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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ergoterapijos įtaka ligonių, persirgusių galvos smegenų infarktu, smulkiosios motorikos lavėjimui ankstyvuoju reabilitacijos laikotarpiu / Occupational therapy influence for fine motor development for patients after stroke in the early stage of rehabilitation

Baltraitis, Tadas 19 June 2008 (has links)
Insultas – ūminis fokalinis galvos smegenų ar tinklainės kraujotakos nepakankamumas, pasireiškiantis židininiais neurologiniais simptomais, trunkančiais ilgiau kaip 24 valandas [9]. Insultas yra ne tik didelė socialinė, bet ir ekonominė problema. Išsivysčiusių šalių duomenimis, 50% persirgusių insultu žmonių lieka laikinai arba nuolat neįgalūs, apie 10% reikia slaugos ir tik 20% ligonių vėl būna darbingi [4]. Ergoterapijos taikymas, atsižvelgiant į vyraujančius veiklos sutrikimus, yra neatskiriama kompleksinės reabilitacijos dalis. Ergoterapeutas yra reabilitacijos komandos narys, todėl nuolat konsultuodamasis su kitais jos nariais gali parinkti tinkamas ligoniui ergoterapijos priemones bei metodiką [7]. Apibendrinant literatūros duomenis galima pasakyti, kad ankstyvas ir kartojamas rankos aktyvinimas lėmė kliniškai svarbų, ilgai išliekantį poveikį. Ligoniai po GSI turėtų būti drąsinami, skatinami intensyviai lavinti pažeistą ranką [22]. Tyrimas buvo atliktas Apskrities ligoninės ir Kauno antros klinikinės ligoninės fizinės medicinos ir reabilitacijos poskyriuose. Tyrime dalyvavo 30 ligonių, patyrusių galvos smegenų infarktą, iš jų 11 (37%) vyrų ir 19 (63%) moterų. Ligonių amžiaus vidurkis – 70,5 ± 1,7 metų. Vyrų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 63,6 ± 2,9 metų, moterų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 74,5 ± 1,5 metų. Visiems tyrime dalyvavusiems ligoniams buvo nustatytas smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimas. Ligoniai buvo atrinkti naudojant ergoterapeuto apklausos anketą, kurią sudarė 10 užduočių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Stroke is sudden deficiency of blood circulation in brain that shows itself in focal neurological symptoms lasting more than 24 hours [9]. Stroke is not only social but and economic problem. Due to economicaly developed countrys data approximately 50% patients after stroke statys disabled temporary or for a life time, 10% needs nursing and only 20% patients can work again [4]. Occupational therapy is a inseperable part of rehabilitation. Occupational therapist is a member of a rehabilitation team therefore by consulting with other team member he can choose the best devices and methodics for the patient [7]. In concluding the literature it should be said that early and repetitive activation of the hand can cause clinicaly important and long lasting effect. Patients after stroke should be encouraged to train the affected arm [22]. This research was accomplished at District hospital and 2-nd Kaunas clinical hospital corporal medical department. There were tested 30 patients: 11 (37%) men and 19 (63%) women. The patients age average was – 70,5 ± 1,7 years. Mens age average was 63,6 ± 2,9 years and womens age average was – 74,5 ± 1,5 years. All patients who took part in this research were right-habded and had disorder of fine motor skills. For this research patients were screened by using a questionnaire. This questionnaire consisted of 10 tasks which helped occupational therapist to assess fine motor skills. The assessment of fine motor skills was done when the patients... [to full text]

Bendrosios motorikos funkcijų vertinimo skalės taikymo ypatumai vaikams, sergantiems cerebriniu paralyžiumi / Characteristics of Application of Gross Motor Function Measure for Children With Cerebral Palsy

Danilevičienė, Vilma 10 May 2006 (has links)
Object: children with cerebral palsy. Problem: Cerebral palsy (CP) is frequent cause of children’s motor disorder. It affects person’s relationship with environment and limits his participation. Motor disorder and motor development in cerebral palsy depends on form and level of impairment and is very individual. Persons with cerebral palsy achieve different level of mobility. It is very important to choose properly responsible Gross Motor Function Measure scale. It should be clinically informative and be able to reflect changes in gross motor development. Besides, it should show effect of applied treatment method and help to formulate concrete goals of physical therapy. Physical therapy is an important part of any treatment plan for cerebral palsy patients. Treatment plan should be organized considering functional level and abilities of the children. There should be formulated goals and indicated means for reaching these goals in the treatment plan. Motor development will improve if treatment plan is purposeful. It should protect from developing contractures and deformations. In general treatment plan should increase cognitive skills and social integration. Purpose: to evaluate characteristics of application of Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) Scale for children with cerebral palsy. Tasks: to compare results of children with cerebral palsy evaluated according Gross Motor Function Measure Scale in both (88 and 66) versions; to determine aims of physiotherapy for 6 month... [to full text]

