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[pt] Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos uma análise da flutuação
existente no emprego do subjuntivo em contextos orais do
Português do Brasil, com ênfase na variação
subjuntivo/indicativo. Tomando por base a perspectiva de
linguagem e gramática oferecida nos desenvolvimentos
teóricos da Lingüística Cognitiva, notadamente as
proposições de G. Lakoff acerca dos efeitos de prototipia
nas categorias gramaticais e as de E. Sweetser sobre a
precedência cognitiva da modalidade deôntica em relação à
epistêmica, examinamos situações de flutuação,
um mapeamento dos casos e levantando diferentes fatores
motivantes envolvidos. O trabalho fornece elementos para
uma caracterização semântico-pragmática e morfossintática
do que seriam os usos mais prototípicos do subjuntivo em
Português, argumentando em favor da tese de que a
não é aleatória, incidindo com maior freqüência em
menos prototípicos dessa categoria gramatical. / [en] This study analyses the existing fluctuation in the use of
the subjunctive mood in oral contexts of Brazilian
Portuguese, with emphasis on the subjunctive/indicative
alternation. Based on the theoretical perspective on
language and grammar that is offered in Cognitive
Linguistics, notably G. Lakoff`s propositions concerning
prototype effects in grammatical categories and
E. Sweetser`s propositions on the cognitive precedence of
the deontic modality in relation to the epistemic, the
study investigates the situations of fluctuation,
mapping out the cases and showing different motivating
factors involved. Elements for a semantic-pragmatic and
morphosyntactic characterization of prototypical uses of
the subjunctive mood in Portuguese are supplied, and the
case is made for the thesis that the fluctuation is not
random, occurring more often in less prototypical uses of
this grammatical category.
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Measurement of Mood State Changes Throughout a Competitive Volleyball SeasonSchultes, Bruce A. (Bruce Anthony) 05 1900 (has links)
Mood state changes have been assessed in endurance sport athletes such as swimmers, distance runners and rowers. However, much less is known about the psychological
changes that occur in team sport athletes. The purpose of this study was to assess mood state changes of intercollegiate female volleyball players across a competitive
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The influence of positive mood on executive control and appetitive responses to alcohol cuesKantner, Carl William 12 March 2016 (has links)
Heavy episodic drinking is linked with poorer academic performance, injury, and risk behaviors among college students. Understanding the cognitive and motivational factors that influence self-control of alcohol use is critical to identifying students' risk factors and developing interventions. Dual process models characterize alcohol use patterns as a function of automatic appetitive responses to alcohol-related stimuli and executive control functions. These processes may be influenced by contextual cues such as mood. The present research sought to better understand the cognitive-motivational mechanisms through which an established contextual cue for drinking - positive mood - influences alcohol use. Two studies examined the influence of positive mood induction on undergraduate drinkers' approach biases for alcohol cues and executive functioning using established and modified Stimulus Response Compatibility Tasks (SRC). Undergraduates who used alcohol at least once in the past month were recruited from the introductory psychology subject pool and randomized to positive or neutral mood induction conditions to determine whether positive mood: (1) increased approach bias or (2) impaired efforts to control alcohol cue responses. Prior to mood induction, participants completed individual difference measures related to alcohol use to evaluate potential moderators. Experiment 1 (N=93) examined post-induction alcohol approach bias and approach response inhibition using a stop-signal task within SRCs. Those in the positive mood condition did not exhibit greater approach bias or less inhibition, and mood effects were not moderated by individual differences as hypothesized. Experiment 2 (N=141) examined the influence of mood on approach bias and the ability to reverse established SRC responses to alcohol cues, with a pre-induction SRC to control for baseline approach biases. Again, positive mood did not significantly influence alcohol approach bias or executive control. Discussion: Results did not support positive mood influences on cognitive-motivational processes associated with drinking. The absence of mood effects may be a function of the type of positive mood induced or sensitivity of the SRC to detect alcohol-specific approach bias in this population. Future studies should explore these processes using alternate measures of alcohol-specific approach bias, response inhibition, and mood states that may be more specific to drinking.
