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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dödshjälp- rätt eller fel? : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans upplevelser av assisterad dödshjälp / Euthanasia - right or wrong : A qualitative literature study on the nurse's experiences of assisted euthanasia

Citron, Linn, Johansen, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dödshjälp är i dagsläget olagligt i Sverige, men många andra länder har valt att legalisera det. Det finns i dag två olika former, aktiv dödshjälp går ut på att läkaren administrerar den dödliga dosen av läkemedlet samt den assisterade dödshjälpen som går ut på att läkaren skriver ut den dödliga dosen och patienten själv administrerar det. Denna litteraturstudie fokuseras på den assisterade dödshjälpen, där komplexiteten i frågan utgörs av sjuksköterskans etiska ställningstaganden, religiösa aspekter samt patientens rätt till självbestämmande (autonomi). Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa evidensbaserad kunskap om sjuksköterskans upplevelser av assisterad dödshjälp. Metod: En litteraturstudie där resultaten från 10 vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativ ansats sammanställdes. Materialet samlades in från databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Resultat: När resultatet sammanställdes framkom tre huvudteman kommunikations betydelse, patientens autonomi och sjuksköterskans värderingar och åtta subteman. Resultatet belyser hur viktig den personcentrerade vården och teamarbetet mellan sjuksköterskan och andra professioner är vid den assisterade dödshjälpen. Sjuksköterskans motsättningar till den assisterade dödshjälpen var moraliska och etiska aspekter. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskans värderingar kunde vara en motsättning till den assisterade dödshjälpen, men de flesta sjuksköterskorna skulle inte överge sin patient oavsett om denne valde assisterad dödshjälp eller inte.

Knowledge and Education Needs of Nurses Regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD): A Qualitative Systematic Review

Munch, Courteney 19 December 2022 (has links)
All nurses must be adequately prepared to care for individuals requesting Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) due to the practical, ethical, personal, and legal ramifications associated with MAiD. Nurses are both professionally and legally obligated to be knowledgeable and skilled in navigating the care of individuals requesting MAiD. This qualitative systematic review explored the knowledge and education needs identified by nurses regarding MAiD. This qualitative systematic review was conducted following the JBI methodology for systematic reviews of qualitative evidence, including critical appraisal, study selection, data extraction and data synthesis. Four themes were identified: 1) ethical and moral challenges, 2) legislation and standards, 3) communication, and 4) mandatory MAiD education. The information and practice recommendations found within this review can be used to support the knowledge and education needs of all nursing students and practicing nurses throughout Canada.

Canadian Resources to Support Patients Making Decisions about Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)

Kiss, Alda Greta 21 November 2022 (has links)
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) was legalized in Canada in 2016. In 2021, an update in legislation included changes to MAID eligibility and procedural safeguards. Guided by the Ottawa Decision Support Framework (ODSF), the overall aim was to describe how Canadian patients considering MAID are being supported in making the decision about end-of-life care. Eleven articles were included in the literature review. ODSF themes are evident in MAID literature. Nurses play key roles in end-of-life decision-making. Environmental scan of publicly available MAID resources identified 58 eligible resources. Sixty-nine percent of MAID resources were updated with 2021 legislation. None met the International Patient Decision Aid Standards criteria. Thirty met Patient Education Materials Assessment standard for adequate understandability and 11 for actionability. Although patient decision aids are effective for supporting health care decisions, none exist for MAID and current resources are inadequate for supporting people of lower health literacy.

Carter v. Canada: Nonreligion in the Context of Physician-Assisted Dying

Steele, Cory 09 August 2018 (has links)
In 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the Carter decision that the prohibitions against physician-assisted dying, as outlined in section 241(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada, were unconstitutional as they violated an individual’s s.7 rights as outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Though the jurisprudence of this landmark decision and subsequent amendments to Canadian law are interesting in and of themselves, what is particularly interesting about Carter is the framework within which physician-assisted dying is conceptualized. The Court shifts from a religiously informed framework for conceptualizing assisted suicide to a non-religious conceptualization of physician-assisted dying. Given that there remains much to be explored about nonreligion, this thesis asks: how is ‘nonreligion’ constructed by law in relation to physician-assisted dying in Canada? Since the Carter decision is not explicitly about religion or nonreligion the analysis in this thesis maps how the concepts life, death, and morality are reconceptualized. The analysis reveals that nonreligion is a phenomenon that is absent of the transcendent and is instead given positive content through a focus on autonomy. The conceptualization of nonreligion as presented in this thesis contributes to the literature that emphasizes that nonreligion is both positive and meaningful and not simply deficit terminology.

