Spelling suggestions: "subject:"medication adherence"" "subject:"medication dherence""
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Crenças e fatores psicossociais determinantes da adesão aos antidiabéticos orais / Beliefs and psychosocial determinants factors of adherence to oralJannuzzi, Fernanda Freire, 1984- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Roberta Cunha Matheus Rodrigues / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Enfermagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T21:07:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Jannuzzi_FernandaFreire_D.pdf: 2895961 bytes, checksum: 89dc9affcde33d8163a038dc4b202b81 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A adesão aos antidiabéticos orais é essencial para o controle metabólico do diabetes e pode evitar ou retardar o aparecimento de complicações da doença. Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar as crenças e os fatores psicossociais determinantes da adesão medicamentosa aos antidiabéticos orais. Utilizou-se o referencial teórico da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado. Fizeram parte deste estudo pacientes com diabetes do tipo 2 em uso de antidiabéticos orais, em seguimento ambulatorial. Trata-se de investigação composta por duas fases. Primeira etapa: estudo metodológico, envolvendo o levantamento das crenças relacionadas ao comportamento de aderir aos antidiabéticos orais, bem como a construção e validação de instrumento para identificação dos determinantes psicossociais do comportamento. As crenças foram levantadas junto a 17 pacientes diabéticos por meio de entrevista norteada pela aplicação de instrumento semiestruturado, criado com base nos pressupostos da teoria e variável adicional ao modelo. As entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas na íntegra e submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os achados desta etapa subsidiaram a construção de instrumento destinado a identificar os determinantes psicossociais do comportamento, que foi submetido à validade de conteúdo. Foi avaliada a confiabilidade do instrumento, por meio da consistência interna e estabilidade da medida, e a validade de construto. Segunda etapa: estudo preditivo, quantitativo, longitudinal destinado a levantar os fatores determinantes do comportamento de aderir aos antidiabéticos orais, envolvendo 157 sujeitos diabéticos. A coleta de dados foi composta por duas fases: por ocasião da abordagem inicial (T0) e dois meses após (T1). Em T0 foram obtidas as variáveis de caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica, medida subjetiva do comportamento de aderir aos antidiabéticos orais, bem como as medidas autorrelatadas de adesão medicamentosa (proporção de adesão e avaliação global da adesão) e de controle metabólico do diabetes. Foram também identificadas as variáveis psicossociais associadas ao comportamento: Intenção, Atitude, Norma Subjetiva e Controle Comportamental Percebido, por meio da aplicação do instrumento construído e validado na primeira etapa. Em T1, foram novamente obtidas as medidas: subjetiva do comportamento, adesão medicamentosa autorrelatada e controle metabólico. Os dados foram submetidos às análises: descritiva; de confiabilidade; de correlação entre as variáveis psicossociais e o comportamento; de comparação de médias; de regressão linear e logística. Emergiram crenças comportamentais relacionadas às vantagens e desvantagens do uso dos medicamentos, como a possibilidade de evitar complicações do diabetes, evitar ou retardar o uso de insulina e percepção de reações adversas. Evidenciou-se que os filhos e o médico são importantes referentes sociais que influenciam a adesão medicamentosa. Dentre os fatores que facilitam a adesão destacaram-se o acesso gratuito aos medicamentos e a sua tomada relacionada a marcadores temporais. A complexidade terapêutica foi considerada um fator que dificulta a adesão. A compreensão da forma de uso dos medicamentos e o esquecimento impactam a percepção da capacidade de aderir aos antidiabéticos orais. No estudo das variáveis determinantes da intenção, observou-se que a Atitude e a Norma Subjetiva juntas foram as variáveis que melhor explicaram a variabilidade da Intenção (30%). A Intenção contribuiu para aumentar as chances de adoção do Comportamento. O Comportamento Passado, quando acrescentado ao modelo de predição, foi o único fator explicativo da adesão. Os achados contribuem para a melhor compreensão deste fenômeno possibilitando a construção de intervenções que sejam efetivas na melhora da adesão do paciente diabético ao tratamento proposto / Abstract: Adherence to oral antidiabetic agents is essential for the metabolic control of diabetes and can prevent or delay the onset of complications of the disease. This study aims to identify the beliefs and psychosocial determinants factors of adherence to oral antidiabetic agents. It was based on the theoretical framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior. This study included patients with type 2 diabetes using oral antidiabetic agents, in outpatient care. This is study consists of two phases. First step: a methodological study to raise beliefs related to the behavior of adhering to oral antidiabetic agents, as well as the construction and validation of an instrument to identify psychosocial determinants of behavior. The beliefs were raised with 17 diabetic patients through interviews guided by the application of semi-structured instrument created based on theory model assumptions and additional variable. