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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participação popular na prevenção e enfrentamento de desastres ambientais : um estudo de caso em Araranguá/SC / Popular Participation in the Prevention and Coping Environmental disasters: a case study in Araranguá/SC

Pai, Carina Cargnelutti Dal 28 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 118130.pdf: 51421238 bytes, checksum: c53077d4494dc753fb475e564df765e5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research constitutes part of a project funded by FAPESC, which objective to promote competence of action in preventing and tackling environmental disaster in the Vale do Itajaí, in the municipality of Ilhota and in the south shore of Santa Catarina, municipality of Araranguá. The main purpose of this research is to promote community participation in disaster risk management in communities Barranca and Baixadinha/Vila São José in Araranguá. The specific objectives proposed are identify and characterize the risk perceptions of communities to stand the occurrence of floods and very strong winds; promote the identification of ways of organizing communities to address and prevent environmental disasters, specifically floods; testing methodologies of Geographic Information System - Participatory (GIS-P) in the mapping of risk and the preventive management of environmental disasters; encourage in promoting dialogue between Civil Defence and communities to articulate for the construction of their Plans Risk Management Participatory (PRMP) providing contributions to the constitution of Community Nuclei Civil Protection and Defense (NUPDECs). The theoretical and thematic framing comprises History Socio-Spatial, Perception Socio-Environmental, the GIS-P, Prevention and Coping With Environmental Disaster and Popular Participation in Disaster Prevention and Coping. The research methodology is qualitative and belong as a case study developed with the two communities, starting from the application of interviews, meetings, workshops, development of social mapping, use of participant observation to build data to integrate a GIS P. The achieved results comprises the historic and environmental characterization, survey of existing data about floods occurred historically, personal understandings about environmental disasters and risks inherent, as well as suggestions of structural and non-structural measures for inclusion in PRMP, making possible communities involve in a reflection of how their perceptions and experiences can contribute to the prevention of environmental disasters and coping, while minimizing their environmental impacts as well as making them more resilient. Adding to the results is the discussion with the participation of communities and Civil Defense, about actions for the constitution of NUPDECs in consonance with the actions of the local Civil Defense, bringing together wills for implementing measures that make possible to increase its resilience by reducing local vulnerability in coping with environmental disasters. / Esta pesquisa constitui-se parte de um projeto financiado pela FAPESC, que visa promover competências de ação na prevenção e enfrentamento de desastres ambientais na região do Vale do Itajaí, no município de Ilhota e no litoral Sul catarinense, município de Araranguá. A finalidade principal desta pesquisa é promover a participação comunitária na gestão de risco de desastres nas comunidades Barranca e Baixadinha/Vila São José, em Araranguá. Como objetivos específicos propôs-se identificar e caracterizar as percepções de risco das comunidades frente à ocorrência de enchentes e ventos fortes; identificar formas de organização das comunidades no sentido de enfrentar e prevenir desastres ambientais, especificamente as enchentes; testar metodologias de Sistema de Informação Geográfica Participativo (SIG-P) no mapeamento de risco e no planejamento preventivo de desastres ambientais; auxiliar na promoção do diálogo entre a Defesa Civil e as comunidades no sentido de se articularem para a construção de seus Planos de Gestão de Risco Participativo (PGRs) fornecendo contributos para a constituição de Núcleos Comunitários de Proteção e Defesa Civil (NUPDECs). O enquadramento teórico-temático compreende a História Ambiental, a Formação Sócio-Espacial, a Percepção Sócio-Ambiental, o SIG-P, a Prevenção e Enfrentamento de Desastres Ambientais e a Participação Popular na Prevenção e Enfrentamento de Desastres. A metodologia da pesquisa é qualitativa enquadrando-se como estudo de caso desenvolvido com as duas comunidades, partindo desde a aplicação de entrevistas, realização de reuniões, desenvolvimento de oficinas de cartografia social, emprego da observação participante até construção de dados para integrar um SIG-P. Os resultados alcançados compreendem a caracterização histórica e ambiental, levantamento de dados existentes sobre as enchentes ocorridas historicamente, entendimentos pessoais sobre desastres ambientais e riscos inerentes, bem como sugestão de medidas estruturais e não estruturais para inclusão nos PGRs, possibilitando envolver as comunidades numa reflexão de como suas percepções e experiências podem contribuir para a prevenção e enfrentamento de desastres ambientais, minimizando seus impactos socioambientais gerados bem como tornando-as mais resilientes. Somando-se aos resultados está a discussão com a participação das comunidades e da Defesa Civil sobre as ações para a constituição dos NUPDECs, em consonância com as ações da Defesa Civil local, reunindo vontades para a concretização de medidas que possibilitem aumentar sua resiliência reduzindo a vulnerabilidade local no enfrentamento de desastres ambientais.

