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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O Modelo de Gestão: um estudo de caso em uma Organização Militar Prestadora de Serviço na área industrial da Marinha do Brasil / O Modelo de Gestão: um estudo de caso em uma Organização Militar Prestadora de Serviço na área industrial da Marinha do Brasil / The management model: a case study in a service provider military organization in area of brazilian Navy / The management model: a case study in a service provider military organization in area of brazilian Navy

Adriano Cardoso Teixeira Filho 07 February 2012 (has links)
O estudo da gestão no âmbito organizacional mostra-se significativo para o entendimento das relações que se dão nas empresas e para o desenvolvimento organizacional, o que torna imprescindível sua análise no campo de estudos das práticas gerenciais, no intuito de melhor entender como práticas de gestão mais apuradas poderão melhorar o desempenho das organizações e fazê-las, assim, atingir suas metas e resultados almejados. Uma das maneiras pelas quais o Estado procura alcançar seus resultados é por meio da implementação de Políticas Públicas. No estudo da administração, é crucial que se busque o equilíbrio das dimensões políticas, organizacionais e legais desses processos. Esta pesquisa objetiva verificar o atual sistema de gestão utilizado pelo Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ), uma Organização Militar Prestadora de Serviço (OMPS), que, embora seja considerada uma OMPS industrial (OMPS-I), possui uma tríplice atribuição: manutenção de meios navais, apoio de base e construção naval. Logo, são verificados os atuais óbices na sua gestão, assim como suas potencialidades, no nível estratégico, e a aplicabilidade de ferramenta gerencial que possa subsidiar a gestão estratégica da OM. O questionamento se direciona para quais aspectos, na forma de ameaças e fraquezas, influenciam na gestão do AMRJ e quais alternativas poderiam ser propostas para otimizar a sua gestão e minimizar as disfunções encontradas? Sendo assim, para que o AMRJ possa cumprir sua missão com eficiência, efetividade, economicidade e eficácia, torna-se crucial um exame do sistema atual de sua gestão, concernente à condução de suas atividades. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva, qualitativa, dedutiva, tendo sido utilizado o método de estudo de caso com pesquisa de campo e bibliográfica. Pode-se perceber que muitas são as limitações e ameaças, entretanto são significativos os pontos fortes e as oportunidades. O que norteou a pesquisa foi a busca pela maximização do resultado global da OM. Procurando ajustar o conjunto de elementos organizacionais que compõem a estrutura do AMRJ, de modo a atingir sinergia da ação isolada, porém sob a mesma orientação estratégica, de modo a permitir um alcance da efetividade, da eficácia e maior eficiência para essa importante OM pertencente à Marinha do Brasil. / Studies about management in organizational context are significant for understanding the relationships between business and organizational development. Consequently, management practices must be analyzed in order to better understand how more accurate management influences the organizations performance, improving and making them thereby achieve their goals and desired results. Implementation of Public Policies is one of the ways by which the State seeks to achieve its results. In the study about management, it is crucial to seek the balance of political, organizational, and legal processes and to provide more complex assessment of Science Administration. This research aims to check the current management system used by Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro (AMRJ) (the Navy Arsenal of Rio de Janeiro), a Service Provider Military Organization (Organização Militar Prestadora de Serviço-OMPS) that, although considered an industrial OMPS (OMPS-I), has as assignment maintenance of naval assets, support of grassroots, and shipbuilding. Thus, the current obstacles of its management will be checked, as well as their capabilities at the strategic level, and the applicability of management tool that can support the strategic management of that Military Organization. The question is: What aspects in the form of threats and weaknesses do influence the management of AMRJ and what alternatives could be proposed to optimize management and minimize the found dysfunctions? Thus, examination of the current system of management is critical, regarding the execution of its business, in order that AMRJ fulfills its mission with efficiency, effectiveness, and economy. This is an exploratory, descriptive, qualitative, and deductive research, using the case study method, field research, and literature. Despite many limitations and threats found, strengths and opportunities are significant. The survey sought to maximize the overall result of the Military Organization, seeking to adjust the set of organizational elements that compose the organizational structure of AMRJ, in order to achieve synergy of isolated action, but under the same strategic direction to allow a range of effectiveness and higher efficiency for this important Brazilian Navy Military Organization.

