Spelling suggestions: "subject:"melanogaster"" "subject:"melanogasters""
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Étude de l’expression des éléments transposables chez drosophila melanogaster par approche bioinformatique / Study of transposable elements expression indrosophila melanogaster by bioinformatic approachDeloger, Marc 25 September 2009 (has links)
Les éléments transposables sont des composants majeurs de la plupart des génomes, et leur impact sur l’évolution des génomes est maintenant bien documenté. Cependant, la manière par laquelle ils participent au transcriptome n’est pas encore clairement établie. En utilisant le génome séquencé de Drosophila melanogaster et les bibliothèques d’EST, nous avons déterminé les insertions d’éléments transposables qui sont transcrites sans équivoque, ainsi que leur localisation dans le génome séquencé de D.melanogaster. Nous montrons que la plupart des familles d’éléments transposables sont transcrites, et nous identifions spécifiquement 69 insertions d’éléments transposables exprimés, dont la moitié réside dans des gènes, la plupart dans des introns et des régions régulatrices 5’UTR. / Transposable elements (TEs) are major components of most genomes, and their impact on genome evolution is now well documented. However, the way they affect the transcriptome is still not clearly established. Using the sequenced genome of Drosophila melanogaster and EST libraries (“Expressed Sequence Tag”, large tags (~500bp) corresponding to subsequences of a transcribed cDNA sequences), we describe here the TE insertions that are unequivocally transcribed, and we have determined their location in the sequenced genome of Drosophila melanogaster. We show that most TE families are transcribed, and we have specifically identified 69 expressed TE insertions, half of which are located inside genes, mostly within introns and 5′UTRs regulatory regions.
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Estudo comparativo entre a eficiência de co-transfecção e transfecção de vetores portadores do gene da glicoproteína do vírus rábico (GPV) em células de Drosophila melanogaster S2. / Comparative study between the efficiency of transfection and co-transfection of vectors carrying the gene of the rabies virus glycoprotein (GPV) in cells of Drosophila melanogaster.Alexandra Souza dos Santos 06 March 2009 (has links)
Dentre as vantagens do sistema de expressão gênica em células de drosófila observa-se ainda o estabelecimento rápido de linhagens estáveis de células que secretam de forma eficiente a proteína recombinante. Temos estabelecidas populações de células co-transfectadas S2AcGPV e transfectadas S2AcGPVHy. O objetivo deste trabalho é a comparação da expressão de GPV em células S2 co-transfectadas com os vetores pAcGPV (vetor de expressão) e o pCoHygro (vetor de seleção) ou transfectadas com um único vetor pAcGPVHygro (contendo o vetor de expressão e seleção). As populações obtidas foram analisadas em relação à expressão de GPV em imunoensaios: teste ELISA, Dot Blot, géis de SDS-PAGE, Western Blot, citometria de fluxo (FACS) e microscopia confocal. Os ensaios de imunofluorescência em citometria fluxo (FACS) realizados demonstraram que as células transfectadas e co-transfectadas estão expressando a proteína GPV. Valores entre 0,3 e 4 mg/107 células foram obtidos. Além disso, anticorpos anti-GPV foram capazes de reconhecer a proteína GPV . / Among the advantages of the system of gene expression in cells drosófila there is still the rapid establishment of stable cell lines that secrete efficiently the recombinant protein. We have established populations of cells co-transfected S2AcGPV and transfected S2AcGPVHy. The objective of this study is a comparison of the expression of GPV in S2 cells co-transfected with vector pAcGPV (vector of expression) and pCoHygro (vector of selection) or transfected with a single vector pAcGPVHygro (containing the vector of expression and selection gene). The populations were analyzed in relation to the expression of GPV in immunoassays: ELISA test, Dot Blot, the SDS-PAGE gels, Western Blot, flow cytometry (FACS) and confocal microscopy. Tests of immunofluorescence in flow cytometry (FACS) have shown that cells co-transfected and transfected are expressing the protein GPV. Values between 0.3 and 4 mg/107células were obtained. Moreover, anti-GPV were able to recognize the protein GPV.
