Spelling suggestions: "subject:"myosin"" "subject:"pmyosin""
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Efeitos do treinamento físico por natação sobre o sistema cardiovascular e marcadores moleculares de hipertrofia cardíaca em ratas wistar / Swimming training effects on cardiovascular system and hypertrofic cardiac molecular markesrs in wistar femalesHashimoto, Nara Yumi 20 September 2007 (has links)
O treinamento por natação leva a uma sobrecarga de volume no coração, que induz a hipertrofia cardíaca (HC) excêntrica, com aumento da massa e do diâmetro cardíaco. Neste trabalho foram investigadas as adaptações no sistema cardiovascular e na expressão de genes relacionados à HC patológica, na gênese da HC por treinamento de natação. 42 ratas wistar foram divididas em grupos: sedentário controle (SC) treinado protocolo 1 (P1) e treinado protocolo 2 (P2). O treinamento de P1 foi de 1x60min/dia, 5x/semana, por 10 semanas. O de P2 foi igual ao P1 até a 8ª semana. Na 9ª semana 2x/dia e na 10ª semana 3x/dia. Os grupos treinados, em relação ao SC, apresentaram bradicardia de repouso, melhora no desempenho físico do teste máximo e do consumo máximo de oxigênio e HC, sem alterar a pressão arterial média e a expressão dos genes do fator natriurético atrial e da alfa actina esquelética. O grupo P2 apresentou aumento no diâmetro cardíaco e redução da expressão do gene da beta miosina de cadeia pesada. Este último resultado é contrário à literatura para a HC patológica, que mostra o aumento não só da expressão deste gene como a dos outros genes estudados. Os resultados de HC de P2 assemelham-se aos encontrados em estudos recentes com atletas de modalidades de maior componente aeróbio, sendo este um bom modelo para investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na HC destes atleta / Swimming training leads to a cardiac volume overload that induces excentric cardiac hypertrophy (CH) with an increase in cardiac mass and diameter. Cardiovascular system adaptations and expression of genes relatated with pathological CH were investigated in swimming training CH. We studied 42 wistar females, divided in sedentary control (SC) group, protocol 1 trained group (P1) and protocol 2 trained group (P2). The P1 training program was once a day for 5 times/week for 10 weeks. P2 was the same as P1 until 8th week. In 9th week it was twice a day and in 10th week 3 times a day. Trained groups, in contrast with SC, showed rest bradycardia, improvement in physical performance, maximum oxygen uptake and CH, with no alteration in the medium arterial pressure and in the expression of atrial natriuretic factor and skeletal alpha actin genes. Moreover, P2 showed an increase in cardiac diameter and decrease in the expression of beta myosin heavy chain gene. This expression result is different of patological CH literature wich shows an increase of this gene expression and also in the others genes we had investigated. P2 CH results were similar to those recently found in endurance-type athletes, sugesting this is a good model to investigate mechanisms involved in endurance-type athletes CH
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Influência do polimorfismo do gene MYH9 na doença renal progressiva em pacientes com nefrite lúpica / Influence of the MYH9 gene polymorphism in progressive kidney disease in patients with lupus nephritisColares, Vinicius Sardão 20 January 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A nefrite lúpica é uma complicação frequente e de alta morbimortalidade do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES). A evolução para insuficiência renal crônica terminal varia entre 8 e 15% dos casos, após um período de 5 anos. A fase inicial da nefrite se deve a uma atividade imunológica exacerbada que leva a sequelas renais, como a fibrose intersticial, sinéquias glomerulares, e glomeruloesclerose. Uma vez instalada, vários fatores aceleram a velocidade de progressão da insuficiência renal, como a presença de proteinúria residual, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e a etnia do paciente. Estudos recentes mostraram que a presença de polimorfismos do MYH9 são altamente prevalentes em pacientes com GESF (glomeruloesclerose focal e segmentar), nefropatia do HIV e em pacientes com doença renal crônica não diabética. Os polimorfismos do MYH9 mais relacionados com essas doenças são os do haplótipo E1, causados pelos polimorfismos rs4821480, rs2032487, rs4821481 e rs3752462, presentes principalmente na população negra e de hispano-americanos. No Brasil não há estudos sobre a prevalência desse gene. MÉTODOS: Nosso estudo analisou retrospectivamente 196 pacientes com nefrite lúpica, acompanhadas no ambulatório de glomerulopatias