Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mesenchymal step"" "subject:"esenchymal step""
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Obtenção, cultivo e expansão de células-tronco do saco vitelino de suínos domésticos (Sus scrofa) / Obtainment, cultivation and expansion of stem cells from the yolk sac of domestic pigs (Sus scrofa)Bertassoli, Bruno Machado 18 December 2012 (has links)
Anexos fetais como cordão umbilical, membrana amniótica e líquido amniótico foram recentemente sugeridos como fontes ideais de diferentes linhagens de células-tronco, devido à natureza não invasiva do procedimento de isolamento, a grande massa de tecido para colheita de células com alta eficiência e os potenciais de diferenciação. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar morfologicamente as membranas extraembrionárias através de microscopia de luz e imunohistoquímica e analisar as células oriundas do saco vitelino suíno visando caracterizar qual seu potencial como possível fonte de células-tronco pluripotentes, para futuro uso na terapia regenerativa. Para a imunohistoquímica das membranas, as membranas foram processadas pelas técnicas rotineiras de histologia e em seguida os blocos foram cortados sequencialmente e colocados em laminas previamente silanizadas, o protocolo de imunohistoquímica foi o convencional utilizando os seguintes anti-corpos: Citoqueratina e VEGF. Foram feitos ensaios de concentração e viabilidade celular, avaliação do crescimento celular, caracterização por citometria de fluxo utilizando anticorpos específicos (CD105, NANOG, CD45 e Oct-3/4) e caracterização por imunohistoquímica utilizando os seguintes anti-corpo: CD90, CD105, CD117, Vimentina, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, Beta Tubulina, Citoqueratina e PCNA. O saco vitelino situava-se na porção ventral do embrião, próximo ao cordão umbilical, se mostrando como uma estrutura pequena, contendo poucos vasos e com coloração amarelada, este também apresentou como uma estrutura trilaminar (endoderma, mesênquima e mesotélio), onde a endoderme possuía um epitélio simples cubico, o mesênquima possuindo uma grande quantidade de tecido conjuntivo e o mesotélio contendo células achatadas. O amnio mostrou-se ligado intimamente ao embrião, sendo a primeira membrana fetal considerando a ordem embrião/útero, possuía forma oval e coloração transparente, histologicamente esta membrana é composta por 2 camadas distintas, um epitélio simples pavimentoso e um mesênquima contendo uma substancia amorfa com pouca quantidade de células. A membrana coriônica mostrou-se pouco rugosa e a membrana alantóidea como uma estrutura em forma de meia lua, possuindo uma intensa vascularização, conforme a evolução da gestação fica quase impossível à percepção das duas, formando a membrana córioalantoidea. O córion é constituído por uma camada de células arredondadas, dispostas em formato linear, já o alantoide é caracterizado por seu mesênquima amorfo com uma quantidade pequena de células. Em relação a imunohistoquima todas as membranas expressaram os marcadores VEGF e Citoqueratina. As celulas do saco vitelino mostraram aderência ao plástico e possuindo uma morfologia fusiforme, semelhante a fibroblastos, estas atingiram a confluência de 70% em aproximadamente 20 dias, estas celulas foram mantidas ate a passagem 4, onde posteriormente ocorreu morte celular. Estas celulas possuíam imunofenoipagem semelhante as celulas-tronco mesênquimais e hematopoiéticas, expressando marcadores como CD105, CD90, CD117, Vimentina, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, Beta Tubulina, Citoqueratina, Nanog e PCNA. Do estudo realizado pode-se concluir que: existem células especificas em cada membrana extraembrionária, e que as celulas oriundas do saco vitelino possuem características semelhantes as celulas-tronco mesênquimais e embrionárias, sendo considerada uma ferramenta importante para futuros estudos experimentais de terapia celular na medicina veterinária regenerativa. / Fetal attachments as umbilical cord, amnion and amniotic fluid have recently been suggested as ideal sources of different strains of stem cells, due to the noninvasive nature of the isolation procedure, the large mass of tissue to harvest cells with high efficiency and potential differentiation. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze morphologically membranes extraembryonic by light microscopy and immunohistochemistry and analyze the cells from the yolk sac to characterize this cells as to potential as a possible source of pluripotent stem cells for future use in regenerative therapy. For immunohistochemistry, the membranes were processed by routine histological techniques, and then the blocks were cut sequentially and placed on silanized slides previously, the protocol was the immunohistochemistry conventional using the following antibodies: Cytokeratin and VEGF. Trials were made for concentration and cell viability, cell growth evaluation, and the characterization by flow cytometry using specific antibodies (CD105, NANOG, CD45 and Oct-3/4) and characterization by immunohistochemistry using the following antibody: CD90, CD105, CD117, vimentin, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, beta tubulin, Cytokeratin and PCNA. The yolk sac stood in the ventral portion of the embryo near the umbilical cord, proving how a structure small, few vessels and with yellowed, this also presented as a trilaminar structure (endoderm, mesenchyme and mesothelium), where the endoderm had a simple cubic epithelium, the mesenchyme with a large amount of connective tissue and the mesothelium with flattened cells. The amnio shown to be deeply linked to the embryo, being the first membrane fetal considering the order embryo/uterus, and had oval-shaped transparent coloring, histologically this membrane is composed of two distinct layers, a simple squamous epithelium and mesenchyme containing an amorphous substance with a small amount of cells. The chorionic membrane showed little wrinkles and alantoic membrane structure as a crescent-shaped, having an intense vascularization, and the evolution of the pregnancy is almost impossible the perception of the two, forming the membrane chorioallantoid. The corium is constituted by a layer of round cells, arranged in linear format, as the allantois is characterized by its mesenchyme amorphous with a small amount of cells. Relative to immunohistochemical all membranes expressing VEGF and cytokeratin markers. The yolk sac cells showed adherence to plastic and a spindle-like morphology, similar to fibroblasts, they reached confluence of 70% in about 20 days, these cells were maintained until passage 4, where later cell death occurred. These cells had similar imunofenoipagem the mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic cells expressing markers such as CD105, CD90, CD117, vimentin, Stro-1, Oct-4, VEGF, Beta Tubulin, Cytokeratin, Nanog and PCNA. From the study it can be concluded that: there are specific cells in each extraembrionária membrane, and that the cells derived from the yolk sac have characteristics similar to mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic, and being considered an important tool for future experimental studies of cell therapy in medicine veterinary regenerative.
