Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amobile phone"" "subject:"0mobile phone""
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The Effects of Simulated Cellular Phone Conversation on Road-Crossing SafetyMurray, Stephen James January 2006 (has links)
The effects that cellular (cell) phone conversation may have on pedestrian road-crossing performance is unknown. A series of experiments was conducted using a virtual reality road crossing simulator to examine this issue. The participants were primarily university students aged between 18 and 24 years old, although one study compared a group aged 18 to 24 to a group between 50 and 67 years old. Two experimental situations were used: a gap-choice situation, in which the participants had to choose a gap to cross through; and an infrequency situation, where vehicles were present on only 10% of the trials. Participants were impaired by a simulated phone conversation task when compared to no-conversation task, as evidenced by longer reaction times, slower walking speeds, poorer gap choices, and more cautious behaviours. Most importantly, conversation was related to a decrease in the mean margins of safety, and the participants were hit or nearly hit by vehicles more often when talking. The general performance of the older participants did not differ from that of the younger participants, and both groups were impaired to a similar extent by the conversation task. Participants were found to use irrelevant distance information to inform their gap-choice decisions, a strategy associated with a decrease in safety as the distance between the vehicles increased. It was also found that their use of time-to-arrival information was impaired when engaged in the conversation task. Overall, talking on a cell phone while crossing a road may represent an unnecessary increase in risk; therefore, care should be taken if these two acts are being conducted concurrently.
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Brand avoidance among the Chinese consumers in the mobile industry : The main drivers of the brand avoidance among the Chinese customers with the quantitative description.Fei, Xie, Yu cen, Zhou January 2017 (has links)
Brand avoidance is a new topic in consumer behavior research. The purpose of the study was to find the main driver(s) of the brand avoidance behavior among the Chinese mobile consumers. The study was based on the core framework of Lee, et al. (2009) and Knittel et al (2016). The study also applied Ma’s research (2012) to segment the Chinese mobile consumers. A survey was conducted based on the literatures. The findings show that Chinese mobile consumers do not share the same driver for the brand avoidance behavior, the main driver for fashion-taste consumers, trendy but cost-efficient consumers and conservative consumers is moral and identity avoidance. Rational and price-sensitive consumers avoid the brand because of the moral and identity avoidance, and the experiential avoidance for product. Business communication consumers avoid the brand because of the moral and identity avoidance and advertising avoidance. Organizations can use these findings to adjust their marketing strategies and content accordingly.
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Lokalizační data mobilních telefonů: možnosti využití v geografickém výzkumu / Mobile phone location data: Possibilities of use in geographical researchNovák, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Science Department of Social Geography and Regional Development Jakub Novák MOBILE PHONE LOCATION DATA: POSSIBILITIES OF USE IN GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH Synopsis of PhD Thesis Prague 2010 Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Zdeněk Čermák Jakub Novák Synopsis of PhD Thesis 1 Jakub Novák Synopsis of PhD Thesis 2 INTRODUCTION Spatial mobility of world population has been unbelievably changing during the last decades. People from poor countries are moving thousands of kilometers to developed countries with the vision of material prosperity. Airplanes transport thousands of people in hours to places, where people had travelled much longer recently. Similarly, also an ordinary weekday is for the majority of population connected with relatively long moves between different places of daily activities. Traveling between home, work, kindergartens and schools, shops and leisure activities takes the significant part of our daytime. To capture the measureless amount of particular human creatures in their day-to-day moves through time and space seems to be almost impossible. In fact, it is not so unrealistic. Currently, we are surrounded by a number of electronic devices, which dispose with information about its location or record moving objects in their vicinity. Mobile phone is one of such...
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[pt] A estratégia utilizada pelas operadoras de telefonia móvel
no Brasil nos
últimos anos, levou estas empresas a um grande
crescimento, porém prejudicou a
rentabilidade de sua operação, como acontece regularmente
em novos mercados.
Desta forma, é importante que elas procurem novas
alternativas para reformular
sua trajetória de crescimento, adaptando-se a um ambiente
mais estável.