Variability analysis of a sample of potential southern calibration sources

Hungwe, Faith January 2009 (has links)
A considerable number of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) surveys have been conducted in the northern hemisphere and very few in the southern hemisphere mostly because of a lack of telescopes and therefore adequate baseline coverage. Thus there is a deficit of calibrator sources in the southern hemisphere. Further, some of the most interesting astronomical objects eg. the galactic centre and the nearest galaxies (the small and large Magellanic Clouds) lie in the southern hemisphere and these require high resolution studies. With a major expansion of radio astronomy observing capability on its way in the southern hemisphere (with the two SKA (Square Kilometre Array) precursors, meerKAT (Karoo Array Telescope) and ASKAP (Australian SKA Pathfinder), leading to the SKA itself) it is clear that interferometry and VLBI in the southern hemisphere need a dense network of calibration sources at different resolutions and a range of frequencies. This work seeks to help redress this problem by presenting an analysis of 31 southern sources to help fill the gaps in the southern hemisphere calibrator distribution. We have developed a multi-parameter method of classifying these sources as calibrators. From our sample of 31 sources, we have 2 class A sources (Excellent calibrators), 16 class B sources (Good calibrators), 9 class C sources (Poor calibrators) and 4 class D sources (Unsuitable calibrators).

Characterization of the Purkinje cell to nuclear cell connections in mice cerebellum / Caractérisation des connexions cellules de Purkinje-cellule des noyaux profonds dans le cervelet de souris

Özcan, Orçun Orkan 20 March 2017 (has links)
Le cervelet permet l’apprentissage moteur et la coordination des mouvements fins. Pour ce faire, il intègre les informations sensorielles provenant de l’ensemble du corps ainsi que les commandes motrices émises par d’autres structures du système nerveux central. Les noyaux cérébelleux profonds (DCN) constituent la sortie du cervelet et intègre les informations provenant des cellules de Purkinje (PC), des fibres moussues et des fibres grimpantes. Nous avons étudié les connexions fonctionnelles entres les PC et les DNC in vivo, grâce à une stimulation optogénétique des lobules IV/V du cortex cérébelleux et à l’enregistrement multi unitaire du noyau médian. Nous avons ainsi identifié deux groupes de cellules au sein des DCN, présentant des caractéristiques propres au niveau de leur fréquence de décharge et de la forme des potentiels d’action, en accord avec la dichotomie établie par une précédente étude in vitro permettant de séparer les neurones GABAergiques des autres neurones. Nos résultats suggèrent que les PC contrôlent la sotie du cervelet d’un point de vue temporel. De plus, la ciruiterie interne des DCN conforte ce résultat de part le fait que les cellules GABAergiques ne produisent pas d’effet temporel au travers de l’inhibition locale. / The cerebellum integrates motor commands with somatosensory, vestibular, visual and auditory information for motor learning and coordination functions. The deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) generates the final output by processing inputs from Purkinje cells (PC), mossy and climbing fibers. We investigated the properties of PC connections to DCN cells using optogenetic stimulation in L7-ChR2 mice with in vivo multi electrode extracellular recordings in lobule IV/V of the cerebellar cortex and in the medial nuclei. DCN cells discharged phase locked to local field potentials in the beta, gamma and high frequency bands. We identified two groups of DCN cells with significant differences in action potential waveforms and firing rates, matching previously discriminated in vitro properties of GABAergic and non-GABAergic cells. PCs inhibited the two group of cells gradually (rate coding), however spike times were controlled for only non-GABAergic cells. Our results suggest that PC inputs temporally control the output of cerebellum and the internal DCN circuitry supports this phenomenon since GABAergic cells do not induce a temporal effect through local inhibition.