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Drosophila melanogaster, as a model system to study the cell biology of neuronal GPCRs / Drosophila melanogaster, un organisme modèle pour l'étude de la biologie cellulaire des RCPGs neuronauxGaffuri, Anne-Lise 24 September 2012 (has links)
Le récepteur cannabinoique de type 1 (CB1R) est l’un des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G les plus abondants du cerveau mammifère. CB1R a longtemps été décrit comme un récepteur présynaptique régulant de manière rétrograde la transmission synaptique. Cependant, depuis les vingt dernières années, de nouveaux rôles ont été découverts et il est maintenant clairement admis que l’action des endocannabinoides (eCBs) ne se limite pas à la régulationde la neurotransmission au niveau de synapses adultes déjà établies. En effet, les eCBs et le CB1R sont des acteurs majeurs de l’ensemble des phases du développement cérébral. Cependant, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués n’ont toujours pas été identifiés. Les mécanismes cellulaires auxquels nous nous intéressons ne dépendant pas de l’environnement cellulaire, nous proposons donc de combiner la puissance génétique du modèle drosophile à l’accessibilité et la haute résolution offerte par la culture primaire de neurones. De plus, le récepteur CB1 ne possédant pas d’orthologue parmi les invertébrés, ce système offre la possibilité d’étudier la biologie du récepteur en s’affranchissant de la machinerie endocannabinoide. Cependant, actuellement, aucun protocole de culture primaire de neurones de drosophile ne permet d’obtenir des cellules hautement différenciées et polarisées à basse densité. Ainsi, nous avons tout d’abord développé, optimisé et validé un nouveau protocole permettant de d’obtenir des neurones fonctionnels, hautement différenciés et polarisés en culture de basse densité. Dans un second temps, nous avons démontré que l’activation durécepteur CB1, exprimé ectopiquement dans les neurones de drosophile, entrainait son internalisation, de manière identique à ce qui avait déjà été observé chez les mammifères. Puis, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’expression et de l’activation ectopique de CB1R sur le développement neuronal chez la drosophile. Ainsi, nous avons démontré que l’activation du récepteur module directement la dendritogénèse. Afin de compléter la caractérisation de notremodèle, nous avons démontré que l’activation transitoire du récepteur dans les corps pédonculés (le centre de la mémoire olfactive chez la drosophile) altérait spécifiquement la formation d’une forme consolidée de mémoire après un conditionnement aversif. En conclusion, la validation du modèle drosophile dans l’étude de la biologie cellulaire durécepteur CB1 ouvre de nouvelles perspectives quant à la détermination des mécanismes moléculaires régissant l’action du récepteur sur le fonctionnement neuronal. / The type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1R), the neuronal receptor for the major psychoactive substance of marijuana, is one, of the most abundant G-protein coupled receptors in the mammalian central nervous system. CB1R is traditionally described as a presynaptic receptor that retrogradely regulates synaptic transmission. In addition to this now relatively wellcharacterized function, in the last two decades it has become widely recognized that endocannabinoid (eCB) actions in the brain are not limited to the regulation of neurotransmission at established adult synapses. Indeed, eCB and CB1R are now recognized to be involved in brain development at the synaptic, neuronal and network levels. However, precise mechanisms underlying these processes remain poorly described. Since cellular mechanisms that mediate CB1R-activition dependent neuronal remodeling and subneuronal targeting have been demonstrated to be cell-autonomous, we aimed to combine the power of Drosophila genetics with the experimental accessibility and single-cell resolution of lowdensity primary neuronal cultures, a tool currently lacking in Drosophila. Moreover, becauseDrosophila does not have a CB1R ortholog, CB1R cell biology may be observed independently from eCB machinery. Thus, we first developed and validated an in vitro culture protocol that yields mature and fully differentiated Drosophila neurons. Secondly, we showed that activation-dependent endocytosis of ectopically expressed CB1R is conserved in Drosophila neurons. Next, we investigated whether ectopic expression and activation of CB1R in Drosophila modulate neuronal development. As observed in mammals, we observed that activation of CB1R impairs dendritogenesis in a cell-autonomous manner. For further characterization of our model, we showed that, as with mammals, transient ectopic CB1R expression and activation in mushroom body neurons (the center of olfactory memory in Drosophila) modulate the formation of a consolidated form of aversive memory. In conclusion, the validation of this new animal model opens new perspectives to better characterize mechanisms underlying modulation of neuronal functions induced by CB1Ractivity
