Spelling suggestions: "subject:"metrology"" "subject:"petrology""
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XPS Study of Calcium Lanthanum Sulfide CeramicsButkus, Brian E 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Long wave infrared (LWIR) optics that transmit in the 8 to 14 m wavelength range and, additionally, can withstand severe physical and thermal stresses are needed for advanced remote sensing, guidance and communication-based applications. However, most non-oxide transparent LWIR optics do not have the wider transmission range, nor the hardness and resistance to thermal shock needed for extreme environments. Because of these limitations, research is circling back to a promising material, calcium lanthanum sulfide (CLS), that could meet LWIR needs for extreme environments.
In this thesis, we will demonstrate the abilities of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as a technique for characterizing CLS powders and ceramics for elemental analysis, valence state and stoichiometry evaluation. Three preliminary studies were conducted - a binary metal sulfide evaluation of lanthanum sulfide (La2S3) and calcium sulfide (CaS), and a calibration curve of mixtures of the two binary metal sulfide powders from a known concentration matrix. Based on these results, a methodology was developed to evaluate CLS powder and ceramics via XPS. We showcase the power of XPS to reliably determine CLS stoichiometry, identify impurities and defects as related to the presence of carbon and oxygen during processing, and predict the bonding environment of sulfur which can lead to better quality CLS ceramics.
This thesis demonstrates the use of XPS as a potential characterization tool in CLS to identify contaminants, determine if stoichiometry is met, and identify the bonding environments to assist in processing improvements for producing higher-quality ceramics.
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Development of a magnetic suspension system and its applications in nano-imprinting and nano-metrologyKuo, Shih-Kang 06 August 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Image-based 3D metrology of non-collaborative surfacesKarami, Ali 11 April 2023 (has links)
Image-based 3D reconstruction has been employed in industrial metrology for micro measurements and quality control purposes. However, generating a highly-detailed and reliable 3D reconstruction of non-collaborative surfaces (textureless, shiny, and transparent) is still an open issue. This thesis presents various methodologies to successfully generate a highly-detailed and reliable 3D reconstruction of non-collaborative objects using the proposed photometric stereo image acquisition system. The first proposed method employs geometric construction to integrate photogrammetry and photometric stereo in order to overcome each technique's limitations and to leverage each technique's strengths in order to reconstruct an accurate and high-resolution topography of non-collaborative surfaces. This method uses accurate photogrammetric 3D measurements to rectify the global shape deviation of photometric stereo meanwhile uses photometric stereo to recover the high detailed topography of the object. The second method combines the high spatial frequencies of photometric stereo depth map with the low frequencies of photogrammetric depth map in frequency domain to produce accurate low frequencies while retaining high frequencies. For the third approach, we utilize light directionality to improve texture quality by leveraging shade and shadow phenomena using the proposed image-capturing system that employs several light sources for highlighting roughness and microstructures on the surface. And finally, we present two methods that effectively orient images by leveraging the low-contrast textures highlighted on object surfaces (roughness and 3D microstructures) using proper lighting system. Various objects with different surface characteristics including textureless, reflective, and transparent are used to evaluate different proposed approaches. To assess the accuracy of each approach, a comprehensive comparison between reference data and generated 3D points is provided.
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Quantifying Coordinate Uncertainty Fields in Coupled Spatial Measurement systemsCalkins, Joseph Matthew 06 August 2002 (has links)
Spatial coordinate measurement systems play an important role in manufacturing and certification processes. There are many types of coordinate measurement systems including electronic theodolite networks, total station systems, video photogrammetry systems, laser tracking systems, laser scanning systems, and coordinate measuring machines. Each of these systems produces coordinate measurements containing some degree of uncertainty. Often, the results from several different types of measurement systems must be combined in order to provide useful measurement results. When these measurements are combined, the resulting coordinate data set contains uncertainties that are a function of the base data sets and complex interactions between the measurement sets. ISO standards, ANSI standards, and others, require that estimates of uncertainty accompany all measurement data.
This research presents methods for quantifying the uncertainty fields associated with coupled spatial measurement systems. The significant new developments and refinements presented in this dissertation are summarized as follows:
1) A geometrical representation of coordinate uncertainty fields.