Historicamente, o relacionamento com o segmento de
clientes pré-pagos foi pouco
explorado por estas empresas, embora ele represente mais
de 70% da base de
todas as operadoras. Assim, é possível verificar um grande
potencial para as
empresas no incremento das ações de relacionamento com os
clientes pré-pagos,
pouco exploradas até hoje. Porém, para estruturar estas
ações, é preciso que as
empresas conheçam melhor o comportamento de consumo dos
clientes deste
segmento. Apesar de recentemente a literatura de marketing
apresentar maior
quantidade de estudos relacionados a este público, é comum
que os profissionais
da área ainda encontrem dificuldades em entender com
clareza os aspectos que
modelam a motivação de consumo destes clientes, dada a
grande disparidade entre
essas realidades no Brasil. (Motta e Muller, 2007). Este
trabalho realiza uma
análise no setor brasileiro de telefonia móvel,
verificando os principais aspectos
no comportamento dos clientes pré-pagos que podem ser
considerados pelas
empresas provedoras deste serviço para a formatação de
ações viáveis de
relacionamento capazes de proporcionar rentabilização em
seus resultados.
Foram realizadas entrevistas com clientes de serviços pré-
pagos das principais
operadoras brasileiras buscando esclarecer aspectos de
motivação de consumo e
expectativas deste público em relação à prestação do
serviço. Os resultados
apontaram para um comportamento bastante diferenciado em
relação a clientes
com menor restrição orçamentária e a adequação de algumas
das ações realizadas de modo ainda incipiente pelas
operadoras, o que pode sustentar a necessidade de
direcionamento de novos investimentos. / [en] The strategy adopted by mobile phone operators in Brazil
in recent years
brought about great growth to these companies. However, it
harmed their
operation yield levels, and hence it is important that
they seek new alternatives to
rethink their trajectory of growth, fitting to an already
established market.
Historically, the relationship with prepaid customers was
little explored by these
companies, even though the segment represents more than
70% of the client base
of all operators. Therefore, it is possible to verify a
great potential in relationship
building with these customers. However, to structure these
actions, it is necessary
to have a better knowledge of the consumption behavior of
the prepaid segment.
Despite the fact that the recent literature in marketing
presents a greater amount of
studies related to this public, it is still common for
professionals in this field to
find difficulties in understanding the aspects that shape
consumption motivation
of prepaid customers, given the great disparity between
these realities in Brazil.
(Motta and Muller, 2007). The present work intends to
perform an analysis of the
Brazilian mobile phone sector, verifying the main aspects
of prepaid costumer`s
behavior which can be considered by the companies
operating this service in
designing viable relationship actions, capable of
generating greater yield.
Interviews with customers of prepaid services of the main
Brazilian operators
have been executed aiming to clarify some aspects of
consumption motivation and
expectations of this segment. The results point out a
differentiated behavior
compared to customers with less budgetary restrictions and
the adequacy of some
of the incipient actions carried out by the operators,
which can support the
necessity of new investments in this area.
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Det ständigt uppkopplade livets påverkan på individens psykiska hälsa : Bidrar det konstanta mobilanvändandet till depression?Blomqvist, Elin, Larsson, Stina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Depression förekommer hos trehundra miljoner individer världen över. Orsaker till depression kan vara arv, miljö, pressade livssituationer, stress och för höga krav på individen. I dagens samhälle använder många individer mobiltelefonen och det diskuteras att användandet kan ge stress, sömnbrist samt depression. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka om det finns evidens för att det konstanta användandet av mobiltelefonen bidrar till depression. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med kvantitativ design bestående av tio vetenskapliga artiklar som återfanns på PubMed. Resultat: Ett signifikant samband mellan depression och frekvens av mobilanvändning föreligger. De faktorer inom mobilanvändning som påverkar den psykiska hälsan är kravet på att vara tillgänglig, överdriven användning, skicka mer sms, användning av social media, negativa upplevelser av Facebook, surfa mindre på internet och ringa färre samtal. Vidare påvisade resultatet att användning av mobiltelefonen på natten, i sängen innan sömn samt dålig sömnkvalitet hade en koppling till depression. Slutsats: Ett samband mellan mobilanvändning och depression föreligger. Riskfaktorer för depression är användning av social media, negativa upplevelser av Facebook, krav på att vara tillgänglig samt överdriven användning av mobiltelefonen. Samtidigt kan individer som lider av depression inneha en högre frekvens av användning av mobiltelefonen och social media. Det återstår att upptäcka evidens för om det är att individer som har depression söker sig till mobiltelefonen eller om det är mobiltelefonen som orsakar depression. / Background: Three hundred million people in the world is diagnosed with depression. Depression can be caused by heritage, environment, pressured life situations, stress and high demands on individuals. In today's society many individuals use the mobile phone and it is discussed that this use can cause stress, lack of sleep and depression. Objective: The aim of the study was to examine if the constant mobile phone use can lead to depression. Method: A literature review with quantitative design consisting of ten scientific studies found on PubMed. Results: A significant association exists between depression and frequency of mobile use. The factors in mobile use that affect mental health are the requirement to be accessible, excessive use, sending more texts, use of social media, negative experiences of Facebook, spend less time on the internet and make fewer calls. Furthermore, the result showed that use of the mobile phone at night, in bed before sleep and poor sleep quality had a connection to depression. Conclusion: There is an association between mobile use and depression. Risk factors for depression are the use of social media, negative experiences of Facebook, the requirement to be available and excessive use of the mobile phone. At the same time, individuals suffering from depression may have a higher frequency of mobile use and social media. The question whether individuals who have depression use the mobile more or whether it is the mobile that causes the depression remains to be answered.
