Spelling suggestions: "subject:"motorika"" "subject:"motorikai""
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Vývoj řečových i neřečových oblastí u dítěte v předškolním věku / Speech and Nonspeech Area Development of a Preschool ChildBaierlová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the development of speech and non-speech areas in pre-school children in terms of special pedagogy and the thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical part. The second part is composed of a research investigation and its goal is to analyse speech and non-speech areas in pre-school children. The first chapter of the theoretical part introduces a preview into pre-school age. This part is also focused on education in nursery school and school readiness and enrolment in the first grade. The second chapter examines every single detail of non-speech areas in pre-school children and describes their development of speech like gross and fine motor skills, graphomotor skills, drawing, laterality, visual and auditory perception, thinking, memory, mathematical ideas, space and time perception, fantasy, play, self-service, independence and last but not least social skills. The last chapter is devoted to speech areas mainly the development of speech in pre-school children, issues of bilingualism and trilingualism, disorders of communication skills, logopedic intervention in nursery school. The second part of this chapter is composed of a qualitative research by means of using qualitative methods like participating and non-participating observation, semi-structured...
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Efekt her na malém prostoru na rozvoj agility u hráčů fotbalu v kategorii mladších žáků / The effect of small sided games on agility performance in pre-adolescent soccer playersNápravník, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Title: The effect of small sided games on agility performance in pre-adolescent soccer players Objectives: Evaluation of the impact of small sided games intervention on the agility performance. Comparison between agility performance and motor skills level. Comparison between increase of agility performance and motor skills level. Method: The measured group consisted of 44 players aged 11-13. During the testing, the players passed a battery of motor skills tests TGMD 2, then the agility tests Illinois and 505 R and L (pretest and posttest). The first group of players (22 players) were subjected an interrvention of small sided games (three times a week for 2 months as part of the training session). The 2nd group of players (22 players) had only regular training during this period without intentional intervention. The results: According to the results of the motor skills test TGMD 2, the probands were divided into 3 subgroups according to the achieved performance. In both groups (intervened and control groups) the hypothesis, that players with higher level of motor skills will achieve better results in agility tests, was partially confirmed. This hypothesis was confirmed in the Illinois test in its entirety. In the 505 R and L tests, a statistically significant difference in performance was measured...
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Kineziterapijos vandenyje poveikis, bendrajai motorikai ir gyvenimo kokybei, sergantiesiems išsėtine skleroze / The Impact of Aquatic Therapy on General Motility and Life Quality of Patients with Multiple SclerosisLeketaitė, Orinta 02 August 2011 (has links)
Atliekant bakalauro darbą, buvo susipažįstama su išsėtine skleroze, išsiaiškinama kokie yra pagrindiniai ligos požymiai ir ligos gydymo metodai medikamentiniu ir nemedikamentiniu būdais. Analizuojamas kineziterapijos vandenyje poveikis bendrajai motorikai ir gyvenimo kokybei asmenims, kurie serga išsėtine skleroze.
Tyrime dalyvavo penki Šiaulių išsėtinės sklerozės draugijos nariai. Kurių sergamumas siekė nuo metų iki 25 ir ligos progresavimas yra skirtingi. Tiriamųjų amžius skirtingas nuo 40 iki 68. Jų darbingumas nuo 20 – 40 procentų.
Tyrime buvo panaudota gyvenimo kokybės vertinimo testas, statinės pusiausvyros vertinimo testas, aktyvumo vertinimo testas ir laikysenos vertinimo testas.
Linijinis eksperimentas vykdomas nuo 2010 spalio iki 2011 kovo mėnesiais. Visą linijinį eksperimentą galima suskirstyti į tris etapus.
Svarbiausios empirinės dalies išvados: Sergantiesiems išsėtine skleroze kineziterapija vandenyje nežymiai pagerino gyvenimo kokybės įsivertinimą fiziniais ir psichiniais aspektais, tiek visos grupės, tiek kiekvieno individualiai.
Eksperimento pabaigoje bendras visos grupės statinės pusiausvyros rezultatas pablogėjo. Pagal individualius rodiklius trims iš tiriamųjų - rezultatai pagerėjo, dviem – pablogėjo (gali būti dėl ligos progresavimo tyrimo eigoje).
Kineziterapija vandenyje išsėtine skleroze sergančiųjų asmenų laikysenai įtakos neturėjo, nes rezultatai tyrimo pabaigoje liko nepakitę.
Sergantiesiems išsėtine skleroze kineziterapija vandenyje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the course of bachelor’s work, I familiarized with the multiple sclerosis, disclosed its main symptoms and treatment methods with medicines and without medicines. Analysed effect of kinesitherapy in water on general motility and life quality for the persons with multiple sclerosis.
Five Šiauliai Multiple Sclerosis Society members participated in the research. Their illness history reaches one to 25 years, progress differs. Age of the respondents is 40 to 68. Their workability is 20 to 40 per cent.
Life quality assessment test, static balance test, activity test and posture test were used in the research.
Linear experiment was carried out from October 2010 till March 2011. The linear experiment can be allocated into three stages.
