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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manifestación de la identidad étnica en la construcción de la agencia de migrantes indígenas amazónicos a la ciudad de Lima.

Frigola Torrent, Núria 16 September 2016 (has links)
El presente estudio es una investigación cualitativa que tiene como objetivo analizar de qué manera las identidades culturales de migrantes indígenas amazónicos se manifiestan para lograr agencia en la ciudad de Lima. El trabajo se enmarca en el enfoque del Desarrollo Humano y parte de la premisa que las identidades son múltiples, cambiantes y relacionales. El análisis se realizó a través del estudio de tres casos: Marishori, una mujer asháninca dedicada a la traducción y que ha formado una familia intercultural con un limeño; Demer, un hombre shipibo líder de Cantagallo, el único asentamiento indígena en forma de comunidad en Lima; y Rember, un pintor uitoto que ha logrado comercializar con mucho éxito sus cuadros y libros basados en la mitología de su pueblo. La elección de los casos se ha hecho buscando que fueran historias de éxito en cuanto a la ampliación de la libertad lograda, y usando criterios de representación de género y de los movimientos migratorios más importantes de la selva a Lima. La metodología de estudio es cualitativa, a partir de observación y análisis de discursos obtenidos mediante entrevistas semi-estructuradas. El principal resultado es que existe una priorización de la identidad indígena constitutiva en muchos ámbitos de expresión de agencia. En el ámbito laboral, esta priorización es además instrumental, ya que en los tres casos sus trabajos dependen de conocimientos ancestrales. Pero, ante una crisis de salud, los tres priorizan el acceso a la medicina occidental para resolver asuntos graves. Y en las decisiones sobre pareja y estilo de vida en Lima, el asunto es complejo ya que hay diferencias en la priorización de la identidad étnica en cada caso. Este trabajo tiene la peculiaridad de complementar la exposición escrita de la investigación académica con la exposición audiovisual de la misma, mediante un video documental que se adjunta como anexo.

Relaciones entre ideología, percepciones de amenaza, estereotipos y prejuicio hacia los migrantes venezolanos en una muestra peruana

Gomez Robinson, Milagros de Maria Paz 01 February 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre los estereotipos, el prejuicio ambivalente y las emociones hacia la migración venezolana en el contexto peruano. Además, busca analizar el rol mediador de la amenaza y las variables ideológicas (orientación a la dominancia social y autoritarismo de derecha) en la relación entre estereotipos y prejuicio. La muestra estuvo conformada por 115 participantes de nacionalidad peruana, entre los 18 y 60 años, que al momento de la aplicación residen en Lima. Se solicitó que completaran voluntariamente la ficha sociodemográfica, algunas preguntas de contacto y similitud intergrupal, y seis cuestionarios que miden las variables propuestas en los objetivos. La aplicación fue virtual y presencial. Los resultados confirman la relación inversa entre representación positiva y prejuicio, es decir, mientras más estereotipos de competencia, calidez o moralidad mantienen, menor es el prejuicio en sus expresiones sutil y manifiesto. Con respecto a las emociones, la ira, el miedo y el desprecio presentan correlaciones directas con el prejuicio. Además, la incorporación de las variables de ideología y amenaza al modelo de mediación disminuye el coeficiente de regresión entre estereotipos y prejuicio. En conclusión, se analizan las relaciones entre las variables estudiadas, y se discute su relevancia para la implementación de intervenciones que promuevan el contacto intergrupal, la inclusión social y el cuestionamiento de agentes políticos y mediáticos que refuerzan las jerarquías sociales y una representación amenazante del inmigrante latinoamericano. / The present study seeks to analyze the relationship between stereotypes, ambivalent prejudice and emotions towards Venezuelan immigration in the Peruvian context. In addition, it aims to analyze the mediating role of threat and ideological variables (social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism) in the relationship between stereotypes and prejudice. The sample consisted of 115 participants of Peruvian nationality, aged between 18 and 60, living in Lima at the time of application. They were asked to voluntarily complete the sociodemographic form, some contact and inter-group similarity questions, and six questionnaires measuring the variables presented in the objectives. The application was both virtual and in person. The results confirm the inverse relationship between positive representation and prejudice, in other words, the more stereotypes of competence, warmth or morality they have, the less prejudice appears in their subtle and manifest expressions. Concerning emotions, anger, fear and contempt present direct correlations with prejudice. In addition, the incorporation of ideology and threat variables to the mediation model decreases the regression coefficient between stereotypes and prejudice. To conclude, the relationships between the variables studied are analyzed, and their relevance for the implementation of interventions that promote intergroup contact, social inclusion, and the questioning of political and media agents that reinforce social hierarchies and a threatening representation of the Latin American immigrant is discussed

