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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constrição celular apical durante a invaginação do placóide do cristalino em galinhas. / Apical cell constriction during chicken lens placode invagination.

Borges, Ricardo Moraes 06 November 2008 (has links)
O cristalino de vertebrados se origina a partir da invaginação do ectoderme que recobre a vesícula óptica. A invaginação epitelial em diversos modelos é causada pela constrição celular apical, mediada pela contração apical de actina e miosina II e regulada pela GTPase RhoA. Neste trabalho nós investigamos se a invaginação do cristalino em embriões de galinha ocorre devido à constrição celular apical e se este evento é controlado por RhoA. Actina filamentosa e miosina II são expressas na porção apical do cristalino durante a invaginação. Quando a polimerização de actina é inibida por Citocalasina D, o cristalino não invagina, sugerindo que a constrição celular apical poderia contribuir para a invaginação do cristalino. RhoA também é expressa durante o desenvolvimento do cristalino, mas a inibição de RhoA, por eletroporação da forma dominante-negativo, não impediu a invaginação do placóide do cristalino, não alterou a distribuição de miosina II na porção apical do cristalino nem sua ativação, indicando que a invaginação do cristalino independe de RhoA. / Vertebrate lens derives from invagination of the ectoderm that overlies optic vesicles. Epithelial invagination in many model systems is driven by apical cell constriction, mediated by actin and myosin II contraction regulated by GTPase RhoA. Here we investigate the possibility that chick lens placode invagination could also be driven by apical cell constriction and controlled by RhoA. We show that actin and myosin II are expressed at lens apical side during lens invagination. Actin polymerization inhibition by in ovo Cytochalasin D treatment prevents lens placode invagination, suggesting that lens placode invagination could be driven by apical cell constriction. RhoA GTPase is also expressed at apical portion of lens placode and during lens invagination. However, when we overexpressed by electroporation the dominant-negative RhoA in the pre-lens ectoderm invagination was not affected. Furthermore, dominant-negative RhoA didnt affect myosin II apical localization nor myosin II phosphorilation, indicating that in lens invagination this process is not regulated by GTPase RhoA.

Untersuchungen zur Funktion der humanen atrialen essentiellen leichten Myosinkette (ALC-1) in einem transgenen Rattenmodell

Abdelaziz, Ahmed Ihab 30 September 2004 (has links)
Die meisten Patienten mit hypertropher Kardiomyopathie und kongenitalen Herzerkrankungen exprimieren die atriale essentielle leichte Myosinkette (ALC-1) im Ventrikel, wo sie teilweise die ventrikuläre essentielle leichte Myosinkette (VLC-1) ersetzt. Diese VLC-1/ALC-1 Isoformveränderung korrelierte mit einem Anstieg der Zykluskinetik der Myosin-Querbrücken in chemisch gehäuteten Herzfasern aus hypertrophierten Humanventrikeln. Um die funktionelle Bedeutung der ALC-1 im gesamten intakten Herzen zu untersuchen, habe ich in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein transgenes Rattenmodell charakterisiert, das die humane ALC-1 (hALC-1) im Herzen exprimiert (TGR/hALC-1). WKY-Ratten dienten als genetisch korrekter Kontrollstamm. Mittels rekombinanter hALC-1 als Standard wurde die exprimierte hALC-1-Menge in SDS-Extrakten linker Ventrikel der TGR/hALC-1 im Western-Blot untersucht. 12 Wochen alte TGR/hALC-1 exprimierten etwa 17 mug hALC-1/mg SDS-Extrakt. Das exprimierte Transgen konnte in der Immunfluoreszenz zwischen den Z-Linien der Sarkomere lokalisiert werden. Die gerichtete Integrations des Transgens in das kardiale Myosinmolekül wurde zusätzlich noch in hochgereinigten Myosinpräparationen nachgewiesen. Analyse des linksventrikulären Proteoms durch 2D-PAGE, das zur Identifikation von etwa 3000 Proteinen führte, zeigte vergleichbare Proteinmuster in WKY und TGR/hALC-1. Die Untersuchungen der Kontraktilität des intakten isoliert perfundierten Herzen wurden mit Langendorff-Präparationen durchgeführt. Die Expression des hALC-1-Transgen führte zu statistisch signifikanten (p / Most patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congenital heart diseases express the atrial essential myosin light chains (ALC-1) in their ventricles, partially replacing the ventricular essential light chains (VLC-1). This VLC-1/ALC-1 isoform shift is correlated with an increase in cross-bridge cycling kinetics as measured using chemically skinned fibers from the hypertrophied ventricles of human hearts. To study the functional importance of hALC-1 in the whole intact perfused-heart, a transgenic rat model overexpressing hALC-1 (TGR/hALC-1) in the heart was generated. WKY rats were used as the respective genetically correct control strain. Using hALC-1HIST protein as a standard, the amount of transgenic protein expression was quantified by Immunoblot analysis of the left ventricular tissue extracts of the transgenic rats. Twelve-week-old TGR/hALC-1 expressed around 17mug hALC-1 per mg of whole SDS-soluble protein. The transgene was localized in-between the Z-lines of the sarcomere by immunofluoresecnce microscopy. Furthermore, the proper integration of the transgene into the rat ventricular myosin was confirmed by purifying myosin from rat ventricular tissues. Whole ventricular proteome analysis by 2D-PAGE, resolved approximately 3000 proteins spots in each TGR/hALC-1 and WKY animal. The whole protein expression patterns in both animal groups showed no differences with the exception of the transgenic hALC-1 protein spot. The perfused heart contractility parameters were evaluated using the Langendorff preparation. Expression of hALC-1 was accompanied by statistically significant improvements (p