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Identification of clock neurons and downstream circuits that are involved in sleep control in Drosophila melanogaster / Identification des neurones d'horloge et des réseaux en aval courrolant le sommeil chez Drosophila melanogasterSerpe, Rossana 30 August 2018 (has links)
Le moment, la qualité et la quantité de sommeil dépendent de l'interaction fine entre l'horloge circadienne et la machinerie homéostatique (Borbely A. et al., 1982, Daan S. et al., 1984, Borbely et Achermann, 1999). Au cours des dernières années, l'utilisation de divers organismes modèles a fourni de nouvelles perspectives sur les mécanismes neuronaux et moléculaires de la régulation du sommeil (Miyazaki S. et al., 2017). Cependant, les bases moléculaires de l'homéostasie du sommeil et les circuits neuronaux sous-jacents à son interaction avec le réseau circadien n'ont pas été établis en détail.Dans ce travail de thèse, j'ai utilisé la mouche Drosophile melanogaster comme système modèle pour étudier la fonction d'un sous-ensemble de neurones d'horloge, les DN1ps, dans la mise en place du sommeil. Des études antérieures ont suggéré un rôle de ces neurones circadiens dans la régulation du sommeil (Kunst et al., 2014, Guo et al 2016, Lamaze et al., 2017, Guo et al., 2017). J’ai ainsi démontré que les cellules d'horloge DN1ps DH31 (+) CRY (+) sont impliquées dans la suppression du sommeil. Par ailleurs, j’ai mis en évidence un circuit en aval des DN1ps, qui comprend le groupe dopaminergique postérieur apparié latéral 1 (PPL1) et les neurones dorsaux en forme d’éventail (dFSB), un centre homéostatique récemment décrit pour la régulation du sommeil chez la drosophile (Donlea JM et al., 2011, Liu S. et al., 2012, Ueno et al., 2012, Donlea JM et al., 2014, Pimentel et al., 2016, Qian et al., 2017, Donlea JM. et al., 2018). Nos résultats indiquent que la suppression du sommeil nocturne nécessite la signalisation DH31-R2 dans une sous-population des neurones dopaminergiques PPL1, qui projette au dFSB. Fait intéressant, la perte de sommeil de jour et de nuit médiée par les DN1ps dépend de l'inhibition du dFSB. Néanmoins, nous suggérons que les neurones DN1ps CRY (-) favoriseraient le sommeil, en concordance avec d'autres travaux (Guo et al., 2016; Guo et al., 2017).Ces résultats fournissent de nouvelles données sur le lien entre l'horloge circadienne et l'homéostasie du sommeil, impliqué dans la régulation du comportement sommeil-éveil chez Drosophile melanogaster. / The timing, quality and quantity of sleep depend on the fine interaction between circadian clock and homeostatic machinery (Borbely A. et al., 1982; Daan S. et al., 1984; Borbely and Achermann, 1999). In the recent years, the employment of various model organisms has provided new insights into the neuronal and molecular mechanisms of sleep regulation (Miyazaki S. et al., 2017). However, the molecular basis of the sleep homeostat and the neuronal circuitry underlying its interaction with the circadian network haven’t been established in details.In this work, I use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as a model system to investigate the sleep function of a subset of clock neurons, the DN1ps. Previous studies have already suggested a sleep-regulating role for these circadian neurons (Kunst et al. 2014, Guo et al. 2016; Lamaze et al., 2017; Guo et al. 2017). Here, we report the DH31-positive CRY-positive DN1ps as sleep suppressing clock cells. Furthermore, we identify a sleep-relevant circuit downstream of the DN1ps which includes the paired posterior lateral 1 (PPL1) dopaminergic cluster and the dorsal Fan-shaped body projecting (dFSB) neurons, a recently described homeostatic center for sleep regulation in Drosophila (Donlea JM. et al., 2011; Liu S. et al., 2012; Ueno et al., 2012; Donlea JM. et al., 2014; Pimentel et al., 2016; Qian et al., 2017; Donlea JM. et al., 2018). Our results indicate that the night-time sleep suppression requires DH31-R2 signaling in the PPL1-to-dFSB dopaminergic neurons. Interestingly, both day and night-time DN1ps-mediated sleep loss rely on the inhibition of the dFSB. Nevertheless, we suggest the CRY-negative DN1ps as sleep promoting clock neurons, in concordance with other works (Guo et al. 2016; Guo et al. 2017).These findings provide a novel link between circadian clock and sleep homeostat, in the regulation of sleep-wake behavior in Drosophila melanogaster.
