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Impact of psychotomimetic molecules on glutamatergic N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors surface trafficking / Impact de molécules psychotomimétiques sur la diffusion de surface des récepteurs glutamatergiques de type N-Methyl-D-AspartateJezequel, Julie 18 November 2016 (has links)
Les récepteurs glutamatergiques de type N-Méthyl-D-Aspartate (RNMDA) jouent un rôle majeur dans de nombreux processus physiologiques, et leur implication dans la physiopathologie de certains troubles neuropsychiatriques tels que la schizophrénie est suggérée par un robuste faisceau de données cliniques et précliniques. Cependant, les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires conduisant à une telle dérégulation des RNMDA restent inexpliqués. La diffusion membranaire, mécanisme de contrôle spatial et temporel de la distribution des RNMDA à la surface des neurones, constitue un puissant régulateur de la transmission synaptique. Mon projet de thèse repose ainsi sur l’hypothèse originale qu’une altération de la diffusion de surface des RNMDA jouerait un rôle central dans l’émergence de troubles psychotiques. Afin d‘explorer cette piste, j’ai étudié l’impact de molécules aux propriétés psychomimétiques (i.e induisant un état psychotique) sur la diffusion de surface des RNMDA. Les résultats obtenus au cours de ma thèse démontrent que des molécules psychomimétiques, aux modes d’action distincts (antagonistes du RNMDA et autoanticorps anti-RNMDA), perturbent la diffusion membranaire ainsi que la localisation synaptique des RNMDA, conduisant à terme à des défauts de transmission glutamatergique. Mon travail de thèse propose donc qu’un défaut de diffusion membranaire des RNMDA conduirait à des altérations fonctionnelles pouvant contribuer à l’émergence de troubles psychotiques. L’ensemble de mon travail apporte ainsi un regard nouveau sur la mécanistique des troubles psychotiques et ouvre la voie à de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques. / Glutamatergic N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptors (NMDAR) play a key role in many physiological processes, and their implication in the pathophysiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders is now well established. Multiple lines of evidence converge towards a dysregulation of the NMDAR in psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia (SCZ). However, the molecular and cellular deficits underlying NMDAR dysfunction remain misunderstood. By tightly controlling NMDAR synaptic localization, surface trafficking represents a powerful regulator of synaptic transmission. Could an alteration of NMDAR surface trafficking underlie NMDAR dysfunction and contribute to the emergence of psychotic disorders? To tackle this question, my PhD project aimed at investigating the impact of different psychotomimetic molecules on NMDAR surface trafficking. In the first part of my project, I explored the impact of NMDAR autoantibodies (NMDAR-Ab) from SCZ and healthy subjects. My results revealed that NMDAR-Ab from SCZ patients rapidly disturb NMDAR synaptic trafficking and distribution, through a loss of NMDAR-EphrinB2 receptor interaction, eventually preventing the induction of synaptic plasticity. In the second part of my PhD project, I showed that psychotomimetic NMDAR antagonists also alter NMDAR synaptic mobility and localization. Downregulation of PSD proteins expression prevented NMDAR antagonists-induced deficits, suggesting that such alterations ensue from modifications of NMDAR intracellular interactions. Taken together, these results demonstrate that psychotomimetic molecules profoundly impact NMDAR surface trafficking, supporting a pathogenic role of this unsuspected process in the emergence of psychotic symptoms.