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Cellules Souches Mésenchymateuses du Tissu Adipeux et Médecine Régénérative : isolement, biocompatibilité, biodisponibilité, tolérance et essai préclinique sur la cicatrisation / Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue and Regenerative Medicine : isolation, biocompatibility, bioavailability, tolerance and preclinical trial in wound healingRodriguez, Jonathan 06 April 2016 (has links)
Le tissu adipeux, longtemps considéré comme réservoir énergétique et tissu de soutien mécanique a été promu au rang d'organe endocrine car sécréteur d'hormones. Il est utilisé depuis une trentaine d'année en chirurgie plastique cosmétique et réparatrice comme agent de comblement dans le cadre de lipoatrophie, de reconstruction mammaire ou de liftings. Ses effets régénérateurs observés sont attribués à la présence de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSM), les ASC (adipose-derived stem/stromal cells) assimilables aux CSM de la moelle osseuse. Leur auto renouvèlement et multipotentialité sont exploités en médecine régénérative. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la cicatrisation des plaies difficiles. Le premier article porte sur la sélection de différents dispositifs de prélèvement et d'extraction des ASC humaines à partir de lipoaspirat. Par rapport à la méthode de référence et quel que soit le dispositif, les cellules extraites ne montrent pas de résultats significativement différents en terme de rendement d'extraction et viabilité cellulaire, de capacité proliférative (clonogénicité, doublement de population et temps de doublement), de phénotype (marqueurs CD90, CD73, HLA-ABC CD45, CD14 et HLA-DR par cytométrie en flux), de stabilité génétique (caryotype et expression du gène codant pour hTERT) et de multipotentialité (différenciation adipo-, ostéo- et chondrogénique). Dans nos mains, le dispositif GID-SVF1 s'est montré le plus pratique tant au niveau du prélèvement que de son utilisation. Le second article démontre biocompatibilité et la biodisponibilité du produit fini (ASC dans acide hyaluronique) in vitro et sa tolérance chez la souris nude. Le troisième article confirme sa tolérance et établit son efficacité chez la souris nude sur de large plaie excisionnelle utilisant le modèle de Galiano. En effet, la cicatrisation complète est plus rapide pour les souris traitées avec les ASC (14 jours contre 21 jours pour les souris non traitées, p<0.001) avec une meilleure vascularisation du tissu cicatriciel (immunomarquage CD31, iontophorèse couplée au laser Doppler). Ce travail complète les prérequis aux essais cliniques en validant le prélèvement grâce à des dispositifs permettant la digestion des lipoaspirats et l'obtention de la SVF. L'amélioration significative de la cicatrisation dans notre modèle de plaie valide non seulement l'efficacité des ASC mais aussi leur véhicule / Adipose tissue, for a while considered as an energy reservoir and a mechanical support tissue, is nowadays recognized as an endocrine organ. It is used for more than thirty years in cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery as filler for lipodystrophy, breast reconstruction or lifting. Its regenerative potential is attributed to mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), the so-called ASC (Adipose-derived stem/stromal cells) similar to MSC from bone marrow. Their self-renewing capacity and their multupotency are exploited in regenerative medicine. We are interested in chronic wound healing. The first article deals with several devices for the harvesting of fat and the isolation of human ASC from lipoaspirates. When compared to the reference method and whatever the device, the extracted cells do not show any statistical differences in terms of cell yield and viability, proliferative capacity (clonogenicity, population doubling and doubling time), phenotype (CD90, CD73, HLA-ABC CD45, CD14 et HLA-DR using flow cytometry), genetic stability (karyotype and hTERT gene expression) and multipotentiality (adipo-, osteo- et chondrogenic differentiation). In our hands, GID SVF-1TM device was the most easy to handle for the harvest and also for its use. The second article demonstrates the biocompatibility and bioavailability of our final product (ASC in hyaluronic acid) in vitro and its tolerance in nude mice. The third article reinforces its tolerance and establishes its effectiveness in nude mice on large excisional wounds using Galiano model. Indeed, complete wound healing is more rapid in ASC-treated mice (14 days versus 21 days in untreated mice, p<0.001) with a better healed tissue vascularization (CD31 immunostaining, Dopplercoupled iontophoresis). This work fulfills the requirements for clinical trials in validating the harvest of lipoaspirate using devices that allow fat digestion and SVF extraction. The significant improvement of wound healing in our model validates not only ASC effectiveness but also their vehicle
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Avaliação do efeito de células-tronco mesenquimais humanas de várias origens na atividade de linhagem de células tumorais HepG-2 / Evaluation of the effect of human mesenchymal cells from several sources in the activity of tumor cells lineElíseo Joji Sekiya 19 November 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO O câncer é uma das principais causas de morte no mundo, sendo responsável por cerca de 8 milhões de mortes por ano, segundo dados da OMS. As mortes por câncer são provocadas por tumores que se originam em órgãos como pulmão, fígado, estômago, intestino, mama e esôfago. As células-tronco mesenquimais (CTM) foram identificadas em vários órgãos e estudos da sua interação com células tumorais têm apresentado resultados indicando ação inibitória sobre alguns tipos de tumores. Para explorar essa questão foram analisados os efeitos sobre células tumorais de carcinoma hepatocelular humano (HepG-2) do meio condicionado (MC) obtido do cultivo de CTM isoladas de tecido adiposo (TA), líquido amniótico (LA) e geleia de Wharton (GW). MÉTODOS Os MCs foram coletados após 24 horas de incubação das CTM sub-confluentes com ?