Spelling suggestions: "subject:"melanogaster"" "subject:"melanogasters""
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Rôle des protéines associées aux microtubules MAP1/Futsch dans l’organisation et le fonctionnement des synapses à la jonction neuromusculaire de drosophile / Role of MAP1/Futsch in synapse organization and functioning at the drosophila neuromuscular junctionLepicard, Simon 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les protéines associées aux microtubules (MAP) de structures, telles que celles appartenant à la famille des MAP1 sont connues pour contrôler la stabilité et la dynamique des microtubules (MTs). Elles sont aussi connues pour interagir avec des protéines post-synaptiques telles que les récepteurs GABAergique ou glutamatergique. Cependant, leur rôle pré-synaptique dans la libération de neurotransmetteurs a été très peu étudié. Dans cette thèse, j'utilise l'avantage du modèle Drosophila melanogaster dans lequel il n'y a qu'un seul homologue des MAP1 des vertébrés, nommé Futsch. J'ai étudié la fonction de Futsch à la jonction neuromusculaire (JNM) de larve, où cette protéine n'est trouvée que dans la partie pré-synaptique. Ici, j'ai montré qu'en plus de sa fonction connue sur la morphologie de la JNM (Roos et al., 2000; Gogel et al., 2006), Futsch est également important pour la physiologie de la JNM, par le contrôle de la libération de neurotransmetteurs ainsi que de la densité des zones actives (ZAs). J'ai montré que l'effet physiologique de Futsch n'est pas la conséquence de l'altération du cytosquelette de MTs ou d'un défaut de transport axonal, mais doit être la conséquence d'un effet local de Futsch à la terminaison synaptique. J'ai utilisé la microscopie d'éclairage structuré 3D (3D-SIM) pour étudier plus précisément la localisation de Futsch et des MTs au niveau de la ZA. Futsch et les MTs se trouvent presque toujours à proximité des ZAs, avec Futsch en position intermédiaire entre les MTs et les ZAs. En utilisant la technique de « proximity ligation assays », j'ai aussi démontré la proximité fonctionnelle de Futsch avec Bruchpilot un composant de la ZA, ce qui n'est pas le cas des MTs. En conclusion, mes données sont en faveur d'un modèle pour lequel Futsch stabilise localement les ZAs, en renforçant leur lien avec le cytosquelette de MTs sous-jacent. / Structural microtubule associated proteins like those belonging to the MAP1 family are known to control the stability and dynamics of microtubules (MTs). They are also known to interact with postsynaptic proteins like GABA or glutamate receptors. However, their presynaptic role in neurotransmitter release was barely studied. Here, we took advantage of the Drosophila model in which there is only one MAP1 homologue, called Futsch. We studied the function of Futsch at the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ), where this protein is found presynaptically only. Here, we show that, in addition to its known function on NMJ morphology (Roos et al., 2000; Gogel et al., 2006), Futsch is also important for NMJ physiology, by controlling neurotransmitter release as well as active zone density. We show that this physiological effect of Futsch is not the consequence of disrupted microtubule bundle and disrupted axonal transport, but must be the consequence of a local effect of Futsch at the synaptic terminal. We used 3D-Structured Illumination Microscopy (3D-SIM) to further study the localization of Futsch and MTs with respect to active zones. Both Futsch and MTs are almost systematically present in close proximity active zones, with Futsch being localized in-between MTs and active zones. Using proximity ligation assays, we further demonstrated the functional proximity of Futsch, but not MTs, with the active zone component Bruchpilot. Altogether our data are in favor of a model by which Futsch locally stabilizes active zones, by reinforcing their link with the underlying MT cytoskeleton.
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Cultivos de células animais visando a altas concentrações celulares: processo em perfusão e suplementação com aminoácidos. / Animal cell cultures aiming high cell concentrations: perfusion process and amino acids supplementation.Costa, Bruno Labate Vale da 20 March 2013 (has links)
Células animais são alvo de pesquisas visando sua utilização como plataforma para a expressão de proteínas recombinantes, desde vacinas veterinárias até fatores de coagulação para hemofílicos. Exemplos incluem células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 e células de mamífero BHK-21, que vêm sendo estudadas visando a sua utilização para a produção da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva. Independentemente da estratégia de cultivo utilizada, altas concentrações celulares são em geral associadas a uma maior produção da proteína de interesse. