparer aux dieux ou même à se succéder à eux à la domination du Cosmos, provoque une série de châtiments atroces, imposés par les Olympiens à des hommes et à des femmes, à des humains et à des êtres mythiques, à des héros, à des rois et même à d’autres dieux sans discrimination. L’étude actuelle examine l’iconographie de divers types de châtiment divin dans l’art gréco-romain et la peinture occidentale (XVe-XIXe siècles). Elle analyse l’interaction entre les œuvres d’art et les sources littéraires antiques, médiévales et modernes, ainsi que les points communs remarqués entre les thèmes antiques du châtiment divin et certains épisodes bibliques ou chevaleresques. Elle se focalise enfin sur l’influence que l’iconographie de la punition divine antique a exercée sur la politique, la société et la religion aussi bien dans l’Antiquité qu’à l’époque moderne. / Divine punishment constitutes a recurrent phenomenon in Greek mythology. The hubristic behaviour of vain and selfish individuals, who aspire either to compare themselves to the gods or to succeed them to the domination of the Cosmos, provokes a series of atrocious tortures inflicted by the Olympians to men and women, to humans and mythical creatures, to heroes, kings and even to other gods equally.The present PhD study examines the iconography of a variety of types of Divine Punishment in the Greek and Roman art and the occidental painting (15th-19th centuries). It analyses the interaction between the various works of art and the ancient, mediaeval and modern literary sources. It pinpoints the resemblances between the ancient themes and certain biblical or chivalrous episodes. It focuses finally on the influence wielded by the iconography of divine punishment in politics, society and religion, both in Antiquity and in modern times.
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Die Todesfigur : eine studie ihrer funktion in der deutschen literatur vom vierzehnten bis zum sechzehnten jahrhundert : unter besonderer beruecksichtigung des sozial - und gesellschaftskritischen aspekts.Thiel, Gudrun Else Kaethe. January 1989 (has links)
This research report deals with the function of the figure of Death
in German literature from the 14th to the 16th century and its early
Latin predecessors. This thesis aims to give an overview of such
texts, written predominantly in Latin until the first half of the
15th century and also in German from the second half of the 15th
From the overview of the texts, it is evident that the figure of
Death was employed mainly by reform-oriented groups within the
Church in texts whose contents had a socio-religious bias. This,
together with an analysis of the possible recipients of the texts,
provides support for the thesis that these groups must have used
the figure of Death within the social context of the period (from
the 12th to the 16th century) in an attempt to protect the interest
of the Church as an institution as well as its strong influence on
society. The time span from the 14th to the 16th century is then subdivided
into two epochs. The first epoch encompasses the period from the
14th century to the beginning of the Reformation; the second epoch
encompasses texts dating from the beginning of the Reformation.
Several texts from each epoch are analysed in detail in order to
prove the thesis. The choice of texts takes into account the dominant
church reform groups as well as the most relevant genres of
the time. This investigation shows that the church established its
hold on society, on the one hand, by keeping the higher clergy and
the nobility in the place assigned to them by the concept of "ordo",
and on the other hand, by directing social criticism at the people
of high standing, and so appeasing the lower classes who were
looking to heretical groups for the realization of their spiritual
needs and social ambitions.
Reform was thus seen by the reform-oriented people within the Church
as upholding the "God-given" social order, related to the Great
Chain of Being, by all estates. The more this order crumbled because
the real political power-brokers had changed, the more universal
the criticism of the figure of Death became. After the Reformation,
however, the universality of social criticism was increasingly restricted
to the local level, being mainly aimed at rich individuals
within the city population. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1989.
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Žatec a severozápadní Čechy na počátku mladohradištního období (2. polovina 10. století) / Žatec and north-western Bohemia in the 2nd Half of the 10 CenturyČech, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The present work was written following a master thesis on the settlement and the shape of the early mediaeval agglomeration of Žatec in the 9th century. Subject of this dissertation is the processing of pottery from settlement features and from the 10th -century fortification. This enabled to study the development of the fortification system and changes of the settlement structure within individual settlement components. On the basis of excavations a relative chronology of the pottery and in accordance with the dendrochronological data a hypothesis on absolute dating has been presented. In view of this new chronology a new quantitative and qualitative analysis of information on the early mediaeval strongholds and hill-top settlements of the 9th and 10th century in the central and lower Ohře Region and in the Ore Mountain foothills was undertaken. A processing of the research on Drahúš stronghold has contributed substantially to this new perspective. The 1960s opinion on the affiliation of early mediaeval strongholds on the territory in question to the tribal territory of the Lučans, which should have been opposed to the Central Bohemian Přemyslid patrimony, based on the gathered information and its analysis could have been rejected. It was possible to comprise the evaluation of the excavation at...
