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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barlow’s Mitral Valve Disease: A Comparison of Neochordal (Loop) and Edge-To-Edge (Alfieri) Minimally Invasive Repair Techniques

da Rocha e Silva, Jaqueline Grace 08 December 2015 (has links)
Background. Barlow’s mitral valve (MV) disease re- mains a surgical challenge. We compared short- and medium-term outcomes of neochordal (“loop”) versus edge-to-edge (“Alfieri”) minimally invasive MV repair in patients with Barlow’s disease. Methods. From January 2009 to April 2014, 123 consecutive patients with Barlow’s disease (defined as bileaflet billowing or prolapse [or both], excessive leaflet tissue, and annular dilatation with or without calcifica- tion) underwent minimally invasive MV operations for severe mitral regurgitation (MR) at our institution. Three patients (2.4%) underwent MV replacement during the study period and were excluded from subsequent anal- ysis. The loop MV repair technique was used in 68 pa- tients (55.3%) and an edge-to-edge repair was performed in 44 patients (35.8%). Patients who underwent a combi- nation of these 2 techniques (n [ 8 [6.5%]) were excluded. The median age was 48 years, and 62.5% of patients were men. Concomitant procedures included closure of a patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect (n [ 19), tricuspid valve repair (n [ 5), and atrial fibril- lation ablation (n [ 15). Follow-up was performed 24.7 ± 17 months postoperatively and was 98% complete. Results. No deaths occurred perioperatively or during follow-up. Aortic cross-clamp time (64.1 ± 17.6 minutes versus 95.9 ± 29.5 minutes) and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) time (110.0 ± 24.2 minutes versus 146.4 ± 39.1 mi- nutes) were significantly shorter (p < 0.001) in patients who received edge-to-edge repair. Although patients who underwent edge-to-edge repair received a larger annulo- plasty ring (38.6 ± 1.5 mm versus 35.8 ± 2.7 mm; p < 0.001), the early postoperative resting mean gradients were higher(3.3±1.2mmHgversus2.6±1.2mmHg;p[ 0.007) and the mitral orifice area tended to be smaller in this group (2.8 ± 0.7 cm2 versus 3.0 ± 0.7 cm2; p [ 0.06). The amount of residual MR was similar between groups (0.3 ± 0.6 versus 0.6 ± 1.0 for edge-to-edge versus loop procedures, respectively; p [ 0.08). More than mild MR requiring early MV reoperation was present in 3 patients who underwent loop procedures (4.4%) and in no patients who had edge-to-edge procedures (p [ 0.51). During follow-up, 2 patients (1 in each group) required MV replacement for severe MR. The 4-year freedom from MV reoperation was 92.8% ± 5.0% in the Alfieri group compared with 90.9% ± 4.6% in the loop group (p [ 0.94). Conclusions. Minimally invasive MV repair can be accomplished with excellent early and medium-term outcomes in patients with Barlow’s disease. The edge- to-edge (Alfieri) repair can be performed with reduced operative times when compared with the loop technique, but it results in mildly increased transvalvular gradients and mildly decreased valve opening areas without any difference in residual MR.

Prädiktion der linksventrikulären Funktion nach Mitralklappenrekonstruktion unter Verwendung des präoperativen Tei Index