Promoting healthy early childhood language development in migrant families at La Maison Bleue, in Montreal, Quebec

Kevork, Meghry 08 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Explorer les perspectives des fournisseurs de soins sur les besoins des familles migrantes en matière de développement du langage et les stratégies qui sont utilisées ou qui pourraient être utilisées pour promouvoir le développement du langage d'une manière culturellement sécuritaire. Méthodes : L'étude s'est déroulée à La Maison Bleue (LMB), un centre offrant des services sociaux et de périnatalité aux familles vulnérables à Montréal pendant la grossesse et jusqu'à l'âge de cinq ans de l'enfant. Les données ont été recueillies par le biais d'entretiens semi-structurés avec 8 membres du personnel et analysées thématiquement. Résultats: Les problèmes de langage sont une préoccupation à LMB, et les facteurs liés à la migration (l’isolement, la santé mentale, le manque d’accès aux ressources) sont considérés comme pouvant contribuer à ces problèmes. La compréhension qu’ont les parents du développement du langage de l’enfant ajoute parfois à ce contexte difficile. Des interventions ciblées ainsi que des stratégies plus globales axées sur le renforcement de la confiance et de la réceptivité des familles aux soins en général, sont utilisées pour favoriser le développement du langage. Les participants ont recommandé d'accorder plus de temps individuel aux familles pour améliorer leur compréhension du développement de l'enfant et pour favoriser leur implication dans des activités visant à stimuler le développement langagier. Ils ont également suggéré d’avoir accès à des spécialistes sur place et plus de ressources communautaires pour mieux soutenir le développement précoce du langage dans les familles migrantes. Conclusion: À LMB, une approche interdisciplinaire et holistique, qui tient compte du contexte de migration/vulnérabilité, est utilisée pour promouvoir le développement du langage d'une manière culturellement sécuritaire. Une mise en oeuvre plus large de cette approche dans différents contextes de soins primaires pourrait être bénéfique pour aider davantage des familles migrantes ayant besoin d'un soutien au développement précoce du langage. / Objective: To explore care-providers’ perspectives on the needs of migrant families regarding early language development and the strategies that are used, or that could be used, to promote language development in a culturally safe manner among this population. Methods: This was a qualitative descriptive study conducted at La Maison Bleue (LMB). Data were collected via semi-structured interviews from eight LMB care providers and support/administrative staff and thematically analyzed. Results: Language development problems among children in migrant families are of concern at LMB, and factors related to the migration context (isolation, mental health, lack of access to resources) are believed to contribute to these problems. Parents’ understanding about children’s language development sometimes add to this challenging context. Targeted interventions as well as more global strategies that focus on building trust and increasing the family’s overall receptivity to care, are used to promote language development. Participants recommended more individual time with families to enhance understanding of child development, and to further promote parents’ engagement in language stimulating activities. On site access to specialists and more resources in the community were also suggested to further support early language development among migrant families. Conclusion: At LMB, an interdisciplinary, holistic approach, that considers the migration/vulnerability context, is used to promote early-language development in migrant families in a culturally safe manner. Broader application of this approach across different primary care settings may be beneficial for helping more migrant families in need of early-language development support.

