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Lifetime comorbidities between social phobia and mood disorders in the U.S. National Comorbidity SurveyKessler, Ronald C., Stang, Paul, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Stein, Murray B., Walters, Ellen E. 29 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Background. General population data were used to study co-morbidities between lifetime social phobia and mood disorders.
Methods. Data come from the US National Comorbidity Survey (NCS).
Results. Strong associations exist between lifetime social phobia and major depressive disorder (odds ratio 2·9), dysthymia (2·7) and bipolar disorder (5·9). Odds ratios increase in magnitude with number of social fears. Reported age of onset is earlier for social phobia than mood disorders in the vast majority of co-morbid cases. Temporally-primary social phobia predicts subsequent onset of mood disorders, with population attributable risk proportions of 10–15%. Social phobia is also associated with severity and persistence of co-morbid mood disorders.
Conclusions. Social phobia is a commonly occurring, chronic and seriously impairing disorder that is seldom treated unless it occurs in conjunction with another co-morbid condition. The adverse consequences of social phobia include increased risk of onset, severity and course of subsequent mood disorders. Early outreach and treatment of primary social phobia might not only reduce the prevalence of this disorder itself, but also the subsequent onset of mood disorders.
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Sleep and Wake Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Impact on Recovery of Cognition and CommunicationWiseman-Hakes, Catherine 08 January 2013 (has links)
Objective: To examine sleep and wake disorders following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their impact on recovery of cognition, communication and mood. Research Design: This three-manuscript thesis comprises an introduction to sleep in the context of human function and development. It is followed by a systematic review of the literature pertaining to sleep and wake disorders following TBI, and then explores the relationship between sleep and arousal disturbance and functional recovery of cognitive-communication through a single case study, pre–post intervention. Finally, a larger study longitudinally explores the impact of treatment to optimize sleep and wakefulness on recovery of cognition, communication and mood through objective and subjective measures, pre-post intervention. The thesis concludes with a chapter that addresses the implications of findings for rehabilitation from the perspective of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and a presentation of future research directions for the field Methods: The first manuscript involved a systematic review and rating of the quality of evidence. The second manuscript involved the evaluation of sleep and wakefulness by objective measures, and longitudinally by self-report through the Daily Cognitive-Communication and Sleep Profile (DCCASP, © Wiseman-Hakes 2008, see Appendix S). Cognitive-communication abilities were also measured by the DCCASP. The third manuscript utilized a single case series and cohort design to evaluate sleep and wakefulness, and to examine cognition, communication and mood at baseline and following optimization of sleep and wakefulness. Results: For Manuscript One, 43 articles were reviewed for levels and quality of evidence across 5 domains: epidemiology, pathophysiology, neuropsychological implications, intervention and paediatrics. In Manuscript Two, we showed that there was a statistically and functionally significant relationship between perceived quality of sleep and language processing, attention and memory, seen across the phases of the intervention. In Manuscript Three, we showed that there were statistically and functionally significant improvements across several domains of cognition, communication and mood in response to treatment. Conclusions: Sleep and wake disorders after TBI are pervasive, and can negatively impact rehabilitation and recovery. There is a need for systematic evaluation and intervention for these disorders in all persons with TBI.
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Recognition Memory For Emotional Words Under Incidental Encoding: Effects Of Valence, Arousal And AgeKaynak, Hande 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Emotional information is commonly assumed to be recognized more
accurately than neutral information. While emotionality enhances
recognition accuracy, it also induces a more liberal response bias. In this
study, the effects of arousal and valence axes of emotion on recognition
memory accuracy and liberal bias were examined in young and older
adults, for emotional words. For this purpose, memory was assessed
with a surprise old/new recognition task, based on Signal Detection
Theory. There are also some factors regarding words that influence
visual word recognition. One is the dissociation between consonants
and vowels / consonants and vowels are processed differently. In the
study session, the participants were instructed to count vowels within a word under incidental encoding. Since vowels
constrain lexical selection less tightly than consonants, deciding how
many vowels each word contained is compatible with the idea that the
vowels should be processed faster. The results of the recognition session
showed that young adults recognized more accurately as compared to
older adults, replicating the age effect. Valence differences of words also
showed a significant effect on memory performance, that is positive
words were recognized better in both groups. On the other hand, it was
observed that there was a significant bias to respond as &lsquo / old&rsquo / only to
positive words in older group / whereas young adults showed a liberal
bias to negative words. This age-related difference suggested that older
adults regulated their emotion in favour of maintaining well-being, even
incidentally. Considering individual differences and mood state in
emotional word processing is essential so personality traits and current
mood states were assessed by commonly used Five Factor Personality
Inventory and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule respectively.
