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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hospodaření podniku služeb / Management of enterprise services

REK, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is called "Management of enterprise services" and it analyzes the management of Capital Company producing services in the public interest. We assess development costs, revenues, assets and sources of financing of the company. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of a general description of the classification of the capital company in the national economy and justification of its existence, meaning and relationship to its founder. In the practical part of the thesis we provide concrete data about the company, characterize its activities and present a horizontal and vertical analysis of its statements. Based on the results of the practical part we define positive and negative factors affecting the financial results of the company. With negative factors solutions are suggested to improve the results of the company.

Založení sportovního klubu ve formě neziskové organizace typu spolku / Establishing of a sports club as a non-for-profit organisation

Roubíčková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Title: Establishing of a sports club as a non-for-profit organisation Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to set general managerial standards, usable as an aid while establishing a sports club as a non-for-profit organisation, and to show their practical use in the process of establishing. Five already existing sports clubs (established as non-for profit organisations) will be analysed. In the first step an analysis of documents (especially law) and analysis of the clubs will be made, followed by a situation analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, we will create a set of norms and practices, helpful for managers establishing a non-for-profit sports club. Methods: In the theoretical part, all areas necessary for establishing a sports club as a non-for-profit organisation were studied - including law, economic activities, management and marketing. Five sports clubs were chosen, intentionally at random. Document analysis has been made, using the club's articles as a source, following the situation analysis for which I have used information gathered by half-structured interviews with the clubs' representatives. Results: Based on the document analysis and situation analysis of the sports clubs, general managerial standards have been set, helpful in the process of establishing a sports...

Projekt rozvoje občanského sdružení / The Project of Development of Unincorporated Association

VILLNEROVÁ, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the specifics of the management of non-profit organizations, development opportunities and the analysis of acquisition of financial resources in the non-profit sector, specifically within unincorporated associations. The practical part of the thesis is based on the model of the unincorporated association that is active in social services and whose main activity is the provision of personal assistance services. The thesis is concluded by the discussion of the analyzed problems and contains a project proposal of the development of the association which consists of the sub-project components that focus on individual areas of management and on the analyzed problems.

L’invention de la gouvernance managériale des associations-gestionnaires du secteur du handicap : une approche sociohistorique de la construction d’un modèle institutionnel / The invention of managerial governance of non profit organisation in the disability sector : a socio-historical approach to building an institutional model