Fission-barriers and energy spectra of odd-mass actinide nuclei in self-consistent mean-field calculations / Barrières de fission et spectres d'énergie de noyaux actinides impairs dans le cadre de calculs de champ moyen autocohérent

Koh, Meng hock 29 October 2015 (has links)
Alors qu’il existe de nombreux calculs microscopiques de barrières de fission pour des noyaux composés pair-pairs, il n’y a cependant que relativement peu de tels calculs pour des noyaux de masse impaire. Ceci est dû aux complications induites par la brisure de la symétric de reversement du sens du temps au niveau du champ moyen qui est engendrée par la présence d’un nucleon non apparié. Pour éviter cette difficulté, des calculs existants pour des noyaux de masse impaire ont tout simplement négligé ces effets de brisure de la symétrie de reversement du sens du temps.Dans ce travail, on se donne pour but d’améliorer la description des barrières de fission, aussi bien que des propriétés spectroscopiques du niveau fondamental et de l’état isomérique de fission,pour quelques isotopes de masse impaire dans la région des actinides en prenant en compte de tels effets. Ceci a été réalisé dans le cadre du formalisme de Skyrme–Hartree–Fock plus BCS avec blocking en adaptant ce formalisme à la brisure de la symétrie considérée. L’interaction résiduelle d’appariement a été approchée par une force de séniorité dont les paramètres ont été ajustés pour reproduire les différences de masse pair-impair de quelques noyaux de la région des actinides.Les énergies des têtes de bande rotationnelle de basse énergie ont été calculées dans le cadre du modèle unifié de Bohr-Mottelson pour quatre noyaux bien déformés (235U, 239Pu, 237Np, 241Am)produisant un bon accord qualitatif avec les données pour les noyaux impairs en neutrons. L’accord significativement moins bon obtenu pour les noyaux impairs en protons pourrait résulter de l’usage de l’approximation de Slater pour l’interaction d’échange de Coulomb. Les énergies de déformation de deux noyaux impairs en neutrons (235U, 239Pu) ont été calculées pour quelques configurations de particule individuelle, jusqu’après la barrières de fission externe. La symétrie axiale a été imposée tandis que la brisure de la symétrie droite-gauche (ou de parité intrinsèque) a été permise dans la région de la seconde barrière. Les hauteurs des barrières de fission pour ces noyaux impairs dépendent significativement des configurations de particule individuelle. Un accord qualitatif avec les données disponibles pour les hauteurs de barrières des noyaux impairs considérés et leurs voisins pair-pairs a été généralement obtenu. / While there have been numerous microscopic calculations on fission barriers of even-even compoundnuclei, there are however, relatively few such work dedicated to odd-mass nuclei. This is dueto the complications posed by the breaking of the time-reversal symmetry at the mean-field leveldue to the presence of an unpaired nucleon. In order to circumvent this difficulty, previous fission barriercalculations of odd-mass nuclei have been performed by neglecting the effect of time-reversalsymmetry breaking. This work aims to improve on the description of fission barriers as well asthe spectroscopic properties of ground and fission-isomeric state, of some odd-mass actinide nucleiby taking the effect of time-reversal symmetry breaking into account. This has been perfomedwithin a Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-plus-BCS framework with blocking, where the BCS formalism hasbeen adapted to accomodate this symmetry breaking. The Skyrme nucleon-nucleon effective forcehas been used with various sets of parameters (SIII, SkM*, SLy5*). The residual pairing interactionhas been approximated by seniority forces whose neutron and proton parameters have beenfitted to reproduce the odd-even mass differences of some actinide nuclei. The low-lying rotationalband-head energies evaluated within the Bohr-Mottelson unified model have been determined forfour well-deformed odd-nuclei (235U, 239Pu, 237Np, 241Am) yielding a good qualitative agreementto the data for odd-neutron nuclei. The agreement was significantly less good for the odd-protonnuclei, possibly due to the use of the Slater approximation for the exchange Coulomb interaction.The deformation energies of two odd-neutron nuclei (235U and 239Pu) have been calculated forsome single-particle configurations up to a point beyond the outer fission-barrier. Axial symmetrynuclear shape has been assumed while a breaking of the left-right (or intrinsic parity) symmetryhas been allowed around the outer fission-barrier. The fission-barrier heights of such odd-neutronnuclei depend significantly on the particle configurations. A special attention has been paid tothe very important rotational correction to deformation energies. In particular, the correction ofthe moment of inertia calculated from the usual Belyaev expression was considered. Overall, aqualitative agreement with available data on fission-barrier heights for the considered odd-neutronnuclei and their even neighbours has been obtained.

