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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema para el control y monitoreo de alteraciones hipertensivas en el embarazo / Wearable technology model to control and monitor hypertension during pregnancy

Balbin Lopez, Betsy Diamar, Reyes Coronado, Diego Antonio 31 January 2019 (has links)
En el Perú, según estudios realizados en el 2010, el 42% de los pacientes hipertensos son tratados, pero solo el 14% de los pacientes logran ser controlados. Esto se debe a que el proceso actual de control de la hipertensión no es completamente eficiente debido a que el paciente no se adhiere completamente al tratamiento y que los controles de la tensión arterial resultan ser muy puntuales tras periodos de tiempo largos de los cuales no se tiene información confiable relacionada con el progreso del paciente. Se plantea un sistema para el control y monitoreo de alteraciones hipertensivas en el embarazo con el uso de sensores biomédicos no invasivos. De esta manera aseguramos que la medición continua brinde la información precisa y confiable para que las mujeres gestantes puedan detectar a tiempo alguna alteración hipertensiva. Además, en segunda instancia, el sistema alerta a los familiares y al médico encargado sobre los niveles de presión arterial en caso de emergencia. El aporte del proyecto es reducir el aumento en la prevalencia de las enfermedades crónicas mediante la integración de los servicios de salud con la tecnología, y gestionar la información desde la colección de datos a través del wearable hasta la exposición. En base a las pruebas realizadas con pacientes gestantes, se obtiene que el 38.64% son controladas y monitoreadas el 75% del tiempo. Estos resultados indican que el uso de la tecnología puede influenciar positivamente en la reducción de la hipertensión en general o en enfermedades crónicas similares. / In Peru, according to studies conducted in 2010, 42% of hypertensive patients are treated, but only 14% of patients manage to be controlled. This is due to the fact that the current process of hypertension control is not completely efficient because the patient does not completely adhere to the treatment and that blood pressure controls turn out to be very punctual after long periods of time from which there is no reliable information related to the progress of the patient. A system is proposed for the control and monitoring of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy with the use of non-invasive biomedical sensors. In this way we ensure that continuous measurement provides accurate and reliable information so that pregnant women can detect any hypertensive disorder on time. In addition, the system alerts the family members and the doctor in charge about the blood pressure levels in case of emergency. The contribution of the project is to reduce the increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases by integrating health services with technology, and to manage information from data collection through wearable until data exposure. Based on the tests carried out with pregnant patients, 38.64% are controlled and monitored 75% of the time. These results indicate that the use of technology can positively influence the reduction of hypertension in general or in similar chronic diseases. / Tesis

Digital transformation: How does physician’s work become affected by the use of digital health technologies?

Schultze, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Digital transformation is evolving, and it is driving at the helm of the digital evolution. The amount of information accessible to us has revolutionized the way we gather information. Mobile technology and the immediate and ubiquitous access to information has changed how we engage with services including healthcare. Digital technology and digital transformation have afforded people the ability to self-manage in different ways than face-to-face and paper-based methods through different technologies. This study focuses on exploring the use of the most commonly used digital health technologies in the healthcare sector and how it affects physicians’ daily routine practice. The study presents findings from a qualitative methodology involving semi-structured, personal interviews with physicians from Sweden and a physician from Spain. The interviews capture what physicians feel towards digital transformation, digital health technologies and how it affects their work. In a field where a lack of information regarding how physicians work is affected by digital health technologies, this study reveals a general aspect of how reality looks for physicians. A new way of conducting medicine and the changed role of the physician is presented along with the societal implications for physicians and the healthcare sector. The findings demonstrate that physicians’ role, work and the digital transformation in healthcare on a societal level are important in shaping the future for the healthcare industry and the role of the physician in this future. / Den digitala transformationen växer och den drivs vid rodret för den digitala utvecklingen. Mängden information som är tillgänglig för oss har revolutionerat hur vi samlar in information. Mobila tekniker och den omedelbara och allmänt förekommande tillgången till information har förändrat hur vi tillhandahåller oss tjänster inklusive inom vården. Digital teknik och digital transformation har gett människor möjlighet att kontrollera sig själv och sin egen hälsa på olika sätt än ansikte mot ansikte och pappersbaserade metoder genom olika tekniker. Denna studie fokuserar på att utforska användningen av de vanligaste digitala hälsoteknologierna inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn och hur det påverkar läkarnas dagliga rutin. Studien presenterar resultat från en kvalitativ metod som involverar semistrukturerade, personliga intervjuer med läkare från Sverige och en läkare från Spanien. Intervjuerna fångar vad läkare tycker om digital transformation, digital hälsoteknik och hur det påverkar deras arbete. I ett fält där brist på information om hur läkare arbetar påverkas av digital hälsoteknik avslöjar denna studie en allmän aspekt av hur verkligheten ser ut för läkare. Ett nytt sätt att bedriva medicin och läkarens förändrade roll presenteras tillsammans med de samhälleliga konsekvenserna för läkare och vårdsektorn. Resultaten visar att läkarnas roll, arbete och den digitala transformationen inom hälso- och sjukvården på samhällsnivå är viktiga för att utforma framtiden för vårdindustrin och läkarens roll i framtiden.

