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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auswirkung der portalvenösen Infiltration nach kurativer Resektion duktaler Adenokarzinome des Pankreas auf das Metastasierungsmuster und das progressionsfreie Überleben

Mierke, Franz 15 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund: Ziel der Studie war der Vergleich von Patienten mit duktalem Pankreaskarzinom (PDAC) im progressionsfreien und Gesamtüberleben sowie im Rezidivmuster in Abhängigkeit einer Resektion der Vena portae oder der Vena mesenterica superior (PV/SMV). Methoden: Es wurde eine retrospektive Analyse durchgeführt. Hierbei wurden Patienten betrachtet, die zwischen 2005 und 2015 eine pyloruserhaltende partielle Pankreatoduodenektomie (PPPD), eine klassische Pankreatoduodenektomie (kPD) oder eine totale Pankreatektomie (TP) erhielten. Diese wurden in drei Gruppen eingeteilt. Die P+I+- Gruppe bestand aus Patienten mit Venenresektion (P+), bei denen eine pathohistologische Infiltration der PV oder SMV vorlag (I+). Fand sich bei durchgeführter Venenresektion keine portalvenöse Infiltration (I-), wurden die Patienten der P+I--Gruppe zugeordnet. Als Kontrollgruppe galten Patienten ohne Venenresektion (P-I-), welche zu denen der P+I+- Gruppe gematcht wurden. Die statistischen Analysen wurden mit dem R Softwarepaket durchgeführt. Das Signifikanzlevel wurde für alle Berechnungen auf α = 0,05 festgelegt. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt wurden 179 Patienten eingeschlossen. 113 erhielten eine portalvenöse Resektion. Davon hatten 36 (31,9%) eine pathohistologische Lumeninfiltration (P+I+), bei 77 (68,1%) lag dagegen keine Infiltration vor (P+I-). 66 Patienten ohne Venenresektion wurden zu den Patienten der P+I+-Gruppe gematcht (P-I-). Zwischen den drei Gruppen waren die meisten pathohistologischen Parameter vergleichbar. 17 Patienten (9,5%) wurden neoadjuvant therapiert, davon erhielten 16 eine Venenresektion (P+). Für das Gesamtüberleben konnten signifikante Unterschiede nachgewiesen werden (11,9 Monate [P+I+] vs. 16,1 Monate [P+I-] vs. 20,1 Monate [P-I-]; p=0,01). In der univariaten Überlebensanalyse konnte für den erhöhten präoperativen CA19-9 Wert, den Resektionsstatus (R), den Lymphknotenstatus (N), das Lymphknotenverhältnis (LNR), die mikroskopische Veneninvasion (V) sowie die pathohistologisch gesicherte Infiltration der PV/SMV ein negativer Einfluss nachgewiesen werden. In der multivariaten Analyse blieb die wahre Infiltration der PV/SMV als einziger signifikanter negativer Einflussfaktor auf das Gesamtüberleben erhalten (p=0,014). Die Inzidenz an Fernmetastasen war in der P+I+- Gruppe signifikant erhöht (75% [P+I+] vs. 45,8% [P+I-] vs. 54,7% [P-I-], p=0,01). Für ein Lokalrezidiv fanden sich dagegen keine Häufigkeitsunterschiede zwischen den Gruppen (p=0,96). Das mediane progressionsfreie Überleben war für Patienten der P+I+-Gruppe signifikant verkürzt (7,4 Monate [P+I+] vs. 10,9 Monate [P+I-] vs. 11,6 Monate [P-I-]; p=0,02). Die Lumeninfiltration der PV/SMV, die mikroskopische Veneninvasion (V), der präoperative CA19-9 Wert sowie der Differenzierungsgrad (G) waren negative Einflussfaktoren auf das progressionsfreie Überleben. In der multivariaten Analyse blieben die pathohistologisch gesicherte Infiltration sowie das Grading als negative unabhängige Einflussfaktoren nachweisbar. In 25% der Fälle manifestierte sich das Rezidiv initial in der Leber. Schlussfolgerung: Die pathohistologisch gesicherte Infiltration der PV/SMV ist ein unabhängiger Risikofaktor für das progressionsfreie und das Gesamtüberleben. Die Inzidenz an Fernmetastasen ist für die Patienten der P+I+-Gruppe erhöht. Eine potentiell kurative venöse Resektion kann den Einfluss der aggressiven Tumorbiologie und des fortgeschrittenen Krankheitsbildes nicht vollständig kompensieren. / Background. The present study aims to evaluate the longterm outcome and metastatatic pattern of patients who underwent an operation for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) with portal or superior mesenteric vein (PV/SMV) resection. Methods. Patients who underwent a pylorus preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD), Whipple procedure (kPD) or total pancreatoduodenectomy (TP) between 2005 and 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were categorized in three subgroups. Those whom received a vein resection with pathohistological tumor invasion of the PV/SMV (P+I+) those at whom underwent vein resection but without pathohistological tumor invasion (P+I-) and lastly a third group (P-I-) matched to the P+I+ included patients without vein resection. Statistical analysis was performed using the R software package. The significance level for all calculations was set at α = 0.05. Results. The study cohort included 179 patients, 113 of whom underwent simultaneous PV/SMV resection. 36 patients (31,9%) had pathohistological tumor infiltration (P+I+), 77 (68,1%) did not (P+I-). 66 patients without vein resection (P-I-) were balanced by the P+I+ group. Most of pathohistological tumor characteristics were comparable between groups. 17 patients (9.5%) received neoadjuvant therapy, 16 of them were in vein resection group (P+). The study revealed differences in overall median survival (11.9 months [P+I+] vs. 16.1 months [P+I-] vs. 20.1 months [P-I-]; p=0.01). Univariate survival analysis shown negative consequences for CA19-9, resection margin (R), status of nodal metastasis (N), lymph node ratio (LNR), microvascular vein invasion (V) and true invasion of the PV/SMV. Multivariate survival analysis identified true invasion of the PV/SMV as the only significant, negative prognostic factor (p= 0.01). Whereas the incidence of local tumor recurrence was comparable (p=0.96), the proportion of patients with distant metastasis showed significant differences (75% [P+I+] vs. 45.8% [P+I-] vs 54.7% [P-I-]; p=0.01). The median time to progression were significantly shorter if the PV/SMV was infiltrated (7,4 months [P+I+] vs. 10,9 months [P+I-] vs. 11,6 months [P-I-]; p=0.02). Univariate progression analysis revealed significances for true invasion of the PV/SMV, microvascular vein invasion (V), CA19-9 and histologic classification (G). Multivariate progression analysis detected pathohistological invasion of the PV/SMV and histologic classification (G) as independent factors. Initial liver metastasis occurred in 25% of the patients. Conclusions. Pathohistological invasion of the PV/SMV is an independent risk factor for overall and progression free survival. Patients of P+I+-group had a higher incidence of distant metastasis, local progression is comparable. Even radical and complete resection cannot completely compensate for aggressive tumor biology and advanced disease. Modifiziert nach Mierke et al., 2016