Gamma-ray flux variation studies from the blazar B2 1215+30 with the Fermi-LAT and the Crab Nebula with the H.E.S.S. experiment / Étude de la variabilité temporelle de l'émission gamma du blazar B2 1215 + 30 avec Fermi-LAT et de la Nébuleuse du Crabe avec le réseau de télescopes H.E.S.S.

Zefi, Floriana 18 October 2017 (has links)
Les expériences actuelles en astronomie gamma sont le satellite Fermi-LAT et les expériences au sol tel que H.E.S.S., VERITAS et MAGIC. La surveillance des sources d’énergie très élevées indique une physique diversifiée. Afin d’étudier la forme la plus énergétique de radiation et les phénomènes les plus violents qui se déroulent dans l’Univers, l’analyse des sources individuelles est importante. Les BL Lac, un type de galaxie active, constituent la classe de source extragalactique la plus abondante détecté dans les énergies du GeV au TeV, tandis que le nébuleuses de vent de Pulsar sont la classe la plus peuplée dans le plan galactique. Ces deux types  de sources ont des émissions variables de rayons gamma.Dans cette thèse, la variabilité de l'objet BL Lac B2 1215 + 30 est étudiée avec les données du satellite Fermi-LAT. Une grande variation de flux, détectée par Fermi-LAT en février 2014, est simultanée avec un éruption très lumineux observé au TeV par l'expérience VERITAS. En collaboration avec la collaboration VERITAS, la variabilité du flux de rayons gamma a été utilisée pour établir des contraintes sur la taille de la région d'émission et sur le facteur Doppler. La variabilité à long terme, en utilisant près de neuf ans de données de Fermi-LAT de 100 MeV jusqu'à 500 GeV, a permis de détecter plusieurs flares. L'étude de la variabilité du flux indique un comportement quasi périodique avec une période de jours.Ensuite, la variabilité du flux de l’un des objets les plus étudié, la Nébuleuse du Crabe, au TeV est étudiée avec dix ans d'observation de l'expérience H.E.S.S. Le spectre de la nébuleuse du crabe est mesuré de 280 GeV jusqu'à 62 TeV. Ceci est la première mesure qui s'étend à ces très hautes énergies. Considérée comme une “chandelle standard” en astronomie gamma, la nébuleuse du crabe est une source utilisée pour l'étalonnage et l'étude des instruments. L’observation de variations du flux au GeV par le satellite Fermi-LAT a par conséquent été une découverte inattendue. Ces variations de flux au GeV ont motivé la recherche de variations de flux au TeV en utilisant les données de l'expérience H.E.S.S. La position de la nébuleuse de crabe dans l'hémisphère nord et la localisation de H.E.S.S. en Namibie rendent cette enquête complexe en raison des importantes erreurs systématiques introduites par des conditions d'observation non optimales. Le travail sur la nébuleuse du crabe montre que la prise en compte de la transparence atmosphérique pour l'étude de l'évolution du flux avec le temps résulte en une réduction des effets systématiques. Aucune variation de flux n'a été observée à des énergies supérieures à 1 TeV dans les données de H.E.S.S. I. Une autre variation de flux au GeV signalée par le Fermi-LAT en octobre 2016 par télégramme astronomique, a été étudiée avec H.E.S.S. II. Cette analyse a montré que le GeV éruption