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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det glömda vanvettet i lokalpressen, NWT 1914-1918 : En undersökning av Nya Wermlands-Tidningens hållning till de tre huvudaktörerna i det första världskriget

Larsson, Marcus January 2007 (has links)
<p>I have in this essay looked at what stand NWT took to the three leading countries in The First World War, Germany, France and England, and if it changed during the course of the war.</p><p>I worked based on the theory that NWT, as a politically conservative newspaper was pro-Germany, which also showed to be true.</p><p>I have look at the official stand, what is shown in the published material, what stand that the newspaper showed outwards. The result shows that NWT held a neutral stand during the war being loyal to the conservative government. At the end of the war the papers sympathies for Germany are shown more openly in its political material.</p>

Det glömda vanvettet i lokalpressen, NWT 1914-1918 : En undersökning av Nya Wermlands-Tidningens hållning till de tre huvudaktörerna i det första världskriget

Larsson, Marcus January 2007 (has links)
I have in this essay looked at what stand NWT took to the three leading countries in The First World War, Germany, France and England, and if it changed during the course of the war. I worked based on the theory that NWT, as a politically conservative newspaper was pro-Germany, which also showed to be true. I have look at the official stand, what is shown in the published material, what stand that the newspaper showed outwards. The result shows that NWT held a neutral stand during the war being loyal to the conservative government. At the end of the war the papers sympathies for Germany are shown more openly in its political material.

An evaluation of renewable resource development experience in the Northwest Territories, Canada

Meyers, Heather M. January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Study on the dynamics of a moored floating dual pontoon

Chen, Wei-Ming 05 September 2008 (has links)
This paper is to study the scattering problem and radiation problem between incident wave and a moored dual pontoon platform by using both a fully nonlinear numerical wave tank (NWT) and a physical tank. The nonlinear numerical wave tank is developed based on the velocity potential function and the boundary element method (BEM). In addition, a moored dual floating pontoon physical model is tested in an experimental wave tank to validate the numerical model for simulation of wave and structure interaction including mooring tension, structure translation and rotation. The phenomena of wave reflection and transmission due to a floating platform are also considered in the study. The experimential results indicate that the platform surge-RAO decays as the wave frequency increases. Similarly, the platform heave-RAO decays first until at the vicinity of the resonance frequency happening where the vertical amplitude rises up and then decays again. The tension-RAO has two resonance frequencies, the lower resonance is resulted by the surge montion, while the higer resonance is caused by the heave motion. Both wave reflection and transmission coefficients decrease near the heave resonance frequency. This indicates that the platform has the best performance in wave shelter effect at heave resonance to protect costal zone. In general, the comparisons of the numerical simulations and experimental results indicate the numerical horizontal motion have a good agreement, but for the vertical motion, the numerical predictions are larger than experiments especially near the heave resonance frequency. This may be due to the structure vertical velocity increases dramatically causing flow separation occurred below the structure sharp corner, thus the fluid viscous damping effect may play an important role in heave motion.


Hari Bollineni (18496188) 03 May 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Numerical investigation of Ocean Brick system is carried out in nonlinear depth NWT, Modified Ocean Brick is proposed to increase the effectiveness of the original Brick. Further numerical simulations are conducted on modified brick.</p>

Assessments of wave-structure interactions for an oscillating wave surge converter using CFD