Estudo da participação das proteínas Paxilina e Miosina-Va na infectividade do Vírus Linfotrópico de Células T Humanas do Tipo 1 (HTLV-1)

Jesus, Jaqueline Goes January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2016-02-15T14:17:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaqueline Goes de Jesus. Estudo...2014.pdf: 4655999 bytes, checksum: 99ee2ef801cc69dd80d0a344e8f01be2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2016-02-15T14:18:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaqueline Goes de Jesus. Estudo...2014.pdf: 4655999 bytes, checksum: 99ee2ef801cc69dd80d0a344e8f01be2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-15T14:18:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jaqueline Goes de Jesus. Estudo...2014.pdf: 4655999 bytes, checksum: 99ee2ef801cc69dd80d0a344e8f01be2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / As ORFs I e IV do genoma do HTLV-1 codificam, respectivamente, as proteínas p12/p8 (acessória) e Tax (regulatória). p12/p8, de 99 aminoácidos, pode ser clivada em sua extremidade amino terminal gerando a proteína p8. A primeira clivagem proteolítica de p12 remove o sinal de retenção ao RE, enquanto a segunda clivagem, gera o produto de 8kDa, referido como p8. p12 localiza-se no sistema de endomembranes, residindo em RE e aparato de Golgi, enquanto p8 dirige-se para a membrana plasmática, onde é recrutada para a sinapse imunológica, através da ligação com o receptor de células T (TCR), além de participar da sinapse virológica e da formação de conduítes. A proteína Tax, por outro lado, atua como transativador transcricional do HTLV-1, sendo referida também na indução da expressão de diversos genes celulares, aumentando a proliferação e a migração das células infectadas. Na via de transporte de vesículas secretórias, vesículas produzidas como pós-Golgi são transportadas ao longo do citoesqueleto por motores celulares. A Miosina-Va, um motor não convencional, transporta diversos cargos, incluindo vesículas secretórias, vesículas sinápticas e de retículo endoplasmático. Outra proteína relacionada ao citoesqueleto é a Paxilina, que atua como molécula adaptadora nas adesões focais e cuja expressão está aumentada em indivíduos TSP-HAM. Na tentativa de compreender se Tax influencia no aumento da expressão de Paxilina e, paralelamente, se p8 trafega a partir de Golgi em direção à membrana, de maneira dependente de Miosina-Va, células de linhagem foram transfectadas, com o plasmídeo que expressa Tax ou com plasmídeos que expressam variantes da proteína p12 (pMEp12) fusionada a um tag de HA (hemaglutinina de influenza) e que expressam porções da Miosina-Va, incluindo a cauda completa neuronal conjugada com GFP (MyoVa FTNeu-eGFP), que funciona como dominante negativo e compete com a Miosina-Va constitutiva pelos seus ligantes intracelulares. A localização intracelular das proteínas foi realizada por ensaio de imunofluorescência indireta utilizando anticorpos contra a Paxilina ou contra o tag de HA e a cauda medial da Miosina-Va. Técnicas de microscopia confocal e obtenção de imagens foram realizadas utilizando o microscópio Zeiss LSM 780 (Carl Zeiss Optical, Chester, Va.) e o software Adobe Photoshop CC. Surpreendentemente, nas células que expressavam Tax, a expressão de Paxilina, avaliada por imunofluorescência, foi menor, necessitando de novos ensaios para confirmação dos resultados. Em relação à p12/p8, foi observada a sua sub-localização celular como já descrito na literatura, apresentando-se na região perinuclear (RE e aparato de Golgi), e co-localização entre p12/p8 e Miosina-Va, embora apenas quando o dominante negativo MyoVa FTNeu-eGFP foi expresso simultaneamente com as variantes de p12, a localização de p12/p8 mostrou-se alterada, de pontos dispersos por todo o citoplasma e superfície celular para apresentar-se em forma de grumos agregados independentemente da variante de p12 expressa, sugerindo que a Miosina-Va desempenha um importante papel no tráfego de p8 partindo de Golgi até a superfície celular. / HTLV-1 ORFs I and IV encode respectively p12/p8 (accessory protein) and Tax (regulatory protein). The 99 amino acid p12 protein can be proteolytically cleaved at the amino terminus to generate the p8 protein. The first proteolytic cleavage removes the ER retention/retrieval signal at the amino terminus of p12, while the second cleavage generates the p8 protein. The p12 protein localizes to cellular endomembranes, within the ER and Golgi apparatus, while p8 traffics to lipid rafts at the cell surface and is recruited to the immunological synapse upon T-cell receptor (TCR) ligation, virological synapse and conduits. Tax on the other hand acts as viral transactivator and induces expression of many cellular genes, increasing proliferation and migration of infected cells. In secretory vesicle transport, vesicles produced as post-Golgi are moved along the cytoskeleton by motor proteins. The unconventional myosin motor, Myosin-Va, moves several cargoes including secretory vesicles, synaptic vesicles, and the endoplasmic reticulum. Another cytoskeleton associated protein is Paxillin, an adapter on focal adhesions which expression is increased in TSP-HAM patients. To understand if Tax play a role on increased expression of Paxillin and parallel if p8 traffics from Golgi apparatus to cell surface on a myosin-Va dependent manner, lineage cells were transfected with Tax plasmids or pMEp12 plasmids which express variants (p12WT, p12Δ29 and p12G29S) of the fusion protein of HTLV-1 p12 tagged with the influenza hemagglutinin (HA1) tag and with the Myo-Va plasmids including full-tail neuronal-eGFP conjugated (MyoVa FTNeu-eGFP) plasmid which expresses a negative dominant of myosin Va and competes for intracellular ligands with cellular putative myosin. Proteins intracellular localization were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence assay using antibodies against Paxillin or the HA-tag and the Myo-Va protein. Confocal microscopy and image collection was performed by using a Zeiss LSM 780 microscope (Carl Zeiss Optical, Chester, Va.) with Adobe Photoshop CC software. Surprisingly in Tax-expressing cells Paxillin fluorescence was decreased requiring another assay to confirm this find. It was reported that p12 expression in Jurkat T, as previous described, was shown in perinuclear region which might be RE and Golgi apparatus and that p12/p8 and MyoVa proteins colocalizes in lineage cells, however only when MyoVa FTNeu-eGFP was simultaneously expressed with pMEp12 plasmids, p12/p8 localization showed to be altered from dots dispersed all over cytoplasm and cell surface to form cytoplasmic aggregates independently on variant of p12 expressed, suggesting that myosin Va plays an important role on traffics of p8 from Golgi to cell surface.

