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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Informační kampaň vlády ČR "Proti raketám" / Government Information Campaign "Against Missiles

Dvořák, Marek January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the communication campaign of the government of the Czech Republic with regard to the possible Czech participation at the project of the US anti-missile defense system. The project was implemented by the Czech government following the official request from the USA on January 19, 2007, consequently the Czech answer to this request on March 28, 2007. From the foundation of the Czech Republic it was the third communication campaign related to the question of the Czech sovereignty and to the position of the Czech Republic within the international community. The previous campaigns referred to the acceptance of the Czech Republic to the EU and NATO. The objective of the thesis is focused on tracing methods and specifics of the Czech governmental communication of that issue towards the Czech public. Content and formal features of the particular communication materials were analyzed by quantitative and qualitative content methods. The governmental information campaign on the radar device, respectively on the issue of the anti-missile defense system can be framed in the time period of May 25, 2007 and March 31, 2008, when the governmental commissioner for the communication of the project, Tomáš Klvaňa, was in charge. The author of the thesis is concentrated particularly on the part of...

Rakety a radary jako bezpečnostní dilema: případ třetího pilíře americké protiraketové obrany ve střední Evropě / Missiles and Radars as Security Dilemma The Case of the Third Pillar of the U.S. Missile Defence in Central Europe

Kantor, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the former Bush's plan of the so-called third pillar of the American missile defense system in Poland and Czech republic. We demonstrate on this topic the value of several key (neo)realist theoretical concepts. Specifically, the exact types and functioning of security dilemmas are analyzed in the framework of American-Russian, American-Iranian and American-Czech/Polish relations. The thesis also illustrates the importance of related modalities of deterrence and shows, which states and how balanced the US. In addition to that, attention is paid to the question whether the "shield" was motivated by defensive realist worries about security or rather by offensive realist struggle for power and gains at the expense of others.

Současná americká zahraniční politika ve vztahu k Polsku: vývoj, faktory, tendence / Current U.S. foreign policy towards Poland: key factors, tendencies and developments

Čížková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
Given the enduring importance of the United States and its superpower status, American foreign policy represents a suitable topic for a detailed analysis. The focusing on Poland and the U.S. foreign policy related to it enables to find factors influencing the process of foreign policy-making and to examine the level of their impact. Selecting Poland can be explained by its great potential and rising importance within European politics as well as the long-lasting partnership between Poland and the United States that has been developed over the years. The characterization of factors influencing the formulation of the U.S. foreign policy enables understanding of tendencies and changes in the U.S. approach towards Poland. Contemporary foreign policy is not solely affected by current developments, but also the historical context and circumstances can have impact on its formulation and current shape. The formation of the American approach towards Poland is not completely isolated from other processes and therefore its final outcome depends on subsequent variables such as general American foreign orientation, the relations with Russia or the course of the general security situation. Dynamic development of events since 2001 shows how these new circumstances can be projected into the shape of foreign policy and...

