Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fiddle classes"" "subject:"biddle classes""
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Classes moyennes éthiopiennes : étude empirique d'une assignation catégorielle incertaine. / Ethiopian Middle Classes : an Empirical Study of an Uncertain and Projected CategoryNallet, Clélie 26 March 2015 (has links)
Au cours des années 2010, les « classes moyennes africaines » sont progressivement devenues une référence catégorielle des sphères économiques et politiques internationales. La catégorie, associée systématiquement à des corrélations positives non validées de développement économique et politique, fait l'objet de divers travaux d'identification et de typification de la part d'acteurs extérieurs (organisations internationales de développement, cabinets de conseil en investissement, etc.). Si ces derniers n'hésitent pas à affirmer l'émergence de « classes moyennes africaines », nous ne pouvons que souligner le caractère incantatoire de telles affirmations, qui relèvent plus d'un « jeu de fabricants » visant à dessiner un monde en « émergence » que de validations empiriques probantes.Ce travail de thèse se base sur un pari : user d’une affectation catégorielle particulièrement incertaine « classes moyennes africaines » afin d’élaborer une méthodologie permettant d’identifier des mutations sociales structurelles sous-jacentes en Éthiopie. Par une étude empirique de l'espace social intermédiaire d'Addis-Abeba, il s'agit de soumettre ces mutations à analyse pour en comprendre les fondements, les formes et processus de constitution et les impacts potentiels sur la société et le politique du pays / Since the year 2010, the term “African Middle Classes” has increasingly become a categorical reference in the international economic and political arena. This category, which has systematically been associated with a positive but unverified correlation of economic and political development, represents the object of diverse identification and typification projects by external actors (such as international development organizations, investment consultancy firms etc.). While the latter do not hesitate to affirm the emergence of the phenomenon of “African Middle Classes”, we cannot but underline the incantatory character of these affirmations. The emergence is more linked to a “producers’ game”, inclined to sketch out an « emerging world », than to empirical evidence.This doctoral research is based on the challenging task of using the particularly elusive and projected category of the « African Middle Classes » to develop a methodology that helps to identify the structural social changes that are shaping Ethiopia nowadays. Grounded in an empirical case study of the intermediate social space in Addis Ababa, this work aims to analyse the foundations, forms and construction processes, as well as the potential impact that these changes have on the Ethiopian society and the political system
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Habiter et consommer le logement social : une approche stratégique de l'habiter des classes populaires et moyennes sous contraintes de pouvoir d'achat / Living and consume social housing : a strategic approach to inhabit the working and middle classes under constraints of purchasing powerParise, Fanny 02 February 2015 (has links)
En 2014, quel est le « sens de l’habiter »? L’évolution de la législation française engendre un processus de marchandisation du logement social, déjà amorcé. « Grands ensembliers » et professionnels du logement s’associent pour développer une nouvelle offre d’habitat social à destination des classes moyennes intermédiaires. La montée des classes moyennes mondiales et la crise économique produit des modes de consommer différenciés et une demande de logements prenant en considération de nouvelles tendances sociétales. Le regain d’intérêt depuis les années 2000 pour l’habitat alternatif (notamment le cohousing), positionne l’innovation dans l’habitat dans une démarche de co-construction (constructeur, architecte, sociologue). Ces effets de contexte s’inscrivent dans une démarche compréhensive de la diversité des pratiques habitants des classes moyennes. L’hétérogénéité de ce groupe social, à travers des modes de vie pluriels, illustre le déploiement de stratégies et de choix résidentiels qui rendent compte d’un rapport à l’autre singulier, d’un rapport au monde spécifique ; dont les « grands ensembliers » s’essaient à en saisir le sens et la complexité. / In 2014, what is the "sense of living"? The evolution of French legislation creates a social housing commodification process already begun. "Large contractors" and housing professionals join forces to develop a new offer of social housing to intermediate middle class. The rise of the global middle class and the economic crisis produces differentiated patterns of consumption and housing demand considering new societal trends. The renewed interest since the 2000s for alternative housing (including cohousing) positions innovation in housing in a co-construction approach (builder, architect, sociologist). These context effects are part of a comprehensive approach to the diversity of the inhabitants of the middle class practices. The heterogeneity of this social group, through plural lifestyles, illustrates the deployment strategies and residential choices that reflect a singular relative to each other, a report to the specific world; whose "big contractors" is trying to grasp the meaning and complexity.
