Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good"" "subject:"food""
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The Voice Source in Speech Communication - Production and Perception Experiments Involving Inverse Filtering and SynthesisGobl, Christer January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores, through a number of production andperception studies, the nature of the voice source signal andhow it varies in spoken communication. Research is alsopresented that deals with the techniques and methodologies foranalysing and synthesising the voice source. The main analytictechnique involves interactive inverse filtering for obtainingthe source signal, which is then parameterised to permit thequantification of source characteristics. The parameterisationis carried by means of model matching, using the four-parameterLF model of differentiated glottal flow.</p><p>The first three analytic studies focus on segmental andsuprasegmental determinants of source variation. As part of theprosodic variation of utterances, focal stress shows for theglottal excitation an enhancement between the stressed voweland the surrounding consonants. At a segmental level, the voicesource characteristics of a vowel show potentially majordifferences as a function of the voiced/voiceless nature of anadjacent stop. Cross-language differences in the extent anddirectionality of the observed effects suggest differentunderlying control strategies in terms of the timing of thelaryngeal and supralaryngeal gestures, as well as in thelaryngeal tensions settings. Different classes of voicedconsonants also show differences in source characteristics:here the differences are likely to be passive consequences ofthe aerodynamic conditions that are inherent to the consonants.Two further analytic studies present voice source correlatesfor six different voice qualities as defined by Laver'sclassification system. Data from stressed and unstressedcontexts clearly show that the transformation from one voicequality to another does not simply involve global changes ofthe source parameters. As well as providing insights into theseaspects of speech production, the analytic studies providequantitative measures useful in technology applications,particularly in speech synthesis.</p><p>The perceptual experiments use the LF source implementationin the KLSYN88 synthesiser to test some of the analytic resultsand to harness them to explore the paralinguistic dimension ofspeech communication. A study of the perceptual salience ofdifferent parameters associated with breathy voice indicatesthat the source spectral slope is critically important andthat, surprisingly, aspiration noise contributes relativelylittle. Further perceptual tests using stimuli with differentvoice qualities explore the mapping between voice quality andits paralinguistic function of expressing emotion, mood andattitude. The results of these studies highlight the crucialrole of voice quality in expressing affect as well as providingpointers to how it combines with<i>f</i><sub>0</sub>for this purpose.</p><p>The last section of the thesis focuses on the techniquesused for the analysis and synthesis of the source. Asemi-automatic method for inverse filtering is presented, whichis novel in that it optimises the inverse filter by exploitingthe knowledge that is typically used by the experimenter whencarrying out manual interactive inverse filtering. A furtherstudy looks at the properties of the modified LF model in theKLSYN88 synthesiser: it highlights how it differs from thestandard LF model and discusses the implications forsynthesising the glottal source signal from LF model data.Effective and robust source parameterisation for the analysisof voice quality is the topic of the final paper: theeffectiveness of global, amplitude-based, source parameters isexamined across speech tokens with large differences in<i>f</i><sub>0</sub>. Additional amplitude-based parameters areproposed to enable a more detailed characterisation of theglottal pulse.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Voice source dynamics, glottal sourceparameters, source-filter interaction, voice quality,phonation, perception, affect, emotion, mood, attitude,paralinguistic, inverse filtering, knowledge-based, formantsynthesis, LF model, fundamental frequency,<i>f</i><sub>0</sub>.</p>
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Body image perceptions, stress and associated psychopathologies in a non-clinical sampleNoutch, Samantha Louise January 2010 (has links)
