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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modulation of intercellular adhesion during epithelial morphogenesis

Levayer, Romain 07 October 2011 (has links)
Les épithéliums jouent le rôle fondamental de barrière physique et chimique chez les Métazoaires. Les jonctions adhérentes, par le biais de la protéine transmembranaire E-cadhérine (E-cad), assurent une grande partie de l’adhésion intercellulaire. Malgré cette robustesse, les épithéliums peuvent subir des remodelages considérables pendant l’embryogenèse ou la cicatrisation. Lors de la gastrulation de l’embryon de Drosophile, l’épithélium ventro-latéral (la bandelette germinale) subit une élongation le long de l’axe antéropostérieur induite par l’intercalation cellulaire. Le remodelage polarisé des jonctions cellulaires est à la base de ce phénomène: les jonctions parallèles à l’axe dorsoventral (DV) rétrécissent et forment de manière irréversible de nouvelles jonctions parallèles à l’axe antéropostérieur (AP). Ce remodelage dépend de l’enrichissement du moteur moléculaire Myosine II (MyoII) dans les jonctions DV, qui induit une anisotropie de tension. Les protéines des jonctions adhérentes (E-cad, β-catenin) sont, elles aussi, polarisées : elles sont enrichies dans les jonctions AP. Néanmoins, nous ne savions pas si cette polarité de l’adhésion avait un rôle dans le remodelage des jonctions, et nous ne connaissions pas les mécanismes contrôlant cette localisation asymétrique. L’un des mécanismes les mieux connus de la modulation de l’adhésion cellulaire est l’endocytose des protéines d’adhésion. A ce titre, je me suis intéressé au rôle de l’endocytose Clathrine dépendante (ECD) pendant l’intercalation cellulaire. J’ai ainsi pu montrer que l’ECD de E-cad est régulée à la hausse dans la bandelette germinale au niveau jonctionnelle, plus particulièrement au niveau des jonctions DV (qui rétrécissent). L’ECD d’E-cad est nécessaire à l’intercalation et à la distribution polarisée d’E-cad. Elle est régulée par l’organisation de l’actine: la formine Diaphanous ainsi que le moteur moléculaire Myosine II accélèrent le recrutement de la machinerie d’endocytose (AP2 et Clathrine) et régulent la polarité de l’ECD dans l’embryon. Elles sont contrôlées par RhoGEF2, qui est enrichie dans les jonctions DV, et induisent l’endocytose par un mécanisme de clustering latéral d’E-cad. Dans la seconde partie de ma thèse, je me suis intéressé au couplage entre E-cad et la dynamique de MyoII. En effet, l’intercalation dépend aussi de flux contractiles de MyoII qui ont lieu préférentiellement en direction des jonctions DV. J’ai ainsi pu montrer que la direction des flux est induite par les anisotropies de forces d’ancrage de MyoII. Les faibles niveaux d’E-cad et le fort taux d’endocytose dans les jonctions DV augmentent la probabilité de générer une anisotropie d’ancrage et induisent davantage de flux de MyoII vers les jonctions DV. Ce projet met en lumière le rôle fondamental du couplage entre E-cad et MyoII dans la régulation de la morphogenèse. / Epithelia build up strong mechanical and chemichal barriers in Metazoans. Adherens junctions, through the adhesion provided by the transmembrane protein E-cadherin (E-cad), are essential for the mechanical integrity of the tissue. Yet, epithelia can be dramatically remodeled during embryogenesis or wound healing. During gastrulation of Drosophila embryo, the ventrolateral epithelium (the germ band) undergoes a massive elongation along the anteroposterior (AP) axis, driven by cell-cell intercalation. This is based on the polarized remodeling of intercellular junctions whereby junctions parallel to the dorsoventral axis (DV) shrink and form new junctions along AP axis. This remodeling is mediated by the planar polarized enrichment of Myosin II (MyoII) in DV junctions, which generates high tension. Adhesion proteins are also planar polarized, E-cad is enriched in AP junctions, but we did not know if this polarity contributed to cell-cell intercalation and the mechanism driving this polarity. As such, I have studied the role of Clathrin mediated endocytosis (CME) during germ band extension. I have shown that E-cad CME is specifically upregulated at the junction plane in the germ band, and planar polarized (enriched in DV shrinking junctions). It is required for cell-cell intercalation and the planar polarized distribution of E-cad. E-cad CME is regulated by the concerted action of the Formin Diaphanous and Myosin-II, which accelerates CME through the lateral clustering of E-cad. They are controlled by RhoGEF2, which is also enriched in DV junctions. In the second part of my PhD, I have studied the coupling between E-cad and MyoII dynamics. Indeed, planar polarized contractile flows of MyoII are required for DV junction shrinkage, but we did not know the mechanism driving the polarity of these flows. I have shown that the transient anisotropy of anchoring forces between two facing junctions triggers flow. As such, the low steady state amount of E-cad and the high rate of CME in DV junctions trigger more anisotropy and polarize the flow. These results outline the strong crossregulation between E-cad and MyoII and their concerted action in morphogenesis.