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A violência conjugal contra mulheres das classes médias do município de São Paulo / The marital violence against women of middle classes in São Paulo´s cityBarbara Garcia Ribeiro Soares da Silva 13 June 2007 (has links)
Apesar de a violência conjugal contra as mulheres de classes médias ser um problema social comum na sociedade brasileira, a maioria das pesquisas existentes sobre este tema ou enfoca as mulheres vítimas de classes populares, ou é analisada sobre a perspectiva jurídica. Esta pesquisa visa mostrar que este tipo de violência também ocorre nas classes médias no município de São Paulo. Por meio da análise quantitativa das ocorrências arquivadas em 2000, 2003 e 2004 na 2ª Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher (DDM) deste município, é possível indicar que as mulheres destas classes sociais têm denunciado as diversas formas de violência sofrida (embora a maioria delas tenha afirmado não ter feito queixa do primeiro episódio de agressão sofrido). A realização de entrevistas nesta DDM com mulheres pertencentes às classes médiamédia e média-alta foram de vital importância na compreensão de alguns de seus valores sociais (como, por exemplo, tradicionais, modernos e patriarcais). Também foram investigados quais motivos influenciaram a postergação em denunciar os episódios de violência. Entre alguns dos motivos da postergação identificados pode-se citar: dependência emocional, medo, dependência econômica, entre outros. Como as duas fases da pesquisa (quantitativa e qualitativa) ocorreram em 2005, o trabalho se baseia na regulamentação então em vigor - a lei 9.099 de 1995 -, já que a aprovação da lei Maria da Penha ocorreu em agosto de 2006. Identificou-se um quadro de impunidade dos casos de violência conjugal, influenciado pelas leis (principalmente a lei 9.099), pela desmotivação e falta de treinamento das escrivãs e policiais das DDM´s. Este trabalho sugere que além das mudanças necessárias nas políticas públicas, o investimento nas áreas de moradia, trabalho e educação seriam de grande valia para propiciar maior independência a estas mulheres. / In spite of marital violence against women of middle classes is a common social problem in the Brasilian society; most of the research deals with women of low classes or it is analysed among its juridical perspective. This research aims to show that this kind of violence also occurs in middle classes in São Paulo´s city. Through the analysis of the charges pressed during the years 2000, 2003 and 2004 at the 2nd DDM; it is possible to indicate that the women of these classes have pressed charges of several types of violence that they suffered (though most of them do not agree to press charges at the first episode of aggression). At this DDM interviews were conducted among middle class women in order to understand the social values of their family (such as traditional, modern and patriarchal values) and the reasons that they did not press charges at the first incidence of violence. Also were investigated some reasons of the lateness to report these episodes of violence. Some of the reasons for this were: emotional dependence, fear, economical dependence etc. Even with the approval of the law Maria da Penha in August 2006, it is important to point out that this work still considers law 9.099 of 1995, because the investigation occurred prior to the new laws instatement. Then, we identified an unpunished situation of the resolution of marital violence, influenced by the existence of the law 9.099, by the lack of motivation, lack of training of the police officers of the DDM´s. This work suggests that beyond the changes of politics, it is important to invest in other areas such as housing, work, education to give women more independence.
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Etalement urbain et opérations immobilières périurbaines pour classes moyennes à Marrakech : production, peuplement et modes d'habiter / Urban sprawl and suburban property development for the middle classes in Marrakech : production, settlement and ways of livingCoslado, Elsa 30 November 2015 (has links)
Depuis la fin des années 1990, la périphérie de Marrakech connaît un étalement urbain sans précédent. Il trouve son origine dans la multiplication des complexes touristiques, mais il est dû aussi au grand nombre d’opérations immobilières périurbaines, en particulier de celles destinées à un segment de clientèle spécifique, les classes moyennes. Ces opérations immobilières sont généralement réalisées dans le cadre de la production de masse de logements, dans un contexte foncier et immobilier tendu et à un moment où se systématisent les pratiques dérogatoires en matière d’urbanisme. Notre thèse examine les pratiques et les discours des promoteurs immobiliers, lesquels se révèlent être en grande partie le résultat d’une lente « construction » rendue possible par les politiques de l’Habitat qui se sont succédé au Maroc depuis l’Indépendance. Des Marrakchis, des Marocains provenant d’autres villes du Maroc, des Marocains résidents à l’étranger et, dans une moindre mesure, des Européens peuplent ces périphéries récentes à fonction « résidentielle » dominante. Les modes d’habiter de cette population hétérogène sont placés sous le signe de la mobilité, mais leur apparente ressemblance n’en cache pas moins bien des nuances, selon que l’on a affaire à des résidents « permanents » ou à des résidents « temporaires ». / Since the end of the 1990s, unprecedented expansion has taken place on the periphery of Marrakech, Morocco. This urban sprawl is in part due both to the increased number of leisure complexes built for the tourist industry and to the large number of suburban residential developments, in particular those destined for the new urban middle classes. These new neighbourhoods, generally mass produced, were constructed in a tense land and property market at a time when a growing number of exceptions were being allowed within the main planning framework. This thesis examines both the practices and discourses of property developers. In part, these turn out to be the result of a slow shift made possible by the successive changes in the Moroccan State’s housing policy since independence in 1956. Locals (Marrakchis), Moroccans from elsewhere in the country, Moroccan residents abroad and, to a lesser extent, Europeans have settled in the new, largely residential areas on the periphery. Mobility is a key characteristic of this heterogeneous population. There are many nuances within the population’s practices, largely linked to whether the ‘settlers’ are permanent or temporary.