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and submitted to content analysis. These findings subsidized the construction of instrument to identify psychosocial determinants of behavior, which was submitted to content validity. The reliability of the instrument was assessed for internal consistency and for stability of the measure. The reliability of the instrument (internal consistency and temporal stability) and construct validity was assessed. Second step: predictive, quantitative, longitudinal research to raise the behavior determinants to adhere to oral antidiabetic agents with 157 patients. Data collection consisted of two phases: at the initial approach (T0) and two months later (T1). At T0 sociodemographic and clinical variable, subjective measure of behavior to adhere to oral antidiabetic agents, self-reported measures of medication adherence (adherence proportion and global evaluation of adherence) and metabolic control of diabetes were obtained. We also identified the psychosocial variables associated with medication adherence behavior: Intention, Attitude, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioral Control, through the application of the instrument developed and validated in the first phase. At T1 were again obtained subjective measure of the behavior, self-reported medication adherence and metabolic control of diabetes. Data were submitted to descriptive statistical analysis; reliability; correlation between psychosocial variables and behavior; mean comparison; linear and logistic regression. Emerged behavioral beliefs related to advantages and disadvantages of using medication such as possibility of preventing of diabetes complications, avoid or delay the use of insulin and perception of side effects. It was evident that the children and the doctor are important social referents influencing medication adherence. Among the factors that facilitate adherence stood out the free drug access and taking of medications associated to temporal markers. The therapeutic complexity, on the other hand, was seen as a factor that hinders the adherence. Understanding the way to use of drugs and forgetting impact the perception of the ability to adhere to oral antidiabetic agents. In the study of intention predictors, it was observed that Attitude and Subjective Norm together better explained the variation of Intention (30%). Intention contributed to increase the chances of behavior adoption. The Past Behavior, when added to the prediction model, was the only explanatory factor of adherence. The findings contribute to better understanding of this phenomenon allowing the construction of interventions that are effective in improving adherence to the proposed treatment of the diabetic patient / Doutorado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Doutora em Ciências da Saúde
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Factors that influence the collection of chronic medication parcels by patients with Type 2 diabetes from a primary health care facility in the Western Cape ProvinceHitchcock, Henriette January 2016 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Background: Optimal management of Type 2 diabetes requires that patients have a convenient method of collecting chronic medication. In the Western Cape Province, Type 2 diabetes patients can collect chronic medication from primary health care facilities including community health centres. The Chronic Dispensing Unit (CDU) was established to facilitate the dispensing of chronic medication by making medication collection more convenient for patients and was expected to improve medication collection. However, it has been observed that some Type 2 diabetes patients fail to collect pre-packed CDU parcels on the prescribed date and time which could result in poor treatment outcomes and secondary complications. This study therefore aims to explore the factors that influence collection of CDU chronic medication parcels by Type 2 diabetes patients from the Elsies River Community Health Centre (CHC), a primary health care facility in the Western Cape Province. Methodology: An exploratory qualitative research design was used to explore the personal-, social-, health system-related factors that affect collection of pre-packed CDU parcels. Semistructured interviews were conducted in English or Afrikaans with 18 purposefully selected Type 2 diabetes patients who are registered to collect pre-packed CDU parcels from the Elsies River CHC, and three key-informants from the Elsies River CHC. Data was recorded using a digital recorder. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using inductive content analysis. Results: The main factors that facilitate collection of pre-packed CDU parcels were support from family and social support. On the other hand, social factors that were reported as barriers to collection were the safety of the patients and collectors failing to collect on behalf of the patient. Patients' recognition of the value of their treatment and value of the service were the main personal factors which facilitated collection. Personal factors that were reported as a barrier to collection included forgetfulness, laziness and tiredness. Other personal factors that were reported by participants as barriers to collection were illness, transport problems, financial constraints and anticipating non-collection. Health service related factors reported as facilitating factors were reduced waiting time and mistrust of the off-site collection system. In addition, participation in the diabetes chronic club and pharmacy support were also reported as facilitating factors. Negative staff attitude and a limited collection time for pre-packed CDU parcels were reported as barriers to collection by Conclusion: Various personal-, social and health service related factors affect the collection of pre-packed CDU parcels by Type 2 diabetes patients from the Elsies River CHC. To improve collection among patients who fail to collect on their appointment date, the factors that have been found to facilitate collection should be extended to more patients. Recommendations: It is recommended that patients surround themselves with support structures including family, friends and community organisations to assist and motivate them in displaying adherent behaviour. Patients who make use of independent collectors should ensure that these individuals are reliable to avoid an undersupply of medication. Counselling and health promotion should be provided to patients by health service staff as a means of encouragement and empowerment. The diabetes club which serves as a source of information and support should be accessed by more patients. Open communications channels between health service staff and patients should be constructed to ensure that staff are aware of the
barriers patients face.