a duré pendant un mois, et le flux avec H.E.S.S. a une variance excessive de 15 %. Cela devrait être comparé à l'incertitude systématique de 20 % fréquemment citée par H.E.S.S. / The current state-of-the-art experiments in gamma-ray astronomy are the Fermi-LAT in space and the ground-based H.E.S.S., VERITAS and MAGIC experiments. The monitoring of the very-high-energy gamma-ray emitting sources indicates the diverse physics taking place in astrophysical environments. To study the most energetic form of radiation and the most violent phenomena taking place in the Universe, individual source analyses are important. BL Lac objects, a subcategory of active galaxies, are the most abundant source class detected both in the GeV andTeV energies, while pulsar wind nebulae represent the most numerous identified source class in the galactic plane. Both source classes exhibit gamma-ray flux variations.In this thesis, the gamma-ray variability of the BL Lac object B2 1215+30 is presented with Fermi-LAT data. A bright flare, with 16 times the average quiescent flux, was detected in February 2014.In collaboration with the VERITAS experiment, the gamma-ray variability was investigated over five decades in energy. This work resulted in the detection of a luminous flare, seen simultaneously in GeV and TeV energies by both instruments. These results were used to set constraints on the size of the emission region and on the Doppler factor of the relativistic jet. Additionally, the long-term variability was studied using nine years of Fermi-LAT data. This brought out new flux enhancements, which characterize the long-term lightcurve from 100 MeV up to 500 GeV. Other striking characteristics are a steady linear increase of the yearly average flux, together with a hardening of the spectral index. The investigation of the light curve indicates a hint of quasi-periodic behavior with a period of around 1083±32 days.This work includes spectrum and flux variability studies for the well-studied but ever-surprising Crab Nebula at TeV energies with more than a decade of H.E.S.S. observations. The spectrum measured in this work goes from 280 GeV to 62 TeV, making this the first measurement tha textends to such very-high-energies. Considered as a standard candle for ground-based gamma-ray astronomy, the Crab Nebula is also used for calibration and instrument studies. The detection of GeV flares by the Fermi-LAT were unexpected and motivated the search of flux variations at TeVenergies with the H.E.S.S. experiment. The position of the Crab Nebula in the northern hemisphere makes this investigation challenging due to the large systematic uncertainties introduced by the non-optimal observation conditions. This work showed that the systematic uncertainties can be reduced by taking into account the atmospheric transparency. No flux variations were found at energies above 1 TeV from the H.E.S.S. I data. A flare reported by the Fermi-LAT in October 2016 was also investigated. This analysis showed the GeV flare lasting for one month, while the flux withH.E.S.S. II had an excess variance of 15 %. This should be compared to the commonly quoted 20% systematic uncertainty by H.E.S.S. experiment.