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Migration, réseaux transnationaux et identités locales : le cas des Colombiens à New York / Migration, transnational networks and local identities : the case of Colombians in New YorkMagnan Penuela, Marion 08 December 2009 (has links)
A partir d’une ethnographie de la mobilité des travailleurs colombiens originaires de classes moyennes urbaines, cette recherche explore les recompositions spatiales, sociales et d’entraide, à la lumière d’une mondialisation qui prône la flexibilité tout en limitant la mobilité de certains. Les Colombiens font parti du groupe des indésirables au niveau de la mobilité internationale et passent par des formes de contournement et de dénationalisation; mais ils sont bien placés au sein de l’échelle des migrants aux Etats-Unis où ils reconstruisent des identités positives. Cette approche contribue aux études sur les latinos aux Etats-Unis en y positionnant le groupe des Colombiens qui bien que numériquement important est aujourd’hui invisible, mais aussi au débat sur le rôle des réseaux sociaux dans les mobilités. Ces migrants n’utilisent les réseaux d’origine nationale que comme une aide parmi d’autres et la méfiance joue un rôle récurrent dans les liens qu’ils développent. L’approche multi sites incluant le pays d’origine a permis de mieux interpréter les stratégies des personnes qui se construisent au sein d’un seul champ social. L’étude rend compte de la remise en question des hiérarchies et du rôle des femmes au sein des relations transnationales. Enfin, ce travail questionne la fonction de la ville globale et des quartiers multi ethniques non ségrégués dans l’accueil des migrants. En effet, loin des schémas des quartiers ethniques isolés, les Colombiens ont construit différents «espaces colombiens» dont Jackson Heights, dans le Queens, serait un nœud essentiel leur donnant accès à un capital social au niveau du «Grand New York», mais aussi de certains réseaux transnationaux. / Based on the ethnography of the mobility of middle-class Colombian workers of urban origin, this research explores the spatial, social and solidarity reconstructions, amidst a globalization process which advocates for flexibility while restricting the mobility of certain individuals. Colombians belong to an undesirable group when it comes to international mobility and they go through certain forms of bypassing and citizenship denial; however they are well positioned when it comes to the social standing of migrants in the United States, finding ways to recreate positive identities. This approach contributes to the studies about Latinos in the United States, not only placing Colombians within this group, currently invisible in spite of their growing number, but also placing them in the debate of the roll of social networks in mobilities. These migrants only use the national origin networks as an aid among others and distrust plays a recurrent roll in the connections they develop. The multi city approach, including the country of origin, has allowed a better interpretation of the strategies of persons who grow in a unique social field. This study brings back the question of hierarchy and of the roll of women in transnational relationships. Finally, this study questions the function of the global city and of non segregated multi-ethnical neighbourhoods concerning the reception of migrants. In fact, far from the schemes of isolated ethnic neighbourhoods, Colombians have built different «Colombian spaces», Jackson Heights in Queens being an essential knot giving them access to a social capital, not only at a «Great New York» level, but also to certain transnational networks.