Except &lsquo / openness to experience&rsquo / , other personality dimensions did not
predict recognition memory performance for emotional words.
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Can Online Sentiment Help Predict Dow Jones Industrial Average Returns?Krumwiede, Aria K. 01 January 2012 (has links)
In this paper, we explore the relationship between a Global Mood Time Series, provided by Wall Street Birds, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from April 2011 to December 2011. My econometric results show that there is no long run equilibrium relationship between the level of global mood and the level of the DJIA. These results apply to the whole period, as well as in the six-month subperiods. Furthermore, daily changes in global mood do not Granger cause DJIA returns. However, changes in global mood do appear to be useful in forecasting the volatility of the DJIA, and my results suggest that GARCH models of volatility of large-cap indexes, and potentially the market as a whole, could be strengthened by including online sentiment measures of Big Data. Measuring global mood, and quantifying its impacts, can potentially lead to superior portfolio construction as forecasting volatility is an important input in portfolio optimization. The results, as a whole, suggest that Big Data can have important implications for investment decision-making.
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Förekomst av sambandet mellan fetma och psykisk ohälsa : En systematisk litteraturstudie / The presence of the association between obesity and mental ill health : A systematic reviewWall, Marie, Lövdahl, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Fetma och psykisk ohälsa är två utbredda folkhälsoproblem som förutom att orsaka stor samsjuklighet, även ger stora ekonomiska förluster för samhällena. Den här systematiska litteraturstudien gjordes i syftet att undersöka eventuell förekomst av sambandet mellan fetma och psykisk ohälsa. I denna studie avses psykisk ohälsa som ångest, låg sinnesstämning och depression. Pub Med och Lib Hub användes för datainsamling. Vid urval av artiklarna var en av de huvudsakliga etiska principerna att artiklarna måste blivit granskade. Efter urval analyserades och jämfördes den insamlade data. Det resultat som framkom var inte helt entydigt, det står klart att samband finns men de är av olika karaktär. Ett starkare samband har hittats hos kvinnor, lågutbildade och personer med fetma (BMI på >35), det finns även skillnader inom olika etniciteter. Vidare forskning föreslås vara av mer världsomfattande och långsiktig karaktär, med entydig mätmetod, för att göra resultatet mer generaliserbart och användbart vid interventioner i en rad av kontexter. / Obesity and mental illness are two global public health problems which causes not only comorbidity but also huge economic losses for societies. This systematic review was carried out with the purpose to investigate the occurrence of the association between obesity and mental illness. In this study mental illness includes anxiety, low mood and depression. Databases that were used were Lib Hub and PubMed. Ethical criteria were met and the used articles had been peer reviewed. Collected data were then analyzed and compared. The results showed that there is an association between obesity and mental illness, although there are some differences. A stronger association is found in women, in the lower educated, in people with more severe obesity and for some ethnic groups. Further research proposed to be more global and made with the same measurement techniques, to make sure that the results are generalizable and usable in different contexts.
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Do cognitive responses to how we feel really matter? : a psychometric evaluation and experimental extension of the Responses to Positive Affect questionnaire (RPA)Engh, Johannes, Olofsson, Malin January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to investigate cognitive response styles to positive affect. A Swedish version of the Responses to Positive Affect questionnaire (RPA) was psychometrically evaluated and experimentally tested as participants were mood induced. The 3-factor model for the RPA questionnaire (Self-focused positive rumination, Emotion-focused positive rumination and Dampening) was replicated, and the RPA was further explored through analyses of convergent and incremental validity. The experimental results revealed that the two positive rumination subscales had a strong relationship with each other and current positive affect. However, none of the RPA subscales functioned as moderators in the relationship between cognitive response style and participants’ mood reactivity.
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The Relationship Between Narrative Strategies And Meaning In William GoldingCirakli, Mustafa Zeki 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation attempts to investigate the relationship between certain narrative strategies and meaning(s), and presents a narratological analysis of Golding&rsquo / s three novels. It primarily refers to the terminology offered by Genette and Rimmon-Kenan and, considering the mode of narration (voice) and the mode of focalization (mood), it tries to unearth narrative elements in narrative fiction. This dissertation argues that the implied author employs narrative agents and strategies of perspectivisation in order to affect, manipulate, determine or change the meaning(s), and that storytelling authority can be violated or balanced by monitority of perceiving. In The Inheritors, the implied author plays with shifting perspective to portray the other from within / in Pincher Martin, s/he explores temporality and timelessness to reveal post-mortem individual consciousness / unconsciousness, and in Free Fall, s/he produces a first-person retrospective narration where the protagonist deals with the act of story-telling and attempts to reconstruct his identity through manipulating subnarratives and perspectives.