do Hospital das Clínicas da USP. Foram recuperados os dados clínicos e laboratoriais dos pacientes de janeiro de 1999 a dezembro de 2010. Foi feita análise dos polimorfismos do haplótipo E1 do gene do MYH9 (rs4821480, rs2032487, rs4821481 e rs3752462) e correlacionados com suas características clínicas e laboratoriais, apresentando como desfecho a duplicação da creatinina ou a evolução para doença renal crônica terminal. RESULTADOS: O tempo de seguimento médio dos pacientes foi de 6,1 anos, com a creatinina inicial média de 1,6 g/dL e proteinúria média de 3,9 g/dia. Dezenove pacientes não recuperaram função renal, mantendo-se em diálise. Dos 177 pacientes restantes 43 (24%) apresentaram o desfecho de duplicação (DC) da creatinina, ou necessidade de diálise (DRCT). Pacientes progressores eram tinham maior SLEDAI renal (10 vs 8,9 p=0,04), maior índice de cronicidade renal à biópsia (5 vs 2, p<0,001) e maior frequência de reativações da doença renal (flare renal) (82,9% x 53,8%, p=0,002), assim menores índices de remissão completa ou parcial (p<0,0001). Os 4 polimorfismos se segregam em conjunto, ou seja, como um haplótipo, pelo modelo de Hardy-Weinberg. Analisando separadamente cada polimorfismo, apenas o rs3752462, apresenta associação com o desfecho DC/DRCT, na análise por genótipo (CC/CT/TT, p=0,03) e quando feita análise TT/CT vs CC (p=0,02). Não houve relação dos polimorfismos com a etnia negra ou parda. Pacientes com haplótipo E1 eram progressores em 28% dos casos, conferindo um OR de 1,79 (IC 1,02 a 3,0) de DC/DRC. DISCUSSÃO: A presença do haplótipo E1 têm alta prevalência em pacientes portadores de nefrite lúpica no Brasil, sendo fator de risco para progressão da doença renal crônica / BACKGROUND: Lupus nephritis (LN) is a frequent complication with high morbidity and mortality of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Chronic renal failure is observed in 8 to 15% of the patients after 5 years of follow up. LN is an inflammatory disease after a systemic autoimmune activation. Once inflammation is shutdown several renal and nonrenal factors, such as residual proteinuria, hypertension and ethnicity of the patient, may emerge and impose to the kidney a chronic phenotype (interstitial fibrosis, glomerular adhesions and glomerulosclerosis. Recently E1 haplotype (rs4821480, rs2032487, rs4821481 and rs3752462 polymorphisms) of the MYH9 gene was associated to progressive kidney diseases in patients with FSGS (focal segmental glomerulosclerosis), HIV nephropathy and non-diabetic chronic kidney disease, in african american and spanic american patients. In Brazil there is no data on this subject. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 196 patients with LN followed in our outpatient glomerular disease ward were enrolled glomerulopathies. Patients clinical data from January 1999 to December 2010 were retrieved and MYH9 rs4821480, rs2032487, rs4821481 and rs3752462 polymorphisms were genotyped. Outcome was defined as doubling of serum creatinine, or end stage renal disease (ESRD). RESULTS: The mean follow-up of patients was 6.1 years, with an initial mean creatinine of 1.6 g/dL and mean proteinuria 3.9 g/day. On enrollment nineteen patients were on dialysis and did not recover renal function, they were withdraw from analyses of progressive kidney disease. On follow up, from 177 remaining patients, 43 (24%) showed the composite outcome: dialysis, or doubling creatinine. Progressors had higher renal SLEDAI (10 vs 8.9, p = 0.04), higher chronicity index at biopsy (5 vs 2, p <0.001) and more frequently renal flares (82, 9% vs. 53.8%, p=0.002), as well as lower rates of complete or partial remission (p <0.0001). The four polymorphisms segregate as a haplotype, according the Hardy-Weinberg model. Analysing each polymorphism, only TT/CT genotype from rs3752462 polymorphism was associated with the outcome of DC/ESRD (p = 0.02). E1 haplotype were associated with progression with an OR of 1.79 (CI 1.02 to 3.0). DISCUSSION: The presence of the E1 haplotype is associated with worse prognosis of chronic renal failure in lupus nephritis patients
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Remodelamento do complexo de glicoproteínas associadas à distrofina, do disco intercalar e das proteínas contráteis no coração de camundongos submetidos à sépsis induzida por ligação e perfuração do ceco / Remodeling of dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, intercalated disk proteins, and contractile proteins in the hearts of mice subjected to sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture.Mara Rubia Nunes Celes 16 April 2008 (has links)