2) An experimental method for characterizing instrument component uncertainty.
3) Coordinate uncertainty field computation for individual measurements systems.
4) Measurement system combination methods based on the relative uncertainty of each measurement's individual components.
5) Combined uncertainty field computation resulting from to the interdependence of the measurements for coupled measurement systems.
6) Uncertainty statements for measurement analyses such as best-fit geometrical shapes and hidden-point measurement.
7) The implementation of these methods into commercial measurement software.
8) Case studies demonstrating the practical applications of this research.
The specific focus of this research is portable measurement systems. It is with these systems that uncertainty field combination issues are most prevalent. The results of this research are, however, general and therefore applicable to any instrument capable of measuring spatial coordinates. / Ph. D.
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[pt] O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado foi projetar um voltímetro utilizando a
técnica de acoplamento capacitivo para medições de tensão. O design proposto do
voltímetro oferece uma alternativa simples e econômica aos métodos tradicionais de
medição de tensão. Ao utilizar o acoplamento capacitivo, a necessidade de contato elétrico
direto entre o circuito de medição e a fonte de tensão é eliminada, permitindo medições de
forma não invasivas. O processo de desenvolvimento envolveu o projeto e a construção de
um circuito de acoplamento capacitivo, que possibilitou a transferência do sinal de tensão
para um circuito de medição. O circuito de medição incluiu componentes de
condicionamento de sinal e um conversor analógico-digital para permitir leituras de tensão
com confiabilidade metrológica. O sistema foi calibrado e testado usando uma fonte de
valor de tensão conhecido para garantir medições confiáveis e precisas. Os resultados
experimentais mostram que o voltímetro obteve desempenho satisfatório para a voltagem
usual de 127 V em corrente alternada (127 V CA) e uma distância máxima de 0,2 m do
ponto de interesse, mantendo um baixo nível de interferência de ruídos elétricos externos.
O design proposto do voltímetro tem potencial para várias aplicações, especialmente em
cenários onde o contato elétrico direto com a fonte de tensão é indesejável ou impraticável.
Ele oferece uma solução confiável e eficiente para medições, sendo adequado tanto para
fins industriais quanto de pesquisa. / [en] The objective of this master s thesis was to develop a voltmeter using the capacitive coupling technique for voltage measurements. The proposed voltmeter design offers a simple and cost-effective alternative to traditional voltage measurement methods. By using capacitive coupling, the need for direct electrical contact between the measuring circuit and the voltage source is eliminated, allowing for non-invasive voltage measurements. The development process involved the design and construction of a capacitive coupling circuit, which enabled the transfer of the voltage signal to a measurement circuit. The measurement circuit included signal conditioning components and an analog-to-digital converter for accurate voltage readings. The system has been calibrated and tested using a known voltage source to ensure reliable and accurate measurements. The experimental results show that the voltmeter obtained satisfactory performance for the usual voltage of 127 V AC and a maximum distance of 0.2 m from the point of interest, maintaining a low level of interference from external electrical noises. The proposed voltmeter design has potential for several applications, especially in scenarios where direct electrical contact with the voltage source is undesirable or impractical. It offers a reliable and efficient solution for voltage measurements, being suitable for both industrial and research purposes.
