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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence de l'apprentissage musical sur le traitement des syllabes chez des enfants normolecteurs et dyslexiques

Chobert, Julie 29 June 2011 (has links)
Mon thème de recherche est d’étudier l’influence de l’apprentissage de la musique sur le traitement acoustique et phonologique de la syllabe chez des enfants normolecteurs et dyslexiques. Dans ce but, j’ai conduit plusieurs expériences basées sur l’utilisation conjointe des méthodes issues de la psychologie expérimentale (Temps de Réaction, TRs, et pourcentage d’erreurs, %err) et de l’électrophysiologie chez l’homme (Potentiels Evoqués, PEs). En comparant des enfants musiciens et non-musiciens de 9 ans, j’ai d’abord testé les effets de l’expertise musicale sur les traitements attentif (TRs et %err) et pré-attentif (en utilisant la Mismatch Negativity, MMN) de paramètres acoustiques, fréquence et durée des syllabes, et d’un paramètre phonologique, le Voice Onset Time (VOT; Expérience I). Les résultats montrent que l'expertise musicale améliore les traitements pré-attentif et attentif de la durée et du VOT dans les syllabes et le traitement attentif des variations de fréquence. Dans une seconde étude, j’ai utilisé la MMN pour comparer le traitement de ces mêmes paramètres chez des enfants dyslexiques et normolecteurs. Les enfants dyslexiques montrent un déficit du traitement de la durée des syllabes et du VOT comparés aux enfants normolecteurs. Enfin, dans les deux dernières études, j’ai utilisé la méthode longitudinale pour tester l’influence de l’apprentissage de la musique sur le traitement pré-attentif (MMN) de ces mêmes paramètres chez des enfants normolecteurs (Expérience III) et dyslexiques (Expérience IV). Les résultats de l’Expérience III montrent que 12 mois d’apprentissage de la musique améliorent le traitement pré-attentif de la durée et du VOT chez les enfants normolecteurs. En reproduisant les effets trouvés dans l’Expérience I, ces résultats soulignent que l’avantage mis en évidence chez les enfants musiciens ne résulterait pas uniquement de prédispositions génétiques pour la musique mais serait causalement lié à l’apprentissage musical. Enfin, les résultats de l’Expérience IV montrent que 6 mois d’apprentissage de la musique améliorent le traitement pré-attentif du VOT chez les enfants dyslexiques, suggérant que l’apprentissage musical pourrait être utilisé comme une aide à la remédiation de la dyslexie.Pris dans leur ensemble, ces résultats démontrent une relation forte entre traitements acoustique et phonologique. L’apprentissage de la musique, en améliorant la sensibilité des enfants aux paramètres acoustiques dans la musique et dans le langage (processus communs), augmenterait également leur sensibilité aux paramètres phonologiques associés et permettrait ainsi la construction de représentations phonologiques plus robustes (transfert d’apprentissage de la musique vers le langage). / My research is aimed at studying the influence of musical training on the acoustic and phonological processing of syllables in children with dyslexia and in normal-reading children. To this aim, I conducted several experiments by using methods issued from experimental psychology (Reaction Times, RTs, and error rates, %err) and from human electrophysiology (Event-Related brain Potentials, ERPs)By comparing 9-year-old musician and non-musician children, I first tested for the effects of musical expertise on attentive (RTs and %err) and preattentive processing (by using the Mismatch Negativity, MMN) of the acoustical parameters, frequency and duration, of syllables and of a phonological parameter, the Voice Onset Time (VOT; Experiment I). Results showed enhanced preattentive and attentive processing of syllables’ duration and VOT in musicians compared to nonmusician children. Secondly, I compared the processing of these same parameters in dyslexic and normal-reading children (Experiment II) by using the MMN. Results revealed that children with dyslexia showed deficits for the processing of duration and VOT in syllables compared to normal-readers. Finally, in the last two studies, I used the longitudinal method to test for the influence of musical training on the processing of the same acoustic and phonological parameters of syllables, in normal-reading children (Experiment III) and in children with dyslexia (Experiment IV). Results of Experiment III showed that 12 months of musical training enhanced duration and VOT processing in syllables, thereby demonstrating that the effects of musical expertise shown in Experiment I are not likely to only result from specific genetic predispositions for music but are causally linked to musical training. Finally, results of Experiment IV revealed that 6 months of musical training in children with dyslexia enhanced their sensitivity to VOT processing, suggesting that musical training could be an aid for the remediation of dyslexia.These results highlight the relationship between acoustical and phonological processing. Musical training, by refining the acoustical network responsible for the acoustic processing in music and speech sounds (common processing) also enhances sensitivity to phonological associated features and, consequently, the building-up of more robust phonological representations (transfer of training effect from music to language processing).