Rôle du récepteur nucléaire orphelin ERR alpha dans les processus de dissémination métastatique précoce des cellules de cancer du sein à l’os / Orphan nuclear receptor ERR alpha involvement in early metastatic dissemination process from breast cancer cells to bone

Vargas, Geoffrey 14 December 2017 (has links)
Résumé confidentiel / Résumé confidentiel

Implication des co-activateurs transcriptionnels YAP/TAZ dans la régulation entre la croissance et la dormance tumorale des cellules du cancer colorectal : mécanismes moléculaires et perspectives thérapeutiques / Involvement of the transcriptional coactivators YAP/TAZ in the regulation of the switch from tumor growth to dormancy : molecular mechanisms et therapeutical perspectives

Corvaisier, Matthieu 29 November 2016 (has links)
Le cancer colorectal est la première pathologie cancéreuse de la sphère digestive, tant en terme de fréquence que de mortalité par an. Chaque année, 41 000 nouveaux cas sont diagnostiqués et 17 000 décès sont dus à ce cancer en France. Deux paramètres cliniques expliquent la mortalité de ce cancer; d'une part le fait qu'un patient sur deux est diagnostiqué au stade métastatique ou va présenter des lésions métastatiques durant l'histoire de sa pathologie, d'autre part le fait que les patients après traitement vont fréquemment présenter une récidive de leur pathologie. L'utilisation de régimes de chimiothérapies avant et après résection métastatique améliore la survie sans récidive à court terme, mais à 2 ans post chirurgie l'avantage apporté est perdu. Ainsi, la compréhension des mécanismes d'échappement à la chimiothérapie et régissant la croissance tumorale est d'intérêt pour tenter de limiter la récidive tumorale. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a consisté en l'analyse de sous-populations obtenues sous pression de chimiothérapie au 5-Fluorouracile (5FU) dérivées de la lignée cancéreuse colique HT29, ainsi que les mécanismes moléculaires associés. Notre clone le plus chimiorésistant isolé, le modèle cellulaire 5F31, quitte le compartiment prolifératif sous traitement à fortes doses de 5FU, ceci étant associé à une perturbation de la voie de signalisation de la Src kinase c-Yes et de son partenaire, le co-activateur transcriptionnel YAP. Sous traitement, les cellules chimiorésistantes entrent en quiescence, le complexe protéique entre c-Yes et YAP est perdu et la quantité totale et nucléaire de YAP diminue de manière significative (Igoudjil, Touil, Corvaisier et al. 2014 Clinical Cancer Research). Dès lors, la suite des travaux a consisté en l'étude du rôle potentiel de YAP sur la balance quiescence/prolifération sous 5FU. L'inhibition pharmacologique ou l'inhibition transitoire de l'expression de YAP et de son paralogue, la protéine TAZ, dans plusieurs lignées cancéreuses coliques induit l'augmentation de la fraction de cellules quiescentes, associée au ralentissement significatif de la croissance tumorale. A l'inverse, la surexpression d'une forme constitutivement active de YAP demeurant nucléaire sous 5FU maintient les cellules 5F31 en prolifération et sensibilise les cellules à la chimiothérapie. Au niveau des effecteurs protéiques, l'induction de quiescence (par traitement à la chimiothérapie ou inhibition de YAP/TAZ) est associée à la perte d'expression de la Cycline E1 et du facteur de transcription c-Myc. A l'inverse, la surexpression du dominant constitutivement actif de YAP dans les cellules 5F31 conduit à l'expression soutenue de la Cycline E1 sous 5FU, expression nécessitant l'activation du facteur de transcription CREB. L'inhibition de la Cycline E1 permet d'induire la quiescence cellulaire, proposant cette protéine comme l'un des effecteurs des protéines YAP/TAZ dans la régulation entre la quiescence et la prolifération cellulaire (Corvaisier et al, Oncotarget, 