The most important conclusions of the empirical part: kinesitherapy in water slightly improved the life quality self-assessment of those with multiple sclerosis on physical and psychical aspects both individually and of the group in total.
In the end of the experiment joint static balance result of the entire group worsened. According to individual indices, results improved in three subjects, became worse in two subjects (possibly due to their illness progress in the course of research).
Kinesitherapy in water did not have any effect on posture of those with multiple sclerosis, because results in the end of the research remained unchanged.
Kinesitherapy in water slightly improved movement activity of the entire group. Like with the static... [to full text]
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Smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimų bei skausmo sąsajos su kasdienės veiklos aktyvumu bei gyvenimo kokybe, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui / Fine motor disorders and pain relation with daily activity and quality of life, of patients with traumatic hand injuryGudžiūnaitė, Rosita 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimų bei skausmo įtaką kasdienės veiklos aktyvumui bei gyvenimo kokybei, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti smulkiosios motorikos dinamiką reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. 2. Įvertinti kasdienės veiklos aktyvumo pokyčius reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. 3. Įvertinti gyvenimo kokybės ir skausmo pokyčius reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui. 4. Nustatyti smulkiosios motorikos sutrikimų bei skausmo sąsajas su kasdienės veiklos aktyvumu bei gyvenimo kokybe reabilitacijos laikotarpiu, esant trauminiam rankos sužalojimui.
Tyrimo metodai ir kontingentas. Tyrimas vyko VšĮ Raseinių ligoninės Fizinės medicinos ir reabilitacijos skyriaus ergoterapijos kabinete 2013m. gruodžio – 2014m. balandžio mėnesiais. Iš viso dalyvavo 30 pacientų, patyrusių dilbio lūžį. Tiriamiesiems buvo atlikta 10 ergoterapijos procedūrų po 30 min. kiekvieną darbo dieną. Užsiėmimų metu buvo taikoma aktyvi rankos mankšta, darbas ergoterapinėmis priemonėmis. Tyrimui naudota tiriamojo anketa, dinamometrija, goniometrija, nestandartinis smulkiosios motorikos vertinimo testas, kasdienės veiklos vertinimo testas ir gyvenimo kokybės vertinimo testas SF – 36
Išvados. 1. Ergoterapijos taikymas po trauminio rankos sužalojimo pagerina smulkiosios motorikos užduočių atlikimą, plaštakos raumenų jėgą ir riešo aktyvių judesių amplitudę (p<0,05). 2. Po... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim : To identify small movement disorders and pain impact on daily business activity and quality of life in traumatic hand injuries. Study objectives: first to evaluate the dynamics of fine motor rehabilitation period in traumatic hand injuries. Second to evaluate changes in the activities of daily living activity during rehabilitation , if traumatic hand injuries. 3rd Rate the quality of life and changes in pain during rehabilitation , if traumatic hand injuries. 4th Set of fine motor dysfunction and pain links to daily activities and quality of life and activity during rehabilitation , if traumatic hand injuries.
The methods and contingent . The study took place in PI Raseinių Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Department of Occupational Therapy office 2013 . December - 2014m . April. A total of 30 patients experienced fractures of the forearm . The trial was carried out in 10 occupational therapy treatment for 30 min . every working day . Lessons were applied with a hand exercise, work ergoterapinėmis means. The study used the test form , dynamometry , goniometrija , unconventional fine motor assessment test , daily activity assessment test ( ADL) and quality of life assessment test SF - 36
Conclusions . First application of occupational therapy after traumatic hand injury improves fine motor tasks, hand muscle strength and wrist active range of motion ( p < 0.05). Second after traumatic hand injury using occupational therapy procedures , daily activity... [to full text]
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Psychomotorický vývoj dětí v pražských školách a dětských domovech / The Psychomotor Development Children from Prague Schools and OrphanagesHolický, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographic Identification Name and surname of the author: Mgr. Jakub Holický Name of dissertation: The Psychomotor Development Children from Prague Schools and Orphanages Workplace: Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Didactics of Physical Education and Sports Supervisor of the work: prof. PhDr. Antonín Rychtecký, DrSc. Year of presentation: 2015 Abstract The results of the international studies showed significantly lower level in psychomotor development of children from orphanages in comparison to their peers from majority society. There is currently no study in Czech Republic. Therefore it is important to analyze children in Czech Republic in this field. Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the level of psychomotor development and anthropometric indicators of children in orphanages in Prague with their peers from majority society. Methods: This dissertation is a type of quantitative research. The dissertation has the character of empirical and theoretical work. This research used method of observation. The psychomotor development of children was tested with the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2), which contains 52 items, divided into 12 dimensions. The sample size consists of 449 probands, 224 boys and 225 girls from the Prague region. In orphanages were...
