Spelling suggestions: "subject:"modular building"" "subject:"nodular building""
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Konstruktionsutformning av moduler i korslimmat trä / Structural design of modules with crosslaminated timberCelil, Sinan, Ahnfeldt, Philip January 2018 (has links)
I projektet dimensionerades ett tre våningar högt flerbostadshus i KL-trämoduler med utgångspunkt från dagens byggande av moduler som främst görs i träregelstommar. Vägg- och bjälklagsdimensioner beräknades och ritades upp. Metoder för infästningar och lyft av moduler med träregelstommar undersöktes genom intervjuer och applicerades i den mån som är möjlig för KL-trämoduler. Syftet var att ta fram en konstruktionsutformning för moduler av KL-trä avsedda för bostadsbyggande. Utformningen skall principiellt även kunna användas för andra liknande byggnader. Dimensioneringen visade att KL-träskivorna klarar av lasterna med god marginal. Avgörande för vägg- och bjälklagstjockleken var branddimensioneringen. Infästningar mellan olika byggnadsdelar kan göras på liknande sätt med KL-trä som med träregelstomme. Metoden att använda sig av stålförband i form av vinkelbeslag eller spikplåtar kan användas till de båda stomalternativen. Modullyft kan i viss mån utföras på samma sätt i de båda stommarna. / A three storey tall building was used as a reference object in this project and dimensioned with a starting point from timber frame modular constructions. Wall and floor dimensions are calculated and drawn. Methods for attachment and lifting of modules are examined through interviews and are, when possible, applied for the CLT modules. The purpose of this project was to design CLT modules intended for residential use. The goal of the design was that it can be used in similar buildings. The calculations showed that the fire requirements were the decisive factor when deciding the thickness of the walls and floors. Attachments between different building parts can be designed similarly in both timber frame modules and CLT modules. The method of using angle irons and nail plates is possible for both timber frame and CLT. The lifting of the modules can to some extent be executed similarly for the two frameworks.
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Temperature distribution in air tight cavities of steel framed modular buildings when exposed to fireBergroth, Elin, Torstensson, Greta January 2019 (has links)
A common way to construct large buildings is by assemble prefabricated modules around a load bearing steel construction. However, if a fire occurs these buildings can be subject to a rapid fire spread due to its cellular nature. By assembling modules side-by-side, gaps are created between the modules and these cavities must remain devoid of combustible material and remain air tight, even during fire. This to avoid that the air flow causes the cavities to work as “highways” for the fire spread which can lead to devastating damages. A Swedish example of a fire in a modular building is a residential building at Klintbacken, Luleå with a timber framed structure, which was constructed from prefabricated modules. The fire originated in a kitchen and spread through the cavities to several modular compartments and caused devastating damages on the construction. When buildings are constructed using a steel structure, high temperatures which occurs during a fire can cause the steel to lose its strength and stiffness. In some cases, unprotected steel members can resist fires without collapse, however to fulfil the fire resistance requirements the members do often need protection. To examine a steel structure in a modular building when exposed to fire, a fire test and temperature calculations have been performed and are presented in this thesis. The thesis is conducted in collaboration with Isolamin Sweden AB Part Group and consists of a fire test, theoretical calculations and a computer simulation using the finite element method. The aim of the thesis is to examine to what extent a steel column in a modular building is affected by a fire and to investigate the temperature distribution in the steel. For the fire test, a specimen consisted of a steel column and sandwich panels was created. The sandwich panels were assembled so that they created a cavity into where the steel column was placed. Temperature measuring devices such as thermocouples and a plate thermometer were placed on the specimen and a fire resistance furnace was used to simulate a fire. The fire test was performed for one hour and the fire corresponded to the ISO-834 fire curve. Furthermore, temperature calculations for the steel beam were made and five different models in the finite element code TASEF was created and simulated. The temperature curves used were the fire test time-temperature curve, the ISO 834-curve which represents a simplified fire, and the parametric fire curve with gamma value of 20. Three models were created where the steel beam was placed in contact to the mineral wool. Two models were created where a material with the properties of air was placed between the steel beam and the mineral wool. In the fire test the steel beam