A sépsis e o choque séptico representam uma síndrome complexa de intensa resposta inflamatória sistêmica, com múltiplas anormalidades fisiológicas e imunológicas, comumente causadas por infecção bacteriana. A principal conseqüência dessa resposta é o comprometimento de muitos órgãos e tecidos. A disfunção cardíaca, decorrente de um prejuízo na contratilidade miocárdica, tem sido reconhecida como um fator importante que contribui para os altos índices de mortalidade observados na sépsis. Dados recentes do nosso laboratório indicam que alterações estruturais no miocárdio podem ser responsáveis pela disfunção cardíaca observada na sépsis. Considerando que a maquinaria contrátil interna das miofibras deve permanecer intimamente conectada com a membrana e a matriz extracelular, o presente estudo foi proposto para avaliar alterações nas comunicações intercelulares e acoplagem mecânica entre os cardiomiócitos vizinhos e avaliar a expressão de proteínas do arcabouço celular e da matriz extracelular (especificamente a laminina-?2) durante a sépsis grave. Nossos resultados mostraram que há uma diminuição na expressão das proteínas envolvidas na formação das gap junctions (conexina43) e junções aderentes (N-caderina), o que resultaria na perda da integridade estrutural dos discos intercalares, alterando o acoplamento mecânico e eletro-químico entre os cardiomiócitos vizinhos. Além disso, demonstramos que há redução na expressão de distrofina e das proteínas que constituem o complexo de glicoproteínas associadas a distrofina (CGD) durante a sépsis experimental. A redução ou perda da expressão de distrofina é o evento primário que ocorre seguido pela degeneração miofilamentar, caracterizada pela lise dos filamentos de actina e miosina. A diminuição na expressão das glicoproteínas associadas à distrofina: -distroglicana e laminina foram considerados eventos secundários. Os resultados sugerem que durante a sépsis induzida por ligação e perfuração do ceco (CLP), há perda de proteínas importantes envolvidas tanto no remodelamento do disco intercalar quanto na expressão de glicoproteínas envolvidas na ligação mecânica entre o citoesqueleto intracelular e a matriz extracelular. Embora estudos funcionais sejam necessários para determinar o efeito direto dessas alterações sobre o miocárdio podemos sugerir que as alterações estruturais são parcialmente responsáveis pela depressão miocárdica observada na sépsis. / Sepsis and septic shock represent a complex syndrome of systemic inflammatory response, with multiple physiological and immunological abnormalities, commonly caused by bacterial infection. The most important consequence of the response is the involvement of many organs and tissues. Cardiac dysfunction, caused by impairment in myocardial contractility, has been recognized as an important factor that contributes to the high mortality observed in sepsis. Evidence from our laboratory indicates that myocardial structural changes could be responsible for sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction. Taking into account that the contractile machinery inside the myofibers must remain intimately connected with the membrane and extracellular matrix, the present investigation sought to evaluate changes in intercellular communications and mechanical coupling between the neighbor cardiomyocytes and the expression of the cell scaffold protein and extracellular matrix (specifically merosin laminin-2 chain) during the severe sepsis. Our results showed a decrease in the expression of proteins involved in formation of gap junctions (connexin-43) and adherens junctions (N-cadherin). These alterations may result in the loss of intercalated disc structural integrity, changing the mechanical and electrical-chemical coupling between neighboring cardiomyocytes. Additionally, we demonstrated the decrease of dystrophin and dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) components resulting from severe septic injury. The reduction or loss of dystrophin is the primary event that occurs followed by miofilamentar degeneration characterized by actin and myosin lysis. The decrease of glycoproteins associated with dystrophin: -dystroglican and laminin were considered secondary events. The results suggest that during experimental severe sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), there is loss of important proteins involved in both the remodeling of the intercalated disc and the glycoproteins expression implicated in the mechanical link between the intracellular cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix. Although the functional studies are needed to determine the direct effect of these alterations on myocardium, we can suggest that myocardial structural changes may be partly responsible for sepsis-induced cardiac depression.