Smulkiosios motorikos atsigavimas pirminės reabilitacijos etape pacientams, patyrusiems išeminį galvos smegenų insultą / The fine motor recovery at the initial rehabilitation stage in the patients, who had suffered ischaemic head brain stroke

Zavadskaja, Violeta 21 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: smulkiosios motorikos ir funkcinio savarankiškumo kaita pirminės reabilitacijos eigoje. Tyrimo problema: kadangi kiekvieno sergančiojo insultu reabilitacija turi skirtingų krypčių poreikius, o literatūroje iki šiol nėra apibrėţtos stratifikacijos ir reabilitacijos programų individualizavimo krypčių, skirtų insulto paţeistos rankos judesių valdymui atgauti (Meldrum, 2004), siekiant efektyviai panaudoti reabilitacijos išteklius, svarbu numatyti galimas ligos baigtis (Milinavičienė ir kt., 2007). Todėl analizavome smulkiosios motorikos atsigavimą pirminės reabilitacijos etape pacientams, patyrusiems išeminį galvos smegenų insultą, siekiant įvardinti nors kelis atskaitos taškus formuojant kineziterapijos artimuosius bei tolimuosius tikslus – retrospektyviai perţiūrint įgyvendintus tikslus, keltus tipiškos funkcinės būklės tiriamųjų grupei – kuriuos matome rezultatų analizėje. Tyrimo tikslas: išanalizuoti ir įvertinti pacientų, patyrusių išeminį galvos smegenų insultą, smulkiosios motorikos atsigavimą bei funkcinio savarankiškumo kaitą, pirminės reabilitacijos eigoje. Tyrimo uţdaviniai: 1. Ištirti ir įvardinti dominuojantį smulkiosios motorikos atsigavimą pirminės reabilitacijos eigoje; 2. Ištirti ir įvertinti pacientų funkcinio savarankiškumo kaitą, pirminės reabilitacijos eigoje; Tyrimo hipotezė: pirminės reabilitacijos etape artimieji bei tolimieji kineziterapijos tikslai turėtų atitikti paciento regeneracinį potencialą, kuris taip pat galėtų būti įvertintas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Study subject: the dynamis of interchange of fine motor and functional independence in the process of the initial rehabilitation. The problem of the study: the rehabilitation of each patient suffering from stroke has different requirements, however, to this date literature does not indicate defined individualisation types of stratification and rehabilitation programmes, assigned to recover the control of stroke affected hand/arm movement (Meldrum, 2004). In order to effectively use rehabilitation resources, it is important to foresee the possible consequences of the disease (Milinavičienė ir kt., 2007). Therefore we analysed the fine motor recovery at the initial rehabilitation stage in the patients who had suffered ischemic head brain stroke. Study aim: to analyse and evaluate patients‘, who had suffered ischemic head brain stroke, the small motor post stroke recovery as well as the change in functional independence in the initial rehabilitation stage. Study goals: 1. To examine and name the dominant fine motor recovery in the initial rehabilitation stage; 2. to examine and evaluate change in patients‘ functional independence in the initial rehabilitation stage; Hypothesis: at the initial rehabilitation stage the short-term and long-term physio-therapeutic goals have to match a patient‘s regenerative potential, which can also be evaluated with reference to the initial functional stage at a patient‘s arrival to hospital. Study methods: Barthel test measuring a patient‘s... [to full text]

Osvojování sensomotorických dovedností u žákyň Střední zdravotnické školy s různými pohybovými schopnostmi

Fišerová, Marie, January 1965 (has links)
No description available.

Motorické schopnosti dětí ve věku 6 -7 let v Českých Budějovicích\\ / Motor abilities of childern at the age from six to seven years in České Budějovice\\

KUNCOVÁ, Pavla January 2008 (has links)
The aim of my diplomy work is to find out the level of motory skills 6-7 year old children. Research work ran in the sekond {--} class at Primery schoul Kubatova in České Budějovice. General set spaned 42 pupils. My task was to compare theirs efficient and co {--} ordinative abilities with supposed level, to deliminate theirs mutual relations, to compare boys and girls and sports and non-sports class.

Rozvoj jemné motoriky v mateřské škole u dětí s obtížemi v grafomotorice / Development of fine motor skills in preschool children with grafomotorics problems

Tůmová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on children with grafomotorics problems at preschool age, especially on inappropriate grip of handwriting tools. The target was to put together and implement in practice the intervention programme focused on fine motor skills development. Based on the results of testing tasks evaluating the degree of children grafomotorics skills the three significant groups were made. The first group (control group) was comprised of children without noticeable grafomotorics skills problems. The other two groups were comprised of children with grafomotorics skills problems (experimental groups). One of the experimental group was target of mentioned tranining programme for fine motor skills development. At the programme end all three significant groups were again examined by criterion-referenced test. The impact of intervention programme and its implementation in practice under everyday conditions of nursery school was discussed.

