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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contemporary attitudes towards music in South African Protestant churches

Lagerwall, Renée 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the attitudes of people regarding the worship music that is being used in South African Protestant churches during the last decade of the twentieth century. The research is aimed at the man-in-the-pew to identify general trends across a variety of denominations. 4920 questionnaires were sent to 980 churches countrywide and completed anonymously. Questions are divided into three categories: personal information, church related, personal opinions. Every question has space for comments. Chapter one is a general discussion on people's opinions and attitudes and the aim and method used. Chapter two is an historical synopsis. Chapter three is an analysis of the questionnaire including hypotheses, graphs, results and comments. Chapter four, the conclusion, identifies general trends regarding formality and informality, choirs and music groups, background music, traditional versus contemporary, education and influence of leaders, the need for policies, use of media and instruments. Proposals are suggested. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M. Mus.

Ephrem of Syria, power, truth, and construction of orthodoxy: modelling theory and method in critical historiography of the making of religious tradition

Van der Bank, Annelie 02 1900 (has links)
Hymns can and have functioned as powerful strategic tools to change social and religious landscapes, and to inform and transform people’s notions about ‘doing church’. A few words about Ephrem the Syrian, which emphasised liturgical singing and accentuated the force of truth, the power of persuasion and socio-religious transformation was the starting point and connecting thread, which formed the backbone of this dissertation throughout—a research project that was also guided by some principles of new historicism to view Ephrem as a textual construct, living in a particular context and dealing with specific religious issues in a particular way. His trump card was the female choirs he founded, which became a distinct feature of orthodox Syrian Christianity. Through their singing performances, he ‘silenced’ the unorthodox voices of—especially Bardaisan—and created a community of believers where each person had a part to fulfil, where women and men would become ‘two harps’, ‘singing one praise’. / M. Th. (New Testament)

Lobpreis- und Anbetungslieder: eine kritisch-wurdigende Analyse der aktuellen Hillsong-Lieder / Praise and worship songs: a critical analysis of popular Hillsong songs

Ehlebracht, Simon 10 1900 (has links)
Abstract in German and English / Die Masterarbeit untersucht die 20 meist gespielten Hillsong-Lieder aus dem Jahre 2016 in Deutschland. Untersuchte Aspekte sind die Hauptthemen der Liedtexte, die Sänger- / Adressat-Perspektive, die Einordnung in das gesamtbiblische Narrativ sowie die Funktionen der Lieder innerhalb des Gottesdienstes. Anhand dieser Aspekte wird der Kritik, die an die Lieder gerichtet wird, begegnet. Kritisiert wird unter anderem die theologische Substanzlosigkeit der Lieder, das verzerrte Gottesbild, fehlende Themen wie Leid, Klage, Soziale Gerechtigkeit oder die Fokussierung auf das Individuum anstatt auf Gott. Die Arbeit weist nach, dass die Kritik an mangelndem Inhalt erechtfertigt ist. Die Lieder kommunizieren darüber hinaus ein einseitiges Gottesbild, das Jesus im Fokus hat. Es wird dargestellt, dass die Themen Leid, Klage und Soziale Gerechtigkeit unterrepräsentiert sind. Auf der grammatikalischen Ebene weisen die Lieder einen starken Fokus auf das Individuum auf. Durch die Untersuchung der Funktionen wird jedoch gezeigt, dass die meisten Lieder trotz einer Ich-Perspektive stark gemeinschaftsstiftend sind. Das liegt vor allem an der koinonialen Funktionen sowie der Kombinationen von diakonischer und seelsorgerlicher Funktion mancher Lieder. Neben diesen Funktionen übernehmen die Lieder oft noch die kerygmatische, missionarische und pädagogische Funktion. / The master thesis examines the 20 most played Hillsong songs from 2016 in Germany. Aspects examined are the main themes of the lyrics, the singer-/ addressee perspective, the classification into the biblical narrative as well as the functions of the songs within the worship service. Based on these aspects, the criticism directed at the songs is met. Criticized are, among other things, the theological lack of substance of the songs, the distorted image of God, missing topics like suffering, lamentation, social justice or the focus on the individual instead of God. The work proves that the criticism of lack of content is justified. In addition, the songs communicate a one-sided image of God that strongly focuses on Jesus as an addressee. It shows that the issues of suffering, lamentation and social justice are nderrepresented. On the grammatical level, the songs have a strong focus on the individual. Examining the functions, however, shows that most of the songs, despite a first-person perspective, are strongly community-building. This is mainly due to the koinonial function and the combinations of diaconal and pastoral function of some songs. In addition to these functions, the songs often take on the kerygmatic, missionary and pedagogical function. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Du Wohnst unter den Lobgesangen Israels: eine Untersuchung der charismatischen Lobpreiskultur im Hinblick auf das implizierte Gottesdienstverstandnis / Thou inhabitest the praises of Israel: a study of the charismatic praise culture with regard to the implicit understanding of worship

Loewen, Paul Dennis Thielmann 11 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in German and English / Diese Studie befasst sich mit einer Untersuchung und Einordnung einiger theologischer Aspekte der charismatischen Lobpreispraxis im deutschsprachigen Raum. Dies erfolgt mittels Analyse einschlägiger Literatur sowie repräsentativer Liedtexte der charismatisch geprägten Lobpreismusik der letzten Jahre. Insbesondere durch die Untersuchung des Tempelmotivs und seine Bedeutung in der charismatischen Lobpreispraxis, werden Charakteristika eines zugrundeliegenden Gottesdienstverständnisses und sich daraus ergebende weltanschauliche Implikationen herausgearbeitet. Der Befund zeigt, dass den untersuchten Lobpreisliedern ein Narrativ der Begegnung des Menschen mit Gott und seiner Gegenwart (in „heiliger Atmosphäre“) als Grundmotiv zugrunde liegt. Dieses Narrativ folgt der Logik und dem Vorbild des alttestamentlichen Tempelkults. Wie der Eintritt des Priesters ins „Allerheiligste“, soll das gottesdienstliche Lobpreiserlebnis als eine transzendente Begegnung mit dem „Heiligen“ verstanden werden, wodurch sich Tendenzen zu einem sakral-kultischen Gottesdienstverständnis und Hinweise eines Dualismus zwischen „profanen“ und „sakralen“ wirklichkeitsdimensionen des zugrundeliegenden Weltbildes aufzeigen lassen. / This study evaluates some theological aspects of the charismatic praise and worship practice in the German-speaking area by analyzing relevant literature and representative lyrics of the charismatically influenced worship songs of recent years. In particular, by examining the temple theme and its significance in charismatic worship, the characteristics of the underlying conception of worship and the resulting worldview implications are worked out. The results show that the studied praise and worship songs are based on an underlying narrative of man's encounter with God and his presence (in a "holy atmosphere") through the singing. This narrative follows the logic and model of the Old Testament temple cult. Like the priest's entry into the "holy of holies", the worship experience is to be understood as a transcendent encounter with the "holy", whereby tendencies towards a sacral-cultic understanding of worship and a dualism between a "profane" and a "sacred" dimension of the underlying worldview can be shown. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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