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Patient perception about reasons for non-adherence to antihypertensive medication in Windhoek DistrictMushimba, Milka Ipula January 2011 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Background: Adherence is the extent to which a person takes medication as prescribed by health-care providers. It includes both dosing regularity and timing of intake. Antihypertensive medication reduces high blood pressure effectively and reduces the risk of heart failure, renal failure and stroke. Hypertension is considered a public health problem due to its impact of high mortality and morbidity. According to the Namibia Ministry of Health and Social Services a total of 34,826 people, aged 18 years and older in the Windhoek District, were diagnosed with hypertension in 2006-2007; the premature death toll due to uncontrolled hypertension increased from 88 deaths per 1,000 cases in 2006 (MOHSS, 2006) to 301 deaths per 1,000 cases in 2007 (MOHSS, 2007). Despite the availability, accessibility and affordability of medication at clinics and health centers, non-adherence is increasing, especially among the young productive population. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding into the perceptions of non-adherent hypertension patients in Katutura Township in the Windhoek District about their treatment regimens. The research provided information that can be used by policy-makers in the development of a hypertension policy to improve interventions. Aim: The study aimed to explore the perceptions of non-adherent hypertensive patients in Katutura Township by looking at what they considered to be the factors influencing their non-adherence to antihypertensive medication. Methodology: An explorative qualitative study was conducted, using individual in-depth interviews among eight non-adherent hypertension patients, aged 35 years and older. The eligible respondents were purposively selected. A thematic content analysis of transcribed data was conducted where themes were related to patients‟ perceptions for non–adherence. Results: The results showed that the respondents were not adhering to medication. There were several reasons given for this. An important factor was their limited knowledge about the hypertension disease and medication, in part due to ineffective health education. Other factors included the side effects of the medication as well as the belief that antihypertensive medications are poisonous and addictive. Cultural and religious beliefs were also found to be contributing factors to non-adherence. The findings also revealed that the doctors appeared not to have time to examine patients. The attitudes of the nurses were identified as factors that influence non-adherence. It is reported that they do not listen to patients‟ complaints and patients do not feel respected by them. Additional factors included the cost of traveling to the health center which was considered to be prohibitive, long distances to get to the health center as well as 3-5 hours waiting time at the health center influenced non-adherence. Some respondents claimed that they do not want to mix medication with alcohol so that when they are drinking alcohol, they skip their medications. Lastly, some of the patients earn low income and as they are paid per hour, they cannot afford to take time off from work and this further results in non-adherence to medication. Conclusion: The findings concurred with findings of other research done in developing and developed countries. These included poor interpersonal relationships between health-care providers and patients, a lack of knowledge about hypertension and its treatment; cultural beliefs and traditions, and standards of health care provision. Improvement in communication between health-workers and hypertensive patients may promote better adherence. The study indicates an urgent need to design intervention measures to enhance adherence among hypertension patients.
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Nyckeln till följsamhet : Faktorer som påverkar följsamhet till läkemedelsordinationer hos patienter med kronisk sjukdomGustafsson, Mariella, Schöneich, Ulrike January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kroniska sjukdomar utgör idag den största belastningen för sjukvården och bristande följsamhet till adekvata läkemedelsordinationer begränsar möjligheten till effektiv behandling för att förbättra hälsa och livskvalitet hos drabbade patienter. Sjuksköterskan har en kompetens för att kunna bidra till förbättrad följsamhet hos personer med kronisk sjukdom, dock krävs kunskap om fenomenet. Syftet: Att utifrån ett patientperspektiv beskriva faktorer som påverkar följsamhet till läkemedelsordinationer hos vuxna personer med kronisk sjukdom. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie Resultat: Enligt analysen av forskning från 2014 till 2017 påverkas följsamheten till läkemedelsordinationer i olika utsträckningar av fyra faktorer: sjukvårdsrelaterade, personliga, sociala och praktiska. Slutsats: Följsamhet är ett komplext och dynamiskt fenomen. Relationen mellan sjukvården och patienten och patientens strävan efter autonomi anses vara viktiga komponenter beträffande följsamhet och som hittills inte uppmärksammats tillräckligt av forskningen. Att hjälpa patienten att acceptera och hantera sin diagnos, förstå syftet med läkemedelsbehandlingen och agera som ett stöd för en fortsatt behandling är en viktig del i sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av personer med kronisk sjukdom. / Background: Chronic diseases are today the biggest burden for health care and non-adherence to adequate medical treatment regimens compromises the potential for effective treatment to improve health and quality of life of the individual concerned. The nurse has the necessary competence to help improve adherence, but requires knowledge about the phenomenon. Objective: The aim of this review was to describe factors determining adherence to prescribed medications from a patient perspective. Method: General literature review Results: According to the analysis of literature from 2014 to 2017, adherence to prescribed medications is influenced by four main determinants: health care related, personal, social and practical. Conclusions: Medication adherence is a complex and dynamic phenomenon. The relationship between health care professionals and the patient and the patient’s pursuit of autonomy in treatment are important components of adherence that have yet to be acknowledged adequately by adherence research. Helping patients come to terms with their diagnosis, understanding the aim of their pharmacological treatment and to provide support to continue their treatment is an important part of nursing care for persons with chronic diseases.