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Våga Berätta!Magnusson, Aleksej, Selin, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Vi upplever att vi jämt är omgivna av digitala apparater och av digitalisering. Kandidatarbetets tema är ett vågat ämne där vi undersöker hur mobiltelefonen påverkar vårt psykiska välmående och vilka möjliga lösningar det finns på hur problemen kan hanteras. Vi skriver om vad det finns för mobilapplikationer som kan terapeutiskt hjälpa användaren att utveckla och förbättra sitt välmående. Från våra kunskapsområden vill vi med vår mobilapplikation bygga upp välmående. Den ska terapeutiskt hjälpa den som är i behov och som behöver hjälp att må bättre. Vi fördjupar oss i detta ämnesområde där vi ser det från vårt perspektiv med våra ögon och hanterar det efter våra erfarenheter. Vi tillämpar designperspektivet X for Change som tar upp samhällsfrågor, i detta fall så är det om folkhälsa. X for Change ska inte på något sätt vara upprörande eller provocerande i de frågor som besvaras, utan vara till hjälp under hela kandidatarbetet. Designprocessen delades in i två faser där ändringar av gestaltningen ägde rum. Under denna undersökning går vi in på nya gestaltningsmetoder där vi skapar färdiga prototyper från idé till hi-fi prototyper för vår mobilapplikation. Detta är ett vågat försök där vi testar oss fram och med tiden utvecklat en ny förmåga i vårt skapande som designers. / We believe that we are constantly surrounded by digital devices and by digitalization. The theme of this bachelor’s thesis is a daring subject where we investigate how the mobile phone affects a person's mental wellbeing and what possible solutions there are on how to deal with those problems. We are writing about what kind of mobile applications there are that can help users develop and improve their wellbeing. From our area of expertise, we want with our mobile application help users to improve their mental health and promote wellbeing. It is meant to work as a therapeutic tool to those who are in need of help to feel better. We immerse ourselves in this topic where we see it from our own perspective with our own eyes and manage it based on our own experiences. We use the design perspective X for Change that brings up certain societal issues, in this case it's about the public health. X for Change is not meant to be upsetting or provoking on the topic of these questions but be of help throughout the whole thesis. The design process is split into two phases, where changes to our application took place. During the whole investigation we enter new methods to create our application where we create finished prototypes from ideas to hi-fi prototypes for our mobile application. It is a bold attempt where we test ourselves and with time we have created a new ability in our creativity as designers.
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[pt] Desde 1999, com a entrada de novas operadoras de telefonia
móvel no
mercado brasileiro, trazendo consigo a telefonia celular
digital, o número de
usuários vem crescendo exponencialmente. Com a entrada em
operação da
tecnologia GSM, padrão usado na Europa, uma nova gama de
serviços se abriu
aos usuários, intensificando ainda mais o crescimento do
número de aparelhos
celulares habilitados, que hoje chega à casa dos 75
milhões. A quantidade de
serviços móveis, muito além do serviço básico de voz -
isto é, o serviço de
conversação - vem crescendo a cada ano, o que levanta a
questão: quais serviços
móveis terão sucesso junto ao público? Este trabalho
estuda, dentre os serviços
móveis já disponíveis e outros em fase de desenvolvimento,
quais deles têm o
interesse do público brasileiro. Através de uma pesquisa
de campo busca
descobrir as atitudes dos consumidores frente a diversos
tipos de serviços móveis.
