Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amedical power"" "subject:"comedical power""
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La discipline médicale : ethnographie des usages de normes de santé et de savoirs médicaux dans les dispositifs de la pénalité / The medical discipline : ethnography of the use of health norms and medical knowledge in the penal chain apparatusMahi, Lara 05 October 2018 (has links)
La prison fait l’objet d’un nombre croissant de publications biomédicales depuis les années 1980, en France, comme dans la plupart des pays occidentaux industrialisés, mettant l’accent sur les prévalences élevées de certaines affections chroniques parmi la population carcérale. Comment se fait-il que tant de personnes emprisonnées ont des « problèmes » de « santé » ? Cette thèse entreprend de répondre à cette question en appréhendant la santé non pas comme un état, mais comme une norme. À partir d’une enquête ethnographique associant observations de pratiques judiciaires, monographies des services médicaux d’établissements pénitentiaires, entretiens, statistiques et étude de corpus d’articles scientifiques, elle s’attache à montrer, pas-à-pas, selon une approche processuelle, comment la chaîne pénale produit des « malades » en confrontant les individus saisis par ses dispositifs à des normes de santé et à des savoirs médicaux. À la croisée d’une sociologie des institutions, d’une sociologie de la médecine et d’une sociologie de la connaissance, en étant à la fois attentive à des pratiques bureaucratiques, à la construction de décisions (pénales, gestionnaires et médicales), aux conditions concrètes de réalisation d’études biomédicales en maison d’arrêt et à leurs effets, à des rhétoriques judiciaires et scientifiques, aux activités professionnelles qui constituent le soin en prison et à l’appropriation socialement différenciée de ce travail par les détenus, l’enquête permet de comprendre comment le pouvoir médical se déploie, au présent, de façon discrète et diffuse, dans et par des institutions ne se donnant pas pour première mission de soigner. / In France, as in most Western countries, prison has been the subject of a growing number of biomedical publications since the 1980s that emphasize the high prevalence of certain chronic conditions among the prison population. Why do so many prisoners have “health” “problems”? This dissertation undertakes to answer this question by approaching health not as a state, but as a norm. At the intersection of the sociology of institutions, the sociology of medicine and the sociology of knowledge, it draws on an ethnographic study combining observations of judicial practices, monographs of prison medical services, interviews, statistics and analyses of scholarly articles. Through a processual approach, it shows how the penal system produces “ill persons” by confronting the individuals caught by its devices with health norms and medical knowledge. By attending to the bureaucratic practices, to the construction of (criminal, managerial and medical) decisions, to the concrete conditions under which biomedical studies are conducted in prison as well as their effects, to the judicial and scientific discourses, to care activities and to the appropriation of such care by prisoners according to their social background, the present investigation allows for an understanding of how medical power currently unfolds, in a discreet and diffuse fashion, in and by institutions that do not primarily mean to cure.
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"Their whiteness is not like ours" : a social and cultural history of albinism and albino identities, 1650-1914White, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
This research charts the long cultural trajectory of albinism from early modern travel encounters and Enlightenment exhibitions to medical classification and biological experimentation. It argues the whiteness of albinism functioned as a visible provocation to thinkers involved in work crucial to major conceptual developments in western science and medicine. It stresses this rare complexion was a prism through which medical and scientific researchers studied human variation, disease and inheritance. It examines how albinism paralleled a broader historical production of modern racial and pathological identities. T¬his research traces medico-scientific discourses in order to understand their affect on people diagnosed with albinism. It commences with analysis of ‘unusually white’ people in travel narratives and Enlightenment ephemera between 1650-1799. It bridges plural representations of ‘unusual whiteness’ as sub-human or racially distinct with the crystallisation from the 1770s of a pathological definition for ‘leucoethiopia’. It demonstrates circulation of medical case studies and the formal classification of albinism as congenital disease by medical men in 1822 reflected a far-reaching revolution in medical thought and practice across Europe. It links this medical paradigm shift with the rise of heredity theory from the 1850s. It argues widespread experimentation with albino animals supported fierce early twentieth-century debates among biologists about Mendel’s laws of heredity. It concludes with analysis of the dialectic between medical knowledge about albinism and ‘albino’ identities. It argues people with albinism both internalised and camouflaged medical associations with defect through the adoption of class privilege and individual social tactics. Overall, this research makes a significant claim to rethink the histories of race, disability and medicine. It spotlights albinism as a critical nexus to understand the making of the normal and the pathological body, and it pinpoints the unstable relationship between medical diagnosis and individual agency.