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Générations de classes moyennes et travail de gentrification : changement social et changement urbain dans le Bas Montreuil et à la Croix-Rousse, 1975-2005 / Middle class generations and “gentrification work” : social change and urban change in the areas of Bas Montreuil and Croix-Rousse, 1975-2005Collet, Anaïs 08 December 2010 (has links)
À l’articulation entre sociologie urbaine et sociologie des groupes sociaux, la thèse est consacrée aux phénomènes de gentrification qui touchent les anciens quartiers populaires de centre-ville depuis plus de trente ans et à leurs acteurs habitants, les « gentrifieurs ». Caractéristiques de l’émergence des « nouvelles classes moyennes » à la fin des années 1970, désignés au début des années 2000 par la catégorie médiatique de « bobos », ceux-ci contribuent au changement urbain par leurs choix et leurs investissements multidimensionnels dans l’espace résidentiel. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l’étude des générations de « gentrifieurs » des Pentes de la Croix-Rousse à Lyon et du Bas Montreuil en région parisienne, de leurs profils sociologiques et des ressorts de leur choix résidentiel des années 1970 aux années 2000. La deuxième partie est dédiée à l’analyse localisée du « travail de gentrification » mené par les nouveaux résidents du Bas Montreuil et à l’articulation de ce travail à leurs trajectoires sociale, professionnelle, militante et familiale. Fondée sur des entretiens approfondis avec des « gentrifieurs » de diverses époques, étayée par l’analyse de statistiques localisées sur la longue durée, systématiquement replacée dans les contextes globaux et locaux, l’enquête permet d’éclairer les ressorts sociaux des mutations des quartiers anciens de centre-ville et de proche banlieue en même temps que les recompositions des fractions supérieures des classes moyennes. / At the intersection between urban sociology and social group sociology, the thesis addresses the phenomena of gentrification affecting historical working-class areas over the last thirty years and their key players, the gentrifiers. Typical of the emerging “new middle classes” in the late 1970s, categorized by the media as “bobos” in the early 2000s, gentrifiers contribute to urban change through their choices and multidimensional investments in the residential space. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the study of generations of gentrifiers in the Pentes de la Croix-Rousse area in Lyon and in the Bas Montreuil area near Paris; it presents their sociological profiles and residential choices from the 1970s to the 2000s. The second part is devoted to the local analysis of the “gentrification work” in which new residents of the Bas Montreuil are engaged, in connection with their social, professional, militant and family trajectories. Based on extensive interviews with gentrifiers from various waves, supported by the analysis of long-term localized statistics, systematically replaced in the global and local contexts, the survey sheds light both on the sociological changes affecting historical central and suburb neighbourhoods and on the reshaping of higher fractions of the middle classes.
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Spatial structures in India in the age of globalisation : a data-driven approach / Les structures spatiales de l'Inde au temps de la globalisation : une approche inductive à partir de donnéesPerez, Joan 17 December 2015 (has links)
Les pays qui se sont insérés plus tardivement dans l'économie mondiale subissent généralement les effets de la mondialisation de manière accrue.De ce point de vue, les BRIC, comparés aux autres pays émergents, possèdent un certain poids dans l’économie mondiale et représentent doncun potentiel de marché important. Avec une croissance économique qui devrait dans un avenir proche dépasser celle de la Chine, l’Inde sembleêtre un remarquable cas d’étude. Cependant, les clichés persistent dans un pays où deux aspects seulement sont le plus souvent mis en avant.D’une part, l’Inde est considérée comme un nouvel eldorado, un espace où les multinationales essaient de s’implanter en raison de l’augmentationsubstantielle du nombre de consommateurs : «the shining India». D’autre part, l’Inde est aussi souvent décrite comme surpeuplée, massivementpauvre et occupée par une forte présence de taudis, tant dans les espaces urbains que ruraux. Spatialement, un modèle dual pourrait en effet contenir d'un côté une part croissante de la classe moyenne en pleine explosion tandis que d'autres verraient s'accentuer les inégalités économiques et sociales. En revanche, il paraît difficile d'imaginer que deux extrêmes seulement puissent représenter la diversité d'un si grand pays. Dans les faits, l’évolution du secteur tertiaire n’est pas assez rapide pour maintenir un haut niveau d’emploi dans certains espaces urbains,alors qu’un modèle agraire de plus en plus intensif en zones rurales contribue à réduire graduellement le nombre d’employés agricoles et depropriétaires terriens. Par conséquent, l’augmentation générale du niveau de vie ne suivra pas forcément le rythme de croissance économiqueet démographique de l’Inde ; d’autant que les inégalités socio-économiques de ce pays sont déjà accentuées par un système rigide de castes. Ilest