Friedrich Engels: guerra e política: uma investigação sobre a análise marxista da guerra e das organizações militares / Friedrich Engels: war and politics: an investigation on the materialism applied to war analysis and military organizations

Douglas Rogerio Anfra 19 April 2013 (has links)
Ao longo do presente trabalho procuramos identificar algumas das linhas principais da análise realizada por Friedrich Engels a respeito das instituições militares e da guerra que permeiam parte considerável de sua produção teórica, investigando suas características particulares e o contexto onde foram produzidos. Para realizar tal tarefa tivemos em conta o tipo de discurso (prático ou teórico) e o contexto político e social em que foram escritos os seguintes textos: As reivindicações do partido comunista da Alemanha (1848), um panfleto ligado à conjuntura política da Revolução Alemã de 1848; Notas marginais sobre as táticas de massa, parte do artigo Condições e prospectos para uma guerra da Santa Aliança contra a França em 1852 (1852), um texto prospectivo quanto à futura conjuntura militar; A questão militar prussiana e o partido dos trabalhadores alemães (1865), que expõe a crítica ao programa militar prussiano ligada ao sentido da conscrição; o Diário da Guerra Franco-prussiana (1870-71), a análise de eventos militares na condição de correspondente de guerra a partir de considerações a político-militares; As táticas de infantaria derivadas de suas causas materiais (1876), o que expõe um sentido da história segundo um pressuposto materialista válido para eventos fora da economia política, no caso, de uma formação particular dos exércitos regulares, e por fim A Europa pode se desarmar? (1893), um esboço de avaliação sobre a mudança das condições políticas frente o desenvolvimento acelerado da indústria bélica e do esforço de guerra que restringiriam os pressupostos de ação democrática. A partir deste repertório realizamos o esboço a respeito da crítica engelsiana da guerra, com foco no desenvolvimento técnico das organizações militares, passando principalmente pela análise da conscrição e seus impactos na política. / Throughout this work, we identify some of the main lines of analysis made by Friedrich Engels on war and on military institutions, which permeate a considerable part of his theoretical work. Our analysis investigates particular characteristics and the context in which these texts were produced. To accomplish this task we consider the type of discourse (practical or theoretical) and the political and social context in which were written the following texts: The claims of the German Communist Party (1848), a pamphlet on the political situation of the German Revolution of 1848, the Marginal Notes on Mass Tactics, part of the article Conditions and prospects for a war of the Holy Alliance against France in 1852 (1852), a prospective text about the future military situation; The Prussian Military Question and the German Workers\' Party (1865), which exposes the criticism of Prussian military program linked to the meaning of conscription, the Notes on War (1870-71), an analysis of events from the Franco-Prussian War from the political-military point of view; Infantry tactics, derived from its material causes (1876), which elaborates a meaning of history according to a materialistic assumption valid for events outside of political economy, in this case the formation of standing armies, and lastly Can Europe disarm? (1893), a sketch of review on the changing political conditions regarding the accelerated development of the defense industry and the war effort that would restrict the assumptions of democratic action. From this repertoire we outline an engelsian criticism of war, focusing on the technical development of military techniques, passing mainly through the analysis of the conscription institution and its impact on politics.

