Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good"" "subject:"food""
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Emotions et personnalité : au cœur des décisions chez un poisson monogame / Importance of emotions and personality in decision-making in a monogamous fishLaubu, Chloé 19 December 2018 (has links)
Au cours de leur vie, les animaux doivent sans cesse prendre des décisions qui impactent leur survie et leur succès reproducteur. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier le rôle de deux sources de variabilité dans la prise de décision — la personnalité et l’état émotionnel — en contexte sexuel chez un poisson monogame, le cichlidé zébré. Nos travaux sur la personnalité ont mis en évidence son importance sur la compatibilité comportementale et le succès reproducteur des partenaires. De plus, les individus les plus réactifs se sont ajustés à leur partenaire et ont augmenté leur succès reproducteur. Ceci supporte l’hypothèse d’une plus grande flexibilité de ces individus qui compenseraient ainsi leur faible compétitivité. Les différents profils de personnalité peuvent ainsi être considérés comme des stratégies alternatives. Le maintien de la variabilité interindividuelle pourrait ainsi s’expliquer par le succès équivalent de ces stratégies. Les émotions sont, elles, une cause de variabilité intra-individuelle souvent négligée qui pourrait pourtant représenter une information interne utilisée par l’individu pour prendre ses décisions. En transposant le test cognitif du biais de jugement aux poissons, nous avons pu observer un lien étroit entre leur état émotionnel et la présence/absence du partenaire. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle des émotions dans les processus d’appariement et interrogent sur leur utilisation dans les prises de décision. Les individus se basent-ils sur leurs émotions pour choisir un partenaire ? Est-ce adaptatif ? À travers l’étude de ces sources de variabilité comportementale, nous avons observé que, loin d’être distribuée aléatoirement, la variabilité était liée à des stratégies décisionnelles et pouvait influencer le succès reproducteur des individus. Il serait donc crucial de la prendre en compte pour appréhender l’évolution des processus décisionnels. / During their lives animals constantly need to make decisions that influence their survival and their reproductive success. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the role of two variability sources in decision-making — personality and emotional states — in a sexual context in a monogamous fish, the convict cichlid. Our work about personality highlights its importance on pair compatibility and reproductive success. We also observe that reactive individuals adjusted their behaviour to their partner and thus increased their reproductive fitness. This result supports the hypothesis that reactive individuals are more flexible and thus compensate for their weak competitiveness.Personality traits are thus to be considered as co-existing alternative strategies. The maintenance of this inter-individual variability can be results from their equal success on the long run. Emotional states are source of intra-individual variability that has been largely underestimate. However they may represent an internal information used by individuals to make choice. We developed a protocol of cognitive judgment bias test in fish to evaluate their emotional states, and we observed a strong relationship with the presence/absence of the preferred partner. These results suggest that emotions is a key component of pair-bonding and then question how animals use them to make decision. Do they choose a partner based on their emotional states in an adaptive way? Through these different studies, we have shown that behavioural variability is not randomly distributed. On the contrary, it is linked to different strategies and it can influence reproductive success. It is thus crucial to take this parameter into account in order to understand the evolution of decision processes.
