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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riglyne vir die hantering van die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare

Wilson, Lizane 30 September 2006 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Seksuele misbruik is 'n brutale vorm van kindermishandeling wat kommerwekkende afmetings in Suid-Afrika aanneem. Hierdie traumatiese gebeurtenis het emosioneel 'n geweldige negatiewe impak op die kinderslagoffer. Hierdie studie is gerig deur die uitgangspunt dat terapeute, deur middel van Gestaltspelterapie, hierdie kinderslagoffers moet lei in die hantering van hierdie trauma en die gevolge daarvan. Die gebrek aan riglyne vir die terapeut om die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare te hanteer is as navorsingsprobleem geformuleer. Die doel van die studie was dus om vanuit 'n Gestaltspelterapeutiese benadering riglyne vir terapeute daar te stel in die hantering van die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare ten einde die kind te bemagtig. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is die navorsingsproses deur kwalitatiewe navorsing gerig en individuele gevallestudies voltooi deur die terapeutiese proses met drie kinderslagoffers te deurloop. Die data wat bekom is kon deur middel van data-analise en literatuurkontrole aangewend word om riglyne saam te stel. Daar is dus in die doel van die ondersoek geslaag, naamlik die daarstelling van riglyne vir die hantering van die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare. / Sexual abuse is a brutal form of child abuse that has reached exasperating proportions in South Africa. This traumatic event has an enormously negative emotional impact on the child victim. This study is directed by the premise that therapists', by means of Gestalt play therapy, should guide these victimized children in dealing with this trauma and its consequences. The research problem for the study was formulated as the lack of guidelines for the therapist to deal with the sexually abused child in middle childhood. The aim of the study was to provide therapists' with guidelines designed from the approach of Gestalt play therapy for dealing with and empowering the sexually abused child in middle childhood. In order to achieve this goal, qualitative research was employed, while individual case studies were carried out by applying the therapeutic process to three victimized children. The data obtained was analyzed, checked against existing literature, and used to compile the guidelines. Thus, the goal of the research was achieved, namely to provide guidelines for dealing with the sexually abused child in middle childhood. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Spelterapeutiese riglyne ter bevordering van emosionele veerkragtigheid by egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kinders

Wolhuter, Catharina Maria Louisa 30 November 2007 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Every year, a significant number of children are being traumatized by the divorce of their parents. The aim of this study was to provide a guideline for Gestalt play therapists to enhance the resilience of children in middle childhood who have been traumatized by the divorce of their parents. To achieve this goal, the researcher made use of both the qualitative and the quantitative method of data collection. Data were collected by means of a literature study, four case studies, a semistructured interview and two questionares. The integration of the data collected through the empirical investigation enabled the researcher to compile a guideline to assist Gestalt play therapists in enhancing the resilience of children in middle childhood, traumatized by the divorce of their parents. By utilizing this guideline, Gestalt play therapists can assist children to overcome the damaging effects of the divorce. Simultaneously, the children are being empowered with skills enabling them to successfully deal with future setbacks. / 'n Beduidende aantal kinders word jaarliks getraumatiseer weens die egskeiding van hul ouers. Die doel vir die studie was om 'n riglyn vir Gestaltspelterapeute saam te stel waarvolgens die emosionele veerkragtigheid van die egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kind in die middelkinderjare bevorder kan word. Ten einde bogenoemde doel te bereik het die navorser inligting ingesamel aan die hand van sowel die kwalitatiewe as die kwantitatiewe benadering. Inligting is ingesamel deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie, vier gevallestudies, 'n semigestruktureerde onderhoud en twee vraelyste. Vanuit die prosessering en integrering van bevindinge tydens die empiriese ondersoek verkry, is 'n riglyn vir Gestaltspelterapeute saamgestel. Deur die riglyn te benut kan Gestaltspelterapeute egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kinders help om die skadelike uitwerking van egskeiding te oorkom. Tegelyk word die kinders ook met vaardighede bemagtig wat hulle toerus om toekomstige teleurstelling, teenspoed en trauma effektief te hanteer. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Die verkenning van faktore wat lei tot voortydige terminering van terapeutiese dienslewering aan seksueel-mishandelde kinders by Tygerbeer eenheid