Negotiating for Efficiency: Local Adaptation, Consensus, and Military Conscription in Karl XI's Sweden

Jett, Zachariah L. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Pourquoi s’enrôler? L’appartenance collective du corps militaire à l’ère de l’individualisme

Bonnier, Pier-Audrey 12 1900 (has links)
La force militaire est une composante indissociable de l’appareil étatique. Dans les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC), les composantes marines, aériennes et terrestres jouent un rôle de médiateur dans les conflits internes et internationaux. Leur réputation pacifique influence des valeurs associées à la carrière militaire, telles que : le dévouement, la discipline et l’obéissance. L’esprit de sacrifice, la solidarité et le sens de collectivité, valeurs essentielles au bon fonctionnement interne des FAC, semblent être des valeurs paradoxales dans une société canadienne dite individualiste. Dans ce contexte particulier, l’individualisme est au coeur la culture occidentale. J’entends ici par individualisme l’aspect d’une société de droits et libertés individuels. De ce fait, une question s’impose : quelles sont les motivations des individus à s’enrôler dans les Forces armées canadiennes en sol québécois ? Le but de la recherche est ainsi de mieux saisir les motivations d’un individu à joindre le corps militaire, dans un contexte où le Québec s’inscrit dans une trajectoire historique où l’individu est l’élément central, notamment aux niveaux social, économique, juridique et politique. L’objectif principal est de comprendre les motivations d’enrôlement des militaires, vétérans et candidats en processus d’enrôlement au Québec. Les sous-objectifs du projet de recherche sont quant à eux : (1) explorer, au travers d’une approche ethnographique, de quelles manières les participants à cette étude conçoivent les motivations qui ont guidé leur processus d’enrôlement; (2) comprendre de quelles façons ils expliquent leurs expériences des valeurs des FAC, dont le sens de la collectivité dans une société dite individualiste. C’est avec les méthodes de collecte de données qualitatives que sont l’observation participante et les entretiens semi-structurés que nous analyserons les relations hiérarchiques entre les membres des Forces armées canadiennes pour mieux saisir les dynamiques organisationnelles reliées à la culture militaire au Québec. Ces méthodes viseront également à identifier s’il existe une marge entre les dires et les actions réelles des militaires sur le terrain. Ces données seront analysées en lien avec l’échantillon d’étude afin d’éviter toute généralisation. Comme la démarche ethnographique est inductive, sans pouvoir affirmer ceci avec certitude, nous nous attendons à voir des motivations d’enrôlement « typiques » chez les participants, ainsi que la possibilité de profils récurrents chez les militaires. / Military forces are an inseparable component of the state apparatus. In the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), the sea, air and land components play a mediating role in national and international conflicts. Their peaceful reputation influence values associated with the military career, such as: devotion, discipline and obedience. The spirit of sacrifice, solidarity and sense of community, values essential to the proper internal functioning of the CAF seem to be paradoxical values in a so-called individualistic Canadian society. In this particular context, individualism is at the heart of Western culture. I mean here by individualism the aspect of a society of individual rights and freedoms. Therefore, a question arises: what are the motivations of individuals to enlist in the Canadian Armed Forces on Quebec soil? The goal of the research is thus to have a better understanding of the motivations of individuals to join the military corps in a context where Quebec is part of a historical trajectory where the individual is the central element, particularly at the social, economic, legal and political point of view. The main objective is to understand the enlistment motivations of soldiers, veterans and candidates in the enrollment process in Quebec. The sub-objectives of the research project are: (1) to explore through an ethnographic approach in what ways the participants of this study conceive the motivations that guided their enrollment process; (2) understand how they explain their experiences of CAF values, including the sense of community in a so-called individualistic society. It’s with the qualitative data collection methods of participant observation and semi-structured interviews that we will analyze the hierarchical relationships between members of the Canadian Armed Forces to understand better the organizational dynamics related to the military culture in Quebec. These methods will also aim to identify if there’s a margin between the statements and the actual actions of the soldiers on the ground. These data will be analyzed in relation to the study sample in order to avoid any generalization. As the ethnographic approach is inductive, without being able to affirm this with certainty, we expect to see “typical” enlistment motivations among the participants, as well as the possibility of recurring profiles among the military.