Os resultados revelam as preferências sobre os serviços
móveis, que, se analisadas
de acordo com o sexo e a idade dos respondentes, mostram
diferenças de atitude.
Entre elas, mostram que os consumidores aprovam os
serviços de mensagem de
texto, o uso do aparelho celular como controle remoto e
para pagamento de
ingressos de cinema, mas não se interessam por TV ou jogos
no aparelho celular. / [en] Since 1999 with the arrival of new mobile operators in
Brazilian market
place, bringing the digital telephony, the number of
mobile phone users has been
growing steadily. With the beginning of operation of GSM -
the european mobile
technology pattern - this growth had increased
dramatically, boosted by a new
mobile service portfolio offer. Nowadays the number of
mobile lines in service
reaches the amount of 75 million. The variety of mobile
services, each of them far
beyond the basic voice service, has been also growing year
by year, a fact that
raises a question: which mobile services will succeed?
This work studies, among
mobile services already available and those still being
developed, witch of them
would interest Brazilian users. By using a survey, it
intends to find consumer
attitudes face several kinds of mobile services. The
results show preferences about
mobile services that may change depending on gender or age
of respondents. The
survey indicates the approval of text messaging service,
remote control service
and theater ticket´s payment, but also reveals a lack of
interest in watching TV or
playing games in mobile phones.
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Increasing our understanding of technology-based psychological interventions for suicide preventionMaxon, Laura January 2015 (has links)
Suicide is a complex phenomenon that occurs on a continuum with thoughts of suicide, plans and attempts that can eventually result in death. Suicide is one of the top ten reasons for death in most countries. Governments are challenging healthcare systems to reduce suicide through preventative healthcare. The first paper explores psychological interventions for people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours delivered through technology. It explores the evidence-base for internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, telephone based interventions, CD-ROMs and other Internet-based therapies. Nineteen papers were identified with four papers of good quality evidence supporting Internet-based cognitive behavioural interventions. The second paper is a feasibility and acceptability study which explores a diary and intervention delivered through a mobile phone. Twenty participants were recruited through adult secondary care community mental health teams in the North West of England. High completion rates and low dropout rates were found. Participants rated the technology and interventions high in terms of practicality, ease of use and overall satisfaction with the programme and reported that it was moderately helpful. Preliminary data on effectiveness suggests reactivity to the method in the short term but a reduction in symptoms overall. These results and ESM methodology must be treated with caution for people with suicidal thoughts due to the increase in symptoms found following the intervention. The third paper offers a critical reflection on the first and second papers.
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Sex, drugs and young people : novel research and health promotion approachesLim, Megan Su Cheng January 2008 (has links)
Young people are at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI), and engage in sex and drug related risk behaviour. This thesis investigates novel methods to reach youth for research and health promotion. Mobile phone text messages (SMS) are convenient, low cost, fast, and popular among youth. SMS has been utilised in sexual health for clinical management, service delivery and health promotion, but few of these projects have been evaluated. Recognising this lack of research led to the design of a randomised controlled trial investigating the use of SMS and email in sexual health promotion. Recruitment of young people for this trial was piloted at Melbourne’s Big Day Out. 939 young people were recruited in several hours; 30% were classified as being at high risk of STI, and 46% had used illicit drugs in the month prior to the survey. Knowledge of STI was poor. Drug use was associated with both sexual risk behaviour and music preference. The study demonstrated that this festival is a valuable site for sex and drugs research and health promotion. The following year, young people were recruited at the music festival and randomised to an intervention group who received regular sexual health SMS and email, or a control group who received no messages. After 12 months, the intervention group had higher STI knowledge than the control group (OR 2.72, 95%CI 1.68, 4.41) and intervention group females were more likely to have had an STI test (OR 2.51, 95%CI 1.11, 5.69). Respondents’ opinions of the messages were favourable. This simple, low-cost, and novel method was shown to be effective in improving young people’s sexual health. At-risk young people are not well represented in sex and drug behavioural surveillance in Australia. As the pilot study identified that a music festival was a suitable site for sex and drug research, the survey was repeated each year. Between 2005 and 2008, the proportion of young people at risk of STI decreased from 34% to 29%, and recent illicit drug use decreased from 46% to 43%. A limitation of the studies described herein is reliance on self-report, which is subject to recall bias; this can be reduced using diaries to collect behavioural data. Participants completed weekly diaries of sexual behaviour and a retrospective questionnaire. Correlation between the diaries and questionnaire was substantial, adding confidence to the validity of results of other studies in this thesis. Diaries can be collected in different ways; SMS has not previously been used for this purpose. Participants were randomised to complete diaries through SMS, online or paper. Online diaries were superior to SMS in completeness and participant preference, but SMS diaries were more likely to be submitted on time. This thesis has tested several novel options for researching and promoting health to young people. Through music festivals, SMS, and email, young people can be reached through settings and media they are familiar with. Use of these novel methods has increased understanding of risk behaviour among youth and been effective in sexual health promotion.
