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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socializacijos proceso efektyvinimas menine veikla / Making The socialization process for pre-school children effective using the art activity

Bajorūnienė, Vida 06 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the work – to examine internals of the efficiency using the art activity for socialization process for pre-school children. 114 pedagogues and 131 parents of Kaunas city pre-school institutions took part in this poll. The subject of the survey: improvement of the socialization process of the pre-school child. The hypotheses: • Artistic activities improve the socialization of pre-school children in the pre-school institution; • Artistic education meets the most important needs of pre-school children; • Artistic activities improve the most important educational competentions of the child; Objectives: • To analyze the theoretical presupposition of a pre-school child’s socialization process; • To analyze the theoretical presupposition of a pre-school child’s socialization process attained by the means of effective artistic activities; • To explore the parents’ attitude towards the improvement of a child’s socialization by the means of effective artistic activities; • To explore the pedagogues’ attitude the improvement of a child’s socialization by the means of effective artistic activities; • To make conclusions and give recommendations. Methods of exploratory: nonfiction analysis, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics. Results. The socialization of pre-school children gets better by using art activities in the pre-school institutions. Art activities positively affect the main needs (emotional, cognitive, motional) of the pre-school children. The... [to full text]

Mokinių teigiamo požiūrio į meninę veiklą skatinimas / Motivating of Students' Attitude Towards Artistic Activity

Rakauskienė, Doloresa 08 June 2005 (has links)
Artistic training from the point of view of a student is considered to be a solid process in which impacts of different educational institutions interflow. The research material and report on the educational process participants', teachers' of art block attitude toward artistic activity allows to define and evaluate organizing forms and methods of artistic training and a positive attitude on artistic activity stimulation opportunities.

Menų integracija teatrinėje veikloje, inkliuziniame neformaliajame mokinių ugdyme V-X klasėse / The integration of arts into theatrical activities , inclusive informal education of students in forms 5-10

Narauskas, Arūnas 06 June 2006 (has links)
Recent policital, economical and social changes in Lithuania affected education tire. Today’s art activities are oriented not to an educator, but to those who are educated, therefore arts, music, theatre and other art subjects are reorganized towards humanism, activity and creative work.. During some last years many developed countries strengthen position of arts subjects in their educational school programs. Together with main subjects, arts and music students are taught theatre and dancing and it is quite clear. If we want to have harmonious, universal personality, we must pay attention to all kinds of education and cuenture. Arts (theatre, art, music, dancing) at school is a fine oasis in whick students can develop, show themselves, inrick themselves and others as we su in our practical work creatiwe work is most trained by theatre, because it includes all kinds of activity (drama, direction, acting, motion (pantomime), language, scenery, clothes, light, music, saund). At this time there are theatre studios at shool. There are theatre lessons at schools and all attention is concentraded to creative activity. There are a lot of students with special needs and social problems. In some highly developed countries, especially in North countries, the integration of the enabled began many years ago. The us A and Western countries estimate the results of integral and inclusive education one can see positive and negative sides, meanwhile in our country the reform is just... [to full text]

Mokyklos estetinės aplinkos ir mokinių meninės veiklos sąsajos / The Connections Between the Aesthetic Environment of a School and Student‘s Artistic Activity

Vitkauskienė, Erlanda 13 June 2006 (has links)
The environment that surrounds us influences everybody who is inside it. However human also influences the environment, also the aesthetic environment. In the school as in the educational institution this interaction also exists. Aesthetical environment, aesthetics can not be separated from art. The notions of beaty and harmony combines them. So it is important to understand how the influence of aesthetic environment of a school comes out to the student and to his artistic activities. The aesthetic environment of a school is seductive, harmoinious environment formed by the people who work here and which satisfies their needs, the understanding of beauty and becomes a part of intercourse- its background. The artistic, aesthetic functions of the environment of a school are raised as the particular manifestations which develope student‘s personality and aesthetic taste, also as the manifestacions of peculiar microculture. So one of the conditions of the stirring up of the education is beatiful, aesthetic and comfortable evnironment. So the opening of the features by which the connections between the aesthetic environment of a school and student‘s artistic activity can exist and can be urgent is the urgent pedagogic problem. The aim of the investigation- to single out the features of the aesthetic environment of a school and also the features of student‘s artistic activity connections. The object of the investigation- the connections between the aesthetic environment of a school... [to full text]

Vaikų dailės kūrinių eksponavimas kaip meninę veiklą skatinantis veiksnys / Children art exhibition as an artistic activity stimulating factor