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Troubles de l'humeur post-AVC, caractérisation et détection précoce / Post-stroke mood disorders, characterization and early detectionCosin, Charlotte 23 September 2016 (has links)
L'AVC est la seconde cause de décès et la première cause de handicaps acquis chez l’adulte dans le monde. Au cours des vingt dernières années le traitement en phase aigüe de l'AVC s’est considérablement amélioré. La mortalité post-AVC a alors commencé à diminuer et la proportion de patients survivants avec un handicap léger ou modéré a augmenté. Le suivi à long terme de ces patients a permis de mettre en évidence, chez une proportion importante d’entre-eux, la survenue d’une forte détresse psychologique. Ces troubles de l’humeur réduisent considérablement la qualité de vie post- AVC. La prise en charge principalement axée sur les déficits moteurs, sensoriels ou de langage, commence alors à s’orienter vers la prise en charge psychiatrique des patients. Ces complications restent cependant insuffisamment comprises et leur prise en charge demeure insatisfaisante. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de mieux décrire les troubles de l’humeur post-AVC et de mettre en évidence, grâce à des outils de mesure objectifs, l’existence de facteurs de risques de leur survenue. 91 patients ont été suivis durant un an et ont répondu à des évaluations cognitives, de l’humeur, du sommeil et/ou du langage. Les résultats obtenus ont permis d’identifier certaines variables impliquées dans la survenue ou l’évolution de certains troubles post-AVC, par exemple la fragmentation du sommeil avec l’apathie ou la prosodie affective avec la dépression. Les lésions cérébelleuses semblent également liées à la survenus des troubles de l’humeur post-AVC. Ces résultats s’inscrivent dans une dynamique de recherche de plus en plus importante concernant les troubles de l’humeur post-AVC. / Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of acquired disability in adults worldwide. Over the last twenty years, treatment in the acute phase of stroke has improved considerably. As a result, post-stroke mortality began to decline and the proportion of surviving patients with mild or moderate disabilities has increased. The long-term monitoring of this category of patients allowed to highlight, in a significant proportion of them, the occurrence of high psychological distress. These mood disorders significantly reduce post-stroke quality of life and, therefore, the assumption that put primary emphasis on the motor deficits, sensory or language now begins to move towards the psychological care of patients. These complications are however still insufficiently understood and their management remains unsatisfactory.In this context, the objective of this PhD was to better describe these post-stroke mood disorders and highlight, through objective measurement tools, the existence of risk factors for their occurrence. 91 patients were followed during one year after stroke and were evaluated on cognitive assessments, mood state evaluation, sleep recording and language recording. The results allowed us to better understand the involvement of some variables in the occurrence or progression of some mood disorders, for example sleep fragmentation and post-stroke apathy or affective prosody and post-stroke depression. Cerebellar lesions also appear to be related to the occurrence of post-stroke mood disorders. These results are part of the increasing research on post-stroke mood disorders.