Recherche d'interacteurs de Myosine II au cours de l'intercalation cellulaire chez l'embryon de Drosophila melanogaster

Aubry, Aurélie 08 December 2011 (has links)
Un tissu épithélial est composé de cellules polarisées, étroitement liées les unes aux autres par des jonctions adhérentes. La perte de ces jonctions adhérentes est la première étape dans le développement des cancers au niveau des tissus épithéliaux. Il est donc important de comprendre les mécanismes d’attachement inter-cellulaire. Pour étudier ces interactions, nous utilisons comme modèle l’embryon de drosophile, où une fine régulation des jonctions adhérentes est requise pour l’une des étapes précoces de développement. Durant cette étape du développement, les cellules épithéliales changent de voisines le long de l’axe antéro-postérieur sans perdre leur adhérence cellulaire. Ce processus d’intercalation cellulaire est dû au recrutement polarisé du moteur moléculaire Myosine II au niveau des jonctions qui se désassemblent. Il a été mis en évidence qu’au cours de ce processus la perte de fonction de la voie JAK/STAT perturbe la localisation de la Myosine II. Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai réalisé un crible génétique dans un contexte mutant pour le ligand de la voie JAK/STAT pour me permettre d’identifier des interacteurs potentiellement impliqués dans le contrôle spatial de Myosine II. J’ai pu mettre en évidence plusieurs gènes pouvant être impliqués dans cette intercalation. Parmi ces candidats, je me suis focalisée sur celui montrant le plus fort phénotype : le gène CG13992. La caractérisation de ce gène a fut la seconde étape de mon travail de thèse (car seules les séquences nucléotidiques et protéiques étaient connues). Les résultats obtenus ont permis de mettre en évidence l’implication de ce gène dans la localisation de la Myosine II mais ils restent à confirmer. / Epithelial tissue is composed of polarized cells, which are closely attached to each other by adherens junctions. The loss of adherens junctions is often a key step in the development of cancer in epithelial tissues. It is therefore important to understand the mechanisms of attachment between the cells. To study such epithelial plasticity, we use the Drosophila embryo as a model system, where a fine regulation of adherens junctions is required for one of the early processes of development: germ band elongation. During this process, epithelial cells change their neighbors along the anterior-posterior axis (cell cell intercalation) without loss of cell adhesion. Polarized recruitment of the molecular motor Myosin II at the junctions, that disassemble and reassemble, underlies the intercalation process. In part, intercalation relies on the normal activity of the the JAK / STAT pathway that is crucial for the spatial control of Myosin II. During my PhD, I conducted a genetic screen, in a mutant for the ligand of the JAK / STAT pathway, designed to identify second site interactors for Myosin II control. I identified several genes that appear to be involved in the intercalation process. Among these candidates, I focused on one with the strongest phenotype: the gene CG13992. The functional characterization of this gene was the second stage of my thesis (because only the nucleotide and the protein sequences were known). Preliminary results highlight the involvement of this gene in the localization of Myosin II that remain to be confirmed.