Factors Affecting the Perceived Rhythmic Complexity of Auditory Rhythms

Vinke, Louis Nicholas 26 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Musical Training and Maturation on Pitch Perception and Memory

Weaver, Aurora J. 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Musical sophistication och arbetsminne : En pilotstudie om korrelationen mellan självskattad musical sophistication och arbetsminne hos en svensk normalpopulation / Musical sophistication and working memory : A pilot study about the correlation between self-rated musical sophistication and working memory in a Swedish normal population

Alvén, Isabella, Holm, Rebecca January 2024 (has links)
The aim of the present pilot study was to investigate the relationship between musical sophistication and working memory in a Swedish population. Hypotheses included that there would be a moderately strong correlation between musical sophistication and musical working memory, a moderate but somewhat weaker relationship between musical sophistication and auditory working memory, and no relationship between musical sophistication and visuospatial working memory. The study was of cross-sectional design and included 31 adult participants. The participants filled in a self-assessment form about musicality (Gold-MSI) and then had to complete three working memory tests (Melody Discrimination Test, Digit Span, Spatial Span). Spearman's correlation was used to analyze the data. The result showed a moderately strong correlation between musical sophistication and musical working memory. No significant results were obtained for the other working memory tests. An exploratory analysis of the relationship between musical sophistication and musical working memory showed that musical working memory ability correlated with some subscales on the Gold-MSI where there was a strong relationship with musical training, moderate with singing ability and weak with perceptual ability. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that Music training was the individual variable that explained the variance in musical working memory (32%). The results of this study provide important indications for future research on working memory and can be used to further investigate the possibility of introducing music training interventions as a means of improving working memory ability. / Syftet med föreliggande pilotstudie var att undersöka sambandet mellan musical sophistication och arbetsminne i en svensk population. Hypoteser innefattade att det skulle vara en måttligt stark korrelation mellan musical sophistication och musikaliskt arbetsminne, måttligt men något svagare samband mellan musical sophistication och auditivt arbetsminne och inget samband mellan musical sophistication och visuospatialt arbetsminne. Studien var av tvärsnittsdesign och inkluderade 31 vuxna deltagare. Deltagarna fyllde i ett självskattningsformulär om musikalitet (Gold-MSI) och fick sedan genomföra tre arbetsminnestester (Melody Discrimination Test, Sifferrepetition, Blockrepetition). Spearmans korrelation användes för att analysera datan. Resultatet visade en måttligt stark korrelation mellan musical sophistication och musikalisk arbetsminnesförmåga. Inga signifikanta resultat erhölls för de andra arbetsminnestesterna. En explorativ analys av sambandet mellan musical sophistication och musikaliskt arbetsminne visade att musikalisk arbetsminnesförmåga korrelerade med några delskalor på Gold-MSI där det var starkt samband med Musikträning, måttligt med Sångförmåga och svagt med Perceptuell förmåga. Hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys visade att Musikträning var den individuella variabeln som förklarade variansen i musikaliskt arbetsminne (32%). Resultaten från denna studie ger viktiga indikationer inför framtida forskning om arbetsminnet och kan användas för att vidare undersöka möjligheten att införa musikträningsinterventioner som ett sätt att förbättra arbetsminnesförmåga.