Migrations clandestines d'Amérique centrale vers les Etats-Unis : Actions en réseau et mobilité dans l'adversité en une ère de flux et de frontières. / Clandestine Migrations from Central America to the United States : Actions in network and mobility through adversity in an era of flows and borders

Aragón, Argán 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux effets de l’opposition entre les dynamiques migratoires et les dynamiques de contrôle frontalier. L’étude se centre sur le flux de migrants centraméricains à destination des États-Unis. Ce flux transite par un système de frontières formé d’une zone tampon sur l’ensemble du territoire mexicain et d’une frange érigée en rempart high-tech à la frontière sud des États-Unis. Dans cet immense espace, la frontière a créé des marges par où les migrants tentent la contourner en traversant par une économie souterraine structurée autour de l’abus aux migrants clandestins en transit. L’analyse du système migratoire d’un village des hautes terres du Guatemala montre comment le flux persiste malgré la frontière par l’action en réseau de migrants. La comparaison entre une trentaine d’expériences d’hommes et de femmes en mobilité clandestine sur la route de transit révèle que la frontière s’abat sur les acteurs dans des modalités spécifiques selon leur genre et leurs ressources sociales, économiques et de mobilité. Les migrants éprouvent la frontière comme un espace d’adversité auquel ils doivent s’adapter en permanence en l’assumant intégralement afin de pouvoir continuer leur voyage vers le lieu qu’ils imaginent au nord. Ce travail, fondé sur des enquêtes de terrain réalisées entre 2005 et 2012 dans des lieux d’origine, de transit et de destination disséminés dans l’espace migratoire, cherche à illustrer comment un flux migratoire et ses acteurs réagissent à un système frontalier contemporain. / This thesis addresses the effects of the conflict between migration dynamics and the dynamics of border enforcement. The study focuses on the flow of Central American migrants heading to the United States. This flow follows a system of borders formed by a buffer zone throughout Mexican territory and a strip of land erected as a high-tech rampart on the southern border of the United States. Across this immense space, the border has created margins that migrants try to circumvent by entering an underground economy structured around the abuse on clandestine migrants in transit. The analysis of the migratory system of a village in Guatemalan highlands shows how the migration flow persists, despite the border, through the action in network of migrants. The comparison of about thirty experiences of men and women in clandestine movements reveals that the border affects the various actors in specific ways, depending on their gender as well as their social, economic and mobility resources. Migrants experience the border as a space of adversity to which they must constantly adapt to, by assuming it integrally, in order to be able to continue their journey to the place they imagine northward. This work, based on field investigations conducted between 2005 and 20012 during different stages of the migratory process (e.g. in places of origin, transit and destination) seeks to illustrate how a migration flow and its actors react to a contemporary system of borders.

La gouvernance des migrations : de la gestion migratoire à la protection des migrants / Migration's governance : from migration management to migrant's protection