Influência do interior do inibidor da enzina conversora da angiotensina na remodelação cardíaca induzida pela exposição á fumaça do cigarro /

Duarte, Daniella de Rezende. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: O hábito de fumar apresenta importante impacto na saúde da população. A associação entre fumo e doença cardiovascular tem sido amplamente explorada em relação à aterosclerose. Recentemente, evidências clínicas e experimentais sugerem que a exposição ao cigarro pode modular o processo de remodelação ventricular. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o papel do inibidor da enzima conversora da angiotensina no processo de remodelação induzido pela exposição à fumaça do cigarro. Ratos Wistar foram distribuídos em três grupos: 1) grupo controle (C, n=8); 2) grupo exposto à fumaça do cigarro (EFC, n=8); 3) grupo exposto à fumaça do cigarro e recebendo 20 mg/kg/dia de lisinopril (EFC-LIS, n=8). Após dois meses os animais foram submetidos ao estudo funcional, morfométrico, e bioquímico. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o teste de variância ANOVA complementado por Holm-Sidak, o teste Kruskal-Wallis complementado por Tukey e o teste Mann-Whitney. O nível de significância foi 5%. A pressão sistólica caudal foi menor no grupo EFC-LIS (C = 116 ± 27, EFC = 126 ± 16, EFC-LIS = 89 ± 12 mmHg; p = 0,003) em relação aos grupos C e EFC; o grupo EFC apresentou maior valor do diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo, corrigido pelo peso (C = 8,25 ± 2,16, EFC = 11,76 ± 1,20, EFC-LIS = 9,27 ± 2,00 mm/kg; p = 0,003), em comparação aos grupos C e EFC-LIS; o diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo ajustado pelo peso foi maior nos grupos EFC e EFC-LIS... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The habit of smoking has important impact on population health. The association between tobacco and cardiovascular disease has been widely explored in relation to atherosclerosis. Recently, clinical and experimental evidences suggest that the exposure to tobacco smoke can modulate the process of ventricular remodeling. The objective of that study was to evaluate the role of the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor on cardiac remodeling induced by tobacco smoke exposure. Wistar rats were allocated in three groups: 1) group control (C, n=8); 2) group exposed to tobacco smoke (EFC, n=8); 3) group exposed to tobacco smoke and treated with lisinopril 20mg/kg/day (EFC-LIS, n=8). After two months the animals were submitted to the functional study, morphometric, and biochemical. For the statistical analysis was used the ANOVA test of variance complemented by Holm-Sidak, the test Kruskal-Wallis complemented by Tukey and the test the Mann-Whitney. The significance level was 5%. Results: the caudal systolic pressure was smaller in the group EFC-LIS (C = 116 ± 27, EFC = 126 ± 16, EFC-LIS = 89 ± 12 mmHg; p = 0,003) in relation to the groups C and EFC; the group EFC presented higher value of the systolic diameter of the left ventricle, corrected by body weight (BW) (C = 8,25 ± 2,16, EFC = 11,76 ± 1,20, EFC-LIS = 9,27 ± 2,00 mm/kg; p = 0,003), in comparison with the groups C and EFC-LIS; the diastolic diameter of the left ventricle, adjusted by BW was higher in the groups EFC e EFC-LIS (C = 18,42 ± 3,57, EFC = 22,94 ± 1,98, EFC-LIS = 22,05 ± 1,30 mm/kg; p = 0,003); the relationship EPP/DDVE was smaller in the group EFC-LIS in relation to the control (C = 0,20 (0,18-0,23), EFC = 0,15 (0,14-0,18), EFC-LIS = 0,14 (0,14-0,18); p = 0,026). The group EFC presented smaller ejection fraction... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Leonardo Antonio Mamede Zornoff / Coorientador: Sergio Alberto Rupp Paiva / Banca: Fernanda M. Cosolim-Colombo / Banca: Wilson Natrus / Banca: Beatriz B. Matsubara / Banca: Katashi Okoshi / Doutor