Physical activity promotion in children using a novel smartphone game: a pilot randomized controlled trial

Lapusniak, Sam 16 March 2022 (has links)
Background: Regular physical activity (PA) is critical for children’s health and wellbeing. Despite the numerous health benefits, most Canadian children do not meet the Canadian PA guidelines. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions added new challenges to meeting the PA guidelines. Mobile health (mHealth) technology can be leveraged to promote PA among children. Combining gamification with mHealth interventions has the potential to further improve program effectiveness. Thus, “Draco” was developed as a virtual pet smartphone app to increase PA in children using self-determination theory as a framework to promote intrinsic motivation for PA. Objective: The primary objective is to evaluate the satisfaction and acceptability of the Draco app after four weeks. Secondary objectives include evaluating the preliminary effectiveness of the Draco app to improve average daily steps, average daily MVPA, perceived autonomy for PA, perceived competence for PA, and perceived relatedness to the app. Methods: 43 Canadian children, aged 8-14 years old, not meeting the Canadian PA guidelines of 60min of MVPA per day were randomly allocated to an intervention or control group. Participants in the control group used a step-tracking app for four weeks. Intervention participants were instructed to use the Draco app. Participants completed a baseline and follow-up questionnaire. PA outcomes were tracked using a Fitbit provided to each participant. Intrinsic PA motivation was assessed using an adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI). Intrinsic motivation was assessed using the satisfaction subscale. Exit interviews were completed to determine app acceptability. Results: Participants demonstrated high levels of satisfaction and acceptability with the Draco app 2.83 (1.29). Intervention participants increased their average daily steps by 909 (1701). The control group increased their steps by 46 (1507). The Draco app had a small effect on promoting steps, MVPA, relatedness and small effects at increasing autonomy and competence. Conclusion: Participants demonstrated high levels of satisfaction and acceptability with the app. Participants in the intervention group showed greater increases in PA with small effect sizes. Preliminary evidence highlights the importance of tailoring game design to the users. Technical limitations impacted recruitment and user experiences. Additional development time should be taken to stabilize the app and add new game features for a definitive RCT. / Graduate

Konceptualisering av etiska problem kring mobil hälsa med finansiella incitament : En kvalitativ kartläggning / Conceptualization of ethical problems regarding mobile health with financial incentives : A qualitative survey