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A Translating Fluxmeter for Solenoid MeasurementsMattsson Kjellqvist, Ville January 2024 (has links)
At the European Institute for Nuclear Research, CERN, a new electron cooler is being commissioned for the Antiproton Decelerator experiment. In this experiment protons are shot into a block of metal, which creates anti protons. These anti protons will thereafter be focused into a particle beam, a process done in several steps. One of these steps is with an electron cooler. This cooler shoots electrons into the ion-beam path. These electrons then collide with the beam particles, and momentum is transferred from the beam particles to the electrons. The electrons are then steered away from the beam path, into an electron collector. In the beam path drift of the cooler, where the anti protons and electrons meet, a normal conducting solenoid magnet is used to orient the electron path. This magnet comes with strict requirements on field quality, such that the transversal magnetic field must be less than 10 ppm of the lateral field. In this thesis a metrological characterization of a prototype measurement system for solenoidal magnets is presented. Instead of winding measurement coils with wire, they are instead printed on a circuit board over ten layers. Of particular interest was the magnet alignment with respect to the beam aperture, so that the magnetic solenoid axis is in line with the aperture central axis. For this purpose, a mathematical model for solenoidal magnetic fields has been constructed. This model can be used to quantify the sensitivity of the measurement system for an unaligned magnet. Furthermore, some test measurements are presented, along with some simulation campaigns to further characterize the problem. A specific method where the magnetic field peaks are used to measure the alignment is evaluated. / På den Europeiska organisationen för Kärnforskning pågår just nu ett uppgraderingsarbete för AD-experimentet, (fullständigt namn på engelska: Antiproton Decelerator). I detta experiment skjuts protoner in i ett block med metall, vilket skapar antiprotoner. Dessa antiprotoner ska sedan fokuseras till en partikelstråle, vilket görs i en rad olika steg, däribland med vad som kallas för en elektronkylare. Elektronkylaren skjuter in elektroner i partikelstrålens väg, vilka kolliderar med antiprotonerna och på detta sätt reducerar temperaturen i partikelstrålen genom att överföra momentum till elektronerna. Elektronerna leds sedan bort ur strålens väg, in i en elektronsamlare.I strålaperturen, där elektronerna och antiprotonerna möts, används en normalledande solenoidmagnet för att styra elektronerna. Dennasolenoidmagnet kommer med strikta krav på den magnetiska fältprofilen,varför känslig mätutrustning krävs. Det magnetiska fältet måste vara av solenoid karaktär, så att det transversella fältet är mindre än 10 ppm av det longitudinella. I denna rapport presenteras en metrologisk karaktärisering av en ny prototyp på mätsystem för solenoidmagneter. Istället för att linda spolar som en mäter fältkvalitén med, så har dessa istället tryckts på ett kretskort över tio lager. Av speciellt intresse var att mäta magnetens justering, så att solenoidaxeln ligger i linje med strålaperturen. För detta ändamål så har en matematisk modell för solenoida magnetfält konstruerats. Denna modell kan användas för att kvantifiera känsligheten hos mätsystemet för en ojusterad solenoidmagnet. Vidare så presenteras testmätningar med systemet, samt en rad simulationer för att vidare karaktärisera problemet. En specifik mätmetodik där magnetfältstopparna används för att undersöka magnetens justering utvärderas.
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[pt] A presente Dissertação de Mestrado Uma nova abordagem
o ensino de metrologia dimensional, propõe uma
de utilização de tecnologia da informação e de internet
como ferramenta educacional, focando, sobretudo, um
novo conceito de sistema educacional interativo orientado
para o treinamento de profissionais em metrologia
dimensional. O sistema implementado, cujo o acesso
foi facultado à comunidade universitária da Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) e aos
profissionais e clientes da Mitutoyo Sul Americana Ltda.,
constitui-se como parte do esforço do Programa de
pósgraduação em Metrologia da PUC-Rio voltado ao
desenvolvimento de técnicas mais eficazes de ensino e
treinamento à distância em metrologia. O trabalho
aborda, também, a evolução da educação a distância (EaD),
sua utilização nos ambientes coorporativos, enfatizando
dificuldades associadas à disseminação da educação
vocacional profissionalizante no Brasil e no mundo.
ainda, ações que possam efetivar a internet como
eficaz na preparação de profissionais para a sua inserção
em um mercado globalizado competitivo. / [en] The present Master`s Degree Dissertation A new approach for
teaching dimensional metrology, suggests an alternative for
the use of information technology and world wide web
(Internet) techniques applied to education in metrology,
focusing on a new concept of interactive educational system
devoted to professionals interested in dimensional
metrology. The implemented system, made available to the
university community of the Catholic University of Rio de
Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and also to professionals and clients of
Mitutoyo Sul Americana Ltda., constitutes part of the
inherent effort developed by the Post-Graduate Program in
Metrology of PUC-Rio aiming at the development of more
efficient and advanced techniques for teaching metrology.
The work also addresses the evolution of distance education
(EaD) and its use in corporate environments, emphasizing
most common difficulties met to disseminate education in
Brazil and around the world. Additionally, it also suggests
actions that may turn the Internet into an efficient tool
in preparing professionals for their entry into a
competitive globalized market.