The aims of the studies were to assess body image perceptions, the role of stress and other possible associated psychopathologies within a non-clinical sample. The prevalence of body image concern is increasing and is widely considered as secondary to evolving socio-cultural trends. Negative self-perceptions about body image can be manifest as measurable indicators of physiological stress, or even psychopathology. This thesis describes two quantitative studies into the role and relevance of various causative factors in the development of negative body image in cohorts of volunteers drawn from the general population of the University of Bradford in West Yorkshire, UK. In Study One, subjects (n=360) completed a self-directed questionnaire that psychometrically measured satisfaction/dissatisfaction with personal appearance, queried which external sources influenced those opinions, and correlated these with demographic information. In particular, we sought to examine how a subject's opinion about their personal appearance varied with age, gender, ethnicity, mental health, relationship status, sexual orientation and Body Mass Index (BMI). Subjective views regarding personal appearance were determined by answers given to specific body image questions that revealed a subject's day-to-day appearance concerns, all preoccupations, and the extent to which these concerns resulted in distress, all social impairment. Overall, the results demonstrated that BMI values were positively correlated with personal appearance concerns. High BMI values correlated with greater dissatisfaction with personal appearance. Self ratings of appearance values were negatively correlated with BMI scores. Subjects who gave themselves high appearance ratings were relatively unaffected by media influence with regard to their image, compared to subjects rating themselves less attractive. These latter subjects also showed higher peer pressure scores in terms of both the amount of time they compared themselves to peers, and the degree to which peer comparisons affected their self-appearance ratings. Based on responses to the body image questions specifically, the entire cohort of subjects were categorised into principal clusters: those largely unaffected by any body image concerns; and those profoundly distressed by their self assessed body image. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of these findings is that the scores for this latter (n=17) group of subjects on the body image questions revealed a degree of personal distress this is almost identical to the scores expected from those people diagnosed with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Collectively, these results suggest that high BMI values in subjects negatively impact on self-appearance ratings, render subjects more prone to media messages that portray body image ideals, and elicit frequent comparisons with peers to validate self-image concerns. Furthermore, severely affected subjects with high BMI scores may show similar psychopathology to that of BDD sufferers. In Study Two, a small cohort of subjects (n=60) were given questionnaires and were interviewed to further investigate self-appearance ratings and mood/depressive traits. The body image questions used in Study One to assess image concerns and the magnitude of distress were repeated in Study Two. Mood and depressive state were measured using the validated Beck's Depression Inventory (BDI). In parallel, subjects completed the Derriford Appearance Scale 59 (DAS 59), which is a valid psychometric indication of an individual's perception of their appearance as 'normal' or 'disfigured', and used as a tool by plastic surgeons to inform decisions regarding the necessity for surgery to correct an individual's appearance. Physiological markers were recorded before and after exposure of subjects to a physical and a psychological stressor: these were saliva concentrations of cortisol and sIgA (an immune marker), blood glucose and blood pressure. The results of Study Two revealed no changes in scores for any of the physiological measures following stressors. BDI scores for most subjects fell within normal ranges, although females scored higher than males, but not at a pathological level. Those subjects with a history of mental illness or those who reported feeling a high degree of stress on a daily basis, or those who expressed greater self-appearance concerns, all had significantly elevated BDI values. Perhaps the most intriguing finding from Study Two, as in Study One, was that subjects again tended to fall within specific categories for body image concerns: those unaffected or minimally affected by body image concerns, and those (n=6) greatly and deleteriously affected by body image concerns. This subsection of subjects also scored very high on the DAS 59 for disfigurement. On the basis of these findings it would seem that body image concerns may be severe enough for some individuals for them to perceive themselves as actually being disfigured, or that the DAS 59 (a widely used assessment tool in plastic surgery), may not be entirely appropriate for assessment of an individual's need for surgery because it cannot distinguish between those genuinely disfigured and those merely expressing severe body image concerns.