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Neuropeptides et Néprilysines : rôle dans la mémoire chez la Drosophile / Neuropeptides and Neprilysins : role in memory in DrosophilaTurrel, Oriane 28 September 2017 (has links)
Au cours de ma thèse j’ai étudié les néprilysines (Nep), des protéinases connues pour dégrader de petits neuropeptides, en particulier les peptides amyloïdes (Aβ). Lors de la maladie d’Alzheimer, les peptides Aβ s’agrègent pour former des plaques toxiques. Il a été montré que l’expression des Nep module l’effet toxique d’Aβ sur la mémoire chez les modèles murins. Néanmoins, le rôle des Nep dans la mémoire dans des conditions physiologiques reste à ce jour inconnu.La drosophile exprime 4 Nep dans le système nerveux central adulte. Nous avons analysé leur rôle dans la mémoire olfactive. Les 4 Nep sont requises pour 2 phases spécifiques de mémoire: à moyen terme (MTM) et à long terme (LTM). De plus, nous avons identifié les neurones dans lesquels elles sont requises : les Mushroom Bodies (MB) ainsi qu’une paire de neurones afférents, les Dorsal Paired Medial neurons (DPM). Nous avons ensuite cherché à savoir si Aβ était l’une des cibles des Nep. Nous avons montré que l’expression d’Aβ dans les DPM n’altère la MTM que lorsque l’expression de Nep1 est inhibée. De plus, le défaut de LTM de drosophiles exprimant Aβ dans les DPM est sauvé par la surexpression de Nep1. En conclusion, nos résultats suggèrent qu’Aβ est dégradé par Nep1 au cours des processus de mémorisation, et qu’Aβ est une cible de Nep1 en conditions non pathologiques.Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés au neuropeptide amnesiac, décrit comme étant requis pour la mémoire dans les DPM. Nos travaux démontrent qu’amnesiac est en fait requis dans les DPM pour leur développement, et chez l’adulte dans les MB pour activer l’adénylate cyclase responsable de la détection de coïncidence permettant la formation de la MTM. / During my PhD, I studied neprilysins, proteinases known to degrade small neuropeptides, in particular mammalian amyloid-β peptides (Aβ). During Alzheimer’s disease, Aβ peptides aggregate to form toxic plaques. It has been shown that neprilysins expression modulates toxic effects of Aβ on memory in murine models of the disease. However, the role of neprilysins in memory under physiological conditions is still unknown. Drosophila expresses 4 neprilysins in the adult central nervous system. First we have analyzed their role in olfactive memory. We have shown that all of them are required for 2 specific memory phases: Middle-Term Memory (MTM) and Long-Term Memory (LTM). We also have identified the neurons in which they are required: the Mushroom Bodies (MB) and a pair of afferent neurons, the Dorsal Paired Medial (DPM) neurons. Then we investigated whether Aβ peptides could be one of the neprilysins’ targets. We have shown that Aβ expression in DPM neurons alters MTM only when Nep1 expression is inhibited. Furthermore, the LTM deficit of flies expressing Aβ in DPM neurons is rescued by Nep1 overexpression. To conclude, our results suggest that Nep1 degrades endogenous Aβ peptides during memory processes, and that Aβ is a physiological target for Nep1 under non-pathological condition.Finally, we became interested in the amnesiac neuropeptide, described as being required for memory in DPM neurons. Our work shows that amnesiac is actually required in DPM neurons for their development, and in the MB of adult flies in order to activate the adenylate cyclase responsible for coincidence detection leading to MTM formation.