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Aderência dos pacientes com leucemia mielóide crônica à terapia com inibidores de tirosino quinase / Adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitors treatment in patients with chronic myeloid leukemiaAlmeida, Maria Helena de, 1973- 02 April 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Cármino Antonio de Souza / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T09:59:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Almeida_MariaHelenade_D.pdf: 2031022 bytes, checksum: 4ca81cfeb49f5ad6382582a5201e8b80 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A leucemia mieloide crônica e uma doença clonal, caracterizada por uma translocação recíproca entre os cromossomos 9 e 22. A introdução do tratamento com inibidores de tirosino quinase, administrado por via oral, revolucionou e melhorou drasticamente o tratamento destes pacientes, porem a eficácia deste tratamento esta diretamente relacionada ao uso desta medicação a longo prazo. Pacientes e métodos: 137 pacientes com leucemia mieloide crônica, em uso de inibidores de tirosino quinase, tiveram a sua aderência avaliada em três diferentes momentos: seis meses retrospectivo, seis e doze meses prospectivos. Três diferentes métodos indiretos foram utilizados para a avaliação da aderência: o teste de Morisky, o diário de medicação e o índice de posse da medicação. Resultados: não houve diferença significante quando consideramos os três diferentes momentos em que avaliação foi realizada e o método considerado mais efetivo para a avaliação da aderência foi considerado o índice de posse da medicação (p=0.0001). Considerando as informações acima, o método utilizado para a avaliação da aderência foi o índice de posse da medicação avaliado apos, aproximadamente, 12 meses de analise. A mediana de aderência observada neste estudo foi de 96,5%. Os fatores que influenciaram a aderência foram: nível socioeconômico, qualidade de vida, tempo de uso dos inibidores de tirosino quinase e participação em protocolos de pesquisa clinica. Sendo que pacientes com níveis socioeconômicos mais elevados, com melhor qualidade de vida e que estavam inseridos em protocolos clínicos estavam relacionados com melhores índices de aderência (p=0.01, p=0.007 e p=0.02 respectivamente). Enquanto que pacientes com tempo mais prolongado de uso dos inibidores de tirosino quinase estavam relacionados a piores índices de aderência (p=0.03). Para os pacientes em uso de imatinibe por um período de 24 a 48 meses, em primeira linha de tratamento a aderência foi significativamente melhor em pacientes que apresentavam resposta molecular maior quando comparado ao grupo que não havia atingido este beneficio terapêutico (p=0.04). Apenas 24% da população avaliada mantenve-se completamente aderente no período de avaliação. Conclusões: a manutenção de uma aderência adequado em pacientes com leucemia mieloide crônica em uso de inibidores de tirosino quinase esta relacionado com a obtenção de melhores índices de resposta molecular e consequentemente, melhores resultados terapêuticos. A monitorização continua da aderência nestes pacientes e fundamental para que se atinjam os objetivos x xi terapêuticos. Informações sobre os fatores que podem influenciar a aderência, uma equipe multidisciplinar especializada e treinada para assistir este paciente pode fazer a diferença na obtenção de melhores resultados terapêuticos / Abstract: Chronic myeloid leukemia is a clonal disorder caused by the reciprocal translocation between cromossomes 9 and 22.The introduction of oral tyrosine kinase inhibitors has dramatically revolucioned and improved outcomes in these patients. However, treatment success is directly related to good long-term adherence and questions relating to adherence to prescribed therapy have become an important issue. Patient and Methods: adherence to tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy was evaluated in 137 chronic myeloid leukemia patients in three different times: six months retrospective, six and twelve month prospectively. Three different methods were used to evaluate adherence: the Morisky Questionnaire, the medication diary and the medication possession ratio. Results: there was no difference between the three different time of evaluation and the medication possession ratio was the most effective method of assessing adherence (p=0.0001); the median adherence was 96.5%. Duration of tyrosine kinase inhibitors treatment was the variable that most impacted adherence (p=0.03); the medication possession ratio was inversely correlated to the duration of therapy. Additionally, participation in clinical trials, better quality of life as reported by patients and higher socioeconomic status were all related to better adherence (p=0.02, p=0.007 and p=0.01, respectively). For patients treated with imatinib for 24 to 48 months (n=22), individuals with major molecular response had a significantly better medication possession ratio than those who failed to achieve MMR (p=0.04). In this group the mean MPR was 87% for the population without apparent molecular response and 96% for those achieving major molecular response, however only 24% of the patients were completely adherent to tirosine kinase inhibitors treatment. Conclusions: higher adherence in chronic myeloid leukemia patients using imatinib is related with best molecular response and therapeutic outcomes. Monitoring the adherence treatment is critical to improving de therapeutics results. A specialized, trained multidisciplinary team that is capable of gaining the trust of patients may persuade them to comply with treatment and detect those who require better monitoring to optimize treatment / Doutorado / Clinica Medica / Doutora em Clínica Médica
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Fatores associados à prática da autoadministração de imunomoduladores em pacientes de esclerose múltiplaSILVA, Alex Bernardo da 30 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-07-14T15:57:43Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-30 / Um aspecto crucial na gestão do cuidado para pacientes com Esclerose Múltipla está
na identificação, manutenção e inclusão dos pacientes quanto a aderência ao
tratamento. Objetivo: O objetivo desta dissertação foi investigar quais fatores
sociodemográficos, clínicos e relacionados à terapêutica medicamentosa influenciam
na adoção da prática da autoadministração de imunomoduladores em pacientes de
EM e se tal prática resulta em maior adesão ao tratamento. Métodos: trata-se de
estudo prospectivo, descritivo e exploratório com abordagem quantitativa. A amostra
foi composta por 82 pacientes de EM atendidos em um Centro de Referência do
Estado de Pernambuco. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas realizadas
nos meses de março e abril de 2016. Os dados foram armazenados e analisados no
SPSS -21. Para a análise de associação foram utilizados testes estatísticos que
considerou significância estatística quando o valor de p< 0,05. Resultados:
Apresentaram significância estatística positiva para adoção da prática da
autoadministração foram: menor idade (p=0,021), maior escolaridade (p=0,006),
permanecia na atividades acadêmicas e/ou profissionais (0,001), realizavam todas as
doses prescritas do medicamento (p=0,001). Quanto a adesão ao tratamento as
variáveis que apresentaram significância estatística positiva foram: permanecia na
atividades acadêmicas e/ou profissionais (p=0,001), menor impacto da doença na
qualidade de vida (p=0,042). Os paciente aderentes ao tratamento mudaram menos
de imunomodulador (p=0,001). Conclusão: idade, escolaridade e ocupação podem
torna-se barreiras para adoção da prática da autoadministração de imunomoduladores
em pacientes de Esclerose Múltipla. A prática da autoadministração melhora a
aderência ao tratamento, resultado em menor taxa de migração do immunomoduador
e menor índice de falha terapêutica. / A crucial aspect of care management for patients with Multiple Sclerosis is the
identification, maintenance and inclusion of patients and adherence to treatment.
Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate which sociodemographic, clinical
factors and related to drug therapy influence the adoption of the practice of selfadministration
of immunomodulators in MS patients and the practice results in better
treatment adherence.Methods: It is a prospective, descriptive study with a quantitative
approach. The sample consisted of 82 patients with MS treated at a State of
Pernambuco Reference Cente. Data were collected through interviews conducted in
March and April 2016. Data were stored and analyzed using the SPSS -21. For
association analysis statistical tests were used which considered statistically significant
when the p value <0.05.Results: Showed positive statistical significance for adoption
of the practice of self-administration were younger age (p = 0.021), higher education
(p = 0.006) remained in academic activities and / or professionals (0,001), performed
all prescribed doses of the drug (p = 0.001). The adherence to treatment variables that
showed positive statistical significance were remained in academic and / or
professional activities (p = 0.001), lower impact of disease on quality of life (p = 0.042).
The adherent to treatment immunomodulator changed less (p = 0.001). Conclusion:
age, education and occupation can become barriers to adoption of the practice of selfadministration
of immunomodulators in multiple sclerosis patients. The practice of self
management improves adherence to treatment, results in lower immunomoduador
migration rate and lower treatment failure rate.
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Adesão ao tratamento farmacológico e fatores associados em idosos que utilizam medicamento anti-hipertensivoAquino, Glenda de Almeida 10 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-11T12:46:06Z
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glendadealmeidaaquino.pdf: 2531204 bytes, checksum: e88c3116fa7a53a42ca5fd69d8c47619 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T17:08:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-10 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O processo de transição epidemiológica e demográfica se dá em todo o mundo, e ocorre de maneira acentuada nos países em desenvolvimento. Caracteriza-se principalmente pelo aumento da proporção de idosos na população e mudanças no perfil de morbimortalidade. O envelhecimento populacional impõe aos Estados e sociedade uma série de novas demandas em saúde. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o aumento da prevalência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. A hipertensão arterial sistêmica atinge cerca de um quarto da população mundial, e sua prevalência aumenta entre idosos. As complicações oriundas dessa condição clínica são responsáveis por reduzir drasticamente a qualidade de vida e levar a óbito muitos indivíduos, além de implicar em alto consumo de recursos do sistema de saúde. O tratamento farmacológico é indispensável para o controle da pressão arterial de grande parcela dos pacientes. Portanto, a adesão ao tratamento farmacológico configura-se como importante questão de saúde pública, pois constitui etapa fundamental para o sucesso da terapia proposta. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar o nível de adesão ao tratamento farmacológico em idosos que utilizam algum medicamento anti-hipertensivo, residentes na Zona Norte do município de Juiz de Fora (MG). Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado por meio de inquérito domiciliar. O Mini Exame do Estado Mental foi utilizado com intuito de verificar a capacidade cognitiva dos idosos para responder às questões; um questionário semiestruturado com propósito de avaliar as condições socioeconômicas e de saúde; escala de Edmonton para avaliar fragilidade e para estimar o nível de adesão foi aplicado o teste de Morisky e Green. Os dados foram processados em um banco de dados criado por meio do software Statistical Package for Social Sciences 14.0 (SPSS). Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística univariada e bivariada, na qual foram obtidas frequências, medidas de tendência central, e comparação de proporções. A análise multivariada baseou-se no organograma do modelo teórico de investigação dos efeitos das variáveis independentes sobre a variável dependente, elaborado pela autora. Utilizou-se a técnica de retirada gradativa das variáveis com base nos níveis de significância. A amostra fina foi composta por maioria de mulheres (69%), auto-declarados brancos (45,5%), com até 4 anos de escolaridade (74,9%), pertencentes a classe socioeconômica C (58,7%). Foram classificados como aderentes ao tratamento 47% (IC95%:41%-53%) dos idosos e 40,5% relataram já ter esquecido de tomar a medicação.Não ser classificado como isodo frágil, auto relato positivo de perceção da visão e audição foram o fatores que permaceram asssociados a adesão o modelo final de regressão. O farmacêutico tem papel fundamental no processo de adesão, pois por meio de estudos e da atenção farmacêutica pode conhecer fatores populacionais e individuais associados a adesão e, a partir dessas informações promover intervenções que aumentem a prevalência de adesão e consequentemente melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos. Por se tratar de idosos que fazem uso continuo de medicamentos, apenas atividades pontuais não são suficientes, é importante manter continuidade do serviço. / The demographic and epidemiological transition occurs worldwide, and sharply in developing countries. It is characterized mainly by the increased proportion of elderly in the population and changes in morbidity and mortality profile. Population aging imposes to goverment and society few new demands on health care. In this context, it highlights the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Hypertension affects about a quarter of the world's population, and its prevalence increases among the elderly. Complications of this clinical condition are responsible for drastically reduce the quality of life, lead to death many individuals, and result in high consumption of resources of health system. Pharmacological treatment is essential to control blood pressure at large number of patients. Therefore, adherence to pharmacotherapy represent an important public health issue because it is a fundamental step for the success of the proposed therapy. This study aims to assess the level of adherence to pharmacological treatment in elderly patients using any antihypertensive medication, residents in the north of the Juiz de Fora (MG) city. It is a cross-sectional study, conducted through a household survey. The Mini Mental State Examination was used in order to verify the cognitive ability of the elderly to answer the questions; a