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Efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona na homeostasia glutamatérgica e no comportamento agressivoKalinine, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no uso abusivo dos Esteróides Anabólicos Andrógenos (EAAs). Um dos efeitos comportamentais mais marcantes da administração crônica de EAAs como o Decanoato de Nandrolona (DN) é a indução do comportamento agressivo exacerbado. Atualmente o sistema glutamatérgico tem sido associado ao comportamento agressivo induzido pelos EAAs, principalmente no que se refere à modulação dos receptores N-Methyl-D-Aspartato NMDA (NMDAr). Nós investigamos os efeitos centrais e periféricos da administração do DN ao longo do tempo (4, 11 e 19 dias consecutivos de administração), e a participação de mecanismos glutamatérgicos. Para isso, camundongos CF-1 tratados com DN foram avaliados em relação ao comportamento agressivo pelo teste do intruso. Além disso, investigamos a captação de glutamato, o imunoconteúdo de GLT-1, os níveis de glutamato no líquido extracelular, e a participação dos NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. O fenótipo agressivo foi evidenciado somente no longo tempo de exposição à DN (19 dias). Na mesma janela temporal que os animais apresentaram o fenótipo agressivo houve redução significativa de captação de glutamato em fatias cerebrais de córtex e hipocampo, como também a redução do imunoconteúdo do transportador astrocitário GLT-1 nas mesmas estruturas cerebrais. A administração de antagonistas de NMDAr como MK-801 e memantina antes do teste do intruso diminuiu o comportamento agressivo dos animais tratados cronicamente com DN a níveis iguais aos do grupo controle. Ainda, o comportamento agressivo induzido pela administração crônica de DN diminuiu a remoção do glutamato da fenda sináptica, culminando com o aumento do glutamato extracelular no SNC, o que resultou na hiperexcitabilidade dos NMDAr. Este trabalho enfatiza o papel da comunicação entre astrócitos e neurônios e a relevância da hiperstimulação de NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. / Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), induces an aggressive phenotype by mechanisms involving glutamate-induced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) hyperexcitability. The astrocytic glutamate transporters remove excessive glutamate surrounding the synapse. However, the impact of supraphysiological doses of ND on glutamate transporters activity remains elusive. We investigated whether ND-induced aggressive behavior is correlated with GLT-1 activity, glutamate levels and abnormal NMDAr responses. Two-month-old untreated male mice (CF1, n=20) were tested for baseline aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. Another group of mice (n=188) was injected with ND (15mg/kg) or vehicle for 4, 11 and 19 days (short-, mid- and long-term endpoints, respectively) and was evaluated in the resident-intruder test. Each endpoint was assessed for GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampal tissues. Only the long-term ND endpoint significantly decreased the latency to first attack and increased the number of attacks, which was associated with decreased GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in both brain areas. These alterations may affect extracellular glutamate levels and receptor excitability. Resident males were assessed for hippocampal glutamate levels via microdialysis both prior to, and following, the introduction of intruders. Long-term ND mice displayed significant increases in the microdialysate glutamate levels only after exposure to intruders. A single intraperitoneal dose of NMDAr antagonists, memantine or MK-801, shortly before the intruder test, decreased aggressive behavior. In summary, long-term ND-induced aggressive behavior is associated with decreased extracellular glutamate clearance and NMDAr hyperexcitability, emphasizing the role of this receptor in mediating aggression mechanisms.
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Efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona na homeostasia glutamatérgica e no comportamento agressivoKalinine, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no uso abusivo dos Esteróides Anabólicos Andrógenos (EAAs). Um dos efeitos comportamentais mais marcantes da administração crônica de EAAs como o Decanoato de Nandrolona (DN) é a indução do comportamento agressivo exacerbado. Atualmente o sistema glutamatérgico tem sido associado ao comportamento agressivo induzido pelos EAAs, principalmente no que se refere à modulação dos receptores N-Methyl-D-Aspartato NMDA (NMDAr). Nós investigamos os efeitos centrais e periféricos da administração do DN ao longo do tempo (4, 11 e 19 dias consecutivos de administração), e a participação de mecanismos glutamatérgicos. Para isso, camundongos CF-1 tratados com DN foram avaliados em relação ao comportamento agressivo pelo teste do intruso. Além disso, investigamos a captação de glutamato, o imunoconteúdo de GLT-1, os níveis de glutamato no líquido extracelular, e a participação dos NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. O fenótipo agressivo foi evidenciado somente no longo tempo de exposição à DN (19 dias). Na mesma janela temporal que os animais apresentaram o fenótipo agressivo houve redução significativa de captação de glutamato em fatias cerebrais de córtex e hipocampo, como também a redução do imunoconteúdo do transportador astrocitário GLT-1 nas mesmas estruturas cerebrais. A administração de antagonistas de NMDAr como MK-801 e memantina antes do teste do intruso diminuiu o comportamento agressivo dos animais tratados cronicamente com DN a níveis iguais aos do grupo controle. Ainda, o comportamento agressivo induzido pela administração crônica de DN diminuiu a remoção do glutamato da fenda sináptica, culminando com o aumento do glutamato extracelular no SNC, o que resultou na hiperexcitabilidade dos NMDAr. Este trabalho enfatiza o papel da comunicação entre astrócitos e neurônios e a relevância da hiperstimulação de NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. / Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), induces an aggressive phenotype by mechanisms involving glutamate-induced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) hyperexcitability. The astrocytic glutamate transporters remove excessive glutamate surrounding the synapse. However, the impact of supraphysiological doses of ND on glutamate transporters activity remains elusive. We investigated whether ND-induced aggressive behavior is correlated with GLT-1 activity, glutamate levels and abnormal NMDAr responses. Two-month-old untreated male mice (CF1, n=20) were tested for baseline aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. Another group of mice (n=188) was injected with ND (15mg/kg) or vehicle for 4, 11 and 19 days (short-, mid- and long-term endpoints, respectively) and was evaluated in the resident-intruder test. Each endpoint was assessed for GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampal tissues. Only the long-term ND endpoint significantly decreased the latency to first attack and increased the number of attacks, which was associated with decreased GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in both brain areas. These alterations may affect extracellular glutamate levels and receptor excitability. Resident males were assessed for hippocampal glutamate levels via microdialysis both prior to, and following, the introduction of intruders. Long-term ND mice displayed significant increases in the microdialysate glutamate levels only after exposure to intruders. A single intraperitoneal dose of NMDAr antagonists, memantine or MK-801, shortly before the intruder test, decreased aggressive behavior. In summary, long-term ND-induced aggressive behavior is associated with decreased extracellular glutamate clearance and NMDAr hyperexcitability, emphasizing the role of this receptor in mediating aggression mechanisms.