Nouvelles observations radio de l'amas de galaxies MS 0735.6+7421 avec le Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array

Bégin, Théophile 07 1900 (has links)
Les amas des galaxies sont l’une des plus grandes structures liées gravitationnellement de l’univers. Leur dynamique est complexe et bien que plusieurs études multi-longueur d’onde ont été effectuées depuis la fin du 20ème siècle, il persiste plusieurs incertitudes sur les subtilités de leur dynamique. À ce jour, le consensus scientifique est que les trous noirs supermassifs actifs au centre des amas ont un impact important sur l’évolution de ces structures. Le trou noir central agit comme centre gravitationnel, mais lorsque ce trou noir est actif, son rôle ne se limite pas seulement à son impact gravitationnel. D’une part, les trous noirs actifs ont un rôle crucial dans l’émission thermique des amas. En effet, les jets radio influencent l’émission rayons-X des amas en poussant mécaniquement le milieu intra-amas qui émet en rayons-X via l’émission Bremsstrahlung. Ce phénomène engendre la formation de cavités rayons-X qui constituent une preuve de la rétroaction énergétique du trou noir sur l’ensemble de l’amas. Un tel phénomène est nécessaire afin d’expliquer les résultats observationnels qui témoignent d’un refroidissement moins important que prédit théoriquement au centre des amas à cœur froid. D’autre part, il existe de plus en plus d’études qui supportent l’hypothèse que les trous noirs actifs ont un rôle dans la (ré-)accélération de particules relativistes responsables de l’émission synchrotron au cœur des amas à cœur froid. Ces structures appelées mini-halos sont typiquement diffuses en radio et donc difficiles à détecter. Dans ce mémoire, nous étudierons en détail l’émission radio de l’amas de galaxies massif à cœur froid MS 0735.6+7421 (z = 0.216). Cet amas est unique puisqu’il possède les jets radio les plus énergétiques détectés au centre d’un amas à cœur froid. Il s’agit donc d’un exemple de trou noir actif parmi les plus extrêmes connus. Cet objet constitue ainsi une cible parfaite afin d’étudier le lien qui unit la rétroaction du trou noir actif central et l’émission synchrotron au centre des amas à cœur froid. Pour réaliser cette étude, nous avons effectué une analyse radio exhaustive de MS 0735.6+7421 à l’aide de données acquises sur le Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. Cette analyse a permis de détecter une nouvelle structure radio diffuse jamais détectée auparavant. Cette nouvelle structure possède une puissance radio à 1.4 GHz qui concorde avec celles des mini-halos les plus lumineux. Le résultat principal de notre étude supporte donc l’hypothèse selon laquelle il existe un lien fondamental entre la rétroaction du trou noir actif central et la formation de mini-halos au centre des amas à cœur froid. / Galaxy clusters are one of the largest gravitationally bound structures in the universe. They exhibit complex dynamics and even though several multi-wavelength studies have been conducted since the end of the 20th century, there are still a lot of uncertainties concerning their evolution. To this day, the scientific consensus is that the active supermassive black hole at the center of the cluster has a profound impact on the cluster’s evolution. Indeed, the central supermassive black hole has a substantial gravitational impact, but when the black hole actively accretes material, its role goes beyond its gravitational influence. Active supermassive black holes have a crucial role in terms of the thermal emission in clusters. Indeed, the radio jets influence the X-ray emission of clusters by mechanically pushing the intracluster medium which emits in X-ray via Bremsstrahlung emission. This leads to the formation of X-ray cavities which are proof of the energetic feedback of the central supermassive black hole on the cluster. Such a phenomenon is required to reconcile the observational results that report less cooling at the center of cool core clusters than what is theoretically predicted. Moreover, there are more and more studies that support the hypothesis that active supermassive black holes have a crucial role in the (re-)acceleration of seed particles responsible for synchrotron emission at the center of cool core clusters. These structures are named mini-halos and are usually difficult to detect because they are diffuse. In this Master’s thesis, we will study the radio emission of the massive cool core galaxy cluster MS 0735.6+7421 (z = 0.216). This cluster is unique because it exhibits the most powerful radio jets ever detected at the center of a cool core cluster. It thus contains one of the most powerful active supermassive black holes known. This object is a perfect target to study the link between active black hole feedback and synchrotron emission in cool core clusters. To conduct this study, we performed a radio analysis of MS 0735.6+7421 with new data obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. This analysis led to the discovery of an extended diffuse radio structure. This newly detected structure has a radio power at 1.4 GHz that matches the most luminous mini-halos known in the literature. The principal result of our study argues in favor of the hypothesis that there is a fundamental link between active black hole feedback and the formation of mini-halos at the center of cool core clusters.

