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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluación de usabilidad de un Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

Trejos Navarro, Alonso Iván January 2014 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil en Computación / El objetivo del presente trabajo de título corresponde al estudio de usabilidad de un Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Los MOOC son sistemas de aprendizaje en línea que cada vez se hacen más populares, donde un profesor puede enseñar a cursos de miles de alumnos. Al ser esto un tema particularmente reciente, no existen una gran cantidad de estudios sobre usabilidad en estas plataformas. Por esto, es interesante probar una metodología para evaluar la usabilidad de una. Además, con este trabajo de título se pretende estudiar la interacción de usuarios de educación superior con este tipo de plataformas y generar una buena propuesta de rediseño en base a los resultados obtenidos, que pueda corregir los problemas de interfaces que se encuentren. Para realizar esta experiencia se decidió evaluar a la plataforma Coursera por ser una de las plataformas mejor evaluadas y con mayor número de usuarios. La primera etapa de este trabajo de título consistió en diseñar y aplicar un estudio de usabilidad sobre la plataforma de Coursera. Para esto se utilizaron los métodos de Evaluación Heurística, Observación no Participante con Thinking Aloud, Cuestionario de Usuario Final y Focus Groups. Con esto se tendría una gran cantidad de información tanto sobre la interacción de los usuarios con la interfaz como el desarrollo de estos mismos cursos. La segunda etapa consistió en el análisis tanto cuantitativo como cualitativo de los datos obtenidos, realizando un estudio estadístico sobre los resultados obtenidos por medio del cuestionario de usuario final. Finalmente, la tercera etapa consistió en generar una propuesta de rediseño de la interfaz de la plataforma de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos del análisis de datos. Para garantizar la validez de esta propuesta, se aplicó la técnica de Card Sorting para asegurar que el rediseño fuera realizado tomando en cuenta el modelo mental de los usuarios, para generar un prototipo en papel, el cual fue probado por usuarios finales usando Paper Prototyping en base a tareas y Cognitive Walkthrough. En base a esto, se generó la propuesta de rediseño final. En resumen, se probó una metodología para la evaluación de usabilidad de plataformas de MOOCs, tomando como ejemplo a la plataforma de Coursera, aplicando varios métodos de usabilidad, para luego analizar estos datos y generar una propuesta de rediseño enfocada a los usuarios finales de la plataforma.

Posthumanism and the Massive Open Online Course : contaminating the subject of global education

Knox, Jeremy January 2015 (has links)
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has surfaced as one of the most prominent developments in digital education in recent years, attracting significant media attention and involving some of the world’s elite universities. MOOCs are fully online courses that attract high numbers of enrolees, often in the tens of thousands, and are typically publicised as offering free participation. To date, critical analysis of the MOOC has been rare in the academic literature: this thesis will address the need for more nuanced discussions by critiquing and theorising MOOCs from the position of critical posthumanism. Posthumanist challenges to the foundationalism of the humanist subject have been well established around ecological (Pedersen 2010, 2011, Braidotti 2013), cultural (Badmington 2000a, 200b, 2003) and philosophical (Pepperell 2003, Fuller 2010) agendas, however this approach is underrepresented in digital education, and largely absent in studies of the MOOC. Thus, the MOOC project has tended to assume problematic and uncritical forms of humanism, maintaining an orthodox educational position in a field that claims innovation and disruption. The theoretical framework of critical posthumanism will be utilised to highlight the limitations of the humanist subject, and suggest a value in looking beyond this framework as the underlying rationale for MOOC education. This thesis draws upon discourse analysis, visual analysis and a post-qualitative methodology that challenges the assumption of a knowing subject in social science research to consider a broad view of the MOOC, as well as a focussed examination of two specific courses. Firstly, the corporate promotion of MOOCs is shown to tend towards a colonialist orientation that assumes a universal desire for education, and adopts a strategy of maximising global reach. This strategy is underpinned, not by the quest for territory, but for the personal data of MOOC participants. Secondly, emerging research and theories of learning that are attempting to understand the behaviours of MOOC participants are suggested to adopt normative views of participation that prohibit difference and establish particular routines as the dominant and privileged form. Thirdly, orthodox notions of authentic and sedentary educational space will be examined and shown to pervade this emerging online format, working to maintain, rather than counter, elitism and inaccessibility. Finally, notions of hybrid educational space, contaminated communities and monstrous (re)articulations of the human subject will be drawn on in suggesting alternative ways of viewing and engaging with the ‘massive’ education of the MOOC.