Sjöberg, Sebastian, Seldevall, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Fysisk inaktivitet har blivit ett hälsoproblem, vilket har lett till att olika aktörer intresserat sig av att nyttja modern teknik för att främja hälsosamma val. Mobil hälsa utgörs av aktivitetsspårare i form av exempelvis vristarmband och smarttelefoner som samlar in hälsodata (steg, puls, sömn, etcetera) från användaren. Studier visar på att mobil hälsa kombinerat med finansiella incitament kan öka motivationen hos användare. Hälsodata betraktas i regel vara av särskild känslig karaktär med risker för etisk problematik. Vilka aktörer som är inblandade och vilka finansiella incitament som används är faktorer som har påverkan på de etiska problemen. Den här studien belyser detta genom en konceptualisering av etiska problem med hänsyn till mobil hälsa kombinerat med finansiella incitament. Data från intervjuer har sammanställts med stöd av teori som PAPAS och därefter analyserats med annan forskning. Sammanställningen visar på sex typer av etiska problem som kan tas i åtanke vid utveckling av mobil hälsa med finansiella incitament. / Physical inactivity has become a health problem, which has led to various actors starting to use technology to promote healthy choices. Mobile health consists of activity trackers in the form of, for example, smartwatches and smartphones that collect health data (steps, heart rate, sleep, etc.) from the user. Studies show that mobile health combined with financial incentives can increase user motivation. Health data is generally considered to be a particularly sensitive type of data. The actors involved and the financial incentives used are factors that have an impact on how ethical problems take form. This study highlights this by conceptualizing ethical issues linked to mobile health with financial incentives. Questions for interviews were created primarily using the PAPAS framework and thereafter analyzed using thematic analysis in order to identify the ethical problems. The compilation resulted in six forms of ethical problems that need to be considered when developing mobile health with financial incentives.

Tissue Optics-Informed Hyperspectral Learning for Mobile Health

Sang Mok Park (16993905) 19 September 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Blood hemoglobin (Hgb) testing is a widely used clinical laboratory test for a variety of patient care needs. However, conventional blood Hgb measurements involve invasive blood sampling, exposing patients to potential risks and complications from needle pricks and iatrogenic blood loss. Although noninvasive blood Hgb quantification methods are under development, they still pose challenges in achieving performance comparable to clinical laboratory blood Hgb test results (i.e., gold standard). In particular, optical spectroscopy can provide reliable blood Hgb tests, but its practical utilizations in diagnostics are limited by bulky optical components, high costs, and extended data acquisition time. Mobile health (mHealth) or diagnostic colorimetric applications have a potential for point-of-care blood Hgb testing. However, achieving color accuracy for diagnostic applications is a complex matter, affected by device models, light conditions, and image file formats.</p><p dir="ltr">To address these limitations, we propose biophysics-based machine learning algorithms that combine hyperspectral learning and spectroscopic gamut-informed learning for accurate and precise mHealth blood Hgb assessments in a noninvasive manner. This method utilizes single-shot photographs of peripheral tissue acquired by onboard smartphone cameras. The palpebral conjunctiva (i.e., inner eyelid) serves as an ideal peripheral tissue site, owing to its easy accessibility, relatively uniform microvasculature, and absence of skin pigmentation (i.e., melanocytes). First, hyperspectral learning enables a mapping from red-green-blue (RGB) values of a digital camera into detailed hyperspectral information: an inverse mapping from a sparse space (tristimulus color values) to a dense space (multiple wavelengths). Hyperspectral learning employs a statistical learning framework to reconstruct a high-resolution spectrum from a digital photo of the palpebral conjunctiva, eliminating the need for complex and costly optical instrumentation. Second, comprehensive spectroscopic analyses of peripheral tissue are used to establish a unique blood Hgb gamut and design a diagnostic color reference chart highly sensitive to blood Hgb and peripheral perfusion. Informed by the domain knowledge of tissue optics and machine vision, the Hgb gamut-based learning algorithm offers device/light/format-agnostic color recovery of the palpebral conjunctiva, outperforming the existing color correction methods.</p><p dir="ltr">This mHealth blood Hgb prediction method exhibits comparable accuracy and precision to capillary blood sampling tests (e.g., finger prick) over a wide range of blood Hgb values, ensuring its reliability, consistency, and reproducibility. Importantly, by employing only a digital photograph with the Hgb gamut-learned color recovery, hyperspectral learning-based blood Hgb assessments allow noninvasive, continuous, and real-time reading of blood Hgb levels in resource-limited and at-home settings. Furthermore, our biophysics-based machine learning approaches for digital health applications can lay the foundation for the future of personalized medicine and facilitate the tempo of clinical translation, empowering individuals and frontline healthcare workers.</p>