Gröger, Steffen 19 April 2016 (has links)
Die chirurgische Mitralklappenrekonstruktion (MKR) ist der konservativen Therapie bei signifikanter Mitralklappeninsuffizienz (MI) überlegen. Bisher fehlen sensitive präoperative Parameter zur Detektion latenter linksventrikulärer Funktionsstörungen. Aufgrund der pathophysiologisch bedingten Nachlastreduktion und Vorlaststeigerung bei MI bergen die konventionell verwendeten Ejektionsindices, Ejektionsfraktion (EF) und Fractional Area Change (FAC), die Gefahr der Überschätzung der effektiven Pumpfunktion des linken Ventrikels (LV). Der dopplersonographisch erhobene Tei Index gilt als ein Marker globaler myokardialer Funktion. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, mit dem Tei Index (bzw. dem Myokardialen Performance Index, MPI) einen sensitiveren präoperativen Parameter zur Prädiktion der postoperativen linksventrikulären Funktion zu finden. Hierzu wurden im Rahmen einer prospektiven klinischen Studie 130 Patienten mit signifikanter MI am Herzzentrum Leipzig entsprechend den ASE/SCA Leitlinien vor und nach kardiopulmonaler Bypass-Operation mittels transösophagealer echokardiographischer (TEE) Bildgebung untersucht. Die Quantifizierung der MI erfolgte durch Messung der Vena contracta (VC). Die FAC wurde in der transgastrischen midpapillären kurzen Achse und die EF im midösophagealen Zwei- sowie Vier-Kammer-Blick erfasst. Die Zeitintervalle zur Berechnung des Tei Index wurden im tiefen transgastrischen und midösophagealen Vier-Kammer-Blick erfasst. Eine statistische Korrelation zwischen präoperativen Tei Index und postoperativer EF und FAC konnte zur Validierung unserer Hypothese nicht detektiert werden. Folgend kann der Tei Index nicht als Prädiktor der effektiven linksventrikulären Funktion vor MKR gewertet werden.

Die Rolle der intraoperativen Echokardiographie bei herzchirurgischen Operationen mit Schwerpunkt Mitralklappenrekonstruktion