Talačkaitė, Dovilė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Vaikų kuriamas menas vis dažniau sulaukia visuomenės dėmesio. Ne taip seniai į vaikų piešinius žiūrėta kaip į nereikšmingus, netobulus pirmuosius kūrybinius bandymus. Tačiau ilgamečių tyrimų dėka ir žymiems dailininkams ( P.Picasso, P.Klee, V. Kandinsky ir kt.) ėmus imituoti vaikiškų įvaizdžių paprastumą ir vaikiškus gebėjimus, į vaikų vaizdinę raišką imta žiūrėti jau kitu žvilgsniu. Kilus susidomėjimui vaikų dailės kūriniais ėmė rastis vaikų meną propaguojančios ir vaikų meninę veiklą skatinančios įstaigos – vaikų meno galerijos. Šiuo metu Lietuvoje veikia trys: Druskininkų vaikų dailės galerija, Vilniaus vaikų ir jaunimo meno galerija ir M.K.Čiurlionio menų gimnazijos galerija „Mūza��. Jose vaikų meno eksponavimui yra skiriamas pagrindinis dėmesys. Šio darbo tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti vaikų dailės kūrinių eksponavimo įtaką vaiko meninei veiklai. O tyrimo objektas yra vaikų dailės kūrinių eksponavimas kaip meninę veiklą skatinantis veiksnys. Tikslui pasiekti buvo suformuluoti šie tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti literatūrą nagrinėjama tema. 2. Atskleisti vaikų meno tyrinėjimų kryptis ir tendencijas bei pagal tai aptarti vaikų vizualinės raiškos ypatumus. 3. Išanalizuoti kaip kuriamos meno kūrinių ekspozicijos šiuolaikiniuose dailės muziejuose ir apibūdinti vaikų meno eksponavimo specifiką. 4. Ištirti Lietuvos vaikų meno ekspozicijoms skirtų galerijų veiklą: pristatyti vaikų meno galerijų veiklos pobūdį, išanalizuoti jų tikslus, veiklos gaires ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Art of children becomes more and more interesting to our society. Not so long ago about children drawings were thought just as an irrelevant and unhandy creative try. But during long lasting scientific researches and famous artists (such as P.Klee, P.Picasso, V.Kandinsky and others) trying to imitate children drawing images that view had changed. At that time started activity such institutions in which art of children and artistic activity are propagated and stimulated. Now in Lithuania there are three children‘s art galleries – Children art gallery in Druskininkai, Vilnius art gallery for Children and Youth and „Muse“ (art gallery in M.K.Čiurlionis school of arts). The purpose of the research is to ascertain how children art exhibition is influencing their artistic activity. The object of this work is children art exhibition as an artistic activity stimulating factor. To reach the purpose were formulate such tasks: 1. To analyze and summarize the literature on that topic; 2. To educe the tendencies of the researches on children art and to consider children art singularity; 3. To analyze how exhibitions are made in modern art museums and to characterize the particularity of children art; 4. To explore the activity of Lithuanian children art galleries. After research were made hypothesis, that children art exhibition is influencing their artistic activity, were certified. To ascertain the influence of children art exhibition to their artistic activity were used analysis of... [to full text]

Scenografijos kūrimas kaip mokinių meninę veiklą skatinantis veiksnys / Scenography development as a tool to encourage artistic activities in students