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Détection des ARNs viraux par Dicer-2 chez la drosophile / Sensing of viral RNAs by Dicer-2 in drosophilaTalide, Loic 22 October 2019 (has links)
Je me suis intéressé au système de défense anti-viral majeur de Drosophila melanogaster qui est la voie du RNA silencing (siRNA). A ce jour, le seul senseur d’acide nucléique viral et activateur de la voie siRNA est Dicer-2. Ainsi, le travail que j’ai effectué́ a permis d’apporter de nouvelles informations concernant la détection des ARNs viraux par Dicer-2. L’utilisation de méthodes de séquençage à haut débit (HTS) des petits ARNs dans des cellules S2 infectées par le Drosophila C Virus (DCV) à des temps précoces m’a permis de proposer un point d’entrée précis et interne de Dicer-2 sur l’ARN double brin de ce dicistrovirus. La validation de ce point faible dans la défense du virus a été effectuée en réalisant un HTS des petits ARNs dans des mouches de différents génotypes infectées avec DCV. J’ai ensuite caractérisé plus en profondeur cette région du génome virale en déterminant tout d’abord sa structure 2D puis sa sensibilité à des clivages médiés par des extraits embryonnaires de mouches. Finalement, l’utilisation de différents variants de Dicer-2 présentant des mutations du domaine DRA m’a permis de proposer un nouveau mécanisme de fonctionnement de cette protéine. / My Ph.D revolved around the study of the major antiviral defense system of Drosophila melanogaster: the siRNA pathway. To date, the only viral nucleic acid sensor and siRNA pathway activator in drosophila is Dicer-2. Thus, the work I have done has provided new information regarding the detection of viral RNAs by Dicer-2. The use of high throughput sequencing (HTS) methods of small RNAs in S2 cells infected with Drosophila C Virus (DCV) at early time points has allowed me to propose a precise and internal entry point for Dicer-2 on the double-stranded RNA of this dicistrovirus. The validation of this weak point in the defence of the virus was carried out by performing an HTS of small RNAs in flies of different genotypes infected with DCV. I then characterized this region of the viral genome in more depth by first determining its 2D structure and then its sensitivity to cleavages mediated by embryonic fly extracts. Finally, the use of different variants of Dicer-2 with mutations in the DRA domain allowed me to propose a new mechanism of action for this protein.
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Systematic characterization of Rab GTPase cell type expression and subcellular localization in Drosophila melanogasterDunst, Sebastian 14 April 2015 (has links)
The Rab family of small GTPases orchestrates intracellular endomembrane transport through the recruitment of diverse effector proteins. Since its first discovery in 1987, almost 70 Rab proteins have been identified in humans to date and their perturbed function is implicated in several hereditary and acquired diseases.
In this Ph.D. thesis, I systematically characterize cell type expression and subcellular localization of all Rab proteins present in Drosophila melanogaster utilizing a genetic resource that represents a major advance for studying membrane trafficking in vivo: the ’Drosophila YRab library’. This collection comprises 27 different D. melanogaster knock-in lines that harbor YFPMyc fusions to each Rab protein, referred to as YRab.
For each YRab, I present a comprehensive data set of quantitative and qualitative expression profiles across six larval and adult tissues that include 23 annotated cell types. The whole image data set, along with its annotations, is publicly accessible through the FLYtRAB database that links to CATMAID for online browsing of tissues.
