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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ill-health in Sweden : A regional Perspective

Berntsson, Karin January 2005 (has links)
I denna uppsats behandlas ohälsans regionala utveckling och syftet är att analysera vad som påverkar den svenska ohälsan. Teori angående hushållens val mellan fritid och arbete används för att analysera resultaten från den empiriska undersökningen. Bakgrunden till denna uppsats bottnar i utvecklingen av ohälsotalen som har ökat med 5,1 dagar mellan åren 2000 och 2004. De empiriska resultaten påvisar att arbetslösheten har ett positivt samband med ohälsa och att kvinnor tenderar att vara mer sjuka än män. Vidare bekräftar resultaten att inkomsten har ett negativt samband med ohälsa och detta är även sant för stora företag. Följaktligen har små företag en positiv inverkan på ohälsotalen och en analys av kommuner belägna i den norra delen av Sverige påvisar ett högre ohälsotal än övriga kommuner. Vidare är individernas ålder en faktor som kan förklara utvecklingen av öhälsotalen. Dessa resultat bekräftar att arbetslöshet, kön, inkomst, företagsstorlek, ålder och kommuner belägna i den norra delen är faktorer som kan förklara ohälsotalens utveckling, men även andra faktorer är av betydelse. / This thesis examines the regional development of ill-health and the purpose is to analyse factors that tend to influence the Swedish ill-health. Theory of household choice between work and leisure is used when analysing the results of the empirical study. The background for this thesis is derived from the development of ill-health that has increased with 5.1 days between the years 2000 and 2004. The empirical findings show that unemployment has a positive relationship with ill-health and that women tend to be more ill than men. Furthermore, the results confirm that income has a negative relationship with ill-health and this is also true for large companies. Consequently, small companies have positive influence on ill-health and an analysis of the municipalities in the northern part of Sweden points out a higher number of ill-health than the other municipalities. Moreover, the individuals’ age is also a factor that can explain the development of ill-health. These findings confirm that unemployment, gender, income, size of company, age, and the municipalities in the north-ern part are factors that can explain the development of ill-health. However, other factors are important in the process as well.

An alternative approach to IPSAS consolidation : The case of Sweden

Karlsson, Johannes, Nilsson, Mathias January 2010 (has links)
The New Public Management (NPM) has made the public sector go through a period of privatization and externalization which has affected the method of accounting of municipalities, from cash to accrual accounting. The NPM has also resulted in a mix of private and public sector that makes the matter of consolidation of municipal groups complicated because of the municipalities’ use of public sector accounting and the municipal companies’ use of private sector accounting.   In Sweden, the Swedish Council of Municipal Accounting (SCMA) has the task of producing recommendations concerning the accounting of municipalities so that the goal of the “true and fair” view of the municipalities’ is met. In 2009, the SCMA produced the recommendation 8.2 (RKR 8.2) containing guidelines concerning consolidation of the municipal group. The purpose of this article is to investigate the use of RKR 8.2 and what kind of municipality is more inclined to use the recommendation. This question shall be answered by a quantitative, document study of the annual reports of Swedish municipalities from 2009 together with the Stakeholder Theory and the Positive Accounting Theory.   The result of the article shows that the municipalities that are more inclined to implement the RKR 8.2 and to implement it to a larger degree are municipalities of a larger size, with a high performance, with a high tax income and with large municipal companies.   Still, the document study shows that only 43 out of 239 municipalities have implemented the recommendation. To increase the implementation and use of the recommendations of SCMA we suggest merger of municipalities as larger municipalities, for different reasons, have implemented the recommendation to a larger degree than smaller ones.

Kommuners hantering av företagsetableringar : En guide för näringslivschefer och näringslivsenheter