Data Subject Rights in Mental Health Applications : Assessing the Exercise of Data Subject Rights under the GDPR / Rättigheter för Registrerade Personer i Mentala Hälsoappar : En Bedömning Enligt GDPR

Gustafsson, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
The rapid growth of Mobile Health (mHealth) applications, particularly those focusedon mental health, has provided accessible and affordable support for users’ well-being.However, this growth has raised substantial privacy concerns, especially regardinghandling sensitive personal health data. This thesis evaluates the extent to whichmental health apps allow users to exercise their Data Subject Rights (DSRs) under theEuropean General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and provides recommendationsfor enhancing data protection and user privacy. The primary objectives are to identifythe relevant DSRs for mental health apps, empirically assess the extent to which suchrights are respected on the existing apps, and propose actionable recommendationsfor improvement. The study’s methodology involved a comprehensive review ofprivacy policies, using automated tools for privacy assessment, and submitting DataSubject Access Requests (DSARs) to app providers. Findings indicate that whilesome apps demonstrate high conformity with DSRs, the majority still falls short invarious aspects. Common issues include inadequate transparency in privacy policies,incomplete responses to DSARs, and non-compliance with the right to data portability.Specifically, only 45.5% of apps responded to the DSARs with a partial or completeanswer, and only 40% of the responses contained data in machine-readable formats,meeting the requirements for data portability. The study emphasizes the need formental health app developers to enhance privacy practices, ensuring users are fullyinformed about data collection and usage, can easily access and delete their personaldata, and receive their data in portable formats. Recommendations include improvingthe clarity and accessibility of privacy policies, adopting best practices for datasecurity, and implementing user-friendly mechanisms for data access and deletion. Inconclusion, while progress has been made in GDPR compliance among mental healthapps, significant improvement is still needed. Addressing these challenges will betterprotect user privacy, build trust, and support the responsible development of digitalhealth technologies. / Den snabba tillväxten av mobila hälsoappar, särskilt de som fokuserar på psykisk hälsa,har gjort det möjligt för användare att få tillgång till prisvärt och lättillgängligt stöd förderas välbefinnande. Men denna tillväxt har också väckt betydande integritetsfrågor,särskilt när det gäller hantering av känsliga personuppgifter om hälsa. Dettaexamensarbete utvärderar i vilken utsträckning hälsoappar för psykisk ohälsa tillåteranvändare att utöva sina rättigheter enligt den europeiska dataskyddsförordningenoch bidrar med rekommendationer för att förbättra dataskydd och användarintegritet.De primära målen är att identifiera relevanta rättigheter för hälsoappar för psykiskohälsa, empiriskt bedöma i vilken utsträckning sådana rättigheter respekteras ibefintliga appar och föreslå konkreta rekommendationer för förbättring. Studienhar genomförts med en omfattande granskning av integritetspolicys, användning avautomatiserade verktyg för integritetsbedömning och inlämning av begäranden omregisterutdrag till applikationsleverantörer. Resultaten visar att även om vissa apparuppvisar hög överensstämmelse med rättigheterna från GDPR, faller majoritetenfortfarande kort på flera områden. Vanliga problem inkluderar otillräcklig transparensi integritetspolicys, ofullständiga svar på DSARs och bristande efterlevnad av rätten tilldataportabilitet. Specifikt svarade endast 45,5% av apparna på DSARs med ett delviseller komplett svar, och endast 40% av svaren innehöll data i maskinläsbara format,vilket uppfyller kraven för dataportabilitet. Studien betonar behovet för utvecklare avhälsoappar för psykisk ohälsa att förbättra deras integritet, säkerställa att användareär fullt informerade om datainsamling och användning, lätt kan komma åt och raderasina personuppgifter samt ta emot sin data i portabla format. Rekommendationerinkluderar att förbättra tydligheten och tillgängligheten av integritetspolicys, antabästa praxis för datasäkerhet och implementera användarvänliga mekanismer fördataåtkomst och radering. Sammanfattningsvis, även om framsteg har gjorts i GDPR-efterlevnad bland hälsoappar för psykisk ohälsa, behövs betydande förbättringar. Attta itu med dessa utmaningar kommer att bättre skydda användarnas integritet, byggaförtroende och stödja den ansvarsfulla utvecklingen av digitala hälsoteknologier.