achieved a temperature of 41 °C. The most accurate simulation in TASEF was when simulating with the fire test time-temperature curve and the temperature achieved was 41°C. The theoretical calculated steel temperature achieved 36°C. The critical temperature for the steel column was calculated to 506 °C, which was not nearly achieved in the fire test, the theoretical calculations or in the computer simulations. Errors can occur in the result depending on the material properties which not correspond in the TASEF simulation and the fire test. Likewise, the theoretical calculations are based on constant parameters which in reality may vary with time and temperature. The differences are not negligible but can be assumed to not impact significantly on the result and therefore give a trustworthy result. / Ett vanligt sätt att konstruera stora byggnader är att montera ihop prefabricerade moduler runt en bärande stålkonstruktion. Om en brand uppstår kan dessa byggnader dock bidra till en snabb brandspridning på grund av denna struktur. När modulerna monteras sida vid sida bildas hålrum mellan modulerna och det är då viktigt att dessa hålrum hålls fria från brännbart material och är lufttäta, även under brand. Detta för att undvika att luftflödet i hålrummen fungerar som ”motorvägar” för brandspridningen vilket kan leda till förödande konsekvenser. Ett svenskt exempel på en brand i en modulbyggnad är studentboendet på Klintbacken, Luleå, där byggnaden vad konstruerad med prefabricerade moduler och en stomme av trä. Branden startade i ett kök och spred sig via hålrummen till flera andra lägenheter och orsakade stora skador på konstruktionen. När byggnader konstrueras med en stålstomme kan höga temperaturer, som uppkommer vid brand, orsaka förlorad hållfasthet och styvhet hos stålet. I vissa fall kan oskyddat stål stå emot brand utan att kollapsa, men för att uppfylla kraven för hållfasthet vid brand måste stålet ofta skyddas. För att undersöka hur en stålkonstruktion i en modulbyggnad beter sig vid brand har ett brandtest och olika beräkningar genomförts och presenteras i den här rapporten. Arbetet utfördes i samarbete med Isolamin Sweden AB Part Group och består av ett brandtest, teoretiska beräkningar och en datasimulering med finita elementmetoden. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur en stålbalk i en modulbyggnad påverkas av brand och vilken temperaturfördelning som uppstår i balken. En provkropp bestående av en stålbalk och sandwichpaneler monterades ihop till brandtestet. Sandwichpanelerna monterades så att ett hålrum bildades varpå stålbalken placerades där. Temperaturmätningsinstrument, så som termoelement och plattermoelement monterades på provkroppen och en brandugn användes för att simulera en brand. Brandtestet pågick i 60 minuter och branden motsvarande ISO 834-kurvan. Därefter genomfördes temperaturberäkningar för stålbalken där fem olika modeller skapades i den finita elementkoden TASEF. Temperaturkurvorna som användes i TASEF var temperaturkurvan uppmätt i brandtestet, ISO 834-kurvan som motsvarar en förenklad brand, och den parametriska brandkurvan med ett gammavärde på 20. Tre modeller skapades där stålbalken placerades i kontakt med mineralullen. Två modeller skapades där ett material med samma materialegenskaper som luft placerades mellan stålet och mineralullen. I brandtestet når stålbalken en temperatur på 41°C. Simuleringen i TASEF med tid-temperaturkurvan från brandtestet visade också en ståltemperatur på 41°C, vilket är den simuleringen som stämmer bäst överens med brandtestet. Den teoretiskt beräknade ståltemperaturen når en temperatur på 36°C. Den kritiska temperaturen för stålbalken beräknades till 506°C, vilket inte uppnåddes varken under brandtestet, de teoretiska beräkningarna eller simuleringar i TASEF. Felmarginaler kan uppstå i resultatet beroende på att materialegenskaperna skiljer sig i TASEF och i brandtestet. Likväl baseras de teoretiska beräkningarna på konstanta parametrar som i verkligheten kan variera med tid och temperatur. Skillnaderna kan inte försummas men kan antas ha sådan liten inverkan på resultatet att resultatet i sig kan betraktas trovärdigt.
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Modulare Bausysteme aus Textilbeton-SandwichelementenSchneider, Hartwig N., Schätzke, Christian, Feger, Christiane, Horstmann, Michael, Pak, Daniel 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Sandwichelemente mit Deckschichten aus Textilbeton und tragenden Dämmkernen verfügen über ein breites Leistungsprofil, von selbsttragenden Fassadenbauteilen bis zu tragenden Wand-, Dach- und Deckenbauteilen. Trotz der geringen Bauteilstärke von nur 18 – 20 cm besitzen Sandwichelemente aus Textilbeton neben der hohen Tragfähigkeit ein günstiges bauphysikalisches Verhalten hinsichtlich des Wärme- und Schallschutzes. Anhand eines kleinen Experimentalbaus wurde im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs SFB 532 an der RWTH Aachen die Anwendbarkeit von tragenden Sandwichbauteilen verifiziert. Dabei wurden wesentliche Fragestellungen wie Konstruktion und Gestalt, Tragverhalten, Bauteilfügung, Herstellungstechnik und Montage untersucht.