Dynamique des réseaux d'actine d'architecture contrôlée / Dynamics of controlled actin network's architecture

Reymann, Anne-Cécile 11 July 2011 (has links)
Mon travail fut de développer différents projets en vue de mieux comprendre la dynamique et l'organisation des réseaux d'actine et les mécanismes moléculaires à l'origine de la production de force, cela en systèmes reconstitués bio-mimétiques. Dans un premier temps je me suis intéressée à l'étude de l'organisation spatio-temporelle des réseaux d'actine et de ses protéines associées durant la motilité de particules recouverte de promoteurs de nucléation (Achard et al, Current Biology, 2010 et Reymann et al, sous presse à MBOC). J'ai suivi en temps réel l'incorporation de deux régulateurs de l'actine (capping protein et ADF/cofiline) et montré que leur contrôle biochimique sur l'actine gouverne également ces propriétés mécaniques. Afin de mieux caractériser les propriétés mécaniques de ces réseaux d'actine en expension, j'ai ensuite développé un système biomimétique novateur utilisant un set-up de micro-patterning permettant un contrôle spatial reproductible des sites de nucléation d'actine. Cela m'a permis de montrer comment des barrières géométriques, semblables à celles trouvées dans les cellules, peuvent influencer la formation dynamique de réseaux organisés d'actine et ainsi contrôler la localisation de la production de forces. (Reymann et al, Nature Materials, 2010). De plus l'addition de moteurs moléculaires sur ce système versatile nous a permis d'étudier la contraction induite par des myosines. En particulier les myosines VI-HMM interagissent de manière sélective sur différentes architectures d'actine (organisation parallèle ou antiparallèle, réseau enchevêtré), aboutissant à un processus en trois phase : tension puis déformation des réseaux d'actine fortement couplé à un désassemblage massif des filaments. Ce phénomène est intimement dépendant de l'architecture du réseau d'actine et pourrait donc jouer un rôle essentiel dans la régulation spatiale des zones d'expansion et de contraction du cytosquelette in vivo. (Travail en cours d'écriture). / I have developed different projects in order to tackle the problem of actin network dynamics and organization as well as the molecular mechanism at the origin of force production in biomimetic reconstituted systems. My first interest concerned the spatiotemporal organization of actin networks and actin-binding proteins during actin based motility of nucleation promoting factor-coated particles (Achard et al, Current Biology, 2010 and Reymann et al, in press at MBOC). I tracked in real time the incorporation of two actin regulators and showed that their biochemical control of actin dynamics also governs its mechanical properties. To further characterize mechanical properties of expanding actin networks, I used an innovative micro-patterning set-up allowing a reproducible spatial control of actin nucleation sites. It allowed me to show that geometrical boundaries, such as those encountered in cells, affect the dynamic formation of highly ordered actin structures and hence control the location of force production (Reymann et al, Nature Materials, 2010). Finally the addition of molecular motors on this tunable system allowed me to study implications for myosin-induced contractility. In particular, HMM-MyosinVI selectively interact with the different actin network architectures (parallel, anti-parallel organization or entangled networks) and leads to a selective three-phase process of tension, deformation of actin networks tightly coupled to massive filament disassembly. This phenomenon being highly dependent on actin network architecture could therefore play an essential role in the spatial regulation of expanding and contracting regions of actin cytoskeleton in cells. (Work in writing process).

The Role of DIAPH1 in the Megakaryopoiesis / Le rôle de DIAPH1 dans la mégacaryopoïèse