Understanding learners’ experience in MOOCs : a review of literature

Cao, Mengwen 07 October 2014 (has links)
MOOCs have become a popular topic in the educational field since 2008. This report reviews the literature from 2008 to March 2014 on the development of MOOCs with a focus on learners’ experience. By looking into the topics researchers have been investigating, this review identifies eight themes on this topic: (1) Platforms and Technology, (2) Instructional Materials and Assessment, (3) Instructors, (4) Participants’ demographics, (5) Motivation and Engagement Patterns, (6) Self-directed Learning and Learner Interaction, (7) Blended Education, and (8) Completion rates. The review also indicates that MOOC course design (pedagogies, technical support, assessment and instructors) and learner characteristics (motivation, engagement levels, self-directed learning and digital literacy) influence learners’ experience. Possible future research questions are also proposed in this report. / text

Individual adoption to innovation : A study of MOOCs in Swedish universities

Lamprou, Sofoklis Per, Lvovskaya, Yulia January 2015 (has links)
Background:Rapid development of digital technologies creates innovative ways of learning, Massive Open Online Courses being one of them. To keep up with the development, two Swedish universities have launched their own courses despite lack of clear benefits for education. Exploring the adoption process of employees and identifying differences between universities are important as the acceptance of innovation among employees is crucial for success. Purpose:The purpose of this study is to explore the adoption process of a new innovation in the education sector, thus contributing to a more concrete research of individual adoption of an innovation in education context. Research question:What are the differences between the two Swedish universities in the adoption of an innovation, being MOOC, based on the individual perception of the employees? Methodology:A qualitative embedded multiple case study strategy, with deductive reasoning. Conclusion:The findings acknowledged that the adoption of MOOCs occurs on individual level at the universities despite unclear outcomes, absence of performance-based incentives and lack of managerial support. Hence, the findings suggest that non-financial incentives and innovativeness of the individuals were the important factors triggering the acceptance. Moreover, a presentation of potential outcomes and personal benefits of the MOOCs will enhance the adoption.

Massive open online courses (MOOC) na odontologia: a experiência da oferta do curso \"Saúde bucal da gestante\" pela Universidade Aberta do SUS da UFMA em parceria com a FOUSP / Massive open online courses in dentistry: the experience of the course offer \"Oral health of the pregnant women\" by the Open University of SUS of UFMA in partnership with FOUSP

Huanca, Camila Maldonado 08 February 2019 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação foi identificar os MOOCs sobre temas odontológicos disponibilizados nas várias plataformas mundiais e em especial evidenciar um MOOC oferecido pela plataforma Arouca da Universidade Aberta do Sistema Único de Saúde.O MOOC, acrônimo de Massive Open Online Course, é uma estratégia contemporânea de ensino a distância para educação continuada em saúde. Com a chancela de instituições de educação superior prestigiadas, os MOOCs têm o potencial de fornecer um ambiente educacional sem limites de participantes, acesso aberto, gratuito, material entregue via web, além do aprendizado flexível em relação ao local e tempo. Essas características facilitam a aproximação de pessoas que queiram se atualizar ou capacitar.Este volume apresenta uma reunião de doisartigos sobre MOOCs, primeiramente foi realizada uma revisão e compilação doscursos oferecidos nessa modalidade buscando estabelecer um panorama mais claro acerca dos MOOCs na educação odontológica. Posteriormente foram apresentados os dados provenientes do MOOCSaúde Bucal da Gestante promovido pela Universidade Aberta do Sistema Único de Saúde-Universidade Federal do Maranhão em parceria com a Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo. O cadastro realizado pelo aluno na plataforma Arouca e os registros contabilizados no uso do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem forneceram os dados divulgados. Com base na perspectiva quantitativa, foi possível desenvolver uma discussão crítica, evidenciar as vantagens dessa modalidade de ensino a distância e apontar as atuais lacunas de conhecimento sobre os aspectos qualitativosque possam guiar estudos futuros. Em suma, o MOOC pode ser uma forma de educação continuada com potencial para aplicação em maior escala na educação continuada doscirurgiões-dentistas e estudantes de odontologia. / The objective of this dissertation was to identify the MOOCs on dental subjects made available in a number of worldwide platforms and, especially, to evidence a MOOC provided by Arouca platform of the Brazilian Healthcare System\'s Open University. MOOC, acronym for Massive Open Online Course, is a contemporary distance learning strategy for continuous health education. With the support of accredited higher education institutions, the MOOCs have potential to provide a learning environment with an unlimited number of attendants, open access, free of charges, material delivered via web, in addition to the flexible learning concerning place and time. Thesecharacteristicsallow a number o peopleinterested in updatingorqualifyingthemselves to getcloser. Thisvolumepresents a union of twoarticlesonMOOCs; at first, a review and compilation of thecoursesprovided in suchmodalitywasconducted so as to establish a cleareroverviewwithrespect to theMOOCson dental education. Subsequently, the data from MOOC Oral Health of thePregnantWoman, promotedbytheBrazilianHealthcareSystem\'s Open University - Federal University of Maranhão, in partnershipwiththeUniversity of São Paulo\'sDentistrySchool, waspresented. Theregistryconductedbythestudent in theAroucaplatform and theregistriesaccounted in the use of the virtual learningenvironmentprovidedthefirstdisclosed data. Basedonthequantitativeperspective, itwaspossible to develop a criticaldiscussion, evidencingtheadvantages of suchdistancelearningmodality and indicatethecurrentknowledge gaps concerningthequalitativeaspectswhichmay drive futurestudies. In short, the MOOC can be a form of continuing education with potential for larger scale application in the continuing education of dental surgeons and dentistry students.

