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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reactions to Holocaust Memorials: The Denkmal fur die ermordeten Juden Europas and the Stolpersteine

Lamb, Emily R. 16 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Narrative Communication: How Sending and Receiving Impact Statements on Past Ingroup Suffering Influences Conflict Attitudes

Burrows, Brooke 20 October 2021 (has links)
In the aftermath of mass violence or harm perpetrated against one group by another, commemoration or memorialization processes held by the victim group are often a space in which narratives of impact and suffering are expressed and shared. While there may be no formal or direct calls for justice or policy during these commemoration processes, prior research indicates that such public forums, ranging from truth commissions to museum exhibits, may have diverse impacts on individual emotions as well as attitudes towards the broader conflict implicated (Humphrey, 2000; Reeves & Heath-Kelly, 2020). The current work proposes a closer examination of such intragroup commemoration processes for reflecting and sharing statements of ingroup suffering, specifically examining the possibility that intragroup communication of victim narratives can lead to a range of conflict perpetuating and conflict resolution attitudes, dependent on the type of narrative communication and subsequently evoked emotions. Across three studies, the research explores how sending and receiving ingroup victim narratives across both private and public contexts can lead to divergent emotional experiences, and thus divergent outcomes for intergroup conflict related attitudes. Study 1, a quasi-experiment found that the relationship between feelings of empowerment and peaceful conflict resolution attitudes was strengthened for Americans who reflected on the impact of 9/11 during its commemoration day in contrast to a non-commemorative day, just as the association of meaning derived from conflict with conflict perpetuating attitudes was also strengthened. Study 2 experimentally manipulated the public process of sending narrative communication, in contrast to private reflection, and demonstrated that the public context significantly increased both feelings of empowerment and meaning derived from conflict and replicated the downstream impacts on conflict attitudes of Study 1. Finally, Study 3 extended these findings by adding a receiving component to the narrative communication, which resulted in higher levels of ingroup identity, as well as lower levels of peaceful conflict resolution support. Together, these three studies help to illustrate the complexity of both the psychological processes and resultant conflict attitudes that can arise from communicating narratives of ingroup suffering.

Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZACs) in World War One: The Making of National Identity and Erasure of Women and People of Color

Pawar, Simran 01 January 2020 (has links)
My work seeks to understand the origins of national identity as it pertains to the Anzacs of Australia and New Zealand, their service at the Battle of Gallipoli, and its use in the establishment of a white, male creation myth in both nations following the end of World War One. I furthermore plan to examine how this Anzac myth excluded and even erased the place of marginalized communities in the birth of Australia and New Zealand as modern nations. In other words, my thesis explores both the insiders and the outsiders of the Anzac myth. My cutting-edge research aims to build upon the small but growing scholarship about these "forgotten" Anzacs and their role in the construction of nationhood. Much has been written about white male Anzacs, and by writing this thesis, I hope to contribute to bridging this disparity in the scholarly literature. Not only will I highlight the roles of women and people of color in greater detail, but I will also analyze how the formation of the Anzac myth systematically excluded them in the first place. The work also explores the ramifications and implications of this exclusion in Australia and New Zealand as increasingly multicultural nations. In sum, it brings together three threads of research: the formation of national identity in these nations, the paradox of the public's reverence of the failed military campaign of Gallipoli, and the exclusion of the "forgotten" women Anzacs and people of color.

Quando as memórias são a matéria: memoriais de professoras alfabetizadoras e instabilidade genérica / When the memories are the matter: kindergarten teacher memorials and generic instability