Pan, Jiajia 26 November 2014 (has links)
Les mégacaryocytes sont les précurseurs cellulaires hautement spécialisés qui produisent des plaquettes via des extensions cytoplasmiques appelées proplaquettes. La formation des proplaquettes exige de profonds changements dans l’organisation du cytosquelette: microtubules et actine. Les formines sont une famille de protéines hautement conservées chez les eucaryotes composées de plusieurs domaines qui régulent le remodelage et la dynamique du cytosquelette d'actine et des microtubules. La plupart des formines sont des effecteurs protéiques des Rho-GTPase. DIAPH1, un membre de la famille des formines, est un homologue chez les mammifères du gène diaphanous de la drosophile qui fonctionne comme un effecteur de la petite GTPase Rho et régule le cytosquelette d'actomyosine ainsi que les microtubules. Il contient le domaine de liaison à Rho (Rho-binding domain) dans la partie amino-terminale et deux régions distinctes d’homologie aux formines, FH1 localisée au centre de la protéine et FH2 dans la partie carboxy-terminale. DIAPH1 co-régule le cytosquelette des microtubules et d'actine à travers respectivement ses régions de FH2 et FH1. DIAPH1 est donc un gène candidat idéal dans toutes les fonctions cellulaires qui exigent une coopération entre cytosquelettes d’actine et de microtubules.L'objectif de ce projet de thèse était d’étudier le rôle de DIAPH1 dans la mégacaryopoïèse. A la fin de la maturation des mégacaryocytes, la formation de proplquettes et la migration sont associées à des modifications importantes de la structure du cytosquelette. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que grâce à la sa double fonction dans la polymérisation de l'actine et la stabilisation des microtubules, DIAPH1 pourrait jouer un rôle essentiel dans les temps terminaux de la différenciation mégacaryocytaire.Nos résultats ont montré qu’au cours de la différenciation mégacaryocytaire, l’expression de DIAPH1 augmente, alors que celles de DIAPH2 et DIAPH3 diminuent, ce qui suggère que DIAPH1 pourrait jouer un rôle plus important que DIAPH2 et DIAPH3 dans les stades tardifs de la différenciation mégacaryocytaire. Les études en immunomarquage montrent que DIAPH1 co-localise avec l’actine F, la tubuline et la myosine IIa en niveau de la membrane plasmique et des proplaquettes. Nous avons étudié la fonction de DIAPH1 par des stratégies d’invalidation (knockdown) et de surexpression d’une forme active de DIAPH1. Les résultats montrent que DIAPH1 est un effecteur important de Rho, pour réguler négativement la formation des proplaquettes en remodelant le cytosquelette d’actine et les microtubules. Le travail antérieur de notre équipe avait montré que Rho-ROCK régulait aussi négativement la formation des proplaquettes, en inhibant l’activation de la myosine IIa. En inhibant simultanément DIAPH1 et ROCK/myosine, nous avons montré que ces deux voies jouent un rôle additif dans la formation des proplaquettes.Ces résultats suggèrent que la coopération entre les voies DIAPH1 et ROCK/myosine est nécessaire pour la formation de structures cellulaire dépendant de l'actomyosine, telles les fibres de stress et l'anneau contractile en agissant à la fois sur le remodelage du cytosquelette et en assurant un équilibre entre l'actomyosine et microtubules. / Megakaryocytes (MKs) are the highly specialized precursor cells that produce platelets via cytoplasm extensions called proplatelets. Proplatelet formation (PPF) requires profound changes in microtubule and actin organization. Formins are a family of highly conserved eukaryotic proteins with multidomains that govern dynamic remodeling of the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Most formins are Rho-GTPase effectors proteins. DIAPH1, a member of the formin family, is a mammalian homolog of Drosophila diaphanous gene that works as an effector of the small GTPase Rho and regulates the actomyosin cytoskeleton as well as microtubules. It contains the Rho-binding domain in the N-terminal and two distinct regions of formin homology, FH1 in the center and FH2 in the C-terminus. DIAPH coordinates microtubules and actin cytoskeleton through its FH2 and FH1 regions respectively, making DIAPH an ideal candidate in cell functions that depend closely on the cooperation between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons.The objective of the project was to decipher the role of DIAPH1 in megakaryopoiesis. At the end of the MK maturation, PPF and MK migration are associated with profound changes in cytoskeleton organization. Due to its dual function in actin polymerization and microtubule stabilization, DIAPH1 was an obvious candidate to play an essential role in PPF and MK migration.Our results showed that DIAPH1 expression increased during MK differentiation, whereas DIAPH2 and DIAPH3 expression decreased, suggesting that DIAPH1 may play a more important role than DIAPH2 and DIAPH3 in the late stages of MK differentiation. Immunostaining showed that DIAPH1 co-localized with F-actin, tubulin and myosin IIa along the plasma membrane and proplatelet. Using a knockdown strategy with shRNA and expression of an active form of DIAPH1, we showed that DIAPH1 is an important effector of Rho that negatively regulates PPF by remodeling actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. A previous work of our team has shown that Rho-ROCK also negatively regulates in PPF by inhibiting myosin IIa activation. By the double inhibition of the DIAPH1 and the ROCK/Myosin pathway, we showed that DIAPH1 and ROCK played additive roles in the negative regulation of PPF. These observations suggest that the cooperation between DIAPH1 and ROCK is required for the formation of cell structures dependent on actomyosin, such as the stress fibers and the contractile ring. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that cooperation of DIAPH1/microtubules and ROCK/Myosin may regulate PPF by modifying the balance between actomyosin and microtubules.