Freedom v. Protection (v. Fence-sitting) narratives in the euthanasia debate: a qualitative narrative policy analysis of Canadian media from 2007-2017

Bethune, Keely D. 04 January 2022 (has links)
In 2016, Gray and Jones adapted the narrative policy framework (NPF) to a qualitative context. In this research, I build from their resulting Qualitative NPF (Q-NPF) method to analyze 300 randomly selected Canadian media articles published between 2007-2017 on the topic of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID). I begin by explaining how the concrete procedures of MAID are distinct from other end-of-life practices, and introduce the terminology that will be used throughout this research. I then introduce historic and academic literature relevant to the form and content of the contemporary media narratives to be analyzed, especially drawing theoretically from Rose’s (2013) discussion of biomedical personhood discourses and Butler’s theory of unevenly distributed precarity. I then explain the methodology of qualitative narrative policy analysis (Q-NPF), and apply it to Canada’s MAID debate by dividing the policy positions into what I call the Freedom, Protection, and Fence-sitting narrative policy camps. The Freedom camp advocated for MAID legalization; the Protection camp advocated against MAID legalization; and the Fence-sitting camp avoided advocating either for or against baseline legalization of MAID, instead weighing in only on peripheral issues. I discuss the qualitative differences of narrative content specific to these three camps, highlighting the most prominent narrative trends (by frequency of publication) and discussing the ways in which these findings either accord with or contradict the expectations of the literature review. Finally, I update the reader on Canadian legislative developments since 2017 and identify how the data of 2007-2017 anticipated these developments, demonstrating the salience and predictive power of Q-NPF. I conclude by proposing new directions for potential investigation. / Graduate / 2022-12-13

La figure du médecin praticien de l'aide médicale à mourir au Canada : persécuteur, victime ou sauveur ?

Nuttens, Charlotte 21 September 2023 (has links)
Le Canada regroupe sous le terme « aide médicale à mourir » les pratiques de suicide assisté et d'euthanasie volontaire. Pratiques sujettes à débat à travers le monde depuis une vingtaine d'années, elles sont légalisées au Canada depuis 2016. En 2020, un projet de loi visant à modifier le Code criminel canadien sur les dispositions de l'aide médicale à mourir est proposé. Il est permis aux citoyens de défendre leur point de vue sur ce projet de loi. Par l'analyse de ces avis (appelés mémoires) et à l'aide de la méthodologie de la théorisation ancrée (grounded theory) formalisée par Glaser et Strauss en 1967 et reprise dans un article par Anne Laperrière (1997), trois figures du médecin praticien de l'aide médicale à mourir émergent. Il en ressort celle du médecin persécuteur qui a pour volonté de tuer les plus vulnérables, celle du médecin victime du système qui lui impose de violer son Serment d'Hippocrate et celle du médecin sauveur qui aide les plus souffrants à mourir, les sauvant, ainsi, de la maladie et de la souffrance.

End-of-Life Experiences and Quality of Dying in Canada: An Analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Decedent Questionnaire / End-of-Life Experiences and Quality of Dying in Canada

Aryal, Komal January 2025 (has links)
Background: Understanding the factors that contributed to a peaceful and dignified death was essential for improving end-of-life (EoL) care in Canada. Despite ongoing efforts to enhance palliative and hospice services, variations persisted in the quality of death experiences based on location, medical decisions, and personal characteristics. Objectives: This thesis examined the personal and end-of-life factors associated with peace with dying among older adults in Canada. It also explored how location of death and the consideration or receipt of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) influenced the perceived quality of death and dying. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) was conducted. The study included next-of-kin interviews of deceased CLSA participants who died between June 2016 and March 2022. Logistic regression was used to assess the association between demographic, clinical, and EoL characteristics and peace with dying. Additionally, the impact of location of death and MAiD on various quality-of-death indicators, including dying with dignity, dying without pain, and dying in one’s preferred place, was examined. Results: Among 3,672 deceased CLSA participants, 1,287 (35.0%) had completed next-of-kin interviews and were included in the analysis. While 66% were reported to have experienced peace with dying, 17% did not. Individuals who were widowed, had an appointed substitute decision-maker, or died of cancer were more likely to experience peace with dying. Those who died at home were more likely to pass away in their preferred location, while individuals in palliative care units or hospices experienced lower levels of pain. Of the decedents, 25.4% had considered MAiD, and 6.7% had received it. Those who considered or received MAiD were more likely to die in their preferred location and experience a positive death process as reported by their next of kin. Conclusion: Nearly one in five older Canadians did not experience peace with dying, highlighting the need to improve EoL care services. While dying at home aligned with individual preferences, hospice and palliative care settings better addressed pain management. MAiD appeared to enhance the quality of dying for those who pursued it. These findings underscored the importance of advanced care planning and patient-centered EoL interventions to ensure dignified and peaceful deaths across care settings in Canada. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / The end-of-life experience is a deeply personal journey, yet many older adults in Canada encounter challenges in receiving care that aligns with their preferences. Some individuals wish to pass away at home, while others seek comfort in palliative care or hospice settings. Understanding the factors that contribute to a peaceful and dignified death can help improve end-of-life care across the country. This thesis analyzed data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) to examine how various factors—such as and personal circumstances, location of death, and medical assistance in dying (MAiD)—shape experiencing peace with dying and overall quality of dying. Using information from next-of-kin interviews, the study assessed the end-of-life experiences of over 1,200 deceased individuals. The findings indicate that while most older adults experience peace with dying, nearly one in five do not. Those who died in their preferred setting, had a substitute decision-maker, or had access to palliative care were more likely to experience a better quality of death. Additionally, individuals who considered or received MAiD were often reported to have a more peaceful end-of-life experience. These insights highlight the importance of improved planning, communication, and access to high-quality palliative and hospice care. By addressing these gaps, healthcare systems can better support individuals and families, ensuring that more Canadians experience a dignified and peaceful death.