2016). En conclusion, nos données montrent l'importance du rôle des protéines YAP/TAZ dans le maintien des cellules en prolifération via l'expression notamment de la Cycline E1. Nos résultats sur cohorte de patients atteints de métastases hépatiques de cancers colorectaux montrent que l'expression des co-activateurs YAP/TAZ est liée à un index prolifératif plus important, confortant nos données sur le rôle de ces protéines dans la croissance tumorale. De plus, l'expression élevée de YAP et TAZ est associée en analyses multivariées à une récidive plus précoce et à une survie globale plus faible. Ainsi, l'étude de l'expression et du niveau d'activation de ces acteurs serait un marqueur pronostic intéressant dans l'anticipation de la récidive métastatique ; ainsi que des cibles thérapeutiques intéressantes pour tenter de limiter la rechute tumorale. / Colorectal cancer is the most frequent and lethal cancerous pathology from the digestive system. Each year in France, 41 000 new cases are diagnosed and 17 000 patients die due to this pathology. This high mortality is mainly due to the rate of patients with liver metastatic lesions and the early relapse of those metastases after treatment. The use of chemotherapy prior to surgery induces a decrease of early relapse, however 2 years after resection this advantage is lost. Thus, understanding the mechanisms underlying escape to treatment is required to try to delay or prevent tumor recurrence.The aim of this doctoral work was to analyze clonal chemoresistant subpopulations derived from the colorectal cancer cell line HT29 after chronic exposure to 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) and molecular mechanisms associated with chemoresistance. The most chemoresistant clonal subpopulation, 5F31, stops its proliferation after treatment with high dose of 5FU, this behavior being associated with the modulation of the c-Yes/YAP axis. After treatment, 5F31 cells enter quiescence, interaction between c-Yes and YAP is lost and total and nuclear YAP protein expression reduces significantly (Igoudjil, Touil, Corvaisier et al. 2014, Clinical Cancer Research). The next step was to study functions of YAP protein in this chemotherapy- induced quiescence.Pharmacological or transient inhibition of YAP and its homolog TAZ, induces quiescence and reduces cellular growth in several colorectal cancer cell lines. On the other hand, overexpression of a constitutively active form of YAP in 5F31 cells forces cells to remain proliferative under 5FU treatment, enhancing 5F31 cell chemosensitivity to 5FU.Regarding proteic effectors, quiescence (either induced by 5FU or YAP/TAZ inhibition) is associated with loss of expression of the transcription factor c-Myc and Cyclin E1. In 5F31 cells expressing the active mutant form of YAP, Cyclin E1 expression is sustained after 5FU treatment through the activation of the transcription factor CREB. Cyclin E1 inhibition is sufficient to induce quiescence, therefore introducing this protein as one of the final effectors of YAP/TAZ co-activators in the regulation of the proliferation/quiescence switch in colorectal cancer cells (Corvaisier et al. 2016, Oncotarget).To conclude, our work reveals the importance of YAP/TAZ proteins for the maintenance of colorectal cancer cells proliferation through Cyclin E1 expression. Our work on liver metastases from patients with colorectal cancer shows that high expression of YAP/TAZ is connected to a higher proliferative index in metastatic lesions. Moreover, high YAP/TAZ expression is associated with shorter patient progression-free survival and shorter overall survival. Studying the expression and level of YAP/TAZ activation could be an interesting prognosis marker to anticipate metastatic relapse and potent druggable target to delay tumoral recurrence.