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商品普及化之消費文化研究--以大哥大廣告為例 / The Research of Consumer Behavior to Mobile Phone Advertisement吳美秀, Wu, Mei-Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
結論發現,六種消費文化類型中, 菁英領導型佔有五則、崇尚創意型四則 、隨心所欲型四則、社交應用型三則、價格取向型一則、都會新貴型一則,儘管消費文化類型各有不同,文化中仍存在著幾個相同的主流價值,如對勝利的追求、對成功的渴望、對美好未來的期盼、對自由的嚮往、對簡單的需求等,面對這些主流價值,反映在每個消費文化類型與人生階段的脈絡上時,卻有著截然不同的廣告表現型式。菁英領導型、社交應用型追求的都是一種牽涉到以男性為主權的職場領域,在社會潛移默化的教化下,呈現出「男主外、女主內」、「男強女弱」的父權優勢價值及「追求成就」的成功價值觀;而崇尚創意型、都會新貴型,追求的卻是品味出眾的角色認同,藉由「內外兼具」、「彩色人生」的信念,建構出真正內在追求認同與歸屬的價值習性; 另外,隨心所欲型與價格取向型,即是呈現出隨心所欲的自在掌握生活,其中更體現做自己的價值觀。由此即可反映Bourdieu所言的習性,每個族群皆有其獨特的價值觀,每個價值觀皆是影響每個族群消費文化品味的要素,而活動領域也因此受習性的影響,有的族群游移於職場、有些則在家庭、有些則在社交場合等等,因此在習性與活動領域交錯下,消費文化類型的品味一覽無遺。
而大哥大在台灣發展的情形非常符合從使用價值到符號象徵價值轉向的分析,廣告分析中,從消費文化類型中歸納出以下三種社會階級:一是社會新鮮人、二是家庭主婦、三是菁英主管。社會新鮮人或家庭主婦,都希望藉由學習或模仿能成為廣告中的角色,試圖讓自己的社會身份得以向上流動 。而菁英主管型,由於已擁有令人稱羨的成就與權勢,因此,其即會產生水平身份地位的流動,希望依然能掌握權力態勢。 / Mobile Phone is advertising agency's new lover in these two years. Since the liberalization of telecommunication, mobile phone sellers import all kinds of phones in huge amount to supply customers' demand. After an year's "Supply and Demand", the market of mobile phone is under a kind of stable situation. Meanwhile, many sellers have lots of stock, and these stocks push them to promote in various ways. Certainly, many commercial advertisements come out. With all possible promotions. the importers can sell out their stock to reduce their cost pressure. It also enlarge the market scale by stimulate this market with lower and lower price.
The market scale is easily enlarged by those potential consumers as we can find out.Right now, mobile phone is more than a telephone for communication and something symbolic and material. Here I will start with the major concept from the theory of Bourdieu. From its structure of theory, we could view the different classes among habits, capital, and fields. They mean different taste of consumingf, also life style.
Making use of 18 commerical advertisements by semiology, I finally categorize five kinds of Consumer Behavior as follow.
1. Elite Oriented
2. Creativity Oriented
3. Whatever Oriented
4. Price Oriented
5. Social Oriented
6. New Nobility.
Despite the different consumer behaviors, there is existing main stream in our culture and value like chasing victory, hunger of success, the expectation of wonderful future, the dream of freedom, and the demand of simple. Facing these main streams of value in our society, all different commericial advertisements reflect all kinds of our cultures one by one neatly.
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