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Efeitos do decanoato de nandrolona na homeostasia glutamatérgica e no comportamento agressivoKalinine, Eduardo January 2014 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, houve um aumento significativo no uso abusivo dos Esteróides Anabólicos Andrógenos (EAAs). Um dos efeitos comportamentais mais marcantes da administração crônica de EAAs como o Decanoato de Nandrolona (DN) é a indução do comportamento agressivo exacerbado. Atualmente o sistema glutamatérgico tem sido associado ao comportamento agressivo induzido pelos EAAs, principalmente no que se refere à modulação dos receptores N-Methyl-D-Aspartato NMDA (NMDAr). Nós investigamos os efeitos centrais e periféricos da administração do DN ao longo do tempo (4, 11 e 19 dias consecutivos de administração), e a participação de mecanismos glutamatérgicos. Para isso, camundongos CF-1 tratados com DN foram avaliados em relação ao comportamento agressivo pelo teste do intruso. Além disso, investigamos a captação de glutamato, o imunoconteúdo de GLT-1, os níveis de glutamato no líquido extracelular, e a participação dos NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. O fenótipo agressivo foi evidenciado somente no longo tempo de exposição à DN (19 dias). Na mesma janela temporal que os animais apresentaram o fenótipo agressivo houve redução significativa de captação de glutamato em fatias cerebrais de córtex e hipocampo, como também a redução do imunoconteúdo do transportador astrocitário GLT-1 nas mesmas estruturas cerebrais. A administração de antagonistas de NMDAr como MK-801 e memantina antes do teste do intruso diminuiu o comportamento agressivo dos animais tratados cronicamente com DN a níveis iguais aos do grupo controle. Ainda, o comportamento agressivo induzido pela administração crônica de DN diminuiu a remoção do glutamato da fenda sináptica, culminando com o aumento do glutamato extracelular no SNC, o que resultou na hiperexcitabilidade dos NMDAr. Este trabalho enfatiza o papel da comunicação entre astrócitos e neurônios e a relevância da hiperstimulação de NMDAr na manifestação do comportamento agressivo. / Nandrolone decanoate (ND), an anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS), induces an aggressive phenotype by mechanisms involving glutamate-induced N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) hyperexcitability. The astrocytic glutamate transporters remove excessive glutamate surrounding the synapse. However, the impact of supraphysiological doses of ND on glutamate transporters activity remains elusive. We investigated whether ND-induced aggressive behavior is correlated with GLT-1 activity, glutamate levels and abnormal NMDAr responses. Two-month-old untreated male mice (CF1, n=20) were tested for baseline aggressive behavior in the resident-intruder test. Another group of mice (n=188) was injected with ND (15mg/kg) or vehicle for 4, 11 and 19 days (short-, mid- and long-term endpoints, respectively) and was evaluated in the resident-intruder test. Each endpoint was assessed for GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in the frontoparietal cortex and hippocampal tissues. Only the long-term ND endpoint significantly decreased the latency to first attack and increased the number of attacks, which was associated with decreased GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake activity in both brain areas. These alterations may affect extracellular glutamate levels and receptor excitability. Resident males were assessed for hippocampal glutamate levels via microdialysis both prior to, and following, the introduction of intruders. Long-term ND mice displayed significant increases in the microdialysate glutamate levels only after exposure to intruders. A single intraperitoneal dose of NMDAr antagonists, memantine or MK-801, shortly before the intruder test, decreased aggressive behavior. In summary, long-term ND-induced aggressive behavior is associated with decreased extracellular glutamate clearance and NMDAr hyperexcitability, emphasizing the role of this receptor in mediating aggression mechanisms.