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[pt] A presente dissertação de mestrado intitulada Metrologia
nas normas, normas na metrologia foi motivada por
recomendações explícitas contidas no Plano Nacional de
Metrologia (PNM) - transformado em instrumento da política
metrológica brasileira, por força de Resolução
Interministerial do CONMETRO, que propôs ações de
fortalecimento do sistema brasileiro de normalização,
priorizando a implementação de um comitê brasileiro para
normalização em metrologia na estrutra orgânica da ABNT.
Entendidas como funções complementares da tecnologia
industrial, metrologia e normalização são tratadas não
apenas como insumos essenciais para desenvolvimento da
competitividade industrial e melhoria da qualidade de vida,
mas, também, como elementos indissociáveis no
equacionamento de vulnerabilidades que restringem o acesso
de produtos brasileiros a mercados competitivos em
decorrência de barreiras técnicas ao comércio internacional.
Assim, no contexto das recomendações apontadas pelo PNM, a
pesquisa de mestrado contemplou: (i) estudo do modus
operandi dos organismos internacionais de normalização,
para se perceber a forma pela qual o insumo metrológico é
agregado às normas internacionais; (ii) análise das práticas
vivenciadas por organismos nacionais de normalização de
países mais industrializados, objetivando apreender suas
experiências no desenvolvimento de normas em metrologia;
(iii) entrevista junto a especialistas atuantes em
metrologia e em normalização, objetivando definir um padrão
de atuação para se equacionar a normalização técnica
setorial no Brasil; (iv) caracterização dos principais fatos
marcantes que impactaram o alavancamento da normalização
técnica no País, provendo subsídio para equacionamento dos
óbices ainda existentes e (v) análise das carências e
vulnerabilidades do sistema brasileiro de normalização,
assim consolidando conhecimento e uma visão crítica para
planejamento da pesquisa de mestrado que se constituiu na
concepção e formulação das bases conceituais de um comitê
técnico para normalização em metrologia, proposto para ser
implementado na estrutura orgânica da ABNT, entendido como
estratégia de fortalecimento do sistema brasileiro de
normalização e (vi) pesquisa de demanda por normalização em
metrologia. Objetivando diferenciar as demandas por
normalização em metrologia das demandas por metrologia na
normalização, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida no contexto de
três ambientes: (a) junto aos comitês brasileiros de
normalização (ABNT/CB) e organismos de normalização setorial
(ONS) que integram a estrutura orgânica da Associação
Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), com o propósito de
conhecer necessidades específicas de metrologia na
atividade de normalização bem como as dificuldades
relacionadas ao uso e aplicação de fundamentos da
metrologia como insumo ao processo de normalização técnica;
(b) junto a especialistas de metrologia e normalização, para
subsidiar o desenvolvimento de uma interface técnica de
cooperação e (c) junto a fóruns especialistas de
metrologia, para se identificar demandas por normalização,
identificadas ao longo das respectivas cadeias hierárquicas
de disseminação das unidades de base e derivadas do Sistema
Internacional de Unidades (SI). Adicionalmente às bases de
dados (caracterização de demandas por normalização
em metrologia) que foram consolidadas pelo presente
trabalho e que levaram à ampla reflexão sobre a correlação
existente entre metrologia nas normas e normas na
metrologia, destacam-se os seguintes resultados que também
emergiram da presente dissertação de mestrado: (i)
desenvolvimento de uma nova área de concentração em
normalização técnica, criada no Programa de Pós-
Graduação em Metrologia da PUC-Rio; (ii) indução de um
processo para geração de conhecimento e formação de
recursos humanos em normalização; (iii) a recente cri / [en] The present master s degree dissertation entitled Metrology in standards, standards in metrology was motivated by explicit recommendations included in the National Metrology Plan (PNM) - which became an instrument of the Brazilian metrology policy, by force of a Interministerial Decision from CONMETRO, that had proposed specific actions to strenghten the Brazilian system of standardization, prioritizing the implementation of a technical committe for standardization in metrology within the ABNT structure. As complementary functions of industrial technology, metrology and standardization are treated not only as
essential inputs necessary for the development of industrial competitiveness and quality of life enhancement, but also as intrinsic elements in equating vulnerabilities which restrict access of Brazilian products to competitive markets because of technical barriers to international trade. Thus, within the context of recommendations made by PNM, this master s degree research considered: (i) a study of the modus operandi of international standardization organizations, so as to perceive the way through which
metrology inputs are added to international standards; (ii) an analysis of practices by national