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Remodelamento do complexo de glicoproteínas associadas à distrofina, do disco intercalar e das proteínas contráteis no coração de camundongos submetidos à sépsis induzida por ligação e perfuração do ceco / Remodeling of dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, intercalated disk proteins, and contractile proteins in the hearts of mice subjected to sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture.Celes, Mara Rubia Nunes 16 April 2008 (has links)
A sépsis e o choque séptico representam uma síndrome complexa de intensa resposta inflamatória sistêmica, com múltiplas anormalidades fisiológicas e imunológicas, comumente causadas por infecção bacteriana. A principal conseqüência dessa resposta é o comprometimento de muitos órgãos e tecidos. A disfunção cardíaca, decorrente de um prejuízo na contratilidade miocárdica, tem sido reconhecida como um fator importante que contribui para os altos índices de mortalidade observados na sépsis. Dados recentes do nosso laboratório indicam que alterações estruturais no miocárdio podem ser responsáveis pela disfunção cardíaca observada na sépsis. Considerando que a maquinaria contrátil interna das miofibras deve permanecer intimamente conectada com a membrana e a matriz extracelular, o presente estudo foi proposto para avaliar alterações nas comunicações intercelulares e acoplagem mecânica entre os cardiomiócitos vizinhos e avaliar a expressão de proteínas do arcabouço celular e da matriz extracelular (especificamente a laminina-?2) durante a sépsis grave. Nossos resultados mostraram que há uma diminuição na expressão das proteínas envolvidas na formação das gap junctions (conexina43) e junções aderentes (N-caderina), o que resultaria na perda da integridade estrutural dos discos intercalares, alterando o acoplamento mecânico e eletro-químico entre os cardiomiócitos vizinhos. Além disso, demonstramos que há redução na expressão de distrofina e das proteínas que constituem o complexo de glicoproteínas associadas a distrofina (CGD) durante a sépsis experimental. A redução ou perda da expressão de distrofina é o evento primário que ocorre seguido pela degeneração miofilamentar, caracterizada pela lise dos filamentos de actina e miosina. A diminuição na expressão das glicoproteínas associadas à distrofina: -distroglicana e laminina foram considerados eventos secundários. Os resultados sugerem que durante a sépsis induzida por ligação e perfuração do ceco (CLP), há perda de proteínas importantes envolvidas tanto no remodelamento do disco intercalar quanto na expressão de glicoproteínas envolvidas na ligação mecânica entre o citoesqueleto intracelular e a matriz extracelular. Embora estudos funcionais sejam necessários para determinar o efeito direto dessas alterações sobre o miocárdio podemos sugerir que as alterações estruturais são parcialmente responsáveis pela depressão miocárdica observada na sépsis. / Sepsis and septic shock represent a complex syndrome of systemic inflammatory response, with multiple physiological and immunological abnormalities, commonly caused by bacterial infection. The most important consequence of the response is the involvement of many organs and tissues. Cardiac dysfunction, caused by impairment in myocardial contractility, has been recognized as an important factor that contributes to the high mortality observed in sepsis. Evidence from our laboratory indicates that myocardial structural changes could be responsible for sepsis-induced myocardial dysfunction. Taking into account that the contractile machinery inside the myofibers must remain intimately connected with the membrane and extracellular matrix, the present investigation sought to evaluate changes in intercellular communications and mechanical coupling between the neighbor cardiomyocytes and the expression of the cell scaffold protein and extracellular matrix (specifically merosin laminin-2 chain) during the severe sepsis. Our results showed a decrease in the expression of proteins involved in formation of gap junctions (connexin-43) and adherens junctions (N-cadherin). These alterations may result in the loss of intercalated disc structural integrity, changing the mechanical and electrical-chemical coupling between neighboring cardiomyocytes. Additionally, we demonstrated the decrease of dystrophin and dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) components resulting from severe septic injury. The reduction or loss of dystrophin is the primary event that occurs followed by miofilamentar degeneration characterized by actin and myosin lysis. The decrease of glycoproteins associated with dystrophin: -dystroglican and laminin were considered secondary events. The results suggest that during experimental severe sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), there is loss of important proteins involved in both the remodeling of the intercalated disc and the glycoproteins expression implicated in the mechanical link between the intracellular cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix. Although the functional studies are needed to determine the direct effect of these alterations on myocardium, we can suggest that myocardial structural changes may be partly responsible for sepsis-induced cardiac depression.