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de investigar estratégias que possibilitariam o cultivo de células animais em altas concentrações celulares. Células de inseto Drosophila melanogaster S2 produtoras da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva foram cultivadas em frascos agitados a 100 rpm e 28, em meio livre de soro SF 900 II suplementado com os aminoácidos asparagina, cisteína, prolina e serina. A adição dos quatro aminoácidos no meio de cultura refletiu em um aumento da concentração celular máxima (XV MÁX) em 16%. Cisteína, quando adicionada isoladamente no meio de cultura, refletiu em uma velocidade específica máxima de crescimento celular (MÁX) 56% maior. Nessa condição, o fator de conversão glicose a célula (YX/GLC) foi 47% maior, indicando um metabolismo de glicose mais eficiente na geração de células. Esses resultados indicam que cisteína é provavelmente substrato limitante do cultivo de células S2AcGPV em meio SF 900 II. Já células de mamífero BHK-21 (C13), adaptadas ao crescimento em suspensão, foram cultivadas em processo de perfusão, processo contínuo em que há retenção celular, o que permite alcançar concentrações celulares mais altas que processos em batelada ou em modo contínuo sem retenção celular. Foi utilizado um biorreator do tipo tanque agitado com 1,5 L de volume de trabalho e spin-filter interno, com poro de diâmetro igual a 10 m, acoplado ao eixo do impelidor. Durante o cultivo, o pH foi controlado em 7,2, a agitação em 80 rpm, a temperatura em 37 e o oxigênio dissolvido em 50% da saturação com o ar. A concentração celular máxima alcançou 15,7 x 106 céls mL-1, muito superior à do cultivo em batelada (aproximadamente 5 x 106 céls mL-1). A viabilidade celular foi superior a 90% durante os 48 dias de cultivo. Na fase batelada do cultivo em perfusão, as velocidades de consumo de glicose (qGLC) e de glutamina (qGLN) foram 84% e 32% maiores, respectivamente, em relação às velocidades observadas no cultivo em batelada. Analogamente, as velocidades de produção de lactato (qLAC) e de amônio (qNH4) foram 78% e 102% maiores, respectivamente. Ainda, o coeficiente de manutenção celular não foi desprezível, e o consumo de glicose associado à manutenção celular foi de 83%. Esses dados indicam que a presença do spin-filter interno pode estar associada a estresse celular. Na perfusão, a concentração celular foi cerca de 3 vezes maior do que no cultivo contínuo sem reciclo de células. Provou-se que é possível cultivar células BHK-21 adaptadas a crescimento em suspensão em altas concentrações celulares em escala laboratorial, utilizando biorreator de bancada e spin-filter interno como sistema de retenção celular. / Animal cells have been under research as a platform for the expression of recombinant proteins, ranging from veterinary vaccines to blood coagulation factors for treating hemophilia. Examples include insect Drosophila melanogaster S2 and hamster BHK-21 cells, currently being studied for the production of rabies virus glycoprotein. Regardless of the cultivation strategy, high cell concentrations are usually associated to a higher protein production. Thus, the aim of this research was to investigate animal cell cultivation strategies that would allow higher cell concentrations than those previously reported. Cells of Drosophila melanogaster S2 expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein (S2AcGPV) were cultivated in shake flasks at 100 rpm and 28 , in SF 900 II serum-free medium supplemented with the following amino acids: asparagine, cysteine, proline, and serine. The addition of the four amino acids to the medium increased the maximum cell concentration (XV MAX) in 16%. When only cysteine was added to the medium, the maximum specific growth rate (ÊMAX) was 56% higher. In this condition, the cell yield on glucose (YX/GLC) was 47% higher, indicating a more efficient glucose metabolism. These results show that cysteine is likely a limiting substrate of S2AcGPV cells growing in SF 900 II medium. In turn, baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21/C13), adapted to growth in suspension culture, were cultivated in perfusion, a continuous process with cell retention that allows higher cell concentration than batch or continuous cultures without cell retention. A stirred tank bioreactor with a working volume of 1.5 L was used, with an internal spin-filter with 10 µm diameter pores attached to the impeller shaft. Temperature was controlled at 37 , pH at 7.2, agitation at 80 rpm and dissolved oxygen at 50% of air saturation. The maximum cell concentration reached 15.7 x 106 cells mL-1, much higher than the cell concentration achieved in a standard batch cultivation (5 x 106 cells mL-1). Cell viability was above 90% during the 48-day cultivation period. During the batch phase of the perfusion cultivation, specific rates of glucose (qGLC) and glutamine (qGLN) consumption were 84% and 32% higher, respectively, when compared to the batch cultivation. Similarly, the specific rates of lactate (qLAC) and ammonium (qNH4) formation were 78% and 102% higher, respectively. During perfusion, the cell maintenance coefficient was not negligible and represented 83% of total glucose consumption. These data indicate that the presence of an internal spin-filter may be associated to cell stress. In perfusion, cell concentration was about 3 times higher than that in continuous culture without cell recycle. In conclusion, it was proved that suspension-adapted BHK-21 cells can be cultivated in a laboratory-scale bioreactor with an internal spin-filter, in order to achieve high cell concentrations.