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Desaparecimento da flexão verbal como marca de tratamento no modo imperativo - um caso de variação e mudança no português brasileiro / Loss of verbal flexion mark as imperative in the way of treatment - a case of variation and change in Bbrazilian portugueseBraga, Henrique Santos 11 August 2008 (has links)
A partir de um corpus composto por textos dramáticos, produzidos na região sudeste brasileira entre 1850 e 1975, nossa pesquisa se destina a estudar o uso que os falantes fizeram, ao longo desse período, das formas do singular do modo imperativo. A motivação para esse estudo se deve ao fato de que, em certas variantes do português brasileiro nas quais se trata o interlocutor primordialmente pelo pronome você, é já constatado um processo de variação entre a forma imperativa oriunda do indicativo associada ao tratamento em segunda pessoa do singular e a forma oriunda do subjuntivo tida como terceira pessoa do singular. Dada essa sincronia, já analisada por alguns trabalhos, nosso intuito foi investigar usos de épocas anteriores, visando a identificar se, ao longo do tempo, além da variação é possível ainda observar um processo de mudança lingüística envolvendo essas formas verbais. Para tratar do fenômeno em questão, optamos pela Teoria Multissistêmica (cf. CASTILHO, 2006), uma abordagem funcionalista que assume a língua como um sistema complexo, no qual os subsistemas gramatical, lexical e semântico-pragmático, embora sejam correlacionados, não estabelecem relações determinísticas. Buscamos ainda sugestões metodológicas da sociolingüística variacionista para quantificar os dados em análise. / From a corpus comprised of dramatic texts produced in Brazils southeast region between 1850 and 1975, our research aims to study speakers usage of the imperative mood in the singular form. The motivation of this thesis is due to the fact that among certain variations of brazilian Portuguese language the interlocutor is treated mainly by the pronoun você. Moreover, a process of variation has already been noticed between the imperative form derived from the indicative mood associated with the treatment in the second-person singular and the form derived from the subjunctive mood considered as the third-person singular. Given this synchrony that has already been analyzed in other papers, our target was to investigate the usage in previous times aiming to identify if besides the variation it is still possible to observe a language changing process involving this verbal forms. To treat the phenomenon in question we have opted for the multisystemic theory (cf. CASTILHO, 2006), a functional linguistics approach that assumes language as a complex system in which the grammatical, lexical and semantic-pragmatical subsystems, in spite of being correlated, dont establish a deterministic relationship. We have still searched for methodological suggestions from the variacionist sociolinguistic to quantify the data being analyzed.
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Faits de langue, problèmes d’acquisition et intervention pédagogique : le cas des temps verbaux, du choix modal et de l’opposition ser/estar en espagnol / Linguistics, Foreign language acquisition and Applied linguistics : tenses, modal choice and copula verbs (ser and estar) in SpanishMacias Barres, David 07 December 2013 (has links)
Selon une démarche relevant autant de la linguistique formelle que de la linguistique appliquée, le présent travail vise à analyser trois « faits de langue » qui posent aux francophones des problèmes d’acquisition : 1) l’emploi des temps verbaux, 2) le choix modal et 3) l’opposition ser/estar. Nous utilisons l’appareil critique de la linguistique formelle afin d’analyser l’organisation des temps verbaux. Nous les considérons comme des déictiques et, pour leur analyse, proposons de ne pas détacher la notion d’espace de celle de temps. De plus, nous introduisons deux notions qui nous permettent d’expliquer les valeurs modales de ces déictiques : celle d’espace épistémique (siège du locuteur) et celle de centre déictique (espace depuis lequel le locuteur organise son discours). Par ailleurs, nous tentons de montrer l’influence que jouent les procédés de topicalisation (thème/rhème) sur le choix du temps et du mode verbal. Quant à l’opposition ser/estar plus spécifiquement, nous nous intéressons aux nuances aspectuelles véhiculées par ces verbes, à savoir dynamique vs statif. Ce travail de systématisation est complété par une démarche propre à la linguistique appliquée et notamment à la recherche en acquisition (RALE) et en didactique (DLE). Une étude transversale en RALE nous permet de décrire l’IL d’un groupe échantillon d’étudiants universitaires francophones de niveau B2. Nous avons également mené trois études de cas en DLE avec des étudiants universitaires de première et deuxième années de licence d’espagnol. Ces études en RALE et DLE permettent de cerner les règles qui régissent les trois faits de langue étudiés, tant en espagnol qu’en français. / Under a multidisciplinary approach that combines linguistics, foreign language acquisition and applied linguistics, this dissertation aims to analyze three features of the Spanish language that French-speaking learners find hard to master and use effectively 1) past tenses, 2) modal choice and 3) ser vs estar. We consider tenses as deictics and, therefore, we propose not to separate them from the notions of time and space. Moreover, the existence of an epistemic space (the speaker’s situation) and a deictic centre (the space from which the speaker organizes his utterance) will enable us to explain the modal values of the tenses. Furthermore, we intend to demonstrate that the organization topic-comment influences the choice of the tense and the mood in a sentence. As for the difference between ser and estar, we focus on the aspectual nuances (dynamic versus static) that each verb carries. Our conclusions in linguistics are completed by case studies: one case study in foreign language acquisition and three case studies in applied linguistics. Through a cross-sectional study in language acquisition, we have been able to describe the interlanguage of a sample group whose subjects were French monolingual college students. We also carried three study cases in order to determine how our teaching, which was inspired by the analysis of these features, helped first and second year French college students perform better. The case studies in foreign language acquisition and applied linguistics have helped us to identify the rules that govern these features of the Spanish language.