Apprentissage implicite des structures linguistiques et musicales : approche multi-méthodologique

François, Clément 31 May 2011 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont multiples. Le premier objectif est de comparer, aux niveaux comportemental et électrophysiologique, l'apprentissage implicite de structures linguistiques et musicales après l'écoute d'un langage artificiel chanté. Alors qu'au niveau comportemental, seule la structure linguistique semble être apprise, les résultats électrophysiologiques révèlent un effet N400 pour les deux dimensions, linguistique et musicale. Le deuxième objectif de cette thèse est d'évaluer comment cet apprentissage est influencé par l'expertise musicale. Nous avons comparé un groupe d'adultes musiciens à un groupe de non musiciens. Alors qu'au niveau comportemental les musiciens sont à peine meilleurs que les non musiciens dans les deux dimensions, les données électrophysiologiques révèlent, via des différences précoces (N1/P2) et tardives (N400), une meilleure segmentation chez les musiciens. De plus, les analyses en potentiels évoqués et en temps-fréquences des données électrophysiologiques enregistrées pendant les phases d'apprentissage révèlent que les musiciens apprennent plus rapidement que les non musiciens. Cependant, un lien de causalité quant aux effets de l'apprentissage de la musique ne peut être mis en évidence qu'en réalisant une étude longitudinale. Nous avons mené une telle étude chez des enfants de 8 ans à qui l'on a fait suivre un apprentissage de la musique ou de la peinture pendant 2 années. Les résultats comportementaux et électrophysiologiques révèlent un large bénéfice de l'apprentissage musical comparé à celui de la peinture démontrant l'importance de la musique dans l'éducation des enfants. / The aims of the present thesis were two-folded. Firstly, we wanted to compare behavioral and electrophysiological measures related to the implicit learning of linguistic and musical structures contained within an artificial sung language. While behavioral measures suggest that only the linguistic structure was learned, electrophysiological data revealed similar N400 effects in both linguistic and musical dimensions, suggesting that participants did also learn the musical structure. The second goal was to evaluate to what extent musical expertise can affect speech segmentation. At this aim, we compared a group of adult musicians to a group of nonmusicians. While behavioral data showed that musicians had marginally better performance than non musicians in both dimensions, electrophysiological data revealed, via early (N1/P2) and late (N400) differences, a better speech segmentation in musicians than in non musicians. Moreover, event-related potentials and time-frequency analyzes during learning revealed a faster and more efficient learning process in musicians. However, the only way to unambiguously claim causality between expertise and the observed effects requires a longitudinal approach. At this aim, we conducted a study with 8 year-old children who followed either music or painting lessons over a period of 2 years. Behavioral and electrophysiological data revealed a larger benefit of musical compared to painting training, bringing evidences for the importance of music in childrens' education.

Leitura musical à primeira vista : um estudo com guias de auxílio para estudantes universitários de órgão e piano