standardization organizations in industrialized countries so as to capture their experience in developing metrology standards; (iii) interviews with active experts in metrology and standardization with the purpose of defining a performance pattern in order to equate technical standards of industry in Brazil; (iv) a description of the most outstanding facts which had an impact on leveraging technical standardization in the country, providing subsidies to equate existingobstacles; (v) an analysis of the shortages and vulnerabilities of the Brazilian standardization system, thus consolidating knowledge and a critical vision in
order to plan this master s dissertation which consisted of conceiving and formulating the conceptual fundamentals of a technical committee for standardization in metrology, to be implemented in ABNT s organic structure, as a strategy to enhance the Brazilian standardization system, and (vi) standardization demand research in metrology. With the aim of distinguishing the demand for standardization in metrology from the demand for metrology in standardization, this research was developed along three different lines:
(a) at Brazilian standardization committees (ABNT/CB) and industry standardization organizations (ONS) which make up the organic structure of the Brazilian Association for Technical Standards (ABNT), so as to know the specific needs for metrology in standardization activities, as well as, the difficulties related to the use and application of metrology fundamentals as inputs to the technical standardization process; (b) with metrology and standardization experts in order to subsidize the development of the interface of a new cooperation rationale, and (c) research in forum specialized in metrology so as to identify standardization demands, pointed out throughout respective dissemination hierarchical chains of base units and derived from the International System of Units (SI). In addition tothe data bank which was consolidated by study and research developed and which led to a broad reflection on the existing correlation between metrology in standards and standards in metrology, the following results, which also came out of this master s degree dissertation, can be highlighted: (i) development of a new concentration area in technical standardization, created for the Post Graduate Program in Metrology at the Catholic University (PUC-Rio) in Rio de Janeiro; (ii) introduction of a process to build knowledge and development of human resources in standardization; (iii) the recent creation of ABNT/CB-53, the Brazilian Committee for Standardization in Metrology, whose genesis, conception, framework and implementation came out of the current master s degree work in metrology and which, officially , supplies Brazilian society with a technical forum for standardization in metrology. This d
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High Precision Optical Frequency MetrologyDas, Dipankar 05 1900 (has links)
Precise measurements of both absolute frequencies and small frequency differences of atomic energy levels have played an important role in the development of physics. For example, high precision measurements of absolute frequencies of the 2S½ → 2P ½ transition (D1 line) of alkali atoms form an important link in the measurement of the fine structure constant, α. Similarly, precise interferometric measurements of the local gravitational acceleration (g) rely on the knowledge of the absolute frequencies of the 2S½ → 2P 3/2 transition (D2line) in alkali atoms. Difference frequency measurements of hyperfine structure and isotope shifts of atomic energy levels provide valuable information about the structure of the nucleus, which in turn helps in fine tuning the atomic wave functions used in theoretical calculations.
The work reported in this thesis starts with the development and refinement of high precision measurement of absolute frequencies using a ring-cavity resonator. The measurement technique is relatively simple and cost-effective, but the accuracy is comparable to that achieved with the frequency comb technique (10¯11) when the accuracy is limited by the natural linewidth of the transition being measured. The technique combines the advantages of using tunable diode lasers to access atomic transitions with the fact that the absolute frequency of the D2 line in87Rb is known with an accuracy of 6 kHz. A frequency-stabilized diode laser locked to this line is used as a frequency reference, along with a ring-cavity resonator whose length is locked to the reference laser. For a given cavity length, an unknown laser locked to an atomic transition has a small frequency offset from the nearest cavity resonance. We use an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) to compensate for this frequency offset. The measured offset is combined with the cavity mode number to obtain a precise value for the frequency of The unknown laser. We have used this technique for absolute frequency measurements Of the D lines in133Cs and 6,7Li, and the 398.8nm line in Yb.