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L’adhésion pharmacologique et les difficultés cognitivesDubreucq, Simon 12 1900 (has links)
L’adhésion au traitement réfère à la mesure selon laquelle un patient respecte la
posologie et la fréquence des prises médicamenteuses telles que prescrites par le médecin pour la durée recommandée. En dépit de nombreux traitements efficaces, la problématique de la non-adhésion demeure omniprésente en médecine, notamment dans les populations psychiatriques. Les patients aux prises avec un trouble de l’humeur ou un TDAH peuvent présenter des déficits cognitifs. Un projet de recherche mené auprès de 52 patients est présenté. Les résultats montrent une association entre les difficultés cognitives telles que perçues par les patients et l’adhésion. Des sous-domaines cognitifs comme la capacité d’inhibition, la flexibilité, la mémoire de travail, la planification et l’organisation de même que la capacité d’initier une action sont particulièrement impliqués. La capacité d’initier une tâche est corrélée avec l’adhésion et tend à la prédire. L’utilisation en clinique de méthodes d’évaluation simples et rapides de la cognition et de l’adhésion permettrait d’identifier ces difficultés. Des interventions visant à améliorer l’adhésion pourraient ainsi être offertes de façon plus ciblée. L’adaptation des interventions au profil de chaque individu est une avenue à explorer davantage pour tenter d’améliorer l’efficacité limitée de celles-ci jusqu’à maintenant. / Adherence refers to the extent to which a patient respects the dosage and frequency of
medication taken as prescribed for the recommended time. Despite the availability of many effective treatments, the problem of non-adherence is ubiquitous in medicine and in the psychiatric population. Patients with mood disorder or ADHD often have cognitive deficits. A research project conducted with 52 patients is presented. Results show that cognitive difficulties as perceived by patients reduce adherence. Areas such as inhibition, shift, working memory, planning and organization and the ability to initiate an action are particularly important. Ability to initiate tasks shows a trend to predict poorer adherence and correlates with adherence. Quick and simple tools permitting the assessment of cognition and adherence in clinical practice could help identify these problems. Targeted adherence enhancing interventions could then be offered to patients with such difficulties. Choosing interventions adapted to the individual on the basis of the specific profile of adherence influencing factors is an avenue which requires further exploration.