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Relações entre estados de ânimo pré-competitivos e desempenho de atletas de alto rendimento em jogos de futsal / Relations between pre-competitive moods states and performance in elite futsalSouza, Victor Cavallari 12 November 2014 (has links)
Os aspectos técnicos, físicos e táticos os quais são vitais para o esporte de alto rendimento podem ser influenciados por fatores psicológicos presentes em todos os contextos do esporte. A situação pré-competitiva pode causar diferentes tipos de emoções vivenciadas pelos atletas, o que pode influenciar suas respostas comportamentais durante a competição. A associação entre estados de ânimo pré-competitivos positivos e negativos e o desempenho de atletas de futsal, entendido como as ações emitidas pelos jogadores, pode ampliar a discussão sobre a influência de fatores psicológicos e desempenho de atletas de alto rendimento e qualificar quais aspectos emocionais positivos ou negativos se relacionam com determinados comportamentos. O objetivo da pesquisa foi examinar os estados de ânimo pré-competitivos de atletas de futsal e correlaciona-los com o desempenho dos jogadores nos aspectos técnicos e táticos. Participaram da pesquisa 18 jogadores profissionais de alto rendimento de futsal do sexo masculino com idade média de 29 anos. Para medir os estados de ânimo foi utilizada a Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes de Engelmann que foi aplicada uma hora antes do início de cada jogo, em um total de cinco jogos. Para análise do desempenho foi utilizado um Scout com os principais fundamentos da modalidade que foi preenchido a partir das gravações de todos os jogos. Como medida de associação entre os dados da Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes e dos Scouts técnicos utilizados foi calculado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados mostraram uma correlação positiva forte (r= 0,79) entre o goleiro estar cansado e sofrer um gol. Ao mesmo tempo, houve correlação negativa (r= -0,84) entre estar com vergonha e sair do gol para diminuir o ângulo de finalização do adversário e aumentar a probabilidade de executar uma defesa. As locuções de valor hedônico negativo do fator I como Sinto-me humilhado e Estou com medo tiveram uma correlação de sinal negativo para ações ofensivas como passe e chute, sendo r= -0.30 para ambos os resultados. Por outro lado, as locuções de valor hedônico positivo mostraram associações positivas com ações de ataque, como a locução Sinto uma necessidade (fator XI) associada com grande quantidade de tentativas de chute e drible nos jogos (r= 0.50; r= 0.35, respectivamente). Buscou-se identificar em cada associação encontrada, quais processos psicológicos poderiam estar envolvidos. Enquanto a capacidade técnica e definição tática de uma equipe são alguns dos diversos fatores podem influenciar as respostas psicológicas dos atletas, por outro lado, certas disposições emocionais estão associadas com uma frequência maior de ações durante uma competição. O nível do adversário e o momento do campeonato, por exemplo, podem estar associados com os estados de ânimo pré-competitivos que poderão influenciar na tomada de decisão, por exemplo, e, consequentemente, no desempenho dos atletas. / Technical, physical and tactical aspects which are vital for high performance sport can be influenced by psychological factors present in all sports contexts. Pre-competitive situation causes different kinds of emotions. Athletes behavioral responses during competition can be influenced by emotions. The association between positive and negative mood states in a pre-competitive situation and athletic performance of futsal, can broaden the discussion on the influence of psychological factors and performance of elite. The aim was to examine the pre-competitive mood states of futsal athletes and correlates them with the performance of the players. Eighteen professional futsal players with an average age of 29 years volunteered for this study. Mood states measurements were assessed during six games using the Present Mood States List that was applied one hour before the start of each game. The performance of the players was obtained through the recordings of each game. A Scout was used to quantify the players action during the games. Pearson correlation coefficient between Present Mood States List and Scout was calculated. The results showed a strong positive correlation (r = 0.79) between the goalkeeper being tired and suffer one goal. The negative hedonic nominal compounds of the factor I, for example, \"Im feel humiliated\" and \"I\'m scared\" had a negative correlation with offensive actions as \"pass\" and \"kick\" (r = -0.30 for both results). On the other hand, the positive nominal compounds were associated with attack actions, such as the nominal compound \"I feel a need\" (factor XI) associated with large amount of attempts to kick and dribble in games (r = 0:50; r = 0:35, respectively). Were identified and discussed which psychological processes could be involved in the associations found. While the technical ability and tactical definition of a team are some of the many factors that can influence psychological responses of athletes, on the other hand, certain emotional dispositions are associated with a higher frequency of athletes actions during a competition. The level of the opponent, for example, may be associated with the states of pre-competitive mood that may influence decision making and the performance of athletes.