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Rozvoj grafomotoriky dětí ve třídě zřizované pro žáky se zdravotním postižením a v běžné třídě na základní škole / Development of grafomotoric skills of children in the special class established for health affected pupils and children in the normal class at elementary school.KARLOVCOVÁ, Petra January 2007 (has links)
Development of grafomotoric skills of children in the special class established for health affected pupils and children in the normal class at elementary school. Graphomotorics is the whole spectrum of psychomotorical activities which one does while writing. Professional recognition of graphomotorical defects which result from deviations in the evolution of fine motorics can be confirmed only by experienced specialists. Children with these defects must be regularly involved in fun activities such as manual works with various materials. Intensive repetition of motorics and graphomotorics lead to essential improvement of graphomotorical skills. Boys are approximately three times more affected by a specific learning defects than girls. All of the research is based on quantitative type of investigation. The foundations of research were obtained from questionnaire and anamneses of children and also from dialogue with the class teacher. The parents and teachers of 2nd and 3rd class of elementary school in the town of Vseruby were asked. Information about children from the specialized class was obtained in cooperation with an employee of Pedagogical & Psychological Institute. The observed set of children consisted of 24 children from 2nd and 21 children from 3rd class of an ordinary elementary school and also15 children from 2nd and 10 children from 3rd specialized class for affected pupils. The main objective of the theoretical part of the research was to summarize the state of the art. The main objective of the practical part of the research was the comparison of graphomotorical behavior of children attending ordinary and specialized classes. Two hypothesis were set up at the beginning of research. The results the of research were compared to these hypotheses and summarized in the conclusion.
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Využití metody Therasuit u jedinců s mozkovou obrnou / The Use of Therasuit method on individual with cerebral palsyFatková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
Title: The Use of Therasuit method on individuals with cerebral palsy Objectives: The main objective of the work is to observe a 4-week rehabilitation program according to the Therasuit method. Determine whether there will be changes in the area of gross motor skills and primitive reflexes, and to describe the individual course of the rehabilitation process in individual probands. Another objective is an evaluation of the therapeutic effect on the child's physical activities from the parents point of view. Methods: It is a mixed research method which contains an empirical-theoretical form of case sudies of 3 probands.The study included 2 boys and 1 girl aged 3, 4 and 7 years with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, while in the first proband it occurs in the form of spastic diparesis, in the second one in the form of spastic hemiparesis, and in the third one in the form of spastic triparesis. The data collection methods used include input and output kinesiological analysis, qualitative observation of the rehabilitation process and a qualitative interview with a legal representative focused on the child's physical activities prior to and after rehabilitation. Results: We found that after 4-week rehabilitation according to the Therasuit method, all 3 probands improved their gross motor skills. In all 3...
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Vliv hyperbarického prostředí na jemnou motoriku / Effect of hyperbaric environment on fine motor skillsLes, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Title: Effect of hyperbaric environment on fine motor skills Objectives: The aim of study is to assess the changes fine motor skills due to hyperbaric environment in preparation for selected tests of fine motor skills. Methods: The first method was used empirically - research. Then the method chosen of compilation of the information obtained. The basic method to work was the experimental measurement method specially constructed tests on fine motor skills. All measured values were statistically processed as follows. Results: The results were formulated as a percentage, graphs and tables. Recording was carried out by recording the time data. Their percentage of the overall approach to the exercise time mastering fine motor skills in different environments. All results obtained were processed and evaluated. Keywords: depth intoxication, fine motor skills, hyperbaric environment, hyperbaric chambers, diving
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Rehabilitace dětských epileptochirurgických pacientů s pooperačními motorickými deficity / Rehabilitation of Pediatric Patients after Epilepsy Surgery with Postoperative Motor Deficits.Duchoslav, Anna January 2021 (has links)
In its general section, the thesis 'Rehabilitation of Pediatric Patients after Epilepsy Surgery with Postoperative Motor Deficits' discusses epilepsy, treatment of intractable epilepsy and epilepsy surgery. Furthermore, a chapter on possible complications of epilepsy surgery in relation to the locomotor apparatus is included in the general section. The special section deals with rehabilitation in neurology, selected physiotherapy concepts and the relationship between epilepsy and movement activity. The aim of this thesis is to assess the effectiveness of the chosen rehabilitation procedure in five pediatric patients with post-operative motor deficiency. The Gross Motor Function Measure - 88, the Barthel Index and the Box and Blocks Test were used for objective motor assessment.
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Psychomotorický vývoj dětí v pražských školách a dětských domovech / The Psychomotor Development Children from Prague Schools and OrphanagesHolický, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographic Identification Name and surname of the author: Mgr. Jakub Holický Name of dissertation: The Psychomotor Development Children from Prague Schools and Orphanages Workplace: Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Didactics of Physical Education and Sports Supervisor of the work: prof. PhDr. Antonín Rychtecký, DrSc. Year of presentation: 2015 Abstract The results of the international studies showed significantly lower level in psychomotor development of children from orphanages in comparison to their peers from majority society. There is currently no study in Czech Republic. Therefore it is important to analyze children in Czech Republic in this field. Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the level of psychomotor development and anthropometric indicators of children in orphanages in Prague with their peers from majority society. Methods: This dissertation is a type of quantitative research. The dissertation has the character of empirical and theoretical work. This research used method of observation. The psychomotor development of children was tested with the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2), which contains 52 items, divided into 12 dimensions. The sample size consists of 449 probands, 224 boys and 225 girls from the Prague region. In orphanages were...
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