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Nusiskundimai miegu, jų sąsajos su išemine širdies liga, arterine hipertenzija, depresine nuotaika ir su sveikata susijusia gyvenimo kokybe / Sleep complaints and their relations to coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, depressive mood and health - related quality of lifeAndruškienė, Jurgita 25 January 2006 (has links)
Insomnia became an object of concern in Aristotelian times, when he wrote a monograph on sleep disorders (350 BC). Although community of science and medicine has been interested in sleep disorders for almost 2000 years, however, there are not much information about the prevalence of insomnia, especially among citizens of developing countries. Epidemiological information about prevalence of insomnia and sleep complaints varies in different countries [Roth et.al., 1996], because of diversity of methodology for data collection. According to data of research carried out in the United States of America, Europe and Australia, 10–49% of population are not satisfied with their sleep quality. [Walsh, Ustun, 1999]. According to data of lifestyle research in Lithuania (1996), insomnia was a problem for 22.5% of male (from 20 to 64 years old) and 29.3% of female [Grabauskas, Klumbienė, 1998]. Sleep complaints among Lithuanian citizens have not been researched up to now, although, as foreign scientists maintain, sleep disorder can accelerate development of many somatic as well as mental diseases, besides, after a few sleepless nights, follows irritability, decrease of efficiency, it is difficult to concentrate, considerably increases risk of traffic accidents or accidents at work [Balter, Uhlenhuth, 1992]. Supposedly, there is a connection among heart and vascular diseases, sleep disorders and depression [Mahowald et.al., 1989]. Research that was carried out abroad proved... [to full text]
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Išemine širdies liga sergančiųjų nerimastingumo ir pablogėjusios nuotaikos kitimai gydantis stacionare / Alteration of anxiety and worsening mood in ischemic heart disease patients treated in hospitalSabienė, Ingrida 15 January 2009 (has links)
Širdies ir kraujagyslių ligos, tame tarpe ir išeminės širdies ligos, laikomos pagrindine naujojo amžiaus sveikatos problema - tai ligos, kurių daugėja vykstant progresui ir kylant pragyvenimo lygiui. Darbe buvo nagrinėti vieni iš svarbiausių psichologinių IŠL rizikos veiksnių: nerimastingumas, pablogėjusi nuotaika ir tipo A elgsena, taip pat IŠL sergančiųjų sveikatai palankus elgesys, išskirtinį dėmesį skiriant IŠL sergančiųjų nerimastingumui ir pablogėjusiai nuotaikai bei jų kitimams stacionarinio gydymo metu.
Šio Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti išemine širdies liga sergančiųjų nerimastingumo ir pablogėjusios nuotaikos kitimus gydantis stacionare. Tyrime dalyvavo 178 28 – 74 metų (53,52 ± 9,03) respondentai. Iš jų 107 29 – 74 metų (53,91 ± 9,14) asmenys, sergantys IŠL ir 71 28 – 73 metų (52,94 ± 8,89) nesergantys IŠL (lyginamoji grupė).
Pablogėjusiai nuotaikai ir nerimastingumui nustatyti naudota A.S. Zigmondo ir R.P.Snaitho ligoninės nerimo ir depresijos skalė (HAD – angl. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Elgsenos aktyvumui (A tipui) nustatyti naudotas sutrumpintas D. Dženkinso klausimyno (Jenkins Activity Survey – JAS) variantas, kurį sudarė trylika klausimų bei Framinghamo 10 klausimų skalė tipo A elgsenai nustatyti.
Besigydančių stacionare IŠL sergančių pacientų nerimastingumas ir pablogėjusi nuotaika sumažėja stacionarinio gydymo pabaigoje. Tačiau nerimastingumas sumažėjo vyrų, sergančių IŠL, grupėje, o pablogėjusi nuotaika sumažėjo moterų, sergančių IŠL, grupėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Heart and blood vessels diseases including ischemic heart diseases are considered a major issue of health care in the modern age as these are the diseases which are growing in numbers in the times of progress and increasing level of subsistence. The thesis explores some major psychological ischemic heart disease risk factors: anxiety, worsening mood and type A behaviour as well as health-favouring behaviour of ischemic heart disease patients, essentially concentrating upon ischemic heart disease patients’ anxiety and worsening mood and its alterations in the process of hospital treatment.
The aim of this analysis is to explore alterations of ischemic heart disease patients’ anxiety and worsening mood at the time of hospital treatment. The analysis covered 178 individuals aged 28 to 74 (53.52±9.03) including 107 ischemic heart disease patients aged 29 to 74 (53.91±9.14) and 71 members of the control group aged 28 to 73 (52.94±8.89) who are not ischemic heart disease patients.
In order to assess worsening mood and anxiety, A.S. Zigmond and R.P. Snaith’s Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale was employed. The assessment of the activeness of behaviour was performed by the brief variant of Jenkins Activity Survey containing thirteen questions and 10 questions scale by Framingham for the identification of type A behaviour.
Anxiety and worsening mood of ischemic heart disease patients treated in hospital improve in the final stages of hospital treatment. However, anxiety decreased... [to full text]
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Jaunų vairuotojų alkoholio vartojimo, pablogėjusios nuotaikos, patiriamos įtampos ir polinkio rizikingai vairuoti sąsajos / Young drivers alcohol use, bad mood, sustained tension and risky driving correlationsGurskytė, Radvilė 08 June 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti jaunų vairuotojų alkoholio vartojimo, patiriamos įtampos, pablogėjusios nuotaikos ir polinkio rizikingai vairuoti sąsajas.