Reliability of the COntext Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool when administered on mobile phones versus pen-paper: A comparative study among healthcare staff in Nairobi, Kenya.

Cederqvist, Melissa January 2015 (has links)
Aim: To investigate the reliability of the COntext Assessment for Community Health (COACH) tool on mobile phone versus pen-paper in Nairobi, Kenya. Background: One of the barriers to the progress of the MDGs has been the failure of health systems in many LMICs to effectively implement evidence-based interventions As a result of the “know-do” gap, patients do not benefit from advances in healthcare and are exposed to unnecessary risks. Better mapping of context improves implementation by allowing tailoring of strategies and interpretation of knowledge translation. COACH investigates healthcare contexts for LMICs and has only been used on pen-paper. With 5 billion mobile phone users globally, mobile technologies is being recognized as able to play a formal role in health services. Methods: Comparative study with 140 nurses/midwives and doctors in four hospitals in Nairobi. 70 were randomly assigned to mobile phone and pen-paper each. The tool was administered twice with a two week interval and test-retest reliability, internal consistency and interrater reliability were assessed. Findings: Excellent test-retest reliability for both pen-paper and mobile phone (ICC &gt;0.81). 45% (pen-paper) and 34% (mobile phone) moderate agreement between individual questions in round 1 and 2. Acceptable average Cronbach’s alpha (&gt;0.70). Conclusion: Both mobile phone and pen-paper were reliable and feasible for data collection. The findings are a good first step towards using COACH in Kenya. Additional research is needed for individual settings. Using mobile phones could increase healthcare facilities’ accessibility in implementation research, helping to close the “know-do” gap and reach the SDGs.

Negativní aspekty nasazování ICT / Negative aspects of deploying of ICT

Weinsteinová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis exmines the negative aspects of using information and communication technologies. The main attention is fosused on virtual reality, especially 3D projection in order to decide wheather the using of it has negative impact on phycal and psychological state of the user or not, which exactly are these impacts and what probably cause them. This first part is dedicated to expain concept and history of ICT, explonation of the multidimensional princip and content of each dimension. The following is determination of which ICT areas are currently struggling in their use with negative effects. Detected list of these areas is reduced to six specific technologies which common user has opportunities to experience. These particular technologies were examined as a form of questionnaire, which resulted in a determination of the most used one, ie virtual reality. Shortly afterwards was conducted an experiment imparting undesirable effects caused by using virtual reality. The other five selected technologies are discussed for the most important negatives with which has to face today. The main finding of this study is the identification the side effects of virtual reality based on different types of technologies which are anaglyf 3D projection, passive 3D projection, active 3D projection and comparing if adverse effects depends on the type. It also includes determining the rate of uptake in virtual reality.

Développement d’un indice de vitalité dérivé à partir du Hexoskin afin d’obtenir une mesure d’angine digitale et raffiner l’étude de la maladie cardiaque athérosclérotique