Morfologia e expressão dos fatores de regulação miogênica (MRFS) e IGF-1 no músculo esquelético de ratos submentidos ao treinamento resistido / Morphology and expression of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) and IGF-1 in rats skeletal muscle submitted to resistance training

Souza, Rodrigo Wagner Alves, 1983- 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maeli Dal Pai Silva / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T01:12:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza_RodrigoWagnerAlves_M.pdf: 2186081 bytes, checksum: 2a1578159471f249151f3b90ca0b76fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O treinamento físico pode promover adaptações benéficas ao músculo esquelético. Entretanto, o treinamento de alta intensidade associado com um tempo insuficiente de recuperação, similar às condições de sobretreinamento, pode ocasionar efeitos prejudiciais. Os fatores reguladores miogênicos (MRFs) e o fator de crescimento IGF-1 são importantes reguladores da massa muscular no treinamento físico. Neste contexto, testamos a hipótese que o treinamento de alta intensidade com curto tempo de recuperação, poderia influenciar a morfologia, as isoformas da cadeia pesada de miosina (MHC), e a expressão dos MRFs MyoD e Miogenina e do IGF-1, no músculo esquelético de ratos. Ratos Wistar machos (200-250g) foram divididos em 4 grupos: treinado 8 semanas (T8), controle 8 semanas (C8), treinado 12 semanas (T12) e controle 12 semanas (C12). Os grupos T8 e T12 realizaram um programa de treinamento resistido de alta intensidade (5 dias/semana), envolvendo sessões de saltos em uma cuba contendo água. Ao término de cada período, os animais foram sacrificados e o músculo plantar retirado e submetido às análises morfológica e histoquímica, análises das MHCs e expressão gênica da MyoD, Miogenina e IGF-1. Do início ao final do experimento todos os grupos aumentaram o peso corporal, no entanto, o grupo T12 foi estatisticamente menor em relação ao C12. Com relação à área de secção transversal, observou-se uma redução das fibras IIC e IIAD no grupo T8 e IIA e IID no grupo T12 em relação aos seus controles. O grupo treinado por 12 semanas apresentou um aumento da frequência das fibras IIBD e redução nas frequências das fibras I, IIA e IID, em relação ao grupo controle; esses dados ainda foram corroborados pela redução das isoformas MHCI e MHCIIa e aumento da MHCIIb. A MHCIId não mostrou diferença significativa. A expressão gênica do grupo T12 apontou uma diminuição da MyoD e um aumento do IGF-1 comparado com o grupo C12; já, a expressão da Miogenina foi semelhante entre os grupos. Estes dados mostram que o modelo utilizado, semelhante às condições do sobretreinamento, promoveu a atrofia muscular e a transição das fibras musculares para uma atividade contrátil mais rápida. Estes fatos podem estar associados a uma menor atividade das células satélites. Em adição, o aumento da expressão do IGF-1, decorrente do treinamento, pode ter ocorrido na tentativa de prevenir o processo atrófico. / Abstract: Physical training can promote beneficial changes in skeletal muscle. However, the high-intensity resistance training associated with insufficient recovery time may cause harmful effects. Myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) and the growth factor IGF-1 are important mediators of muscle mass during physical training. In this context, we tested the hypothesis that high-intensity resistance training with short recovery time, similar to overtraining conditions, could influence the morphology, the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms and the expression of MRFs MyoD and myogenin, and IGF-1 in skeletal muscle of rats. Male Wistar rats (200-250 g) were divided into 4 groups: trained 8 weeks (T8), control 8 weeks (C8), trained 12 weeks (T12) and control 12 weeks (C12). T8 and T12 groups were subjected to a high-intesnsity resistance training program (5 days/week), involving jumps sessions into water, carrying progressive overload equivalent to percentage of body weight. At the end of each period the animals were sacrificed and the plantaris muscles were removed and submited to morphological and histochemical analysis, myosin heavy chain (MHC) analysis and the gene expression of MyoD, Myogenin and IGF-1. From beginning to end of the experiment all groups increased body weight, however, in T12 body weight was lower compared to the C12. Regarding the cross-sectional area, there was a significant reduction of the IIC fibers and IIAD in T8 group and IIA and IID in T12 compared to their controls. The group trained by 12 weeks showed an increase in the IIBD, accompanied by a reduction in the I, IIA and IID muscle fibers frequency, compared to control group; these data have been corroborated by the reduction of MHCI and MHCIIa isoforms and increased of MHCIIb isoform. The MHCIId showed no significant differences. The gene expression of the T12 group showed a decrease in MyoD and an increase in IGF-1 compared with the C12 group; already, the expression of Myogenin was similar between groups. These data show that the model used, similar to the conditions of overtraining, promoted muscular atrophy and muscle fiber transition to a faster contractile activity. These facts may be associated with a lower activity of satellite cells. In addition, increased expression of IGF-1, due to training, may have occurred in an attempt to prevent the atrophic process. / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