Ljungberg, Jenny, Fridén, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Problem: Nya företag är viktiga för en kommun. Kommuner arbetar dock väldigt olika när det gäller att hantera nya företagsetableringar. Vissa kommuner arbetar mer aktivt medan andra är mer passiva och ambitionerna skiljer sig starkt åt mellan dem. Företagen har ofta fler alternativa etableringsorter. En kommuns bemötande och service spelar stor roll vid en etablering. Syfte Syftet med denna utredning är att ta fram en guide för hur en kommun bör hantera företagsetableringar. Guiden ska kunna användas av näringslivschefer och näringslivsenheter som inspiration och stöd i arbetet mot en förbättrad hantering av företagsetableringar. Tillvägagångssätt: Data samlades in genom intervjuer med 15 personer med lika erfarenheter av företagsetableringar. Data sammanställdes och analyserades utifrån en utredningsmodell som tagits fram ur de teoretiska utgångspunkterna. Teoretiska utgångspunkter: Utredningen hade sina utgångspunkter i teorier kring företagets etableringsprocess, faktiska faktorer som påverkar valet av etableringsort, teknisk och funktionell servicekvalitet samt extern och intern marknadsföring. Utredningen utgick även ifrån teorier kring vikten och skapandet av en relation. Guide: Insamlad data gav information om hur kommuner bör arbeta långsiktigt och övergripande för att förbättra hanteringen av företagsetableringarna men även information om mer kortsiktiga och konkreta handlingar. Det mer övergripande och långsiktiga arbetet innebär bland annat att ta fram en vision för näringslivet och värna om de befintliga företagen i kommunen. Gällande det mer kortsiktiga och konkreta arbetet föreslås exempelvis att kommunen bör identifiera det enskilda företagets behov, mål och önskemål samt arbeta utifrån detta. Kommunen bör även bjuda in företaget att besöka kommunen och ge företaget en personlig kontaktperson. / Problem: New companies are important for a municipality. The municipalities in Sweden are however working very differently when it comes to managing business establishments. Some municipalities are very active while others are more passive. Companies do often have several alternatives when they are choosing a place to establish their business. Hence, how the municipalities serve and threat the companies is very important concerning business establishments. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to develop a guide how to manage business establishments in a municipality. The guide should be used by industrial life executives and units as inspiration and support in their work for a better management of business establishments. Methodology: Data was collected through 15 interviews with persons with experience of business establishments. The data was organized and analyzed with the aid of a model that was derived from the theoretical framework of this thesis. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework contended theories about a business establishment process, factors that influence a company’s location choice, technical and functional service-quality and internal and external marketing. The framework also contended theories about the importance of a relationship and relationship-building. The Guide: The collected and analyzed data gave information about how the municipalities can work overall and long-term to improve the management of the new establishments, but it also gave information about how they can work more concretely and short-thermed. The overall and long-term work means for example that the municipality should create a vision for the industrial environment and that they should take care of the existing businesses. The concrete and short – term task implies identifying the needs, goals and wishes of the individual company and working with that as a base. The municipality should also invite the company to visit them and give them a personal contact person.

Welfare state attitudes in context : local contexts and attitude formation in Sweden

Johansson Sevä, Ingemar January 2009 (has links)
Welfare state attitudes are often studied from the perspective of the individual's characteristics and/or national or regime-type contexts. This thesis instead seeks explanations for individuals' varying attitudes towards the welfare state at the level of local contexts (municipalities). Sweden is used as a case for testing whether there are such contextual effects. The general aim is to find out whether social, political, and institutional aspects of local context influence the attitudes of individuals. Since the general aim of this thesis is to examine how background characteristics of individuals and characteristics of local contexts simultaneously act in shaping individuals' attitudes, I use multilevel modelling in order to handle individual-level and contextual-level data simultaneously. Latent-class analysis (LCA) is also employed in the analyses to explore the patterning of variables. This is mainly done in order to create dependent variables and to distinguish between categories of municipalities sharing similar characteristics.  The data consist of Swedish survey data, which have been complemented by municipal-level data. The findings indicate that the social and political context of municipalities can matter for individuals' attitude formation. Variation across municipalities in terms of the prevalence of social problems and risks seems to influence how individuals view the welfare state. Local municipal contexts characterized by many social problems and risks tend to be associated with more welfare state friendly attitudes among the local inhabitants, after taking individual-level determinants into account. Support for high social spending is greater in such milieus as is the tendency to view welfare beneficiaries with less suspicion regarding the potential abuse of welfare policies. Regarding the influence of local public service provision on attitudes, no evidence was found for feedback effects on individuals' attitudes toward public service privatization. In their attitudes towards the welfare state, individuals are to some extent influenced by their local environment. There seems to be a 'built in' thermostat in the Swedish welfare state. Local circumstances characterized by social problems and risks tend to be associated with a local citizenry having more welfare state-friendly attitudes.

Enskilda avlopp : Ett kommunalt ansvar? / Individual sewage disposal system : A municipal responsibility?

Eriksson, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Vattnet är en livsviktig resurs för levande organismer och ekosystem. Idag används vatten i alla möjliga sammanhang vilket har lett tillatt vattnet har blivit övergött och förorenat. Utsläpp av näringsämnen i för stora mängder anses vara den största orsaken til lövergödning och detta gäller framför allt utsläpp av avloppsvatten. Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka Sveriges kommunerskartläggningsstrategier för enskilda avlopp och vilka åtgärder de vidtar, samt hur många enskilda avlopp det finns. För att ta reda pådetta skickades en enkät och ett följebrev ut till alla kommuner i Sverige och sedan sammanställdes dessa. Av Sveriges 290 kommunervar det 232 som deltog. De vanligaste strategierna för att kartlägga enskilda avlopp är att skicka ut enkäter eller göra inventeringar. I många fall används bådastrategierna med enkät som ett första steg och inventering som ett andra. Resultatet av enkäten visar att mellan 50-90 % av de enskildaavloppen är undermåliga eller bristfälliga och att åtgärder krävs. Kommunerna ställer krav på fastighetsägarna att åtgärda sina avloppinom en viss tidsram annars kan förbud att använda avloppen utfärdas. Undersökningen visade att det finns ungefär 813 000 enskilda avloppsanläggningar i Sverige, vilket är en ökning med cirka 71 000 sedan2006. Ökningen kan bero på att fler än hälften av Sveriges kommuner har gjort en kartläggning sedan 2006