A Customer Value Assessment Process (CVAP) for Ballistic Missile Defense

Hernandez, Alex 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
A systematic customer value assessment process (CVAP) was developed to give system engineering teams the capability to qualitatively and quantitatively assess customer values. It also provides processes and techniques used to create and identify alternatives, evaluate alternatives in terms of effectiveness, cost, and risk. The ultimate goal is to provide customers (or decision makers) with objective and traceable procurement recommendations. The creation of CVAP was driven by an industry need to provide ballistic missile defense (BMD) customers with a value proposition of contractors’ BMD systems. The information that outputs from CVAP can be used to guide BMD contractors in formulating a value proposition, which is used to steer customers to procure their BMD system(s) instead of competing system(s). The outputs from CVAP also illuminate areas where systems can be improved to stay relevant with customer values by identifying capability gaps. CVAP incorporates proven approaches and techniques appropriate for military applications. However, CVAP is adaptable and may be applied to business, engineering, and even personal every-day decision problems and opportunities. CVAP is based on the systems decision process (SDP) developed by Gregory S. Parnell and other systems engineering faculty at the Unites States Military Academy (USMA). SDP combines Value-Focused Thinking (VFT) decision analysis philosophy with Multi-Objective Decision Analysis (MODA) quantitative analysis of alternatives. CVAP improves SDP’s qualitative value model by implementing Quality Function Deployment (QFD), solution design implements creative problem solving techniques, and the qualitative value model by adding cost analysis and risk assessment processes practiced by the U.S DoD and industry. CVAP and SDP fundamentally differ from other decision making approaches, like the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), by distinctly separating the value/utility function assessment process with the ranking of alternatives. This explicit value assessment allows for straightforward traceability of the specific factors that influence decisions, which illuminates the tradeoffs involved in making decisions with multiple objectives. CVAP is intended to be a decision support tool with the ultimate purpose of helping decision makers attain the best solution and understanding the differences between the alternatives. CVAP does not include any processes for implementation of the alternative that the customer selects. CVAP is applied to ballistic missile defense (BMD) to give contractors ideas on how to use it. An introduction of BMD, unique BMD challenges, and how CVAP can improve the BMD decision making process is presented. Each phase of CVAP is applied to the BMD decision environment. CVAP is applied to a fictitious BMD example.


杜和庭, Tu, Ho-ting Unknown Date (has links)
美國佈署飛彈防禦系統的爭議,在2001年12月,小布希決定佈署後已暫告一段落。實實上,發展飛彈防禦問題在過去半個世紀,一直是美國最受爭議的國家安全政策。這項攸關美國國安全的重要議題,在不同年代每次被提出,總是引起國際高度關注,和美國朝野兩極化反應和激烈爭辯。為了進一步了解美國飛彈防禦政策的形成過程和影響因素,筆者希望透過國際局勢演變、國家戰略思考、政府內部辯論、國會影響,以及飛彈科技發展等角度,分析後冷戰時期美國飛彈防禦政策的演進和發展。   冷戰時代,美蘇在各自擁有足以消滅彼此的核武彈頭數量後,雙方簽署「反彈道飛彈」(ABM)條約,以限制彼此發展飛彈防禦系統,「相互保證摧毀」(MAD)概念於是成為冷戰時期,美蘇維持戰略穩定的重要基礎。到了雷根政府時期,美國企圖發展太空飛彈防禦的「戰略防禦計畫」(SDI),以追求抵擋蘇聯核武攻擊的絕對安全,並進一步打破相互保證安全的「鐵律」。不過在科技水準不夠的情況下,使得這項計畫始終無法實現。   八零年代末期,隨著東歐期產政權逐一跨台,美國的宿敵蘇聯也在1991年解體,使得冷戰終於落幕。雖然後冷戰時期的美國,不再面臨成千上萬枚核彈攻擊的陰影,不過,1991年波灣戰爭時,伊拉克飛毛腿飛彈對盟軍構成的威脅,以及蘇聯解體前後,因局勢不穩,所引發的核彈處置保管和大規模毀滅性武器(WMD)擴散的問題,讓布希政府決定繼續支持發展飛彈防禦。不過,布希總統最後在國內經濟狀況不佳情況下連任失敗,使得美國發展飛彈防禦的計畫也就此受阻。   對於飛彈威脅的看法,布希政府和柯林頓政府之間有相當大的落差。柯林頓政府認為,美國只要發展「戰區飛彈防禦」(TMD),即能滿足國家安安全的需要。對於飛彈技術和WMD的擴散,則要靠國際間的合作以及國際機制的力量解決。不過柯林頓政府傾向理想主義處理國安事務的態度,在第二任期時,有了重大調整。在共和黨國會,以及北韓試射彈道飛彈的雙重壓力下,柯林頓政府宣布研發「全國飛彈防禦」(NMD),不過由於俄羅斯強烈反對,歐洲盟國普遍不支持,柯林頓政府終究沒有做出佈署NMD的決定。   小布希政府對美國國家安全的危機感,充份反映在支持佈署飛彈防禦的強烈立場。為了讓美國佈署保護全國的飛彈防禦系統,小布希政府上台後,展現勢在必得態度,對俄羅斯、以及主要盟國進行強力遊說。911恐怖攻擊的發生,雖然讓小布希政府對國家安全戰略進行調整,不過政府對飛彈防禦的重視和支持,並沒有受到影響,反而因為威脅來源的不確定而更加堅定這項計畫,並在同年宣布美國片面退出1973年和蘇聯簽署的ABM條約,解決法律上的約束,全力進行飛彈防禦系統的研發。   保護美國安全是每一位美國總統的首要責任。後冷戰時期的美國,雖然以全球唯一霸權姿態主導國際事務,不過911事件後,美國不顧其他主要國家反對,執意出兵伊拉克,造成無法收拾的窘境,卻也凸顯出美國國力的侷限,並不得不尋求國際社會的協助。另外,從客觀角度觀察,中共崛起造成的挑戰,以及未來可能有更多國家或非國家組織取得WMD和飛彈技術的情況下,美國為了維護在國際間的利益以及國家安全,飛彈防禦的研發、佈署已成未來政府不可逆轉的政策趨勢。