Tyrime dalyvavo 202 Lietuvoje gyvenantys jauni vairuotojai nuo 18 iki 29 metų amžiaus (82 vyrai ir 120 moterų). Tiriamieji pildė vairuotojų elgesio klausimyną (DBQ) polinkiui į rizikingą vairavimą nustatyti, pablogėjusi nuotaika buvo matuojama Zungo depresijos skale (SDS), o patiriama įtampa - subjektyviai suvokto streso skale (PSS), taip pat pateikti socialiniai - demografiniai klausimai.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad polinkis rizikingai vairuoti siejamas su jaunų vairuotojų lyties skirtumais. Vyrai atlieka daugiau tyčinių vairavimo pažeidimų nei moterys, o moterys atlieka daugiau klaidų vairuodamos, tačiau lyties skirtumai nedaro įtakos patekimų į autoavarijas dažnumui. Kuo dažniau jauni vairuotojai vartoja alkoholį, tuo daugiau jie atlieka tyčinių vairavimo pažeidimų ir tuo dažniau patenka į autoavarijas, tačiau jie nedaro daugiau klaidų vairuodami. Jauni vairuotojai, kurie pasižymi didesne pablogėjusia nuotaika, daro daugiau klaidų vairuodami. Tuo tarpu jauni vairuotojai, pasižymintis pablogėjusia nuotaika, atlieka panašų kiekį tyčinių vairavimo pažeidimų bei autoavarijų kaip ir tie, kurių nuotaika yra geresnė. Taip pat nustatyta, kad kuo didesnė jaunų vairuotojų patiriama įtampa, tuo jie daro daugiau klaidų vairuodami. Tuo tarpu didesnė patiriama įtampa nepaveikia jaunų vairuotojų atlikti daugiau tyčinių vairavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research has been targeted to define the correlations between young drivers alcohol use, bad mood, sustained tension and risky driving.
The research involved 202 young Lithuanian drivers from 18 till 29 years (82 men, 120 women). Participants had to fill in a questionnaire made up of Drivers Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) to evaluate risky driving, Zung Self-rating depression scale (SDS) to evaluate bad mood, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to evaluate sustained tension and social-demographics questions.
The research results showed existing association between risky driving and gender. Men more often than women make driving violations purposely. Driving mistakes are more common for women than for men. Crash involvement has not been associated with gender. The increase of young drivers alcohol use also increases the results of driving violations and involvement in crashes. However, increased alcohol use is not associated with bigger amount of driving mistakes. The greater degree of young drivers bad mood result, more driving mistakes are made. Whereas, greater degree of bad mood does not affect higher scores in driving violations and crash involvement. The greater degree of young drivers sustained tension result, more driving mistakes are made. Whereas, greater degree of sustained tension does not affect higher scores in driving violations and crash involvement. And finally, alcohol use and sustained tension have significant influence on young drivers risky driving, whereas... [to full text]
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Effet de l'histoire lumineuse sur la sensibilité rétinienne et circadienne à la lumièreBeaulieu, Catherine 05 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce projet de recherche était de vérifier la présence de changements de sensibilité de la rétine et du système circadien suite à deux semaines d'exposition à un milieu faiblement ou fortement éclairé, dans des conditions contrôlées en laboratoire. De plus, comme un changement de sensibilité peut modifier l'ajustement du système circadien au cycle jour-nuit extérieur, nous voulions également vérifier si la phase circadienne serait modifiée par le traitement et si la vigilance et l’humeur seraient affectées.
Dix sujets ont été exposés à de la lumière tamisée (70 lux [LT]) et 10 ont été exposés à de la lumière vive (3000 lux [LV]) pendant 12 jours consécutifs en laboratoire de 8h45 à 19h00 tous les jours. L’exposition à la lumière a été mesurée 5 jours avant l’entrée au laboratoire dans l’habitat naturel du sujet et pendant la période en laboratoire à l’aide de l’Actiwatch-L®. La sensibilité rétinienne a été mesurée avant et après le traitement lumineux, par un électrorétinogramme (ERG) et la sensibilité circadienne, par le test de suppression de mélatonine salivaire. Tout au long du protocole, la vigilance, la somnolence et l'humeur ont été évaluées à plusieurs moments de la journée à intervalles prédéterminés.