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Influence of early life and positive affect on feeding behaviour and food choice in the ratWarnock, Amy Louise January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, worldwide obesity rates have risen dramatically, putting major strain on public health systems and the economy. Obesity is a multifaceted disease and its development can be influenced by a variety of factors including genetic, psychological and environmental influences. One area of current focus in obesity research is that of early life programming. It has been well-established that certain early life factors can impact the physiology and behaviour of the offspring. Because of this, early life programming has become increasingly well studied in order to develop a deeper understanding of how early life can influence obesity development. Another area of interest lies in positive mood. While there has been much research into the effects of negative states such as stress and anxiety on feeding behaviour, there is still very little known about how positive states can influence food choice. Using rat models of prenatal stress, neonatal overnutrition and positive affect, this thesis aimed to investigate the effects of early life and mood factors on feeding behaviour and food choice. Prenatal stress has been extensively studied and is characterised by an enhanced stress response in the offspring. Using two rat models of prenatal stress- social and restraint stress, the effects of prenatal stress on feeding behaviour and food choice in the offspring were examined. In both models, no effects of prenatal stress on either food intake or food choice were observed. However, in both cases the expected alterations to the offspring's stress responses when exposed to an acute stressor were not replicated. This may suggest that models of prenatal stress are not as robust as often cited in the literature. As well as the prenatal environment, the early postnatal environment is also able to influence physiology and behaviour. In terms of obesity, a well-studied model is that of small litter size. Rats from small litters are over-nourished as neonates and because of this illustrate an increased body weight that persists throughout life. While this increase in weight gain has been well-established, there is no evidence examining the impact of neonatal overnutrition on long-term food choice. Therefore, food intake and food choice were measured in small and control litter rats over a 10-week period. When placed on an ad lib diet of bland chow, sucrose and lard, small litter rats consumed significantly more chow than control litter rats, whilst maintaining similar consumption of lard and sucrose. However, when offered a high-fat high-sugar (HFHS) pellet for two hours a day alongside ad lib chow, small litter rats illustrated increased consumption of the HFHS pellet compared to controls. This suggests that small litter rats may be programmed to adjust their food choices to enable them to maintain their increased body weight in comparison to controls. To examine the effects of positive affect on feeding behaviour, ultrasonic vocalisations (USVs, specifically those at 50 kHz) were used as a measure of positive affect in rats. In order to examine whether access to a food reward could induce a positive affect (as measured by an increase in 50 kHz USVs), rats were schedule-fed sweetened condensed milk and USVs measured before, during and after consumption. No differences in 50 kHz USVs were observed suggesting that a palatable food, whilst rewarding, does not alter affective state in the rat. Using heterospecific social contact (a tickling interaction simulating rough and tumble play) to induce positive affect, rats were presented with an hour-long sucrose preference test following social contact in order to examine the impact of positive affect on food choice. While no differences in sucrose consumption were found, a reduced sucrose preference was observed in rats receiving social contact compared to controls, suggesting that positive affect may play a role in mediating food choice. Finally, the effects of fasting (a negative stimulus thought to reduce 50 kHz USVs) and a food reward on motivation for social contact were examined. Both fasting and access to a food reward resulted in no differences in conditioned place preference to receive social interaction. Overall, the results obtained in this thesis implicate both neonatal overnutrition and, for the first time, positive affect as possible mediators of food choice, although further studies are required to fully establish these effects. Importantly, these results also raise questions regarding the reproducibility of some early life models, such as prenatal stress, and highlights the importance of sharing precise experimental protocols across laboratories. Through further investigation of the effects of early life and affective states on food consumption and choice, and the mechanisms behind these, this may enable the development of therapeutic interventions and preventative measures that can help slow, or even reverse, the global obesity epidemic.
