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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MIDI kontroler pro řízení DAW software / MIDI Controller for DAW Software Control

Korytář, Matěj January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problematics of DAW controllers for sound production software. In this thesis is analysed Mackie Control protocol, one of used communication protocols. There is also an overview of MIDI messages, because Mackie Control protocol is based on MIDI protocol. The thesis contains two own DAW controller designs. First one is based on Mackie Control protocol, second one is based on Generic Remote which offers better customization.

Universal Event and Motion Editor for Robots' Theatre

Bhutada, Aditya 01 January 2011 (has links)
Most of work on motion of mobile robots is to generate plans for avoiding obstacles or perform some meaningful and useful actions. In modern robot theatres and entertainment robots the motions of the robot are scripted and thus the performance or behavior of the robot is always the same. In this work we want to propose a new approach to robot motion generation. We want our robot to behave more like real people. People do not move in mechanical way like robots. When a human is supposed to execute some motion, these motions are similar to one another but always slightly or not so slightly different. We want to reproduce this property based on the introduced by us new concept of probabilistic regular expression, a method to describe sets of interrelated similar actions instead of single actions. Our goal is not only to create motions for humanoid robots that will look more naturally and less mechanically, but also to program robots that will combine basic movements from certain library in many different and partially random ways. While the basic motions were created ahead of time, their combinations are specified in our new language. Although now our method is only for motions and does not take inputs from sensors into account, in future the language can be extended to input/output sequences, thus the robot will be able to adapt the motion in different ways, to some sets of sequences of input stimuli. The inputs will come from sensors, possibly attached to limbs of controlling humans from whom the patterns of motion will be acquired.

Compositor automático de música aleatoria siguiendo una melodía patrón

Inoñán Morán, Marcos José 09 June 2011 (has links)
La música es una de las actividades de ocio más solicitadas por las personas debido a la gran capacidad de entretenimiento que posee. Es más, hoy en día la Industria del entretenimiento es una de las que más dinero genera a nivel mundial. Es por ello, que muchas empresas intentan ofrecer sistemas innovadores que llamen la atención de las personas. Una de estas actividades es la composición musical. Cualitativamente, el éxito de una composición se puede medir de acuerdo a la sensibilidad que produce, la atracción e interés que puede tener de las personas. En base a esta idea, los modelos matemáticos aleatorios proporcionan herramientas que simulan este comportamiento. Hoy en día, las computadoras se han convertido en el principal dispositivo para realizar actividades musicales debido a la evolución que han tenido en sus aplicaciones de multimedia y su alta capacidad de procesamiento. El presente trabajo explica una forma de realizar una composición musical de manera automática (es decir sin la intervención de las personas) a través de una computadora apoyándose en el uso de las Cadenas de Markov, que son métodos aleatorios utilizados para analizar el comportamiento de varias actividades que ocurren en la vida cotidiana, en este caso en lo relacionado a generación de música.

Medusa: um ambiente musical distribuído / Medusa: a distributed music environment

Schiavoni, Flávio Luiz 17 December 2013 (has links)
A popularização das redes de computadores, o aumento da capacidade computacional e sua utilização para produção musical despertam o interesse na utilização de computadores para comunicação síncrona de conteúdo musical. Esta comunicação pode permitir um novo nível de interatividade entre máquinas e pessoas nos processos de produção musical, incluindo a distribuição de atividades, pessoas e recursos em um ambiente computacional em rede. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma solução para comunicação síncrona de fluxos de áudio e MIDI em redes de computadores. Além de permitir a comunicação, a solução proposta simplifica a conexão de recursos musicais e permite a integração de sistemas heterogêneos, como diferentes sistemas operacionais, arquiteturas de áudio e formatos de codificação, de forma transparente em um ambiente distribuído. Como meio para alcançar esta solução, mapeamos requisitos e características desejáveis para este domínio de aplicação, a partir da interação com músicos e da análise de ferramentas relacionadas. Com base nestes requisitos e características projetamos uma arquitetura de sistema para o domínio específico de comunicação síncrona de conteúdo musical. Utilizando esta arquitetura como referência, implementamos uma biblioteca que compreende as funcionalidades essenciais para este domínio específico. A fim de integrar esta biblioteca com diferentes bibliotecas de áudio e MIDI, desenvolvemos um conjunto de ferramentas que correspondem aos requisitos propostos e que permite aos usuários a utilização de conexões de rede em diversas ferramentas musicais. / The popularization of computer networks, the growth in computational resources and their use in music production have raised the interest in using computers for synchronous communication of music content. This communication may allow a new level of interactivity between machines and people in music production processes, including the distribution of activities, resources and people within a networked music environment. In this context, this work presents a solution for synchronous communication of audio and MIDI streams in computer networks. Besides allowing communication, the proposed solution simplifies connections of music resources and allows the integration of heterogeneous systems, such as different operating systems, audio architecture and codification formats, transparently in a distributed environment. As a means for accomplishing this solution, we mapped requirements and desirable features for this application domain, from the interaction with musicians and the analysis of related software. Based on these requirements and features, we designed a system architecture for the specific domain of synchronous communication of music content. Using this architecture as reference, we implemented a library that comprises the essential functionalities for this specific domain. In order to integrate this library with different Audio and MIDI libraries, we developed a tool set that matches the proposed requirements and allows users to use network connections in several music tools.