-MEM contendo 20% de soro fetal bovino (SFB). Os MCs foram centrifugados e passados através de filtros de 0,22 ?M e armazenadas a -20 °C. O MC da própria célula HepG-2 foi utilizado como controle. Os efeitos dos MCs sobre a proliferação de células HepG-2 foram testados por ensaio MTT, em várias concentrações após 24 h de incubação. O ciclo celular de células HepG-2 tratadas com MC a 25%, 50% ou 75% foi analisado por citometria de fluxo (coloração IP) utilizando o software Modfit LT. A expressão dos genes bcl-2, bcl-6, CCND1 foi analisada por RT-PCR. A proliferação celular foi avaliada pela expressão das proteínas survivina, Bcl-2, PCNA e Ki-67 e pela quantificação de mitocôndrias com corante MitoTracker, assim como pelo potencial de membrana mitocondrial por corante JC-1 Mitoscreen utilizando equipamento de high content analysis. RESULTADOS Os meios condicionados de células-tronco de tecido adiposo (MC-TA) não alteraram a proliferação de células tumorais HepG-2 e os meios condicionados de células-tronco de líquido amniótico (MC-LA) e de geleia de Wharton (MC-GW) provocam aumento da proliferação, confirmada pela contagem de células com núcleos corados com Hoescht 33342. A análise de alterações do ciclo celular demonstrou que a exposição de células HepG-2 aos meios MC-LA diminuem as células na fase G0/G1 e aumentam na fase G2/M do ciclo celular. A expressão dos genes CCND1, Bcl2 e Bcl6 que estão relacionados à proliferação e morte celular não apresentaram alteração. A quantificação das proteínas PCNA e survivina não apresentou alteração sob efeito dos MC, porém a comparação direta entre células tratadas com MC-LA e MC-TA indicou a tendência das células tratadas com MC-LA proliferarem. O percentual de células HepG-2 expressando a proteína Ki-67 foi significativamente menor em relação ao controle quando tratadas com MC-TA, não apresentando diferenças quando tratadas com MC-LA e MC-GW. A contagem de mitocôndrias evidenciou aumento de mitocôndrias nas células HepG-2 tratadas com MC-LA e efeito não significativo dos tratamentos com MC-TA e MC-GW. A diferença do potencial de membrana mitocondrial por JC-1 apresentou aumento da polarização nas células HepG-2 cultivadas com MC-TA. CONCLUSÃO Os resultados confirmam que as células-tronco mesenquimais diferem de acordo com a sua origem tecidual em sua ação na proliferação das células HepG-2. Mais estudos são necessários para estabelecer a causa destas ações, que não parecem ser devido a mediadores mais comuns na proliferação e morte celular / INTRODUCTION Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for about 8 million deaths per year, according to WHO data. Cancer deaths are caused by tumors that originate in organs such as lung, liver, stomach, bowel, breast and esophagus. The mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been identified in many organs and studies of their interaction with tumor cells have shown results indicating an inhibitory effect on some types of tumors. To explore this question the effects of the conditioned medium (CM) obtained from mesenchymal stem cell isolated from adipose tissue (AT), amniotic fluid (AF) and Wharton jelly (WJ) on tumor cells of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG-2) were analyzed. METHODS The MSC CM was collected after 24 hours incubation of sub confluent MSC with ?-MEM containing 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The MSC CM were centrifuged and passed through 0.22 ?M filter and stored at -20° C. The CM of HepG-2 cell itself was used as control. The effects of contrast media on proliferation of HepG-2 cells were tested by MTT assay at various concentrations after 24 h of incubation. The cell cycle HepG-2 cells treated with CM at 25%, 50% or 75% was analyzed by flow cytometry (PI staining) using Modfit software LT. The expression of the genes Bcl-2, Bcl-6, CCND1 was analyzed by RT-PCR. Cell proliferation was assessed by the expression of survivin, Bcl-2, Ki-67 and PCNA proteins, and the quantization of mitochondrial by MitoTracker dye, as well as the mitochondrial membrane potential by JC-1 Mitoscreen dye using high content analysis equipment. RESULTS The conditioned media of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from adipose tissue (AT-CM) did not alter the proliferation of tumor HepG-2 cells and conditioned media of MSC cells from amniotic fluid (AF-CM) and Wharton jelly (WJ-CM) caused increased proliferation, confirmed by counting cells with nuclei stained with Hoechst 33342. The cell cycle analysis showed that exposure of HepG-2 cells to AF-CM means decrease the cells in G0 / G1 cell cycle phase and increase in phase G2 / M. The expression of Bcl2, Bcl6 and CCND1 genes that are related to proliferation and cell death did not change. The quantization of PCNA and survivin protein did not change under the effect of conditioned media, but a direct comparison between cells treated with AF-CM and AT-CM indicated the tendency of cells treated with AF-CM proliferate. The percentage of HepG-2 cells expressing the protein Ki-67 was significantly lower than the control when treated with AT-CM and no differences when treated with AF-CM and WJ-CM. The counting of mitochondria showed increased mitochondria in HepG-2 cells treated with AF-CM and no significant effect of treatment with WJ-CM and AT-CM. The difference in mitochondrial membrane potential by JC-1 showed an increase in polarization in HepG-2 cells cultured with AT-CM. CONCLUSION The results confirm that mesenchymal stem cells differ according to their tissue origin in its action on the proliferation of HepG-2 cells. More studies are needed to establish the cause of these actions, which seem to be not related to the most common mediators in cell proliferation and death
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Reparo de defeito osteocondral no joelho de coelhos utilizando centrifugado de medula óssea autóloga / Repair of osteochodral defect in the knee of rabbits using autologous bone marrow centrifugedRodrigo Bezerra de Menezes Reiff 08 September 2010 (has links)
A cartilagem articular, por sua natureza avascular, apresenta uma capacidade limitada de regeneração. Uma abordagem terapêutica para o tratamento de defeitos da cartilagem consiste na utilização de células ou tecidos aplicados ao local da lesão. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de centrifugado de medula óssea autóloga em lesões osteocondrais no joelho de coelhos, em comparação com um grupo controle de lesões osteocondrais sem preenchimento, analisando o comportamento histológico destes grupos em função do tempo. Foram utilizados doze coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, albinos, machos, adultos, submetidos a uma lesão osteocondral, de 4 mm de diâmetro e 3 mm de profundidade, em ambos os joelhos, na região da tróclea femoral. Nos joelhos direitos, que constituíram o Grupo Estudo, o defeito osteocondral foi preenchido por um coágulo de células mesenquimais, obtidas por centrifugação de um aspirado da medula óssea e selado com cola de fibrina. Nos joelhos esquerdos, que constituíram o Grupo Controle, o defeito osteocondral não recebeu qualquer preenchimento. Os animais foram divididos em três grupos de quatro coelhos, estudados após oito, 16 e 24 semanas. Os resultados foram descritos com base em uma escala de pontuação histológica que avaliou a morfologia celular, a reconstrução do osso subcondral, o aspecto da matriz, o preenchimento do defeito, a regularidade da superfície e a conexão das margens. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo Teste t-student para dados pareados na comparação entre Grupo Estudo e Grupo Controle. Para as comparações através do fator temporal, utilizou-se o Teste ANOVA one way. Com 5% de confiança, rejeitou-se a hipótese de igualdade entre os Grupos Estudo e Controle. Notou-se uma distância decrescente entre os escores dos Grupos Estudo e Controle com o aumento do tempo, bem como uma tendência crescente do valor da escala para o Grupo Controle. Concluiu-se que a aplicação de centrifugado de medula óssea em defeitos osteocondrais no joelho de coelhos mostrou melhor resultado na avaliação histológica, em comparação ao Grupo Controle. Analisando a evolução dos grupos através do tempo, houve uma aproximação de seus escores histológicos, sobretudo pelo aumento observado no Grupo Controle / The articular cartilage, due to its avascular nature, presents a limited regeneration capacity. A therapeutical approach to the treatment of cartilage defects consists of the utilization of cells or tissues applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of applying autologous bone marrow centrifuged in osteochondral lesions in the knees of rabbits, compared to a control group of osteochondral lesions without any filling, analyzing the behavior of these groups in terms of time. Twelve adult albino male New Zealand rabbits were used being submitted to an osteochondral lesion of 4 mm in diameter and 3 mm deep in both knees, at the femoral trochlea area. On the right knees, which comprised the Study Group, the osteochondral defect was filled by a clot of mesenchymal cells, obtained by centrifugation of an aspirate from bone marrow and sealed with fibrin glue. On the left knees, which comprised the Control Group, the osteochondral defect did not get any filling. The animals were divided into 3 groups of 4 rabbits, and studied after eight, 16 and 24 weeks. The results were described based on a histological grading scale which took into account the cell morphology, the subchondral bone reconstruction, the matrix staining, the filling of the defect, the surface regularity and the bonding of the edges. The statistical analysis was made by the t-student Test for paired data in the comparison between the Study Group and the Control Group. For the comparisons made by the time factor, it was used the ANOVA Test one way. With 5% level of confidence, the hypothesis of equality between the Study and Control Groups was rejected. It was observed a decreasing distance between scores of the Study and Control Groups as time increased, as well as an increasing tendency of the scale value for the Control Group. It was concluded that the application of autologous bone marrow centrifuged in osteochondral defects in the knees of rabbits showed better result in histological evaluation, in comparison to the Control Group. By analyzing the evolution of the groups through time, there was an approach of their histological scores, especially by the increase observed in the Control Group
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Modulação do microambiente periférico pelas células-tronco mesenquimais e meio condicionado na fibrose pulmonar experimental / Modulation of the peripheral microenvironment by mesenchymal stem cells and conditioned medium in experimental lung fibrosisRenato Gonçalves Felix 29 May 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A fibrose pulmonar idiopática (FPI) é definida como um tipo de doença fibrosante intersticial crônica de etiologia desconhecida limitada aos pulmões e que apresenta padrão histológico de pneumonia intersticial usual. A prevalência de FPI é estimada em, aproximadamente, 20/100.000 em homens e em 13/100.000 em mulheres, sendo que a idade média do diagnóstico é 67 anos e a sobrevivência média é 2 a 5 anos. Estima-se que 5 milhões de pessoas sejam afetadas em todo o mundo. O tratamento clínico atual está associado com melhora parcial e transitória, com resultados duvidosos ou insatisfatórios. Na abordagem cirúrgica da FPI, tem destaque o transplante pulmonar, cuja realização é rara, devido à escassez de doadores e à limitação das equipes capazes de realizar tais procedimentos. A terapia celular é uma alternativa terapêutica com grande potencial de aplicabilidade na fibrose pulmonar. Objetivos: Utilizar um modelo de fibrose pulmonar induzida pela bleomicina em ratos para investigar os efeitos da terapia com células-tronco mesenquimais (CTM) e o meio condicionado no remodelamento pulmonar com objetivo de elucidar o mecanismo de ação das CTM e meio condicionado, na reversão da fibrose pulmonar. Para tanto, buscamos: 1) padronizar a cultura de células-tronco mesenquimais e meio de cultura; 2) caracterizar o modelo experimental de fibrose pulmonar induzida pela bleomicina por microscopia óptica antes e após o tratamento com CTM e meio de cultura; 3) avaliar a expressão de biomarcadores sorológicos (Fibrinogênio, Fator von Willebrand e PDGF); 4) quantificar a expressão de proteínas relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo (NOS), citocinas pró-inflamatórias e pró-fibróticas (IL-17 e TGF-beta) e pró-angiogênicas (VEGF e endotelina) por imuno-histoquímica; e 5) quantificar a deposição de fibras do colágeno I e V por imunofluorescência. Materiais e Métodos: Utilizou-se um total de 44 ratos Wistar machos albinos com peso médio de 250-300g e 8 semanas de idade. Quatro grupos experimentais foram compostos de 10 animais, que participaram do experimento divididos em três momentos: D0, D10 e eutanásia (D14 ou D21). Em D0, foi realizada a instilação orotraqueal de bleomicina na dose de 1,5 U/kg; em D10, foi realizada a infusão em veia caudal de células-tronco mesenquimais na dose de 106 CTM/Kg ou 200 ?l de meio condicionado. Para o preparo das CTM, foi obtido, em média, 1,2 g de tecido adiposo, procedida a dissociação com colagenase tipo I, sendo que a contagem média de células foi de 3,05 x 106 células linfomononucleares/g de tecido adiposo. Estas células foram cultivadas durante 21 dias em meio Knockout DMEM-F12 suplementado com 10% de soro fetal bovino. Os seguintes três critérios foram utilizados para comprovar o perfil das células-tronco mesenquimais: aderência plástica, expressão de CD90 por citometria de fluxo ( > 90%) e capacidade de diferenciação em três linhagens mesodérmicas. Em D10, um pool destas células alogênicas foi infundido intravenosamente, na veia caudal, a uma concentração de 1 x 106 células/ animal num volume de 200 ul de solução salina. Em D14 ou D21, os animais foram eutanasiados e analisados quanto ao peso e conforme análises microscópico-laboratoriais. As análises histológicas foram realizadas por dois especialistas diferentes em estudo duplo-cego. Os parâmetros de ganho de peso e recuperação microscópica do tecido pulmonar foram analisados em cada grupo. Resultados: Nossos dados mostram que as células-tronco mesenquimais oriundas do tecido adiposo abdominal de ratos Wistar tiveram seu perfil fenotípico, capacidade de adesão plástica e diferenciação em 3 linhagens mesodérmicas estabelecidas inequivocamente, conforme estabelecido internacionalmente pela ISSCR. As células-tronco mesenquimais e o meio condicionado induziram: a recuperação clínica após tratamento; a reversão da inflamação e de fibrose pulmonar induzida pela bleomicina; a reversão da arteriopatia no parênquima pulmonar distal; a redução das concentrações de fibrinogênio, fator von Willebrand e PDGF (marcadores sorológicos); a diminuição da expressão de enzimas