nécessaire de rappeler que l’inde est un pays d’ancienne urbanisation dont les premières traces remontent à 2400 AEC. De cette particularitérésulte une histoire riche et complexe. Aujourd’hui, l’Inde est caractérisée par une grande diversité de langues, de religions, de castes, de communautés, de tribus, de traditions, d'espaces sous influences métropolitaines, etc. Peu de pays dans le monde présentenet autant de spécificités. Ces faits soulèvent les questions suivantes : comment est-il possible de visualiser et quantifier les inégalités spatiales d'un pays si large et si complexe ? Quels sont les principaux facteurs qui affectent et/ou engendrent ces inégalités spatiales ? Il pourrait être simpliste d'étudier ces écarts spatiaux seulement au travers d’indicateurs macro économiques tel que le PIB. Ainsi, pour faire face à tant de complexité, un modèle conceptuel nous a permis de sélectionner de manière rigoureuse 55 indicateurs afin de renseigner ces récentes transformations spatiales en cette ère de mondialisation accrue. Cette sélection d’indicateurs a donné naissance à une base de données multicritères composée de données économiques,socio-démographiques, géographiques, sociologiques, culturelles, etc., à l’échelle du district (640 unités spatiales) et entre deux dates: 2001 et 2011. L'hypothèse de cette recherche est la suivante : une approche inductive à partir de ces indicateurs pourrait nous permettre une identificationet une caractérisation a-posteriori de structures spatiales en Inde. / Countries that have experienced a delayed entry within the world economy have usually sustained an enhanced and faster globalisation process. This is the case for BRIC countries which are, compared to other emerging countries, organised on large economies and thus provide a stronger potential market. From this perspective, India appears to be the perfect case study with an economic growth expected to overcome China’s growth in the near future. However, the «clichés» are persistent within a country mostly depicted as bipolar. On the one hand, it is considered as a new eldorado, the «Shining India», a place where multinationals aim to implement themselves due to the substantial increase of the consumer market. At the same time, India is also characterised by overcrowding, the major presence of slum areas and mass poverty, both in urban and rural areas. It is indeed possible that some areas will accommodate a bigger and bigger share of the growing middle class, while others will accentuate economic and social inequalities. Yet, can these extremes be truly representative of the diversity of such a large country? In fact, in some urban oriented spaces, the evolution of the tertiary sector is not strong enough to maintain a high level of employment while in rural spaces; an intensive farming model contributes to gradually reducing the number of labourers and landowners. As a result, the increase of the standard of living related to both economic and demographic growth is not homogeneously distributed over a territory where socio-economic divisions are already made worse by a tight caste system. With evidence dating back to 2400 BCE, it must be remembered that India is a country of old urbanisation. This has given rise to a rich and complex history and India is now home to a variety of languages, religions, castes, communities, tribes, traditions, urbanisation patterns and, more recently, globalisation-related dynamics. Perhaps no other country in the world seems to be characterised by such a great diversity. This begs the following questions: how is it possible to quantify and visualise the spatial gap of such a complex and subcontinent sized country? What are the main drivers affecting this spatial gap? It would indeed be simplistic to study India only through macro-economic indicators such as GDP. To deal with this complexity, a conceptualisation has been performed to strictly select 55 criteria that can affect the transformation sustained by the Indian territory in this enhanced age of globalisation. These selected factors have fed a multi-critera database characterised by aspects coming from economy, geography, sociology, culture etc. at the district scale level (640 spatial units) and on a ten year timeframe (2001-2011). The assumption is as follows: each Indian district can be driven by different factors. The human capacity to understand a complex issue has been reached here since we cannot take into account and at the same time the behaviour of a large number of elements influencing one another. AI Based Algorithm methods (Bayesian and Neural Networks) have thus been resorted to as a good alternative to process a large number of factors. In order to be as accurate as possible and to keep a transversal point of view, the methodology is divided into a robust procedure including fieldwork steps. The results of the models show that the 55 factors interact, bringing the emergence of unobservable factors representative of broader concepts, which find consistency only in the case of India. It also shows that the Indian territory can be segmented into a multitude of sub-spaces. Some of these profiles are close to the caricatured India. However, in most cases, results show a heterogeneous country with sub-spaces possessing a logic of their own and far away from any cliché.