IP3 Receptor 3 controls migration persistency and environment patrolling by immature dendritic cells / Le récepteur IP3R-3 contrôle la persistance migratoire des cellules dendritiques immatures et leur capacité à explorer l’environnement

Solanes, Paola 04 October 2013 (has links)
Le succès de la réponse immunitaire repose en grande partie sur la capacité des leucocytes à se déplacer et à accomplir leur fonction au sein de structures anatomiques précises. Le fait qu’il puisse exister des mécanismes intrinsèques de coordination entre ces fonctions spécifiques et la migration de ces cellules n’a jamais été étudié auparavant. Nos travaux mettent en évidence, pour la première fois, l’existence d’un couplage entre la migration et la macropinocytose dans les cellules dendritiques qui explorent leur environnement en internalisant une grande quantité de matériel extra-cellulaire. C’est la Chaîne Invariante, protéine chaperon impliquée dans l’apprêtement des antigènes, qui est responsable de ce couplage en détournant le moteur Myosine II de l’arrière de la cellule, où elle promeut la migration, vers l’avant de la cellule. Ce recrutement transitoire de Myosin II autour des macropinosomes à l’avant favorise la macropinocytose et la délivrance de l’antigène dans les lysosomes, mais ralentit la cellule. L’implication de la Myosine II à la fois dans la migration et la capture d’antigène permet donc le couplage moléculaire entre ces deux processus et leur coordination spatio-temporelle. Cependant, les voies de signalisation impliquées dans le couplage avant/arrière dans les cellules dendritiques immatures restent encore méconnues. L’ensemble de mes travaux de thèse montrent que la libération de calcium du réticulum endoplasmique à travers les récepteurs IP3 (IP3Rs) est nécessaire pour maintenir le niveau de phosphorylation de la chaîne légère de Myosin (MLC) et la polarisation avant/arrière de Myosine II au cours de la migration des cellules dendritiques immatures. Nous montrons que les récepteurs IP3R1, 2 et 3 sont requis pour atteindre une vitesse maximale en 2- et 3-Dimension, et que le récepteur IP3R3, et dans une moindre mesure IP3R1, favorisent la persistance des cellules. En revanche, l’inhibition de l’expression du récepteur IP3R3 augmente la capacité des cellules dendritiques immatures à capturer l’antigène, ce qui est en accord avec notre résultat montrant que la capture de l'antigène est inversement reliée à la locomotion de cellules dendritiques. Nous proposons que le relargage du calcium par le réticulum endoplasmique favorise l’activité de la myosine II ce qui permet aux cellules dendritiques de ralentir de façon transitoire. Ce relargage calcique permet aux cellules dendritiques du optimiser l'internalisation des antigènes extracellulaires en maintenant leur polarité ce qui leur permet d’optimiser ainsi leur capacité d'échantillonnage de l’environnement. / The immune response heavily relies on the migration capacity of leukocytes. These cells must stop in precise anatomical locations to fulfill a particular task. But whether and how specific functions are coordinated with migration by cell-intrinsic mechanisms is not known. We here show that in dendritic cells, which patrol their environment for the presence of antigens by internalizing extracellular material, macropinocytosis is coupled to cell migration. Coupling relies on the diversion of the Myosin II motor from its migratory function at the cell rear to macropinosomes at the cell front by the Invariant Chain, a cell-specific regulator of antigen presentation. Transient Myosin II recruitment at the cell front promotes antigen macropinocytosis and antigen delivery to endolysosomes but antagonizes cell migration. Thus, the requirement for Myosin II for both migration and antigen capture provides a molecular mechanism to couple these two processes and allow their coordination in time and space. However, the signaling pathways involved in back/front coupling in migrating immature DCs remain unknown. Here we show that calcium released from the endoplasmic reticulum through IP3 Receptors (IP3Rs) is required to maintain Myosin regulatory light Chain (MLC) phosphorylation and Myosin II back/front polarization during DC locomotion. We found that while IP3R1, 2 and 3 are required for immature DCs to reach maximal speed in 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional environments, IP3R3 and to a lesser extent IP3R1 positively regulate their persistency. On the contrary, silencing of IP3R3 increases antigen uptake by immature DCs, consistent with our finding showing that antigen capture is inversely coupled to DC locomotion (Appendix, manuscript #1). We propose that by promoting myosin II activity, calcium released from the ER help DCs to transiently slow-down to uptake extracellular antigens without losing their polarity and thereby optimizes their environment sampling capacity.