Avram, Robert 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Jusqu’à la moitié des patients souffrant d’angine de poitrine vont continuer à être symptomatiques malgré une revascularisation coronarienne pour leur angine. Par ailleurs, l’évaluation de l’angine souffre du biais d’adaptation au seuil ischémique, phénomène par lequel les patients réduisent leur niveau d’activité physique pour limiter leurs symptômes. L’étude NOVA-SKIN (NCT02591758) utilise une veste intelligente (Hexoskin™) afin de (i) valider l’électrocardiogramme (ECG) de cette veste avec le Holter et l’épreuve d’effort (ii) dériver un “indice de vitalité” à partir des mesures biométriques de la veste, afin d’ajuster les mesures conventionnelles d’angine pour le biais d’adaptation au seuil ischémique et dériver des mesures d’angine digitale et (iii) évaluer si la réadaptation cardiaque à domicile peut être surveillée à distance avec le Hexoskin. Méthodes: Trente patients référés pour angiographie coronarienne pour leur angine réfractaire au traitement médical ont complété une épreuve d’effort et ont porté la veste Hexoskin (avec enregistrement simultané d’Holter) pendant 48 heures, 2 semaines avant leur examen. Les patients furent revus 2 semaines après la revascularisation coronarienne percutanée ou 6 semaines après la chirurgie cardiaque s’ils ont eu des pontages, où ils ont porté la veste Hexoskin avec Holter pendant 48 heures et fait une épreuve d’effort. Nous avons dérivé un indice de vitalité digital (Indice de vitalité = fréquence cardiaque * activité) chez chaque patient pour les deux enregistrements de la veste. Nous avons dérivé des mesures d’angine digitale en divisant ou multipliant (selon la direction de l’effet post coronarographie attendu) les mesures d’angine conventionnelle (classe SCC, pointage de qualité de vie, décompte de nitroglycérine et décompte d’angine) par l’indice de vitalité propre au patient. Nous avons comparé les différences (pré- et post-coronarographie) de mesures d’angine ajustées pour l’indice de vitalité dérivé à partir d’une veste intelligente (« angine digitale ») avec les mesures d’angine conventionnelles non ajustées. Les participants devaient ensuite compléter 6 sessions de réadaptation cardiaque à domicile sur une période de 1 mois. Une corrélation de Pearson fut obtenue entre la fréquence cardiaque de l’ECG de l’Hexoskin et celle du Holter et du tapis roulant. L’indice de vitalité pré et post-angiographie fut comparé en utilisant un test t et nous avons mesuré la taille de l’effet du traitement de l’angine dans le même patient, pour les mesures ajustées et non ajustées d’angine. Résultats: Trente patients, âgés de 68.0±7.0 ans, majoritairement des hommes (n=28; 93.3%) ont subi une angiographie coronarienne et ont été traités, pour leur angine, de façon percutanée (n=20; 66.7%), avec pontages (n=6; 20.0%) ou avec traitement médical (n= 4; 13.3%). Tous les patients étaient en rythme sinusal au départ. La fréquence cardiaque obtenue avec l’ECG de l’Hexoskin avait une corrélation très forte avec celle obtenue avec l’ECG du tapis roulant (r=0.95) et forte avec l’Holter (r=0.85). L’indice de vitalité a augmenté de manière significative (2.30±1.38 pré vs 2.70±1.12 post-traitement de l’angine; p=0.05). Les mesures d’angine digitale ayant montré une différence plus importante que les mesures conventionnelles sont le décompte hebdomadaire de nitroglycérine, l’échelle de santé globale du SF-36, la durée d’effort sur le tapis roulant et le nombre de METS maximal. Par ailleurs, chez les patients classifiés comme non-répondants au traitement de l’angine par mesures conventionnelles, les mesures d’angine digitale suivantes se sont améliorées de façon significative: classe SCC, décompte hebdomadaire d’angine, questionnaire d’angine de Seattle et la durée d’effort pendant l’épreuve d’effort. Aucun évènement cardiovasculaire ne s’est produit durant la réadaptation cardiaque à domicile et 93.3% des patients ont complété les 6 sessions. Conclusion : Dans notre étude pilote, l’ECG de Hexoskin a obtenu des mesures de fréquence cardiaque valides lorsque comparées au Holter et au tapis d’effort. L’incorporation d’un indice de vitalité obtenu à partir d’une veste intelligente a permis d’ajuster des mesures d’angine pour celui-ci et obtenir une angine digitale. La mesure d’angine digitale a une plus grande taille de l’effet post traitement de l’angine par revascularisation et peut détecter davantage de changements, au-delà des mesures d’angine conventionnelles. Cela est plus marqué chez les patients initialement