Rocha, Alexandre Fritzen da January 2017 (has links)
Leitura musical à primeira vista é uma tarefa complexa que envolve a sobreposição de processos cognitivos, de execução motora, de memória e perceptuais. A habilidade demanda do músico uma ampla base de conhecimento em repertório, estilos e compreensão de códigos musicais. O desenvolvimento da habilidade de ler à primeira vista pode promover o melhoramento de muitas habilidades musicais, incluindo o aumento da consciência musical global. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar o uso de guias para o auxílio no desenvolvimento da tarefa de ler música à primeira vista com estudantes universitários, utilizando a análise musical como ferramenta de auxílio. Esta pesquisa contou com 23 participantes, organistas e pianistas, divididos em dois grupos (experimental e controle), os quais foram submetidos à performance de três trechos musicais inéditos. Os participantes do grupo experimental realizaram a interpretação do segundo trecho com interferência de guias de auxílio para a execução. A maioria dos estudantes demonstrou interesse em desenvolver estudos em leitura à primeira vista. A média de andamento dos sujeitos nos trechos da pesquisa foi 63,5% mais baixa do que o andamento sugerido na partitura A média de erros foi de 8,78 erros por trecho, e os tipos de erros mais cometidos foram os da voz do baixo. As melhores avaliações foram dadas aos estudantes de pós-graduação. 81,82% dos participantes do grupo experimental consideraram que os guias auxiliaram suas execuções. Os resultados mostram que o melhoramento em leitura à primeira vista possivelmente é mais efetivo em um estudo a longo prazo, envolvendo conhecimentos de análise musical, aspectos motores e conhecimento de repertório. Concluímos que o uso dos guias promoveu o melhoramento do andamento da execução dos trechos dos estudantes do grupo experimental e estes sujeitos obtiveram médias menores de erros e as melhores avaliações de juízes externos, além de cometerem menos erros na melodia e na voz do baixo depois de serem submetidos aos guias. / Sight-reading is a complex task that involves overlap of cognitive processes, motor execution, memory and perceptual process. This skill demands broad knowledge in repertory skills, styles and comprehension of musical codes. The development of sight-reading ability can improve several musical skills, including the increase of musical consciousness. The aim of this work is to test the use of musical guides in the development of sight-reading skills with undergraduate students, using musical analysis as a support tool. Twenty-three students participated in this research, among them organists and pianists, from undergraduate, graduate, and extension courses of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The participants were included in two groups, experimental and control, and were asked to perform three unpublished musical excerpts. Those included in the experimental group performed the second excerpt with the use of musical guides. The majority of the students demonstrated interest in developing studies in sight-reading. The average overall tempo of the subjects in the excerpts was 63.5% lower than that suggested in the score The average of errors was 8.78%, and the most frequent errors occurred in the bass voice. The best evaluations were awarded to postgraduate students. 81.82% of the participants considered that the guides helped their performances. Results show that improvement in sight-reading is more likely to occur in a long term study involving, in addition to knowledge of musical analysis, motor aspects and repertory background. The use of guides improved the musical tempo in the students‟ performance in the experimental group. Moreover, the subjects in the experimental group obtained a lower error average and a better rate from the external evaluators. They also made fewer mistakes in the melodic line and the bass voice after using the musical guides.

Musical Training Influences Auditory Temporal Processing

Elangovan, Saravanan, Payne, Nicole, Smurzynski, Jacek, Fagelson, Marc A. 12 March 2016 (has links)
Background: A link between musical expertise and auditory temporal processing abilities was examined. Material and methods: Trained musicians (n=13) and non-musicians (n=12) were tested on speech tasks (phonetic identification, speech recognition in noise) and non-speech tasks (temporal gap detection). Results: Results indicated musicians had shorter between-channel gap detection thresholds and sharper phonetic identification functions, suggesting that perceptual reorganization following musical training assists basic temporal auditory processes. Conclusions: In general, our results provide a conceptual advance in understanding how musical training influences speech processing, an ability which, when impaired, can affect speech and reading competency.

Leitura musical à primeira vista : um estudo com guias de auxílio para estudantes universitários de órgão e piano