Après 12 jours d’exposition en lumière contrôlée, l’amplitude de l’onde-a au Vmax à l’ERG photopique a diminué en LV alors qu’elle a augmenté en LT. À l’ERG scotopique, une différence de sensibilité rétinienne (log K) entre les groupes avant le traitement expérimental s’est amenuisée à la fin du traitement (p=.053). La suppression de mélatonine après 90 minutes d’exposition au test de suppression a diminué en LV alors qu’il n’y a pas eu de modification en LT, cependant cette interaction n’était pas significative (p=.16). La phase circadienne des sujets exposés à LV a été devancée de 58 minutes (p=.04) alors qu’elle a été retardée de 26 minutes en LT (p=.32). Les mesures de vigilance subjective (EVA) ont indiqué que les sujets LV se considéraient plus éveillés que les sujets LT après le traitement (p=.02). Par contre, aucune différence n’est apparue quant aux mesures de performance psychomotrice ni de l’humeur.
L’histoire lumineuse n’a pas modifié la sensibilité rétinienne dans le sens prévu par les hypothèses alors qu’il y a eu une tendance vers une augmentation de la sensibilité circadienne en condition de lumière tamisée. L’amélioration de la vigilance subjective après l’exposition en LV n’a pas été soutenue par les résultats de la performance psychomotrice. L’histoire lumineuse n’a eu aucun effet sur l’humeur des sujets. Cette étude souligne l’importance d’utiliser des mesures permettant de départager les effets immédiats d’un traitement lumineux des effets à long terme autant sur le plan rétinien que circadien. Il reste également complexe d’étudier en laboratoire des changements adaptatifs qui se produisent dans le milieu naturel en raison du confinement et des modifications physiologiques et psychologiques pouvant y être associées. / The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of two weeks exposure in a dim or bright light environment on retinal and circadian sensitivity to light in a controlled laboratory setting. Given that a change in sensitivity to light could modify the circadian adjustment to the external light-dark cycle, it was expected that the circadian phase would be modified with the light treatment and have an effect on alertness and mood.
Ten participants were exposed to a dim light (DL) environment (70 lux) and 10 participants to a bright light (BL) environment (3000 lux) 10 hours per day for 12 consecutive days. Light exposure was measured 5 days prior to the onset of the experiment in the subject’s natural environment and during the entire laboratory experiment with an Actiwatch-L®. Retinal function was assessed with the electroretinogram (ERG). Circadian light sensitivity was evaluated with a salivary melatonin suppression test. Retinal and circadian sensitivity measures were taken before and after the experimental condition. Alertness, sleepiness and mood were measured several times per day at fixed intervals.
After 12 days of controlled light exposure, the amplitude of amax of the photopic ERG was decreased in BL whereas it was increased in DL. In scotopic ERG, there was a difference in the retinal sensitivity (log K) between the two groups before light treatment that disappeared at the end of light exposure (p=.053). The percentage of melatonin suppression after 90 minutes exposure to the melatonin suppression test was decreased in BL while it did not changed in DL condition. This interaction, however, did not reach significance (p=.16). We measured a 58 minutes phase advance in the BL condition (p=.04) and a 26 minutes phase delay in DL (p=.32). Measures of subjective vigilance (EVA) suggested that BL subjects were more alert after the light treatment than DL subject (p=.02). However, there was no difference in the psychomotor vigilance task or mood.
Light history did not modify the retinal sensitivity as predicted by the hypotheses. However, there was a trend toward an increased circadian sensitivity in the dim light condition. The improvement of subjective vigilance in the BL condition was not supported by the results at the psychomotor vigilance task. Light history had no effect on the mood of the subjects. Long-term effects of a light treatment are difficult to isolate from shorter direct effects of light. Moreover, the study of adaptative environmental changes that spontaneously appeared in the field are possibly masked in a laboratory setting where confinement could induce physiological and psychological changes.