Sobrevida livre de doença e fatores associados em pacientes com câncer de mama não metastático

Wolp Diniz, Roberta 12 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-21T18:23:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 robertawolpdiniz.pdf: 1863742 bytes, checksum: 6c164077a0182789343f2f09aa65af87 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T18:48:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 robertawolpdiniz.pdf: 1863742 bytes, checksum: 6c164077a0182789343f2f09aa65af87 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T18:48:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 robertawolpdiniz.pdf: 1863742 bytes, checksum: 6c164077a0182789343f2f09aa65af87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-12 / O câncer de mama é um problema de saúde pública, sendo o segundo mais frequente no mundo e o de maior incidência na população feminina, além de ser uma das principais causas de óbito por câncer em mulheres. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a sobrevida livre de doença (SLD) em cinco anos e fatores prognósticos em mulheres com câncer de mama invasivo não metastático diagnosticadas entre 2003 e 2005 e tratadas em centro de assistência oncológica de referência de cidade de porte médio do Sudeste do país. As pacientes foram identificadas através do registro hospitalar de câncer da instituição. O seguimento dos casos foi realizado através de consulta aos prontuários, complementado por busca no banco do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e contato telefônico. As variáveis analisadas foram distribuídas nos seguintes blocos: sociodemográficas (idade ao diagnóstico, cor da pele, grau de escolaridade, história familiar de câncer de mama, etc.), características relativas ao tumor (tamanho tumoral, comprometimento linfonodal, estadiamento, invasão neurovascular, grau tumoral, perfil imunohistoquímico, etc.), características relativas ao tratamento (tipo de cirurgia, realização de quimioterapia, radioterapia e hormonioterapia, completude do tratamento quimioterápico, tempo entre a cirurgia e terapia complementar, etc.). As funções de sobrevida foram calculadas por meio do método de Kaplan-Meier e o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox foi utilizado para avaliação dos fatores prognósticos. O estudo mostrou uma sobrevida livre de doença em cinco anos de 72% (IC95%: 67,6 – 75,9). As principais variáveis associadas à SLD, de forma independente, foram o comprometimento linfonodal, a realização de hormonioterapia e nível de escolaridade. Esse estudo mostrou a importância do diagnóstico precoce na SLD. Reforça-se ainda a relevância dessa pesquisa no país haja vista a escassez de estudos a respeito de SLD na população brasileira. / Breast cancer is a public health problem, being the second most common in the world and the highest incidence in the female population, in addition to being a major cause of death from cancer in this population overall. The aim of this study was to analyze the disease-free survival (DFS) at five years and prognostic factors in women with non metastatic invasive breast cancer diagnosed between 2003 and 2005 and treated at a referencial center of cancer care on a medium sized town of Southeast. Patients were identified using the medical records and data from the cancer registries of the institution. The follow up of the cases were performed using hospital records, supplemented by searching the database of the Mortality Information System (SIM) and telephone contact. The variables analyzed were: sociodemographic (age at diagnosis, race, education level, family history of breast cancer and presence of diagnostic mammography), related to tumor characteristics (size, lymph node involvement, stage, neurovascular invasion, tumor grade, immunohistochemical profile), characteristics related to treatment (type of surgery, use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy, completion of chemotherapy, time between surgery and adjunctive therapy). Survival functions were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier model while the Cox proportional hazards method was used to evaluate prognostic factors. The study showed a disease-free survival at 60 months 72% (95% CI 67.6 to 75.9). The main variables associated with SLD, independently, were lymph node involvement, use of hormone therapy and degree of schooling. This study showed the importance of early diagnosis in DFS. This research is relevant due the lack of studies regarding the DFS at the Brazilian population.