Rocha, Alexandre Fritzen da January 2017 (has links)
Leitura musical à primeira vista é uma tarefa complexa que envolve a sobreposição de processos cognitivos, de execução motora, de memória e perceptuais. A habilidade demanda do músico uma ampla base de conhecimento em repertório, estilos e compreensão de códigos musicais. O desenvolvimento da habilidade de ler à primeira vista pode promover o melhoramento de muitas habilidades musicais, incluindo o aumento da consciência musical global. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar o uso de guias para o auxílio no desenvolvimento da tarefa de ler música à primeira vista com estudantes universitários, utilizando a análise musical como ferramenta de auxílio. Esta pesquisa contou com 23 participantes, organistas e pianistas, divididos em dois grupos (experimental e controle), os quais foram submetidos à performance de três trechos musicais inéditos. Os participantes do grupo experimental realizaram a interpretação do segundo trecho com interferência de guias de auxílio para a execução. A maioria dos estudantes demonstrou interesse em desenvolver estudos em leitura à primeira vista. A média de andamento dos sujeitos nos trechos da pesquisa foi 63,5% mais baixa do que o andamento sugerido na partitura A média de erros foi de 8,78 erros por trecho, e os tipos de erros mais cometidos foram os da voz do baixo. As melhores avaliações foram dadas aos estudantes de pós-graduação. 81,82% dos participantes do grupo experimental consideraram que os guias auxiliaram suas execuções. Os resultados mostram que o melhoramento em leitura à primeira vista possivelmente é mais efetivo em um estudo a longo prazo, envolvendo conhecimentos de análise musical, aspectos motores e conhecimento de repertório. Concluímos que o uso dos guias promoveu o melhoramento do andamento da execução dos trechos dos estudantes do grupo experimental e estes sujeitos obtiveram médias menores de erros e as melhores avaliações de juízes externos, além de cometerem menos erros na melodia e na voz do baixo depois de serem submetidos aos guias. / Sight-reading is a complex task that involves overlap of cognitive processes, motor execution, memory and perceptual process. This skill demands broad knowledge in repertory skills, styles and comprehension of musical codes. The development of sight-reading ability can improve several musical skills, including the increase of musical consciousness. The aim of this work is to test the use of musical guides in the development of sight-reading skills with undergraduate students, using musical analysis as a support tool. Twenty-three students participated in this research, among them organists and pianists, from undergraduate, graduate, and extension courses of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The participants were included in two groups, experimental and control, and were asked to perform three unpublished musical excerpts. Those included in the experimental group performed the second excerpt with the use of musical guides. The majority of the students demonstrated interest in developing studies in sight-reading. The average overall tempo of the subjects in the excerpts was 63.5% lower than that suggested in the score The average of errors was 8.78%, and the most frequent errors occurred in the bass voice. The best evaluations were awarded to postgraduate students. 81.82% of the participants considered that the guides helped their performances. Results show that improvement in sight-reading is more likely to occur in a long term study involving, in addition to knowledge of musical analysis, motor aspects and repertory background. The use of guides improved the musical tempo in the students‟ performance in the experimental group. Moreover, the subjects in the experimental group obtained a lower error average and a better rate from the external evaluators. They also made fewer mistakes in the melodic line and the bass voice after using the musical guides.

Educação musical do espaço religioso: um estudo sobre a formação musical na Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana de João Pessoa – Paraíba

Novo, José Alessandro Dantas Dias 30 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-21T16:39:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 11677330 bytes, checksum: 6d04d33e8783570ff539ebd0f5bb1e7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-21T16:39:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 11677330 bytes, checksum: 6d04d33e8783570ff539ebd0f5bb1e7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-04-30 / This study deals with a master's research in the music education area in the subject field of music education and religion. The overall objective of the research is to understand the ways in which the musical training of the individuals surveyed is concretized at the First Presbyterian Church of João Pessoa - Paraiba. The chosen method was the case study in a qualitative approach, using as techniques for the collection of data: document sources, interviews and observations. The research has as theoretical basis the conception of musical practices as social practices supported in the music sociology (KRAMER, 2000; SOUZA, 2000, 2014, etc). The Church, locus of this investigation, has four musical groups: the Youth Choir, Camerata, the Coral Society and Band. From a total of eighty-one participants in these groups, twelve people were interviewed . The results reveal that the songs practices that take place in the Church offer different possibilities and strategies of musical learning, which are established starting from the relationship between the group members. It is a musical learning that is intertwined with the other spaces, such as family, school, friends, Internet and media. Regarding the value assigned to the musical experience, in the interviewees reports three points emerged : strengthening of interpersonal relations among group participants; consider that musical practices contribute to a rapprochement with the divine; the pleasure of communicating with yourself and with one another through music. / O presente estudo versa sobre uma pesquisa de mestrado na área de educação musical no campo temático da educação musical e religiosidade. O objetivo geral da pesquisa consiste em compreender as formas pelas quais a formação musical dos sujeitos pesquisados se concretiza na Primeira Igreja Presbiteriana de João Pessoa - Paraíba. O método escolhido foi o estudo de caso em uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando como técnicas para o levantamento dos dados: fonte documental, entrevistas e observações. A pesquisa tem como fundamentação teórica a concepção de práticas musicais como práticas sociais apoiadas na sociologia da música (KRAMER, 2000; SOUZA, 2000, 2014, entre outros). A Igreja, locus dessa investigação, tem quatro grupos musicais: o Coral Jovem, a Camerata, a Sociedade Coral e a Banda. De um total de oitenta e um participantes desses grupos, foram entrevistados doze pessoas. Os resultados revelam que as práticas musicas que acontecem na Igreja oferecem diferentes possibilidades e estratégias de aprendizagens musicais, que se estabelecem a partir das relações entre os integrantes dos grupos. É uma aprendizagem musical que está imbricada com os outros espaços, como a família, escola, amigos, Internet e as mídias. Em relação ao valor atribuído à experiência musical, nos relatos dos sujeitos entrevistados emergiram três pontos: fortalecimento das relações interpessoais entre os participantes dos grupos; considerar que as práticas musicais contribuem para uma aproximação com o divino; o prazer de se comunicar consigo e com o outro através da música.