Castro, Alexandra 12 May 2014 (has links)
Les migrations constituent un phénomène transnational dont la gestion a traditionnellement occupé l’intérêt des Etats de destination des migrants dans l’exercice de leur souveraineté. Avec l’avènement de la mondialisation, le panorama migratoire s’est transformé. Les migrations occupent une place chaque fois plus importante dans les agendas des Etats ayant compris que la maîtrise des migrations nécessitait de la coopération et de l’action conjointe à l’échelle internationale. La gouvernance des migrations comporte tout un ensemble de défis tant pour les Etats de destination des migrants que pour les Etats d’origine et pour la communauté internationale dans son ensemble. D’une part se présente l’intérêt de contrôler l’arrivée des migrants très influencé par des conceptions sécuritaires; d’une autre part apparaissent les conceptions des migrations comme outils du développement qui visent à tirer profit des effets considérés comme positifs des migrations et restreindre ses effets négatifs. Et finalement nous constatons l’existence de circonstances pouvant mettre en danger les droits humains des migrants et face auxquelles des mesures doivent être prises pour assurer le respect total des droits de l’homme des migrants. Concilier les intérêts présents autour de la maîtrise des migrations n’est pas une tâche facile. Afin de trouver un cadre idéal pour la maîtrise des migrations et la protection des droits des migrants, nous explorons 5 hypothèses d’étude qui nous mènent à analyser la gestion mondiale migratoire, la gouvernance régionale des migrations (dans le cadre de l’Amérique latine et des relations bilatérales entre cette dernière et l’Union européenne), la protection des migrants en tant que personnes vulnérables titulaires des droits à vocation universelle, ainsi que la protection proposé par les Etats d’origine des migrants (le cas particulier de la Colombie). Les atouts et les défis de chaque espace de discussion sont analysés ainsi que leurs apports à la maîtrise des migrations et à la protection des migrants. / Migrations are a transnational phenomenon that its management has traditionally called attention from the destination states exercising its sovereignty. With the arrival of globalization, the migration perspective has changed. Migrations have an increasingly more important place in the government’s agenda, which has understood that migration management needed the cooperation and the joint action at an international level. The governance of migration involves multiple challenges for the destination countries as well as the countries of origin and for the international community. On one hand, it presents the interest of controlling the arrival of migrants, with a strong influence of security conceptions; on the other hand other ideas have immerged that consider migration as tools for development. Those ideas aim to profit from the effects that are considered as benefits of migration and to stop the negative effects. Finally, we consider the existence of the circumstances that can put in danger migrant’s human rights and for which some measures should be taken. Reconciling the interests surrounding the management of migration is not a simple task. For finding ideal management framework for the governance of migration and the protection of migrant’s human rights, we will explore 5 hypotheses. We will analyze the global administration of migration; the regional administration (in the framework of Latin America); the protection of migrants as vulnerable people having universal rights, as well as the protection from the migrant’s state of origin (in the particular case of Colombia). The assets and the challenges of each one of those discussion environments will be analyzed as well as its contributions to migration’s governance and migrant’s protection.

Tráfico de pessoas para o fim de exploração sexual

Miranda, Felipe Poyares 02 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Felipe Poyares Miranda.pdf: 1524149 bytes, checksum: 50890a832ecad77e69669a0821822162 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-02 / This dissertation deals with trafficking theme of people for the purpose of sexual exploitation, analyzing its concept, causes, species and other details, all in the light of the social sciences with practical approach through analysis conducted field research and constant jurisprudence of the UNODC database (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime). In the study, it is verified the relation of trafficking in persons for forced labor, was discoursing on the trafficking of migrants and immigrants, its confrontation, as well as Brazilian law and comparative law relevant to the topic / A presente dissertação trata do tema do tráfico de pessoas para o fim de exploração sexual, analisando seu conceito, causas, espécies e demais pormenores, tudo à luz das Ciências Sociais, com abordagem prática mediante análise de pesquisas de campo realizadas e da jurisprudência constante do banco de dados do UNODC (Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime). No estudo, é verificada a relação do tráfico de pessoas com o trabalho escravo, discorrendo-se sobre o tráfico de migrantes e imigrantes, seu enfrentamento, bem como sobre a legislação brasileira e o Direito Comparado pertinentes ao tema

Entre o trabalho e a escola: estudo com adolescentes que estudam e trabalham, filhos de trabalhadores rurais migrantes, residentes no município de Guariba/SP / Between work and school: A study on adolescents who study and work, children of rural migrant workers residing in the city of Guariba / SP.