Cális, Orasir Guilherme Teche 13 January 2015 (has links)
Tomando como ponto de partida a crítica às perspectivas que fazem prevalecer os aspectos estáveis dos gêneros discursivos em detrimento da fluidez que os relativiza, a presente pesquisa dá relevo aos elementos instáveis desse processo conjugando, a um só tempo, traços contínuos mais propensos à referida estabilização dos gêneros e descontínuos mais afeitos àquilo que chamo de instabilidade genérica. Do ponto de vista do processo de produção dos gêneros do discurso, a instabilidade genérica se inscreve no texto segundo diferentes marcas enunciativo-discursivas, assinalando pontos de ruptura e evidenciando um funcionamento marcado mais pela permanente incompletude do que pela pretensa fixidez de seus contornos. Parte-se da análise de corpus constituído por um conjunto de 84 textos produzidos, no ano de 2006, por professoras alfabetizadoras em um curso de formação (promovido pela Prefeitura Municipal de Cubatão-SP) chamado Letra e vida. Por ocasião desse curso, foi solicitado às participantes que redigissem, como atividade inicial, suas memórias de alfabetização, textos a partir dos quais elas deveriam reconstruir, preferencialmente de forma literária, as lembranças do tempo em que foram alfabetizadas. A partir dessa proposta, em que já se depreende um primeiro traço da instabilidade genérica (o diálogo com a esfera literária), delineia-se uma tensão inicial entre as memórias propriamente ditas, tomadas aqui, ao menos em um de seus sentidos, como processo de registro das lembranças, e os memoriais, gêneros efetivamente produzidos, tomados, neste caso, enquanto produto, ainda que provisório, daquele registro. Buscando comprovar que a instabilidade genérica é a propriedade definidora do gênero memorial, são eleitos metodologicamente dois campos de observação para a análise dos memoriais: o campo das vozes das memórias, em cujos domínios a instabilidade genérica manifesta-se no modo pelo qual as relações intergenéricas se marcam no fio textual-discursivo dos memoriais os gêneros do discurso sempre em vias de se tornarem outro gênero - e o campo do tempo das memórias, domínio no qual a instabilidade genérica é captada por meio do traço mais singular dos memoriais aqui analisados: o inescapável diálogo estabelecido entre o passado e o presente. Esses dois aspectos possibilitam situar o regime de instabilidade do gênero memorialístico, segundo a dinâmica constitutiva dos encontros (e eventuais sobreposições) de diferentes vozes e de diferentes temporalidades. Além da defesa da instabilidade genérica para o gênero memorial, o trabalho abre, ainda, a possibilidade de ampliar essa constatação para outros gêneros do discurso. / Considering the criticism of perspectives as a starting point which causes the stable aspects of genres at the expense of fluidity that relativizes, this research emphasizes unstable elements combining process, at the same time, continuous lines - more prone to that stabilization of genres - and discontinuous and used to what I call generic instability. From the production of genres discourse point of view, the generic instability falls within the text as reported by different enunciative-discursive marks, indicating breaking points which prove a functional permanent incompleteness marked by the supposed fixity of its contours. This research starts with the corpus analysis of a group of 84 texts produced in 2006, by kindergarten teachers taking a course called Letra e Vida which was sponsored by Cubatão City Hall. In the beginning, this group of teachers was asked to draft some of their memories from the time when they first started to learn how to write considering literacy (ability to read and write) forms if possible. From that point, in which appears from a first feature of the generic instability (dialogue with the literary sphere), an initial tension is outlined between the memories themselves, at least in one of its senses as a memory recording process and memorial genres actually produced and seen as a product of that record. Furthermore, in order to prove that the generic instability is the defining property of the memorial genre, two fields of observation are chosen methodologically with the purpose of analyzing memorials such as the voices of memories field in which the domain of generic instability manifests itself through intergeneric ways and are marked in the text and the memorial discourse lines - the speech genres always follow routes that turn them into another genre and the time of memories field, an area in which the generic instability is captured through the most unique feature seen in this research: the inescapable dialogue established between the past and the present. These two aforementioned aspects place the memorialistic gender instability system along with the constitutive dynamics of different voice encounters within different time frames. Besides the thesis of generic instability for the memorial genre, this work leaves the gap open to various other possibilities of amplifying the observation to other genres of discourse studies.

Literarisches Sachsen. Studie zur Verbindung von Literaturmuseen und literarischen Gedenkstätten in einer Sächsischen Literaturstraße. / Literary Saxony. A Study on Connecting Literary Museums and Literary Memorials at a Saxon Literary Route.