Ender, Jörg 26 November 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Rolle der intraoperativen transösophagealen Echokardiografie während herzchirurgischer Eingriffe mit Schwerpunkt Mitralklappenrekonstruktion. Ziel ist die Beschreibung der Aufgaben und Möglichkeiten dieses Verfahrens im klinischen Alltag und das Aufzeigen möglicher neuer Einsatzgebiete, wie die bildgestützte Größenbestimmung der Annuloplastieringe. Die intraoperative Echokardiografie hat sich seit den Anfängen in den achtziger Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts zu einem Standardverfahren während herzchirurgischer Eingriffe entwickelt. Sie dient zum einen zur kardialen Diagnostik und zum anderen als Monitorverfahren. Trotz in der Regel gut vordiagnostizierter Patienten führt die intraoperativ durchgeführte transösophageale Echokardiografie während herzchirurgischer Eingriffe nicht selten zur Diagnose vorher nicht bekannter Pathologien und somit zu einer Änderung im chirurgischen Vorgehen. Speziell während der Mitralklappenrekonstruktion ermöglicht diese Methode die Diagnostik und Lokalisation der pathologischen Segmente, die Bestätigung des Schweregrades und dem Erkennen möglicher Risikofaktoren. Hierfür ist jedoch eine umfassende, standardisierte Untersuchung notwendig. Der Einsatz moderner Operationstechniken, wie z.B. der kathetergestützten Implantation der Aortenklappe ohne Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine, ohne Eröffnung des Sternums, macht eine direkte visuelle Einschätzung der Herzfunktion unmöglich. Sowohl zur Evaluierung der Herzfunktion als auch zur Größenbestimmung der zu implantierenden Klappenprothesen ist ein bildgebendes Verfahren unabdingbar. Die dreidimensionale transösophageale Echokardiografie ermöglicht nun in Echtzeit die komplette Darstellung z.B. der Mitralklappe. Dies erleichtert nicht nur die Verständigung zwischen Echokardiographeur und Chirurgen bei der Darstellung der Befunde, sondern ermöglicht nun erstmals auch die bildgestützte Planung des operativen Vorgehens, wie, z.B. die Visualisierung und Größenbestimmung der zu implantierenden Annuloplastieringe, die als Computermodelle auf die dreidimensionale Darstellung der Mitralklappe projiziert werden können. In der postoperativen TEE-Untersuchung ist die Evaluierung des rekonstruierten Mitralklappenapparates, die Quantifizierung einer eventuell bestehenden residualen Mitralinsuffizienz, sowie deren genaue Lokalisation primäres Ziel. Weiterhin sollten iatrogen aufgetretene Komplikationen in einer umfassenden postoperativen TEE-Untersuchung diagnostiziert werden wie z.B. der Verschluss des Ramus circumflexus, Aortendissektion, etc. Zusammenfassend wird in dieser Habilitationsarbeit die Rolle der intraoperativen Echokardiografie bei herzchirurgischen Eingriffen dargestellt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt in dieser Arbeit ist die transösophageale Echokardiographie bei Mitralklappenoperationen im Hinblick auf die Darstellung der bestehenden Pathologie, der Quantifizierung der Mitralinsuffizienz und dem Erkennen bestehender Risikofaktoren präoperativ bzw das Erkennen der Komplikation postoperativ.:1. Einführung in die Thematik 5 1.1. Einführung 5 1.2. Grundlage der vorliegenden Habilitationsarbeit 5 1.3. Intraoperative Echokardiografie in der Kardioanästhesie 5 1.4. Intraoperative Echokardiografie bei chirurgischer Mitralklappenrekonstruktion 8 1.5 .Die dreidimensionale transösophageale Echokardiographie zur bildgestützten Größenbestimmung des Annuloplastieringes während Mitralklappenrekonstruktion 9 2. Habilitationsschrift 11 2.1. Geschichte der Echokardiographie 11 2.2. Geschichte der Entwicklung der transösophagealen Echokardiographie 11 2.3. Einsatz der intraoperativen transösophagealen Echokardographie 12 2.3.1 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 13 2.3.2. Eigene Arbeit im Original 13 2.3.4. Echokardiographische Kontrolle von mechanischen Unterstützungssystemen 14 2.3.5. Transösophageale Echokardiografie bei kathetergestützter Aortenklappen- Implantation 15 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 16 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 16 2.3.6. Einfluss der intraoperativen Echokardiografie bei herzchirurgischen Eingriffen. 17 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 17 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 18 2.4. Intraoperative Echokardiographie bei Mitralklappenrekonstruktion 20 2.4.1. Einführung 20 2.4.2. Aufgabe der intraoperativen Echokardiographie bei Mitralklappenrekonstruktion 20 Beurteilung der Morphologie und Funktion des Mitralklappenapparates 21 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 30 Erkennen der Ursachen der Mitralinsuffizienz 31 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 34 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 35 Bestimmung des Schweregrades der Mitralinsuffizienz mittels intraoperativer Echokardiografie 36 Beurteilung der systolischen Funktion bei vorhandener Mitralinsuffizienz 38 Hilfestellung bei der chirurgischen Planung 39 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 39 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 40 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 41 2.4.3. Die dreidimensionale transösophageale Echokardiographie zur bildgestützten Größenbestimmung des Annuloplastieringes während Mitralklappenrekonstruktion 42 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 43 Eigene Arbeit im Original: 44 2.4.4. Postoperative TEE- Untersuchung 45 Darstellung des Ramus circumflexus 45 Kontrolle der Entlüftung des Herzens 45 Detektion einer residualen Mitralinsuffizienz 45 Ausschluss einer Mitralstenose 46 3. Erklärung über die eigenständige Anfertigung der Habilitationsschrift 62 Lebenslauf 63 Danksagung 65