Edinalva Santana 28 May 2015 (has links)
No Brasil há um número significativo de adolescentes que estudam e trabalham. O exercício de atividades laborais inadequadas pelo adolescente coloca em risco as suas possibilidades de conciliar satisfatoriamente estudo e trabalho e as oportunidades de desenvolvimento e aprendizado pleno. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar como adolescentes, filhos de trabalhadores migrantes, estavam sendo inseridos no mercado de trabalho e conciliavam o estudo e a atividade laboral. Para tanto, foram alvos da pesquisa adolescentes que estudavam e trabalhavam, residentes em um bairro da periferia do município de Guariba/SP, marcadamente habitado por trabalhadores rurais que migraram de regiões pobres do país para trabalhar nos canaviais da região. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, teve a entrevista gravada como a técnica principal de coleta de dados. Foram realizadas 30 entrevistas com adolescentes trabalhadores de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 14 e 18 anos incompletos, estudantes das escolas: Escola Estadual Professora Josephina de Camargo Neves e Escola Municipal de Ensino Médio Professora Izabel Sadalla Crispino, situadas na periferia de Guariba. Realizamos também entrevistas com profissionais do município que puderam auxiliar o nosso entendimento sobre aspectos que envolvem os nossos objetivos. De acordo com os dados obtidos, foi possível detectar que esses adolescentes estavam sendo inseridos no mercado de trabalho em atividades proibidas, demonstrando o desamparo em relação à aplicação da legislação brasileira; exerciam atividades que concorriam contra a saúde física, mental e a moral do adolescente. A maior parte dos adolescentes da pesquisa atuava sem contratos formais de trabalho e apresentou relatos de ocorrências de acidentes de trabalho, sobrecarga e dificuldades para conciliar escola e trabalho. Assim, a situação encontrada junto a esses adolescentes pode ser configurada como empecilho à superação do histórico de pobreza e exploração de seus pais migrantes altamente explorados pela dinâmica do modo de produção capitalista vigente. / In Brazil there is a significant number of adolescents who study and work. The practice of inadequate labor activities by adolescents jeopardizes their chances of successfully reconcile study and work and the development of opportunities and full learning. This study aimed to investigate how adolescents, children of migrant workers, were being included in the labor market and reconciled study and work activities. Therefore were study subjects teenagers who studied and worked, residents of a suburban neighborhood in the city of Guariba / SP, markedly inhabited by peasants who migrated from poorer regions of the country to work in the sugar cane fields of the region. The research, a qualitative one, had the recorded interview as the main technique of data collection. 30 interviews were conducted with adolescent workers of both gender, aged between 14 and 18 years incomplete, students of schools \"State School Professor Josephine de Camargo Neves\" and \"Municipal Preparatory High School Teacher Izabel Sadalla Crispino\", located on the outskirts Guariba. There were also interviews with municipal professionals who could help us on understanding the aspects involving our goals. According to the obtained data, it was possible to detect that these teenagers were being inserted in the labor market in prohibited activities, demonstrating the helplessness regarding the application of Brazilian law; while performing activities that competed against physical, mental health and adolescent morals. Most adolescents in this research worked without any formal employment contracts and reported workplace accidents, work overload and difficulties regarding the reconcile between school and work. Thus, the situation found among these adolescents can be configured as an obstacle to the overcome of poverty history and exploration of their parents - migrant highly exploited by the dynamics of the current capitalist mode of production.

Entre o trabalho e a escola: estudo com adolescentes que estudam e trabalham, filhos de trabalhadores rurais migrantes, residentes no município de Guariba/SP / Between work and school: A study on adolescents who study and work, children of rural migrant workers residing in the city of Guariba / SP.