海軍紀律指標建構之研究 / A Study on the Construction of R.O.C. Navy Discipline Indicator

孫常德 Unknown Date (has links)
研究主旨在於探討軍紀概念的理論基礎,完成海軍軍紀指標的理論性建構,以茲作為未來在實務層面建立專業紀律評核制度之依據。本研究主要有五個研究目的:(一)就「軍紀評核制度」的完備性而言,探討「軍紀」組成構面暨發展各構面之指標項目。(二)探討這些指標項目對於評量部隊之軍紀實況的代表性和有效性。(三)探討這些指標項目對於評量部隊違反紀律所造成之影響的代表性和有效性。(四)探討這些指標項目對於區辨出軍紀事件之「肇因性質」係屬「意外」或「非意外」的代表性和有效性。(五)依據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供海軍未來擬定軍紀政策及相關學術研究之參考。 本研究為達成上述之目的,先根據文獻探討結果,建立海軍紀律指標的理論基礎,並審視國軍現行相關法規,據以演繹出「軍紀」具有生活、工作、訓練和戰鬥等四個構面。繼之運用「修正型德爾菲法」實施兩回合問卷調查,藉由專家小組反覆性意見回饋,及其對指標項目之「重要性」意見的統計結果,以及專家小組成員在意見上的「一致性」與「穩定性」的統計分析,以驗證各項指標的代表性和有效性,完成「海軍紀律指標」的理論建構。本研究指標項目總數96項,扣除無效指標4項,有效指標計有92項,其中主要指標47項,次要指標45項。 根據研究結果之統計資料分析,有以下四項之主要研究發現: (一)本研究建構之紀律指標,其中滿分指標與無效指標,這兩種極端情形均佔總數的比率極低;另外,主要指標與次要指標佔總數的比率極高,且分配情形呈現出相當的對稱性。(二)可提供未來評核紀律的專業基準。(三)軍紀指標應兼顧「質性」與「量性」指標,方能建立合理公平的評核制度。(四)著手應然面的學術研究,可提供軍隊實然面的制度改革。 / In this essay the author looks from the theoretical inquiry about the military discipline to construct the R.O.C. Navy discipline indicators. The construction is to be the base that establishing academically the system of Navy discipline examination further. There are five purposes of this research. Firstly, the purpose is to explore that the military discipline contains which dimensions and each dimension of military discipline contains which indicators, serves to develop further the system of Navy discipline examination. Secondly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if estimate accurately actual condition of army discipline. Thirdly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if estimate appropriately effects on the army that caused by discipline disobey. Fourthly, the purpose is to explore those indicators if distinguish incident from non-incident about the essentiality of causes of discipline disobey. Fifthly, in accordance with major findings to provide suggestions for improving the military discipline policy and academic investigation. For achieving the five purposes aforementioned, after reviewing some relevant references, completes the theoretical construction of the military discipline indicator. Meanwhile, after reviewing the regulations and rules of R.O.C. military discipline, deduces that military discipline contains four dimensions of life discipline、work discipline、training discipline and combat discipline. In short, there are 96 R.O.C. Navy discipline indicators deduced by theoretical construction and existing regulations. Then, expert panel constituted that consists of 10 experts whose specialty are about military discipline. Applying Modified Delphi Technique processes two times questionnaire anonymously answered by expert panel. Verifying the propriety of the constructions is based on interaction and feedback of the expert’s opinion through the two times questionnaire anonymously. After the estimation of importance、consensus and stability of 96 Navy discipline indicators, finds out that 4 indicators are irrelevant, the others are relevant. Some of the relevant indicators, including 47 indicators are first grade indicators, 45 indicators are second grade indicators. According as statistical results indicated that:(1)Those two extreme kinds of full marks indicators and irrelevant indicators are few in the constructions. Also, the percentage of the first grade indicators and the second grade indicators are high in the construction that consists of 96 indicators. Both of the indicators distribute symmetrically. (2)The findings have served to establish academically the system of Navy discipline examination further. (3)Military indicator in constructing should consider after both sides of qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment that will enable the system of Navy discipline examination to practice reasonably and equitably. (4)Academic research will contribute to revolution in military affairs of discipline examination further.

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