Placental vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation in pregnancies complicated by obesity and gestational diabetes

Whittle, Saxon January 2016 (has links)
The increasing demand on healthcare from pregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes (GDM) and obesity is caused in large part by fetal macrosomia (FM). Alterations to the vasculature of the placenta leading to changes to nutrient flux may be more frequent when GDM and obesity occur concomitantly. However, the impact of obesity as an independent comorbidity is poorly understood. The current study sought to characterise structural and functional changes in placenta from pregnancies complicated by GDM and/or obesity and examine the involvement of miRs in this phenomenon, as the phenotype of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) has been documented to be influenced by microRNA (miR) expression. Patients were stratified according to the presence or absence of GDM and/or obesity, which resulted in four groups. Morphometric analysis of CD31 immuno-stained placentas showed that pregnancies complicated by GDM or obesity both had a higher mean sum ratio of the area of the lumen compared to the endothelium. No relationship was found with FM. The ratio increased with maternal body mass index (BMI) in all pregnancies. Immunohistochemistry with a panel of VSM markers suggested an altered phenotype of VSM in pregnancies complicated by GDM and/or obesity. RT-QPCR and immunoblotting showed a higher expression of smooth muscle myosin (SM-MHC), h-caldesmon (HC) and alpha smooth muscle actin (ASMA) in pregnancies complicated by obesity, consistent with a greater contractile capacity. This was most marked when obesity occurred without GDM.Studies were conducted on two miRs, miR-145, which is associated with VSM in many vascular tissues, and the snoRNA-derived species miR-664a-3p, which microarray studies had shown to be higher in placentas from pregnancies complicated by GDM. Dicer and dyskerin, components of the snoRNA-derived miR biogenesis pathway, were increased and reduced respectively in GDM placenta. However, studies in cultured placental villous explants suggested that neither miR species was regulated by glucose, insulin or IGF-I. Placental mesenchymal cells are the developmental precursors of VSM. In primary culture, these cells expressed both miRs. To determine the function of miR-664a-3p, a nucleofection protocol was developed in a fetal mesenchymal cell line, WI38, and applied to first-trimester placental mesenchymal cells. Preliminary proteomic analysis after nucleofection-mediated knockdown of miR-664a-3p suggested a series of novel candidate target proteins for this uncharacterised miR species. Blood vessel structure and VSM phenotype are both altered in pregnancies complicated by GDM and/or obesity. The significance of apparently higher level of contractile proteins with wider vessel lumens in obesity requires further investigation. Translational regulation by miRs including miR-145 and miR-664a-3p is implicated in these alterations. In future, targeted therapies that alter miR levels in the placenta may be useful in control of fetal overgrowth such as FM.

Caractérisation des différents mouvements collectifs au cours de la migration des cellules de bordure chez la drosophile / Characterisation of different collective movements during Drosophila border cell migration