Study of collagen structure in canine myxomatous mitral valve disease

Hadian, Mojtaba January 2009 (has links)
Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) is the single most common acquired cardiac disease of dogs, and is a disease of significant veterinary importance. It also bears close similarities to mitral valve prolapse in humans and therefore is a disease of emerging comparative interest. Realising the importance of collagen fibres in mitral heart valves and considering the paramount significance of myxomatous mitral valve disease, a better understanding of the pathogenesis of MMVD is essential. Thus, this study was designed to investigate the changes in collagen molecules, including fibril structure, fibril orientation, d-spacing, collagen density, collagen content, thermal stability, and the status of mature and immature crosslinks. A combination of biophysical and biochemical tools such as x-ray diffraction, neutron diffraction, HPLC were utilised in order to fulfil the objectives. Biochemical assay of hydroxyproline revealed a 10% depletion of collagen in mildly affacted (grade I and II) leaflets, while a 20% depletion of fibrillar collagen was revealed by mapping the collagen fibrils onto the anatomy of cardiac leaflets using x-ray data. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that there were no significant differences in the onset temperature of denaturation of collagen between the healthy and affected leaflets. However, in affected areas of leaflets, the enthalpy of denaturation significantly dropped by 20%. In the affected regions, neutron diffraction results showed an increase in the immature reducible cross-links though the low number of the samples can be considered a limiting factor in this regard. However, the HPLC results showed a 25% decrease in the number of mature cross-links. Additionally, the recently introduced imaging technologies to biology and medicine such as differential enhancing imaging (DEI) and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy (CARS) were, to the author’s best knowledge, applied for the first time to this disease. In doing so, this thesis furthers our understanding of the pathogenesis of MMVD, especially in relation to the collagen. The thesis provides new findings about MMVD and demonstrates the potential of biophysical tools for studying similar conditions.

Morphological, cellular and proteomic features of canine myxomatous mitral valve disease

Han, Richard I-Ming January 2009 (has links)
Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) is the single most common cardiac disease of the dog, and is analogous to Mitral Valve Prolapse in humans. Very little is known about the aetiopathogenesis of this disease or the changes in valvular interstitial cell populations in diseased valves. The aim of this study was to identify morphological, cellular and molecular changes associated with MMVD. Mitral valve leaflets from both normal and varying grades (Whitney’s 1-4) of diseased dogs were subject to image analysis, immunophenotyping, proteomics and RT-PCR. Image analysis - leaflet thickening due to accumulation of glycosaminoglycan was significant in this disease. MMVD is associated with loss of connective tissue, reduction in cell numbers but no change in cell shape in the overtly myxomatous area. Near the surface, increase in valvular interstitial cells (VIC) towards the damaged endothelium in concert with destruction of collagen and building up of ground substance was manifested during the disease process. Immunophenotyping - activated myofibroblasts were increased and fibroblast-like VICs were reduced without any change in desmin and myosin expression in MMVD compared to clinical normal dogs. In addition, other cell types like macrophage, adipocyte, chondrocyte, mast cell, and stem cell were identified and their possible role in MMVD is discussed. Proteomics - a protein expression profile was established, with 64 proteins being positively identified from dog’s mitral valve using 1-D SDS PAGE LC/MS. Amongst them 44 proteins were differentially expressed comparing normal and severely diseased. Two actin binding proteins, tropomyosin alpha and myosin light chain-2 were found to be differentially expressed in the normal but down regulated in the diseased. RT-PCR was used to assess the expression of 8 genes of interest. Their expression was compared with 3 different housekeeping genes.

4-Dimensionale morphologische Analyse der Mitralklappe vor und nach perkutaner Edge-to-edge- Mitralklappenrekonstruktion

Mallon, Linda 27 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die perkutane Behandlung der sekundären Mitralklappeninsuffizienz (MI) ist eine Therapieoption für Patienten mit hohem Operationsrisiko. Der Einfluss der perkutanen Edge-to-edge-Mitralklappenrekonstruktion (PMKR) mittels MitraClip® auf die Geometrie der Mitralklappe ist noch nicht gänzlich verstanden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein neuartiges 4-dimensionales Mitralklappenmodell, das auf Real Time 3-dimensionaler transösophagealer Echokardiographie (RT3DTEE) basiert, dazu genutzt, die morphologischen Veränderungen der Mitralklappe während des gesamten Herzzyklus vor und nach PMKR zu bestimmen. Dazu wurden retrospektiv prä- und postprozedurale RT3DTEE-Datensätze von 28 Patienten mit sekundärer MI analysiert, an denen eine elektive PMKR vorgenommen wurde. Mit Hilfe einer halb-automatischen Mitralklappen-Modellierungssoftware wurde die Mitralklappenmorphologie über den gesamten Herzzyklus in 10%-Schritten quantifiziert. Es wurden signifikante Veränderungen in der Mitralklappengeometrie der Segel und des Anulus nachgewiesen: Nach PMKR zeigten die Patienten eine sofortige signifikante Reduktion der Mitralklappenöffnungsfläche und des anteroposterioren Durchmessers über den gesamten Herzzyklus, sowie eine signifikante Vergrößerung des anterolateral-posteromedialen Durchmessers und des kommissuralen Durchmessers ausschließlich in der Diastole. Nach bestem Wissen wird in dieser Arbeit die erste 4D-Analyse der Mitralklappe über den gesamten Herzzyklus vor und nach PMKR vorgelegt. Die Ergebnisse ermöglichen ein besseres Verständnis der funktionellen und anatomischen Mechanismen der Mitralklappe.