A Machine Vision System for Capture and Interpretation of an Orchestra Conductor's Gestures

Driscoll, Michael T. 11 May 1999 (has links)
This work involves the design and implementation of a real-time Machine Vision-based Human Computer Interface (HCI) that analyzes and interprets a music conductor's gestures to detect the musical "beat". This HCI system interfaces directly with the "Virtual Orchestra", an electronic MIDI sequenced "orchestra". Prior to the development of this HCI system, the real time control of the tempo of the "Virtual Orchestra" could only be controlled by tapping a tempo on a MIDI controller device--a process that is foreign to most music conductors. The real-time beat information detected by this HCI system allows a conductor to conduct the "Virtual Orchestra" as if it were a live orchestra. This system was developed using the Broadway real-time color image capture board manufactured by Data Translation, Incorporated. The implementation involved the use of Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) for the Graphical User Interface (GUI), Video For Windows (VFW), MIDI note generation, and Intel assembly level code optimization. Algorithms were developed for rapid RGB color thresholding, multiple contour extraction, fast contour based area and center of mass calculations, and gesture interpretation. Real time, live-video interpretation has been achieved and an end-to-end system has been demonstrated in conjuction with a MIDI sequencer.

Appropriation et mise en oeuvre de la Trame verte et bleue aux échelles infrarégionales en Région Midi-Pyrénées (Sud-Ouest de la France) / Appropriation and implementation of the Green and Blue Corridor public policy at sub-regional scales in Midi-Pyrénées Region (southwestern of France)

Canard, Mathilde 07 December 2016 (has links)
La politique Trame verte et bleue [TVB], instituée en 2007 en France à la suite du Grenelle de l’Environnement, a pour objectif de contribuer à la préservation de la biodiversité par le maintien et/ou la restauration des continuités écologiques, et ce au-delà des zones protégées, dans les espaces de biodiversité « ordinaire » : espaces ruraux, périurbains et urbains notamment. Ce travail questionne l’appropriation de la TVB par les acteurs locaux, et les implications de sa mise en œuvre sur les pratiques de construction des territoires par leurs acteurs. Notre démarche repose sur un travail d’enquêtes qualitatives menées auprès de structures territoriales, d’élus locaux, d’agriculteurs et de particuliers, sur trois territoires situés au sud de la Région Midi-Pyrénées. Il a été démontré que le dispositif TVB, porté par un discours homogène et très institutionnalisé aux niveaux national et régional, se décline en situations adaptatives sur les territoires. D’un autre côté, le processus de construction de la TVB sur les territoires reste cantonné aux sphères politiques et techniques de l’Etat et des collectivités territoriales : les acteurs locaux, élus mais surtout acteurs privés (agriculteurs et particuliers) y sont peu associés. Néanmoins, ces acteurs se montrent intéressés par la question de la biodiversité, moins par le biais des discours politiques ou scientifiques que par celui des rapports à la biodiversité qu’ils construisent et nourrissent au quotidien. Par ailleurs, la convergence d’objectifs paysagers, socio-économiques et écologiques autour de la TVB peut favoriser son application locale, car pour des motivations différentes, les divers acteurs partagent des volontés d’action communes. Finalement, l’étude montre l’intérêt de connaître et de prendre en considération, dans les projets de mise en œuvre de la politique TVB, les motivations, les freins et les contraintes des acteurs locaux pour l’ancrer et la pérenniser sur les territoires. / The purpose of the Green and Blue Corridor (so called TVB) public policy, laid down in France at the “Grenelle de l’Environment” and established in 2007, is to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity by enhancing and/or restoring ecological continuity beyond the protected areas, in spaces of common biodiversity including rural, suburban and urban areas. This work questions the appropriation of TVB by local stakeholders and the consequences of its implementation in structuring territories. Our approach is based on qualitative surveys conducted together with territorial authorities, local elected officials, farmers and private individuals, in three zones of the southern Midi-Pyrénées Region. It has been shown that national TVB scheme, supported by an homogeneous and very institutionalized frame at national and regional levels comes in a range of adaptive situations in the territories. Moreover the construction process of TVB at the local scales remains confined to political and technical spheres of State and local authorities: local stakeholders, elected but mostly individuals (farmers and private people) are not very involved. Nevertheless these stakeholders are interested by the biodiversity matter, less through political or scientific discourses than in links with their own experience of biodiversity. Furthermore convergent aims (landscape, socio-economy and ecology) around TVB can facilitate its local setting up, because from spite of their diversity stakeholders share common action concerns, even if it is for different reasons. Finally, the study highlights the interest of knowing and considering motivations and constraints of local stakeholders in the TVB implementation plans, in order to root and perpetuate the TVB at the local level of the territories.