Combedazou, Anne 18 November 2016 (has links)
La migration cellulaire concerne des cellules individuelles ou bien des groupes de cellules migrant de manière collective et coordonnée. De nombreux processus physiologiques, notamment au cours du développement embryonnaire, ainsi que pathologiques, notamment lors de maladies inflammatoires ou de la formation de métastases nécessitent des mouvements cellulaire collectifs. Au cours de l'ovogénèse chez la Drosophile, un groupe de cellules, appelés cellules de bordure, migrent entre les cellules nourricières, collectivement, au sein du follicule ovarien. Ces cellules de bordure constituent un modèle de choix pour étudier les mécanismes régulant la migration collective in vivo. La migration de ce groupe de cellules est divisée en deux phases. Lors de la première moitié de migration, du début de la migration à la moitié du parcours, les cellules de bordure adoptent un mouvement linéaire, au cours duquel chaque cellule maintient sa position au sein de l'entité, et une seule et même cellule conduit le groupe vers l'avant. Ensuite, à mi-chemin, ces groupes commencent à effectuer des mouvements de rotation sur eux-mêmes pour aller atteindre l'ovocyte, permettant à n'importe quelle cellule de pouvoir mener la migration. L'objectif de ma thèse a été d'élucider les mécanismes régulant le choix entre ces deux modes de migration (linéaire et rotationnel). Le cytosquelette d'acto-myosine est un des acteurs principaux régulant la contraction cellulaire nécessaire à la motilité des cellules. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons mis en évidence le rôle de la myosine non musculaire de type II dans le contrôle du passage d'un mouvement linéaire à rotationnel. Nos travaux démontrent que l'apparition des mouvements de rotation effectués par les cohortes de cellules de bordure est corrélée à une augmentation de l'activité de la myosine non musculaire de type II. De plus, nous avons montré que l'activité de la myosine non musculaire de type II pouvait être régulée de manière antagoniste par les récepteurs de guidance. En conclusion, mes travaux de thèse nous ont permis de démontré le rôle clé de la myosine non musculaire de type II dans l'adaptation du mode de migration au cours de mouvements collectifs des cellules de bordure. De plus nous avons identifié les facteurs régulant l'activité de la myosine non musculaire de type II. En effet, cette dernière est régulée positivement par EGFR. / In many biological processes, cells can move individually or in a coordinated and collective manner. Collective migrations are necessary during several embryo developmental processes, and pathologies such as inflammatory diseases or metastasis formation. During Drosophila oogenesis, border cells, a group of 6-10 cells, migrate in between nurse cell until the oocyte, within the egg chamber and provide a good model to study collective cell migration in vivo. Border cell migration is divided in to two phases. From the anterior pole of the egg chamber to the half of migrated distance, border cell adopt a linear movement, in which each cell maintain its position within the cluster and one leader cell drive the migration. Midway of the migration path, border cell clusters rotate to reach the oocyte. During this second phase, any cell can take the lead of the migration. The aim of my PhD research works was to identify mechanisms regulating the choice between linear and rotational movements. Acto-myosin cytoskeleton is one of the main regulators of cell contraction necessary for cell motility. Through our research, we demonstrated that non-muscle myosin II (NMII) regulate the switch between linear and rotational behaviour. These results led us to identify mechanisms regulating NMII activity during border cell migration. Border cells express two guidance receptors: PVR (Platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) and Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) receptor Related) and EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor). Recent studies shown that PVR play a crucial role in the first phase and EGFR predominantly regulate the second phase of migration. Our data shows that NMII is antagonistically regulated by PVR and EGFR. Indeed, the inhibition of NMII in border cell over expressing EGFR completely blocks the rotational movement To conclude, my PhD works allow us to demonstrate the key role of NMII for the regulation of border cell migration. Moreover, we found that EGFR positively regulates NMII activity.

Unravelling The Mechanisms Of Myofibrillogenesis And Human Myopathies Using Drosophila Mutants