Structural and functional characterisation of M/T cells using Ca2+ Imaging and Activity Correlation Imaging in dendritic networks of the developing Xenopus brain

Okom, Camille Inès Alexandra 09 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Quantifizierung von Mitralinsuffizienz unter Verwendung von Color flow Doppler und Baseline shift

Heß, Hannah Maria Ursula 10 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Vena contracta width (VCW) and effective regurgitant orifice area (EROA) are well established methods for evaluating mitral regurgitation using transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). For color-flow Doppler (CF) measurements Nyquist limit of 50–60 cm/s is recommended. Aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of a baseline shift of the Nyquist limit for these measurements. After a comprehensive 2-dimensional (2D) TEE examination, the mitral regurgitation jet was acquired with a Nyquist limit of 50 cm/s (NL50) along with a baseline shift to 37.5 cm/s (NL37.5) using CF. Moreover a real time 3-dimensional (RT 3D) color complete volume dataset was stored with a Nyquist limit of 50 cm/s (NL50) and 37.5 cm/s (NL37.5). Vena contracta width (VCW) as well as Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area (PISA) derived EROA were measured based on 2D TEE and compared to RT 3D echo measurements for vena contracta area (VCA) using planimetry method. Correlation between VCA 3D NL50 and VCW NL50 was 0.29 (p<0.05) compared to 0.6 (p<0.05) using NL37.5. Correlation between VCA 3D NL50 and EROA 2D NL50 was 0.46 (p<0.05) vs. 0.6 (p<0.05) EROA 2D NL37.5. Correlation between VCA 3D NL37.5 and VCW NL50 was 0.45 (p<0.05) compared to 0.65 (p<0.05) using VCW NL37.5. Correlation between VCA 3D NL37.5 and EROA 2D NL50 was 0.41 (p<0.05) vs. 0.53 (p<0.05) using EROA 2D NL37.5. Baseline shift of the NL to 37.5 cm/s improves the correlation for VCW and EROA when compared to RT 3D NL50 planimetry of the vena contracta area. Baseline shift in RT 3D to a NL of 37.5 cm/s shows similar results like NL50.

"Avaliação dos resultados a médio prazo da ablação cirúrgica por radiofreqüência da fibrilação atrial permanente em pacientes portadores de valvopatia mitral reumática" / Mid-term results of the maze procedure using radiofrequency ablation in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation and rheumatic mitral valve disease