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Collective effects in living matter : from cytokinetic rings to epithelial monolayers / Effets collectifs dans la matière vivante : des anneaux de cytokinèse aux monocouches épithélialesThiagarajan, Raghavan 26 September 2016 (has links)
L’émergence de comportements collectifs cellulaires n’est pas bien comprise. Nous l’abordons dans deux systèmes biologiques. A l'échelle du micromètre lors de la constriction de l’anneau cytokinétique, nous montrons que des complexes d’acto-myosine s’auto-organisent sous forme d’agrégats dans la levure à fission et dans la cellule de mammifères. Ces auto-organisations découlent de règles d'interactions communes mais pour des fonctions distinctes, le transport et la génération de stress respectivement. A l'échelle de 100 micromètres, nous observons des pulsations corrélées de cellules épithéliales. Nous montrons les rôles du frottement avec la surface, et le couplage entre l’aire cellulaire, sa hauteur et sa contractilité. Nous présentons aussi deux études, des polyamines synthétiques pour étudier la polymérisation d'actine in vivo, puis l’inversion de sens dans la migration - la ratchetaxie. Cette thèse illustre l'importance des phénomènes physiques dans la dynamique cellulaire. / The emergence of collective behavior from the interaction of individual units is not clear. In this thesis, we address this question in two different systems at different scales. At the micrometer scale during cytokinetic ring constriction, we show that acto-myosin self-organizes into rotating and static clusters in fission yeast and mammalian cells. These self-organizations arise from common interaction rules, but to serve distinct functions, transport and stress generation respectively. At 100 micrometers scale, we report correlated pulsations of cells in an epithelial monolayer. We show the key roles of substrate friction, and the tight coupling between cell area, cell height and contractility. We also present two other studies: synthetic polyamines for studying actin polymerization in vivo, and direction reversal in single cell migration during ratchetaxis. Altogether, this PhD illustrates the importance of physical phenomena in cellular dynamics.
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Studies on Signal Transduction Mechanisms in RhabdomyosarcomaDurbin, Adam 06 August 2010 (has links)
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft-tissue sarcoma of childhood, with two predominant histologic subtypes: embryonal and alveolar. These histologies display distinct clinical courses, and despite refinements in dose and duration of multimodality therapy, the 5-year overall survival of patients diagnosed with
metastatic RMS remains <30%. Thus, there is an urgent need to define novel targets for
therapeutic intervention. Interrogation of cancer cell signal transduction pathways that
regulate the pathogenic behaviours of tumor cells has been successful in defining targets
in numerous tumor types. These have ultimately yielded clinically-relevant drugs that have improved the disease-free and overall survival of patients diagnosed with cancer. Work contained in this thesis describes the interrogation of several potential targets for inhibition in RMS. Interruption of RMS cell proliferation, survival and apoptosis is examined through disruption of the protein kinase integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and the nuclear receptor estrogen-receptor β. ILK, in particular, is demonstrated to have dual competing functions through the regulation of c-jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling: an oncogene in alveolar, and a tumor suppressor in embryonal RMS. These findings are recapitulated in other tumor cell lines, indicating that expression levels of JNK1 correlate with ILK function in a broad spectrum of tumor types. Furthermore,
interruption of rhabdomyosarcoma cell migration as a surrogate marker of metastasis is examined through disruption of the stromal-cell derived factor 1α/chemokine (CXC)receptor 4 signaling network, as well as through cooperative interactions between ILK and the mammalian target of rapamycin. Finally, we demonstrate that the insulin-like
growth factor pathway is a potential target for therapeutic inhibition, which also
distinguishes tumors of embryonal and alveolar histology. These studies provide a
rationale for the development of novel agents, as well as the use of established drugs targeting these pathways in rhabdomyosarcoma.