semi-structured questionnaire to assessing the socioeconomic and health conditions; Edmonton scale to assess frailty and estimate the level of adherence was applied to Morisky and Green Test. Data were processed in a database created through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences 14.0 software (SPSS). The data were submitted to univariate and bivariate statistical analysis in which frequencies were obtained, measures of central tendency, and compare proportions. Multivariate analysis was based on the theoretical model, prepared by the author to investigate the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable. Technique of gradual withdrawal of variables based on the levels of significance was used. The sample consisted of most women (69%), white self-declared (45.5%), with up to 4 years of education (74.9%), belonging to socioeconomic class C (58.7%). Were classified as adherent to treatment 47% (95% CI: 41% -53%) of the elderly and 40.5% reported having forgotten taking medication. Not be classified as old fragile, self positive report of view and hearing were the factors that remain associated to adherence on final regression model. The pharmacist plays a important part on adherence process, because through studies and pharmaceutical care can meet population and individual factors associated with adherence, and from this information to promote interventions that increase the prevalence of adherence and therefore improving the quality of life for elderly. In fact, due continued use of medications, only occasional activities are not enough, it is important to keep continuity of service.
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Qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e adesão ao tratamento de indivíduos em uso de anticoagulação oral: avaliação dos seis primeiros meses de tratamento / Health-related quality of life and its adherence to treatment of individuals in use of oral anticoagulation: evaluation of the first six months of treatmentAriana Rodrigues da Silva Carvalho 02 June 2010 (has links)
Estudo descritivo, correlacional, de delineamento longitudinal, com 78 pacientes que iniciaram anticoagulante oral (ACO) entre abril de 2008 a junho de 2009 em três serviços de saúde de um município do oeste do Paraná. Os objetivos foram avaliar a adesão medicamentosa e comparar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) e o estado global de saúde no início e com seis meses de tratamento. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas individuais com instrumentos específicos para adesão farmacológica (Medida de Adesão ao Tratamento), QVRS (Medical Outomes Survey Short form - SF-36; Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale DASS), todos validados para o uso no Brasil, e o estado global de saúde (Escala Visual analógica EVA). Foram realizados testes de comparação de médias (Teste t de Student pareado e para amostras independentes), de correlação (coeficiente de correlação de Pearson) e de regressão linear múltipla. O nível de significância foi 0,05. Entre os sujeitos, 53,8% eram mulheres, com idade média de 56,8 anos, casados (71,8%), com baixa escolaridade e 48,7% não desempenhavam atividades remuneradas. As principais indicações para o uso do ACO foram fibrilação atrial (34,6%) e prótese cardíaca mecânica (26,9%) e o ACO mais usado foi a varfarina sódica (91%). Os resultados apontaram que após seis meses, apenas dois participantes foram classificados como não aderentes ao tratamento com ACO e que, no geral, houve melhora na QVRS avaliada por ambos os instrumentos. A avaliação pelo SF-36 mostrou que as diferenças entre os oito domínios foram estatisticamente significantes, exceto para saúde mental. Entretanto, as comparações das médias dos domínios do DASS foram estatisticamente significantes apenas para os domínios Impacto psicológico negativo e Impacto psicológico positivo. O estado global de saúde avaliado pela EVA apresentou valores médios que aumentaram da primeira para segunda avaliação, de 74 para 83, respectivamente, em um intervalo possível de zero a 100. Considerando como variável resposta a medida do DASS total, um modelo de regressão linear multivariada composto pelas variáveis idade, escolaridade, número de medicamentos em uso, indicação para o ACO, dosagem semanal do ACO, Saúde mental (domínio do SF-36), Vitalidade (domínio do SF-36) e intervalo terapêutico explicaram 39,3% da variância da medida da QVRS. Neste modelo, as variáveis com maiores valores de coeficiente beta () e estatisticamente significantes foram: idade (= - 0,317; p=0,017), número de medicamentos usados pelo indivíduo (= -0,353; p=0,005) e saúde mental (= -0,364; p=0,032). Um segundo modelo de regressão linear multivariada foi feito tendo como variável resposta a medida do estado global de saúde. As variáveis explanatórias foram: escolaridade, número de medicamentos em uso, Vitalidade, Saúde mental, Aspectos emocionais e intervalo terapêutico que explicaram 40,4% da variância desta medida. Os resultados obtidos podem subsidiar a prática dos profissionais da saúde na prevenção de fatores que possam afetar à adesão ao medicamento e a qualidade de vida dos usuários de ACO. / A descriptive, correlational design of longitudinal, with 78 patients who initiated oral anticoagulant taking (OAC) within the months of April, 2008 and June, 2009 in three health care services from a municipality of the state of Parana. The aims of this study were to evaluate the medication adherence and compare the health-related quality of life (HRQL) and the global health status in its beginning and within six months of treatment. The datas were all collected through individual interviews making use of specific instruments for pharmacological adherence (Means of Adherence to Treatment), QVRS (Medical Outcomes Survey Short form - SF-36; Duke Anticoagulation Satisfaction Scale DASS), which ones are validated to use in Brazil, and the global health status (Visual Analog Scale VAS).Comparison of average tests were applied (Students test t for paired and independent samples), of correlation (Pearsons correlation test) and of multiple linear regression. The significance level was set at 0,05. Among the subjects, 53,8% were women, at the average age of 56.8, married (71.8%), with low education and 48,7% did not performed any paid job. The main indications to the use of OAC were atrial fibrillation (34,6%) and mechanical cardiac prosthesis (26,9%) and the most used OAC was the warfarin sodium (91%). The results pointed out that after six months, only two participants were classified as not-adherent to treatment with OAC and that, by and large, there was improvement in the HRQL evaluated by both instruments. The evaluation with SF-36 showed that the differences