Lehmann, Corinna 08 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
„Während über das Geschichtsbewusstsein einer Nation die chronologisch geordneten Geschichtsbücher Aufschluß geben, findet das Gedächtnis einer Nation seinen Niederschlag in der Gedächtnislandschaft seiner Erinnerungsorte.“ schreibt Aleida Assmann in Erinnerungsräume. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen Gedächtnisses (München: Verlag C. H. Beck oHG, 1999. S. 337.). In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit wird auf Basis dieser Definition eine Anwendung auf den Bereich der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, im Sinne einer Fokussierung auf literarische Erinnerungsorte, vollzogen, die als Grundlage des kulturellen Gedächtnisses angesehen werden und demzufolge zur Identitätsstiftung einer Region beitragen. Hierbei steht die Vernetzung ausgewählter literarischer Erinnerungsorte, bestehend aus Literaturmuseen und literarischen Gedenkstätten der Region Sachsen, im Vordergrund. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist einerseits die literaturwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Schriftstellern, die in Sachsen gelebt und/ oder gewirkt haben und andererseits die Darstellung des kulturellen Einflusses der bestehenden literarischen Gedenkstätten und Literaturmuseen in der ‚Region’ Sachsen. Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurde eine Bestandsaufnahme von 231 Schriftstellern angefertigt, die im heutigen Gebiet des Freistaates Sachsen gelebt und/ oder gewirkt haben, aber auch alle Museen, Denkmäler, Grabmäler, Gedenktafeln und Büsten, die an den jeweiligen Schriftsteller erinnern. Hieraus wurden für die vorliegende Masterarbeit 15 Schriftsteller nach spezifischen Kriterien ausgewählt und diese, ebenso wie die zugehörigen Literaturmuseen und literarischen Gedenkstätten, vorgestellt.

Collective memory as an informant of consciousness in the built environment : towards a collaborative place of reconciliation for the mining community of Marikana.

Muller, Chantelle Kay. 12 September 2014 (has links)
Mining towns, like cities, are experiencing similar outcomes of rapid-urbanisation where the opportunities that are presented by mass urbanisation and migration (economic growth, jobs and increased social engagement) are increasingly overshadowed by the consequences of over-urbanisation (housing shortages, slums and failing infrastructure). These consequences, coupled with the growing gap between the rich and the poor result in undesirable outcomes and lead to conflict, protest and violence. As such, the majority of the South African population, while striving for a better life, live in poorly serviced settlements on the outskirts of the city where crime, oppression and exploitation, contribute to a growing fragmentation of the society as a whole. These underdeveloped settlements and their working population contribute largely to supporting the wealth of the city and generating profits for a small minority. This is evident in the county’s mining operations where the disparity between the mineral wealth below ground and the social condition and poverty above ground is manifested in the failure of the social structure of the community and is responsible for the psychological and physical condition of ‘in-betweenness’. Halbwachs argues that culture and social framework, is presupposed by memory. As such, the research aims to explore collective memory and its influence on social cohesion as well as how it is manifested and mediated in the built environment. The research is concerned with establishing a consciousness in design that values humanity in the process and outcomes (i.e. From inception, through design development, construction and realisation). Consciousness in the built environment suggests a sensitive approach to social context while regenerating and revitalising new and existing communities and simultaneously providing facilities that will contribute to a socially and economically sustainable future in the wake of conflict and trauma. As such it is argued that human-nature, self-interest and competition for survival, if managed by conscience, promotes positive social advancement (Sumner, 1883).

Tudor noble commemoration and identity : the Howard family in context, 1485-1572

Claiden-Yardley, Kirsten January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between the commemorative strategies of English noblemen in the period 1485-1572 and their identity both as individuals and as a social group. In particular, it will look at the Howard dukes of Norfolk in the context of their peers. The five chapters each address a different aspect of noble identity. The first two chapters deal with the importance of kinship and of status. The importance of kinship is evident across commemorative strategies from burial locations to the heraldry displayed at funerals to the references to ancestry in elegies. Having achieved a particular status, noblemen were defensive of their rank and the dues accorded to it. Funerals were designed to reflect social status and the choice of burial location could also indicate a concern with status. However, there was not always a correlation between the scale of commemoration and status. The third chapter examines the role that service to the Crown played in noble identity. Late medieval ideals of military service and a chivalric culture survived well in to the sixteenth century and traditional commemorative forms remained popular, even amongst noblemen newly ennobled from the ranks of the Tudor administration. Chapter four addresses the importance of local power to the nobility of the period. Burial and commemoration acted as a visible reminder of the social order and were of benefit in maintaining local stability. Noblemen could also use their death as a means of demonstrating good lordship through charity and hospitality. The final chapter examines the importance of religion to a nobleman's identity during a century of turbulent religious change. Studying commemorative strategies allows us to trace noble responses to religious change, the constraints on their public show of belief, and the ways in which they could express individuality.