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An Integrative Model Of Justice Perceptions Employee Positive Mood States And Organizational Cizitenship BehaviorCaglar, Ezgi 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In the extant literature, it is possible to find many studies focusing on antecedents of OCB, both cognitive factors and affective factors. However, previous research made limited contribution to the literature, since it did not focus on an integrative model covering both cognitive and affective factors.
In this study it was aimed to search an integrative relationship among OCB, cognitive factors and affective factors. Following previous literature, justice perceptions and mood states of employees were taken as cognitive and affective factors respectively. Main purpose of this study is to see the individual influence of justice perceptions and positive mood states on OCB, while also testing a possible mediating role of justice perceptions between positive mood states and OCB.
A Turkish public bank was chosen for conducting the survey. After missing value and outlier analysis 210 participants were left. Employees of the bank were asked to rate the items measuring OCB, justice perceptions and mood states. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to test suggested propositions.
In line with literature, both aggregate variable of justice perceptions and positive mood states were found to be positively associated with OCB. However, justice perceptions
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The effects of caffeine on cognitive fatigueNewton, Sunni Haag 19 October 2009 (has links)
Prior caffeine research has examined the effects of caffeine on performance using simple, lower-level cognitive tasks. The present study extended this work to investigate the effects of caffeine on performance and self-report mood measures during execution of a complex cognitive task. In a between-subjects design, 116 participants were administered either caffeinated or non-caffeinated chewing gum. Results showed higher fatigue and negative affect (NA) levels and lower positive affect (PA) and task performance levels in the placebo condition. These findings replicate prior findings on mood effects of caffeine; also, they extend the limited results on performance effects of caffeine by demonstrating moderate support for improved complex cognitive task performance after caffeine intake. Furthermore, these results show the efficacy of gum for caffeine administration in research.
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悲劇性新聞畫面對觀眾心理衝擊程度之初探蕭慧芬 Unknown Date (has links)
如果Alfred Hitchcock的電影會讓觀眾驚聲尖叫,如果喜劇泰斗Charlie Chaplin的戲劇會讓觀眾捧腹大笑;那麼真實的跳樓新聞、真實的滅門血案鏡頭,會不會讓觀眾痛苦難耐?
至於悲劇性新聞的鏡頭處理與觀眾情緒反應之間的關連性,實驗結果顯示:畫面內容具震憾性、色調明亮、特寫鏡頭、跟拍鏡頭、畫面時間長、具聲音效果者,都會讓人印象深刻。在男女性別研究上,本論文發現不同性別收看悲劇性新聞時會各自站在不同的角色去詮釋新聞:女性會站在弱勢的被害人角度,而男性則易傾向消防員、旁觀者甚或兇嫌的立場來看待此類新聞;思考立場相左,因而產生女性收看悲劇性新聞的負向情緒較男性為強的結果。 / If Afred Hitchock’s horror films can make an audience scream out loud, and if Charlie Chaplin’s comedies can make an audience laugh until their stomach hurt, then would real life news footage of people jumping off buildings and bloody murders cause an audience to feel sad? This thesis combines the studies of journalism and psychology to explore how broadcast news psychologically impacts Taiwanese audiences.
This study focuses on 1) whether tragic news negatively influences viewers' mood more easily than neutral news does; and 2) if the same story edited with different images, causes viewers to feel differently. This study concludes that 1) based on news type: both neutral news and tragic news don't appear to have a negative effect on viewers. More interestingly, the more that viewers feel that sad or bloody news brings a negative mood, the more they feel that neutral news positively affects their mood. And 2) based on the images types: if images like those of an emergency room are replaced by images of people leaping off buildings, using the same narrative, it doesn't make viewers feel any more or less negative. What's notable, however, is that when viewers see images of bloody scenes or of people jumping off buildings, the images still make them feel "nervous" or "afraid." On the other hand, this report also finds that viewers feel especially concerned or empathetic towards what is presented in news stories.
As for how tragedy news images influences views’ mood, this report finds that the event's emotional impact, the color tone, brightness, close-ups shots, following shots, length of cut and sounds all contribute to the impression the story leaves on the viewer. On the difference between how men and women react to new stories, the statistics show that women will empathize with the victim and men tend to take the viewpoint of the fireman, witness or the suspect. Because men and women think differently, tragedy news stories affect the mood of women more than they affect the mood of men.
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