among the eight domains were statistically significant, except for mental health. However, the average comparisons of domains of the DASS were statistically significant only to the negative psychological impact and positive psychological impact domains.The global health status evaluated by VAS presented average score increase from the first to the second evaluation, from 74 to 83, respectively, in a possible interval from zero to 100. Considering it as a variable response to the measurement of the total DASS, a model of linear regression multivariate made up by age variables, education, number of chemicals in use, indication to the OAC, weekly dose of OAC, mental health (domain of SF-36), Vitality (domain of SF-36) and interval therapy explained 39,3% of the variability of the measurement of HRQL. In this model, the variables with higher beta () coefficient scores and statistically significant, were: age (= -0,317; p=0,017), number of chemicals taken by the individual (= -0,353; p=0,005) and mental health (= -0,364; p=0,032).A second model of linear multivariate regression was done, taking into account as a variable response to the measurement of global state of health. The explanatory variables were: education, number of chemicals in use, Vitality, Mental health, Emotional functioning and interval therapy explained 40,4% of the variability of this measurement. The results obtained may subside the practice of healthcare professionals in the prevention of factors that may affect the adherence to the medication and the health-related quality of life of OAC users.
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Observance médicamenteuse chez les patients prenant un traitement au long cours / Medication adherence among patients taking long-term treatmentsSidorkiewicz, Stéphanie 27 November 2017 (has links)
Avec le vieillissement de la population et les progrès médicaux, le nombre de patients souffrant d’une maladie chronique et devant prendre chaque jour un ou plusieurs médicaments est en augmentation. La non-observance, définie comme l’absence de concordance entre les comportements des patients et les prescriptions médicales, pose de nombreux défis aux cliniciens et aux chercheurs par sa complexité et son caractère dynamique au cours du temps.Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé un outil de mesure de l’observance médicamenteuse chez les patients prenant un traitement au long cours, en prenant en compte les différents types de comportements de non observance, médicament par médicament. La validité et fiabilité de cet instrument ont été évaluées en France, auprès de 243 patients. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons réalisé une étude auprès de 128 binômes médecin-patient qui a mis en évidence une discordance entre l’observance médicamenteuse déclarée par les patients et l’importance des médicaments selon leur médecin traitant. Certains médicaments considérés comme importants par les médecins n’étaient pas correctement pris (situation potentiellement à risque) ; à l’inverse, certains médicaments de moindre importance étaient pris scrupuleusement, posant alors la question d’un fardeau évitable ou d’une potentielle surprescription. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons développé un outil collaboratif en ligne permettant à 544 médecins d’évaluer le seuil de non observance à partir duquel le risque encouru par le patient était inacceptable selon eux, en fonction du comportement de non observance (oubli ponctuel ou pause de plusieurs jours), et du médicament. Les estimations des médecins étaient très variables en fonction des médicaments, suggérant que les médicaments n’ont pas tous la même « tolérance à l’oubli » selon les médecins. Nos travaux ont permis de confirmer la complexité de l’observance qui ne se résume pas à une caractérisation binaire « bonne observance » ou « mauvaise observance ». Les perspectives de ces travaux seront le développement d’un outil de mesure en ligne inspiré de notre premier travail, ainsi que la comparaison des données de notre troisième travail avec des données d’observance. Une réflexion pour favoriser la discussion entre médecins et patients reste nécessaire, avec pour objectif une observance « optimale » et non forcément « parfaite », tenant compte des difficultés rencontrées par les patients. / Against the backdrop of population ageing and medical progress, the prevalence of long-term disorders is rising worldwide. As a consequence, an increasing number of patients need to take medications daily. Medication adherence, which can be defined as the extent to which patients’ medication-taking behaviors coincides with medical prescriptions, may become ever harder to achieve. Non-adherence is a main challenge for physicians and for researchers, especially given its complexity and its dynamic evolution over time. First, we developed a new instrument to assess medication adherence to each individual medication taken by patients undergoing long-term treatment, taking into account different types of medication-taking behavior. We assessed the instrument’s validity and reliability among 243 outpatients and inpatients taking 961 medications, in France. Second, we focused on the discordance between medication adherence as reported by patients and drug importance as reported by their physicians. We compared the opinions of 128 patients and physicians and showed that some drugs considered important by the physicians were not correctly taken by patients, a situation that may lead to potential severe consequences. On the contrary, some drugs considered less important by physicians were correctly taken by physicians, which may lead to potential overprescription and avoidable burden of treatment. Third, we used a crowd sourcing approach to assess physicians’ estimation of the threshold for unacceptable risk of non-adherence, for two distinct types of behavior (episodic missing doses and drug holidays) for the most prescribed drugs in France. Physicians’ estimations varied considerably according to the drugs assessed, suggesting that according to physicians, some drugs are “more forgiving” than others. Our findings confirm that medication adherence is a complex phenomenon that should not be simply dichotomized into « good adherence » and « bad adherence ». Future work will consist in developing and validating a new online tool inspired from our first study. We will try to sharpen our understanding of the results in our third study by comparing physicians’ estimations to patients’ adherence data. Future interventions are still needed to improve patient-physician discussion about medications in order to reach an “optimal adherence” rather than a "perfect adherence", taking into account patients’ perspectives.