Chromatin accessibility analysis of spaceflight mouse brains using ArchR / Analys av kromatintillgänglighet i hjärnor från möss som vistats i rymden med ArchR

Mauron, Raphaël January 2023 (has links)
Mänsklig utforskning av månen och Mars innebär stora utmaningar för människans fysiologi och hälsa på grund av de unika miljöfaktorer som följer av långvariga rymduppdrag. Rymdbiologiska experiment har blivit ett viktigt verktyg för att studera effekterna som mikrogravitation och rymdstrålning har på levande organismer, i syfte att förstå och minska dessa utmaningar. Sådana experiment ger forskarna möjlighet att få insikt i rymduppdragens inverkan på människans fysiologi och utveckla strategier för att motverka eventuella skadliga effekter. Dessutom ger rymdbiologiska experiment möjlighet att öka vår förståelse av grundläggande biologiska processer, inklusive mikrogravitationens effekter på celldifferentiering och vävnadsregeneration, med potentiella tillämpningar för både rymdforskning och för att förbättra människors hälsa på jorden. Särskilt studier av mikrogravitationens effekter på hjärncellerna har potentiella konsekvenser för neurodegenerativa sjukdomar som Alzheimers och Parkinsons sjukdom. Genom att analysera data som genererats från hjärnor hos möss som skickats ut i rymden med en ny R-mjukvara, ArchR, är det möjligt att belysa de mekanismer som ligger till grund för förändringar i hjärnans funktion och beteende hos astronauter under långvariga rymduppdrag. Genom att förstå dessa mekanismer kan man utveckla nya terapeutiska metoder för att behandla eller till och med förebygga dessa sjukdomstillstånd. Fortsatta investeringar i rymdbiologisk forskning är avgörande för att garantera säkerheten och framgången för framtida, långvariga rymdforskningsuppdrag för människor. Genom att integrera avancerad teknik, t.ex. användning av spatiell transkriptomik eller sekvensering med encellsupplösning, kan en omfattande förståelse av komplexa biologiska system tolkas. De potentiella fördelarna med rymdbiologisk forskning sträcker sig längre än till att bara förstå effekterna av rymdfärder på människans fysiologi, med konsekvenser för grundläggande biologiska processer och behandling av en rad neurologiska sjukdomar. / Human exploration of the Moon and Mars poses significant challenges to human physiology and health due to the unique environmental factors that accompany long-duration space missions. Space biology experiments have emerged as an essential tool for studying the effects of microgravity and space radiation on living organisms, in order to understand and mitigate these challenges. Such experiments provide researchers with the opportunity to gain insights into the impacts of prolonged exposure to outer space on human physiology, and develop strategies to counteract any harmful effects. Additionally, space biology experiments offer the potential to enhance our understanding of fundamental biological processes, including the effects of microgravity on cell differentiation and tissue regeneration, with potential applications for both space exploration and improving human health on Earth. Previous research indicated the regulation of similar biomarkers, studying the effects of microgravity on brain cells could offer valuable insights into the potential impact on neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. By analyzing data generated from the brains of mice that have been sent to space with a new R-software tool called ArchR, it is possible to elucidate the mechanisms underlying changes in brain function and behavior in astronauts during long-duration space missions. Understanding these mechanisms can inform the development of new therapeutic approaches to treating or even preventing these conditions. Continued investment in space biology research is critical to ensuring the safety and success of future long-term human space exploration missions. By integrating advanced technologies, such as the use of spatial transcriptomics or sequencing at the single-cell resolution, comprehensive understanding of complex biological systems can be interpreted. The potential benefits of space biology research extend beyond just understanding the effects of spaceflight on human physiology, with implications for fundamental biological processes and the treatment of a range of neurological diseases.