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Industriellt bostadsbyggande : En analys av modulbyggandets begränsningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter / Industrial House Building : An analysis of the constraints and opportunities in modular house buildingNäslund, Simon, Larsson, Frank January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka och analysera vad det finns för begränsningar och möjligheter med en industriell byggprocess där det byggs med moduler. Den syftar även till att undersöka relationerna mellan en projektör, entreprenör och leverantör i en industriell byggförsörjningskedja och hur dessa relationer kan utvecklas.I dagens Sverige är bostäder ett stort problem då det inte finns tillräckligt för att täcka dagens behov. För att bemöta detta behov har det blivit allt mer vanligt med en industriell byggprocess där stora delar av byggnaden tillverkas som moduler i fabrik. Med modul menas en del eller komponent av ett byggnadsverk som tillsammans med andra moduler går att montera ihop till en byggnad. Inom industriellt byggande benämns utformningen av moduler som en begränsning. I och med att aktörer behöver följa regler gällande mått blir det mindre möjligheter för att ha större öppna ytor i bostaden. Det behövs också en viss standardisering i produktionen vilket leder till mindre flexibilitet och eventuellt inte lika god estetik som ett traditionellt bygge. Det är därför viktigt för aktörerna att hitta den typ av kund och marknad som är mest lämplig för modulbyggnation. Vid montering av moduler på byggarbetsplatsen kan det uppstå problem, särskilt gällande gränssnittet. Det är därför viktigt att denna del har någon form av standardisering samt att alla inblandade aktörer får ta del av projekteringen och påverka modulen i tidigt skede. På så sätt kan det bli mindre risk för att fel uppstår längre fram i processen. Vid en industriell byggprocess skapas möjligheten till att göra stora effektiviseringar och optimeringar i produktionen. Av den anledning är det nödvändigt att tillämpa någon typ av förbättringsarbete så som exempelvis Lean och Plan-Do-Check-Act-cykeln. Dock bör det beaktas att alla verktyg inte passar alla verksamheter och av den anledningen bör varje verktyg optimeras för den specifika verksamheten som det ska tillämpas i. För effektiviseringar i en industriell byggprocess är Byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM) ett bra verktyg som går att tillämpa. Med hjälp av BIM kan inblandade aktörer ta del av samma digitala modell från tidigt skede i projekteringen till förvaltningen. Då alla aktörer tar del av samma information skapas det bättre relationer och mindre missuppfattningar. / The purpose of this report is to investigate and analyze what constraints and opportunities that exist within an industrial building process based on modules. It also aims to investigating the relationships between a projector, contractor and supplier in an industrial building supply chain and how these can be developed. In Sweden today, housing is a major problem as there is not enough houses to meet the people’s need. To meet this need, it has become increasingly common with an industrial housing process, where large parts of the building are manufactured as modules in a factory. Module is described as a component of a building that together with other modules can be assembled to a complete building. Within an industrial building process, the design of the modules is referred as a limitation. As the actors need to follow the rules regarding measurements, there will be fewer opportunities for having larger open spaces in the buildings. There is also a need for some standardization in the production process, which leads to less flexibility and possibly not as good aesthetics as a traditional building; therefore it is important to focus on what kind of customer and market that is the most suitable for modular construction. When assembling modules at a construction site problems may occur, especially regarding the interface. It is therefore important that the process has some kind of standardization and that all involved actors may participate and influence the module at the early stages of the building process. If this is executed in a good way the risk of errors in the building process is reduced. In an industrial building process, the possibility of making major optimizations and efficiency improvements is created. For this reason, it is necessary to apply some kind of improvement work, such as Lean and the Plan-Do-Check-Act-Cycle. Thus, it should be borne in mind that all tools do not suit all activities, and for this reason each tool should be optimized for the specific activity. For efficiency improvements in an industrial building process, Building Information Model (BIM) is a good tool that can be applied. When using BIM, different actors can share the same digital model from the early stages of design to management of the building. When all actors share the same information, better relationships and fewer misconceptions are created.