Rôle du facteur de croissance IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1) sur le caractère souche du mélanome métastatique : vers une nouvelle cible thérapeutique contre la dissémination et la résistance aux traitements / Role of IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1) in the Metastatic Melanoma Stem Character : Towards a New Therapeutic Target Against the Spread and Treatment Resistance

Le Coz, Vincent 14 October 2016 (has links)
Le mélanome métastatique représente le plus mortel des cancers cutanés par sa forte résistance aux thérapies conventionnelles. Les cellules initiatrices de tumeurs (CIT) sont présentes dans de nombreux cancers dont le mélanome. Ces cellules, capables de s’autorenouveller, sont à l’origine de la récidive tumorale et des métastases représentant une cible pour le développement de nouveaux traitements. Les CIT sont confinées dans un microenvironnement tumoral dans lequel des facteurs sécrétés tels que l'Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) et le Transforming growth factor (TGF-β) favorisent la transition épithéliomésenchymateuse (TEM), un processus clef lié à l’émergence des CIT. En utilisant des cellules de mélanome métastatique, nous avons montré qu’une inhibition d’IGF-1 induit une diminution de la tumorigénicité des cellules en diminuant la capacité des B16-F10 à former des métastases pulmonaires. Outre son action sur la prolifération cellulaire, IGF-1 est impliqué dans le processus de TEM favorisant les propriétés migratoires et invasives des cellules B16-F10. Par ailleurs, IGF-1 joue un rôle majeur dans le maintien des CIT expliquant la forte résistance des mélanomes aux thérapies conventionnelles. Des expériences préliminaires suggèrent que ces activités induites par IGF-1 pourraient être médiées en partie par le facteur TGF-β, un facteur clef de la TEM. D'autres résultats confortent cette hypothèse en montrant une implication directe du TGF-β dans le caractère souche des cellules B16-F10. Ces travaux montrent que l’inhibition de la voie IGF-1/IGF-1R dans le microenvironnement tumoral pourrait être une bonne stratégie pour le développement de traitements anti-tumoraux contre le mélanome. / Metastatic melanoma is arguably the most virulent among human cancers, owing to its propensity to metastasize, and its resistance to conventional therapies. Like in many other cancers, tumor stem cells or tumor initiating cells (TIC), have been identified in melanoma. These cells have the unique ability to self-sustain and renew the tumor and thus represent an interesting target for the development of new therapeutic strategies. TIC are nested in a confined microenvironment where secreted-factors such as Insulin-Like Growth Factor- 1 (IGF-1) and transforming growth factor (TGF-β) promote epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT), a key process in stemness features acquisition. In this context, we investigated the effects IGF-1 on TIC behavior. Using B16-F10 metastatic melanoma cell line, we show that IGF-1 downregulation curbs lung metastasis suggesting that IGF-1 plays a direct role in the intrinsic tumorigenic potential of these cells.markers associated with an increased expression of the epithelial marker E-cadherin and of the major regulator of melanocyte differentiation MITF. Most importantly, IGF-1 inhibition sharply decreased stemness features, reducing the expression of key stem markers and functional characteristics of MIC. This was associated with an important sensitivity to mitoxantrone treatment. Interestingly, our preliminary data suggest the EMT key component, TGF-β, conveys IGF-1-mediated effects. Indeed, TGF-β directly affects B16-F10 stemness phenotype and markers. In summary, we show that the IGF-1/IGF-1R nexus represents an interesting target for the development of novel therapeutic strategies against metastatic melanoma.