Influência do interior do inibidor da enzina conversora da angiotensina na remodelação cardíaca induzida pela exposição á fumaça do cigarro

Duarte, Daniella de Rezende [UNESP] 27 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:19:53Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 duarte_dr_dr_botfm.pdf: 365312 bytes, checksum: 5b54817ed6d69d3fe0e8673385f863f0 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O hábito de fumar apresenta importante impacto na saúde da população. A associação entre fumo e doença cardiovascular tem sido amplamente explorada em relação à aterosclerose. Recentemente, evidências clínicas e experimentais sugerem que a exposição ao cigarro pode modular o processo de remodelação ventricular. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o papel do inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina no processo de remodelação induzido pela exposição à fumaça do cigarro. Ratos Wistar foram distribuídos em três grupos: 1) grupo controle (C, n=8); 2) grupo exposto à fumaça do cigarro (EFC, n=8); 3) grupo exposto à fumaça do cigarro e recebendo 20 mg/kg/dia de lisinopril (EFC-LIS, n=8). Após dois meses os animais foram submetidos ao estudo funcional, morfométrico, e bioquímico. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o teste de variância ANOVA complementado por Holm-Sidak, o teste Kruskal-Wallis complementado por Tukey e o teste Mann-Whitney. O nível de significância foi 5%. A pressão sistólica caudal foi menor no grupo EFC-LIS (C = 116 ± 27, EFC = 126 ± 16, EFC-LIS = 89 ± 12 mmHg; p = 0,003) em relação aos grupos C e EFC; o grupo EFC apresentou maior valor do diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, corrigido pelo peso (C = 8,25 ± 2,16, EFC = 11,76 ± 1,20, EFC-LIS = 9,27 ± 2,00 mm/kg; p = 0,003), em comparação aos grupos C e EFC-LIS; o diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo ajustado pelo peso foi maior nos grupos EFC e EFC-LIS... / The habit of smoking has important impact on population health. The association between tobacco and cardiovascular disease has been widely explored in relation to atherosclerosis. Recently, clinical and experimental evidences suggest that the exposure to tobacco smoke can modulate the process of ventricular remodeling. The objective of that study was to evaluate the role of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor on cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco smoke exposure. Wistar rats were allocated in three groups: 1) group control (C, n=8); 2) group exposed to tobacco smoke (EFC, n=8); 3) group exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with lisinopril 20mg/kg/day (EFC-LIS, n=8). After two months the animals were submitted to the functional study, morphometric, and biochemical. For the statistical analysis was used the ANOVA test of variance complemented by Holm-Sidak, the test Kruskal-Wallis complemented by Tukey and the test the Mann-Whitney. The significance level was 5%. Results: the caudal systolic pressure was smaller in the group EFC-LIS (C = 116 ± 27, EFC = 126 ± 16, EFC-LIS = 89 ± 12 mmHg; p = 0,003) in relation to the groups C and EFC; the group EFC presented higher value of the systolic diameter of the left ventricle, corrected by body weight (BW) (C = 8,25 ± 2,16, EFC = 11,76 ± 1,20, EFC-LIS = 9,27 ± 2,00 mm/kg; p = 0,003), in comparison with the groups C and EFC-LIS; the diastolic diameter of the left ventricle, adjusted by BW was higher in the groups EFC e EFC-LIS (C = 18,42 ± 3,57, EFC = 22,94 ± 1,98, EFC-LIS = 22,05 ± 1,30 mm/kg; p = 0,003); the relationship EPP/DDVE was smaller in the group EFC-LIS in relation to the control (C = 0,20 (0,18-0,23), EFC = 0,15 (0,14-0,18), EFC-LIS = 0,14 (0,14-0,18); p = 0,026). The group EFC presented smaller ejection fraction... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Regulation of Myosin-II activation and planar polarity during epithelial morphogenesis in Drosophila embryo / Etude des méchanismes de régulation de l'activation et de la popularité planaire de la myosin-II au cours de la morphogénèse épithéliale dans l'embryon de drosophile