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Stavebnicový systém stavby hlavních dílů CNC obráběcího stroje / Modular building system for main parts of CNC machine toolDvořák, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
This work deals with the design of a new concept of construction of main parts of machine tools. It is based on the essence of the modular building system and the solution is to use of small elements that will make a whole group. The content of the thesis is focused on the creation of the procedure for the first prototype of the kit. Specific machine is then modeled from a solution.
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Modulare Bausysteme aus Textilbeton-SandwichelementenSchneider, Hartwig N., Schätzke, Christian, Feger, Christiane, Horstmann, Michael, Pak, Daniel 03 June 2009 (has links)
Sandwichelemente mit Deckschichten aus Textilbeton und tragenden Dämmkernen verfügen über ein breites Leistungsprofil, von selbsttragenden Fassadenbauteilen bis zu tragenden Wand-, Dach- und Deckenbauteilen. Trotz der geringen Bauteilstärke von nur 18 – 20 cm besitzen Sandwichelemente aus Textilbeton neben der hohen Tragfähigkeit ein günstiges bauphysikalisches Verhalten hinsichtlich des Wärme- und Schallschutzes. Anhand eines kleinen Experimentalbaus wurde im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs SFB 532 an der RWTH Aachen die Anwendbarkeit von tragenden Sandwichbauteilen verifiziert. Dabei wurden wesentliche Fragestellungen wie Konstruktion und Gestalt, Tragverhalten, Bauteilfügung, Herstellungstechnik und Montage untersucht.
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<b>Thermal comfort and energy evaluation of air-source and wall-embedded radiant heat pumps for heating </b><b>application</b>Feng Wu (6313133) 17 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In U.S. residential buildings, space heating makes up about 43% of total energy use, with natural gas fulfilling 45% of this demand. As climate change concerns escalate, moving away from fossil fuel heating systems to more sustainable options are essential, especially in cold climates where heating needs are significant. Air-source heat pumps are a promising alternative, but their capacity and efficiency decrease as outdoor temperatures drop, impacting comfort due to lower supply temperatures (e.g., 32°C/90°F). This can lead to potential discomfort, as such temperatures feel cooler than skin temperature. Additionally, defrosting cycles pull heat from indoor spaces to clear outdoor coils. Conversely, gas furnaces provide steady heat at higher temperatures (over 49°C/120°F) without defrosting issues. Research shows that discomfort prompts occupants to raise thermostat setpoints and increase energy use.This study aims to investigate the influence of operational characteristics of various comfort delivery systems in cold weather on occupants' thermostat adjustment behaviors, identify the limitations of current heat pump systems, and develop a novel wall-embedded micro heat pump (WEMHP) radiant heating system that enhances comfort and reduces energy consumption, supporting the electrification of residential buildings. To achieve this goal, the research focuses on the following specific objectives: 1) develop a controlled laboratory testbed to emulate different thermal comfort delivery systems, including convective air and radiant systems; 2) investigate occupant setpoint preferences and thermostat adjustment behaviors under different operational modes using a residential community testbed; 3) study occupant thermostat adjustment behaviors for different types of heat pump systems through laboratory experiments; 4) develop and evaluate a novel wall-embedded micro heat pump for radiant heating in buildings; 5) design and test a prototype of the wall-embedded micro heat pump as a proof-of-concept demonstration.</p><p dir="ltr">This study first introduces the Human Building Interaction Laboratory (HBIL), a new facility with a modular design that includes reconfigurable thermally active panels for walls, floors, and ceilings. Each panel’s surface temperature can be independently controlled via a hot and cold water hydronic system, allowing the simulation of various climate zones, building conditions, and different heating/cooling systems. This setup facilitates research on localized comfort delivery, occupant comfort control, active building materials, and more.</p><p dir="ltr">Subsequently, a residential community test-bed was established within a newly built residential community in Indianapolis. A study was conducted in 30 homes to collect data on occupants' thermostat adjustments under two different operation modes: 1) a baseline mode featuring a heat pump paired with an auxiliary heater controlled by default thermostat heuristic rules, and 2) a comparison mode where the auxiliary heater was activated to provide the majority of heating. The findings showed that 8 out of 13 units preferred lower setpoints in the comparison mode, where higher supply air temperatures were utilized. Four distinct setpoint-increasing behaviors were identified, contributing to the observed setpoint differences between the two modes. Notably, two of these behaviors were closely linked to the operational characteristics of heat pumps in cold weather, specifically cases of insufficient and sufficient HP capacity.