Santana, Edinalva 28 May 2015 (has links)
No Brasil há um número significativo de adolescentes que estudam e trabalham. O exercício de atividades laborais inadequadas pelo adolescente coloca em risco as suas possibilidades de conciliar satisfatoriamente estudo e trabalho e as oportunidades de desenvolvimento e aprendizado pleno. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar como adolescentes, filhos de trabalhadores migrantes, estavam sendo inseridos no mercado de trabalho e conciliavam o estudo e a atividade laboral. Para tanto, foram alvos da pesquisa adolescentes que estudavam e trabalhavam, residentes em um bairro da periferia do município de Guariba/SP, marcadamente habitado por trabalhadores rurais que migraram de regiões pobres do país para trabalhar nos canaviais da região. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, teve a entrevista gravada como a técnica principal de coleta de dados. Foram realizadas 30 entrevistas com adolescentes trabalhadores de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 14 e 18 anos incompletos, estudantes das escolas: Escola Estadual Professora Josephina de Camargo Neves e Escola Municipal de Ensino Médio Professora Izabel Sadalla Crispino, situadas na periferia de Guariba. Realizamos também entrevistas com profissionais do município que puderam auxiliar o nosso entendimento sobre aspectos que envolvem os nossos objetivos. De acordo com os dados obtidos, foi possível detectar que esses adolescentes estavam sendo inseridos no mercado de trabalho em atividades proibidas, demonstrando o desamparo em relação à aplicação da legislação brasileira; exerciam atividades que concorriam contra a saúde física, mental e a moral do adolescente. A maior parte dos adolescentes da pesquisa atuava sem contratos formais de trabalho e apresentou relatos de ocorrências de acidentes de trabalho, sobrecarga e dificuldades para conciliar escola e trabalho. Assim, a situação encontrada junto a esses adolescentes pode ser configurada como empecilho à superação do histórico de pobreza e exploração de seus pais migrantes altamente explorados pela dinâmica do modo de produção capitalista vigente. / In Brazil there is a significant number of adolescents who study and work. The practice of inadequate labor activities by adolescents jeopardizes their chances of successfully reconcile study and work and the development of opportunities and full learning. This study aimed to investigate how adolescents, children of migrant workers, were being included in the labor market and reconciled study and work activities. Therefore were study subjects teenagers who studied and worked, residents of a suburban neighborhood in the city of Guariba / SP, markedly inhabited by peasants who migrated from poorer regions of the country to work in the sugar cane fields of the region. The research, a qualitative one, had the recorded interview as the main technique of data collection. 30 interviews were conducted with adolescent workers of both gender, aged between 14 and 18 years incomplete, students of schools \"State School Professor Josephine de Camargo Neves\" and \"Municipal Preparatory High School Teacher Izabel Sadalla Crispino\", located on the outskirts Guariba. There were also interviews with municipal professionals who could help us on understanding the aspects involving our goals. According to the obtained data, it was possible to detect that these teenagers were being inserted in the labor market in prohibited activities, demonstrating the helplessness regarding the application of Brazilian law; while performing activities that competed against physical, mental health and adolescent morals. Most adolescents in this research worked without any formal employment contracts and reported workplace accidents, work overload and difficulties regarding the reconcile between school and work. Thus, the situation found among these adolescents can be configured as an obstacle to the overcome of poverty history and exploration of their parents - migrant highly exploited by the dynamics of the current capitalist mode of production.

De flor dos Andes a qhathu no Pari. Memória discursiva e deslocamentos na Feira Kantuta / From flower of the Andes to qhathu in Pari. Discursive memory and displacements at Feira Kantuta