MOOC de geometria: discussões e proposta de um modelo para a educação básica / Geometry MOOC: discussions and proposal of a model to the elementary school

Souza, Maria José Guimarães de 19 May 2015 (has links)
O MOOC surge em 2008 como um novo modelo de curso na modalidade EAD que, em certo sentido, retoma o antigo modelo dos cursos por correspondência, nos quais existia pouca ou nenhuma interação entre aprendiz e professor. São cursos online com grande quantidade de alunos, por isso denominados MOOC, do inglês, Massive Open Online Course. Esses cursos estão apoiados exclusivamente em tecnologias da Web e na maioria das vezes não exigem pré-requisitos e não fornecem certificados. Outro fator comum a esses cursos é o alto número de desistências, por volta de 95%. A maior parte dos cursos do tipo MOOC disponíveis hoje, apresentam um formato tradicional, no qual o aprendiz fica em condição quase passiva, já que as interações praticamente ficam restritas à controle de visualização de vídeos, com comandos do tipo para, voltar ou continuar. Nesse contexto, o desafio deste trabalho é melhorar o entendimento sobre os modelos de MOOC, examinando as causas de desistência relativas ao conteúdo e formato de apresentação para essa modalidade de EAD, além de propor um curso de Geometria, nessa modalidade, para o ensino básico, empregando ferramentas interativas, como o iGeom, software de Geometria Interativa (GI), e outras mídias, como áudios e vídeos. Nesse curso busca-se uma abordagem motivadora, comparando-o a um curso de controle. Esse modelo foi testado com um público formado por adultos e adolescentes, sendo 37,9% composto de adolescentes provenientes de escolas públicas, apresentando bons resultados. Na análise dos dados obtidos, encontrou-se indícios de que, comparado com o curso de controle, um maior número de alunos permaneceu no curso por mais tempo, possivelmente, pela realização de atividades interativas. / The MOOC emerged in 2008 as a course model in the distance learning area which, in certain way, resumes the old model of courses based on exchanging letters, in which there is the absence of interaction between learner and teacher. They are online courses with a great number of studentes enrolled, and for this reason are called MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). These courses are supported exclusively by the Web technologies and most of the times they do not require a prerequisite and do not provide any certificate. Another common factor is their high dropout rate, around 95%. The majority of MOOC courses available nowadays are organized in a traditional format, in which learners are in a passive situation, since the interaction is practically based on videos, only allowing commands as PAUSE, BACK and CONTINUE. In this context, the challenge of this work is to improve the understanding on the e-learnig models, particularly the MOOC, in addition to examine the causes of dropout related to content and presentation format. In order to do so, the MOOC model is examined and a course in this modality, about Geometry to elementary school, is proposed. In this course is used interactive tools such as the iGeom, an Interactive Geometry (IG) software, beyond other medias, as audios and videos. The purpose of this course, is to study the learner motivation, comparing it with a control course. This course model was tested with an audience of adults and teenagers, in which 37,9% of them were teenagers from public schools, and the course produced good results. In the analysis of the results, we found evidence that, compared with the control course, a greater number of students remained on course for longer, possibly by the presence of interactive activities.