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Élaboration d’un programme de remédiation cognitive au profit des patients bipolaires : approche clinique et neuropsychologique / Designing an ecological cognitive remediation intervention for bipolar disorders : a clinical and neuropsychological approachIsaac, Clemence 08 June 2018 (has links)
Introduction : Près de 60% des patients bipolaires stabilisés souffrent de déficits cognitifs associés à des troubles du fonctionnement psychosocial. En l’absence de traitement, ces troubles sont susceptibles de persister tout au long de la vie. Malgré cela, les déficits cognitifs ont longtemps été ignorés dans les troubles bipolaires et il n’existe que peu d’études à l’heure actuelle ciblant cette problématique. Méthodologie : Nous avons développé le programme individuel écologique de remédiation cognitive ECo, élaboré pour les troubles de l’humeur. Nous avons mené une série d’études empiriques afin d’explorer les corrélats psychologiques des troubles cognitifs, ainsi que l’amélioration cognitive, fonctionnelle et psychologique de patients bipolaires suite à une intervention en remédiation cognitive ou une psychothérapie individuelle.Résultats : Les troubles métacognitifs pourraient être associés à une augmentation de la fréquence des activités des patients et à une fragilisation sur le plan cognitif et émotionnel. La remédiation cognitive, et en particulier le programme ECo, a permis d’améliorer les capacités de résolution de problèmes dans notre population. Le programme ECo peut normaliser les fonctions cognitives déficitaires et la régulation métacognitive chez certains patients, mais peut également améliorer la résistance aux facteurs de stress, le contrôle émotionnel, l’ouverture aux relations et l’estime de soi.Conclusion : Un programme de remédiation cognitive écologique et individualisé, centré sur la métacognition et le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, peut contribuer à améliorer des composantes de la santé fonctionnelle chez les patients bipolaires. / Background: Nearly sixty percent of stabilized bipolar patients suffer from important cognitive impairments that lead to significant functional disabilities. Without proper treatment, these impairments remain throughout lifespan. However, cognitive deficits in bipolar disorders have been overlooked and only a few studies investigated treatments to improve cognitive functioning for bipolar patients. Method: We developed ECo, an individual ecological cognitive remediation intervention that was designed for mood disorders. We conducted experimental studies to investigate psychological correlates of cognitive impairments, and the cognitive, functional and psychological improvements of bipolar patients after either cognitive remediation or individual psychotherapy.Results: Our results suggest that metacognitive impairments lead to an increased frequency of everyday life activities that can create a cognitive and emotional overload. We observed that cognitive remediation, and in particular the ECo program, can improve problem solving skills in our population. The ECo program can improve impaired cognitive functions and metacognitive regulation, as well as coping skills, emotional control, openness to relationships and self-esteem.Conclusion: An ecological, individualized cognitive remediation program, targeting metacognition and self-efficacy, can contribute to an improvement of functional health components in bipolar disorders.
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O uso variável do modo subjuntivo em estruturas complexas /Santos, Regina Marques Alves dos. January 2005 (has links)
Resumo: O estudo da variação de modo em estruturas complexas reveste-se de um interesse especial, em virtude de o modo verbal se manifestar morfologicamente, mas o seu uso estar fortemente determinado pelas relações que se manifestam no interior de um complexo oracional. Sendo assim, assumimos como tarefa investigar a manifestação do modo subjuntivo em estruturas complexas utilizando como principal ferramenta a Teoria da Variação Lingüística (LABOV, 1972). A utilização desse aparato como instrumento de investigação de um fenômeno morfossintático, entretanto, requer cuidado, já que há, no interior dos estudos lingüísticos, debates acalorados acerca da pertinência de investigar fenômenos para além do nível fonológico adotando a perspectiva da Teoria da Variação. Para realizarmos essa investigação utilizamos dois corpora: Discurso & Gramática, que contém amostras de fala