Genetic algorithm design and testing of a random element 3-D 2.4 GHZ phased array transmit antenna constructed of commercial RF microchips

Esswein, Lance C. 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The United States Navy requires radical and innovative ways to model and design multifunction phased array radars. This thesis puts forth the concept that Genetic Algorithms, computer simulations that mirror the natural selection process to develop creative solutions to complex problems, would be extremely well suited in this application. The capability of a Genetic Algorithm to predict adequately the behavior of an array antenna with randomly located elements was verified with expected results through the design, construction, development and evaluation of a test-bed array. The test-bed array was constructed of commercially available components, including a unique and innovative application of a quadrature modulator microchip used in commercial communications applications. Corroboration of predicted beam patterns from both Genetic Algorithm and Method of Moments calculations was achieved in anechoic chamber measurements conducted with the test-bed array. Both H-plane and E-plane data runs were made with several phase steered beams. In all cases the measured data agreed with that predicted from both modeling programs. Although time limited experiments to beam forming and steering with phase shifting, the test-bed array is fully capable of beam forming and steering though both phase shifting and amplitude tapering. / Outstanding Thesis / Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy

Anledningar till staters anskaffande och behållande av kärnvapen och faktorer som påverkar staters kärnvapenpolitik

Hagström, Christoffer January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explain why states obtain nuclear weapons and the role various actors and interests play in the making of states´ nuclear policies. The main questions are as follows: (1) What big theories exist concerning states obtaining nuclear weapon and nuclear armament in International Relations and what relevance do they have of the post cold-war period?, (2) What is the meaning of the perspective of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)?, and (3)Are there empirical studies which supports the existence of a MIC in the United States? The focus lies on actors and driving forces that are internal to states and it is also important to investigate if the theories have relevance for the post 9/11-era. The study uses the method of qualitative literature-study with some quantitative segments. It is claimed that states might be interested in justifying their behaviour in a morally appealing way and that real reasons may be hidden. There are many reasons for states to obtain and keep nuclear weapons and related technology (which includes many of the most lucrative elements of the arms industry´s sales). Among this reasons are that arms and related technology may be used to influence other states and nuclear weapons-construction and modernisation might be used to protect the state from external threats, stop unwanted interference from other actors, secure job and gain recognition and prestige in world politics. For security reasons states might hold onto their own nuclear weapons and try to hinder other actors from getting access to them. The internal actors and driving forces we look at are bureaucratic, economical and political, and the MIC-perspective. The military can be said to have interests in as much resources and capabilities as possible, which includes advanced weaponary such as nuclear weapons and related technologies, at its disposal because of the goal to defend the state from all possible threats and for officers career reasons. Much of its influence is said to come from its expert knowledge and position and it is said to be especially influential in matters of foreign policy, military spending and foreign policy. The major economical actors mentioned are big corporations involved in military spending and these have interests in maximizing profits. Nuclear weapons making and maintenance and the related areas of missile defense and delivering methods for nuclear weapons seem to be areas with high changes of being profitable for the involved major companies. The actors wield influence for example through lobbying and campaign contributions. An economic driving force claim is that state spending is necessary for stimulating the economy and defense spending is easily justified in other ways. Political actors and driving forces concerns politicians interest in promoting the interests of supporting groups, there are indications that the weapon industry is such a group. Research have shown various results about the extent politicians tend to further the interests of supporting groups. The MIC-perspective talks about groups with interest in high levels of military spending. Most researchers seem to agree that the complex exists but there are different opinions about what actors belongs to it and its power on various issues. There is some mention of the core of the complex consisting of such internal actors as mentioned above. MIC-related empirical research has been conducted and this author finds that the MIC is a relevant analytical tool for the post cold war – and 9/11 era.