Quando as memórias são a matéria: memoriais de professoras alfabetizadoras e instabilidade genérica / When the memories are the matter: kindergarten teacher memorials and generic instability

Orasir Guilherme Teche Cális 13 January 2015 (has links)
Tomando como ponto de partida a crítica às perspectivas que fazem prevalecer os aspectos estáveis dos gêneros discursivos em detrimento da fluidez que os relativiza, a presente pesquisa dá relevo aos elementos instáveis desse processo conjugando, a um só tempo, traços contínuos mais propensos à referida estabilização dos gêneros e descontínuos mais afeitos àquilo que chamo de instabilidade genérica. Do ponto de vista do processo de produção dos gêneros do discurso, a instabilidade genérica se inscreve no texto segundo diferentes marcas enunciativo-discursivas, assinalando pontos de ruptura e evidenciando um funcionamento marcado mais pela permanente incompletude do que pela pretensa fixidez de seus contornos. Parte-se da análise de corpus constituído por um conjunto de 84 textos produzidos, no ano de 2006, por professoras alfabetizadoras em um curso de formação (promovido pela Prefeitura Municipal de Cubatão-SP) chamado Letra e vida. Por ocasião desse curso, foi solicitado às participantes que redigissem, como atividade inicial, suas memórias de alfabetização, textos a partir dos quais elas deveriam reconstruir, preferencialmente de forma literária, as lembranças do tempo em que foram alfabetizadas. A partir dessa proposta, em que já se depreende um primeiro traço da instabilidade genérica (o diálogo com a esfera literária), delineia-se uma tensão inicial entre as memórias propriamente ditas, tomadas aqui, ao menos em um de seus sentidos, como processo de registro das lembranças, e os memoriais, gêneros efetivamente produzidos, tomados, neste caso, enquanto produto, ainda que provisório, daquele registro. Buscando comprovar que a instabilidade genérica é a propriedade definidora do gênero memorial, são eleitos metodologicamente dois campos de observação para a análise dos memoriais: o campo das vozes das memórias, em cujos domínios a instabilidade genérica manifesta-se no modo pelo qual as relações intergenéricas se marcam no fio textual-discursivo dos memoriais os gêneros do discurso sempre em vias de se tornarem outro gênero - e o campo do tempo das memórias, domínio no qual a instabilidade genérica é captada por meio do traço mais singular dos memoriais aqui analisados: o inescapável diálogo estabelecido entre o passado e o presente. Esses dois aspectos possibilitam situar o regime de instabilidade do gênero memorialístico, segundo a dinâmica constitutiva dos encontros (e eventuais sobreposições) de diferentes vozes e de diferentes temporalidades. Além da defesa da instabilidade genérica para o gênero memorial, o trabalho abre, ainda, a possibilidade de ampliar essa constatação para outros gêneros do discurso. / Considering the criticism of perspectives as a starting point which causes the stable aspects of genres at the expense of fluidity that relativizes, this research emphasizes unstable elements combining process, at the same time, continuous lines - more prone to that stabilization of genres - and discontinuous and used to what I call generic instability. From the production of genres discourse point of view, the generic instability falls within the text as reported by different enunciative-discursive marks, indicating breaking points which prove a functional permanent incompleteness marked by the supposed fixity of its contours. This research starts with the corpus analysis of a group of 84 texts produced in 2006, by kindergarten teachers taking a course called Letra e Vida which was sponsored by Cubatão City Hall. In the beginning, this group of teachers was asked to draft some of their memories from the time when they first started to learn how to write considering literacy (ability to read and write) forms if possible. From that point, in which appears from a first feature of the generic instability (dialogue with the literary sphere), an initial tension is outlined between the memories themselves, at least in one of its senses as a memory recording process and memorial genres actually produced and seen as a product of that record. Furthermore, in order to prove that the generic instability is the defining property of the memorial genre, two fields of observation are chosen methodologically with the purpose of analyzing memorials such as the voices of memories field in which the domain of generic instability manifests itself through intergeneric ways and are marked in the text and the memorial discourse lines - the speech genres always follow routes that turn them into another genre and the time of memories field, an area in which the generic instability is captured through the most unique feature seen in this research: the inescapable dialogue established between the past and the present. These two aforementioned aspects place the memorialistic gender instability system along with the constitutive dynamics of different voice encounters within different time frames. Besides the thesis of generic instability for the memorial genre, this work leaves the gap open to various other possibilities of amplifying the observation to other genres of discourse studies.