I exploit this data set to address basic cell biological questions. i) How do differentiating cells reorganize their transport machinery to perform cell type-specific functions? My data indicates that qualitative and quantitative changes in YRab protein expression facilitate the functional specialization of differentiated cells. I show that about half of the YRab complement is ubiquitously expressed across D. melanogaster tissues, while others are missing from some cell types or reflect strongly restricted cell type expression, e.g. in the nervous system. I also depict that relative YRab expression levels change as cells differentiate. ii) Are specific Rab proteins dedicated to apical or basolateral protein transport in all epithelia? My data suggests that the endomembrane architecture reflects specific tasks performed by particular epithelial tissues, rather than a generalized apicobasal organization. I demonstrate that there is no single YRab that is similarly polarized in all epithelia. Rather, different epithelial tissues dynamically polarize the subcellular localization of many YRab compartments, producing membrane trafficking architectures that are tissue- and stage-specific.
I further discuss YRab cell type expression and subcellular localization in the context of Rab family evolution. I report that the conservation of YRab protein expression across D. melanogaster cell types reflects their evolutionary conservation in eukaryotes. In addition, my data supports the assumption that the flexible deployment of an expanded Rab family triggered cell differentiation in metazoans.
The FLYtRAB database and the ’Drosophila Rab Library’ are complementary resources that facilitate functional predictions based on YRab cell type expression and subcellular localization, and to subsequently test them by genetic loss-of-function experiments. I demonstrate the power of this approach by revealing new and redundant functions for Rab23 and Rab35 in wing vein patterning.
My data collectively highlight that in vivo studies of endomembrane transport pathways in different D. melanogaster cell types is a valuable approach to elucidate functions of Rab family proteins and their potential implications for human disease.
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The role of Distal antenna in the regulation of D. melanogaster neural stem cell competenceBenchorin, Gillie January 2022 (has links)
The brain is incredibly complex, with billions of diverse cells performing a variety of necessary functions. It is fascinating then, that a small group of progenitor cells are capable of generating all of the neural cell types. During development, robust and stable expression of identity factors is necessary for diverse cell fate determination, but progenitor cells must also be flexible to quickly change expression programs in response to developmental cues. The metazoan genome is non-randomly organized, and this organization is thought to underlie cell type specific gene expression programs. However, the process by which genome organization is stabilized, and then reorganized, is not well-understood.
A Drosophila neuroblast nuclear factor, Distal antenna (Dan), was previously identified as a key regulator of this process. Downregulation of Dan is necessary for a developmentally-timed genome reorganization in neural progenitors that terminates their competence to specify early-born cell types. Maintaining Dan expression prevents genome reorganization, extending the early competence window, and implicating Dan in the stabilization of the early competence state. The mechanisms through which Dan functions to stabilize the genome architecture is not known. In this work, we take advantage of the Drosophila embryonic ventral nerve cord model system to study Dan and its role in regulating neuroblast competence. We find that Dan, a DNA- binding protein that localizes throughout the nucleus in distinct puncta, coalesces into large, liquid condensates that relocalize to the nuclear periphery when DNA-binding is inhibited.
The size of the droplets increases as impairment to the DNA-binding domain increases, suggesting that Da normally exists in a competitive tug-of-war between genome binding and protein condensation at the nuclear periphery. We further find that while Dan is a highly intrinsically disordered protein, formation of the large droplets requires a LARKS domain – a glycine-rich, structural motif that forms kinked beta-sheets associated with labile interactions that underlie phase-separation. In embryos, Dan’s ability to maintain neural progenitor early competence requires both its Pipsqueak motif DNA-binding domain and phase separation properties.
Finally, we find that Dan interacts with proteins of the nuclear pore complex. In particular, we find that Elys, a core scaffold protein which has been shown to bind DNA and regulate nuclear architecture, is required for termination of the early competence window. Together, we propose a mechanism by which a single protein can exert opposing forces between DNA binding and self- association to organize progenitor genome architecture and regulate neuronal diversification.