Visagie, Elizabeth Ann 02 1900 (has links)
Exploration of factors that lead to early termination of therapeutic services to sexually abused children at TygerBear Unit. Some children referred to TygerBear Unit because of sexual abuse did not complete their therapeutic intervention programmes and possibly did not receive sufficient time to work through the trauma of sexual abuse. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore and describe the factors that result in the early termination of sexually abused children’s therapeutic services at TygerBear Unit. Applied research that is exploratory and descriptive in nature, with the case study method as strategy, was followed. Data were collected through telephonic and/or one-on-one semi-structured interviews, in addition to the use of notes in personal records. Respondents included parents and/or caregivers of children whose therapy was terminated early, as well as social workers involved with play therapeutic service delivery to these children. Information was analysed with reference to the Field Theory, Ecological Theory and the relevant literature. Several factors that influenced parents and/or caregivers to terminate therapeutic services early were identified. / Die verkenning van faktore wat lei tot voortydige terminering van terapeutiese dienslewering aan seksueel-mishandelde kinders by TygerBeer Eenheid. Sommige kinders wat na TygerBeer Eenheid verwys word weens seksuele mishandeling, voltooi nie hul terapeutiese intervensieprogramme nie. Die kinders is moontlik nie genoeg tyd gegun om deur die trauma van seksuele mishandeling te werk nie. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om faktore te verken en te beskryf wat lei tot die voortydige terminering van terapeutiese dienslewering aan seksueel-mishandelde kinders by die TygerBeer Eenheid. Toegepaste navorsing van 'n verkennende en beskrywende aard is gebruik, met die gevallestudiemetode as strategie. Data is versamel deur middel van telefoniese en/of een-tot-een semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en persoonlike rekords. Respondente het bestaan uit ouers en/of versorgers wat hul kinders of voogde se terapie voortydig termineer het, asook maatskaplike werkers betrokke by spelterapeutiese dienslewering aan kinders. lnligting is ontleed met verwysing na die Veldteorie en Ekologiese Teorie, asook die relevante literatuur. Verskeie faktore is geidentifiseer wat ouers en/of versorgers noodsaak om terapeutiese dienste voortydig te termineer. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Die hantering van alledaagse bekommernisse deur laerskoolleerders in die Helderberg-kom / Renée Jansen van Vuuren

Van Vuuren, Renée Jansen January 2014 (has links)
Most primary school learners experience everyday worries during their normal development. Children handle worries differently, and if they are not supported, their self-concept and psychosocial development could be influenced negatively. Parents and teachers are not always aware of what primary school learners worry about, or how they handle their worries. It is important that parents and teachers are made aware of this, so that children can be better supported in this regard. The aim of this study was to determine the everyday worries of primary school learners in a specific school in the Helderberg area, as well as how these worries are handled. This aim was addressed through a descriptive, qualitative research design. Thirty learners between the ages of ten and eleven in the specific school were involved through a simple random sample. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews were used to obtain a detailed picture of learners’ everyday worries and how they handle them. Interviews were held through the use of an interview schedule, which was compiled in accordance with a literature study, tested in a pilot study and adjusted where necessary. Interviews were transcribed and themes were identified according to Braun and Clarke’s method of thematic analysis. On intrapersonal level one worry was identified, namely about emotions that are experienced. On this level participants handled worries by preferring to be alone, trying not to think about worries, crying, writing or drawing in diary, through praying, eating or sleeping. On interpersonal level, worries about school, family, friends and loss were identified. On this level worries were handled through spending time with a family member, friends, the media, pets, or by asking for support from the school. Themes were divided into subthemes, supported with appropriate quotes from the interviews and controlled with literature. This study confirms existing literature in terms of the worries that primary school learners experience. With this study a contribution is being made to the identification of worries on inter- and intrapersonal level, as well as the handling of worries on these two levels. In the future this information can be used as a basis for the effective development of ways for parents and teachers to support children in this regard. Suggestions were made for parents and teachers to encourage children to talk about their worries, as well as to help them find effective ways in which to communicate and practice to handle these worries well. It is very important that parents and teachers are made aware of topics children are worried about and how they handle them, so that children can be better supported and assisted in this regard. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die hantering van alledaagse bekommernisse deur laerskoolleerders in die Helderberg-kom / Renée Jansen van Vuuren