Os efeitos do treino musical sobre a cognição numérica e a memória operacional: um estudo prospectivo em crianças pré-escolares / The musical training effects on numerical cognition and working memory of preschoolers: a prospective study in preschoolers

Silva, Eder Ricardo da [UNESP] 02 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by EDER RICARDO DA SILVA (ederprof.musica@gmail.com) on 2016-10-24T13:48:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO EDER RICARDO DA SILVA 2016 OFICIAL.pdf: 2272574 bytes, checksum: c0fa1d4b73ac6a332b6671576bb326be (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-10-31T13:11:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_er_me_bauru.pdf: 2272574 bytes, checksum: c0fa1d4b73ac6a332b6671576bb326be (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-31T13:11:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_er_me_bauru.pdf: 2272574 bytes, checksum: c0fa1d4b73ac6a332b6671576bb326be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-02 / Estudos demonstram que a música e o Treino Musical (TM) atuam em diversas áreas do desenvolvimento humano: cognição, linguagem, socialização e raciocínio lógico-matemático. Há evidências de que o Treino Musical propicia ganhos quanto à memória operacional e à numerosidade de crianças escolares. Supõe-se que o TM poderia contribuir para a estimulação destas habilidades cognitivas em crianças pré-escolares. Este estudo prospectivo investigou os efeitos do TM sobre as habilidades de numerosidade e memória operacional em 57 pré-escolares com desenvolvimento típico e com idade de cinco anos em uma cidade do interior paulista. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos, a saber: GE (Grupo Experimental; n=25) que participou de oito sessões do TM e o GC (Grupo Controle; n=32) que não recebeu estimulação musical, ambos balanceados quanto ao sexo. Todos os participantes foram avaliados em duas etapas por meio de instrumentos para os seguintes domínios: Raciocínio Abstrato (MPC – Escala Especial); Cognição Numérica (Zareki-K – Bateria Neuropsicológica para Avaliação do Tratamento dos Números e do Cálculo para Crianças Pré-escolares); e Memória Operacional (AWMA-Short form – Avaliação Automatizada da Memória Operacional-Versão reduzida). Os resultados mostraram que o TM produziu modificações relacionadas ao processamento numérico, senso numérico, bem como em memória operacional verbal. / Studies demonstrate that music and Music Training (MT) act in various human development areas: cognition, language, socialization, and logical-mathematical thinking. Evidences show that Music Training affords gains in both working memory and numeracy of school children. It is supposed that MT may contribute to stimulation of these cognitive abilities in preschoolers. This prospective paper investigated the MT effects on numeracy and working memory in 57 5-year-old preschoolers with typical development from a city in the countryside of Sao Paolo state in Brazil. The sample was divided into two groups: EG (Experimental Group; n=25), which took part of eight TM sessions, and CG (Control Group), which had no musical stimulation; both groups are gender-balanced. All participants were assessed in two stages through instruments for the following domains: Abstract Reasoning (CPM – Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices); Numerical Cognition (Zareki-K – Neuropsychological test battery for number processing and calculation in primary school and kindergarten children, in English) and Working Memory (AWMA–Short form – Automated Working Memory Assessment – Short form). Results show that MT produced modifications related to number processing, number sense and verbal working memory.

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