Možnosti genetického vyšetření u pacientů s feochromocytomem a paragangliomem. / Possibilities of genetic testing in patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma.

Turková, Hana January 2016 (has links)
1. Abstract Pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma (FEO/PGL) may be developed on the basis of an inherited genetic mutation of different genes. They are associated with a high risk of developing of secondary hypertension, organ damage and metastatic disease that can be fatal. The aim was to focus on the possibility of genetic testing in patients with FEO/PGL, especially in patients with malignant tumors. The issue FEO/PGL, however, concerns not only the examination and assessment of risks arising therefrom, as well as other therapies and monitoring, including appropriate recommendations for clinical practice. We demonstrated a 20% incidence of cardiovascular (CV) complications before determining the final diagnosis of FEO/PGL, mainly arrhythmic, followed by complications of myocardial ischemia and accentuate atherosclerosis. Elevated levels of vitamin C and decreased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) following the successful removal of the tumor demonstrated reduction of oxidative stress postoperatively. We found that early postoperative testing of levels of plasma metanephrines to confirm the success of surgical removal of FEO/PGL is already possible, since there was no significant correlation between plasma levels of metanephrines and postoperative examination interval. Distribution of frequency of metastatic...

Intermediate filaments ensure resiliency of single carcinoma cells, while active contractility of the actin cortex determines their invasive potential

Ficorella, Carlotta, Eichholz, Hannah Marie, Sala, Federico, Vázquez, Rebeca Martínez, Osellame, Roberto, Käs, Josef A. 02 May 2023 (has links)
During the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, the intracellular cytoskeleton undergoes severe reorganization which allows epithelial cells to transition into a motile mesenchymal phenotype. Among the different cytoskeletal elements, the intermediate filaments keratin (in epithelial cells) and vimentin (in mesenchymal cells) have been demonstrated to be useful and reliable histological markers. In this study, we assess the potential invasiveness of six human breast carcinoma cell lines and two mouse fibroblasts cells lines through single cell migration assays in confinement. We find that the keratin and vimentin networks behave mechanically the same when cells crawl through narrow channels and that vimentin protein expression does not strongly correlate to single cells invasiveness. Instead, we find that what determines successful migration through confining spaces is the ability of cells to mechanically switch from a substrate-dependent stress fibers based contractility to a substrate-independent cortical contractility, which is not linked to their tumor phenotype.