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Cultura de células de Drosophila melanogaster (S2) em processo contínuo. / Culture of Drosophila melagogaster cells (S2) in continuous culture.Vieira, Paula Bruzadelle 11 August 2010 (has links)
As células de Drosophila melanogaster (S2) têm sido utilizadas como sistemas de expressão de proteínas recombinantes. Neste trabalho foi utilizada uma linhagem S2 geneticamente modificada com vetores de expressão para a produção da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (GPV). O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento destas células cultivadas em processo contínuo, visando-se manter elevadas concentrações celulares. Para os ensaios contínuos, utilizou-se meio livre de soro fetal bovino SF 900 II em um reator Biostat B, com 500 mL de volume útil e controle de temperatura (28ºC), oxigênio dissolvido (30% da saturação com ar), frequência de agitação (90 rpm) e monitoramento do pH. Verificou-se o comportamento do metabolismo celular em diferentes vazões específicas de alimentação (0,8 dia-1, 0,5 dia-1 e 0,2 dia-1) através parâmetros como fatores de conversão e variáveis como concentração celular máxima, concentração residual de glicose e glutamina, dentre outras. Ainda, avaliou-se a influência de aminoácidos, tais como, glutamina, asparagina, prolina, serina e cisteína suplementados no meio de alimentação, sob a concentração celular alcançada no estado estacionário. Diferentes vazões específicas de alimentação - em estado estacionário - resultaram em concentrações celulares próximas entre si. A adição de glutamina (1,7 g/L) no meio de alimentação não contribuiu para o aumento na concentração celular, indicando que este aminoácido não limitou o processo de crescimento celular. Uma observação similar ocorreu quando o meio SF 900 II foi suplementado com asparagina, prolina, serina e cisteína. Porém, a adição de cisteína (0,3 g/L) isoladamente no meio de alimentação resultou em um aumento de 12% na concentração celular quando comparada ao meio SF 900 II puro. Assim, pode-se concluir que a cisteína limitava o crescimento celular. Verificou-se ainda que a célula não apresentou grande variabilidade nos diferentes ensaios, sob mesma vazão específica de alimentação. Isso indica que processo contínuo constituiria um método viável para a compreensão do metabolismo desta célula. / Drosophila melanogasters cells (S2) have been used as expression systems for recombinant proteins. This study uses a genetically modified S2 line with expression vectors for production of rabies virus glycoprotein (RVPG). The main objective was to evaluate the growth trend of S2 cells in a continuous process, aiming to maintain high cell concentrations. In order to set the continuous culture, the experiments used serum-free medium SF 900 II in a Biostat B reactor, with working volume of 500 mL and temperature controlled at 28 º C, dissolved oxygen at 30% air saturation, agitation speed at 90 rpm, and pH monitoring. Cellular metabolism behavior was observed under different dilution rates (0.8 day-1, 0.5 day-1, and 0.2 day-1) through parameters such as yield factors, in addition to variables such as maximum cell concentration, residual concentration of glucose and glutamine, among others. Yet, this work evaluates the influence of amino acids such as glutamine, asparagine, proline, serine and cysteine supplemented in the feed, over cellular concentration value reached in the steady state. Different dilution rates decreasing (under steady state) resulted in cell concentrations quite simillar. The addition of glutamine (1.7 g/L) in the feed did not contribute to the increase of cell concentration, which indicates that this amino acid did not limit cell growth process. A similar observation occurred when SF 900 II medium was supplemented with asparagine, proline, serine and cysteine. However, the cysteine addition (0.3 g/L) alone in the feed resulted in a 12% increase in cell concentration, compared to pure SF 900 II. Thus, it is possible to conclude that cysteine limited cell growth. It was also found that the cell did not show great variability in the various tests under the same dilution rate. This indicates that chemostat culture would be a viable method for understanding the metabolism of this cell.
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Presynaptic Determinants of Synaptic Strength and Energy Efficiency at Drosophila Neuromuscular JunctionsUnknown Date (has links)
Changes in synaptic strength underlie synaptic plasticity, the cellular substrate for learning and memory. Disruptions in the mechanisms that regulate synaptic strength closely link to many developmental, neurodegenerative and neurological disorders. Release site probability (PAZ) and active zone number (N) are two important presynaptic determinants of synaptic strength; yet, little is known about the processes that establish the balance between N and PAZ at any synapse. Furthermore, it is not known how PAZ and N are rebalanced during synaptic homeostasis to accomplish circuit stability. To address this knowledge gap, we adapted a neurophysiological experimental system consisting of two functionally differentiated glutamatergic motor neurons (MNs) innervating the same target. Average PAZ varied between nerve terminals, motivating us to explore benefits for high and low PAZ, respectively. We speculated that high PAZ confers high-energy efficiency. To test the hypothesis, electrophysiological and ultrastructural measurements were made. The terminal with the highest PAZ released more neurotransmitter but it did so with the least total energetic cost. An analytical model was built to further explore functional and structural aspects in optimizing energy efficiency. The model supported that energy efficiency optimization requires high PAZ. However, terminals with low PAZ were better able to sustain neurotransmitter release. We suggest that tension between energy efficiency and stamina sets PAZ and thus determines synaptic strength. To test the hypothesis that nerve terminals regulate PAZ rather than N to maintain synaptic strength, we induced sustained synaptic homeostasis at the nerve terminals. Ca2+ imaging revealed that terminals of the MN innervating only one muscle fiber utilized greater Ca2+ influx to achieve compensatory neurotransmitter release. In contrast, morphological measurements revealed that terminals of the MN inner vating multiple postsynaptic targets utilized an increase in N to achieve compensatory neurotransmitter release, but this only occurred at the terminal of the affected postsynaptic target. In conclusion, this dissertation provides several novel insights into a prominent question in neuroscience: how is synaptic strength established and maintained. The work indicates that tension exists between energy efficiency and stamina in neurotransmitter release likely influences PAZ. Furthermore, PAZ and N are rebalanced differently between terminals during synaptic homeostasis. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Consumo em excesso de sacarose na forma de açúcar cristal ou açúcar mascavo: Avaliação do estresse oxidativo em Drosophila melanogasterCaurio, Aline Castro 10 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marcos Anselmo (marcos.anselmo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2017-10-09T19:36:14Z
