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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adopting Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)in Metro-Manila Railway system : Considering Sweden’s Experience and Learning

Arian Far, Farhad January 2019 (has links)
Transit-oriented development (TOD) or as it is referred to in Sweden ABC (Arbete, Bostad,och Centrum which means work, housing, and city center) is the highly prevailing and excitingconcept of integrating urban communities, activities, people, buildings and public places together.This idea is primarily focused upon the creation of walkable, pedestrian-oriented communities andcycling connections, which are centered among the high-quality train systems.This research has been conducted to provide a comprehensive analysis related to theimplementation of the TOD model within Metro-Manila, by enhancing its railway network toreduce the problem of high traffic congestion and to provide a better service to a larger number ofpassengers. To carry out this research, various ideas were taken from the TOD projects that havebeen implemented within the metro system of Stockholm as an example to be used for Metro-Manila.In order to conduct this study, both quantitative and qualitative research approaches wereutilized to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current conditions of the railway transportationsystem in Metro-Manila. Within the qualitative part of this research, a SWOT analysis and adetailed comparison was also carried out to determine the efficiency of Metro-Manila and the areaswhere it needed significant improvements. Whereas, for the quantitative analysis, a survey wasconducted from both the people of Metro-Manila and Stockholm (i.e., 226 respondents) tounderstand the current situations of these railway networks more appropriately. The survey wasdesigned based on close-ended five (5) points Likert Scale questions. The results of the surveysrevealed that the respondents were mostly satisfied with the metro system in Stockholm andimplementation of the TOD concepts but usually dissatisfied with Metro-Manila railway system.An interview was also conducted with the officials of the Stockholm transport organization (SL)to gather more insight related to the problems within the railway networks.It was revealed from the analysis that Metro-Manila railway network has been facingsevere problems in terms of limited capacity, poor facilities, unavailability of trains, andmismanagement. The analysis also revealed a few problems within the Stockholm metro systemas well. However, to eradicate or mitigate these problems, several strategies and recommendationshave been proposed within this research. Based from the facts the researcher has gathered and ispresented in this research paper, it was evident that implementation of transit-orienteddevelopment, even if its limited to just the basic concepts, will highly be beneficial in botheconomic and societal aspects and its effectively and efficiently is enough to satisfy the needs ofthe daily commuters and would result in a dramatical reduction of traffic congestions.

Omfattningsändringar i infrastrukturprojekt : En fallstudie med fokus på ett tunnelbaneprojekt i tidiga skeden / Scope changes in infrastructure projects : A Case Study with Focus on an Underground Metro Project in Early Phases

Saad, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Transportinfrastruktursystem spelar en viktig roll i stadsutvecklingen. Nyttjandet av underjordiska utrymmen för transportsystem ökar alltmer och används som potentiella lösningar för att lösa urbaniseringsproblem. För att möta den snabba befolkningstillväxt som Stockholm står inför initierade regeringen Stockholmsöverenskommelsen 2013 som innebar en omfattande utbyggnad av tunnelbanenätet samt en ökad bostadsbebyggelse. Tunnelbaneutbyggnaden är i Sverige den första att genomföras på trettio år och projektet har i det tidiga skedet redan ändrats i omfattning i två etapper.  Syftet med studien är att bidra till en ökad förståelse inom området inför framtida projekt av samma karaktär. Målsättningen är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar projektets benägenhet att ändras och hur dessa faktorer i sin tur påverkar projektledarens möjligheter att leda projektet. Problemet avgränsas till ett beställarperspektiv i tidiga skeden och studeras i en svensk kontext.  Forskningen har genomförts som en kvalitativ fallstudie. Fallstudien består av dels en intervjustudie dels en dokumentstudie. Det studerade fallet representerar projekt Akalla-Barkarby som är ett av de delprojekt som ingår i Stockholmsöverenskommelsen.  Studien har identifierat ett antal faktorer som antas påverka projektomfattningen till en större benägenhet att ändras. Dessa faktorer är relaterade till dels de förutsättningar som låg till grund för projektet i och med investeringsbeslutet dels komplexiteten i projektsystemet. Dessa faktorer skapar osäkerheter och begränsar projektledarens möjligheter att leda projektet. / Transportation infrastructure systems play an important role in urban development. The use of underground spaces for transport systems is increasing and is viewed as a potential solution to solve urbanization problems. To meet the rapid population growth that Stockholm is facing, the government initiated the Stockholm Agreement in 2013, which entailed an extensive expansion of the metro system and an increased housing development. The metro system expansion in Sweden is the first to be completed in thirty years and the project has in the early stages already changed in scope twice.  The purpose of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding in the field for future projects of the same nature. The aim is to investigate the factors that affect the project's propensity to change and how these factors in turn affect the project manager's opportunities to lead the project. The problem is limited to a Client perspective in the early stages and is studied in a Swedish context. The research has been carried out as a qualitative case study. The case study consists partly of an interview study and partly of a document study. The case represents the Akalla - Barkarby project, which is one of the sub-projects included in the Stockholm Agreement.  The study has identified several factors that are assumed to influence the project scope to a greater tendency to change. These factors are related partly to the preconditions of the project based in the investment decision and partly to the complexity of the project system. These factors create uncertainties and limit the project manager's opportunities to lead the project.

