Spelling suggestions: "subject:"myopia."" "subject:"myopias.""
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Quality of Life of Pediatric Bifocal Soft Contact Lens WearersGreiner, Katie Lynn 26 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Accommodative lag, peripheral aberrations, and myopia in childrenBerntsen, David A. 01 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulation of Ocular Growth in Wild-Type and Retinopathy, Globe Enlarged (RGE) ChickensRitchey, Eric R. 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence of accommodation and refractive status on the peripheral refractive profileDavies, Leon N., Mallen, Edward A.H. January 2009 (has links)
No / AIM: The aim of the study was to determine, objectively and non-invasively, whether changes in accommodative demand modify differentially the peripheral refraction in emmetropic and myopic human eyes. METHODS: Forty subjects (19 male, 21 female) aged 20-30 years (mean 22.7 (SD 2.8) years), 21 emmetropes (mean spherical equivalent refractive error (MSE) -0.13 (SD 0.29) D) and 19 myopes (MSE -2.95 (SD 1.76) D) participated in the study. Ametropia was corrected with soft contact lenses (etafilcon A, 58% water content). Subjects viewed monocularly a stationary, high contrast (85%) Maltese cross at 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 D of accommodative demand and at 0, 10, 20 and 30 degrees field angle (nasal and temporal) through a +3.0 D Badal optical system. Static recordings of the accommodation response were obtained for each accommodative level, at each field angle, with an objective, open-view, infrared optometer. RESULTS: Peripheral mean spherical equivalent (M) data showed that the emmetropic cohort exhibited relative myopic shifts into the periphery, while the myopic group showed hypermetropic shifts. Increasing accommodative demand did not alter the peripheral refractive profile in either the temporal (p = 0.25) or nasal (p = 0.07) periphery with no differential accommodative effect between refractive groups in either the temporal (p = 0.77) or nasal (p = 0.73) field. Significant shifts in the J(0) astigmatic component were seen in the temporal (p<0.0005) and nasal (p<0.0005) fields with increasing eccentricity. Interaction effects between eccentricity and accommodative demand illustrated that increasing accommodative demand significantly altered the peripheral refractive profile in the temporal J(0) astigmatic component (p<0.0005). The nasal periphery, however, failed to show such an effect (p = 0.65). CONCLUSIONS: Alterations in peripheral refraction augmented by changes in ocular accommodation are relatively unaffected by refractive error for young, healthy human eyes.
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Transverse Chromatic Aberration and Vision: Quantification and Impact across the Visual FieldWinter, Simon January 2016 (has links)
The eye is our window to the world. Human vision has therefore been extensively studied over the years. However, in-depth studies are often either limited to our central visual field, or, when extended to the periphery, only correct optical errors related to a narrow spectrum of light. This thesis extends the current knowledge by considering the full visible spectrum over a wide visual field. A broad spectrum means that the wavelength dependence of light propagation inside the eye has to be considered; the optics of the eye will therefore not form a retinal image in the same location for all wavelengths, a phenomenon called chromatic aberration. We present here a new methodology to objectively measure the magnitude of transverse chromatic aberration (TCA) across the visual field of the human eye, and show that the ocular TCA increases linearly with off-axis angle (about 0.21 arcmin per degree for the spectral range from 543 nm to 842 nm). Moreover, we have implemented adaptive psychophysical methods to quantify the impact of TCA on central and peripheral vision. We have found that inducing additional TCA degrades peripheral grating detection acuity more than foveal resolution acuity (more than 0.05 logMAR per arcmin of induced TCA peripherally compared to 0.03 logMAR/arcmin foveally). As stimuli to evaluate peripheral vision, we recommend gratings that are obliquely-oriented relative to the visual field meridian. The results of this thesis have clinical relevance for improving peripheral vision and are equally important for retinal imaging techniques. To limit the negative impacts of TCA on vision, inducing additional TCA should be avoided when the peripheral refractive errors are to be corrected, such as for people suffering from macular degeneration and central visual field loss. In retinal imaging applications, TCA leads to lateral offsets when imaging is performed in more than one wavelength. Consequently, the measurement of TCA together with careful pupil alignment and subsequent compensation can improve the functionality of these