Värmländska kommuner globala aktörer? : En jämförande studie av fyra värmländska kommuner / Värmländska municipalities global players? : A comparative study of four municipalities in Värmland

Jonsson, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
This study is mostly based on previous research, which includes Sub-national actor’s attitudes and regional action towards the European Union. The purpose of the study is to investigate if four Swedish municipalities in Värmland operate internationally towards the European Union and deepen an understanding of their actions. The main research question is:   - How can we increase our understanding of municipal action against the European Union?   The research questions of this study are answered through qualitative method and semi-structured interviews were conducted. Eight key informants in position either as politicians or official workers were selected for interviews whose position is either politicians or official workers. The results were then analysed based on theories such as Fusion and regional action. The study shows that the four Swedish municipalities in Sweden operate internationally in varied form. The actions of smaller municipalities seem to be dictated to large extend by the available resources.

Kommuner och sociala medier : en studie om kommuners användning av Facebook / Municipalities and social media : a study of municipalities use of Facebook

Johansson, Christine, Bumbar, Sanja January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om kommuners användning av sociala medier i allmänhet och Facebook i synnerhet. Fenomenet sociala medier har vuxit sig allt starkare under de senaste åren och nu för tiden används de inte bara av privatpersoner, utan också av företag, organisationer och nu även myndigheter, som börjat se nyttan med dem. Arbetet bygger vidare på en studie som har genomförts av Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL), som har tagit fram riktlinjer för hur kommuner skall förhålla sig till medborgare när det gäller användning av sociala medier. Ur denna studie har ett antal kommuner hittats som regelbundet använder sig av sociala medier. Dessa kommuner har sedan inom ramen för denna studie kontaktats i syfte att ta reda på hur de använder sig av sociala medier och om det finns några riktlinjer när de kommunicerar med medborgarna. Studien avgränsas sedan och inriktas mer på just Facebook och vilket budskap de vill förmedla genom sina Facebook-­‐ sidor, samt hur eventuella riktlinjerna ser ut. Totalt har 26 kommuner av 51 svarat på det elektroniska frågeformuläret och de är lokaliserade allt ifrån Kalix i norr till Ystad i söder. Metoden som har använts för studien är av en kvalitativ ansats med kvantitativa inslag där ett elektroniskt frågeformulär skickades ut, innehållande frågor som besvarats i fritext av kommunerna och som sedan analyserats, bearbetats och tolkats. Under teoriavsnittet presenteras begrepp som använts i studien samt en mer ingående presentation av SKL:s undersökning och riktlinjer. Vidare tas vikten av kommunikation, såväl intern som extern, upp. Arbetet konkluderas med en slutsats där det visar sig att kommuner använder sociala medier som en kommunikationskanal för att öka sin kommunikation gentemot medborgare. Kommuner vill på detta sätt skapa en dialog samt ha möjlighet till att nå ut till bredare målgrupper. Även marknadsföring och möjligheten att måla upp en positiv bild av sig själva ses som en viktig del till varför kommuner använder sociala medier. En annan nytta är också att man lättare kan nå kommunen som medborgare, och att kommunerna själva utökar sin medborgar-­‐service samt erbjuder en större variation av den. Ytterligare fördelar som framgår är att det blir lättare att sprida information och att det blir lättare att få in synpunkter och feedback från medborgare. Studien visar också att de allra flesta av de svarande kommunerna följer någon form av riktlinjer som används som stöd och komplement i användandet av sociala medier. / This study deals with the use of social media in general and Facebook in particular by Swedish municipalities. The phenomenon of social media has grown stronger in recent years and are not now days only used by individuals, but also by companies and organizations and now also authorities, which have begun to see the benefits of using them. This paper builds on a study carried out by the Swedish Local Authorities and Regions, which have developed guidelines for municipalities on how to respond to citizens using social media. From this previous study, a number of municipalities were found that use social media on a regular basis. In the context of this study these municipalities were then contacted in order to find out how they use social media and whether there are any guidelines when communicating with citizens. The study is then narrowed down to focus more on Facebook specifically and what message they want to convey through the use of Facebook, and how possible guidelines may look like. A total of 26 municipalities out of 51 elected to answer the electronic questionnaire, with locations from Kalix in the north to Ystad in the south. The method used for this study is a qualitative approach with quantitative elements, where an electronic questionnaire was sent out, containing questions answered in free text by the municipalities, which were then analysed, processed and interpreted. The theory section introduces concepts used in the study and a more detailed presentation of research and guidelines by the Swedish Local Authorities and Regions. The importance of communication, both internal and external, is also discussed. This paper concludes with the finding that municipalities are using social media as a communication channel to increase communication with their citizens. Municipalities would thus create a forum for dialogue and be able to reach out to wider audiences. Marketing possibilities and the creation of a positive image of themselves is seen as an important reason why municipalities are using social media. Another benefit is the ease of reaching the municipality as a citizen, and that the municipalities themselves are able to expand their civic service and offer a greater variety of it. Additional benefits can also be seen, such as making it easier to share information and to obtain input and feedback from citizens. The study also shows that the vast majority of the responding municipalities comply with some form of guidelines, used to support and supplement the use of social media.