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Regulatory Effects of the Actin-binding Proteins Moesin and MyosinII on Synaptic Activity at the Drosophila Neuromuscular JunctionSeabrooke, Sara 23 February 2011 (has links)
The nervous system is made up of specialized cells which receive and respond to environmental stimuli. Intercellular communication in the nervous system is achieved predominantly through chemical synaptic transmission. Within the chemical synapse, the actin cytoskeleton plays a major role in regulating synaptic activities, although the extent and clarity in our understanding of these processes is still limited. Using the genetically pliable model, Drosophila melanogaster, this thesis begins to unravel contributions of actin binding proteins to synaptic development and physiology at the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Two actin binding proteins, Moesin and Nonmuscle Myosin II (NMMII) were selected for study based on previous studies implicating them in synaptic development. Combining genetics, fluorescent imaging and electrophysiological recordings this thesis unveils previously unidentified functions for Moesin and NMMII in morphology and physiology of the Drosophila NMJ. Moesin was found to help restrain synaptic growth but did not affect synaptic physiology. By correlating morphological and electrophysiological measurements in Moesin mutants, it was determined that physiology and morphology can be independently regulated at the NMJ. NMMII was used to investigate a role for actin binding proteins in physiology at the Drosophila NMJ. By using the fluorescent imaging technique, FRAP, this becomes the first research to implicate NMMII in unstimulated synaptic vesicle mobility. FRAP indicated that vesicle mobility was highly dependent on the expression level of NMMII. Electrophysiological analysis of NMMII indicated distinct mechanisms for spontaneous and evoked vesicle release. NMMII expression exhibited a positive correlation with basal synaptic transmission and was important in mobilizing vesicles for synaptic potentiation. In addition, NMMII was found to be involved in a high frequency dependent low frequency depression. This work begins to identify how vesicles traverse within boutons and suggests differential mechanisms of synaptic release, both of which are partially dependent of NMMII expression. Studying Moesin and NMMII have revealed a complex interplay between the actin cytoskeleton and synaptic function and together this research furthers our understanding of how the actin cytoskeleton regulates synaptic activity.
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Studies on Signal Transduction Mechanisms in RhabdomyosarcomaDurbin, Adam 06 August 2010 (has links)
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft-tissue sarcoma of childhood, with two predominant histologic subtypes: embryonal and alveolar. These histologies display distinct clinical courses, and despite refinements in dose and duration of multimodality therapy, the 5-year overall survival of patients diagnosed with
metastatic RMS remains <30%. Thus, there is an urgent need to define novel targets for
therapeutic intervention. Interrogation of cancer cell signal transduction pathways that
regulate the pathogenic behaviours of tumor cells has been successful in defining targets
in numerous tumor types. These have ultimately yielded clinically-relevant drugs that have improved the disease-free and overall survival of patients diagnosed with cancer. Work contained in this thesis describes the interrogation of several potential targets for inhibition in RMS. Interruption of RMS cell proliferation, survival and apoptosis is examined through disruption of the protein kinase integrin-linked kinase (ILK) and the nuclear receptor estrogen-receptor β. ILK, in particular, is demonstrated to have dual competing functions through the regulation of c-jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling: an oncogene in alveolar, and a tumor suppressor in embryonal RMS. These findings are recapitulated in other tumor cell lines, indicating that expression levels of JNK1 correlate with ILK function in a broad spectrum of tumor types. Furthermore,
interruption of rhabdomyosarcoma cell migration as a surrogate marker of metastasis is examined through disruption of the stromal-cell derived factor 1α/chemokine (CXC)receptor 4 signaling network, as well as through cooperative interactions between ILK and the mammalian target of rapamycin. Finally, we demonstrate that the insulin-like
growth factor pathway is a potential target for therapeutic inhibition, which also
distinguishes tumors of embryonal and alveolar histology. These studies provide a
rationale for the development of novel agents, as well as the use of established drugs targeting these pathways in rhabdomyosarcoma.