大眾運輸系統對房價的影響-以台北捷運信義線為例 / The Influence of Metro System on Housing Price-Evidence from Taipei Metro Xinyi Line

温弘裕, Wen, Hung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
1988年2月24日台北都會區大眾捷運系統(下稱台北捷運)開始動工,1996年3月28日首條營運路線木柵線通車,而捷運系統為台北都會區帶來了不止交通上的便利,更是為台北都會區的房屋市場帶動了一波價格的成長,與捷運車站鄰近程度更是成為了一般民眾買房重要的參考指標,而捷運優質購屋也成為了民眾炒作的題材。 台北捷運系統自1996年開通, 2013年11月24日起台北捷運信義線正式啟用,本研究以實價登錄資料做分析與比較,信義線捷運車站共8站,經中正區、大安區及信義區等3個行政區,此為台北市內經濟發展屬較為均衡地域且信義線距離差距較短居民對交通運輸需求較為一致,將可以避免區位效果差異性極殊可能產生的統計徧誤。 實證結果顯示出捷運車站可及程度差異對房價影響效果的不同,若交易不動產物件在距離捷運站250公尺內,其較距離捷運車站500公尺以上的房屋影響房屋單位價格為每平方公尺增加26.051萬元;若在距離捷運站250~500公尺內較距離捷運車站500公尺以上的房屋每平方公尺單位價格僅增加24.94萬元,我們可以看出因為可及程度的差異造成捷運車站影響程度有如水面漣漪一般向外擴散,愈往外影響效果愈小,因為與捷運車站的可及性程度愈低,因享受交通便利所帶來的溢價效果就愈小,反之距離捷運車站越近可及性所帶來的溢價效果越明顯。

大眾捷運系統對房價影響效果之再檢視 / The reexamination of the impact of metro system on residential housing values in Taipei metropolitan

戴國正 Unknown Date (has links)
大眾捷運系統帶來之快捷與便利,使其成為許多都會區民眾依賴之交通工具。捷運系統對鄰近不動產交通可及性提升,所伴隨之便利性將透過資本化效果反映於其價格之上,帶動周邊不動產價格上漲,過去不論國內外關於捷運對周邊房價影響之研究,實證結果亦多支持捷運對於房價有正面影響,且該影響隨著與捷運車站距離增加而遞減。捷運房價效果的區位差異與類型差異過去雖已有研究論及,但對捷運房價效果差異與其變化趨勢未能有明確細緻描述。此外,該等研究均忽略空間相關因素,將影響其估計結果。   本文使用國內某金融機構2007、2008年間台北都會區內台北捷運初期路網沿線車站周邊住宅為實證對象,應用空間迴歸模型檢視捷運系統對鄰近住宅價格之影響效果。實證結果顯示,就整體樣本而言捷運對房價確有正向影響但並不如想像之大,且該影響隨區位與類型之不同確有差異。 / Many previous studies have showed that metro system has a positive impact on the property values due to its accessibility benefits and the effect should decline as distance increases. While the pattern of the change and its difference between stations located in different locations has yet not been fully discussed, most of the studies failed to allow for spatial autocorrelation over space. This research uses spatial econometrics to estimate a residential housing model that considers spatial autocorrelation. The empirical results show the difference in the price effect of metro stations between urban and suburban areas does exist. The effect tends to get stronger in certain area, the closer the property lies within to the suburban area the greater the effect is. Also, we find price gaps between different metro station categories. Generally, underground stations and transfer stations have greater positive effect on residential property values.