Paduano, Vanessa 14 December 2015 (has links)
Les épithéliums jouent le rôle de barrière physique et chimique chez les Métazoires. Les épithéliums subissent des remodelages pendant l’embryogénèse. La morphogénèse des tissus est dirigée par des déformations cellulaires coordonnées fonctionnant grâce à des réseaux contractiles intracellulaires constitués d’actine et de myosine. Ce réseau d’actomyosine peut être soit pulsatile, soit stable. Un exemple est l’élongation de l’ectoderme ventro-latéral par intercalation cellulaire, le long de l’axe antéro-postérieur (AP) de l’embryon de la Drosophile. Les jonctions parallèles à l’axe dorso-ventral (DV) rétrécissent et forment de manière irréversible de nouvelles jonctions parallèles à l’axe AP. Des pulsations de myosine-II (Myo-II) médio-apicale se déplacent de manière anisotrope vers les jonctions parallèles à l’axe DV. Ceci provoque le rétrécissement graduel des jonctions, rétrécissement stabilisé par une population de Myo-II polarisée dans le plan du tissu et enrichie au niveau de ces jonctions. Les mécanismes cellulaires qui régulent la pulsatilité, la stabilité et la polarité de la Myo-II restent à élucider. Lors de ma thèse, j’ai identifié de nouveaux effecteurs régulant l’activation et la polarité planaire de la voie Rho1-Rok-Myo-II aux niveaux des jonctions. J'ai d'abord caractérisé le rôle de la kinase Misshapen dans l’activation polarisée de la voie Rho1 au niveau des jonctions. Misshapen agit en aval de la signalisation GPCR afin de favoriser l’activation de Rho1 et contrôle la polarisation de cette activation en transmettant l’information des récepteurs Toll. Puis j'ai identifié Pebble comme la RhoGEF régulant Rho1 et l'accumulation de Myo-II aux jonctions. / Epithelial build up strong mechanical and chemical barriers in Metazoans. Epithelia can be dramatically remodeled during embryogenesis. Tissue morphogenesis is driven by coordinated cellular deformations which are powered by intracellular contractile networks constituting actin and Myosin. Actomyosin networks can either be pulsatile or stable. One example is the elongation of the ventral-lateral ectoderm by cell intercalation, along antero-posterior (AP) axis of Drosophila embryo. Junctions parallel to the dorso-ventral (DV) axis shrink and form new junctions along AP axis. Medial apical Myosin-II (Myo-II) pulses flow anisotropically towards junctions aligned in DV axis, resulting in steps of junction shrinkage which are stabilized by a planar-polarized pool of Myo-II enriched at these junctions. Sequential deformation and stabilization drive irreversible tissue deformations akin to a ratchet. The cellular mechanisms that regulate Myo-II pulsatility, stability and polarity remained to be unfurled. During my PhD, I identified new regulators for Rho1-Rok-Myo-II pathway at junctions, and Myo-II planar polarity. On the one hand, I characterized the function of Misshapen kinase in polarized activation of Rho1 pathway at junctions. Misshapen acts downstream GPCR signaling to enhance Rho1 activation, and controls the polarization of this activation by transducing information from Toll receptors. Also, I identified Pebble as RhoGEF regulating Rho1 at junctions and Myo-II accumulation.

Myosin Content of Individual Human Muscle Fibers Isolated by Laser Capture Microdissection