Koordinační schopnosti žáků na 2. stupni základní školy / Coordination abilities of students of second grade elementary school

Číhalová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Name of thesis: Coordination abilities of students of second grade elementary school Author: Tereza Číhalová Tutor: PaedDr. Jana Hájková Department: department of physical education and sport Comparing the level of coordination abilities of children from sports classes and unsportsmanlike classes of second grade elementary school. Thesis in the theoretical part will deal with the motor abilities, the coordination abilities and ontogenesis. In the research part of the work will be focused on testing students' sports focused on athletics and unsportsmanlike classes of secondary school and post-processing and evaluation of results. Methodology: data collection, guided interview, comparison Conclusion: Finding a suitable test profile and preparing the necessary means for the measurement of target groups. Evaluation of results and processing them into charts and graphs. A group of athletes achieved better results than physically inactive students. Group of athletes achieved a slightly above-average overall results, the group of inactive students achieved a slightly below- average. Within a group, not a big difference between boys and girls. In tests, the best for both groups is Sprint according to a rhythm. In this test was the smallest difference in the results between the groups. The test, where was...

Hodnocení motoriky u dětí po operaci tumoru v oblasti zadní jámy lební / Evaluation of motoric deficit in children after posterior fossa brain tumor surgery

Jirousková, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
Objective: The main goal of this study was to collect and summarize all available data on both short term effects and late effects of posterior cranial fossa tumor treatment on children patients' motoric abilities and to find out any possible correlation between a decline in motoric abilities and the type of treatment they received. Following previous studies on the topic, this study set a goal to design a testing procedure for areas in which decline of motoric abilities manifests the strongest and to put this procedure to test in the practical part of the study. Methods: Based on a research into specialized literature, four main areas in which a decline of motoric abilities occurs in posterior cranial fossa tumor patients have been identified. Those are ataxia, balance, physical condition and functional activities. For Ataxia the SARA test was used, for physical condition the 6MWT test, for balance the PCTSIB test and for functional activities the BOT-2 test, respectively. Furthermore we observed the overall quality of life of selected patients through a PedsQL questionnaire. The group of patients selected for this experiment consisted of nine individuals who underwent posterior cranial fossa tumor treatment more than two years before. Results: The SARA (p=0,020) a 6MWT (p<0,0001) tests proved a...

Úroveň motoriky a výslovnosti u předškolních dětí ve vztahu k místu bydliště a pohybovým aktivitám. / Level of motor skills and pronunciation of preschool children in comparisen to place of their residence and movement activities.

Levasovská, Helena January 2021 (has links)
Aim of thesis: The aim of this thesis is to monitor the relationship between the place of residence and the mastered level of motor skills together with the quality of children's speech. At present, there is a more frequent postponement of school attendance, caused by deficiencies in speech or insufficient level of motor skills. The nature of the activities of preschool children has changed considerably, mainly due to the influence of technology. Physical activities and an active way of spending free time have a significant effect on the development of children's motor skills. Other goals of this thesis are to find out whether children have an adequate level of motor skills and speech before starting school and to prove whether there is a connection between delayed motor skills and speech problems. Method of thesis: The motor test MABC-2 was used to develop the research of this diploma thesis; articulation test according to Hrušková using picture cards for children; a questionnaire which five questions in paper form, which was distributed to the parents of the tested children; an interview with eight kindergarten teachers, where I had prepared three questions and then left room for free discussion and analysis of school education programmes of individual kindergartens with regard to the educational...

Pohybové schopnosti u žáků mladšího školního věku zapojených do projektu Sazka Olympijský víceboj / Motor abilities in younger school age children that took part in project Sazka Olympijsky viceboj

Benešová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to ascertain results in test battery in young school age children, specifically aged 6.-9. years, who took part in project Sazka Olympijský víceboj. We were especially focused on disciplines of Olympijský diplom, which examine motor abilities by using motor tests. Unfortunately, because of Covid-19 pandemic situation, we had to request the results of mentioned tests from elementary schools, and also from organisation, that manages the whole project. The data we have received were from three elementary schools from Central Bohemian Region and Prague. All data were from first stage of elementary school and were measured between 2016-2020, because these data were the most current ones. The practical part of this thesis was formed as quantitative form of research. Population was composed of 92 schoolchildren, who took part in project Olympijský diplom between 2016- 2020 and were in first, second and third year of elementary school during these years. Girls were included in total count of 51 and boys were included in total count of 41. We have analysed collected data from different aspects. The aim of our interest were average values according to gender, school year and also comparison of class with orientation on sports and casual class. The research part of this thesis...

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