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Regulatory Effects of the Actin-binding Proteins Moesin and MyosinII on Synaptic Activity at the Drosophila Neuromuscular JunctionSeabrooke, Sara 23 February 2011 (has links)
The nervous system is made up of specialized cells which receive and respond to environmental stimuli. Intercellular communication in the nervous system is achieved predominantly through chemical synaptic transmission. Within the chemical synapse, the actin cytoskeleton plays a major role in regulating synaptic activities, although the extent and clarity in our understanding of these processes is still limited. Using the genetically pliable model, Drosophila melanogaster, this thesis begins to unravel contributions of actin binding proteins to synaptic development and physiology at the larval neuromuscular junction (NMJ). Two actin binding proteins, Moesin and Nonmuscle Myosin II (NMMII) were selected for study based on previous studies implicating them in synaptic development. Combining genetics, fluorescent imaging and electrophysiological recordings this thesis unveils previously unidentified functions for Moesin and NMMII in morphology and physiology of the Drosophila NMJ. Moesin was found to help restrain synaptic growth but did not affect synaptic physiology. By correlating morphological and electrophysiological measurements in Moesin mutants, it was determined that physiology and morphology can be independently regulated at the NMJ. NMMII was used to investigate a role for actin binding proteins in physiology at the Drosophila NMJ. By using the fluorescent imaging technique, FRAP, this becomes the first research to implicate NMMII in unstimulated synaptic vesicle mobility. FRAP indicated that vesicle mobility was highly dependent on the expression level of NMMII. Electrophysiological analysis of NMMII indicated distinct mechanisms for spontaneous and evoked vesicle release. NMMII expression exhibited a positive correlation with basal synaptic transmission and was important in mobilizing vesicles for synaptic potentiation. In addition, NMMII was found to be involved in a high frequency dependent low frequency depression. This work begins to identify how vesicles traverse within boutons and suggests differential mechanisms of synaptic release, both of which are partially dependent of NMMII expression. Studying Moesin and NMMII have revealed a complex interplay between the actin cytoskeleton and synaptic function and together this research furthers our understanding of how the actin cytoskeleton regulates synaptic activity.
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Les rôles distincts des isoformes de myosine II non-musculaire dans des processus cellulaires impliquant le cytosquelette d'actine.Solinet, Sara 12 1900 (has links)
Le complexe actomyosine, formé de l’association de la myosine II avec les filaments d’actine, stabilise le cytosquelette d’actine et génère la contraction cellulaire nécessaire à plusieurs processus comme la motilité et l’apoptose dans les cellules non-musculaires. La myosine II est un hexamère formé d’une paire de chaînes lourdes (MHCs) et de deux paires de chaînes légères MLC20 et MLC17. La régulation de l’activité de la myosine II, c'est-à-dire son interaction avec les filaments d’actine, est directement liée à l’état de phosphorylation des MLC20, mais il reste beaucoup à découvrir sur l’implication des MHCs. Il existe trois isoformes de MHCs de myosine II, MHCIIA, MHCIIB et MHCIIC qui possèdent des fonctions à la fois communes et distinctes. Notre but est de mettre en évidence les différences de fonction entre les isoformes de myosine II, au niveau structurale, dans la stabilisation du cytosquelette d’actine, et au niveau de leur activité contractile, dans la génération des forces de tension.
Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des isoformes des MHCs dans l’activité du complexe actomyosine qui est sollicité durant le processus de contraction cellulaire de l’apoptose. Dans quatre lignées cellulaires différentes, le traitement conjoint au TNFα et à la cycloheximide causait la contraction et le rétrécissement des cellules suivi de leur détachement du support de culture. Par Western blot, nous avons confirmé que la phosphorylation des MLC20 est augmentée suite au clivage de ROCK1 par la caspase-3, permettant ainsi l’interaction entre la myosine II et les filaments d’actine et par conséquent, la contraction des cellules apoptotiques. Cette contraction est bloquée par l’inhibition des caspases et de ROCK1. MHCIIA est dégradée suite à l’activation de la caspase-3 alors que MHCIIB n’est pas affectée.
En utilisant une lignée cellulaire déficiente en MHCIIB, ou MHCIIB (-/-), nous avons observé que la contraction et le détachement cellulaires durant l’induction de l’apoptose se produisaient moins rapidement que dans la lignée de type sauvage (Wt) ce qui suggère que l’isoforme B est impliquée dans la contraction des cellules apoptotiques. Parallèlement, la kinase atypique PKCζ, qui phosphoryle MHCIIB et non MHCIIA, est activée durant l’apoptose. PKCζ joue un rôle important puisque son inhibition bloque la contraction des cellules apoptotiques.