Stuart, Charles A., Stone, William L., Howell, Mary E. A., Brannon, Marianne F., Hall, H. Kenton, Gibson, Andrew L., Stone, Michael H. 16 December 2015 (has links)
Muscle fiber composition correlates with insulin resistance, and exercise training can increase slow-twitch (type I) fibers and, thereby, mitigate diabetes risk. Human skeletal muscle is made up of three distinct fiber types, but muscle contains many more isoforms of myosin heavy and light chains, which are coded by 15 and 11 different genes, respectively. Laser capture microdissection techniques allow assessment of mRNA and protein content in individual fibers. We found that specific human fiber types contain different mixtures of myosin heavy and light chains. Fast-twitch (type IIx) fibers consistently contained myosin heavy chains 1, 2, and 4 and myosin light chain 1. Type I fibers always contained myosin heavy chains 6 and 7 (MYH6 and MYH7) and myosin light chain 3 (MYL3), whereas MYH6, MYH7, and MYL3 were nearly absent from type IIx fibers. In contrast to cardiomyocytes, where MYH6 (also known as α-myosin heavy chain) is seen solely in fast-twitch cells, only slow-twitch fibers of skeletal muscle contained MYH6. Classical fast myosin heavy chains (MHC1, MHC2, and MHC4) were present in variable proportions in all fiber types, but significant MYH6 and MYH7 expression indicated slow-twitch phenotype, and the absence of these two isoforms determined a fast-twitch phenotype. The mixed myosin heavy and light chain content of type IIa fibers was consistent with its role as a transition between fast and slow phenotypes. These new observations suggest that the presence or absence of MYH6 and MYH7 proteins dictates the slow- or fast-twitch phenotype in skeletal muscle. The technical challenges of human skeletal muscle fiber type identification have evolved over the past three decades (8). The typical normal adult has roughly equal amounts of slow- and fast-twitch fibers, designated type I and II fibers. In addition, a variable portion of the type II fibers is mixed, containing both fast- and slow-twitch fiber markers, called type IIa fibers, whereas type II fibers that contain only the fast-twitch phenotype are designated type IIx in humans. Exercise training can cause modest shifts in fiber composition from one of these types to a contiguous type, with the relationship being type I to IIa to IIx or type IIx to IIa to I. The tail end of each myosin heavy chain is attached to the tail of another myosin heavy chain, and each of these forms a complex with two myosin light chains. Many heavy and light chain complexes are intertwined to form the thick filaments of each sarcomere. Thin filaments are composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin. The myosin heavy chains contain ATPase, which is essential for shortening of the contractile apparatus in the sarcomere, resulting in muscle-generated movement of a body part. The pH optimum of the ATPase has been classically the histochemical technique for identifying fast, slow, and mixed fibers. However, for more than a decade, monoclonal antibodies that correlated with the ATPase designation of fast, slow, and mixed fibers by bright-field or immunohistochemical methods have been used (2). The widely used fast and slow myosin monoclonal antibodies were obtained from mice immunized with only partially purified human skeletal muscle myosin antigens. More recently, antibodies that were raised against specific individual myosin heavy and light chain proteins became commercially available. The 15 human genes that code myosin heavy chains are designated MYH1, MYH2, MYH3, MYH4, MYH6, MYH7, MYH7B, MYH8, MYH9, MYH10, MYH11, MYH12, MYH13, MYH14, MYH15, and MYH16 (17). MYH9, MYH10, and MYH11 are expressed primarily in smooth muscle. At least eight separate genes that code myosin light chains, MYL1, MYL2, MYL3, MYL4, MYL5, MYL6, MYL6B, and MYLPF, have been identified, and at least three of these have a second isoform (3). Our initial investigation of the expression of myosin heavy and light chains using laser capture microdissection (LCM) to obtain specific fiber type samples from human vastus lateralis biopsies yielded some unexpected results. These observations led us to question which isoforms of myosin heavy and light chains are actually characteristic of “fast” or “slow” fibers in human skeletal muscle. We used immunoblots, mass spectroscopic (MS) proteomics, and next-generation sequencing of muscle homogenates and of LCM-generated samples of individual fiber types from normal control subjects and subjects with extremely different muscle fiber composition to approach this question by evaluating muscle specimens from subjects with diverse and extremely different fiber compositions. The hypothesis that drove these studies was that fibers of each type would have consistent myosin heavy and light chains that are characteristic of the fiber type. This is the first report that the abundance of different myosin heavy and light chains corresponds to different muscle fiber types.