Le développement territorial face à la métropolisation : une application au cas de la région Midi-Pyrénées / The territorial development facing the metropolization : the case of the Midi-Pyrénées region

Colat-Parros, Anne-Soline 02 March 2018 (has links)
En France, comme dans de nombreux pays, les dernières décennies ont été fortement marquées par le dynamisme et l’étalement des métropoles, qui concentrent à la fois des fonctions décisionnelles, des fonctions productives à haute valeur ajoutée, ainsi que des populations qualifiées, et bénéficient, dès lors, d’économies d’agglomération. Si la contribution de ces métropoles à la richesse nationale est majeure, le phénomène de métropolisation tend à accentuer les inégalités territoriales. Encouragés par les récentes réformes territoriales, et notamment les lois NOTRe et MAPTAM, le renforcement du rôle des régions, leur élargissement, et l’affirmation des métropoles, posent avec encore plus d’acuité les questions du développement territorial, des territoires d’action pertinents et de la répartition des richesses au sein de l’espace régional. La région Midi-Pyrénées ne fait pas exception à ce phénomène de métropolisation tant le dynamisme, le rayonnement et la croissance urbaine de Toulouse sont notables. De plus, son hétérogénéité infrarégionale en fait un terrain d’étude favorable pour saisir les nouveaux enjeux territoriaux qu’impose ce phénomène de métropolisation : une polarisation croissante des activités, une démographie différenciée, une croissance économique freinée par la « tyrannie de la distance », une répartition spatiale inégale des qualifications et des productivités, ou encore une structure urbaine polycentrique.Aussi, aujourd’hui, réussir à combiner un dynamisme métropolitain entraînant, avec des dynamismes territoriaux différenciés, ainsi qu’une politique territoriale pertinente et coopérative, semble être le défi à relever pour tendre vers davantage d’équité territoriale. / In France, as in many countries, the last decades witnessed the dynamism and the spreading of metropolises, wich concentrate at the same time decision-making functions, productive high-added-value functions, as well as skilled populations, and benefit therefore from agglomeration economies. If the contribution of these metropolises to the national wealth is major, the phenomenon of metropolization tends to strengthen the territorial disparities. Supported by the recent territorial reforms, in particular the laws NOTRe and MAPTAM, the strenghtening of the role of regions, as well as their enlargement, and the metropolises affirmation raise keenly the issues of the territorial development, of the relevant action territories and of the wealth distribution within the regional space.The region Midi-Pyrénées doesn’t constitue an exception to this phenomenon of metropolization as the dynamism, the influence and the urban growth of Toulouse are significant. Furthermore, its subregional heterogeneousness offers a favourable field of reearch to identify the new territorial challenges involved by the metropolization : a growing polarization of activities, a differenciated demography , an economic growth restricted by the « tyranny of distance », skills and productivites are unevenly distributed, or even polycentric urban pattern.So, today, the territorial equity challenge can be met combining the strong impetus of the metropolises, with specific territorial dynamisms, and a relevant and cooperative territorial policy.