Memories of Life and Death : Three Practices of Remembering in Post-Dictatorial Argentina / Minnen av liv och död : tre minnespraktiker i efterdiktaturens Argentina

Hultin Bäckersten, Karin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att diskutera några av de minnespraktiker i efterdiktaturens Argentina som behandlar det kollektiva minnet av det Smutsiga Kriget och de som blev utsatta för tvångsförsvinnande. Praktikerna som studerats är Madres de Plaza de Mayo, minnesplatser upprättade i före detta fångläger och Parque de la Memoria. Uppsatsen anknyter till ett teoretiskt ramverk för kollektivt minne och kollektivt trauma, minnesmuseer och materiell kultur. Studien har utformats som en fallstudie. Materialet består av observationer, intervjuer och fotografier insamlade under fältarbete i Argentina 2017. Madres de Plaza de Mayo analyserades genom att använda teorier om lieux de mémoire framförda av Pierre Nora och minnesceremonier framförda av Paul Connerton. Minnesplatserna studerades utifrån ett minnesmuseumsperspektiv med hjälp av teorier av Paul Williams. Parque de la Memoria studerades utifrån teorier om krigsmonument framförda av Jay Williams. Madres de Plaza de Mayo kan förstås som lieu de mémoire eftersom de i sina artikulationer och aktioner är materiella, symboliska och funktionella. Genom dem bevaras de försvunna vid liv. Minnesplatserna presenterar ett mer ambivalent narrativ som placerar de försvunna i limbo. Parque de la Memoria är en plats för sorg och för att offentligt hedra dem som föll offer under det Smutsiga Kriget. Kontexten som dessa praktiker befinner sig i är komplex och de olika praktikerna uttrycker tre olika narrativ över de försvunna, som sträcker över spektrumet från liv till död. Detta är en tvåårig mastersuppsats i ämnet musei- och kulturarvsvetenskap / The purpose of this thesis is to discuss some of the memory-practices in post-dictatorial Argentina regarding the collective memory of the Dirty War and the people who were objects of forced disappearances. The practices studied are Madres de Plaza de Mayo, sites of memory established in former centres of detention and Parque de la Memoria. The thesis draws upon the theoretical framework of collective memory and collective trauma, memorial museums and material culture. The study was formed as a case study. The materials are observations, interviews and photographs, and were gathered through field work in Argentina in 2017. The Madres de Plaza de Mayo were analysed using theories on lieux de mémoire brought forward by Pierre Nora and commemoration ceremonies brought forward by Paul Connerton. The sites of memory were studied out of the perspective on memorial museums by Paul Williams. Parque de la Memoria was studied with theories on war memorials by Jay Winter. The Madres de Plaza de Mayo can be interpreted as lieu de mémoire due to their material, symbolic and functional dimensions. Through them, the disappeared are alive. The sites of memory present an ambivalent narrative. The narrative of the disappeared is that of a state of limbo. Parque de la Memoria is a park of mourning, placing the disappeared in a narrative of death. The situation of memory-practices in post-dictatorial Argentina is complex and the practices articulates three different narratives of the disappeared, ranging from life to death. This is a two-year master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies

Stolpersteine: resources for development and social change? A case study in Vienna

Mullane, Nicole January 2019 (has links)
The Stolpersteine memorial art project commemorates individual Holocaust victims by placing small brass plates outside the last known place they freely lived or worked. To date around 70,000 of these ‘stones’ have been laid across 24 countries, making it the largest decentralised monument in the world. The work grows by virtue of community action from relatives, neighbours and activists. This paper examines how the memorial form functions in a specific context. An ‘unofficial' version has been running in Vienna since 2005, termed Stones of Remembrance. It shares key characteristics with Stolpersteine but the approach in the Austrian capital is distinctly different, with local interpretations. This case study into the Vienna experience investigates public response to these stones drawing on research material that includes interviews with specific stakeholders and the general public who encounter them on a day to day basis. It highlights Austria’s role in the Holocaust, and struggle to belatedly come to terms with its complicity in what happened on local streets. Key questions are whether placing history at a neighbourhood level engages the public more actively than centralised state actions? How do people understand and engage with these pieces and are they effective sites of memory, reflection or imagining? Public response in Vienna suggests that memorial stones might be valuable communication tools not only for remembering the past, but for the present too - as reminders of past abuses that can serve as warnings for the future. As an example of a participatory approach to memory work Stones of Remembrance / Stolpersteine can have relevance as a communication for development and social change tool, with potential application in other post conflict contexts.

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