Beta-2-microglobulin Mutations Are Linked to a Distinct Metastatic Pattern and a Favorable Outcome in Microsatellite-Unstable Stage IV Gastrointestinal Cancers

Busch, Elena, Ahadova, Aysel, Kosmalla, Kosima, Bohaumilitzky, Lena, Pfuderer, Pauline L., Ballhausen, Alexej, Witt, Johannes, Wittemann, Jan-Niklas, Bläker, Hendrik, Holinski-Feder, Elke, Jäger, Dirk, von Knebel Doeberitz, Magnus, Haag, Georg Martin, Kloor, Matthias 28 March 2023 (has links)
Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) shows remarkable clinical effects in patients with metastatic microsatellite-unstable (MSI) cancer. However, markers identifying potential non-responders are missing. We examined the prevalence of Beta-2-microglobulin (B2M) mutations, a common immune evasion mechanism, in stage IV MSI gastrointestinal cancer and its influence on metastatic pattern and patients’ survival under ICB. Twentyfive patients with metastatic, MSI gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma were included. Eighteen patients received ICB with pembrolizumab and one patient with nivolumab/ ipilimumab. Sequencing was performed to determine B2M mutation status. B2M mutations and loss of B2M expression were detected in 6 out of 25 stage IV MSI cancers. B2M mutations were strongly associated with exclusively peritoneal/peritoneal and lymph node metastases (p=0.0055). However, no significant differences in therapy response (25% vs. 46.6%, p>0.99) and survival (median PFS: 19.5 vs 33.0 months, p=0.74; median OS 39 months vs. not reached, p>0.99) were observed between B2Mmutant and B2M-wild type tumor patients. Among metastatic MSI GI cancers, B2Mmutant tumors represent a biologically distinct disease with distinct metastatic patterns. To assess ICB response in B2M-mutant MSI cancer patients, future studies need to account for the fact that baseline survival of patients with B2M-mutant MSI cancer may be longer than of patients with B2M-wild type MSI cancer.

<b>Impact of Vitamin D and Pyruvate Carboxylase on Lipid Droplet Proteome in Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells</b>

Yazhen Song (16610310) 07 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Metastatic breast cancer, a critical health issue for women globally, is closely linked to aberrant lipid metabolism. One feature of this dysregulated metabolism is the increase in lipid storage in the form of lipid droplets (LDs), although what drives their accumulation or their role in metastasis is not clear. In prior studies, our laboratory demonstrated that the active form of vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, 1,25(OH)<sub>2</sub>D) downregulates pyruvate carboxylase (PC), a key metabolic enzyme, thereby reducing lipid accumulation in metastatic breast cancer cells (MCF10CA1a). Additionally, we have previously demonstrated that both 1,25(OH)<sub>2</sub>D treatment and PC inhibition reduce metastasis. Therefore, the goal of the current research is to identify the proteins associated with LDs in metastatic MCF10CA1a breast cancer cells following 1,25(OH)<sub>2</sub>D treatment or reduction in PC expression (shPC). Proteins from LDs and whole cell lysates (WCL) were processed for untargeted proteomic analysis. We identified significant differences in LD-associated proteins between untreated, 1,25(OH)₂D-treated, and PC-depleted cells. Notably, the hypoxia-inducible lipid droplet-associated protein (HILPDA), which has been shown to inhibit lipolysis through direct interaction with adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), was enriched only in the LD fraction of untreated metastatic cells. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed reduced colocalization of HILPDA with ATGL following 1,25D treatment and PC depletion, suggesting a potential factor that may contribute to diminished lipid accumulation and metastatic capacity. These findings indicate that 1,25(OH)₂D and PC depletion modulate LD dynamics and metabolic pathways essential for cancer cell progression, and highlight HILPDA as a potential therapeutic target for disrupting lipid storage and cancer progression.</p><p><br></p>

Targeted anti-angiogenic therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma and methodological improvements in assessment of therapeutic response with imaging biomarkers

