Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good"" "subject:"food""
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Effects of Perceived Sugar on Chocolate Intake on Self-Reported Food Cravings, Mood States, and Food Intake: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled StudySchultz, Lara J. 01 May 1999 (has links)
Many dieters and compulsive overeaters report that sugar and chocolate are the most commonly craved foods. Further, many individuals have proclaimed themselves to be "addicted" to sugar or chocolate. It remains unclear, however, what factors lead to report of specific food addictions. A number of researchers have suggested that highly repetitive consumption of sugar and chocolate may result from various physiological processes (e.g., neurochemical imbalances, glucose/insulin malfunctioning). However, there is also considerable evidence that psychosocial factors (i.e., expectancies, classical, and operant conditioning) play the major role in the development and maintenance of excessive sugar,chocolate intake. Empirical studies examining factors that underlie this behavior are almost nonexistent. Therefore, it is useful for researchers to explore perspectives about the causes of addictive or compulsive behavior. This study addressed the question, "Are adverse eating symptoms/outcomes for women who believe they are addicted to sugar or chocolate explained primarily by learning factors or by the key chemical constituents in these foods?"
This study involved procedures that influenced subjects' perceptions and expectations about the sugar/chocolate content of a beverage (i.e., real chocolate, sugar versus synthetic substitute [placebo]) in a laboratory taste test situation. In an ABAB experimental design, self-avowed addict and control subjects were tested on four consecutive days receiving two chocolate/sugar (A) and two placebo (B) beverages. Changes in mood and food cravings were measured, as was an index of perceived eating dyscontrol following the consumption of beverages. In addition to establishing a baseline measure each day, subjects' mood and cravings were assessed immediately after consumption of chocolate or placebo as well as 45 minutes later.
The responses (mood, food cravings, food intake) that occurred after exposure to drinks containing placebo or sugar/chocolate suggested that subjects do not always respond in the manner they purport to (e.g., increased cravings, mood improvement, subsequent overeating of treats). Other factors such as learning and conditioning may play a key role in accounting for their report of excessive behavior. Specifically, individuals who believe they are addicted to sugar or chocolate evidence similar responses and symptoms irrespective of wether they consumed a placebo versus sugar or chocolate.
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Psychological Factors and Vaccine Immunity in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic LeukemiaWeiss, David Michael January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Sekelskiftets molnkonst : En ekokritisk studie av Charlotte Wahlströms molnskildringarHändler, Frida January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines cloud depictions made by the Swedish artist Charlotte Wahlström (1849–1924) during the turn of the twentieth century. The purpose of the essay is to increase the knowledge of the works of a relatively unexplored female artist and discuss how an ecocritical perspective can bring new light to landscape painting during this period of time. The material consists of a selection of six landscape paintings with cloud motifs displayed at the exhibition Kvinnliga pionjärer – Visionära landskap at Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde in Stockholm. The analysis is based on formal aspects from Allan Ellenius’ scheme for image analysis combined with an ecocritical theoretical approach, which puts the cloud paintings in an Anthropocentric context. By painting, Wahlström positions herself to the clouds, which reflects the relation between human and nature. Wahlström’s cloud paintings tend to be seen as subjective mood paintings, on which human feelings are reflected, regardless of the stylistic depiction of the clouds. The result shows that an ecocritical focus enables an image analysis that puts the clouds and the nature in focus, free from human’s projection of her own feelings. Ecocriticism cannot, however, see beyond the fact that a painting is an artefact made by and regarded by humans, and in turn always subjective.
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Relationships between a Social-emotional Learning Program and Emotional Intelligence in Middle School StudentsBrown, Katherine M 11 May 2013 (has links)
This study examined the relationships between a social-emotional learning program and the 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence and whether the relationships were moderated by gender. The problem addressed in the study was the lack of research focused on the development of emotional intelligence at the middle school level. The participants included 28 middle school students from a southeastern state who engaged in a 36 hour social-emotional learning program facilitated by a public university. The BarOn EQ-i:YV was administered pre and post. Demographic data including age, gender, race, and school type were also gathered. Data were analyzed using a one-way repeated measure MANOVA in which gender served as an attribute variable. The independent variables for this study included the attribute variable of gender and the treatment variable (IMPACT program). The dependent variables were the 5 dimensions of the EQ-i:YV (intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptability, and general mood). The MANOVA found no interaction between the treatment and gender, but it did show a significant main effect for the treatment. Separate univariate tests showed significant relationships between the treatment and four of the five dimensions of emotional intelligence: interpersonal, stress management, adaptability, and general mood. Specifically, the findings revealed that the IMPACT program significantly increased participants’ emotional intelligence in these four areas. The MANOVA also showed a significant effect for gender. The univariate tests showed one significant gender difference relating to the interpersonal dimension; females scored significantly higher than did males on both the pre- and post-tests with a moderate effect size. While not significantly different, females also scored higher than did males in three other dimensions (intrapersonal, stress management, and general mood) on both the pre- and post-tests. As there is hardly any research that focuses on both the effectiveness of social-emotional learning programs with middle school students and the role of gender, further related research is recommended. Additionally, further research should examine the effectiveness of condensed versus traditional one year delivery models for social-emotional learning programs.