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Les facteurs de protection d’adolescents et d’adolescentes atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaireRassy, Jessica 03 1900 (has links)
Au niveau mondial, la mort par suicide occupe fréquemment la deuxième ou troisième place des causes de décès chez les adolescents (AIPS, 2009). Afin de prévenir le suicide chez les jeunes, une meilleure compréhension des facteurs associés s’avère donc nécessaire. La présente étude avait pour but d’identifier les facteurs de protection d’adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire relatant les habitudes de vie et facteurs psychosociaux a été analysé. Le risque suicidaire a été évalué à partir de la version adaptée pour adolescents du SAD PERSONS Scale (Juhnke, 1994). L’échantillon de l’étude comprenait 101 jeunes de 12 à 17 ans atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Des analyses descriptives, des tests de t, des analyses de variance, des corrélations et des régressions ont été utilisées afin de vérifier la relation entre le risque suicidaire et les facteurs de protection. Il ressort que, pour les adolescents de l’étude, être satisfait du soutien reçu, avoir un bon soutien affectif parental, avoir plusieurs sources de lecture par semaine, souper plusieurs fois avec sa famille par semaine, ne pas fumer de cigarette, ne pas avoir beaucoup d’amis qui fument la cigarette, ne pas consommer d’alcool, ne pas consommer de drogue ainsi que de ne pas mélanger la consommation d’alcool et de drogue peuvent tous agir, individuellement, comme facteurs de protection du suicide chez des adolescents atteints d’un trouble de l’humeur et présentant un risque suicidaire. Par ailleurs, les analyses effectuées ne révèlent aucune relation significative entre les habitudes scolaires, l’activité physique, les habitudes de sommeil, l’estime de soi et le risque suicidaire des adolescents de l’étude. Enfin, miser sur les facteurs de protection du suicide identifiés par la présente étude constitue une nouvelle piste intéressante pour les infirmières et des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique infirmière sont suggérées. / Adolescent suicide often represents the second or third leading cause of death for this age group throughout the world (AIPS, 2009). In order to prevent adolescent suicide, a better understanding of the factors associated with suicidal risk is necessary. The aim of this study was to identify the protective factors of adolescents with mood disorders and suicidal risk. Life habits and psychosocial factors were evaluated by an auto-administrated questionnaire. The adapted version of the SAD PERSONS Scale (Patterson, Dohn, Bird & al, 1983) for children and adolescents (Juhnke, 1994) was used to evaluate the suicidal risk. The sample of this study included 101 teenagers, aged between 12 and 17 years old, who had a mood disorder and a suicidal risk. Descriptive analysis, T-tests, variance analysis (ANOVA), correlation analysis and multiple regressions were conducted to examine the relationship between the suicidal risk (dependant variable) and the life habits and psychosocial factors (independent variables). The results indicate that, for 12 to 17 year olds, being satisfied with the support received, having good parental support, having many different sources of reading, eating supper with their family frequently, not smoking cigarettes, not having many friends who smoke cigarettes, not drinking, not doing drugs and not drinking and doing drugs simultaneously can all act as individual protective factors for suicidal risk. On the other hand, the results of this study do not show any statistically significant relations between school habits, physical activity, sleep habits, self-esteem and suicidal risk for teenagers with mood disorders. Finally, examining protective factors seems to be useful in helping teens with mood disorders and suicidal risk. The results of this study encourage nurses to include protective factors in their evaluation of suicidal adolescents and interventions. Research and clinical recommendations are therefore suggested.
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Contribution à l'approximation numérique des systèmes hyperboliquesDesveaux, Vivien 26 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce travail, on s'intéresse à plusieurs aspects de l'approximation numérique des systèmes hyperboliques de lois de conservation. La première partie est dédiée à la construction de schémas d'ordre élevé sur des maillages 2D non structurés. On développe une nouvelle technique de reconstruction de gradients basée sur l'écriture de deux schémas MUSCL sur deux maillages imbriqués. Cette procédure augmente le nombre d'inconnues numériques, mais permet d'approcher la solution avec une grande précision. Dans la deuxième partie, on étudie la stabilité des schémas d'ordre élevé. On montre dans un premier temps que les inégalités d'entropie discrètes usuelles vérifiées par les schémas d'ordre élevé ne sont pas pertinentes pour assurer le bon comportement dans le régime de convergence. On propose alors une extension des techniques de limitation {\it a posteriori} pour forcer la vérification des inégalités d'entropie discrètes requises. Dans la dernière partie, on s'intéresse à la construction de schémas well-balanced pour le modèle de Saint-Venant, le modèle de Ripa et les équations d'Euler avec gravité. On propose plusieurs stratégies permettant d'obtenir des schémas numériques capables de préserver tous les régimes stationnaires au repos. On développe également des extensions d'ordre élevé.