Vinayan, Anup January 2018 (has links)
Background: Drugs targeting angiogenic pathway remain the mainstay of treatment for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) as Sunitinib, Pazopanib as single agents and humanised monoclonal antibody bevacizumab (Bev) in combination with Interferon- α2a (IFN) have established as the first-line therapy for mRCC. Despite improvements in treatment, there are multiple questions which remain unanswered. In the combination of Bev and IFN, the respective role of each drug and whether any additional anti-angiogenic activity is gained by adding IFN to Bev remains unknown. As the clinical benefit obtained with these cytostatic agents does not always correlate with the conventional response assessment techniques as RECIST, it is necessary to reconsider the methods by which we assess benefit from these therapies. In this thesis, I report three studies aiming to answer these questions. Methods: With the clinical trial reported here, I explore whether Bev induced changes in vascular parameters measured by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is significantly enhanced by the addition of IFN. In a phase II, randomised, open labelled, multicentre trial, treatment naïve mRCC patients were randomised to receive Bev on its own or in combination with a low dose (3MU) or standard dose (9MU) IFN. DCE-MRI was used to assess the changes in vascularity with the primary endpoint being, changes in transfer coefficient (Ktrans) after six weeks of treatment. I also report two retrospective imaging-based studies, using contrast-enhanced CT scans, performed to improve the methodology of response assessment for these antiangiogenic therapeutics. Here I explore the use of a) combining changes in size and arterial phase contrast enhancement measured using CT scan and b) changes in CT texture as methods of therapeutic response assessment in mRCC patients treated with TKI. Results: With the phase 2 clinical trial, we faced significant difficulty in recruitment as a result of restrictions in access to treatment in NHS, other competing studies and restrictions proposed by the DCE-MRI inclusion criteria. With slow recruitment, an unplanned analysis was performed after 21 patients were recruited. Analysis of primary endpoint showed no trend in the difference between arms with no correlation found between change in Ktrans and addition of IFN to bevacizumab. Effect size analysis performed due to the small numbers recruited failed to show any significance in the observed difference in Ktrans. Change in Ktrans and Kep may identify a group of patients likely to have PFS > 6 months, but this observation needs to evaluation in a larger sample size. Measuring size and change in arterial phase enhancement retrospectively using CT, a new criterion "modified" Choi, which prerequisite a combination of a decrease in arterial phase density by 15% and a decrease in size by 10% for response was proposed. Response assessment was measured with RECIST, Choi and modified Choi individually in 20 evaluable patients retrospectively and clinical benefit compared with Kaplan-Meier statistics and Log-Rank test. Response assessment as defined by the modified Choi criteria successfully identified patients who received clinical benefit from the treatment. Time to progression (TTP) was 448 days for the partial response and 89 days for stable disease as per the new criteria which were statistically significant with a p-value of 0.002. The second retrospective analysis explored the textural changes in enhanced CT scan. Performed in collaboration with researchers from Brighton University who developed the software algorithm used to assess changes in entropy and uniformity, 87 metastases from 39 patients with mRCC were analysed at baseline and after two cycles of TKI treatment. Textural parameters and response assessment criteria were correlated with TTP. After two cycles of TKI, the decrease in tumour entropy was 3%-45%, and increase in uniformity was 5%-21%. At a threshold change of -2% with uniformity, on a coarse scale of 2.5, the textural change was able to separate responders from non-responders. With Kaplan-Meier analysis comparing all four criteria, the percentage change in uniformity was statistically more significant than for RECIST, Choi, and Modified Choi criteria. Cox regression analysis showed that texture uniformity was an independent predictor of time to progression. Discussion: With the studies reported here, I was able to demonstrate the importance of improving the methodology in assessment of therapeutic response to targeted anti-angiogenic therapy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Even though the clinical trial, terminated early due to slow recruitment, did not reach its primary endpoint, changes in other vascular parameters as Kep combined with changes Ktrans showed tendency towards identifying a group of patients who derived clinical benefit of >6months with these therapies. This is particularly exciting as given the vascular stabilisation effect proposed for bevacizumab, the effusion parameter Kep may be a better tool in assessing response rather than Ktrans and warrants further assessment in a larger cohort. Modified choi criterion and textural analysis are two important methodological improvements in response assessment of cytostatic anti-angiogenic therapy. In the analyses reported here, both techniques have shown superiority over RECIST in response assessment and differentiating mRCC patients who is likely to gain clinical benefit by TKI therapy. Validation of these criteria on a larger patient cohort is important. As these criterions are assessed on standard enhanced CT scans, incorporating these criteria, especially modified choi criterion, as part of standard CT assessment could be performed and will provide a real world validation. Retrospective assessment using larger cohort of patients from previous phase 3 trials or inclusion of these parameters prospectively in phase 3 trials would also help us in evaluating these modalities further.

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