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Participation and Non-Participation in Relation to Psychological Mood, Substance Use and Personality Among Offenders on Parole. A Drop-Out Analysis and a Description of the Research Data in the Research Project Automated Phone Follow-Up in Correctional ServicesVasiljevic, Zoran January 2012 (has links)
Föreliggande arbete utgör en delstudie i projektet Automatiserad telefonuppföljning inom Kriminalvården. Projektets övergripande syfte var att undersöka tillämpbarheten av Interactive Voice Response (IVR) som en modern metod för utvärdering, övervakning och påverkan av intagna som blivit villkorligt frigivna från ett fängelsestraff. IVR är en metodik baserat på automatiserade telefonintervjuer som bl. a innebär att en dator har programmerats för att ringa upp, ställa frågor, registrera svar och ge feedback till klienterna. I tidigare publikation från projektet undersöktes med hjälp av automatiserade telefonuppföljningar (IVR) hur stress och mående samt användande av alkohol och droger utvecklas under de trettio första dagarna efter avslutad anstaltsvistelse (Andersson et al, 2011). Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i psykiskt mående, alkohol- och drogvanor samt personlighet mellan intagna som medverkade vid åtminstone en telefonuppföljning efter den villkorliga frigivningen respektive intagna som inte medverkade vid någon telefonuppföljning efter den villkorliga frigivningen. Ytterligare ett syfte med arbetet var att beskriva den totala undersökningsgruppen i projektet med avseende på psykiskt mående, alkohol- och drogvanor samt personlighet. Den enda signifikanta skillnaden mellan deltagarna och icke-deltagarna i telefonuppföljningarna återfanns för personlighetsdraget skuld. Individer som genomförde åtminstone en telefonuppföljning var något mer benägna att känna skuld- och skamkänslor än de som inte deltog vid någon telefonuppföljning efter den villkorliga frigivningen. Den beskrivande analysen av den totala undersökningsgruppen i projektet fann att klienterna utgjorde en problembelastad grupp intagna med avseende på psykiskt mående, alkohol-och drogmissbruk och personlighet; en hög andel av klienterna hade en möjlig missbruksdiagnos och depressions och/eller ångestrelaterade symptom samt skattade höga värden på personlighetsdragen socialisation, impulsivitet och monotoniundvikande. / This study is a part of the research project Automated Phone Follow-Up inCorrectional Services. The overall aim of the research project was to investigate if Interactive Voice Response can be used as tool to investigate, monitor and influence levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and use as well as urge of alcohol and drugs among paroled offenders. IVR is a technology based on automated phone interviews, which means that a computer has been programed to call up, ask questions, record answers and provide a feedback to the paroled offenders. Previous publication from the research project explored if it is possible to use automated phone interviews (IVR) to follow-up the development of stress, psychological mood, and use of alcohol and drugs in paroled offenders during the first 30 days following probation (Andersson et al, 2011). The main aim of this study was to investigate if there were any differences in psychological mood, substance use and personality between paroled offenders that participated in at least one automated phone follow-up and paroled offenders that did not participate in any automated phone follow-up. Another aim of this study was to describe the psychological mood, substance use and personality in the total sample group of paroled offenders. The only significant difference between participants and non-participants in the phone follow-up´s was found for the personality trait guilt. The paroled offenders that participated in the phone follow-up scored significant higher on guilt, a scale measuring feelings of guilt and shame after wrongdoing, cheating, of having bad thoughts. The results of the descriptive analysis showed high levels of substance misuse, depression and anxiety symptoms in the total sample group of paroled offenders. The paroled offenders also scored high on personality scales socialization, impulsivity and monotony avoidance compared to healthy subjects.