Plechanova, Veronika 24 September 2008 (has links)
Scenografija mokykloje, ugdo mokinių kūrybiškumą ir praktišką mąstyseną, norą būti bendruomeniškais ir siekti, kad darbas bei užduotys būtų atlikti iki rezultato. Be to, teatras ir scenografija mokykloje įgauna papildomą kultūrinę vertę – skatina vaikų domėjimąsi teatru bei menu. Todėl ši tema, nors ir mažai ištirta, aktuali šiuolaikinėje mokykloje. Kita vertus, literatūroje pateikiama naujų idėjų, netikėtų sprendimų scenografijos kūrimui, aprašomi žymių režisierių sukurti spektakliai, tačiau labai trūksta literatūros apie mokyklinį teatrą ir scenografijos kūrimo įtaką mokinių meninei veiklai, mokykloje atliktų tyrimų bei parengtų straipsnių. Todėl šio darbo tikslas – ištirti scenografijos raiškos ypatumus ir įtaką mokinių meninei veiklai. Uždaviniai: 1) Atskleisti scenografijos ypatybes. 2) Išanalizuoti scenografijos reikšmę mokinių estetiniam bei meniniam lavinimui. 3) Ištirti scenografijos įtaką mokinių kūrybinei raiškai. 4) Nustatyti integruotų vizualinės raiškos pamokų perspektyvas šiuolaikinėje mokykloje. Tyrimo objektas – scenografijos kūrimas kaip mokinių meninę veiklą skatinanti priemonė. Hipotezė – mokinių dalyvavimas mokyklos teatro scenografijos kūrime bei integruotos vizualinės raiškos pamokos plečia mokinių raiškos galimybes, skatina mokinių kūrybiškumą bei lavina meninį bei estetinį skonį. Tyrimo imtis apima mokinius, besimokančius pagal pagrindinio bei vidurinio ugdymo programas, o taip pat jų mokytojus. Anketinėje apklausoje iš viso dalyvavo 137 mokiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Scenography at school, develops students‘ creativity and logical thinking, a need to be a part of the community, and an aim for the work and the exercises to be completed in full. As well as, theatre and scenography at school are establishing another cultural value – encouraging children’s interest in theatre and art. That is why this subject, even though very little studied, is very important in modern education. In literature it is often possible to find new ideas, new possibilities for scenography development, describing famous producers‘ plays, yet lacking literature on educational-school theatre and scenography‘s creative influence to the students‘ artistic activities, also lacking real life tests at school and a show of actual influence towards the students‘ creative activities. Mission: 1) To explain scenography; 2) To analyze scenography‘s meaning to the students‘ aesthetic and artistic education; 3) To study scenography‘s influence toward the students‘ creative expression; 4) To establish the visual expression lessons‘ perspective in modern school. Research subject: Scenography establishment as a tool to ecourage students‘ artistic activity. Hypothesis: Students‘ participation in school‘s theatre scenography creation and integrated visual expression lessons, widening students‘ expression possibilities, encouraging students‘ creativity and developing artistic and aesthetic taste. In the research study there will be the students studying in primary and secondary... [to full text]

Mokinio veiklos, kaip asmens kultūros komponento, tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje / The development of the learner's, as the cultural component's, activity in the art (music) school

Astašauskienė, Nijolė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokinio veiklos, kaip asmens komponento tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje. Skaitant asmens kultūros raidą atskleidžia muzikinio ugdymo reikmė. Ugdymo praktikoje asmens kultūros raidos įgyjamų vertybių ir jų paskirties suvokimas priklauso nuo to, kaip jos pateikiamos ir perimamos. Demokratinėje visuomenėje vyrauja asmens interesai, kūrybinė veikla. Ugdytiniui svarbu pažinti kultūros vertybes, orientuojantis į jas pratintis kurti ir taip tobulinti individualią kultūrą, suvokiant veiklos prasmę vertinti asmeninių poreikių tenkinimo reikšmingumą. Muzikinis ugdymas remiamas kūrybine veikla, įtirtindamas kūrybos poreikį, vertinimo nuostatas, gebėjimus. Mokinio veikla- ne tik savitas individualios kult��ros pasireiškimo būdas, bet ir komponentas. Ugdymo procese tobulinant mokinio veiklą keičiasi ir asmens kultūra. Todėl mokinio veiklos, kaip jo kultūros komponento, tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje yra aktuali pedagoginė problema Tyrimo objektas yra mokinio veikla ir jos tobulinimas meno (muzikos) mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti mokinio veiklos, kaip kultūros komponento, tobulinimo prielaidas, meno (muzikos) mokykloje. Darbe apibūdinta mokyklos ugdymo samprata mokinio veiklos aspektu, aptartas mokinio veiklos modelis meno (muzikos) mokyklos pamokose, ištirtos pedagogų nuostatos, susijusios su mokinio veikla, pateikti mokino veiklos, kai kultūros komponento, vertinimo ir tobulinimo orientyrai. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad mokinio veiklos, kaip ir kultūros komponento... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The significance of musical training reveals in stimulating the person‘s cultural development. In the upbringing practice, the understanding of person’s culture process obtained values and their purpose depends on the way how they are shared and adapted. Personal interests and creative work dominate in the democratic society. It is important to the learner to know the cultural values, orient to them, try to create and in this way to improve individual culture, understanding the activity’s essence to evaluate the significance of the personal requirements. Musical training is supported by the creative work, consolidation of the cultural needs, evaluation guidelines and abilities. The learner’s activity is not only a distinctive method of individual culture expression but also a component. In the training process, the person’s culture changes together with the learner’s improved activity. Therefore, the improvement of the learner’s, as the cultural component’s, activity in the art (music) school is an actual educational problem. The research object is the learner’s activity and its improvement in the art (music) school. The research aim is to reveal the learner’s activity development premises in the art (music) school. The tasks of the research: to describe the musical training concept through the learner’s activity aspect, to discuss the model of the learner’s activity in the art (music) lessons, to analyze the educators’ attitude towards the learner’s activity and to propose... [to full text]

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