Medusa: um ambiente musical distribuído / Medusa: a distributed music environment

Flávio Luiz Schiavoni 17 December 2013 (has links)
A popularização das redes de computadores, o aumento da capacidade computacional e sua utilização para produção musical despertam o interesse na utilização de computadores para comunicação síncrona de conteúdo musical. Esta comunicação pode permitir um novo nível de interatividade entre máquinas e pessoas nos processos de produção musical, incluindo a distribuição de atividades, pessoas e recursos em um ambiente computacional em rede. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma solução para comunicação síncrona de fluxos de áudio e MIDI em redes de computadores. Além de permitir a comunicação, a solução proposta simplifica a conexão de recursos musicais e permite a integração de sistemas heterogêneos, como diferentes sistemas operacionais, arquiteturas de áudio e formatos de codificação, de forma transparente em um ambiente distribuído. Como meio para alcançar esta solução, mapeamos requisitos e características desejáveis para este domínio de aplicação, a partir da interação com músicos e da análise de ferramentas relacionadas. Com base nestes requisitos e características projetamos uma arquitetura de sistema para o domínio específico de comunicação síncrona de conteúdo musical. Utilizando esta arquitetura como referência, implementamos uma biblioteca que compreende as funcionalidades essenciais para este domínio específico. A fim de integrar esta biblioteca com diferentes bibliotecas de áudio e MIDI, desenvolvemos um conjunto de ferramentas que correspondem aos requisitos propostos e que permite aos usuários a utilização de conexões de rede em diversas ferramentas musicais. / The popularization of computer networks, the growth in computational resources and their use in music production have raised the interest in using computers for synchronous communication of music content. This communication may allow a new level of interactivity between machines and people in music production processes, including the distribution of activities, resources and people within a networked music environment. In this context, this work presents a solution for synchronous communication of audio and MIDI streams in computer networks. Besides allowing communication, the proposed solution simplifies connections of music resources and allows the integration of heterogeneous systems, such as different operating systems, audio architecture and codification formats, transparently in a distributed environment. As a means for accomplishing this solution, we mapped requirements and desirable features for this application domain, from the interaction with musicians and the analysis of related software. Based on these requirements and features, we designed a system architecture for the specific domain of synchronous communication of music content. Using this architecture as reference, we implemented a library that comprises the essential functionalities for this specific domain. In order to integrate this library with different Audio and MIDI libraries, we developed a tool set that matches the proposed requirements and allows users to use network connections in several music tools.

Elektronický systém řízení hudebního nástroje / Control system of mouth-organ

Trukhina, Irina January 2014 (has links)
The master’s thesis describes development of control system for automatic mouth-organ. The process of development is divided into three parts: a concept of control system, design of hardware parts and development of software parts. Controlled device, system requirements and general design of the hardware and software components are described in the concept of control system. The detailed hardware design includes next processes: electronic component selection, printed circuit board design, assembly and debugging. The result of this chapter is electronic system, which function correctly. The aim of the last chapter is to specify and explain development of software parts of control system. Installation of required software and important aspects of control software and user interface development are described in this chapter. The goal of the thesis is to create a control system, which will function correctly and reliably.

Enhancing Piano Learning: Integrating Real Piano Practice with Digital Feedback and Performance Analysis / Förbättrar inlärning av piano: Integrerar verklig pianoträning med digital feedback och prestationsanalys

Habil, Josef, Kalo, Sargon January 2024 (has links)
Digital learning tools, including digital learning tools for piano, are not new; however, they are still often limited by their inability to provide personalized feedback, detailed performance metrics from real piano play, and effective means for teachers to monitor multiple students simultaneously. To overcome these challenges, this study introduces a platform that uses MIDI technology to provide detailed feedback and performance analysis derived from actual piano play to make piano learning more tangible. Additionally, a student-teacher interface was designed that facilitates interaction between both parties and allows teachers to monitor the progress of multiple students through various performance metrics. The results demonstrate that the platform gave accurate feedback based on assessment from teacher, by providing both students and teachers with deeper insights into performance on note accuracy, tempo and dynamics, enabling more efficient and targeted teaching strategies, and high student engagement. / Digitala inlärningsverktyg, inklusive digitala inlärningsverktyg för piano, är inte nya, men de har fortfarande begränsningar som ofta beror på att de inte kan ge personlig feedback, detaljerade prestationsmått från verkligt pianospel och effektiva sätt för lärare att övervaka flera elever samtidigt. För att övervinna dessa utmaningar introducerar denna studie en plattform som använder MIDI-teknik för att ge detaljerad feedback och prestationsanalys som härrör från verkligt pianospel för att göra pianoinlärning mer påtaglig. Dessutom utformades ett elev-lärargränssnitt som underlättar interaktion mellan båda parter och gör det möjligt för lärare att övervaka flera elevers framsteg genom olika prestationsmått. Resultaten visar att plattformen gav korrekt återkoppling baserat på lärarens bedömning, genom att ge både elever och lärare djupare insikter i prestationen, vilket möjliggör effektivare undervisningsstrategier och ökat elevengagemang.

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