</p><p dir="ltr">To further explore the differences in setpoint preferences and the motivations behind setpoint adjustments, two scenarios were designed, and 32 experiments with human test-subjects were conducted in a controlled laboratory (Human Building Interaction Laboratory). The first case, with a single-stage heat pump and auxiliary heater, replicated the operational characteristics observed in the field study. The second case, using a variable-speed heat pump with enhanced comfort features, aimed to investigate participants' comfort preferences and provide insights for future heat pump design improvements. According to the thermal comfort survey results, 19 out of 32 participants increased their setpoints in the single-stage heat pump case, even though the heat pump had sufficient capacity to warm the indoor space. Cold air movement and indoor temperature fluctuations due to the heat pump cycling on/off were the main reasons participants reported increasing their setpoints in this case. In contrast, participants felt more comfortable with the variable-speed heat pump in the laboratory study, attributing their comfort to stable indoor temperatures and the absence of cold air movement.</p><p dir="ltr">Finally, a novel wall-embedded micro heat pump (WEMHP) was developed as a new distributed comfort delivery approach with several distinct advantages compared to alternatives: (1) A WEMHP eliminates the need for a secondary water loop and does not require separate indoor and outdoor units. Instead, a WEMHP unit operating in heating mode directly absorbs heat through an embedded heat exchanger (evaporator) at the outside wall surface and then conditions the indoor space using an embedded heat exchanger (condenser) at the indoor surface. (2) This packaged solution eliminates the need for extensive HVAC installation and on-site refrigerant charging. (3) The interior surface temperature of the exterior wall section empowered by the micro heat pump is independently controlled, allowing for distributed space conditioning and delivery of radiant heating to meet diverse occupant needs in different zones. The system performance was studied thoroughly based on energy simulation and experimental comfort study. Moreover, a prototype WEMHP was designed, assembled, and tested in a laboratory environment as a proof-of-concept demonstration. The test results demonstrated that the heating capacity under condition H1 reached around 190 W at a compressor speed of 4000 RPM with a COP of 1.67. Additionally, the system exhibited a fast thermal response, with a time constant τ<sub>63</sub> (the time it takes for the surface temperature to reach 63% of the difference between its final and initial values) of less than 0.5 hours and a τ<sub>95 </sub>of approximately 1.5 hours.</p>
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Modulární kontejnerová stavba / Container based modular buildingJurča, Radim January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with creating the concept of container based modular building. The process of building is made by connecting module. Three block modules were designed. They could be created up to nine combinations (Up to nine combination might be created up by these). The modules are designed as a diffuse open wooden building with a warm flat roof. Family house is one of the possible combinations. Construction of building consists of two connected modules that are made like single-storey. Founded on earth screws. Under the construction is ventilated space. The building is situated on flat land (parcel) in Velké Němčice. The advantages of modular container buildings are good thermal properties, short time of construction and the possibility of connecting or disconnecting the modules.
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Full life cycle assessment of a cross laminated timber modular building in SwedenAl-Najjar, Ahmad January 2021 (has links)
Building industry contributes to massive amounts of harmful emissions. This trend will continue to rise unless appropriate measures are taken. This master thesis aims to calculate the environmental impact during the whole life time of a prefabricated cross-laminated timber (CLT) modular building. The environmental impacts from the end-of-life stage and the benefit of the most of the building material beyond the system boundary is also included. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used as a tool to assess the environmental impacts following the standard SS-EN 15978:2011. Since there is a lack of environmental data about CLT in general and about prefabricated CLT volumetric modules buildings in particular the results from this work will enhance the understanding of the environmental performance of this kind of building system. This work is done with Size AB, a company that only produces CLT modular multi-storeys buildings. The studied object is three storeys building located in Nykvarn in Sweden. The total emissions during the building life cycle are at least 377 kg CO2-eq/m2 of the gross floor area (GFA), 0,296 kg PO43--eq/m2 of GFA and 1,1 kg SO2-eq/m2 of GFA for global warming potential (GWP), eutrophication potential (EP) and acidification potential (AP) respectively. The result shows that the share of the AP and EP during the end-of-life stage is only 1% for each, whereas CO2-eq emission is accounted for 14% during this stage. The material production stage accounts for more than 50% for all environmental indicators. This study provides fundamental data to perform LCAs in this area and to carry out climate declarations. Through sensitivity analysis it was discovered inter alia that high production intensity in the modules fabrication factory plays a significant role in reducing the environmental impacts during the construction stage. It was also found that modification of the LCA’s system boundary is recommended to present a transparent LCA of modular buildings.
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