oxidantes; a diminuição da expressão de endotelina e a modulação da expressão da proteína de remodelamento (IL-17), da ativação dos fibroblastos TGF-B e da síntese de colágeno. Conclusão: Neste estudo, comprovamos que as terapias com células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo e com o meio condicionado foram eficazes na modulação dos processos inflamatórios e fibrogênicos no modelo induzido por bleomicina, agindo na ativação miofibroblástica, e, também, na restauração tecidual e endotelial. Além disso, o meio condicionado se mostrou tão eficiente quanto as células-tronco propriamente ditas, no efetivo remodelamento pulmonar, devendo ser considerado como uma proposta terapêutica viável e inovadora / Introduction: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is defined as a type of chronic interstitial fibrosing disease of unknown etiology limited to the lungs and presenting a histological pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia. The prevalence of IPF is estimated at approximately 20/100,000 in men and 13/100,000 in women, with the mean age of diagnosis being 67 years and the average survival is 2 to 5 years. It is estimated that 5 million people are affected worldwide. The current clinical treatment is associated with partial and transient improvement, with dubious or unsatisfactory results. In the surgical approach to IPF, pulmonary transplantation is a prominent feature, which is rare because of the scarcity of donors and the limitation of the teams capable of performing such procedures. Cell therapy is a therapeutic alternative with great potential for applicability in pulmonary fibrosis. Objectives: To use a model of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis in rats to investigate the effects of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy and conditioned medium on lung remodeling in order to elucidate the mechanism of action of MSC and conditioned medium, in the reversion of pulmonary fibrosis. To do so, we aim to: 1) standardize the culture of mesenchymal stem cells and conditioned medium; 2) characterize the experimental model of lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin by optical microscopy before and after treatment with MSC and conditioned medium; 3) to evaluate the expression of serological biomarkers (Fibrinogen, Factor von Willebrand and PDGF); 4) to quantify the expression of proteins related to oxidative stress (NOS), pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic (IL-17 and TGF-beta) and pro-angiogenic cytokines (VEGF and endothelin) by immunohistochemistry; and 5) to quantify the deposition of collagen I and V fibers by immunofluorescence. Materials and methods: A total of 44 male albino Wistar rats weighing 250-300g and 8 weeks of age were used. Four experimental groups were composed of 10 animals, which participated in the experiment divided in three moments: D0, D10 and euthanasia (D14 or D21). In D0, orotracheal instillation of bleomycin at the dose of 1.5 U/ kg was performed; in D10 caudal vein infusion of mesenchymal stem cells at the dose of 106 MSC/ kg or 200 ul of conditioned medium was performed. To prepare the MSC, a mean of 1.2 g of adipose tissue was obtained, dissociated with type I collagenase and the mean cell count was 3.05 x 106 lymphomonuclear cells / g of adipose tissue. These cells were cultured for 21 days in DMEM-F12 Knockout medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The following three criteria were used to prove the profile of mesenchymal stem cells: plastic adherence, expression of CD90 by flow cytometry ( > 90%) and differentiation capacity in three mesodermal lines. In D10, a pool of these allogeneic cells was infused intravenously into the caudal vein at a concentration of 1 x 106 cells / animal in a volume of 200 ul of saline. In D14 or D21 the animals were euthanized and analyzed for weight and microscopic-laboratory analyzes. Histological analyzes were performed by two different specialists in a double-blind study. The parameters of weight gain and microscopic recovery of lung tissue were analyzed in each group. Results: Our data show that the mesenchymal stem cells derived from the abdominal adipose tissue of Wistar rats had their phenotypic profile, plastic adhesion capacity and differentiation in 3 mesodermal lines established unequivocally, as established internationally by ISSCR. Mesenchymal stem cells and conditioned medium induced: clinical recovery after treatment; bleomycin-induced reversal of inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis; the reversal of arteriopathy in the distal pulmonary parenchyma; the reduction of fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor and PDGF concentrations (serologic markers); decreased expression of oxidizing enzymes; the reduction of endothelin expression and the modulation of the expression of the remodeling protein (IL-17), the activation of TGF-B fibroblasts and the synthesis of collagen. Conclusion: In this study we demonstrated that therapies with mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue and conditioned medium were effective in the modulation of inflammatory and fibrogenic processes in the bleomycin-induced model, acting to modulate myofibroblastic activation and also in tissue restoration and endothelial cells. In addition, the conditioned medium proved to be as efficient as the stem cells themselves, in effective pulmonary remodeling, and should be considered as a viable and innovative therapeutic proposal
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Correção de fenda palatina com revestimento de tela de polipropileno associada a células-tronco mesenquimais de tecido adiposo e selante de fibrina em suínos: estudo in vitro e in vivoMörschbächer, Priscilla Domingues January 2016 (has links)
As fissuras palatinas são problemas frequentes na rotina hospitalar em humanos assim como nos animais. Nas últimas décadas, diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas foram empregadas para a correção dos defeitos palatinos, entretanto, não possuem uma eficácia satisfatória em fendas que apresentam um grande defeito ósseo. Através do exposto acima, buscam-se novas alternativas para a reconstrução de fendas palatinas, sendo a engenharia de tecidos uma alternativa de tratamento para tal afecção. Este estudo possui a finalidade de avaliar a utilização da tela de polipropileno acrescida com MSC (células-tronco mesenquimais) e selante de fibrina em um modelo experimental de correção de fenda palatina em suínos, avaliando-se a cicatrização de tecido mucoso e ósseo do palato duro. Com isso, objetiva-se desenvolver uma nova técnica de reconstrução de fendas palatinas baseada na engenharia de tecidos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em duas etapas, uma in vitro e outra in vivo. O projeto in vitro avaliou duas técnicas de cultivo de MSC em diferentes placas de cultura, utilizando dois tipos de telas de polipropileno (macroporosa e microporosa) durante um período de quinze dias, para obter as melhores condições