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Des crosses et des couronnes : pοuvοirs abbatiaux et pοuvοirs rοyaux dans le diοcèse de Rοuen (fin du ΧΙΙe - milieu du ΧVe siècle) / Crosiers and Crowns : abbatial powers and royal powers in the diocese of Rouen (end of the 12th-middle of the 15th century)Paquet, Fabien 08 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse l’évolution du pouvoir des abbés de onze abbayes bénédictines masculines du diocèse de Rouen entre la fin du XIIe siècle et le milieu du XVe siècle, mettant l’accent sur les plus grandes d’entre elles (Le Bec, Fécamp, Saint-Ouen, Saint-Wandrille…) mais prenant aussi en charge des maisons plus modestes et méconnues. Au cœur du raisonnement figurent la relation des abbés avec les pouvoirs royaux français et anglais. Après l’intégration de la Normandie au domaine royal capétien en 1204, les abbés devinrent royaux : en étudiant en particulier les actes de la pratique, cette thèse propose une définition de cette catégorie. Le rôle de Philippe Auguste dans la définition des rapports entre les crosses et les couronnes est mis en valeur. La suite du XIIIe siècle et le début du XIVe siècle sont marquées par une continuité politique assez remarquable, doublée d’une prospérité économique ; cela se traduisit par une réelle liberté des élections dans les monastères normands et l’avènement des abbés gestionnaires, qui parvinrent même à conserver les biens de leurs abbayes situées dans les terres du roi d’Angleterre. Les débuts de la Guerre de Cent ans furent un véritable tournant : à partir de ce moment-là, les abbés durent s’engager dans les affaires politiques et la guerre (notamment dans le conflit entre le roi de France et le roi de Navarre puis au moment de la conquête de la Normandie par Henri V, après sa victoire à Azincourt en 1415). S’appuyant sur une prosopographie de cent-quatre-vingt-huit abbés, la thèse étudie par ailleurs le profil de ces supérieurs (origines sociales et géographiques, formation, etc.) et l’évolution de la figure abbatiale au fil de ces trois siècles : de plus en plus de supérieurs furent formés à l’université ou gravitaient dans les cercles de pouvoir de l’Église ou de la royauté. En conséquence, ils fréquentaient de moins en moins leurs cloîtres, habituant les moines à leur absence, tandis que la liberté des élections était progressivement rognée sous l’influence du pape et des rois. L’étude, notamment, des sources narratives et figurées montre que les représentations de leur pouvoir évoluèrent en parallèle : de plus en plus attentifs à leur prestige extérieur, marqué notamment par le port des insignes pontificaux, ils ressemblèrent de moins en moins aux moines qu’ils dirigeaient. Cette thèse propose de lire la mise en place de la commende dans la continuité de ces évolutions du pouvoir abbatial, qui apparaissent moins comme une crise que comme une mutation. / This thesis analyzes the evolution of the power of the abbots of eleven male Benedictine abbeys of the diocese of Rouen between the end of the 12th century and the middle of the 15th century, focusing on the largest of them (Le Bec, Fécamp, Saint-Ouen, Saint-Wandrille...) but also on more modest and unknown monasteries. At the heart of the reasoning lie the relationship of the abbots with the French and English royal powers. After the integration of Normandy in the Capetian royal domain in 1204, the abbots became royal: studying in particular the acts of the practice, this thesis proposes a definition of this category. The role of Philip Augustus in the building of these relationships between crosiers and crowns is underlined. The political continuation of the 13th century and the beginning of the 14th century, coupled with economic prosperity, resulted on the one hand in a real freedom of elections in the Norman monasteries and on the other hand in the advent of abbots managers, who even managed to preserve the property of their abbeys located in the lands of the King of England. The beginnings of the Hundred Years’ War were a real turning point: from then on, the abbots had to engage in political affairs and war (especially in the conflict between the King of France and the King of Navarre, then at the time of the conquest of Normandy by Henry V, after his victory at Azincourt in 1415). Based on a prosopography of one hundred and eighty-eight abbots, the thesis also studies the profile of these superiors (their social and geographical origins, their formartion and career, etc.) and the evolution of the abbatial figure over these three centuries: more and more superiors studied at the university and/or gravitated in the circles of power of the Church or of the kings. As a result, they were less and less physically present in their cloisters, accustoming the monks to their absence, while the freedom of the elections was gradually cut off under the influence of the pope and kings. Besides, the study, in particular, of the narrative and figurative sources shows that the representations of their power evolved in parallel: more and more attentive to their external prestige, marked in particular by the wearing of the pontifical insignia, they looked less and less like to the monks who they were ruling. This thesis proposes to read the setting up of the commendatory system in the continuity of these evolutions of the abbatial power, which appear less as a crisis than as a mutation.
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