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Barriers to hydroxyurea use in sickle cell disease: perspectives of providers, families, and adultsDu, Lisa 11 November 2021 (has links)
PURPOSE: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited blood disorder that affects the hemoglobin protein of red blood cells and has a significant impact on morbidity, mortality, and quality of life. Hydroxyurea has been FDA approved since 1998 as a disease-modifying therapy for SCD. However, hydroxyurea has not been optimally utilized for those with SCD. The purpose of this study was to evaluate reasons for hydroxyurea use, from the perspectives of providers, adults with SCD, and parents/caregivers of children with SCD, as well as perceived barriers to its use. We examined indications and reasons for being “on hydroxyurea,” defined by patients as currently taking hydroxyurea, and reported on pain frequency, perceptions of barriers, hydroxyurea adherence, and health care access for patients with SCD who were either on and not on hydroxyurea.
METHODS: We conducted a cross sectional analysis of data collected within the Pacific Sickle Cell Regional Collaborative (PSCRC), a consortium of nine western U.S. states. Individuals were eligible for this study if they 1) had a confirmed diagnosis of SCD, 2) were followed at one of the PSCRC sites, and 3) were eligible for hydroxyurea therapy. Parents/caregivers of children with SCD less than 18 years and adults with SCD 18 years and older completed a brief survey about hydroxyurea use, indications, side effects, pain frequency, number of hospital and emergency department (ED) admissions per year, and individual and family perceptions of barriers to hydroxyurea use. Participants completed a follow-up survey annually, but we reported only on baseline data. Data collection occurred between February 2016 and May 2018.
RESULTS: Individuals with SCD (n = 413) included 1) children (n=178; 6.7 ± 3.4 years), 2) adolescents (n=66; 15.0 ± 1.4 years), 3) young adults (n=57; 21.4 ± 2.6 years), and 4) adults (n=112; 39.2 ± 10.6 years). The majority were predominantly female (51.6%), African American (93.2%), and had HgbSS (74.1%) genotype. The majority of children (65.2%), adolescents (62.1%), and young adults (54.4%) were on hydroxyurea; fewer adults (39.3%) were on hydroxyurea. The majority with HgbSS (65.5%) were adherent to hydroxyurea. There was no significant difference in hospitalizations for pain, ED visits, and pain severity in the previous 12 months between individuals who were and were not on hydroxyurea, and between individuals who were and were not adherent to hydroxyurea. For those with a current prescription for hydroxyurea, the majority (66.5%) were receiving hydroxyurea for recurrent pain episodes or acute chest syndrome (19.9%). Hydroxyurea was discontinued because of patient/family preference (34.5%), chronic transfusions (31.1%), and side effects (24.1%). Patients prescribed hydroxyurea for empiric use (n=21) had fewer hospitalizations for pain, ED visits, and severe pain interfering with daily activities. The major barriers to hydroxyurea use, from the perspective of individuals with SCD or their caregivers, were 1) forgetting to take the medicine (19.4%), 2) worried about side effects (16.4%), and 3) lack of knowledge about hydroxyurea (13.6%). Fewer young adults (49.1%) and adults (50.0%) had primary care providers than children (78.1%) and adolescents (65.2%).
CONCLUSIONS: Barriers to hydroxyurea use persist with emerging solutions to alleviate these barriers. For this sample, while hydroxyurea prescription rates by sickle cell specialists were similar to what has been seen in some other studies, neither hydroxyurea use nor adherence were associated with decreased frequency of hospitalizations for pain, ED visits, and severe acute pain episodes in the previous 12 months. Future studies need to evaluate hydroxyurea prescription patterns, duration on hydroxyurea, and adherence to hydroxyurea. Healthcare providers are recommended to prescribe hydroxyurea for eligible individuals who may benefit from it, such as those HgbSS or HgbS-β0 thalassemia genotype, and prescribe for empiric use to minimize complications. Provider and patient education about hydroxyurea could reduce common barriers experienced by individuals with SCD. It is important to customize educational resources to specific concerns for different age groups. Individuals 18 years and older with SCD have been documented with more ED visits and hospitalizations due to pain, most likely because they did not have a primary care provider and an adult hematologist with expertise in SCD. Future studies need to evaluate whether primary care providers who receive SCD education may promote hydroxyurea use and adherence. Dedicating time and resources for shared decision making between providers and patients/families can address concerns about hydroxyurea and increase patient/family confidence when deciding about hydroxyurea. As more disease-modifying therapies become available for individuals with SCD, strategies for shared decision making facilitate standardization and optimize the use of hydroxyurea and emerging therapies.
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