Satellite cell involvement in activity-induced skeletal muscle adaptations

Martins, Karen 11 1900 (has links)
Skeletal muscle is a heterogeneous, multinucleated, post-mitotic tissue that contains many functionally diverse fibre types that are capable of adjusting their phenotypic properties in response to altered contractile demands. This plasticity, or adaptability of skeletal muscle is largely dictated by variations in motoneuron firing patterns. For example, in response to increased tonic firing of slow motoneurons, which occurs during bouts of endurance training or chronic low-frequency stimulation (CLFS), skeletal muscle adapts by transforming from a faster to a slower phenotypic profile. CLFS is an animal model of endurance training that induces fast-to-slow fibre type transformations in the absence of fibre injury in the rat. The underlying signaling mechanisms regulating this fast-to-slow fibre type transformation, however, remain to be fully elucidated. It has been suggested that myogenic stem cells, termed satellite cells, may regulate and/or facilitate this transformational process. Therefore, the signaling mechanisms involved in CLFS-induced satellite cell activation as well as the role satellite cells may play in CLFS-induced skeletal muscle adaptation were investigated in rat. A pharmacological inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthase, Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, was used to investigate CLFS-induced satellite cell activation in the absence of endogenous NO production. Results suggest that NO is required for early CLFS-induced satellite cell activation, but a yet-to-be defined pathway exists that is able to fully compensate in the absence of prolonged NO production. A novel method of satellite cell ablation (i.e. weekly focal γ-irradiation application) was used to investigate CLFS-induced skeletal muscle adaptation in the absence of a viable satellite cell population. Myosin heavy chain (MHC), an important structural and regulatory protein component of the contractile apparatus, was used as a cellular marker of the adaptive response to CLFS. Findings suggest that satellite cell activity may be required for early fast-to-slow MHC-based transformations to occur at the protein level without delay in the fast fibre population, and may also play an obligatory role in the final transformation from fast type IIA to slow type I fibres. Interestingly, additional results show that NO appears to be a key mediator of MHC isoform gene expression during CLFS-induced fast-to-slow fibre type transformations.

The Importance of Fast Skeletal Regulatory Light Chain in Muscle Contraction

de Freitas, Fatima Pestana 01 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this project was to produce and study a murine homozygous knock-in model containing a fast skeletal regulatory light chain (RLC) containing a Asp49toAla point mutation. The D49A mutation is in the functional calcium binding loop of RLC, which is believed to modulate muscle contraction in striated muscle. To introduce the mutation, a reversible knock-out/knock-in system was employed. The Cre/Lox-P strategy was used to conditionally knock-in the RLC D49A mutation. The generation of the knock-in mouse was attempted with two different breeding strategies consisting of two Cre mouse lines with differential expression patterns during development. The proposed animal was never produced because the RLC knock-out recombination event introduced a splicing error resulting in a stop codon in intron 2. Extensive DNA, RNA and protein analysis as well as histological, gross morphology and muscle physiology studies obtained from the animals of the two breeding strategies lead to the identification of the splicing error. Evidence for this outcome is presented. A recommendation for a different strategy in future studies is included.

Characterization and optimization of the in vitro motility assay for fundamental studies of myosin II

Persson, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Myosin II is the molecular motor responsible for muscle contraction. It transforms the chemical energy in ATP into mechanical work while interacting with actin filaments in so called cross-bridge cycles. Myosin II or its proteolytic fragments e.g., heavy meromyosin (HMM) can be adsorbed to moderately hydrophobic surfaces in vitro, while maintaining their ability to translocate actin filaments. This enables observation of myosin-induced actin filament sliding in a microscope. This “in vitro motility assay” (IVMA) is readily used in fundamental studies of actomyosin, including studies of muscle contraction. The degree of correlation of the myosin II function in the IVMA with its function in muscle depends on how the myosin molecules are arranged on the surface. Therefore a multi-technique approach, including total internal reflection spectroscopy, fluorescence interference contrast microscopy and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation, was applied to characterize the HMM surface configurations. Several configurations with varying distributions were identified depending on the surface property. The most favorable HMM configurations for actin binding were observed on moderately hydrophobic surfaces.   The effects on actomyosin function of different cargo sizes and amount of cargo loaded on an actin filament were also investigated. No difference in sliding velocities could be observed, independent of cargo size indicating that diffusional processive runs of myosin II along an actin filament are not crucial for actomyosin function in muscle. Furthermore, a tool for accurate velocity measurements appropriate for IVMAs at low [MgATP] was developed by utilizing the actin filament capping protein CapZ. These improvements allowed an investigation of the [MgATP]-velocity relationship to study possible processivity in fast skeletal muscle myosin II.  It is shown that the [MgATP]–velocity relationship is well described by a Michaelis-Menten hyperbola.  In addition, statistical cross-bridge modeling showed that the experimental results are in good agreement with recent findings of actomyosin cross-bridge properties, e.g., non-linear cross-bridge elasticity. However, no effect of inter-head cooperativity could be observed.   In conclusion, the described results have contributed to in-depth understanding of the actomyosin cross-bridge cycle in muscle contraction.

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