classifiés comme “non-répondants” au traitement de l’angine. La réadaptation cardiaque à domicile fut sécuritaire et complétée par la majorité des patients. / Introduction : Up to half of coronary artery disease patients will remain symptomatic of angina, despite coronary revascularization. Moreover, the assessment of angina suffers from the ischemic threshold adaptation bias where patients will restrict their physical activity level in order to minimize their angina symptoms. The NOVA-SKIN study (NCT02591758) was designed to use a novel “smart clothing” (Hexoskin™) to (i) validate the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal of against traditional Holter and Treadmill stress tests (ii) to derive a ‘vitality index’ using the biometric measures obtained from the Hexoskin in order to adjust conventional angina assessment metrics to account for the ischemic threshold adaptation bias and derive a digital measure of angina and to (iii) assess if home cardiac rehabilitation can be remotely monitored using the Hexoskin system. Methods: Thirty stable angina patients referred for coronary angiography for refractory angina underwent a treadmill stress test and then simultaneously wore the Hexoskin vest and a traditional Holter monitor for 48 hours, 2 weeks before their exam. The patients were followed up 2 weeks after the percutaneous coronary intervention and 6 weeks after their cardiac surgery if they had coronary artery bypass graft. During the follow-up visit, they wore the vest with a Holter monitor for 48 hours and underwent another treadmill stress test. We obtained an average vitality index pre- and post-angiogram (Vitality index=heart rate * activity) using recordings from the vest. We also obtained health related questionnaires during the same timeframe. We compared differences in conventional angina metrics adjusted for the vitality index (“digital angina”) with the conventional metrics unadjusted for the vitality index, pre- and post-coronary angiography. Patients then had to complete 6 home cardiac rehabilitation sessions during a 1-month period. Pearson correlation was obtained between the heart rate (HR) derived from the ECG of the vest and the HR of the Holter and treadmill stress test. The vitality index pre and post-angiography was compared using a t-test. We derived digital angina metrics by dividing or multiplying (according to the direction of the effect expected post-coronarography) the conventional angina metrics. Then we measured the effect size of the angina treatment and compared it between adjusted and unadjusted metrics within the same patient. Results: Thirty patients aged 68.0±7.0 years (93.3% men; n=28) were enrolled in the study. Patients were treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (n=20; 66.7%), coronary artery bypass grafting (n=6; 20.0%) or medical therapy (n=4; 13.3%). The heart rate from ECG signal of the Hexoskin demonstrated a very strong correlation with that of the treadmill stress test ECG (r=0.95) and a strong correlation with the Holter (r=0.85). The vitality index increased significantly from 2.30±1.38 to 2.70±1.12 (p=0.05). The digital angina metrics (adjusted for the vitality index) that were found to be more responsive to the treatment of the angina than conventional were: the weekly nitroglycerin count, the global health sub-scale of the SF-36, the treadmill stress test length and the peak METs. Furthermore, in patients classified as non-responders to the treatment of angina by conventional metrics, the digital angina measures improved significantly, when looking at the CCS class, the weekly angina count, the Seattle Angina Questionnaire metrics and the duration of exercise on the treadmill stress test. No adverse events occurred during home cardiac rehabilitation and 28 patients completed all 6 sessions wearing the Hexoskin. Conclusion : In our pilot study, the Hexoskin ECG was well correlated with standard HR measurement using a treadmill ECG or a Holter. Adjusting conventional metrics for the vitality index allows for greater sensitivity in gauging the effect of revascularization on angina than conventional metrics alone, particularly for patients who would be considered non-responders to their treatment based on conventional metrics. Home cardiac rehabilitation was safe and was completed by most patients.

Engaging with mHealth to Improve Self-regulation: A Grounded Theory for Breast Cancer Survivors

Kelley, Marjorie M. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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