Studies of active galactic nuclei with the MAGIC telescopes

Caneva, Gessica De 30 March 2015 (has links)
Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Emission von hochenergetischer Gammastrahlung aus Aktiven Galaxienkernen, anhand von Beobachtungen mit den MAGIC Teleskopen. Aktive Galaxien entstehen durch die Freisetzung von Gravitationsenergie der Stellarmaterie, die in das zentrale Schwarze Loch fällt. Zwei diametral entgegengesetzte Jets strömen aus dem Kern. Falls einer von diesen Jets zum Beobachter zeigt, wird der aktive Galaxienkern als Blazar bezeichnet. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Analyse der MAGIC Beobachtungen von drei Blazaren präsentiert: der bisher unbekannte hochenergetische Blazar 1ES 1727+502 und die bekannten Objekte 3C 279 und PKS 1510-089. Die Quelle 1ES 1727+502 gehört zu der Unterklasse der BL Lac Objekte, die die zahlenmässig größte Klasse an extragalaktischen hochenergetische Objekten ist. Diese Entdeckung beweist, wie wichtig es ist, mehrere und verschiedene Kriterien für die Auswahl von Objekten zu benutzen. Der Blazar 1ES 1727+502 wurde aus einem X-ray Katalog ausgesucht, die Datennahme war unabhängig von dem Aktivitätsstatus der anderen Energiebänder. Die Blazare 3C 279 und PKS 1510-089 gehören zu der Unterklasse des Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars. Es gibt nur drei bekannte Flat Spectrum Radio Quasare. Die Entdeckung von Flat Spectrum Radio Quasaren ist schwierig, weil im leisen Zustand der hochenergetische Fluss niedrig ist. Während eines Flares steigt der Fluss in sehr kurzer Zeit um mehrere Größenordnungen an, deswegen ist die Beobachtung eines Flares schwer zu realisieren aber physikalisch äußerst interessant. Die MAGIC Beobachtungen sind mit Messungen aus anderen Energiebändern kombiniert. Mögliche Interpretationen des beobachteten Verhaltens werden diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse werden erläutert und mit historischen Beobachtungen verglichen. Die offenen Fragen und Probleme, die Ziel zukünftiger Studien sein sollen, werden am Schluss hervorgehoben. / This PhD thesis addresses the problem of understanding the very high energy emission from active galactic nuclei as detected with the MAGIC telescopes. Active galactic nuclei are galaxies powered by the release of gravitational energy of stellar material falling into a black hole, located in their core. Two opposed jets extend from the central region outwards, if one of the them points towards the observer, the source is called a blazar. In this thesis the analysis of MAGIC observations of three different blazars is presented: the newly discovered very high energy blazar 1ES 1727+502, and the two known objects 3C 279 and PKS 1510-089. The source 1ES 1727+502 belongs to the subclass of BL Lac objects, the most numerous class of extragalactic very high energy emitters. This source was selected for observations from an X-ray catalogue and was observed even if no high activity states were reported at lower energies. For this reason, this discovery proves the importance of using several criteria for the selection of very high energy observation targets. The other two objects, 3C 279 and PKS 1510-089, belong to the subclass of flat spectrum radio quasars. We count only three representatives of this class in the very high energy domain. Their detection is critical because during quiescent states they have low flux levels at very high energies. During flaring states, flat spectrum radio quasars exhibit flux enhancements of orders of magnitudes and short time scales. Observations during such states, difficult to catch, are interesting because extreme processes are taking place. Very high energy observations of these three objects are complemented with measurements at lower energies and interpretations of the observed behaviours are discussed. The results are compared with historical observations, highlighting open questions and problems which should be addressed by future studies.


石坂, 隆 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:17510006 研究代表者:石坂 隆 研究期間:2005-2006年度

L'impact des trous noirs les plus massifs de l’Univers sur le coeur des amas de galaxies

Richard-Laferrière, Annabelle 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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