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ALINE CASTRO CAURIO.pdf: 934605 bytes, checksum: 34b7233e254df02be699c0e9fc190646 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-08-10 / A mosca da fruta, Drosophila melanogaster(DM), tem sido considerada um organismo modelo adequado para estudar disfunções metabólicas, de desenvolvimento, assim como as de saúde humana. Neste trabalho foram utilizadas Drosophila melanogaster adulta para avaliar marcadores de estresse oxidativo frente a uma dieta enriquecida com sacarose na forma de açúcar cristal ou açúcar mascavo. Os experimentos foram realizados com moscas adultas recém-eclodidas de larvas (1-5 dias) após um ciclo de 15 dias claro/escuro. As larvas foram tratadas ou não com dietas ricas em sacarose utilizando açúcar mascavo ou açúcar cristal para cada concentração: 5, 10, 20, 30 e 40 %. As larvas recém-eclodidas foram utilizadas para as análises de estresse oxidativo, parâmetro bioquímico e dosagem de ferro no tratamento com açúcar mascavo. O tratamento das duas dietas em altas concentrações de açúcar mascavo ou açúcar cristal elevou a atividade da SOD à medida que aumenta a concentração do açúcar cristal, em maior destaque, em comparação ao controle em machos e fêmeas. Houve uma diminuição na atividade da catalase com o aumento da concentração de açúcar mascavo para os dois gêneros. A ingestão desta dieta causou um aumento nos resultados dos marcadores de estresse oxidativo (TBARS e Carbonilação de Proteínas) em DM macho e fêmea para os dois açúcares. No geral, através destes resultados 14
obtidos destacamos que a Drosophila melanogaster é um modelo efetivo para investigarmos condições relacionadas a desordens metabólicas ligadas ao consumo excessivo de sacarose. / The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster (DM), has been considered a suitable model organism to study metabolic, development, as well as human health dysfunctions. In this work, adult Drosophila melanogaster was used to evaluate markers of oxidative stress against a diet enriched with sucrose in the form of crystal sugar or brown sugar. Experiments were performed on adult larvae flies (1-5 days) after a light / dark 15-day cycle. The larvae were treated or not with sucrose-rich diets using brown sugar or crystal sugar for each concentration: 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40%. The newly hatched larvae were used for the analysis of oxidative stress, biochemical parameter and iron dosage in the treatment with brown sugar. The treatment of the two diets in high concentrations of brown sugar or crystal sugar increased SOD activity as crystal sugar concentration increased, in greater prominence, compared to control in males and females. There was a decrease in catalase activity with increased brown sugar concentration for both genders. Ingestion of this diet caused an increase in the results of oxidative stress markers (TBARS and Protein Carbonylation) in male and female DM for both sugars. In general, through these results, we highlight that Drosophila melanogaster is an effective model for investigating conditions related to metabolic disorders linked to excessive consumption of sucrose.
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Caracterização molecular do módulo regulador TT (Traqueia-Tórax) de >Drosophila melanogaster / Molecular characterization of the Drosophila melanogaster TT (Trachea-Torax) cis-regulatory moduleWester, Jorge Victor Wilfredo Cachay 07 November 2016 (has links)
Estudos funcionais anteriores identificaram um módulo cis-regulador (MCR) de 67 pb (-253/- 187) na região promotora do gene de pufe de DNA BhC4-1 que dirige a expressão do gene repórter na glândula anelar de Drosophila melanogaster. Uma análise bioinformática identificou 67 sequências de D. melanogaster que são similares a sequências contidas no MCR de glândula anelar. Uma das sequências identificadas reside em um fragmento genômico de 657 pb localizado aproximadamente 2500 pb à montante do CG13711, 400 pb à montante do CG12493, em uma região genômica que constitui um dos íntrons do CG32239 (Gef64C). A caracterização preliminar de três linhagens transformadas com a construção 657 pb-lacZ mostrou expressão do gene repórter no sistema traqueal de larvas e prépupas e no tórax de adultos. Baseado padrão de expressão promovido por este MCR, o mesmo foi denominado Traqueia-Tórax (TT). O principal objetivo do presente trabalho constituiu estender a caracterização molecular das linhagens da série TT-lacZ. Inicialmente embriões, larvas de primeiro, segundo e terceiro estádio, prépupas 0 h, 1 h e 2 h, pupas 24 h e adultos com 1, 3 e 5 dias foram investigados quanto ao padrão de expressão do repórter utilizando ensaio histoquímico que detecta atividade de ?