We have also developed a technique to measure the ‘difference frequency’ of atomic energy levels using a single diode laser and an AOM. In this technique, the laser is first locked to a given hyperfine transition. The laser frequency is then shifted using the AOM to another hyperfine transition and the AOM frequency is locked to this difference. Thus the AOM frequency directly gives a measurement of the hyperfine interval. Applying this AOM technique we have measured the hyperfine interval of the D1 lines of all alkali atoms with high precision.
We have further developed a technique of coheren-tcontrol spectroscopy (CCS) using co-propagating control and probe beam that is useful for highresolution spectroscopy. In this technique, the probe beam is locked to a transition and its absorption signal is monitored while the control beam is scanned through neighbouring transition. As the control comes into resonance with another transition, the probe absorption is reduced and the signal shows a Doppler free dip. This technique allows us to resolve transitions that are otherwise swamped by crossover resonances in conventional saturated absorption spectroscopy (SAS). We have applied this technique to measure hyperfine intervals in the D2 line of several alkali atoms.
Thus, we were able to do high-precision measurements of both absolute and difference frequency of atomic transitions. The precision of the absolute frequency measurement is finally limited by the accuracy of 6 kHz with which the reference frequency is known. The nearby two photon transition in Rb, i.e. the 5S1/2→5D3/2 transition at 778 nm, is known with an accuracy of 1 kHz. In future, we hope to improve the accuracy of our technique using this transition as the reference.
This thesis is organized as follows: In Chapter1,we give a brief introduction to our work.. We review the importance of frequency measurements and precision spectroscopy, followed by a comparison of the frequency comb and our ring cavity technique.
In Chapter2, we describe measurements of the absolute frequency of the D lines of 133Cs using the ring cavity. We give a detailed discussion of the technique, the Possible sources of errors, and ways to check for the errors. The measurement of the absolute frequency of the D lines of Cs allows a direct comparison to frequency comb measurements, and thus acts as a good check on our technique.
In Chapter 3, we describe the absolute frequency and isotope shift measurements in the 398.8 nm line in Yb. We probed this line by frequency doubling the output of a tunable Ti:Sapphire laser. We obtained< 60 kHz precision in our measurements and were able to resolve several discrepancies in previous measurements on this line.
In Chapter 4, we describe the measurement of hyperfine structure in the D1 lines of alkali atoms. We used conventional saturated-absorption spectroscopy in a vapor cell to probe different hyperfine transitions and then used our AOM technique to measure the hyperfine interval with high precision.
In Chapter 5 we discuss our measurements of hyperfine structure in the D2 lines of several alkali atoms. In the case of 23Na and 39K, the closely-spaced hyperfine transitions are not completely resolved in conventional saturatedabsorption spectroscopy due to the presence of cross over resonances. We have used coherent control spectroscopy to obtain crossover-free spectra and then measured the hyperfine intervals using an AOM. This technique was also used for high resolution spectroscopy in the D2 line of 133Cs. Finally, we describe our measurements of hyperfine structure in the D2 line of Rb using normal saturated absorption spectroscopy.
Chapter 6, describes the relative and absolute frequency measurements in the D lines of6,7 Li at 670nm. High-precision measurements in lithium are of special interest because theoretical calculations of atomic properties in this simple three electron system are fairly advanced. Lithium spectroscopy poses an experimental challenge and we describe our efforts in doing highresolution spectroscopy on this system.
Chapter 7 describes the hyperfine spectroscopy on the1P 1 state of 173Yb. Measurement of hyperfine structure in 173Yb has a problem because two of the hyperfine transitions overlap with the transition in 172Yb. In our earlier work (described in chapter 4), we had solved this problem by using multipeak fitting to the partially resolved spectrum. Here, we directly resolve the hyperfine transitions by using transverse laser cooling to selectively deflect the 173Yb isotope.
In Chapter 8 , we give a broad conclusion to the work reported in this thesis and suggest future avenues of research to continue the work commenced here.
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"Phase-Correlation Based Displacemnt-Metrology" - Few InvestigationsDiwan, C Yogesh 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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