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The Neural Substrate of Sex Pheromone Signalling in Male Goldfish (Carassius auratus)Lado, Wudu E. January 2012 (has links)
The transmission of sex pheromone-mediated signals is essential for goldfish reproduction. However, the neural pathways underlying this reproductive signalling pathway in the goldfish brain is not well described. Lesioning experiments have shown previously that two brain areas, the preoptic area (POA) and the ventral telencephali pars ventralis (Vv) in particular, are important for reproduction. We used patch clamp electrophysiology to study the electrical activities of POA and Vv neurons. Based on the intrinsic properties of these neurons, we suggest there are five different functional classes of POA neurons and a single class of Vv neurons. In addition, by electrically stimulating the olfactory bulb (OB), we were able to show that this primary sensory structure makes monosynaptic glutamatergic connections with both POA and Vv neurons. While electrophysiology measures signalling events occurring at short time scales on the order of milliseconds to minutes, we were also interested in studying sex pheromone signalling in the goldfish brain over a long time scale. Thus, we describe changes in gene expression in male goldfish exposed to waterborne sex pheromones (17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha) over 6 hours. We perform cDNA microarrays on Prostaglandin-F2alpha-treated fish to study the rapid modulation of transcription and define the signalling pathways affected. Our microarrays showed that 71 genes were differentially regulated (67 up and 4 down). Through gene ontology enrichment analysis, we found that these genes were involved in various biological processes such as RNA processing, neurotransmission, neuronal development, apoptosis, cellular metabolism and sexual reproduction. RT-PCRs were performed to validate our microarrays and to facilitate direct comparisons of the effects of the two sex pheromones, 17alpha,20beta dihydroxy-4-pregene-3-one and Prostaglandin-F2alpha. By combining electrophysiology and gene expression analyses, we were able to study sex-pheromone signalling on two different time scales. One short, occurring on the order of milliseconds to minutes, that involves electrical activities in the brain through the glutamatergic amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors; and the other long occurring several hours later that involves changes in the gene expression levels of calmodulin and ependymin among other genes underlying neuroplasticity. Reproductive neuroplasticity in the goldfish may therefore require the activation of glutamatergic receptors which then activate downstream signals like calmodulin and ependymin to transform the sex pheromones-mediate signal into gene expression.
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Sex Differences in the Rapid and the Sustained Antidepressant-like Effects of Ketamine in Stress-naive and “Depressed” Mice Exposed to Chronic Mild StressFranceschelli, Anthony Albert 27 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Biophysical characterization of and screening for binders and potentiator compounds that modulate the binding of PDZ domains to the C-terminal peptide motifs of target proteinsOlsson, Carl January 2021 (has links)
The N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) hypofunctional hypothesis is believed to explain one of the contributing factors to schizophrenia. This hypothesis suggests the dysregulation of NMDAR, a protein responsible for receiving signals from the synapses between neurons, is the cause of some of the symptoms seen in schizophrenia. The post synaptic density protein 95 (PSD95) uses its PDZ-domains to help facilitate the received signal from NMDAR to α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR) which in turn transmits the signal through the neuron. One way to increase the function of NMDAR could be to increase its affinity towards PDZ-domains of PSD95 using a small molecule. Fragment based drug design (FBDD) is one way to screen for molecules that modulates the NMDAR-PDZ interaction. This work describes the development of differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assays using a fusion protein to screen for molecules that potentiate the interaction between NMDAR and AMPAR as well as methods assisting in the prioritization of hits based on both affinity, selectivity, and mechanism. The developed assays were used to screen a library containing 768 compounds. Screen positives and other compounds of interest were triaged and evaluated based on affinity, selectivity, and ability to modulated peptide binding resulting in eight confirmed hits that interacts with the two PDZ-domains of PSD95 investigated. As part of this work, the dissociation constant (KD) was determined for a panel of peptides representing versions of the truncated NMDAR GluN2b-subunit C-terminal towards PDZ1 and 2 of PSD95.
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