Analyse von Geschäftsmodellen nationaler und internationaler MOOC-Provider

Franken, Oliver, Fischer, Helge, Köhler, Thomas 06 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der Beitrag beleuchtet aus Perspektive des strategischen Hochschulmanagements die Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an deutschen Hochschulen.

Kosten und Wert von MOOCs am Beispiel der Plattform iMooX

Dreisiebner, Stefan, Ebner, Martin, Kopp, Michael 06 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag widmet sich ausgehend von den Erfahrungen aus dem iMooX-Projekt der ökonomischen Perspektive von MOOCs. Zunächst werden die Kosten eines MOOC anhand des iMooX-Projekts dargelegt. Folgend auf die Darstellung des Kostenmodells erfolgt eine Diskussion, welchen Umfang der reale Wert eines MOOC aufweist. Abschließend werden mögliche Finanzierungsquellen eines MOOC diskutiert.

Evasão em cursos online abertos e massivos para formação continuada de docentes de matemática

Camponez, Liliane Guedes Baio 21 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-11-06T18:08:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianeguedesbaiocamponez.pdf: 1355302 bytes, checksum: e86f052e556df23a31d426c181d9bb24 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-11-09T14:34:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianeguedesbaiocamponez.pdf: 1355302 bytes, checksum: e86f052e556df23a31d426c181d9bb24 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-11-09T14:34:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianeguedesbaiocamponez.pdf: 1355302 bytes, checksum: e86f052e556df23a31d426c181d9bb24 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-09T14:34:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianeguedesbaiocamponez.pdf: 1355302 bytes, checksum: e86f052e556df23a31d426c181d9bb24 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-21 / A oferta de MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) está sendo ampliada, expressivamente, a cada ano, por isso milhares de alunos se inscrevem nesses cursos. No entanto, a evasão é um dos desafios a serem superados nessa modalidade. Pelo seu grande alcance, o MOOC também é um importante recurso tecnológico que pode ser utilizado na formação de docentes. Nesse cenário, temos, como questão de pesquisa, o desafio de mapear a evasão em MOOCs para formação de docentes de matemática. Com o objetivo principal de mapear a evasão, detectar causas e buscar elementos motivadores para a permanência do aluno, para realizar este estudo optou-se por utilizar a pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, sendo exploratória e fundamentada em dois estudos de caso, observando e analisando os fatos. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, inicialmente, realizou-se um levantamento de técnicas e de ferramentas relacionadas à evasão em cursos a distância e, em seguida, o planejamento e aplicação do primeiro MOOC: “Tecnologias para o ensino de Geometria” e alguns mecanismos básicos para o dimensionamento da evasão. Foram 1238 inscritos para o primeiro MOOC, porém, deste total, 758 candidatos iniciaram o curso e apenas 253 concluíram. A taxa de evasão nesse curso foi de 66,6%. Baseando-nos nessas informações, apresentamos algumas propostas de ações que foram viabilizadas no segundo MOOC: “O uso de vídeos para o ensino de matemática”, a fim de melhor mapear a evasão e tentar amenizá-la. Foram 508 inscritos para o segundo MOOC, entretanto, deste total, 326 iniciaram e apenas 117 concluíram o curso, sendo que apenas 114 receberam o certificado. A taxa de evasão foi de 64,1%. De acordo com os dados coletados através dos questionários aplicados, as variáveis que apontaram o maior índice de evasão, em ambos os cursos, foram dos docentes do sexo feminino, que possuem idade inferior a 25 anos, Licenciatura plena em Matemática, que trabalham em mais de três escolas e que nunca participaram de um curso de formação continuada, além de, raramente, ou nunca utilizarem as tecnologias digitais como suporte para o ensino de matemática. Ademais esses docentes qualificaram como insuficientes ou ruins os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis na escola. / The large offer of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has been expanded significantly every year. Millions of students are enrolling in these courses and one of the biggest challenges to be overcomed in this kind of course is the great number of student evasion. Due to the fact that MOOC is very far-reaching, it is a critical technologic resource that can be used in teachers training. In this scenario, we have as a research question the challenge of mapping evasion in MOOCs for the training of mathematics teachers. This study has been conducted based on quantitative and qualitative research, which has been an exploratory research grounded on two case studies, by observing and analyzing facts. The research development has been initially done by research of techniques and tools linked to the course evasion and in the sequence by the planning and implementation of the first MOOC: "Technologies for Geometry Teaching" and some basic mechanisms for evasion sizing. In the first MOOC, 1238 were enrolled, however, from this whole number, 758 candidates accessed the platform and only 253 concluded. The evasion rate in this course was 66.6%. We highlighted the variables that indicated the highest evasion rate in accordance with the data collected through the questionnaires applied. Based on this information, we present some proposals for actions that will be feasible in the second MOOC in order to better map the evasion and try to soften it. 508 were enrolled for the second MOOC, however, from this whole number, 326 people applied but only 117 concluded, but only 114 received the certificate. The evasion rate was 64,1%. According to the collected data by questionnaires used, the variable that depicted that the highest evasion rate, in both courses, were presented by female teachers under 25 years old, with Math degree, who work at three schools and who have never taken part of a continuing education course, and moreover, they have never used use digital technology as a support for Math teaching. Furthermore, these teachers have qualified the technological resources available at school as unsatisfactory or poor.