Van Vuuren, Renée Jansen January 2014 (has links)
Most primary school learners experience everyday worries during their normal development. Children handle worries differently, and if they are not supported, their self-concept and psychosocial development could be influenced negatively. Parents and teachers are not always aware of what primary school learners worry about, or how they handle their worries. It is important that parents and teachers are made aware of this, so that children can be better supported in this regard. The aim of this study was to determine the everyday worries of primary school learners in a specific school in the Helderberg area, as well as how these worries are handled. This aim was addressed through a descriptive, qualitative research design. Thirty learners between the ages of ten and eleven in the specific school were involved through a simple random sample. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews were used to obtain a detailed picture of learners’ everyday worries and how they handle them. Interviews were held through the use of an interview schedule, which was compiled in accordance with a literature study, tested in a pilot study and adjusted where necessary. Interviews were transcribed and themes were identified according to Braun and Clarke’s method of thematic analysis. On intrapersonal level one worry was identified, namely about emotions that are experienced. On this level participants handled worries by preferring to be alone, trying not to think about worries, crying, writing or drawing in diary, through praying, eating or sleeping. On interpersonal level, worries about school, family, friends and loss were identified. On this level worries were handled through spending time with a family member, friends, the media, pets, or by asking for support from the school. Themes were divided into subthemes, supported with appropriate quotes from the interviews and controlled with literature. This study confirms existing literature in terms of the worries that primary school learners experience. With this study a contribution is being made to the identification of worries on inter- and intrapersonal level, as well as the handling of worries on these two levels. In the future this information can be used as a basis for the effective development of ways for parents and teachers to support children in this regard. Suggestions were made for parents and teachers to encourage children to talk about their worries, as well as to help them find effective ways in which to communicate and practice to handle these worries well. It is very important that parents and teachers are made aware of topics children are worried about and how they handle them, so that children can be better supported and assisted in this regard. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Kinders van plaaswerkers in die Oudtshoorn distrik se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul primêre gesinne / van der Westhuizen, S.M.

Van der Westhuizen, Saryna Michau January 2011 (has links)
Alkoholmisbruik is tans n sosiale kwessie in Suid–Afrika, asook in die res van die wêreld. Die kind in sy middelkinderjare lewensfase se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin kom in verskillende ontwikkelingsterreine na vore, in sy daaglikse interaksie met sy gesin asook in sy wyer skakeling . Alhoewel hy homself gedurende hierdie fase in n losmakingsproses om onafhanklikheid bevind, bly sy gesin steeds vir hom n bron van sekuriteit, hulp en ondersteuning. Vir die navorsingsmetodologie is die proses in tabelformaat weergegee met behulp van n onderverdeling in vier fases. Tydens die eerste fase, die aanvanklike beplanning en probleem–formulering, het hoofsaaklik drie aspekte aandag geniet, naamlik die navorsingsonderwerp, probleem–formulering en die doel met die nodige doelwitte. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie wat vanuit die probleem–formulering voortgespruit het, was om plattelandse kinders in die middelkinderjare se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul gesinne waarvan hul deel vorm, te beskryf. Tydens die formele beplanning in die tweede fase is die inligting deur middel van triangulering ingesamel en is op die navorsingsbenadering en –strategieë gefokus. Vanuit verskillende bronne is inligting verken om die plattelandse kind in die middelkinderjare lewensfase wat deel vorm van die alkoholmisbruik–gesin se belewenisse, te beskryf. n Literatuurstudie het die samestelling en uiteensetting moontlik gemaak vir n profielstudie vanuit n paradigmatiese perspektief van die kind. In die derde fase is aandag gegee aan die empiriese ondersoek waartydens triangulering praktykgerig voortgesit is met behulp van sinsvoltooing met vyf kinderrespondente, voltooiing van n selfontwerpte vraelys wat opgevolg is met semi–gestruktureerde onderhoude met vyf ouers en vyf onderwysers. Gedurende die vierde fase het die interpretering en integrering van die bevindinge gerealiseer. Die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, is veral geleë in die leemte op nasionale vlak en op die platteland ten opsigte van spesifiek die kind se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin asook sy omgewing. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat daar aandag gegee moet word aan alkoholmisbruik as verskynsel en die alkoholmisbruikte–huweliksverhouding en dat onkunde bestaan ten opsigte van ouerskap en die belewenis van die kind as betrokkene by sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin. Om hierdie redes word aanbeveel dat daar gefokus moet word op die kind se proses, maar ook dat ouers, onderwysers en maatskaplike werkers wat deel vorm van die ondersteuningsnetwerk vir hierdie kinders, die nodige kennis en insig deur middel van opleidingsprogramme behoort te ontvang. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Kinders van plaaswerkers in die Oudtshoorn distrik se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul primêre gesinne / van der Westhuizen, S.M.