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復職支援におけるマインドフルネス・トレーニングの有効性について : 効果指標の作成および信頼性・妥当性の検討 / フクショク シエン ニオケル マインドフルネス・トレーニング ノ ユウコウセイ ニツイテ : コウカ シヒョウ ノ サクセイ オヨビ シンライセイ・ダトウセイ ノ ケントウ / 復職支援におけるマインドフルネストレーニングの有効性について : 効果指標の作成および信頼性妥当性の検討中川(井上) 裕美, 中川 裕美, 井上 裕美, Hiromi Nakagawa-Inoue 21 March 2015 (has links)
復職支援プログラムにおけるマインドフルネス・トレーニングの有効性を評価するための効果指標について検討した。まず、マインレスネス尺度の因子的および構成概念妥当性の検討を行い、「自己不承認」、「表現の抑制」、「不注意」の3因子構造であることを確認した。次に、マインドレスネス尺度は既存のマインドフルネス尺度よりも気分障害患者を対象に行うマインドフルネス・トレーニングの効果をより適切に反映するかを検討した。その結果、本調査のみではマインドレスネス尺度は既存の尺度よりも妥当性が高いと結論づけるに至らなかったため、さらなる検討が求められる。 / The purpose of this paper is to test the reliability and validity of the Mindlessness Scale. The first survey was conducted to examine the factorial and construct validity of the Mindlessness scale. Results suggested that the Mindlessness Scale consists of the three-factor structure: self-judgment, suppression of describing, and non-awareness. The second survey was conducted to test whether the Mindlessness scale obtain more sensitive measurements of therapeutic effects for patients having mood disorders by mindfulness trainings than the Mindfulness scales. Results suggested that the validity could not be determined for the Mindlessness Scale more than the Mindfulness scales, and that additional research is needed. / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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The Vulnerable Dark Triad and Empathy: Two Moderated-Mediation ModelsBond, Elizabeth A. 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Skogsbesökets påverkan på känslostämningen- en undersökning av Älvrummets naturreservat i Trollhättan / The forest visits impact on our emotions- a study of Älvrummets nature reserve in TrollhättanMarchiafava, Nathalie January 2022 (has links)
Kontakt med naturen har bevisats vara viktigt för människors välbefinnande, humör och känslostämning. Av den anledningen är skogen och naturen mycket viktig, speciellt i tätortsnära områden. I tidigare undersökningar har man kommit fram till skogen förändrar känslostämningen hos människor och att framför allt positiva känslor väcks. Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på vilka specifika känslor som väcks och vad som kan påverka dessa. Undersökningen genomfördes som en enkätundersökning på plats vid naturreservatet Älvrummet i Trollhättan. Resultatet har sedan sammanställts och analyserats med chi-2-test för att se ifall det fanns några signifikanta samband. Studiens resultat påvisar som många andra undersökningar att ett skogsbesök har en påverkan på känslostämningen. Resultatet visar också att det är framför allt positiva känslor som väcks. Till viss mån påverkade umgänge, aktivitet och besökta attraktioner några enstaka känslor, men i de flesta fall fanns inget samband mellan studerade faktorer och känslostämningen.
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Comparison of coping, quality of life and psychosocial well-being in children and adult patients with vitiligo before and after treatment with pseudocatalase PC-KUS. A questionnaire-based investigation into social anxiety, helplessness, anxious-depressive mood, quality of life and depression before and after treatment with pseudocatalase PC-KUS depending on demographic characteristics and experiences.Krüger, Christian January 2009 (has links)
Vitiligo is an idiopathic, non-contagious and often familial depigmentation disorder
affecting both sexes equally. The mostly progressive and patchy loss of the inherited
skin colour is not only a cosmetical problem, it has a profound impact on the patient¿s
well-being. Stigmatisation and rejection often causes depression, self-consciousness,
sexual problems and an impaired quality of life.
To further substantiate earlier investigations and to introduce new aspects, we utilised
the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and
the Adjustment to Chronic Skin Disorders Questionnaire (ACS) with its sub-scales on
Social anxiety / avoidance, Helplessness and Anxious-depressive Mood in 422 patients
and 55 healthy controls. We also included 103 children, their parents and 18 controls by
using the Children¿s Dermatology Life Quality Index (CDLQI) and an adapted version
of the ACS.
We found that patients with vitiligo experience high levels of stigmatisation. They have
an impaired quality of life and are more socially anxious / avoidant, helpless and
(anxious-) depressive compared to healthy controls. The results correlate with disease
severity, avoidant behaviour / hiding of vitiligo and the belief that psychological stress
influences the disease. Female patients are generally more affected. Treatment with
pseudocatalase PC-KUS improves quality of life and reduces anxious-depressive mood.
Children also suffer from stigmatisation and an impaired quality of life. Parents are
more socially anxious and helpless compared to the control group. / German Vitiligo Association (Deutscher Vitiligo Verein)
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Elucidation of signaling mediators between adipose and neural tissueAldoori, Ayat Dhia January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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