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Organização política e sindical de assistentes sociais do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo: uma perspectiva de classe em debate / Political and labor union organization of social workers of the São Paulo State Court of Justice: a class perspective in debateMacedo, Eliane Gomes de 05 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-26T10:54:00Z
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Eliane Gomes de Macedo.pdf: 3026383 bytes, checksum: 2155027fab06b5961ff17d244dab2e46 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-26T10:54:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-10-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research focus on the political and labor union organization of social workers of
the São Paulo State Court of Justice (Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, TJSP) from the
perspective of their class membership. To this purpose, it firstly recovers the path of social
worker’s political organization in Brazil, in particular the worker’s class mobilization from
the 1970s on with the new unionism; secondly, it historically reconstructs the process of
political and labor union organization of the TJSP social workers; and finally, the constitution
of workers associations and labor unions and the specificities of the political and labor union
organization of the social workers is put into question in relation to the impacts caused by the
State formal workers union structure and the peculiarities of the so-called “middle class labor
unionism”. The lack of research on this topic, specially on unionism in the public service,
which is the main playing field for social workers, justify the relevance of the proposed
investigation in such an institution as the São Paulo State Judiciary, characterized by a large
associative tradition and a multiplicity of workers unions and professional category
associations that, on the one hand, represent the manifold universe of their own professionals
while, on the other hand, reveal a deep political fragmentation that hinders collective
organization and unity around a common agenda. Guided by the above depicted topics,
bibliographic and documentary research was undertaken from different sources. In order to
collect empirical data, a qualitative research with semi-structured interviews and surveys with
social workers and other professionals were executed. The aim was to investigate the
constitutive dimensions of their organization by giving voice to relevant actors intentionally
chosen among the direction of labor unions and associations, as well as grassroots leadership,
emphasizing the participation of social workers in several spheres of organization and
struggle in TJSP. The sample consisted of fifteen subjects and the data were complemented
with systematic observation and field journal. The analysis suggests that the strategies of
organization concerning the entry in the State labor union’s structure, which were legitimated
through the workers’ struggle for full union freedom, have generated new modes of leadership
and grassroots fragmentation, reinforcing a historical trend of the category that can only be
tackled by a broader articulation with other working class struggle instruments, such as
political parties and social movements / Esta dissertação tem por objeto a organização política e sindical dos/as assistentes
sociais, que têm como campo de trabalho profissional o Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo
(TJSP), na perspectiva de sua inserção de classe. Para isso, recupera a trajetória da
organização política de assistentes sociais no Brasil, considerando a mobilização da classe
trabalhadora, especialmente, a partir de 1970, com o novo sindicalismo; reconstrói,
historicamente, o processo de organização política e sindical dos trabalhadores do Tribunal de
Justiça de São Paulo e problematiza a formação das associações de trabalhadores, dos
sindicatos e as particularidades da organização política e sindical dos/as assistentes sociais,
considerando os impactos da estrutura sindical oficial do Estado e as características do
chamado “sindicalismo de classe média”. A escassez de trabalhos sobre o tema,
especialmente, sobre sindicalismo no serviço público, principal campo de atuação de
assistentes sociais, justifica a relevância deste estudo, em uma instituição como o Judiciário
Paulista, com larga tradição associativa e uma multiplicidade de sindicatos e associações de
categoria profissional que buscam representar o universo multifacetado dos profissionais que
lá atuam, mas, que, ao mesmo tempo, expressa profunda fragmentação política que dificulta a
organização coletiva e a unidade em torno de uma agenda comum. Com base nesses eixos
temáticos, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica e documental em diferentes fontes. Para a coleta
de dados empíricos, optou-se pela pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas semiestruturadas e
questionários com assistentes sociais e outros/as trabalhadores/as, buscando compreender as
dimensões constitutivas dessa organização, dando voz a sujeitos significativos,
intencionalmente, escolhidos entre as direções dos sindicatos, associações e lideranças de
base, com destaque para a participação de assistentes sociais em diversos espaços de
organização e luta no TJSP. A amostra foi composta por quinze sujeitos e os dados foram
complementados com a observação sistemática e diário de campo. As análises permitiram
concluir que as estratégias de organização para a inserção na estrutura sindical de Estado,
legitimadas na luta dos trabalhadores pela plena liberdade sindical, têm gerado novas formas
de fragmentação de lideranças e bases, reforçando a tendência histórica da categoria, que só
poderá ser enfrentada, a partir da articulação mais ampla com outros instrumentos de luta da
classe trabalhadora, como os partidos políticos e os movimentos sociais
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