Van der Westhuizen, Saryna Michau January 2011 (has links)
Alkoholmisbruik is tans n sosiale kwessie in Suid–Afrika, asook in die res van die wêreld. Die kind in sy middelkinderjare lewensfase se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin kom in verskillende ontwikkelingsterreine na vore, in sy daaglikse interaksie met sy gesin asook in sy wyer skakeling . Alhoewel hy homself gedurende hierdie fase in n losmakingsproses om onafhanklikheid bevind, bly sy gesin steeds vir hom n bron van sekuriteit, hulp en ondersteuning. Vir die navorsingsmetodologie is die proses in tabelformaat weergegee met behulp van n onderverdeling in vier fases. Tydens die eerste fase, die aanvanklike beplanning en probleem–formulering, het hoofsaaklik drie aspekte aandag geniet, naamlik die navorsingsonderwerp, probleem–formulering en die doel met die nodige doelwitte. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe studie wat vanuit die probleem–formulering voortgespruit het, was om plattelandse kinders in die middelkinderjare se belewenis van alkoholmisbruik in hul gesinne waarvan hul deel vorm, te beskryf. Tydens die formele beplanning in die tweede fase is die inligting deur middel van triangulering ingesamel en is op die navorsingsbenadering en –strategieë gefokus. Vanuit verskillende bronne is inligting verken om die plattelandse kind in die middelkinderjare lewensfase wat deel vorm van die alkoholmisbruik–gesin se belewenisse, te beskryf. n Literatuurstudie het die samestelling en uiteensetting moontlik gemaak vir n profielstudie vanuit n paradigmatiese perspektief van die kind. In die derde fase is aandag gegee aan die empiriese ondersoek waartydens triangulering praktykgerig voortgesit is met behulp van sinsvoltooing met vyf kinderrespondente, voltooiing van n selfontwerpte vraelys wat opgevolg is met semi–gestruktureerde onderhoude met vyf ouers en vyf onderwysers. Gedurende die vierde fase het die interpretering en integrering van die bevindinge gerealiseer. Die gevolgtrekkings waartoe gekom is, is veral geleë in die leemte op nasionale vlak en op die platteland ten opsigte van spesifiek die kind se belewenis van sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin asook sy omgewing. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat daar aandag gegee moet word aan alkoholmisbruik as verskynsel en die alkoholmisbruikte–huweliksverhouding en dat onkunde bestaan ten opsigte van ouerskap en die belewenis van die kind as betrokkene by sy alkoholmisbruik–gesin. Om hierdie redes word aanbeveel dat daar gefokus moet word op die kind se proses, maar ook dat ouers, onderwysers en maatskaplike werkers wat deel vorm van die ondersteuningsnetwerk vir hierdie kinders, die nodige kennis en insig deur middel van opleidingsprogramme behoort te ontvang. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Riglyne vir die hantering van die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare

Wilson, Lizane 30 September 2006 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Seksuele misbruik is 'n brutale vorm van kindermishandeling wat kommerwekkende afmetings in Suid-Afrika aanneem. Hierdie traumatiese gebeurtenis het emosioneel 'n geweldige negatiewe impak op die kinderslagoffer. Hierdie studie is gerig deur die uitgangspunt dat terapeute, deur middel van Gestaltspelterapie, hierdie kinderslagoffers moet lei in die hantering van hierdie trauma en die gevolge daarvan. Die gebrek aan riglyne vir die terapeut om die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare te hanteer is as navorsingsprobleem geformuleer. Die doel van die studie was dus om vanuit 'n Gestaltspelterapeutiese benadering riglyne vir terapeute daar te stel in die hantering van die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare ten einde die kind te bemagtig. Om hierdie doel te bereik, is die navorsingsproses deur kwalitatiewe navorsing gerig en individuele gevallestudies voltooi deur die terapeutiese proses met drie kinderslagoffers te deurloop. Die data wat bekom is kon deur middel van data-analise en literatuurkontrole aangewend word om riglyne saam te stel. Daar is dus in die doel van die ondersoek geslaag, naamlik die daarstelling van riglyne vir die hantering van die seksueel misbruikte kind in die middelkinderjare. / Sexual abuse is a brutal form of child abuse that has reached exasperating proportions in South Africa. This traumatic event has an enormously negative emotional impact on the child victim. This study is directed by the premise that therapists', by means of Gestalt play therapy, should guide these victimized children in dealing with this trauma and its consequences. The research problem for the study was formulated as the lack of guidelines for the therapist to deal with the sexually abused child in middle childhood. The aim of the study was to provide therapists' with guidelines designed from the approach of Gestalt play therapy for dealing with and empowering the sexually abused child in middle childhood. In order to achieve this goal, qualitative research was employed, while individual case studies were carried out by applying the therapeutic process to three victimized children. The data obtained was analyzed, checked against existing literature, and used to compile the guidelines. Thus, the goal of the research was achieved, namely to provide guidelines for dealing with the sexually abused child in middle childhood. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Spelterapeutiese riglyne ter bevordering van emosionele veerkragtigheid by egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kinders