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Traducteur au pays des merveilles: Une exploration de la traduction de L’écume des jours de Boris VianAngus, Celine 27 April 2015 (has links)
Traducteur au pays des merveilles est une exploration de la traduction de L’écume des jours (1947) de Boris Vian. Les deux traductions du livre, Froth on the Daydream (1967) (Mood Indigo) de Stanley Chapman et Foam of the Daze (2003) de Brian Harper, font l’objet d’une comparaison portant sur les éléments propres à l’écriture de Vian. La première partie porte, de manière générale, sur les tendances des traducteurs et les critiques des textes traduits. La deuxième partie met l’accent sur les références culturelles et leurs traductions dans l’avant-propos et le premier chapitre. Ensuite, trois méthodes de création des néologismes (proposées par Jacques Bens) servent de point de départ à une exploration du langage « vianesque » dans la troisième partie. L’analyse de l’écriture de Boris Vian dans L’écume des jours ainsi que des méthodes des traducteurs, nous permet d’observer les effets de style émanant des trois textes.
Traducteur au pays des merveilles explores the translation of Boris Vian’s L’écume des jours (1947). The two translations of the book, Froth on the Daydream (1967) (Mood Indigo) and Foam of the Daze (2003), are compared here in regards to particular elements of Vian’s writing. The first part examines in a general manner, the tendencies of the
translators and the critique of the translated texts. The concentration of the second part is on the cultural references from the foreword and the first chapter as well as their translations. Three methods for creating neologisms (put forth by Jacques Bens) then serve as a starting point for the exploration of the “vianesque” language in the third part. By analysing Boris Vian’s writing in L’écume des jours as well as the methods of the translators, we are able to observe the stylistic effects that are produced by the three texts. / Graduate / 0290 / 0679 / angus.celine@gmail.com
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Uncovering the Functional Implications of Mu- and Delta-opioid Receptor Heteromerization in the BrainKabli, Noufissa 20 June 2014 (has links)
Opioid Receptors (ORs) are involved in the pathophysiology of several neuropsychiatric conditions yet remain an untapped therapeutic resource. Although only mu-, delta-, and kappa-OR types have been cloned, additional subtypes result from complexes generated by direct receptor-receptor interactions. Mu- and delta-ORs form a heteromeric receptor complex with unique pharmacological and signalling properties distinct from those of mu- and delta-OR homomers. In these studies, we sought to characterize the ligand binding pocket and agonist-induced internalization profile of the mu-delta heteromer, to investigate mu-delta heteromer-specific signalling in brain, and to interrogate the contribution of this receptor complex to opioid-mediated behavioural effects.
In competition radioligand binding studies, delta-agonists displaced high affinity mu-agonist binding from the mu-delta heteromer but not the muOR homomer, suggestive of delta-agonists occupying or allosterically modulating the muOR ligand binding pocket within the heteromer. Delta-agonists induced internalization of the mu-delta heteromer in a dose-dependent, pertussis toxin resistant, and muOR- and deltaOR-dependent manner from the cell surface via the clathrin and dynamin endocytic machinery. Agonist-induced internalization of the mu-delta heteromer persisted following chronic morphine treatment conditions which desensitized the muOR homomer.
Using Galpha-specific GTPgammaS binding assays, we demonstrated that mu-delta heteromer signalling previously characterized in cell lines was present in the striatum and hippocampus, and did not desensitize following prolonged morphine treatment conditions which desensitized muOR homomer-mediated signalling.
Since delta-agonists which also target the mu-delta heteromer possess antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like properties, we investigated the role of this receptor complex in mood regulation. We devised a strategy to selectively analyze the effects of the mu-delta heteromer by dissociating it using a specific interfering peptide aimed at a sequence implicated in mu-delta heteromerization. The interfering peptide abolished the unique pharmacological and trafficking properties of delta-agonists at the mu-delta heteromer and dissociated this receptor complex in vitro. Intra-accumbens administration of the interfering peptide disrupted the mu-delta interaction in vivo and allowed for isolation of the mu-delta heteromer contribution to the mood-regulatory effects of a delta-agonist with activity at the heteromer. Activation of the mu-delta heteromer in the nucleus accumbens produced antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like actions in animal models of depression and anxiety.
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