Jaubert, Guillaume 08 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse a pour but de décrire, dans une perspective sociohistorique, la construction du modèle institutionnel de la grande association-gestionnaire du secteur du handicap. La problématique de la thèse consiste à rendre compte de la genèse et de la stabilisation de la gouvernance de ces associations.Les associations-gestionnaires sont présentées comme des formes d’action collective qui hésitent entre l’idéaltype de l’association et celui de l’entreprise. Deux corpus théoriques concurrents et antagonistes se disputent la légitimité de rendre compte des problèmes de gouvernance. Les théories de l’économie sociale et solidaire considèrent l’association comme un système de gouvernance spécifique opposé à celui de l’entreprise. Pour cette théorie, la gouvernance associative a pour fonction de protéger les associations des logiques économiques et managériales susceptibles de détruire la spécificité des associations. Le second corpus des théories de la gouvernance s’intéresse en priorité à l’entreprise et considère que seules les organisations aux systèmes de gouvernance les plus efficients perdurent. Au regard de ces deux corpus, la thèse a pour objectif de rendre compte de l’émergence de la gouvernance managériale des grandes associations-gestionnaires du secteur du handicap.Du point de vue de la méthode, la thèse s’appuie sur l’étude approfondie de deux études de cas longitudinales. Les cas sélectionnés sont deux grandes associations-gestionnaires - l’ADAPEI du Rhône et l’OVE – l’une et l’autre de grande taille (budgets annuels de l’ordre de 100 ME et regroupant chacune environ 1 500 professionnels). La méthode d’analyse utilisée est celle des « monographies historiques », comportant plusieurs phases : (1) analyse des archives (environ 1 000 pages de notes sur archives), (2) entretiens semi-directifs avec les acteurs internes (43 entretiens semi-directifs, (3) entretiens complémentaires avec les partenaires (55 entretiens semi-directifs avec les pouvoirs publics, d’autres associations, etc.).Ce travail de thèse remet en question la pertinence des thèses de l’économie sociale et solidaire sur la gouvernance associative. Quelles que soient les valeurs originelles défendues par les associations étudiées, ces dernières réalisent leurs projets associatifs en militant pour la création et la gestion d’établissements de prise en charge des personnes handicapées et participent activement à la construction d’un secteur économique à part entière.Les processus de structuration et de professionnalisation du management sont engagés en interne par les instances militantes des associations, lesquels introduisent les premiers outils de gestion. Les directions générales formalisent progressivement la gouvernance des associations et participent à renforcer et à réaffirmer les projets associatifs. L’instauration de principes de gouvernance permet de lutter contre l’appropriation du pouvoir par un petit groupe de bénévoles et de mettre en œuvre une gouvernance cognitive favorisant les débats entre dirigeants autour des grandes orientations stratégiques.L’étude historique de la gouvernance des associations-gestionnaires rompt avec l’opposition défendue par l’économie sociale et solidaire entre un premier « âge d’or » reposant sur une solidarité « héroïque » de quelques militants, et le temps de l’efficience où les associations sont considérées comme de simples organisations économiques sans âme et sans morale. / The purpose of this thesis is to describe, from a sociohistorical perspective, the development of the institutional model of the large managing association in the disability sector. The thesis statement is to report on the origin and stabilisation of the governance in these entities.Managing associations are often depicted as sorts of collective actions hesitating between the ideal model of the association and the ideal model of the enterprise. Two competing and antagonistic theoretical corpora are fighting over the legitimacy of governance issues analysis. The theories of social and solidarity economy regard the association as a specific governance system in contradiction with the corporate one. According to these theories, associative governance aims to protect associations from economic and managerial approaches likely to destroy their specific character. The second corpus of governance theories, primarily focused on the enterprise, considers that the organisations with the most efficient governance systems are the only lasting ones. In the light of these two corpora, the thesis aims to report on the emergence of managerial governance in large managing associations in the disability sector.As regards the method, the thesis is based on a comprehensive analysis of two longitudinal case studies. Two managing associations – the ADAPEI du Rhône and the OVE – both of large size (annual budgets in the range of EUR 100m and gathering each about 150 professionals) – were chosen for the case studies. The analytical method, based on “historical monographs”, included several phases: (1) archive analysis (about 1,000 pages of notes on these archives); (2) semi-structured interviews conducted with internal stakeholders (43 semi-structured interviews); and (3) additional interviews conducted with partners (55 semi-structured interviews with public authorities, other associations, etc.).This thesis calls into question the relevance of the theories of social and solidarity economy when it comes to associative governance. Regardless of the original values promoted by the studied organisations, these achieve their associative projects by advocating for the establishment and management of care facilities for people with disabilities, and they actively participate in the development of a full-fledged economic sector.Management structuring and professionalization processes, deployed internally by the entities’ activist authorities, introduce the first management tools. Managing directors, who gradually formalise the governance of the associations, contribute to the strengthening and reaffirmation of associative projects. The implementation of governance principles offers better protection against the appropriation of power by a small group of volunteers, and it also allows the application of a cognitive governance, which facilitates discussions on major strategic focuses between managers.The historical study of the governance of managing associations breaks with the theories of social and solidarity economy, which support an opposition between a first “golden age”, based on a “heroic” solidarity from a few activists, and the age of efficiency, where associations are considered as simple economical organisations void of heart and morals.

Interactions entre associations et pouvoirs publics : logiques, tensions, diversite. Le cas des associations d'action sociale et medico-sociale

Marival, Celine 22 February 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte de profondes transformations de l’action publique, cette thèse étudie les relations entre associations et pouvoirs publics, en consolidant une approche en termes d’interactions. Alors que les relations entre ces deux acteurs sont souvent envisagées de manière unilatérale, dans le sens d’une influence croissante de l’intervention publique sur les fonctionnements et projets associatifs, elle analyse également l’influence des associations sur les pouvoirs publics, moins explorée par la littérature. Sont étudiées pour cela les associations qui fournissent des services sociaux et médico-sociaux de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon, en combinant matériaux qualitatif et quantitatif. La perspective théorique mobilisée est socio-économique et s’appuie sur la critique du courant économique standard pour lequel les associations ne sont perçues qu’à travers leur rôle économique de prestataires de services. Cette thèse adopte ainsi une perspective plus complexe, en considérant également le rôle politique des associations. Aussi, son approche est contextualisée, historiquement et institutionnellement, comme suggéré par la démarche institutionnaliste. Sont ainsi étudiées les évolutions dans la régulation de l’État-providence depuis 1945 pour aboutir à la caractérisation du modèle actuel oscillant entre encadrement renforcé et mise en concurrence des associations. Enfin, l’exploration des dimensions organisationnelles et stratégiques des associations permet de mettre en évidence leur diversité dans le processus interactif, au-delà de la rationalisation. / In a context of profound changes in public policy, this thesis investigates the relationship between associations and public authorities by consolidating an approach in terms of interactions. Relations between these two entities are often considered unilaterally, pointing solely the increasing influence of public intervention on the functioning and projects of non-profit organizations, whereas this thesis looks also at the impact of associations on government, which is less explored in the literature. Associations providing social and “médico-social” services in the Languedoc-Roussillon Region are studied by a combination from qualitative and quantitative data. The theoretical perspective mobilized is a socio-economic one. It is built on the criticism of economic standard current according to which associations are perceived only through their economic role of service providers. By considering the political role of associations as well, this thesis adopts a more complex approach. Moreover, this approach is historically and institutionally contextualized, as suggested by the Institutionalist theory. The analysis of the changes in the regulation of the welfare state since 1945, leads to the characterization of the current model that oscillates between an enhanced supervision and a competitive tendering of the associations. Finally, the exploration of organizational and strategic features of the associations highlights, beyond rationalization, their diversity in the studied interactive process.