da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e Iboruna, com amostras de fala da região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Do conjunto de variáveis lingüísticas postulado, foram selecionadas pelo programa estatístico apenas três variáveis lingüísticas: carga semântica do predicado matriz, grau de certeza epistêmica e tipo de oração subordinada. Desse modo, no cálculo da regra variável, os resultados gerais apontam que o subjuntivo é favorecido: (i) em orações encaixadas em predicados não-factivos volitivos, e (ii) em orações condicionais irreais e potenciais. É desfavorecido em: (i) orações temporais provenientes de relatos de procedimento, (ii) em orações condicionais reais, e (iii) em orações encaixadas em predicados indiferentes de opinião, bicondicionais e emotivos/avaliativos. Como variáveis sociais possivelmente correlacionadas ao fenômeno investigado, compuseram nosso envelope de variação: (i) escolaridade; (ii) sexo; e, (iii) procedência do informante (identificada pelos corpora...(Resumo completo, ckicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The study of mood variation in complex structures needs a special interest, since verbal mood is marked morphologically, but its use is highly determined through the relations which take place within the complex structure. In this way, we aim at investigating the manifestation of the subjunctive mood in complex structures using as main tool the Theory of Linguistic Variation (LABOV, 1972). The use of this theory as the investigation instrument of a syntactic phenomenon, however, requires some care, since there are, in the linguistic studies, vehement debates about the relevance of studying phenomena outside the phonological level adopting the Variation Theory perspective. In order to carry out this research, we used two corpora: Discurso & Gramática, which contains a sample of spoken language from Rio de Janeiro city, and Iboruna, with samples of spoken language from the northeast region of the state of São Paulo. From the group of linguistic variables postulated, only three of them were selected: semantic value of the matrix predicate, level of epistemic certainty and kind of subordinate clause. Thus, in the calculation of the variable rule, the general results show that the subjunctive is favored: (i) in clauses embedded in non-factive volitional predicates, and (ii) in unreal and potential conditional clauses. It is disfavored in: (i) temporal clauses from proceeding reports, (ii) in real conditional clauses, and (iii) in clauses embedded in indifferent of opinion, biconditional and emotive/evaluative predicates. The social variables probably correlated to the investigated phenomenon are: (i) education level; (ii) sex/gender; and, (iii) informant's origin (identified by the corpora used). After the investigation of the social variables, we noted that the variable use of the subjunctive mood is not related to social factors, since the subjunctive behavior manifests in a homogeneous way among the factors of the social variables considered. / Orientador: Sebastião Carlos Leite Gonçalves / Coorientador: Roberto Gomes Camacho / Banca: Ronald Belini Mendes / Banca: Marize Mattos Dall'Aglio-Hattnher / Mestre
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Konjunktiv v rumunštině ve srovnání s jinými románskými jazyky / Romanian Subjunctive Compared with the Other Romance LanguagesFrías Valtrová, Nataša January 2012 (has links)
Subjunctive is the most complex mood in the Romance languages from a structural point of view. It shows a large diversity of uses. In the present study we have compared the use and values of this verbal mood among the major Romance languages, though sometimes some others have also been included (Galician, Catalan and Sardinian). It is interesting to notice that not all the languages show the same number of tenses and even that the origin of some of the tenses have different sources in Latin. Romanian is the main study target, and it is the starting point for the whole study. It will be seen that, despite all the differences, Romanian follows similar patterns to the rest of the Romance family. Even so, a specific peculiarity of Romanian syntax, the lack of infinitive in completive constructions, contrasts with the overdeveloped Portuguese conjugated infinitive. Apart from the analysis of the values and the uses, the study closes with a selection of chosen sentences in these six major languages allowing us to make conclusions as for the nature and behaviour of current subjunctive mood.