Financial or performance auditing? : the role of elected auditors in Swedish municipalities

Andersson, Mary-Ann, Rebecka, Nilsson January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to see if the elected auditors in the Swedish municipalities focus more on financial or on performance auditing in the audit report. This is a very important question today in the public sector because of the change in the elected auditor’s duties and responsibility. The public organizations management and accounting today are influenced by the private sector; therefore there must be a change in the elected auditor’s role in the public organization. The investigation was done by going through the audit reports of the municipalities of Sweden. The factors looked at were connected to both financial auditing and performance auditing and public management and accounting. Besides looking for factors, the number of words connected to each factor was counted. Since we only received audit reports from 232 out of 290 municipalities, our result is a little skewed representing the larger municipalities.The results from this study is that there is significantly more information concerning financial auditing rather than performance auditing in the audit report in the municipalities of Sweden. Also the political majority has no effect on the content of the audit report, nor do the political parties affect the amount of information concerning financial or performance auditing. The study also shows that the use of professional auditors in the municipalities can affect the content of the audit reports, both when it comes to financial and performance auditing.

Analyse der Haushaltsdefizite von Kommunen / Budget deficits of municipalities

John, Christoph 13 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Viele Städte und Gemeinden klagen über ihre hohen Haushaltsdefizite. Nun gibt es Kommunen, die extrem stark verschuldet sind und sehr hohe laufende Defizite besitzen und Kommunen, bei denen das weniger der Fall ist, bis hin zu Städten, die Überschüsse erwirtschaften. Zu diesen Phänomenen existieren in der Fachwelt verschiedene Sichtweisen. In dieser Arbeit werden einige der diskutierten Hypothesen aufgegriffen und mithilfe einer multivariaten OLS-Regressionsanalyse empirisch überprüft. Es zeigt sich, dass der Fokus verstärkt auf endogene statt auf exogene Faktoren gelegt werden muss.

Radicalisation Of Politics At The Local Level: The Case Of Fatsa During The Late 1970s

Turkmen, Hade 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Urban space is an arena of conficting interests. Seldomly dominated has the opportunity to express its identity on and through urban space as the exploited and oppressed groups lose their voice within the insitititonalised channels of representation. On the other hand, the localised voices do not have the chance to change the urban meaning and the power structure. In the 1970s, urban social movements were seen as an alternative form of interest representation which could challenge the dominant power relations and create a new urban meaning. Yet, such movements were largely failed to mount such a challenge to the dominant urban system partly due to their localised forms. In Turkey, 1970s witnessed to a radicalisation of political life including the urban areas. The mobilisations such as the New Municipalism and Squatter Movements supported by radical youth movements were the examples of emerging radicalism of that period. In the late 1970s, a relatively small Black Sea town, namely, Fatsa underwent a radical transformation when one of the radical left wing movement took control of the municipality in the byelections. After a long period of domination of mainstream parties upon the municipality, a self decleared revolutionary movement won the local elections with their independent candidate and came to power in Fatsa Municipality. If this was possible it was largely due to active involvement of the prestigous local actors in this process. In other words, a sucessful articulation of a national revolutionary group with influencial local actors created a unique situation by bringing them to power in this particular municipality. This change was followed by the rise of new and novel forms of municipal policies and of participatory mechanisms. In the identification of problems and their solutions the participation of local population is seen as the key element by the new administration. This thesis examines the rise and decline of Fatsa experience as one of the example of radicalisation of urban politics by linking the experience to the contextual features of local politics. It is claimed that to explain the Fatsa experience it is not enough to look at either to the (national) contextual features or the local specificities such as the status of those local actors etc. A satisfactory approach has to take both local specificities and national contextual features into account within a syntetic framework.

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