Problematika účetnictví, financování a daní waldorfských škol v konkrétních podmínkách / The issue of accounting, finance and taxes of Waldorf schools in specific conditions

Strejcovská, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with issue of accounting, funding and taxes of waldorf primary school in the Czech Republic. You can also find an explanation of waldorf educational system in this thesis. It focuses on this area in specific conditions of Waldorf primary school and kindergarten Wlaštovka Carlsbad. The thesis also includes financial analysis of this primary school.

Volba vhodné právní formy pro ochotnický divadelní soubor / Selecting the Appropriate Legal Form for the Amateur Theater Group

Povolná, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the celection of suitable legal form for amateur theater group. The number of types of organizations, which are evaluated, is after the change of Civil Code quite huge and comprise besides non-profit organizations also border and mixed organizations. The main aim of thesis is to select the legal form, which is because of their characteristics the best for small amateur theater group and then set up an accountig system, which could the organization use. The amateur theater group is part of the Cultural department of the city, funded organization now. The main method is comparsion. Individually legal forms are compared according to valid laws and membership requirements, which is assigned a score. The sub-goals are creation of the code of rules and then set the accounting and taxes system.

Frihet på gott och ont : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om rollen som volontär i det sociala arbetet med unga / Freedom for better or worse : An interview-based qualitative study about the role as a volunteer in social work with youth

Düring, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen om upplevelsen av rollen som volontär inom det sociala arbetet med ungdomar och unga vuxna, genom att beskriva rollen som volontär utifrån upplevelsen av att agera som en ”icke-professionell” hjälpare gentemot sin målgrupp, och att tolka resultaten i relation till tidigare forskning på området. Sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med volontärer från fyra ideella föreningar. Intervjusvaren har analyserats med tematisk analys. Resultat och analys har presenterats i form av sex centrala teman som kommer redogöras för nedan.  Temat drivkrafterna beskriver varför man blivit volontär. En central drivkraft är att ge till andra men volontärer beskriver också hur den offentliga sektorn inte kan ge tillräckligt eller rätt typ av stöd för att stötta de unga. I temat hur engagerad ska man vara? illustreras skillnader i hur volontärerna ser på föreningsengagemanget, där vissa volontärer lägger stort engagemang i den ideella förening de tillhör medan andra fokuserar på grunduppdraget som volontär. Detta kan leda till frustration och slutsatsen dras att det finns svårigheter att identifiera en gemensam identitet kring hur engagerad man ska vara som volontär. I temat stå för ställningstaganden beskrivs hur volontärerna anser att det ingår i deras roll att stå för vissa värderingar och ställningstaganden. Volontärer delar spontant de flesta av föreningens värderingar men det ges också uttryck för ambivalens. Temat frihet på gott och ont skildrar hur frihet och kravlöshet är återkommande teman när volontärerna beskriver sin roll. Det handlar om friare arbetsförhållanden, mindre byråkrati, men också en känsla av frihet i mötet med den unge, jämfört med yrkeslivet. I temat känslan av otillräcklighet framställes en av baksidorna med friheten: en önskan att hjälpa mer än vad man kan göra i rollen som volontär. Detta område kopplas ihop med temat friheten på gott och ont, där ett resonemang förs om att bristen på mandat i rollen som volontär bidrar till känslan av otillräcklighet. I temat stöd från olika håll beskrivs hur volontärerna får stöd att hantera svårigheter. Stödet kommer från andra volontärer, föreningen, anhöriga och volontärerna har också personliga strategier. Vissa volontärer vill inte använda föreningens begränsade resurser för sina egna behov av stöd i rollen, vilket anses ha en koppling till volontäridentiteten. / The purpose of the study was to increase understanding of the experience of the role as a volunteer in social work with young people and young adults, by describing the role as a volunteer based on the experience of being a “non-professional” helper towards the target group, and interpret the results in relation to previous research in the field. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted with volunteers from four non-profit organizations. The interviews have been analyzed with thematic analysis. Results and analyses have been presented in the form of six themes which are described below.  The theme driving forces describe the reasons why the respondents are active as volunteers. A central motivation is to give to others but there also an experience that the public sector cannot provide enough, or the right kind, of support to the youth. The theme how committed should one be? describes differences in the volunteers’ view on how active and involved a volunteer should be in the non-profit organization that they work for. Some volunteers place great commitment on the organization while others focus only on the volunteering task. This can lead to frustration and it is concluded that there are difficulties in identifying a common identity about how committed one should be as a volunteer. Support the statements illustrates how the volunteers see it as a part of their role to stand for certain values ​​and statements of the organization. Volunteers share most of the organization’s values, but ambivalence is expressed in some areas. Freedom for better or worse portrays freedom and lack of demands as recurring descriptions when the volunteers talk about their role. Volunteers describe freer working conditions, less bureaucracy but also a feeling of freedom in the meeting with the young person, compared to working life. Feelings of inadequacy illustrates one of the downsides of freedom: a desire to help more than one can do in the role as a volunteer. This theme is linked to the theme of freedom for better or worse. A suggested explanation is that the volunteers lack the authority and tools necessary to create change in a young person’s situation and that the inability to create change contributes to feelings of inadequacy. Different kinds of support describe how the volunteers receive support in dealing with difficulties. The support comes from other volunteers, the non-profit organization, relatives and the volunteers also have personal strategies. Some volunteers feel that they should not use the organization’s limited resources for their own need of support in the role, which has a correlation to volunteer identity.