Nu finns jag bara kvar som ett minne : En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i mötet med patienter som uttrycker önskan om eutanasi / Now I only remain as a memory : A qualitative literature study on the nurse's approach in the meeting with patients who express the wish of euthanasia

Fransson, Olivia, Morales, Viviana January 2022 (has links)
Alla former av eutanasi är olagligt i Sverige, däremot väljer allt fler länder att framföra ett mer liberalt perspektiv av det och legalisera det. I sjuksköterskans profession och arbete ingår det att bemöta patienter som har en dödsönskan och efterfrågar eutanasi. Av den anledningen var det av vikt att kunna klarlägga vilka faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt kring fenomenet i de länder som eutanasi utförs. Arbetets syfte var att belysa sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt i mötet med patienter som uttrycker önskan om eutanasi. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där resultaten av tio vetenskapliga artiklar sammanställdes. Datamaterialet analyserades utifrån Fribergs modell. I resultatet redovisades teman som påvisade att det var en emotionell och transformativ upplevelse att delta vid eutanasi, vissa sjuksköterskor upplevde en påtaglig psykisk påverkan av lidandet. Det åskådliggjordes även att religion och kultur hade en inverkan på sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt samt människor utanför vården ex. Familj och samhälle. Det förklarades hur betydelsefullt det var med kommunikation, samarbete och att organisationen samt lagen skapade tydliga riktlinjer att förhålla sig till. I diskussionen lyftes det fram både negativa och positiva aspekter av eutanasi, där sjuksköterskan kunde påverkas av olika faktorer. Etisk stress och maktlöshet var känslor som kunde uppstå hos sjuksköterskan vid bemötande av eutanasi. På liknande sätt stärktes även sjuksköterskan i sin yrkesroll, vilket gjorde det till ett komplext och känsloladdat ämne. / All forms of euthanasia are illegal in Sweden, despite that more countries are deciding to form a more liberal perspective on it and legalise it. Because the nurse plays a central part in the euthanasia process there's a relevance in bringing attention to the phenomenon since it is a complex and emotionally charged subject. Consequently, there is a need for extended knowledge about what factors affect the nurse’s approach towards the phenomenon. Therefore, the aim of this study is to highlight nurse’s approach to euthanasia. The method used for this study is a qualitative literature review based on the results of 11 scientific articles. The contents of the articles were analysed according to Friberg’s analysis model. The results of the analysis are presented in 3 base themes and 6 sub-themes. "Nurse's approach towards participation in euthanasia" highlights how the nurse's experience of participation was transcending and emotional, and some nurses experienced a tangible psychological impact caused by the suffering. "Factors that affect a nurse's approach" shows that religion and culture as well as people outside of healthcare, for example family and society, have an effect on the nurse's approach. "Collaboration in healthcare" explains how important communication and teamwork is, besides that the organisation and the law create clear guidelines. The uncertainty among these factors affects the nurses approach towards euthanasia, often in a negative way. In conclusion, euthanasia is a complex and emotional subject that creates ethical and moral dilemmas for nurse's, dilemmas that will never be discussed enough. Plenty of the nurses described how they often feel uncertain about the subject euthanasia and a clearer communication is important in the euthanasia process.