Uso de gamificação em cursos online abertos e massivos para formação continuada de docentes de matemática

Coelho, Janaina Aparecida Ponté 21 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-01-15T12:33:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 janainaaparecidapontecoelho.pdf: 1721545 bytes, checksum: acb225090af668da685e33101d03a48e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-01-29T11:02:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 janainaaparecidapontecoelho.pdf: 1721545 bytes, checksum: acb225090af668da685e33101d03a48e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-01-29T11:03:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 janainaaparecidapontecoelho.pdf: 1721545 bytes, checksum: acb225090af668da685e33101d03a48e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-29T11:03:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 janainaaparecidapontecoelho.pdf: 1721545 bytes, checksum: acb225090af668da685e33101d03a48e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-21 / Este estudo tem como foco o desenvolvimento de cursos online abertos e massivos (Massive Open Online Courses - MOOC’s) para a formação continuada de docentes, com o uso da gamificação como estratégia de motivação e engajamento aos cursos. Observamos a gamificação como um componente que pode potencializar a atratividade dos cursos a distância, considerando que os seus recursos, quando bem articulados, potencializam a forma de interação dos participantes com os demais integrantes e materiais de estudo disponibilizados. Na presente pesquisa, propomos o desenvolvimento de dois MOOC’s para a formação de docentes. O primeiro MOOC, Tecnologias Digitais para o Ensino de Geometria, teve um caráter experimental, no qual observamos a funcionalidade de algumas ferramentas do Moodle voltadas para a gamificação, e a interação dos participantes com essas ferramentas. Na aplicação do segundo curso, Uso de vídeos no Ensino de Matemática, validamos uma metodologia para elaboração de MOOC’s, no qual observamos a efetividade da gamificação como estratégia motivacional para a formação de docentes. A análise dos dados evidenciou que os elementos de gamificação mostraram-se relevantes ao processo de realização do curso pelos participantes, portanto, um recurso hábil para o engajamento das atividades propostas e possível monitoramento da evasão. Apresentamos como produto educacional uma metodologia para a implementação de MOOC’s com interface “gamificada”, voltados para a formação de professores de Matemática. / This study focuses on the development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the continuing training of teachers, with the use of gamification as motivation and engagement strategy to courses. We observe the gamification as a component that can enhance the attractiveness of the distance courses, considering that their resources, when well articulated, leverage the form of interaction of the participants with the other members and study materials available. In the present research, we propose the development of two MOOCs for the training of teachers. The first MOOC, Digital Technologies for Teaching Geometry, had an experimental character, in which we observe the functionality of some Moodle tools geared to the gamification, and participants' interaction with these tools. In the application of the second course, The Use of videos in Mathematics Teaching, we validate a methodology for the elaboration of MOOCs, in which we observe the effectiveness of gamification as motivational strategy for the training of teachers. The analysis of the data showed that the gamification’s elements were relevant to the realization of the course by the participants, therefore, a skillful resource for the engagement of the proposed activities and possible monitoring of the drop-out rates. We present as an educational product a methodology for the implementation of MOOC's with "gamified" interface, geared to the training of teachers of Mathematics.

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