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Construções imperativas no português brasileiro: uma abordagem funcionalista-cognitivista / Imperative constructions in Brazilian Portuguese: a functionalist-cognitive approachHenrique Santos Braga 06 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe uma análise funcionalista-cognitivista sobre construções imperativas do Português Brasileiro (PB). Ao contrário do que ocorre na tradição gramatical, não nos limitamos a analisar um grupo pré-definido de formas verbais, optando então por tratar de um conjunto mais amplo de atos de fala diretivos. Para tanto, amparamos nossa investigação em dados concretos extraídos de obras cinematográficas , o que explica em parte o caráter funcionalista do trabalho, uma vez que abordamos a língua como um instrumento de interação social (cf. TRASK, 2004). Já o aspecto cognitivista subjaz nossa principal hipótese, segundo a qual a imperatividade se constrói como um evento metaforicamente estruturado (cf. LAKOFF, 1992), cujas bases principais são as categorias cognitivas FORÇA e MOVIMENTO. Procuramos então contribuir com os estudos do PB defendendo que as construções imperativas são um conjunto variado de artefatos simbólicos por meio dos quais um enunciador-antagonista pode aplicar determinada força sobre um enunciatário-agonista cf. TALMY (2000) , pelo que postulamos que IMPERATIVIDADE É FORÇA. / This paper proposes a cognitive-functionalist analysis about imperative constructions in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Different from what happens in grammatical tradition, we do not just look at a pre-defined group of verb forms, opting for dealing with a broader set of directive speech acts. To do so, we hold our study on evidence extracted from cinematographic , which partly explains the functionalist character of the work, as we approach the language as a social interaction tool (cf. TRASK, 2004). However, the cognitive aspect underlies our main hypothesis, according to which the imperative is constructed as a metaphorically structured event, whose main bases are the cognitive categories FORCE and MOVEMENT. Then we seek to contribute with the BPs researches securing that the imperative constructions are an assorted ensemble of symbolic artifacts, through which an antagonist-enunciator can apply certain force on an enunciatee-agonist cf. TALMY (2000), therefore we postulate that IMPERATIVE IS FORCE.
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Estudo do efeito da n-acetilcisteína sobre a toxicidade induzida pelo lítio / Study of the effect of n-acetylcystsinine on toxicity induced by lithiumPenteado, Ana Julia 07 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2017-08-30T14:53:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Lithium carbonate is the main drug used to treat bipolar disorder. This medicine has a narrow therapeutic range and is usually used in a chronic way by the patients, generating the need for therapeutic monitoring by means of plasma lithium quantification. In addition, records of toxic effects from chronic medical use reinforce the need for a tool that assists in the treatment. Thus, a reliable methodology for the quantification of lithium and a therapeutic adjuvant emerge as a means to improve the quality of life of the patient. In our work, we used the flame atomic absorption spectrometer to validate the method for quantification of lithium and the results were satisfactory, because they complied with the required criteria, assuring the reliability of the method. In order to find a therapeutic adjuvant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) was studied for presenting important characteristics against the toxic effects caused by lithium. In our results lithium presented toxic effects mainly inducing oxidative stress, while the coadministration of NAC reversed this effect in the liver, kidney and brain organs. The use of NAC as a therapeutic adjuvant has been shown to be promising, however, further studies need to be performed to better understand this relationship. / O carbonato de lítio é o principal medicamento utilizado no tratamento do transtorno bipolar. Este medicamento possuí estreita faixa terapêutica e geralmente é utilizado de forma crônica pelos pacientes, gerando a necessidade da monitorização terapêutica por meio da quantificação plasmática de lítio. Além disso, os registros de efeitos tóxicos decorrentes do uso medicinal crônico remetem a necessidade de uma ferramenta que auxilie no tratamento. Desta forma, uma metodologia confiável para a quantificação de lítio e um adjuvante terapêutico surgem como meios de melhorar a qualidade de vida do paciente. Em nosso trabalho, utilizamos o espectrômetro de absorção atômica de chama para validar um método para quantificação de lítio e os resultados foram satisfatórios, pois cumpriram os critérios exigidos, assegurando a confiabilidade do método. Com foco em buscar um adjuvante terapêutico, a N-acetilcisteína (NAC) foi estudada por apresentar características importantes contra os efeitos tóxicos causados pelo lítio. Em nossos resultados o lítio apresentou efeitos tóxicos principalmente induzindo o estresse oxidativo, enquanto que a coadministração de NAC reverteu esse efeito nos órgãos fígado, rim e cérebro. O uso da NAC como adjuvante terapêutico mostrou ser promissor, porém, mais estudos precisam ser realizados para entender melhor essa relação.