Abreu Filho, Carlos Alberto Cordeiro de 21 June 2005 (has links)
A ablação cirúrgica por radiofreqüência (RF) é uma nova técnica para tratar a fibrilação atrial (FA) permanente. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a eficácia da ablação cirúrgica por RF da FA permanente em pacientes com valvopatia mitral reumática (VMR). Entre Fevereiro de 2002 e Abril de 2003, 70 pacientes com FA permanente e VMR foram submetidos à operação da valva mitral associada à ablação por RF da FA (Grupo A); ou à operação da valva mitral isolada (Grupo B). No seguimento pós-operatório foram avaliados: a reversão para o ritmo sinusal (RS) e a contratilidade atrial. Após 12 meses de seguimento, os índices de reversão para o RS e de restabelecimento da contratilidade atrial foram significativamente superiores no Grupo A. A ablação cirúrgica por RF é eficaz para o tratamento da FA permanente em pacientes com VMR / Radiofrequency ablation is a new surgical technique to treat permanent atrial fibrillation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the (RF) ablation for the treatment of permanent AF in patients with rheumatic mitral valve (MV) disease. Between February 2002 and April 2003, 70 patients with permanent AF and rheumatic MV disease were assigned to undergo a MV surgery associated with RF ablation (Group A), or MV surgery alone (Group B). After 12 months of follow-up, the cumulative rates of sinus rhythm conversion and atrial transport function restoration were higher in Group A.The RF ablation is effective for treating permanent AF associated with rheumatic MV disease

Estudo cardiológico exploratório de cães acometidos por insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, da classe II, por degeneração mixomatosa mitral (ISACHC) /

Navarrete Ampuero, Roberto Andrés. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecido Antônio Camacho / Banca: Evandro Zacché Pereira / Banca: Maria Lucia Gomes Lourenço / Banca: Antonio Sergio Ferraudo / Banca: Aureo Evangelista Santana / Resumo: Cães com degeneração mixomatosa da válvula mitral (DMVM) estadiados na classe II-ISACHC da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva apresentam diversas alterações dentro do estágio clínico. Evidenciando-se um ou mais sinais clínicos, aumento de câmaras cardíacas, alterações no ritmo e frequência cardíaca, bem como variabilidade da frequência cardíaca, relacionando-se ao maior ou menor predomínio do sistema nervoso autonômico parassimpático. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a possível existência de subclasses dentro da classe II e conhecer as variáveis que diferenciariam estas subclasses. Foram utilizadas vinte e duas variáveis na análise multivariada de 15 cães pertencentes à classe II-ISACHC da ICC. Por meio da análise de agrupamento pelo método hierárquico e não hierárquico, foram determinadas três subclasses excludentes (subclasse S1, subclasse S2 e subclasse S3). Foi possível relacionar a subclasse S1 com as variáveis de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (e.g. NNm, PNN>50%), a subclasse S3 com as variáveis de remodelamento cardíaco (e. g. AE/Ao, DIVEd/Ao, FE%) e a subclasse S2 com câmara ventricular direita (e.g. DIVDd/Ao). Posterior à análise exploratória de fatores foram determinados três fatores (PSNA, RCFS e VDST) que relacionam as variáveis inclusas em cada fator com as subclasses. O PSNA incluiu as variáveis de variabilidade da frequência cardíaca e frequência cardíaca, o RCFS incluiu as variáveis de remodelamento cardíaco e função sistólica e o VDST integra a câm... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The dogs with myxomatous mitral valve degeneration (MMVD) staged in class II-ISACHC of congestive heart failure (CHF) have several changes within the clinical stage. Evidencing one more clinical signs, increased heart chambers, changes in heart rate and rhythm, changes in heart rate variability relating to the greater or lesser prevalence of the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. The objective of this study was to determine the possible existence of subclasses within class II and to know the variables that would differentiate these subclasses. Twenty-two variables were used in the multivariate analysis of 15 dogs, class II of CH. Using hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering, three exclusive subclasses (S1, S2 and S3) were determined. It was possible to relate subclass S1 to heart rate variability variables (e.g. NNm, PNN>50%), subclass S3 with cardiac remodeling variables (e.g. LA/Ao, LVDd/Ao, EF%) and subclass S2 with right ventricular chamber (e.g. RVDd/Ao). After analysis of factors were determined three factors (PSNA, RCFS and VDST) that relate the variables with the subclasses. The PSNA included variables of heart rate and heart rate variability, the RCFS contained the variables of cardiac remodeling and systolic function and the VDST enclosed the right ventricular chamber. The analysis of variance of the factors compared by subclasses determined that subclass S1 has higher values of PSNA when compared to subclasses S2 and S3. The subclass S3 had higher val... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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