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Sexuell konflikt hos en gen i Drosophila melanogaster / Sexual conflict at a gene in Drosophila melanogasterJansson Ström, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
Procreation is often viewed as a joint undertaking where both parties depend on, and thus care about, the reproductive success of the other. This is however not always the case. Sexual antagonism occurs when males and females have different strategies for maximizing their fitness, leading to a “battle between the sexes”. Intralocus sexual conflict, IASC, involves sexual antagonism between different alleles at a specific locus, alleles that have opposite effects between the sexes. One potentially sexually antagonistic gene is Ugt36E1, a gene involved in the catalyzation of a conjugation reaction between different sugars from the donor uridine diphosphate (UDP) to many small, fat-soluble, often toxic exogenous or endogenous molecules. This makes them water soluble, after which they can be transported to various organs for elimination. The gene is thus very important for detoxification and for maintaining the homeostasis of the body’s cells. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether changes in the gene Ugt36E1 affect the fitness of female fruit flies in the form of an increased/decreased number of offspring. To accomplish this, female flies that had been modified using CRISPR/Cas9 to obtain two alternative alleles of the Ugt36E1 gene were collected and allowed to mate with wild-type males. The number of eggs and live offspring of the females were thereafter counted and analyzed. The study could not find a significant difference in the number of offspring between the alleles, which does not line up with previous studies. The gene is hypothesized to be important for both detoxification and homeostasis within the individual regardless of gender, and changes to this gene could therefore be thought to be harmful to both males and females, something that does not seem to agree with this study. Females also laid fewer eggs than expected across both groups. This could be the result of natural variation, but it could also indicate that something during the experiment affected them in a way that reduced their fecundity. Because of the results, and because the study was focused solely on the female side of the conflict, additional testing to further investigate the gene’s effect on the fitness of both genders is recommended. / Fortplantning ses ofta som ett gemensamt åtagande där båda parter är beroende av, och därför bryr sig om, den andras reproduktiva framgång. Detta är dock inte alltid fallet. Sexuell antagonism uppstår när hanar och honor har olika strategier för att maximera sin kondition, vilket leder till en "kamp mellan könen". Intralocus sexual conflict, IASC, innebär sexuell antagonism mellan olika alleler på ett specifikt lokus, alleler som har motsatta effekter mellan könen. En potentiellt sexuellt antagonistisk gen är Ugt36E1, en gen involverad i katalyseringen av en konjugationsreaktion mellan olika sockerarter från donatorn uridindifosfat (UDP) till många små, fettlösliga, ofta toxiska exogena eller endogena molekyler. Detta gör dem vattenlösliga, varefter de kan transporteras till olika organ för eliminering. Genen är alltså mycket viktig för avgiftning och för att upprätthålla homeostasen i kroppens celler. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om förändringar i genen Ugt36E1 påverkar konditionen hos fruktflugor i form av ett ökat/minskat antal avkommor. För att åstadkomma detta samlades bananflugehonor som hade modifierats med CRISPR/Cas9 för att erhålla två alternativa alleler av Ugt36E1-genen och fick para sig med hanar av vildtyp. Antalet ägg och levande avkommor från honorna räknades därefter och analyserades. Studien kunde inte hitta någon signifikant skillnad i antalet avkommor mellan allelerna, vilket inte stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Genen antas vara viktig för både avgiftning och homeostas inom individen oavsett kön, och förändringar av denna gen kan därför tänkas vara skadliga för både hanar och honor, något som inte verkar stämma överens med denna studie. Honor lade också färre ägg än förväntat i båda grupperna. Detta kan vara resultatet av naturlig variation, men det kan också tyda på att något under experimentet påverkade dem på ett sätt som minskade deras fruktsamhet. På grund av resultaten, och eftersom studien enbart fokuserade på den kvinnliga sidan av konflikten, rekommenderas ytterligare tester för att ytterligare undersöka genens effekt på konditionen hos båda könen.
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FARINELLI: ein testisspezifisches VAP-Protein und seine Funktion in der Drosophila-Spermatogenese / FARINELLI: a testis-specific VAP and its function in Drosophila spermatogenesisRenner, Ute 31 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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