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Estudo do hipocampo de portadores de transtorno afetivo bipolar após o primeiro episódio de mania através do uso da espectroscopia por ressonância magnética de próton (1H-ERM) / Study of the hippocampus of bipolar disorder patients after the first episode of mania using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS)Alexandre Duarte Gigante 14 October 2013 (has links)
A investigação da fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar em pacientes no início da doença é uma estratégia para evitar um potencial efeito de confusão associado à duração da doença, presença de múltiplos episódios de alteração do humor e tratamento medicamentoso. Nosso objetivo foi investigar, in vivo, metabólitos neuronais do hipocampo de portadores de transtorno afetivo bipolar (TAB) usando a espectroscopia por ressonância magnética de próton (1H-ERM) logo após o seu primeiro episódio de mania. Para isso, foram estudados cinqüenta e oito pacientes com TAB tipo I, classificados de acordo com os critérios do DSM-IV (APA, 2000), após o primeiro episódio de mania e 27 indivíduos saudáveis utilizando a 1H-ERM com um aparelho Philips Achieva de 3T. Voxels com 30X15X15 mm foram posicionados no hipocampo em ambos os lados do cérebro e o sinal foi adquirido utilizando uma sequência PRESS com TE = 35ms e TR = 2000ms. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando o programa LC Model. Os níveis de N-acetil-aspartato, compostos de colina, mio-inositol, creatina e glutamina + glutamato (Glx) foram comparados entre os grupos e não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre eles. Esses achados sugerem que no início do curso do TAB não há alterações no metabolismo neuronal ou vulnerabilidade no hipocampo após o primeiro episódio maníaco / The investigation of the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder in patients at disease onset is a strategy to avoid a potential confounding effect associated with disease duration, presence of multiples mood episodes and pharmacological treatment. Our purpose was to investigate, in vivo, neuronal metabolites in the hippocampus of bipolar disorder (BD) patients using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) soon after their first manic episode. We studied fifty-eight BD I patients meeting DSM-IV (APA, 2000) criteria following their first episode of mania and 27 healthy subjects using 1H-MRS with a 3.0 T Philips Achieva scanner. Voxels with 30X15X15 mm were placed in the hippocampus on both sides of the brain and the signal was collected using a PRESS sequence with TE = 35ms and TR = 2000ms. Data analysis was performed using the LC Model software. N- Acetyl-Aspartate, choline compounds, myo-inositol, creatine and glutamine + glutamate (Glx) levels were compared between the groups and no statistically significant differences were found. These results suggest that early in the course of BD there are no alterations in neuronal metabolism or vulnerability in the hippocampus after the first manic episode
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Mental Health Referral in Primary Care: Influence of a Screening Instrument and a Brief Educational InterventionMiesner, Michael T 01 August 2014 (has links)
Although less than half of all patients with mental disorders seek mental health treatment per se, approximately 80% of all people will visit their primary care physician (PCPs) within a year (Strosahl, 1998). However, it is not well understood how to best handle patients presenting with mental health issues in primary care practices. The purpose of this project was to implement an intervention involving a screening measure for anxiety and mood disorders in a primary care setting to increase the volume of anxiety and mood disorder screening, to increase the accuracy of disorder detection, and to also enhance PCPs patterns of referral to mental health professionals (MHPs). Though starting with a quantitative design, difficulties encountered throughout the project eventually led to a largely qualitative analysis, which did yield useful information.
A pilot project demonstrated anxiety and mood disorders were commonly noted in patients’ medical charts (46%), but also found referrals were rarely made for mental health services (7%), despite colocation of a licensed psychologist and licensed clinical social worker within the practice. This indicated that services available to provide comprehensive integrated total health care may not be have been used to their full potential.
In the main project, 59 participants from a family medicine clinic and 20 PCPs from that clinic participated. The My Mood Monitor (M3) was administered to the patients and became part of their Electronic Medical Records (EMR). The M3 screens for anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorders within primary care settings. In 2 separate noon conferences, PCPs were trained on diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorders and mood disorders, interpretation of M3 results, and the internal Mental Health Professional referral process.