Systémy protiraketové obrany v oblasti severovýchodní Asie a jejich vliv na strategické chování ČLR v regionu / Missile Defence in Northeast Asia and its Influence on the Chinese Strategic Behaviour

Mareš, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis analyzes strategic behavior of the PRC in the region of the Northeast Asia in direct relationship with regional missile defense. The aim is to analyze motives of China`s regional strategic behavior with respect to the specific technological element (= Theatre Missile Defense) on the basis of predetermined analytical levels: realistic, liberal and constructivist. But there are great differences in technological configuration of individual missile defense systems or in the configuration of the relationship of regional actors with the PRC. Thus the thesis will comprise of case studies analyzing the complex relationship of the PRC and regional actors (that are creating regional missile defense). The creation of regional missile defense can endanger China`s vital strategic interests (in the region of Northeast Asia) under specific conditions. But the regional strategic behaviour of the PRC is moderate. The aim is to explain, why the PRC does not change its regional strategic behavior in direct connection with emerging theater missile defence.

Reaganova bezpečnostní politika: Strategická obranná iniciativa. / Ronald Reagan's National Security Policy: Strategic Defence Initiative

Čeněk, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis "Strategic Defense Initiative" deals with the issue of the Strategic initiative on the basis of historical-political analysis. The SDI was a crucial topic during the 80s, which had political impacts on the development of the international events and the Cold war in general. This work presents brief history of the United States ABM systems and introduced historical context. Furthermore, the author analyzes possible reasons for the SDI announcement and reexamines Reagan's speech from March 1983. Persons and interest groups who were promoting strategic defense are also included in this analysis. Problems connected to the SDI and its brief description are also mentioned. The following chapter deals with Soviet reaction to the SDI. The seventh chapter dicusses the European reaction to the SDI. The topic is analyzed on the example of United Kingdom. Next chapter deals with the Anti Ballistic Missile treaty and its interpretations from the SDI prespective. Last chapter discusses US - Soviet summits which took place in the 80s with emphasis on the SDI.

How will the Indian military's upgrade and modernization of its ISR, precision strike, and missile defense affect the stability in South Asia?

Dewan, Jay P. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / India has made a concerted effort to upgrade its ISR, precision strike, and missile defense capabilities as it competes with China and Pakistan for regional power. The Phalcon Airborne Warning and Control System, Su-30MKI fighter-bomber aircraft, and S-300PMU surface-to-air missile system are some examples of the new capabilities India is acquiring. I argue that if India continues its military modernization, Pakistan will become more insecure. The increase in the conventional military capabilities gap will likely upset the existing balance of power in South Asia, leading to a regional arms race, lowering the nuclear threshold, and increasing instability in the region. The strategic stability/tactical instability paradox that exists between two nuclear countries may lead them to engage in "small" wars. India's increasing military capabilities may encourage it to conduct a preventive strike against Pakistan. In such a climate, a regional arms race eventually may lead Pakistan to establish a "hair-trigger" nuclear posture. India's effort to achieve a significantly superior conventional military force over Pakistan paradoxically may reduce Indian security by causing greater instability, and possibly lead to nuclear war. Regional stability is enhanced to the extent that there is a rough conventional military balance between India and Pakistan. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

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