Par la suite, nous nous sommes intéressés à la modulation de la morphologie cellulaire par la myosine II. Les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-), présentent un large lamellipode dont la formation semble dû uniquement à l’absence de l’isoforme MHCIIB, alors que les fibroblastes Wt ont une morphologie cellulaire étoilée. La formation du lamellipode dans les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-) est caractérisée par l’association de la cortactine avec la membrane plasmique. L’observation en microscopie confocale nous indique que MHCIIA interagit avec la cortactine dans les fibroblastes Wt mais très peu dans les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-). Le bFGF active la voie des MAP kinases dans les fibroblastes Wt et MHCIIB (-/-) et induit des extensions cellulaires aberrantes dans les fibroblastes MHCIIB (-/-). Nos résultats montrent que l’implication de l’isoforme B de la myosine II dans la modulation de la morphologie cellulaire.
L’ensemble de nos résultats participe à distinguer la fonction structurale et contractile de chacune des isoformes de myosine II dans la physiologie cellulaire. / We are interested in studying the modulation of the actomyosin complex which is involved in different cellular processes such as cell locomotion and apoptosis. The actomyosin complex is formed by the association of actin filaments and myosin II. The non-muscle myosin II is a hexamer formed by one pair of heavy chains (MHCs) and two pairs of light chain (MLC20 and MLC17). The actomyosin activity is dependent on MLC20 and MHCs phosphorylation. There are three isoforms of MHCs (MHCIIA, MHCIIB and MHCIIC) which have common but also distinctive roles in several cellular processes. Our aim is to clarify the structural and contractile functions of each isoforme of myosin II in different cellular processes, in particular, cell contraction and cell morphology.
First, we studied the implication of myosin II isoforms in cell shrinkage and detachment during apoptosis which are both dependent on actomyosin contractility. We treated four different cell lines with TNFα in combination with cycloheximide (CHX) to trigger apoptosis. We confirmed that TNFα induced caspase-3 activation, ROCK1 cleavage and increased MLC20 phosphorylation. We showed that TNFα/CHX induced the caspase-dependent MHCIIA degradation, whereas MHCIIB levels and association with the actin cytoskeleton remained virtually unchanged. Cell shrinkage and detachment were blocked by caspase and ROCK1 inhibitors. Using the MHCIIB (-/-) cell line, we observed that the absence of MHCIIB did not affect cell death rate. However, MHCIIB (-/-) fibroblasts showed more resistance to TNFα-induced actin disassembly, cell shrinkage and detachment than wild type (Wt) fibroblasts, indicating the participation of MHCIIB in these events.
PKCζ, which only phosphorylates MHCIIB, was cleaved during apoptosis, co-immunoprecipitated preferentially with MHCIIB and, interestedly, PKCζ inhibition blocked TNFα-induced shrinkage and detachment. Our results demonstrate that MHCIIB, together with MLC phosphorylation and actin, constitute the actomyosin cytoskeleton that mediates contractility during apoptosis.
Second, we studied the involvement of myosin II isoforms in cell shape modulation. Fibroblasts MHCIIB (-/-) spontaneously formed lamellipodia whereas Wt fibroblasts presented a stellate shape. Cortactin was associated with the leading edge of lamellipodia in MHCIIB (-/-) fibroblasts, but it localised diffusely in the cytoplasm or at the end of fine cellular projections in Wt fibroblasts. The levels of cortactin and cortactin phosphorylated in Tyr421 associated with membrane in MHCIIB (-/-) fibroblasts were higher than in Wt fibroblasts. Confocal microscopy showed cortactin/MHCIIA colocalization in wild type but not in MHCIIB (-/-) fibroblasts. bFGF activates Erk1/2 in wild type and MHCIIB (-/-) fibroblasts and induces the formation of aberrant membrane projections in MHCIIB (-/-) fibroblasts.
In conclusion, our results contribute to characterize the structural and contractile role of each myosin II isoforms in the physiology of the cell.
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