-galactosidase. A expressão do gene repórter é inicialmente detectada no sistema traqueal durante o terceiro estádio larval e continua a ser detectada neste tecido em prépupas 0 h, 1 h e 2 h e pupas 24 h. Em adultos, a expressão do gene repórter é verificada nos músculos longitudinais dorsais em adultos de 3 e 5 dias. Uma vez que o MCR TT reside em uma região intergênica e a informação disponível sobre os CGs próximos ainda é escassa, não foi possível inferir qual dos CGs é regulado pelo MCR TT. Neste contexto, o padrão de expressão do RNAm do gene repórter lacZ e do CG13711, CG12493 e CG32239 foi investigado no sistema traqueal de larvas e prépupas e no tórax de adultos de uma das linhagens da série TT-lacZ utilizando RT-qPCR. Os níveis de expressão do RNAm lacZ aumentam cerca de 3 vezes em prépupas 0 horas, quando comparados com os níveis de expressão do RNAm lacZ presentes no sistema traqueal de larvas de terceiro estádio. Um padrão de expressão similar foi observado no caso do CG32239 e do CG13711. Nos tóraxes de adultos de 3 e 5 dias de idade os níveis de expressão do RNAm lacZ aumentam cerca de 37 vezes e 11 vezes, respectivamente, quando comparados aos níveis de expressão iv do RNAm lacZ presentes nos tóraxes de adultos de 1 dia. No tórax de adultos, o único CG que apresenta um padrão de expressão similar ao padrão de expressão de lacZ constitui o CG12493. Em conjunto, nós concluímos que o MCR TT promove um padrão dinâmico de expressão durante o desenvolvimento. Além disso, com base nos resultados de RT-qPCR, nós sugerimos que o MCR TT regula a expressão do RNAm do CG32239 no sistema traqueal durante a transição larva-prépupa e também a expressão do RNAm do CG12493 no tórax de adultos de 3 e 5 dias de idade. Além de estender a caracterização funcional de um novo MCR, nossos resultados também contribuem com novas informações acerca dos padrões de expressão no desenvolvimento de três CGs de D. melanogaster. / Previous functional studies identified in the DNA puff BhC4-1 promoter region a 67 bp (- 253/-187) cis-regulatory module (CRM) that drives reporter gene expression in the ring gland of D. melanogaster. A bioinformatics analysis identified 67 Drosophila melanogaster sequences that are similar to sequences contained in the ring gland CRM. One of the identified sequences resides in a 657 bp genomic fragment located about 2500 bp upstream CG13711, about 400 bp upstream CG12493, in a genomic region that constitutes one of the introns of CG32239 (Gef64C). The preliminary characterization of three transgenic lines transformed with a 657 bp-lacZ construct revealed reporter gene expression in the larval/prepupal tracheal system and in adult thorax. Based on the pattern of expression driven by this CRM we named it Trachea-Thorax (TT). The main goal of this work was to extend the molecular characterization of the lines of the TT-lacZ series. Initially ?-galactosidase histochemical assays were performed in embryos, first, second and third instar larvae, 0h, 1h and 2h prepupae, 24 h pupae and 1, 3 and 5 days old adults. Reporter gene expression is initially detected during the third larval instar in the tracheal system and continues to be detected in this tissue at 0 h, 1h and 2 h prepupa and, 24 h pupa. During the adult stage, reporter gene expression is verified in the dorsal longitudinal muscles of 3 and 5 days old adults. Since the TT CRM lies in an intergenic region and the available information about the nearby CGs is still scarce it was not possible to infer which of the CGs is regulated by the TT CRM. In this context, the mRNA pattern of expression of the lacZ reporter gene and of CG13711, CG12493 and CG32239 was investigated in the tracheal system of both larvae and prepupae and in adult thoraxes of one of the transgenic lines of the TT-lacZ series using RTqPCR. The lacZ mRNA expression levels increase about 3 times in 0 h prepupae when compared to the lacZ mRNA expression levels present in the tracheal system of third instar larvae. A similar pattern of expression was observed for both CG32239 and CG13711. In three and five days old adult thoraxes lacZ mRNA expression levels increase about 37 times and 11 times, respectively, when compared to lacZ mRNA expression levels present in one day old thoraxes. In the adult thorax, the only CG that presents a similar pattern of expression constitutes CG12493. Overall, we conclude that the TT CRM drives a dynamic pattern of ii expression throughout development. Additionally, based on RT-qPCR results, we suggest that the TT CRM regulates the expression of CG32239 mRNA in the tracheal system during the larvae to prepupae transition, as well as the expression of CG12493 mRNA in the thorax of 3 and 5 days old adults. Besides extending the functional characterization of a novel CRM our results also contribute new information about the developmental patterns of expression of three Drosophila melanogaster CGs.
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Effects of a chinese herbal medicine formula (SD) on a Drosophila sleep model.January 2008 (has links)
Yu, Siu Lung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-124). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Acknowledgements --- p.i / Abstract --- p.ii / Chinese Abstract --- p.iv / Table of Contents --- p.v / List of Figures --- p.viii / List of Tables --- p.x / List of Abbreviations --- p.xi / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- General introduction of sleep --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Sleep disorders --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- Classification systems for sleep disorders --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Insomnia --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Definition --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Consequences of insomnia --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Prevalence --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Subtypes of insomnia --- p.9 / Chapter 1.2.5 --- Causes --- p.12 / Chapter 1.2.6 --- Treatment of insomnia --- p.13 / Chapter --- Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia --- p.14 / Chapter --- Pharmacological treatment for insomnia --- p.17 / Chapter 1.3 --- Traditional Chinese medicine and herbs in SD formula --- p.22 / Chapter 1.4 --- Drosophila model for studying sleep --- p.25 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- Drosophila as a disease model --- p.25 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- Drosophila Sleep --- p.26 / Chapter 1.4.3 --- Similarity of Drosophila and mammalian sleep --- p.26 / Chapter 1.4.4 --- Methods for measuring Drosophila sleep --- p.29 / Chapter --- Surrogate measurement of sleep in Drosophila --- p.31 / Chapter 1.5 --- Objectives of study --- p.33 / Chapter 2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.35 / Chapter 2.1 --- Preparation of the Sleep Disorder (SD) extract --- p.35 / Chapter 2.2 --- Establishment of the Drosophila sleep model --- p.38 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Drosophila culture --- p.38 / Chapter --- Fly stock --- p.38 / Chapter --- Fly food --- p.38 / Chapter --- Culture environment --- p.38 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Preparation of flies for experiments --- p.39 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Agar food and drug preparation --- p.39 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Measurement of activity and sleep in fly --- p.40 