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Waiting: a critical experienceVan Dreven, Amber, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2001 (has links)
This study explores the experiences of relatives waiting. Often relatives wait for considerably long periods, especially in critical care areas, whilst their loved one, whose health status is unknown, receives care. To explore these experiences and to understand the symbolic meaning behind the participants stories, a grounded theory approach was utilised which is firmly rooted in the sociological theory of symbolic interactionism. A qualitative approach was employed in order to yield a rich description of the human experience often not found in quantitative studies (Jamerson, Scheibmeir, Bott, Crighton, Hinton and Kuckelman, 1996, p. 468). Similarly, the use of feminist principles to guide this study has facilitated a greater understanding of such issues as gender roles, language, power and hierarchy. Using grounded theory methodology, audio-taped interviews were conducted with six female relatives who were recruited using theoretical sampling. Simultaneous recruitment, data collection, analysis and literature review took place, as advocated and outlined by Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss (1967). The overarching core category discovered using this approach which epitomises the waiting experience, is the balancing of both positive and negative aspects of the four codes identified. These four codes are -mothering, trust, flustered anxiety and institutional and medical power. Each code had negative aspects, such as being denied the felt need to mother the critically ill loved one, being asked to entrust the health of a loved one to people that relatives had never met, feelings of fluster and anxiety, and a perception that they would interfere with medial care if they were to be involved in their loved ones care. Conversely, each code could potentially have a positive aspect, such as being involved in the care of the loved one, feelings of relief once the care of the loved one was entrusted to professional health care providers, affiliating with other relatives who were waiting in similar circumstances, and receiving frequent information from staff. A final model was produced that illustrates the balance that many relatives aspire to when waiting in the Emergency Department waiting room. If the balance tips in favour of the negative aspects of the codes, a negative impact on the relatives feelings of well being can result.
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La médicalisation du début de vie / The medicalization of the start of lifeGomes Da Cunha, Marie 24 September 2015 (has links)
La médicalisation de la naissance, par l’extension des possibles qu’elle occasionne, confronte à de nouveaux choix. Ces décisions, autrefois prises par les médecins, se réfèrent désormais au « projet » des parents. Non plus simple réponse à une proposition du corps médical comme peut l’être le consentement, le projet fait du patient le sujet décisionnaire, à l’origine comme à la fin : le projet est donc le critère qui guide les pratiques, la nouvelle instance de décision. Là où la médicalisation, accusée de « déshumaniser » la naissance, pouvait apparaître comme un instrument d’assujettissement et de désubjectivation au service d’une société industrielle pour Illich ou d’une biopolitique pour Foucault, une résistance à cette gouvernementalité aurait vu le jour sous la forme du projet. Garante de l'autonomie et de choix singuliers, la référence au projet aurait ainsi une valeur émancipatrice, relèverait d’un nouveau mode de subjectivation. Pourtant, cette catégorie s'insérant dans une nouvelle forme d’organisation sociale à laquelle Boltanski donne le nom de « cité par projets », elle apparaît dès lors comme un rouage de cette cité, elle-même inséparable du nouveau cadre que constitue le néolibéralisme. Penser la naissance en terme de projet, c’est alors étendre le néolibéralisme jusque dans la naissance. Car celle-ci marque le début de la vie humaine ; laquelle est précisément associée, dans la gouvernementalité néolibérale, au nouveau capital à entretenir. Et si auparavant le début de la vie humaine représentait un domaine d'impuissance, la médicalisation a modifié cette donnée : la médecine s'est emparée de ce premier temps de la vie, et dorénavant, on peut agir dans le champ de la naissance. La médicalisation de la naissance, via le projet, a ainsi permis l’extension du néolibéralisme à l'ensemble de l'existence. La catégorie de projet, loin de constituer une véritable alternative, est au contraire soluble dans le néolibéralisme contemporain et la nouvelle forme de gouvernementalité qui le caractérise. La naissance peut-elle alors résister au néolibéralisme? Plus que d’envisager de libérer la catégorie de projet de son sens néolibéral, c’est du côté d’une pensée voire d’une philosophie de la naissance qu’une voie sera esquissée. C’est dans l’attention à la naissance comme totalité vécue, comme expérience incarnée et non comme support de projet, qu’une résistance peut voir le jour. Contre le volontarisme néolibéral du projet nous suggérerons l’incarnation philosophique de la naissance. / The medicalization of birth by extending the realm of the possible, confronts with new choices. These decisions, formerly taken by doctors, now refer to the project of the parents. No more a mere answer to the offer from the medical corps as the consent can be, the project gets the patient into a decision making subject, at the beginning like at the end: then the project is the criterion that guides practices, the new decision making authority. Where the medicalization, accused of “dehumanizing” birth, could appear as an instrument of subjugation and desubjectivation in the service of an industrial society for Illich or of biopolitics for Foucault, a a resistance to this governmentality has emerged in the form of the project. Guarantor of autonomy and singular choices, the reference to the project would then have a liberating value, would constitute a new mode of subjectivation. However, this category getting into a new form of social organization which Boltanski gives the name of “projective city” thus appears to be a cog of this city, itself inseparable from the new framework that neoliberalism consist in. Thinking the birth in terms of project means expanding neoliberalism up to birth. For this marks the start of human life; which precisely embodies, in the framework of neoliberalism, the new capital to look after. And if the start of this human life formerly stood for an area of helplessness, medicalization changed this fact: medicine captured this first time of life, and from now on we can act in the field of birth. Hence the medicalization of birth, via the project, has enabled the expansion of neoliberalism to the whole of the existence. The project category, far from offering a real alternative, is on the contrary soluble in the contemporary neoliberalism and the new form of governmentality that characterizes it. Can birth then resist neoliberalism? Rather than planning to release the project category of its neo-liberal meaning, we might find a way around a thought, even a philosophy of the birth. A resistance can emerge from the attention to birth as a lived whole, as an embodied experience, and not as the support of a project. Against the neo-liberal voluntarism of the project we shall suggest the philosophical incarnation of birth.
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