instruments. / Ögat är vårt fönster mot världen, och syn har mätts och studerats i stor utsträckning över åren. Trots detta är forskningen om mänsklig syn oftast begränsad till det centrala synfältet, och i studier av det perifera synfältet korrigeras optiska fel endast över ett smalt våglängdsområde. Denna avhandling vidgar forskningen om vår syn till att inkludera hela det synliga spektrumet över ett stort synfält. Ett brett spektrum innebär att vi måste ta hänsyn till våglängdsberoendet i ljusets brytning i ögat; ögats optik kan därför inte avbilda ett objekt till samma bildläge på näthinnan för alla våglängder, ett fenomen som kallas kromatisk aberration. Vi presenterar här en ny metod för att mäta mängden transversell kromatisk aberration (TCA) över ögats synfält och visar att ögats TCA ökar linjärt med vinkeln ut i synfältet (ungefär 0,21 bågminuter per grad från 543 nm till 842 nm). Dessutom har vi implementerat adaptiva psykofysiska mätmetoder för att kvantifiera effekten av TCA på central och perifer syn. Våra resultat visar att extra inducerad TCA påverkar den perifera förmågan att upptäcka sinusformade randmönster mer än den centrala förmågan att upplösa motsvarande ränder (mer än 0,05 logMAR per bågminut inducerad TCA i periferin jämfört med 0,03 logMAR/bågminut centralt). Vid utvärdering av perifer syn rekommenderar vi att använda sinusformade randmönster med en sned riktning jämfört med synfältsmeridianen. Resultaten som presenteras i avhandlingen har klinisk betydelse för att förbättra den perifera synen och är även viktiga för tekniker som avbildar ögats näthinna. För att begränsa den negativa effekt TCA har på synen ska man undvika att inducera extra TCA, t.e.x. när ögats perifera refraktiva fel korrigeras med glasögon för människor med makula degeneration och centralt synfältsbortfall. Vid avbildning av näthinnan ger ögats TCA förskjutningar mellan bilder i olika våglängder. Därför kan mätningar av TCA, tillsammans med välkontrollerad linjering av pupillens position och efterföljande kompensation, förbättra funktionen hos dessa instrument. / <p>QC 20160511</p>
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特殊隱形眼鏡在亞洲市場的策略行銷分析 / A strategic marketing analysis of exporting specialty contact lenses in Asia Pacific叢宛昀, Connie, Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan presents the process of developing an export plan for Brighten Optix, one of the largest specialty contact lens manufactory in the Asia Pacific. Brighten Optix obtains over 2/3 of its revenue from China due to its rapid growing GDP per capita and high myopia prevalence. In order to spread potential business risk, it was decided to explore new markets starting from Asia Pacific region. iCon United is a new oversea business unit for Brighten Optix; we will use iLens, the reverse geometric lens for orthokeratology, which is a special design for Asian eye, to develop new markets.
The goal of this business plan is to provide our mother company with a clearer view of the next market to enter and to develop an effective marketing method that should allow 1% market share penetration in three years.
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Adaptive gait changes due to spectacle magnification and dioptric blur in older peopleElliott, D. B., Chapman, G. J. January 2010 (has links)
PURPOSE: A recent study suggested that updated spectacles could increase fall rate in frail older people. The authors hypothesized that the increased risk may be due to changes in spectacle magnification. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of spectacle magnification on step negotiation. METHODS: Adaptive gait and visual function were measured in 10 older adults (mean age, 77.1 +/- 4.3 years) with the participants' optimal refractive correction and when blurred with +1.00, +2.00, -1.00, and -2.00 DS lenses. Adaptive gait measurements for the leading and trailing foot included foot position before the step, toe clearance of the step edge, and foot position on the step. Vision measurements included visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and stereoacuity. RESULTS: The blur lenses led to equal decrements in visual acuity and stereoacuity for the +1.00 and -1.00 DS and the +2.00 and -2.00 DS lenses. However, they had very different effects on step negotiation compared with the optimal correction. Positive-blur lenses led to an increased distance of the feet from the step, increased vertical toe clearance and reduced distance of the leading heel position on the step. Negative lenses led to the opposite of these changes. CONCLUSIONS: The step negotiation changes did not mirror the effects of blur on vision, but were driven by the magnification changes of the lenses. Steps appear closer and larger with positive lenses and farther away and smaller with negative ones. Magnification is a likely explanation of the mobility problems some older adults have with updated spectacles and after cataract surgery.
