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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus mokinių mokymosi motyvai ir mokyklinis nerimastingumas / Learning motives and school anxiety of younger pupils

Jurgelionytė-Šmukštienė, Lina 03 September 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti mokinių mokymosi motyvus ir mokyklinį nerimastingumą. Buvo iškelta hipotezė – egzistuoja ryšys tarp skirtingų mokymosi motyvų ir nevienodų mokyklinio nerimo apraiškų. Tikėtina, kad stipriausias ryšys yra tarp socialinio pripažinimo motyvo ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo apraiškų. Tyrimo metodika. Mokinių mokymosi motyvams tirti buvo naudojama E. Zambacevičienės, D. Janulytės anketa „Kodėl aš mokausi“. Mokinių nerimastingumo lygiui nustatyti buvo naudota B. Fillipso metodika „Mokyklinio nerimo diagnostinis įvertinimas“. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 respondentų: po 100 miesto ir kaimo mokyklose besimokančių 4 klasės mokinių. Tyrimo rezultatai. Atlikus jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus mokinių mokymosi motyvų tyrimą nustatyta, kad daugumai respondentų būdingesnis socialinio pripažinimo motyvas. Miesto mokyklose besimokančiųjų tarpe yra daugiau mokinių, kuriems būdingas vidinis mokymosi motyvas. Atskleisti nežymūs skirtumai lyčių atžvilgiu: yra daugiau berniukų, negu mergaičių, kuriems būdingas socialinio pripažinimo motyvas. Atlikus mokinių nerimastingumo lygio tyrimą nustatyta, jog tiriamiesiems yra būdingas padidėjęs arba aukštas mokyklinio nerimastingumo lygis. Atskleisti nedideli skirtumai lyčių atžvilgiu: mergaičių nerimastingumo lygis yra aukštesnis nei berniukų. Kaimo mokyklose ugdomų moksleivių nerimastingumo lygis yra žemesnis, nei besimokančiųjų mieste. Daugumai tiriamųjų būdinga aplinkinių lūkesčių nepateisinimo, saviraiškos, žinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim – to examine the reasons for student learning and school anxiety. Hypothesis – there is a link between learning motivation and different manifestations of anxiety at school. It is likely that the strongest link is between social recognition motif and school anxiety manifestations. Methods. There was used a questionnaire „Why I Teach“ made by E. Zambacevičienė and D. Janulytė to investigate the students‘ learning motives. The method „School anxiety diagnostic evaluation“made by B. Fillips was used to identify students‘anxiety level. The study included 200 respondents: 100 urban and 100 rural school pupils of class 4. Results. The study of the younger students found that most respondents are of typical social recognition motif. Among urban schools there are more students with a strong inner learning motivation. There were revealed slight differences between the sexes: there are more boys than girls with a strong social recognition motif. The study of students‘anxiety level found that students are characterized by enlarged or high school anxiety level. There were revealed small differences in gender: girls‘anxiety level is higher than boys‘. Anxiety level in rural schools is lower than in the urban ones. Most respondents are characterized by low expectation from the people around, self-expression and knowledge testing fear. The study hypothesis was confirmed, and the strongest relationship is between social recognition motif and school anxiety manifestations. The paper... [to full text]

Pradinių klasių mokinių konstrukcinio intelekto ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo sąsajos / Correlation of structural intelect and school anxiety of primary school pupils

Lapašinskaitė, Neringa 18 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų konstrukcinio intelekto ir mokyklinio nerimastingumo sąsajas. Šiuo darbu siekiama nustatyti, ar berniukai ir mergaitės patiria vienodą nerimo lygį mokykla, ar yra savęs vertinimo skirtumų tarp berniukų ir mergaičių, kaip intelekto koeficientas pasiskirsto tarp berniukų ir mergaičių. Taip pat siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar aukšti intelektiniai gebėjimai įtakoja vaikų mokyklinį nerimastingumą, somatinius nerimastingumo požymius, aukštą / žemą savęs vertinimą. Nerimastingumo sąvoka šiame darbe apima mokyklinį kontekstą. Tyrimas buvo atliktas, naudojantis J. C. Raveno Spalvotomis progresuojančiomis matricomis – vaikų konstrukciniam intelektui nustatyti, ir S. Saransono sukurta, S. Feldo ir J. Levio modifikuota „Vaikų mokyklinio nerimastingumo skale“ – mokykliniam nerimastingumui nustatyti. Tyrimas atliktas dvejose Kauno miesto mokyklose. Apklausta 150 mokinių. 9 anketas teko anuliuoti, kadangi mokiniai anketas atliko neatidžiai ir žymėjo bet kokius atsakymus, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar jam atsakymas tinka, ar ne. Duomenų analizei buvo panaudoti 141 tiriamojo duomenys. Aukštesnio už vidutinį konstrukcinio intelekto kategorijai priskirti vaikai, kurių IQ lygus ar didesnis už 112. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad patiriamas nerimas dėl kontrolinių darbų nepriklauso nuo konstrukcinio intelekto lygio, mokinių, kurie patiria rūpestį mokykla, intelektiniai gebėjimai gali būti aukšti, žemi ar vidutiniai. Aukštą ar labai aukštą nerimą dėl... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective of research is to define the correlation of structural intelect and school anxiety of junior pupils. This work is aimed to define whether boys and girls undercome the equal level of anxiety that is related to school and the presence of differences in self-esteem between boys and girls, as well as the intelligence quotient proportion between boys and girls. It is aimed to clarify whether high intellectual faculties influence shool anxiety of children, the features of systemic worries, high/low self-esteem. In this paper the definition of anxiety covers school context. The research was made by applying Raven's coloured progressive matrices to define the structural intelect of children and using "School Anxiety Scale for Children" that was developed by Saranson and modified by Feld and Lewis in order to define the school anxiety. The research was performed at two schools of Kaunas. 150 pupils were interrogated. 9 questionnaires had to be cancelled as pupils were not attentive while filling in the questionnaires and marked irrelevant answers, despite the fact of its personal actuality. The data of 141 investigated persons was used for the data analysis. The children that were attributed to the above the average structural intellect category were the ones with IQ equal or over 112. The study has revealed that anxiety related to tests does not depend on the level of structural intellect of the pupils that experience school related anxiety and their intellectual faculties... [to full text]

Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir jų motinų psichologinių ypatumų sąsajos lyties ir šeimos sudėties aspektu / Typical psychological relation between junior schoolchildren and their mothers on the bases of sex and family status

Gaigalienė, Irena 06 June 2005 (has links)
A family is the first educational institution where a child acquires his basic social standards. A family is also the most important institution for human socialization having a great influence on the development of a child‘s personality. Parents form the biggest part of a child‘s environment the development of a child‘s personality greatly depends on them. The aim of this work is to analyse the typical psychological relation between junior schoolchildren and their mothers on the bases of sex and family status. 400 people (200 children aged 9-11 and their 200 mothers) took part in a survey. 5 questionnaires were used for assessing children‘s psychological feelings, inside calmness, self - assessment, worries about school and motivation for learning. For assessing their mothers‘ psychological feelings, inside calmness and self – assessment 3 questionnaires were used. While carrying out a survey there were given 3 hypotheses which turned to be partly approved. A significant relation was defined between girls‘ inside calmness and their mothers‘ psychological feelings as well as between their self – assessment, whereas the same kind of relation between boys and their mothers was not confirmed. There was also defined a significant relation between boys‘ worries about school and their mothers‘ psychological feelings. A second hypotheses which states that in a two – parent family there is a closer relation between the children‘s inside calmness, psychological mood at school... [to full text]

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