de interação entre a tela e as células. Em todas as formas de cultivo houve aderências das MSC, entretanto, o melhor protocolo foi na tela microporosa no período de sete dias de cultivo e em placas sem metacrilato. Para o estudo in vivo, foram utilizados 12 suínos, distribuídos em quatro grupos de igual número: grupo que utilizou somente tela de polipropileno (GT); tela de polipropileno associada à MSC e selante de fibrina (GTCF); tela de polipropileno e MSC (GTC); tela de polipropileno e selante de fibrina (GTF). Em todos os animais foi realizada a fenda palatina e colocação do enxerto conforme cada grupo. Os suínos foram avaliados quanto à presença de inflamação, cicatrização e deiscência de sutura no implante do palato. Após quinze dias os animais foram eutanasiados e os palatos avaliados por histologia pela coloração de HE e Picrosirius Red. A tela de polipropileno associada com MSC demonstrou ser melhor, entre os demais protocolos estudados neste trabalho, para correção de fenda palatina. Forneceu completa cicatrização óssea e da mucosa oral e nasal em um período de quinze dias, demonstrando ser uma nova técnica segura e eficaz, possuindo um potencial significativo para correção de fenda palatina. / Cleft palates are common problems in the hospital routine in humans and animals. In recent decades, different surgical techniques were employed for the correction of palatal defects, however, do not have a satisfactory efficacy in cracks that have a large bone defect. Through the above, seek new alternatives for the reconstruction of cleft palates, and tissue engineering an alternative treatment for this condition. This study has the purpose of evaluating the use of enhanced polypropylene mesh with MSC (mesenchymal stem cell) and fibrin sealant in an experimental model of cleft palate repair in pigs, assessing the healing of mucosal tissue and bone of the hard palate. Thus, the objective is to develop a new technique for reconstruction of cleft palates based on tissue engineering. The study was conducted in two stages, one in vitro and another in vivo. The project in vitro evaluated two MSC cultivation techniques in different culture plates using two types of polypropylene meshes (macroporous and microporous) over a period of fifteen days, to get the best conditions for interaction between the screen and the cells. In all forms of cultivation were MSC adhesions; however the best protocol was the microporous screen in the seven days of culture plates and without methacrylate. For the in vivo study, we used 12 pigs, divided into four equal groups: group using only polypropylene mesh (GT); polypropylene mesh associated with MSC and fibrin sealant (GTCF); polypropylene mesh associated with MSC (GTC); polypropylene mesh and fibrin sealant (GTF). In all animals was performed cleft palate and graft placement as each group. The pigs were evaluated for the presence of inflammation, scarring and wound dehiscence in the palatal implant. After fifteen days the animals were euthanized and palates assessed by histology staining by HE and Sirius Red. The polypropylene mesh associated with MSC proved to be the best, among others protocols studied in this work, to cleft palate correction. Provided complete bone healing and oral and nasal mucosa in a period of fifteen days, proving to be a new safe and effective technique, having a significant potential for cleft palate correction.
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Diferenciação odonto/osteogênica de células-tronco mesenquimais fotomoduladas em hidrogel com incorporação de proteína morfogenética óssea 4 / Odonto/osteogenic differentiation of photomodulated mesenchymal stem cells in BMP4-loaded hydrogelDiniz, Ivana Márcia Alves 06 August 2015 (has links)
Este estudo avaliou a influência da fototerapia a laser (FTL) na proliferação e diferenciação de células-tronco da polpa dentária humana (DPSCs; do inglês, Dental Pulp Stem Cells ) encapsuladas em carreador injetável e termoresponsivo (PL; Pluronic® F-127, Sigma-Aldrich, MO, EUA) com incorporação de proteína morfogenética óssea 4 recombinante humana (rhBMP4) (sistema PL/rhBMP4). O biomaterial foi caracterizado de acordo com seus perfis de embebição e dissolução, liberação de rhBMP4 e sua estrutura morfológica. DPSCs foram isoladas, caracterizadas e encapsuladas em PL para confirmar sua viabilidade e seu potencial de diferenciação (adipo e osteogênico) em comparação com células-tronco mesenquimais de medula óssea (BMMSCs; do inglês, Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells). Quando encapsuladas no sistema PL/rhBMP4, DPSCs foram irradiadas com duas densidades de energia diferentes utilizando laser de diodo de fosfeto de índio-gálio-alumínio (InGaAlP), modos contínuo, pontual e em contato [660 nm, 0,028 cm2, 20 mW, 0,71 W/cm2, 3 J/cm2 (4 s) ou 5 J/cm2 (7 s)]. Os ensaios de PKH26 (do inglês, Red Fluorescent Cell Linker), CFU-F (do inglês, Coloning Forming Units - Fibroblastic), e MTT (do inglês, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide)) foram utilizados para avaliar adesão/proliferação, diferenças na capacidade formadora de colônias e viabilidade das DPSCs (neste último caso sob estresse nutricional), respectivamente. Finalmente, a diferenciação odonto/osteogênica foi analisada por qRT-PCR e confirmada por ensaio de vermelho de alizarina. O biomaterial embebeu e dissolveu rapidamente; densa rede tubular e reticular com poros interconectados foi observada. DPSCs e BMMSCs apresentaram alta viabilidade celular quando encapsuladas em PL. Ambas as linhagens celulares tiveram êxito em se diferenciar em tecidos adiposo e ósseo. De acordo com o PKH26, DPSCs puderam aderir e proliferar no sistema PL/rhBMP4. DPSCs irradiadas encapsuladas tanto em PL como em PL/rhBMP4 formaram mais CFU-F que os controles não irradiados. Sob estresse nutricional, DPSCs semeadas no PL e irradiadas com 5 J/cm2 exibiram maior taxa de viabilidade celular em relação aos grupos não irradiados e irradiados com 3 J/cm2. Na presença de rhBMP4, os grupos irradiados tanto com 3 J/cm2 quanto com 5 J/cm2 apresentaram deposição mineral precoce quando comparados aos grupos não irradiados. Ainda, após 21 dias de diferenciação odonto/osteogênica, DPSCs irradiadas produziram maior quantidade de nódulos mineralizados. A irradiação com 5 J/cm2 levou ao aumento significativo da expressão de genes envolvidos na diferenciação odonto/osteogênica, como colágeno tipo I (COL1A1), osteocalcina (OCN), proteína da matriz dentinária 1 (DMP1), sialofosfoproteina dentinária (DSPP) e proteína heat shock 27 kDa (HSPB1). A associação entre rhBMP4 e FTL promove proliferação e diferenciação odonto/osteogênica de DPSCs acelerando e aumentando notavelmente a formação de tecido mineralizado, em especial quando a densidade de energia de 5 J/cm2 é aplicada. / This study evaluated the influence of laser phototherapy (LPT) on dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) proliferation and differentiation upon encapsulation in an injectable and thermo-responsive cell carrier (PL; Pluronic® F-127, Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA) loaded with human recombinant bone morphogenetic protein 4 (rhBMP4)(PL/rhBMP4 system). The biomaterial was characterized according to its swelling and dissolution profiles, release of rhBMP4 and morphological structure. DPSCs were isolated, characterized and encapsulated in PL to confirm their viability and multilineage differentiation potential (adipo and osteogenic) in comparison to bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs). When encapsulated in the PL/rhBMP4 system, DPSCs were irradiated with two different energy densities using a continuous-wave indium-gallium-aluminum-phosphide (InGaAlP) diode laser [660 nm, 0.028 cm2, 20 mW, 0.71 W/cm2, 3 J/cm2 (4 s) or 5 J/cm2 (7 s)] in punctual and contact modes. The PKH26 (Red Fluorescent Cell Linker), the CFU-F (Coloning Forming Units - Fibroblastic), and the MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide] assays were used to assess differences in cell adhesion/proliferation, colony forming units formation ability, and cell viability of DPSCs (in this case under nutritional stress), respectively. Then, alizarin red and qRT-PCR analyzes were used to evaluate odonto/osteogenic differentiation. The biomaterial swelled and dissolved rapidly; dense tubular and reticular network morphology with well-interconnected pores was observed. DPSCs and BMMSCs presented high cell viability when encapsulated in PL. Both cell lineages successfully differentiated into bone or adipose tissues. According to PKH26, DPSCs were able to adhere and proliferate in the PL/rhBMP4 system. Irradiated DPSCs encapsulated in either PL or PL/rhBMP4 system formed more CFU-F than non-irradiated controls. Under nutritional stress, DPSCs encapsulated in the hydrogels with no rhBMP4 and irradiated at 5 J/cm2 exhibited higher cell viability than the other groups. In the presence of rhBMP4, the groups irradiated both at 3 and 5 J/cm2 energy densities displayed earlier mineral deposition than the non-irradiated groups. Moreover, after 21 days of odonto/osteogenic differentiation, irradiated DPSCs produced greater nodule formation than the control groups. At the energy density of 5 J/cm2, there were significant upregulation of genes involved in odonto/osteoblast differentiation, such as type I collagen (COL1A1), osteocalcin (OCN), dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) and heat shock protein 27 kDa (HSPB1). The association between rhBMP4 and LPT promotes cell proliferation and odonto/osteogenic differentiation of DPSCs accelerating and increasing the formation of mineralized tissue, in particular when the energy density of 5 J/cm2 is applied.
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Nanotopographies bioactives pour le contrôle de la différenciation des cellules souches mésenchymateuses pour des applications en ingénierie de tissu osseux / Bioactive nanotopographies for the control of mesenchymal stem cell differentiation for applications in bone tissue engineeringRealista Coelho Dos Santos Pedrosa, Catarina 07 December 2018 (has links)
Les nanotopographies de surface présentant des dimensions comparables à celles des éléments de la matrice extracellulaire offrent la possibilité de réguler le comportement cellulaire. L’étude de l’impact de la nanotopographie sur la réponse cellulaire a été toujours limitée compte tenu des précisions limitées sur les géométries produites, en particulier sur les plus grandes surfaces. Des matériaux base silicium présentant des nanopiliers avec des géométries parfaitement contrôlées ont été fabriqués et leur impact sur la différentiation ostéogénique de cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines (hMCSs) a été étudié. Des matériaux avec des nanopiliers de dimensions critiques comprises entre 40 et 200 nm et des écarts types inférieurs à 15% sur un wafer de silicium, ont été réalisés en profitant de la capacité d’auto-assemblage des copolymères à blocs. Pour mettre en évidence si des modifications de la chimie de la surface des nanopiliers pourraient favoriser la différenciation des MSCs, des peptides mimétiques ont été greffés sur les matériaux fabriqués. Un peptide connu pour sa capacité d’améliorer l'adhésion cellulaire (peptide RGD), un peptide synthétique capable d'améliorer l'ostéogenèse (peptide mimétique BMP-2) et une combinaison de ces deux peptides ont été immobilisés de manière covalente sur les matériaux silicium présentant des nanopiliers de différentes géométries (diamètre, espacement et hauteur).Les essais d'immunofluorescence et de réaction en chaîne de la polymérase quantitative (RT-qPCR) révèlent un impact des nanotopographies sur la différenciation ostéogénique des hMSCs. De plus, il a été constaté que la différenciation des cellules dépendait de l'âge du donneur. La fonctionnalisation de surface a permis une augmentation supplémentaire de l'expression des marqueurs ostéogéniques, en particulier lorsque le peptide RGD et le peptide mimétique BMP-2 sont co-immobilisés en surface. Cette étude met clairement en évidence l’impact de nanostructures avec différentes bioactivités sur la différentiation de MSCs. Ces matériaux pourront trouver leur place dans des cultures in vitro, dans l’élaboration de nouveaux biomatériaux osseux et dans de nouveaux produits d’ingénierie tissulaire. / Nanotopography with length scales of the order of extracellular matrix elements offers the possibility of regulating cell behavior. Investigation of the impact of nanotopography on cell response has been limited by inability to precisely control geometries, especially at high spatial resolutions, and across practically large areas. This work allowed the fabrication of well-controlled and periodic nanopillar arrays of silicon to investigate their impact on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Silicon nanopillar arrays with critical dimensions in the range of 40-200 nm, exhibiting standard deviations below 15% across full wafers were realized using self-assembly of block copolymer colloids. To investigate if modifications of surface chemistry could further improve the modulation of hMSC differentiation, mimetic peptides were grafted on the fabricated nanoarrays. A peptide known for its ability to ameliorate cell adhesion (RGD peptide), a synthetic peptide able to enhance osteogenesis (BMP-2 mimetic peptide), and a combination or both molecules were covalently grafted on the nanostructures.Immunofluorescence and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) measurements reveal clear dependence of osteogenic differentiation of hMSCs on the diameter and periodicity of the arrays. Moreover, the differentiation of hMSCs was found to be dependent on the age of the donor. Surface functionalization allowed additional enhancement of the expression of osteogenic markers, in particular when RGD peptide and BMP-2 mimetic peptide were co-immobilized. These findings can contribute for the development of personalized treatments of bone diseases, namely novel implant nanostructuring depending on patient age.