Wolhuter, Catharina Maria Louisa 30 November 2007 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Every year, a significant number of children are being traumatized by the divorce of their parents. The aim of this study was to provide a guideline for Gestalt play therapists to enhance the resilience of children in middle childhood who have been traumatized by the divorce of their parents. To achieve this goal, the researcher made use of both the qualitative and the quantitative method of data collection. Data were collected by means of a literature study, four case studies, a semistructured interview and two questionares. The integration of the data collected through the empirical investigation enabled the researcher to compile a guideline to assist Gestalt play therapists in enhancing the resilience of children in middle childhood, traumatized by the divorce of their parents. By utilizing this guideline, Gestalt play therapists can assist children to overcome the damaging effects of the divorce. Simultaneously, the children are being empowered with skills enabling them to successfully deal with future setbacks. / 'n Beduidende aantal kinders word jaarliks getraumatiseer weens die egskeiding van hul ouers. Die doel vir die studie was om 'n riglyn vir Gestaltspelterapeute saam te stel waarvolgens die emosionele veerkragtigheid van die egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kind in die middelkinderjare bevorder kan word. Ten einde bogenoemde doel te bereik het die navorser inligting ingesamel aan die hand van sowel die kwalitatiewe as die kwantitatiewe benadering. Inligting is ingesamel deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie, vier gevallestudies, 'n semigestruktureerde onderhoud en twee vraelyste. Vanuit die prosessering en integrering van bevindinge tydens die empiriese ondersoek verkry, is 'n riglyn vir Gestaltspelterapeute saamgestel. Deur die riglyn te benut kan Gestaltspelterapeute egskeidingsgetraumatiseerde kinders help om die skadelike uitwerking van egskeiding te oorkom. Tegelyk word die kinders ook met vaardighede bemagtig wat hulle toerus om toekomstige teleurstelling, teenspoed en trauma effektief te hanteer. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)

Die benutting van die lewensboek binne spelterapie ten opsigte van selfblaam by die middelkinderjarige dogter in die kinderhuis (Afrikaans)

Nel, Carmen 04 October 2005 (has links)
The research dealt with three girls in middle childhood years, in a children’s home, who were experiencing difficulties with self-blame. These difficulties were addressed through play therapy sessions using the ‘gestalt’ approach with the life story book as an aid. The motivation for the study originated during discussions with the social workers at the Abraham Kriel/Maria Kloppers Children’s Home. During these discussions the researcher became aware of the vast number of children in the caseloads of the social workers at Abraham Kriel/Maria Kloppers Children’s Home, who blame themselves for being removed from their parents’ custody. The purpose of the study was to determine whether the life story book could be used as an aid in play therapy sessions focussing on the self-blame of girls in middle childhood years, living in a children’s home. To achieve the goal of this study, a literature study was done regarding the middle childhood years, self-blame, the child in a children’s home and the use of the life story book in play therapy. An empirical study was conducted on the use of the life story book regarding the self-blame of three girls in the middle childhood years, living in a children’s home. Finally the researcher made conclusions and recommendations regarding the use of the life story book, after taking into consideration both the literature study and the empirical study. The investigation was based on applied research. For the purpose of this study, three girls in middle childhood years living in a children’s home were identified by means of purposive sampling. The girls participated in six play therapy sessions each. From this empirical research, it was clear that the life story book could be successfully used in play therapy, focussing on self-blame, with the three girls in middle childhood years living in a children’s home. As an outcome of this study, conclusions and recommendations were formulated. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work / unrestricted

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