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Determining the effects of SD extract on Drosophila sleep --- p.40 / Chapter --- Data analysis --- p.41 / Chapter 2.2.6 --- Test of amount of food intake for different dosages of SD using food dye --- p.41 / Chapter 2.2.7 --- Survival test --- p.42 / Chapter 2.3 --- Establishment of the Drosophila caffeine-induced insomnia model --- p.43 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Determining the effects of caffeine on the Drosophila sleep --- p.43 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Determining the effects of SD extract on the Drosophila caffeine-induced insomnia model --- p.43 / Chapter --- HPLC determination of caffeine intake in Drosophila --- p.44 / Chapter --- "Spectrophotometric measurement of caffeine, SD and caffeine-SD solutions" --- p.45 / Chapter 2.4 --- "Expression of Cyp6a8, Djun and Dfos in drug-treated Drosophila heads" --- p.46 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Drug treatment and collection of fly head samples --- p.46 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Total RNA extraction from fly heads --- p.46 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis --- p.48 / Chapter 2.5 --- Determining the effects of SD formula on short-sleep mutants --- p.51 / Chapter 2.5.1 --- Fly stocks --- p.51 / Chapter 2.5.2 --- Experimental design --- p.51 / Chapter 3. --- Results --- p.53 / Chapter 3.1 --- Establishment of the Drosophila sleep model --- p.53 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Baseline activity and sleep --- p.53 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Effect of SD on Drosophila sleep --- p.55 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- Amount of food intake for different dosages of SD --- p.57 / Chapter 3.1.4 --- Effect of SD on the survival of wide-type (CSI) flies --- p.59 / Chapter 3.2 --- Establishment of the caffeine-induced insomnia model in Drosophila --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Effect of Caffeine on Drosophila sleep --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Effect of the SD on the caffeine-induced wakefulness --- p.64 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Validation of caffeine intake by HPLC --- p.68 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- "Spectra of caffeine, SD and caffeine-SD solutions" --- p.72 / Chapter 3.3 --- Effect of SD on the sleep of short-sleep mutants --- p.74 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- fumin mutant --- p.74 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- minisleep mutant --- p.78 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- HkY fly --- p.82 / Chapter 3.4 --- Effect of the SD and caffeine on gene expression --- p.86 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Effect of the SD and caffeine on Cyp6a8 mRNA expression --- p.86 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Effect of the SD and caffeine on Djun mRNA expression --- p.89 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Effect of the SD and caffeine on Dfos mRNA expression --- p.91 / Chapter 4. --- Discussion --- p.93 / Chapter 4.1 --- Rationales for evaluating the effect of SD formula in Drosophila model --- p.94 / Chapter 4.2 --- Establishment of the Drosophila Sleep model --- p.96 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Hypnotic effect of SD in Drosophila --- p.97 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Toxicity of SD extract in fly --- p.98 / Chapter 4.3 --- Effect of SD on Drosophila caffeine-induced insomnia model --- p.100 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Drug administration in Drosophila --- p.102 / Chapter 4.4 --- Effect of SD on Short-sleep mutant --- p.105 / Chapter 4.5 --- Study of gene expression by SD --- p.108 / Chapter 4.6 --- Limitations of the model --- p.112 / Chapter 5. --- Conclusion and Future Prospects --- p.115 / Chapter 5.1 --- Conclusion --- p.115 / Chapter 5.2 --- Future prospects --- p.115 / References --- p.117
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Construção e transfecção de vetores plasmidiais contendo o gene da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (GPV) em células de Drosophila melanogaster / Constuction and transfection of plasmid vectors with rabies vírus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene in Drosophila melanogaster cellsLemos, Marcos Alexandre Nobre 23 September 2009 (has links)
O cDNA da glicoproteína do vírus da raiva (GPV) foi clonado em vetores plasmidiais (indutíveis) contendo ou não o cDNA do sinal de secreção BiP e da resistência ao antibiótico higromicina B. Esses vetores foram transfectados em células S2 e foram obtidas populações e subpopulações. A população S2MTGPV-H apresentou níveis 5x maiores na expressão da GPV em análise por FACS (~ 50% das células) e por ELISA (~ 0,65 µg/107 células). A seleção de subpopulações permitiu um aumento de aproximadamente 10x na expressão da GPV, especialmente na população S2MTGPV*-H. O tratamento com NaBu resultou em uma redução de aproximadamente 20% no crescimento celular e um aumento de 50% na GPV expressa pela população S2MTGPV*-H (~ 8,3 µg/107 células). O meio de cultura SF900 II permitiu um maior crescimento das células S2MTGPV*-H e uma maior síntese de GPV comparado com outros meios de cultura. Nossos dados mostram que a expressão da GPV pôde ser otimizada através da construção de vetores de expressão/seleção, subpopulações, da exposição da cromatina e do meio de cultura utilizado. / The cDNA encoding the entire rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP) gene was cloned in plasmids (inductive) with or without a cDNA coding for the secretion signal and coding for the selection hygromicin antibiotic. These vectors were transfected into S2 cells and we had obtain cells populations and subpopulations S2MTRVGP-H cell population were shown to express 5 times higher of RVGP as evaluated by FACS (~ 50 %) and ELISA (~ 0.65 mg/107 cells at day 7). Sub-population selection allowed a higher RVGP expression, especially for the S2MTRVGP*-H. NaBu treatment leading to lower cell growth and higher RVGP expression allowed an even higher RVGP synthesis by S2MTRVGP*-H (~ 8.3 mg/107 cells at day 7 after induction). SF900II medium leading to a higher S2MTRVGP*-H cell growth allowed a higher final RVGP synthesis in this cell culture. The data show that RVGP synthesis may be optimized by the expression/selection vectors design, cell sub-populations selection, chromatine exposure and culture medium employed.