The project was hampered by a full-scale switch from paper-based medical records to an EMR and accompanying lack of user experience with EMR functions, lack of efficient transfer of M3 results into the EMR, and an unforeseen switch of psychologists mid-way through the study. However, results were obtained that showed relatively low levels of PCP review of M3 results, potentially high rates of anxiety disorders and mood disorders within the setting, relatively high levels of PCP knowledge of diagnostic criteria for anxiety and mood disorders, and that patients may not prefer a ‘warm handoff’ model of mental health referral. These findings are couched within a number of important caveats, but future directions for research were clearly implied.
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Temps et aspect en anglais et en arabe / Tense and aspect in English and ArabicDerraz, Naoual 14 May 2011 (has links)
Nous avons argumenté, dans cette thèse, en faveur de l’idée selon laquelle l’anglais et l’arabe, deux langues très différentes, possèdent, l’une et l’autre, un système temporel et aspectuel. Ce point de vue a nécessité l’étude d’autres aspects des deux langues. C’est pour cela que nous ne nous sommes pas limitée à étudier uniquement les deux formes perfective (FP) et imperfective (FI) en arabe et les formes équivalentes en anglais. Nous avons également traité, pour les deux langues, la forme participiale, le système négatif, les adverbes temporels, le mode, et la modalité. Nous avons conclu que le temps et l’Aktionsart restent invariables d’une langue à l’autre et que seul l’aspect grammatical varie selon les langues. De fait, l’aspect morphologique détermine le temps en arabe. Nous avons essayé d’expliquer pourquoi Neg sélectionne FI et proposé que FI apparaît en bas de la structure et qu'elle est bloquée par Neg. FI est marquée pour [+Asp], contrairement à FP qui est [+ T]. Nous avons suggéré, finalement, que l’imperfectif en arabe fonctionne comme un infinitif, marqué pour les traits [-T] et [+Agr]. / Although English and Arabic are typologically two very different languages, we have argued in this thesis that both possess a temporal and an aspectual system. This view required the study of other aspects of these two languages. That's why we have not limited our study to only perfective (PF) and imperfective (IF) forms in Arabic and their equivalent in English. We also studied the participial form, the negative system, temporal adverbs, mood and modality. We concluded that tense and Aktionsart remain unchanged from one language to another and only the grammatical aspect varies according to the different languages. In fact, morphological aspect determines tense in Arabic. We tried to explain why Neg selects IF and proposed that IF appears at the bottom of the structure and it is blocked by Neg. IF is [+Asp], contrary to PF which is marked for [+T]. We suggested, finally, that the imperfective in Arabic functions like an infinitive with the ! features [-T] and [+Agr].
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Exercise, self-perceptions and mood during pregnancyPetersson, Khaliah January 2008 (has links)
The general purpose of this research was to investigate physical activity levels as a correlate of selected aspects of psychological health among pregnant women. Specifically, the aims of the study were (1) to provide a cross-sectional description of changes in physical self-concept, mood, and perceived stress during pregnancy; (2) to evaluate physical activity patterns of pregnant women over time during pregnancy; and (3) to determine if there is a difference between physical activity and physical self-concept, mood, perceived stress and/or burnout symptoms during pregnancy. Participants were pregnant women from various antenatal clinics at King Edward Memorial Hospital. The women completed a questionnaire package containing questions on physical activity levels and measures of physical self-concept, social physique anxiety, perceived stress, mood and burnout symptoms. A series of ANOVAs was used to provide a descriptive profile of how these psychological variables change during the course of pregnancy. Significant time-related differences were found for the perceived health subscale of the PSDQ and the tension subscale for the BRUMS. Findings also suggested a significant association between physical activity, and physical self-perceptions, most importantly self-esteem. Higher levels of physical activity were also found to be closely related to positive mood states, lower levels of perceived stress and fewer burnout symptoms. No significant association was found between physical activity and social physique anxiety.
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