Professional Quality of Life, Moral Distress, and Turnover Intent of Healthcare Providers Working within the Context of Medical Assistance in Dying

Hemsworth, Alysha 30 March 2023 (has links)
Background: Despite a longstanding debate regarding personal choice towards death and dying, MAiD was legalized in Canada on June 17th, 2016. Since its integration into the healthcare system, there has been a dearth of literature surrounding providers’ experience with the procedure. Healthcare providers are uniquely positioned within the context of the MAiD experience. Aim: To explore the experiences of health care providers (nurses and physicians) caring for patients undergoing MAiD as well as to explore the relationships between the concepts, Moral Distress (MD), Professional Quality of Life (Burnout (BU), Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Compassion Satisfaction (CS)), and Intent to Turnover (TO). Design: This explorative and descriptive cross-sectional study consisted of a self-reported survey that uses both scale items and open-ended questions. Setting/ Participants: The target population included all nurses and physicians who were active members of a targeted Regional MAiD Network practicing within a designated geographical location within Canada. Results: N=38 Questionnaires completed. The averages of our measured constructs include Moral Distress (Composite) x= 2.9 (SD 2.03), Moral Distress (Frequency): x= 1,18 (SD .102), Moral Distress (Intensity): x= 1.61 (SD .28) Burnout: x= 2.08 (SD 0.5), Secondary Traumatic Stress x= 2.22 (SD 0.48), Compassion Satisfaction x= 4.18 (SD 0.43) and Turnover Intent: x= 2.22 (SD 0.77). Significant positive correlations were found between inter-scale constructs of Moral Distress (Composite, Frequency, and Intensity), Moral Distress, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress, and between Burnout and Turnover Intent. Significant negative correlations were also found between Professional Quality of life Inter-Scale constructs of Compassion Satisfaction and Burnout as well as between Compassion Satisfaction and Turnover Intent. Conclusion: MAiD providers in our study expressed feelings of their work being “rewarding” and “deeply satisfying”, further reflective in their below-average rates of Moral Distress, Burnout, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Turnover Intent, and higher-than-average rates of Compassion Satisfaction. Although the procedure remains controversial, these participants expressed enjoying their work. These reported positive aspects of their roles persisted despite the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic presented.

Le deuil en contexte d’aide médicale à mourir : exploration narrative de l’expérience d’enfants adultes

Crnich-Côté, Thania 06 1900 (has links)
Au regard de la légalisation de l’aide médicale à mourir (AMM), cette étude avait comme but d’explorer le deuil des enfants adultes dont un parent est décédé à la suite de l’administration de l’AMM. Un devis de recherche qualitative interprétativiste inspiré de l’approche narrative a permis d’y répondre. Le cadre théorique de cette étude est le Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (DPM) et son modèle révisé de Stroebe et Schut (1999, 2010, 2015). Un échantillonnage de convenance a permis de recruter six participants. La collecte de données a été réalisée par le biais d’entretiens individuels, d’un questionnaire sociodémographique et par la tenue d’un journal de bord. L’analyse des données a été réalisée selon la méthode de Josselson et Hammack (2021). Trois thèmes principaux sont soulevés dans les récits des participants : 1) la temporalité; 2) la quête de sens et 3) les facteurs influençant le deuil. Le premier réfère à la conscience du temps qu’amène le fait de fixer une date au décès. Le deuxième se décline en trois sous-thèmes : la souffrance, l’altération des rituels et le changement identitaire, qui pointent tous vers la recherche d’un sens à la mort. Le dernier se penche sur les éléments individuels, sociaux et institutionnels qui modifient l’expérience des participants. Ces résultats ont été intégrés au DPM et des recommandations pour la discipline infirmière, la pratique clinique, la gestion, la formation et la recherche sont émises. / Given the legalization of medical assistance in dying (MAID), the purpose of this study was to explore the grieving process of adult children whose parent died from MAID. An interpretivist qualitative research design inspired by the narrative inquiry approach was used. The theoretical framework for this study was the Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (DPM) and its revised model by Stroebe and Schut (1999, 2010, 2015). Six participants were recruited using a convenience sampling strategy. Data collection was conducted through individual interviews, a sociodemographic questionnaire, and a logbook. Data analysis was conducted using the method of Josselson and Hammack (2021). Three main themes emerged in the participants' narratives: 1) temporality, 2) the search for meaning, and 3) factors influencing grief. The first refers to the awareness of time that comes with setting a time of death. The second is broken down into three sub- themes: suffering, alteration of rituals and change of identity, all of which point to the search for meaning in death of a parent. The last one looks at the individual, social and institutional elements that alter the experience of the participants. These findings have been incorporated into the DPM and recommendations for the nursing discipline, clinical practice, management, training, and research are made.

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