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ORCA : architecture hybride pour le contrôle de la myopie dans le cadre du pilotage des systèmes flexibles de production / ORCA : a hybrid architecture for the control of myopia in flexible manufacturing systems controlPach, Cyrille 10 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue au contrôle de la myopie dans les systèmes flexibles de production (SFP). La myopie apparaît lorsque des entités décisionnelles prennent des décisions locales à partir d’une quantité d’information limitée. Cette prise de décision permet de réagir rapidement aux aléas mais induit une performance globale non optimale. Ainsi, ce phénomène doit être contrôlé afin d’obtenir des architectures de pilotage plus performantes. Après une étude du phénomène de myopie dans d’autres domaines, nous définissons la myopie dans les SFP. Un état de l’art sur les différents types d’architectures permet de retenir les architectures de pilotage hybride mixant hiérarchie et hétérarchie pour contrôler la myopie. Une typologie des architectures de pilotage hybride est ensuite réalisée avant qu’une nouvelle architecture ne soit proposée : ORCA. Après avoir été présentée, ORCA est déclinée au pilotage des SFP (ORCA-FMS). ORCA-FMS combine deux approches: un modèle linéaire (ILP) et une approche par champs de potentiel. ORCA-FMS est ensuite appliquée au cas d’étude de la cellule flexible de l’AIP PRIMECA de Valenciennes. Premièrement un modèle de simulation, le plus proche possible du cas d’étude réel est présenté. Il permet d’éprouver l’architecture dans l’environnement de simulation NetLogo. Deuxièmement, afin de valider la pertinence des comportements observés en simulation, l’architecture est mise en œuvre sur la cellule réelle à l’aide du concept de produit actif. Les équipements industriels utilisés pour cette mise en œuvre, le protocole expérimental, ainsi que les résultats obtenus sont détaillés et discutés. / This thesis deals with the control of myopia in Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS). Myopia arises when decisional entities take local decisions using limited amount of information. This decision making targets a fast reactivity under perturbations but compromises the overall performance. Thus this phenomenon should be controlled to obtain more efficient control architectures. After a presenting the related literature in myopia in other domains, myopic behavior in FMS is defined. An analysis of state-of-the-art regarding different types of control architectures determined that hybrid control architectures, mixing hierarchy and heterarchy, are the best option to control myopia. Therefore, a thorough study on hybrid control architectures is presented. Afterwards, a new architecture is proposed: ORCA. ORCA first described and then applied to FMS control (ORCA-FMS). ORCA-FMS combines two approaches: a linear model (ILP) and a potential fields approach. ORCA-FMS is then applied to the case study of the flexible cell of Valenciennes’ AIP PRIMECA. First, a simulation model, as close as possible to the real case study is presented. It allows testing the architecture in the simulation environment NetLogo. Then, to validate the behaviors observed in simulation, the architecture is implemented on the real cell using the active product concept. The industrial equipment used for the implementation, the experimental protocol and the results are detailed and discussed.
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Analyse et comparaison de l’effet cornéen du traitement d’orthokératologie.Marcotte-Collard, Rémy 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Interactions between GABAergic, dopaminergic and cholinergic neurotransmitter systems in form deprived myopic chickTripathy, Srikant January 2008 (has links)
Myopia is a refractive defect of the eye in which collimated light produces images focused in front of the retina. Myopia can be artificially induced in animal models by form deprivation (form deprivation myopia, FDM) or by application of negative lenses (lens induced myopia, LIM). In this study myopia was induced using diffusers. The project had two main aims:
1. To determine if there is an interaction between the GABAergic system and dopaminergic system in the retina in terms of myopia?
2. To determine if there is an interaction between the GABAergic system and cholinergic system in the retina in terms of myopia?
Firstly, an experiment focusing on the interaction between dopaminergic receptors antagonists and GABAC receptor antagonist was developed. Comparison of the different drug treated eye with the control was found and the effects of combination injections were compared to individual drug injections. Use of different blockers for various subtype of receptors simplified the understandings the underlying pharmacological interventions for GABAC receptor antagonist TPMPA. The D1 subtype of receptors was found to be involved in transmission of signals from GABAC receptors. Our results showed that D1 receptor antagonist SCH-23390 antagonizes the actions of TPMPA. In addition to this it was also found that possibly 5HT receptor may also play an important role in modulation of signaling from GABA receptor to dopaminergic receptors in the retina. These results were consistent with the drug combination effects for agonists. GABA A/C receptor agonist muscimol negativate the efficacy of D1 receptor agonist SKF-38393 but the activity of D2/4 receptor agonist quinpirole was not affected by muscimol.
Although dopaminergic receptors are found to interact with GABAergic signaling, but an alternative interaction with anticholinergic (most widely studied antimyopic agents) could not be ruled out. This problem led to a follow-up experiment, in which GABA receptors intervention in anticholinergic agents was studied.
The GABAergic receptor agonist muscimol when injected with anticholinergics (atropine and pirenzepine) showed a moderate interaction. As muscimol interacted with atropine to a lesser extent a more specific M1/5 receptor antagonist pirenzepine (earlier found to inhibit myopia) was used under these circumstances. The second aim to study the interaction between muscimol and pirenzepine showed more interaction with GABAA/C receptor agonist. There were data suggesting that there is a muscarinic and GABAergic interaction in retina, such that each modulation of each receptor had an effect on FDM. However, a drug combination treatment helped in understanding the underlying mechanism. Several previous studies have indicated that there exist a strong interaction between excitatory neurotransmitter acetylcholine and inhibitory transmitter GABA in retina. The results of this study indicate a similar finding.
Thus results of this study may be summarized as: 1. D1 antagonists and not D2 antagonists blocks the antimyopic effects of GABAC antagonist TPMPA 2. GABA A/C agonist muscimol partially blocks the antimyopic activity of anticholinergics (e.g. atropine and pirenzepine).
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