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Estudo cinético de células de Drosophila melanogaster transfectadas para a produção da glicoproteína da raiva em biorreator / Kinetic study of Drosophila melanogaster cells transfected to produce the rabies vírus glycoprotein in bioreactorAguiar, Marcelo Antonio 25 March 2010 (has links)
O interesse em células de inseto para a produção de proteínas complexas se deve a sua maior facilidade de cultivo e ao padrão equivalente de glicosilação quando comparado aos sistemas com células de mamíferos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar fatores que limitam ou inibem a produção da glicoproteína do vírus rábico (GPV) expressa na membrana citoplasmática de células de Drosophila melanogaster transfectadas, quando cultivadas em biorreator de bancada agitado e bubble-free, operado em modo descontínuo. Avaliaram-se as influências de oxigênio dissolvido (5 < pO2 <80%), da glicose (1 < GLC0 < 15g/L) e da glutamina (0.6 < GLN0 < 7g/L). Essas variáveis afetaram de forma diferenciada o crescimento celular (produção de células e velocidades específicas-µX), o metabolismo celular (fatores de conversão - YX/GLC, YX/GLN, YLAC/GLC, YALA/GLC, YNH4/GLN, YALA/GLN), assim como a expressão da proteína recombinante (concentração, teor celular e produtividade). O aumento do pO2 reduziu em 9 vezes o crescimento celular mas aumentou o teor celular de GPV em 1,4 vezes. Baixos valores de GLC0 e GLN0, claramente, limitaram o crescimento, de modo que incrementos na concentração desses substratos, até valores intermediários, aumentaram µX,MAX em 3 vezes e 2,5 vezes, respectivamente, e a produção de células em 11 vezes e 3 vezes, respectivamente. O teor celular de GPV máximo não foi afetado pela GLC, mas aumentou em 100% para valores de GLN0 igual ou superiores a 3,5 g/L. As concentrações de lactato produzidas foram consideradas baixas (inferiores a 0,8 g/L) para exercer qualquer efeito de inibição sobre o crescimento ou a expressão da proteína. Por sua vez, as concentrações de amônio parecem inibir tanto a produção de GPV (NH4+~50mg/L) quanto o crescimento celular (NH4+~80mg/L). A condição de cultivo com de 30% de pO2, 10 g/L de GLC0 e 3,5 g/L de GLN0 resultou nos maiores valores de produtividade (9,1 µg/L.h) e de concentração de GPV (1,2 mg/L). O metabolismo de GLC e GLN apresentou grande interdependência, com alterações em GLC0 afetando o metabolismo de GLN e vice-versa. Assim, em condições de excesso de GLC0, as células apresentaram um metabolismo mais ineficiente com reduções nos fatores YX/GLC (2,3 vezes) e YX/GLN (4,6 vezes) e maior geração de subprodutos, caracterizada por incrementos nos valores de YALA/GLC (51%), YLAC/GLC (11%) e YNH4/GLN (15%). O metabolismo da GLN apresentou resposta característica de substrato em excesso para toda a faixa de valores ensaiada, com redução de 25 vezes no valor de YX/GLN e inesperadamente também uma redução na geração de subprodutos de 7 vezes para YNH4/GLN e 12 vezes para YALA/GLN. O efeito sobre o metabolismo da GLC foi mais acentuado para valores mais elevados de GLN0, com redução de 3,6 vezes para YX/GLC e incrementos de 70% para YALA/GLC e para YLAC/GLC. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a célula utiliza duas vias para metabolizar a glutamina: glutaminólise, em condição de limitação em GLC; ou glutamato sintase - NADH-GOGAT, em condição de excesso em GLC. A célula demonstrou também capacidade de sintetizar GLN, a partir de amônio ou outros aminoácidos, quando atingiu concentrações abaixo de 50 mg/L. / The interest in using insect cells to produce complex proteins is due to its ease of cultivation and its glycosylation pattern equivalent to that of mammalian cells systems. The objective of this work was to identify the limiting or inhibiting factors for the production of a rabies virus glycoprotein (RVGP), expressed in the cytoplasmatic membrane of a transfected Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells, when cultivated in a bench stirred bubble-free bioreactor, in batch mode. The influence of dissolved oxygen (5 < pO2 < 80%), of initial glucose concentration (1 < GLC0 < 15 g/L) and of initial glutamine concentration (0.6 < GLN0 < 7 g/L) was evaluated. These variables affected in a different way cell growth (cell production and specific growth rate - µX), cell metabolism (yield factors - YX/GLC, YX/GLN, YLAC/GLC, YALA/GLC, YNH4/GLN and YALA/GLN), as well as the recombinant protein expression (RVGP concentration, RVGP cell content and RVGP productivity). pO2 increase reduced 9 times cell growth, but increased 1.4 times RVGP cell content. Low initial glucose and glutamine concentrations clearly limited the cell growth, in such a way that raising these substrates concentrations up to intermediate values, increased µX,MAX 3 times and 2.5 times, respectively, and increased cell production 11 times and 3 times, respectively. The maximum RVGP cell content was not affected by GLC0, but improved 100% when GLN0 was 3.5 g/L or higher. The concentrations of produced lactate were considered low (below 0.8 g/L) to cause any inhibition effect on growth or protein expression. On the other hand, ammonium concentrations seem to inhibit RVGP production (NH4+~50 mg/L), as well as cell growth (NH4+~80 mg/L). Maximum productivity values (9.1 µg/L.h) and RVGP concentration (1.2 mg/L) were attained for 30% pO2, 10 g/L of GLC0 and 3.5 g/L of GLN0 run. The metabolism of GLC and GLN showed a great interdependence, with GLC0 changes affecting the GLN metabolism, and viceversa. Thus, in glucose excess condition, cell metabolism was less efficient. This implied in reduction of yield factors - YX/GLC (2.3 times) e YX/GLN (4.6 times) - and in higher by-products generation, characterized by augmentation in YALA/GLC (51%), YLAC/GLC (11%) and YNH4/GLN (15%). The glutamine metabolism showed a substrate excess response pattern to the whole range of concentration studied, with reduction of YX/GLN (25 times) and, unexpectedly, a reduction of by-products liberation - YNH4/GLN (7 times) and YALA/GLN (12 times). The effect on glucose metabolism was more intense when the glutamine concentration was higher, showing a 3.6 times diminution YX/GLC and a 70% augmentation for YALA/GLC and YLAC/GLC. The results suggest that cells metabolize glutamine through two different pathways glutaminolysis, under glucose limitation, or glutamate synthase - NADH-GOGAT, under glucose excess. The cell, proved also to be able to synthesize glutamine from ammonium or other amino acids, when it reached concentrations below 50 mg/L.