Gestión de la comunicación y su relación con el logro de los objetivos institucionales en las ONG

Redhead Rojas, Jorge Manuel 31 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación está enfocado en determinar cómo la gestión de la comunicación tiene relación con el logro de los objetivos insitucionales de las organizaciones no gubertamentales (ONGs) de asistencia social y ayuda humanitaria. También, sobre las mismas organizaciones, se analizó cómo gestionan la comunicación y, al mismo tiempo, identificar sus objetivos institucionales en el año 2019. Además, se trabajó, de manera exhaustiva, con diversos documentos de investigación académica y científica vinculados a la labor de las ONGs, al manejo de la comunicación estratégica, el trabajo que realizan las ONGs a favor de la sociedad y la gestión institucional de las mismas. Adicionalmente, para este estudio, la metodología está orientada a la investigación cualitativa. Se trabajará entrevistas a profundidad a personal vinculado a las comunicaciones y ejecución de proyectos de ONGs que se desempeñan en Perú. Todo ello, con la finalidad de constatar lo expuesto líneas atrás para obtener información calidad que permita alcanzar el enfoque. / This research work is focused on determining how communication management is related to the achievement of the institutional objectives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of social assistance and humanitarian help. Also, on the same organizations, it seeks to analyze how they manage communication and, at the same time, identify their institutional objectives in the year 2019. In addition to this, they worked exhaustively with various academic and scientific research documents linked to the work of NGOs, to the management of strategic communication, the work carried out by NGOs in favor of society and the institutional management of the same. Additionally, for this study, the methodology is oriented to qualitative research. In-depth interviews will be carried out with personnel related to communications and the execution of projects of 4 NGOs that work at Peru. All this, with the aim of verifying the aforementioned lines to obtain quality information that allows reaching the focus. / Trabajo de investigación

Zájmová skupina Svaz měst a obcí ČR v procesu veřejné politiky ČR / The Interest Group the Union of Cities, Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic in the Process of Public Policy in the Czech Republic

Srnová, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The Interest Group the Union of Cities, Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic in the Process of Public Policy in the Czech Republic" is a deeper analysis of one of the important interest groups associating cities, towns and communities in the Czech public space, the Union of Cities, Towns and Communities of the Czech Republic. Activities of the Union and its contribution to the Czech public policy are in depth analyzed against a background of social movements and the theory of interest groups. The Union is assessed from the perspective of its history, types of interest groups and resources it manages (namely the membership base, financial means and means of public policy lobbying). The analysis indicates that the negative image that lobbying has in the Czech Republic needs not necessarily be fair. As an organization addressing peer groups, yet defending public interests due to the fact that the Union's members are as a part of public administration municipalities, the Union advocates those things that finally bring positive effects to lives of all citizens in the Czech Republic. In relation to challenges the Union currently faces the thesis covers also a case study of emergence of Sdružení místních samospráv. This Association of Local Governments that pursuant to the amended...

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