Rocha, José Mauricio da Conceição 27 March 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta uma análise discursiva de enunciados veiculados na feira boliviana da Praça Kantuta, realizada aos domingos em São Paulo. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi identificar nos discursos de pessoas da coletividade boliviana registrados em atos públicos realizados na Praça Kantuta os enunciados que indicassem filiações a memórias discursivas relacionadas à nacionalidade e à migração na América do Sul. Reunimos os enunciados selecionados em três grupos de fragmentos de discurso, que analisamos como sequências discursivas em função, principalmente, das repetições, da recorrência de formulações relacionadas à representação do ser boliviano em São Paulo, ao modo de referir a Praça Kantuta e ao processo de conquista/apropriação do espaço para realização da feira. Adotamos essa metodologia porque nos pareceu a mais adequada aos nossos objetivos; além disso, verificamos que há antecedentes, nos estudos discursivos, de trabalhos de análise nos quais o ordenamento desta se realiza a partir de unidades em repetição. Para construir nossa interpretação dos fatos de discurso observados na feira, levamos em conta as condições de produção do discurso, atentando tanto para o contexto imediato quanto para o contexto sócio-histórico, conforme propõe Orlandi (2012). Assim, nossa dissertação inclui um levantamento de estudos sobre as migrações bolivianas realizados por pesquisadores de outras áreas com as quais temos dialogado, fundamentalmente a sociologia e a geografia urbana. Consideramos as migrações bolivianas internas e internacionais; a ocupação dos espaços públicos pelos bolivianos que protagonizam deslocamentos populacionais massivos em busca de subsistência; a função das línguas no ambiente da Feira Kantuta; a representação do boliviano em enunciados veiculados na feira; e a construção do objeto de discurso Praça/Feira Kantuta. / This master\'s thesis presents a discursive analysis of enunciations made at Praça Kantuta\'s Bolivian market, which takes place on Sundays in São Paulo. The general objective of the research was to identify in the discourses of persons from the Bolivian community registered during public celebrations at Praça Kantuta the enunciations that could indicate affiliations to discursive memories related to nationality and to migration in South America. We divided the selected enunciations in three groups of discourse fragments that we analyze as discursive sequences due to repetitions, to recurrence of formulations related to the representation of being Bolivian in São Paulo, to the way to refer to Praça Kantuta and to the process of appropriation of a space where those migrants could implement their market. We used that methodology because it seemed the most adequate for our objectives; furthermore, we verified in discursive studies some examples of analysis where its organization is made in repeating units. In order to build our interpretation of the discursive facts that we found at the Bolivian market, we considered the speech production conditions, regarding the immediate context and the socio-historical context, as Orlandi (2012) suggests. Thus, our master\'s thesis includes an overview of studies about the Bolivian migrations made by researchers of other areas of knowledge that are interesting to us, such as sociology and urban geography. We do regard internal and international Bolivian migrations; the occupation of public spaces by those Bolivians starring massive population displacements looking for subsistence; the function of the languages at the Feira Kantuta; the representation of the Bolivians in enunciations made on the environment of their market; and the construction of the discourse object Praça/Feira Kantuta.

Estudo Comparado dos Sistemas de Seguridade Social do Japão e do Brasil: a proteção aos trabalhadores de ambos os países / Comparative Study on the Social Security Systems of Japan and Brazil: the protection of workers from both countries

Tseng, Melissa Chyun Yea 07 May 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por intuito analisar o contexto de proteção social em que estão inseridos os trabalhadores brasileiros que emigraram ao Japão no passado e ainda permanecem naquele país ou que tenham retornado ao Brasil, comparando-se os sistemas de seguridade social japonês e brasileiro. A comparação em questão visa expor as medidas colocadas em prática não apenas para eliminar a dupla tributação, mas também para garantir os direitos sociais desses trabalhadores migrantes por meio da aplicação do Acordo Previdenciário Brasil-Japão. O resultado desta pesquisa pretende, por fim, contribuir para o conhecimento dos pesquisadores brasileiros de Direito sobre o tema e, oportunamente, proporcionar reflexões sobre as questões eventualmente suscitadas. / This study aims at analyzing the social protection context in which participate the Brazilian migrant workers who migrated to Japan and there are settled down or are back to Brazil, by comparing the Japanese and the Brazilian social security systems. This comparison is driven to introduce the measures which have been taken, not only for the purposes of avoiding double taxation, but also to ensure the social rights of these migrant workers, by means of applying the Brazil-Japan Social Security Agreement. Finally, the results of this research intend to contribute to the knowledge of the Brazilian legal researchers on this subject and, timely, to yield considerations on the possibly arisen issues.

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