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L'ubiquitination et le trafic endocytaire régulent la réponse immunitaire de la drosophile / Ubiquitination and endocytic trafficking regulate the immune response in DrosophilaViargues, Perrine 08 October 2013 (has links)
Le système immunitaire inné repose sur la détection de motifs microbiens et l'activation de réponses adaptées, parmi lesquelles les voies de signalisation dépendantes des facteurs NF-κB jouent un rôle primordial. Ces voies sont finement régulées afin d'éviter une réponse immunitaire excessive et soutenue dans le temps qui peut causer de nombreuses pathologies, comme les maladies auto-immunes et pro-inflammatoires. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai élucidé certains mécanismes de régulation des voies de signalisation NF-κB, Toll et IMD, chez la drosophile, qui reposent sur l'ubiquitination de protéines et leur dégradation par la voie endocytaire ou le protéasome. L'ubiquitination réversible des protéines est une modification post-traductionnelle qui permet de réguler leur activité, leur stabilité et leur localisation subcellulaire. En particulier, l'ubiquitination des récepteurs membranaires peut servir de signal d'endocytose et de dégradation lysosomale. Chez la drosophile, le récepteur PGRP-LC reconnaît spécifiquement le peptidoglycane (PGN) bactérien de type acide diaminopimélique et induit la voie de signalisation IMD. J'ai montré que PGRP-LC est ubiquitiné, internalisé et dégradé par la voie endocytaire. Dans ce processus, j'ai identifié le rôle majeur de la déubiquitinase USP8 qui contrôle la dégradation de PGRP-LC ubiquitiné. J'ai aussi mis en évidence que la stimulation de la voie IMD par les PGN augmente l'internalisation et la dégradation de PGRP-LC, assurant l'élimination des récepteurs après que la voie IMD ait été activée. En outre, j'ai participé à des études visant à comprendre le rôle des déubiquitinases USP2, USP34 et USP36, préalablement sélectionnées par l'équipe comme des régulateurs négatifs des voies IMD et/ou Toll. Mes résultats ont notamment contribué à montrer que USP2 agit principalement au niveau de la protéine adaptatrice Imd, en permettant l'hydrolyse de ses chaînes d'ubiquitine K48 et sa dégradation par le protéasome. Finalement, j'ai observé que USP2 interagit également avec PGRP-LC et favorise l'hydrolyse des chaînes K48 associées à ce récepteur, bien que dans ce cas, la dégradation des formes poly-ubiquitinées K48 de PGRP-LC ne dépende pas du protéasome, mais des protéines de la voie endocytaire Hrs, Rab5 et de la déubiquitinase USP8. / The innate immune system relies on the recognition of “non-self” and on the activation of adapted responses, among which NF-κB signaling pathways play a crucial role. These pathways are tightly regulated, in order to prevent an excessive and sustained immune response, responsible for several pathologies, such as autoimmune and pro-inflammatory diseases. During my PhD thesis, I elucidated some Drosophila regulatory mechanisms of NF-κB pathways, Toll and IMD, which rely on protein ubiquitination and their subsequent degradation by the endocytic pathway or proteasome. Reversible ubiquitination of proteins is a post-translational modification, regulating their activity, their stability and the subcellular localization. In particular, ubiquitination of membrane receptors could trigger their internalization and their subsequent lysosomal degradation. In Drosophila, the PGRP-LC receptor specifically recognizes diaminopimelic acid containing peptidoglycan (PGN) and induces the IMD signaling pathway. I proved that PGRP-LC receptor is ubiquitinated, internalized and degraded by the endocytic pathway. In this process, I identified the major role of the USP8 deubiquitinating enzyme, which controls the degradation of ubiquitinated PGRP-LC. Besides, I showed that the IMD stimulation by PGN enhances the PGRP-LC internalization and its degradation, ensuring receptors elimination once the IMD pathway has been activated. Moreover, I took part to studies, aiming to understand the role of USP2, USP34 and USP36, previously selected by the team as negative regulators of the IMD and/or Toll pathways. In particular, my results showed that USP2 principally acts at the Imd level, allowing for the hydrolysis of its K48 poly-ubiquitin chains and its proteasomal degradation. Finally, I observed that USP2 also interacts with PGRP-LC and favors the hydrolysis of PGRP-LC associated K48 chains, whereas the degradation of K48 poly-ubiquitinated PGRP-LC is independent from the proteasome, but rather depends on the Hrs and Rab5 endocytic proteins and on the USP8 deubiquitinating enzyme.
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