Lighting Evaluation and Design for the Stockholm Metro System Based on Current Models for Non-visual Responses

Liu, Tong January 2020 (has links)
Light has a wide and profound non-visual impact on the human body. It is related to the suppression or synthesis of a hormone called melatonin which regulates the human circadian clock. In Nordic countries like Sweden, lack of natural light in winter may lead to negative health effects such as circadian disorders or depression. At the same time, the underground metro system in Stockholm carries more than one million passengers on a weekday. The lighting in the train carriage may have distinct circadian effects on the passengers. The paper takes the metro system in Stockholm as an example, calculates the non-visual effects of the artificial lighting in the train according to Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML), Circadian Stimulus (CS) and Melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance (M-EDI) Models, compares with current guidance and suggestions, considers the daylighting conditions of Stockholm, and proposes a new design solution with adjustable LEDs to achieve a better healthful circadian lighting result.


高文祥 Unknown Date (has links)
捷運系統具有運量大及快速的特性,且大部分路線位於地下,一旦發生意外,可能造成很大的災難,國外捷運發生災難的例子常從媒體報導中看見。國內台北捷運雖尚無發生人員重大傷亡的災難,但過去發生的許多事件往往是媒體報導的新聞焦點,有些事件的危機處理也廣受批評,因此,捷運的危機管理機制及危機處理是值得關注與探討的課題。 本研究是透過文獻探討及案例分析的方法,探究捷運的危機管理問題。以危機管理的理論模式檢視現行台北捷運的危機管理機制,另外發展危機個案分析的檢視準則,分析與檢視過去台北捷運發生的危機案例,經由深入的探討與檢視,最後針對捷運的危機管理提供適當的建議。 本研究對台北捷運的危機管理之建議有以下幾項: 一、台北捷運的危機管理計畫,應該涵蓋所有的危機類型。 二、台北捷運應設立一個恆常性之「危機管理小組」編組。 三、台北捷運應充實危機管理知識庫。 四、台北捷運應成立編組關心發生意外的當事人,並邀請消基會代表、消保官、律師及學者專家等公正人士介入協調。 五、新聞處理首重掌握正確且即時的事件資訊,新聞聯繫採取誠實面對、主動說明、統一對外發言之積極作為。另平時應強化表達組織重視公益且要表現正義、與新聞記者互動坦誠互信,建立記者的信賴與信心。 / Owing to the characteristics of high riderships and rapidity, and the fact that most lines are routed underground, a small accident happened in Metro system may cause grave disaster. So far there hasn’t been any accident with severe injuries happened in Metro Taipei; however, crisis management is still an important topic worth further discussing, for accidents happened before have caused media criticisms and been put under intense spotlight. With literatures reviews and case studies, the study probes into the problems behind Metro Taipei crisis management system. To provide the most adequate suggestions for the future, cases are re-analyzed, a crisis management model is also applied to examine the current crisis management system. Several suggestions are proposed from the study for future Metro Taipei crisis management. 1. Metro Taipei crisis management plan should cover all types of crises. 2. A standing “crisis management group” should be established in Metro Taipei. 3. A crisis management knowledge base should be set up in Metro Taipei. 4. The “Casualties Care Team” should be set up in Metro Taipei to take care of the casualties and fair and honest social figures (e.g., Consumers’ Foundation, consumer ombudsman, lawyer, professor) should be invited for reconciliation mediation. 5. The most important thing in news management is to obtain the most current information which are firmly based on facts. News correspondence with media should be honest, active and unified. Value welfare service and social justice. Maintain an honest and mutual trusted relationship with news reporters.

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