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Synthesis and characterisation of poly (glycerol-sebacate) bioelastomers for tissue engineering applicationsRaju Maliger Unknown Date (has links)
Poly (glycerol-sebacate) (PGS) is a synthetic bioelastomer with a covalently crosslinked, three-dimensional network of random coils with hydroxyl groups attached to its backbone. This biodegradable polymer is biocompatible (in vitro and in vivo), tough, elastic, inexpensive, and flexible, and finds potential applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Due to the slow rate of step-growth polymerisation, the synthesis of PGS prepolymer requires 24-48 h. A batch and a continuous process, if developed, could address the inherent deficiencies (eg. long residence time, venting) associated with the large-scale synthesis of such bioelastomers. However, in order to assess whether this particular system may be adapted to continuous processes, such as reactive extrusion, studies on kinetics of controlled condensation reactions are of vital importance. FT-Raman spectroscopy was used to study the kinetics of the step-growth reactions between glycerol (G) and sebacic acid (SA) at three molar ratios (G:SA= 0.6,0.8,1.0) and three temperatures (120, 130, 140 ˚C). The rate curves followed first-order kinetics with respect to sebacic acid concentration in the kinetics regime. An increase in the molar ratio (G : SA) of the reactants decreased the average functionality of the system and the crosslinking density, resulting in the lowering of the activation energy and pre-exponential factor. The average functionality of the system had a profound effect on the crosslinking density, mechanical properties, and the reaction kinetics of the system. Three different PGS oligomers and films (PGS 0.6, PGS 0.8, PGS 1.0) were thoroughly characterised using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and contact angle measurements. FTIR spectra of PGS oligomers confirmed the formation of ester bonds (1740 cm -1). Quantification of various functional groups in PGS films using XPS was in agreement with the theoretical values of the proposed structure. WAXS results indicated that PGS system with a higher average functionality possesses a higher degree of crystallinity. Crystallisation exotherms and melting endotherms of PGS systems revealed that the average functionality influences the density of crosslinking, degree of crystallinity, and the network structure of bioelastomers. Contact angle studies confirmed that an increase in the average functionality of PGS system increases hydrophilicity, and the surface treatment through aminolysis further increases the hydrophilicity of the films. Batch studies were performed on a Brabender Plasticorder®. The samples collected over a reaction period of 5 h were characterised using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The number-average molecular weight (Mn) and the weight-average molecular weight (Mw) of the oligoesters were determined using matrix-assisted laser desroption/ionization time-of-flight spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF) and compared with the corresponding values from the benchtop synthesis. It was found that due to higher shear-mixing and better orientation of functional groups, the degree of polymerisation at any stage of the reaction was higher in the Brabender than in the benchtop process. The gel-point of the reaction was determined from the crossover point of storage and loss moduli, and the reaction rate constant was calculated using the torque vs time data of the rheometer. The kinetics rate constant and the extent of the reaction in the Brabender were found to be higher than the corresponding values obtained from the conventional benchtop process by a factor of 2. PGS was found to be thermo-mouldable and adaptable to high-shear mixing, and hence is a better candidate for making thermoplastic elastomers using reactive extrusion. The challenges and possibilities in scaling up a batch process to a continuous process were investigated. The use of a wiped film reactor or a disk reactor along with reactive extrusion and batch-mixing (as a post-extrusion operation) is a commercially viable method to synthesise PGS oligomers. Such a continuous process will boost the production of bioelastomers for tissue engineering application by addressing the constraints in step-growth polymerisation. Finally, the effect of PGS substrate stiffness and surface treatment (aminolysis, hydrolysis, layer-by-layer deposition) on the morphology and lineage of mesenchymal stem cells – which have a capacity to differentiate themselves into cartilage, adipose, tendon, and muscle tissues – was analysed using fluorescence microscopy and DNA and protein assays. Stiffness of the PGS surface and the method of treatment influenced the cell attachment and spreading on different surfaces. However, cells did not differentiate into definite phenotypes at the end of 14 d time-point, indicating that higher time-points are needed to be considered to study the effect of matrix stiffness and surface treatment on cell attachment and phenotype differentiation.
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Rac1b Regulates the Neurotrophin-3 Mediated Neuronal Commitment of Bone Marrow Derived MIAMI CellsCurtis, Kevin Matthew 25 June 2010 (has links)
Emerging trends in cell-therapy based tissue repair have focused on the renewable source of adult stem cells including human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs). Due to immunomodulatory properties as well as a potential to differentiate into cells characteristic of all three germ layers, hMSCs provide a source of immature cells for utilization in cell-therapy based treatments. Marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible (MIAMI) cells are a homogeneous sub-population of hMSCs which maintain self-renewal potential during ex vivo expansion, in addition to efficiently undergoing trans-differentiation into neuron-like cells in vitro. Even though hMSCs have the potential to be used for neural tissue repair, the molecular mechanisms by which they are stimulated to become neuron-like cells have not been fully characterized. Therefore the work described herein focuses on the molecular mechanisms by which MIAMI cells undergo NT-3 dependent neuronal commitment. MIAMI cells express both the full length (FL-) and tyrosine kinase deficient (TKd-) isoforms of the NTRK3 receptor, the primary NT-3 receptor, at the protein level. NT-3 stimulation of MIAMI cells during neuronal commitment induced the phosphorylation of FL-NTRK3, degradation of TKd-NTRK3, downstream activation of the Mek1/2-Erk1/2 signaling cascade, and subsequent up-regulation of a limited number of pro-neuronal genes. These findings were verified using chemical inhibitors to block NTRK autophosphorylation (K252a) and Erk1/2 activation (U0126). TKd-NTRK3 is hypothesized to activate Rac1 upon NT-3 stimulation. Rac1 was found to suppress NT-3 stimulated Erk1/2 phosphorylation, as well as downstream gene expression, as determined using a Rac1 chemical inhibitor. Further characterization confirmed that Rac1b is the predominant Rac1 isoform in MIAMI cells. Rac1b siRNA mediated knock-down resulted in increased expression of the pro-neuronal genes NGN2, MAP2, NFH and NFL during NT-3 stimulation via regulation of Mek1/2-Erk1/2. Rac1b is also involved in NT-3 stimulated cell proliferation, as well as repression of CCND1 and CCNB1 mRNA expression. In an attempt to enhance neuronal differentiation of MIAMI cells, EGF and bFGF were used to pretreat MIAMI cells prior to NT-3 stimulated neuronal commitment. EGF/bFGF pretreatment increased NTRK3 and NTRK1 protein levels along with NT-3 stimulated Erk1/2 phosphorylation. In addition, bFGF versus EGF/bFGF pretreatment restricted the expression of the pro-neuronal transcription factors Ngn2 and Prox1 versus the neural stem cells self-renewal transcription factor Musashi-1, respectively. The culmination of this work provides a model for the NT-3 induced neuronal commitment of MIAMI cells in vitro, as well as insight into the neurogenic potential of MSCs for future applications in cell-therapy based tissue repair.
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