Salvi, Sheetal S 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Myofibrillogenesis is a complex process, which involves assembly of hundreds of structural proteins in a highly ordered manner to form the contractile structural unit of muscle, the sarcomere. Several myopathic conditions reported in humans are caused due to abnormal myofibrillogenesis owing to mutations in the genes coding for many of these structural proteins. These myopathies have highly variable clinical features and time of onset. Since their aetiology is poorly understood, it becomes imperative to have a model system to study the muscle defects. Present study proposes to employ the Indirect Flight Muscle (IFM) system in Drosophila melanogaster as a model to analyse the development/onset of some of these myopathies and resulting pathophysiology. We have carried out a systematic study on mutations in two major proteins of the sarcomere, actin and myosin, to understand the pathophysiology associated with the disease conditions and in turn gain insights into the process of myofibrillogenesis. To verify whether the human muscle phenotypes are observed in flies, we analysed the IFM for functional and structural defects categorised by the presence of aberrant sarcomeric structures. An important question that we have addressed is whether mutants of the Drosophila IFM recapitulate human conditions and whether it can serve as a good genetic model to study the developmental mechanisms of the human skeletal myopathies in vivo. Mutations of the human ACTA1 skeletal actin gene produce seven congenital myopathies – actin myopathy, nemaline rod myopathy, intranuclear rod myopathy, congenital fibre type disproportion, congenital myopathy with core-like areas, cap disease and zebra body myopathy. Four known mutations in Act88F—a Drosophila homologue of ACTA1—occur at the same actin residues mutated in ten ACTA1 nemaline mutations, A138D/P, R256H/L, G268C/D/R/S and R372C/S. These Act88F mutants were examined for muscle phenotypes with nemaline structures. Mutant homozygotes show phenotypes ranging from lack of myofibrils to almost normal sarcomeres at eclosion. Whereas, heterozygotes do allow myofibrillar assembly to certain extent; however, atypical structures are seen adjacent to normal sarcomeres. Aberrant Z disc-like structures and serial Z disc arrays, ‘zebra bodies’, are observed in homozygotes and heterozygotes of all the four Act88F mutants. The electron-dense structures observed in electron micrographs show homologies to human nemaline bodies/rods, but are much smaller than those typically found in the human myopathy. A possible mechanism for the ‘zebra bodies’ is proposed based on this study. Analysis of IFM at early developmental stages shows that in three of the mutants, there is an abnormal myofibril assembly leading to malformed sarcomeres mirrored in the adult stages. In one of the Act88F mutants, normal myofibrils are seen post-eclosion but the IFM show activity dependant progression of muscle degeneration. All the Act88F mutants produce dominant disruption of muscle structure and function which cannot be rescued even by three copies of the wild type Act88F gene implying that the mutants are strong antimorphs. Myosin myopathies are a group of human muscle diseases with heterogeneous clinical features and are caused by mutations in the skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain. We identified two chemical mutagen generated flightless mutants, Ifm(2)RU1 and ifm(2)RU2 that map closely to myosin heavy chain gene (Mhc) region. Since there are no structural proteins predicted in the mapped region, it was likely that these two are Mhc mutations. We show that Ifm(2)RU1 and ifm(2)RU2 are indeed Mhc mutations and the molecular aberrations affect amino acid residues present in the myosin rod region. Human muscle myosin heavy chain (MyHC) mutations that cause Laing early onset distal myopathy and myosin storage myopathy occur in this domain of the protein. Even though mutations lie in the same region of myosin rod, Ifm(2)RU1 is semidominant, whereas ifm(2)RU2 is recessive. Both the mutants show IFM defects and the presence of abnormal myofibrils. Mutant myofibrillar structures can be rescued with an additional wild type Mhc gene copy. However, the restored myofibrillar structure is incapable of rescuing the flight ability of mutants. The muscle phenotypes are due to defects in thick filament assembly which manifest from the early stages of sarcomere development. The MHC protein rod region is an α-helix that forms coiled-coils which further self assemble to form thick filaments or aggregates as observed in in vitro conditions. Biophysical and biochemical analyses reveal that the coiled-coil structure of mutant rods is not affected, however the thermodynamic stability is altered in ifm(2)RU2 mutation. Interestingly, rod aggregate size and stability are not affected in mutant rods. The Drosophila MHC mutant rods were studied along with four MHC mutant rods that harbour human rod mutations to compare the molecular consequences. The Drosophila mutations do not hamper the rod structure and assembly. Therefore, the defects may arise due to altered interactions with myosin rod binding proteins. Flightin is an extensively studied myosin rod binding protein. The amount and phosphorylation status of flightin are an extremely sensitive measure of thick filament assembly. Flightin phosphorylation is affected in the mutants suggesting a functional dependence on MHC and it also indicates MHC instability. In the light of the work done, we have assessed the mutations with respect to their structure-functional implications. The acto-myosin interactions responsible for the defects are also discussed. Formation of unusual myofibrillar structures are analysed with regards to the process of myofibrillogenesis. An understanding of this entire process with the information available from IFM is reviewed in detail. The work so far has helped in understanding the manifestation of myopathies at tissue/cellular levels with insights into the plausible mechanisms of origin of the disease phenotypes. Myopathic condition may arise due to developmental or functional defects. For therapeutic considerations, the fly provides a simple test to inspect the effects of adding extra copies of the wild type gene. We conclude that the Drosophila IFM provide a good model system for the study of human ACTA1 and MyHC myopathies.

Constrição celular apical durante a invaginação do placóide do cristalino em galinhas. / Apical cell constriction during chicken lens placode invagination.

Ricardo Moraes Borges 06 November 2008 (has links)
O cristalino de vertebrados se origina a partir da invaginação do ectoderme que recobre a vesícula óptica. A invaginação epitelial em diversos modelos é causada pela constrição celular apical, mediada pela contração apical de actina e miosina II e regulada pela GTPase RhoA. Neste trabalho nós investigamos se a invaginação do cristalino em embriões de galinha ocorre devido à constrição celular apical e se este evento é controlado por RhoA. Actina filamentosa e miosina II são expressas na porção apical do cristalino durante a invaginação. Quando a polimerização de actina é inibida por Citocalasina D, o cristalino não invagina, sugerindo que a constrição celular apical poderia contribuir para a invaginação do cristalino. RhoA também é expressa durante o desenvolvimento do cristalino, mas a inibição de RhoA, por eletroporação da forma dominante-negativo, não impediu a invaginação do placóide do cristalino, não alterou a distribuição de miosina II na porção apical do cristalino nem sua ativação, indicando que a invaginação do cristalino independe de RhoA. / Vertebrate lens derives from invagination of the ectoderm that overlies optic vesicles. Epithelial invagination in many model systems is driven by apical cell constriction, mediated by actin and myosin II contraction regulated by GTPase RhoA. Here we investigate the possibility that chick lens placode invagination could also be driven by apical cell constriction and controlled by RhoA. We show that actin and myosin II are expressed at lens apical side during lens invagination. Actin polymerization inhibition by in ovo Cytochalasin D treatment prevents lens placode invagination, suggesting that lens placode invagination could be driven by apical cell constriction. RhoA GTPase is also expressed at apical portion of lens placode and during lens invagination. However, when we overexpressed by electroporation the dominant-negative RhoA in the pre-lens ectoderm invagination was not affected. Furthermore, dominant-negative RhoA didnt affect myosin II apical localization nor myosin II phosphorilation, indicating that in lens invagination this process is not regulated by GTPase RhoA.

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