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Alterações dos estados de ânimo presentes de jovens atletas de futebol em função do decurso temporal durante um período competitivo / Youth soccer players mood changes in function of time course during a competitive season.Ricardo Marinho de Mello de Picoli 29 February 2016 (has links)
São escassos os estudos que analisam o contínuo temporal dos estados de ânimo ao longo de um período competitivo esportivo. Embora os estados de ânimo pareçam estáveis ao longo do tempo, diferentes estímulos e contextos presentes modificam a intensidade e a valência desses estados. Além disso, há fenômenos psicológicos como decaimento, em que traços de informação perdem sua ativação devido, principalmente, à passagem do tempo e a expectativa, que é a espera pela ocorrência de um evento em um determinado tempo. O objetivo desse estudo foi examinar as alterações dos estados de ânimo em jovens atletas de futebol, separados por posição e função, que ocorreram num período competitivo, em função do decurso temporal. Assim, processos como decaimento dos estados de ânimo e a influência da expectativa pela ocorrência jogo foram analisados, bem como a influência do contexto nas variações dos estados de ânimo dos atletas. Participaram deste estudo 18 jovens atletas (média de 15,4 anos ± 0,266) de um clube de futebol que estava disputando um campeonato estadual. Para o acesso aos estados de ânimo, foi utilizada a versão reduzida da Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes (LEAP), juntamente com um formulário de instruções de preenchimento, aplicada minutos antes de alguns treinamentos e jogos. Foram calculados os valores de presença de cada Fator da LEAP em cada evento para cada participante. Os dados foram coletados em três tipos de Eventos: antes do último treino antecedente ao jogo (Treino-Pré), antes do jogo (Pré-jogo) e antes do primeiro treino subsequente ao jogo (Treino-Pós). Os 18 jogadores foram divididos em dois grupos: Ações Defensivas (AD) e Ações Ofensivas (AO). Foram encontrados padrões de alteração dos estados de ânimo, representados pelos Fatores II (Fadiga), VII (Interesse) e XII (Serenidade) da LEAP, em função do decurso temporal, permitindo a análise dos processos de decaimento desses estados de ânimo e a influência da expectativa nessas alterações. Também foi encontrado que alguns estados de ânimo diferiram seus padrões de alteração de acordo com um intervalo temporal (Fatores IV Limerência/Empatia e; VII Interesse), bem como tiveram valores de presença diferentes na comparação entre esses intervalos. Além disso, os Fatores III (Esperança), V (Fisiológico) e XI (Receptividade) apresentaram padrões de alteração em função do decurso temporal em diferentes intervalos temporais. Variáveis contextuais, como o resultado das partidas e a competição esportiva em si, também foram influentes nessas alterações. Fadiga, esperança, empatia, estados ligados à propriocepção, interesse, receptividade e serenidade foram os estados de ânimo presentes durante todo o estudo. Ressalta-se a importância de incluir a temporalidade como variável influente nos modelos de variação de processos neurobiológicos, sobretudo nas investigações acerca de aspectos subjetivos como os estados de ânimo. / There are few studies analyzing the time course of mood during a competitive sports season. Although moods seem stable over the time course, different stimuli and present contexts change their intensity and valence. Furthermore, there are psychological phenomena like the decay process, in which information traces lose activation with the passage of time and expectancy, which is a waiting for an occurrence of an event in a given time. Therefore, the aim of this study was to exam mood changes in youth soccer players, grouped by position and role, which occurred during a competitive season, in function of time course. Processes like mood decay and the influence of expectation for the game were analyzed, as well as the influence of context in the athletes mood variations. Eighteen young players (15.4 ± 0,266 year-old) from a soccer club, which was playing for a state championship, participated in this study. For the assessment of mood, a short form of Lista de Estados de Ânimo Presentes (LEAP Present Mood List) was used, along with instructions to fill the form, applied few moments before some training sessions and matches. Presence values of each LEAPs Factor were calculated for each participant in each event. The data was collected in three types of events: prior to the last trainning session before the match (Treino-Pré), at a few moments before the match (Pré-jogo) and prior to the first training session after the match. The eighteen players were divided in two groups: Defensive Actions (AD) and Offensive Actions (AO). Results have shown patterns of mood changes, represented by LEAPs Factors II (Fatigue), VII (Interest) and XII (Serenity), in function of time course, allowing the analysis of mood decay process and the influence of the expectation in these changes. Also, some moods showed different patterns in function of a given time interval (Factors IV Limerence/Empathy and VII Interest), as well as different presence values in these time intervals comparison. Moreover, Factors III (Hope), V (Physiologic) and XI (Receptivity) have shown patterns of mood changes in function of time course in different intervals of time. Contextual variables, like the outcome of the matches and the sport competition itself, were influential in these changes. Fatigue, hope, empathy, states related to proprioception, interest, receptivity and serenity were the present moods all along the study. The importance of including temporality as an influential variable in neurobiological models is noteworthy, especially in the investigations about subjective aspects like mood.
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