Tan Loh, Teng Young January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the use of the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package, OpenFOAM® for predicting and analysing the behaviour of a near-shore oscillating wave surge converter (OWSC), when subject to various types of ocean wave conditions in a numerical wave tank (NWT). OpenFOAM® which utilises a Finite Volume Method (FVM) is used to solve the incompressible, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations for a two-phase fluid, based on a Volume of Fluid (VOF) phase-fraction approach to capture the interface between the air and water phases. Preliminary studies on classic wave-structure interaction benchmark cases, involving a fixed and a vertically oscillating semi-immersed horizontal cylinder are carried out. The gradual transition of the linear to non-linear behaviour of the horizontal and vertical forces induced on a fixed cylinder when subject to various regular waves, and the amplitude ratios of the surface waves elevations generated by the prescribed oscillatory motion of the cylinder, are shown to provide good overall agreement within the limitations of the relevant theory and the experimental data in the literature. The OWSC is modelled with the inclusion of a Power Take-Off (PTO) system, using a linear damping restraint, and simulated in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) setups. The 2D and 3D numerical results, such as the surface wave elevations, flap angular velocity, PTO torque and flap angular displacement, compare well with one another and with the experimental data for operational regular head-on and oblique wave conditions. Small discrepancies between numerical results and experimental data are likely to be caused by non-linear behaviour of the PTO system. Pressure distributions on the flap surfaces and forces induced on the flap and hinge of the OWSC for various wave conditions are also presented. The effects between 2D and 3D wave-structure interactions become more significant when subject to large waves that break during impact. Comparison between the full scale and 1:24 scale numerical results of the OWSC shows no significant evidence of viscous and scaling effects. The validated 2D OWSC model is also subject to embedded focused waves, to predict the worse possible scenario of wave loading in extreme wave conditions. The delay of the focus event breaking is shown to affect the slamming behaviour for the larger focus event wave heights. Incorporation of a focused wave at different phase positions within a background of regular waves reveals that the focus event wave height has little effect on the peak tangential force on the flap during the slamming event, when a PTO cut-off mechanism is implemented to prevent excessive torque surges. In contrast, the peak radial force on the flap and the maximum resultant force on the hinge appear to respond more sensitively to the focus event wave height. It has been demonstrated that OpenFOAM® is able to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex hydrodynamic analysis and prediction of highly non-linear wave-structure interactions for an OWSC, which give useful guidance and confidence to WEC developers on the design considerations relevant to the OWSC systems.

Källhantering - En journalistisk utmaning : En fallstudie av två svenska lokaltidningar / Source management - A journalistic challenge : A case study of two swedish local newspapers

Bjerva, Aksel, Georgsson, Petter January 2011 (has links)
Den journalistiska professionen har genom historien varit ett högaktat yrke som tillknutits stort förtroende från allmänheten. Förtroendet har baserats på en exklusiv tillgång till nyhetskällor samt journalisternas vilja att leva upp till de klassiska journalistiska idealen. I dagens medieklimat har dock allmänheten större möjlighet att själva ställa krav på journalisterna, i frågor om publiceringshastighet och medieinnehåll. Detta leder också till att arbetet med källhantering förändras. Studiens teoretiska underlag är baserat på teorier kring det amerikanska medieklimatet. Teorierna slår här fast att dagens medieklimat problematiserar utövandet av korrekt källverifiering. Kovach och Rosenstiel konstaterar att den journalism som präglas av god källverifiering (”Journalism of verification”) alltmer ersätts av en journalism där budskap endast vidarebefordras medier emellan (”Journalism of assertion”). McManus slår i sin marknadsteori fast att journalistiken idag alltmer liknar en produkt vilket leder till att kapitalistiska argument blir ledande i valen av källor. Detta leder till en likriktad journalistik där endast inflytelserika källor, det flera forskare benämner som ”elitkällor”, används för att skapa nyhetsunderlag. Detta är en fallstudie designad att undersöka relationen mellan journalist och källa på två svenska lokaltidningar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka journalisters användning av och förtroende för sina källor samt den påverkan detta har på källhanteringen hos två lokala tidningar i Sverige. De utvalda tidningarna är Nya Wermlands-Tidningen (NWT) och Nya Lidköpings-Tidningen (NLT). Studien kommer, genom att kvalitativt intervjua fyra journalister på varje tidning, att undersöka hur väl de journalistiska idealen efterföljs i det dagliga arbetet med källverifiering. Studien önskar att ta reda på hur, hur noggrant, samt utifrån vilka parametrar journalisterna hanterar sina källor för att säkerställa ett journalistiskt innehåll som uppfyller kraven för ”god journalistik”. Resultatet av vår studie är, bland annat, att de intervjuade journalisterna tenderar att se noggrann källverifiering som en viktig del av sitt dagliga arbete. Deras syn är gemensam gällande att samtliga involverade parter skall representeras i en artikel. Även om så generellt är fallet går det här att finna skillnader mellan de båda undersökningsobjekten. Skillnaderna existerar huvudsakligen beroende på de olika marknader tidningarna agerar på, och den skillnad i publiceringsmiljö detta skapar. Det leder, i vissa fall, till att nyhetsartiklar publiceras innan samtliga källor lokaliserats eller noggrant verifierats. / The journalistic profession has historically been a highly esteemed occupation which attached great trust from the public. The trust was based on an exclusive access to news sources and journalists' willingness to live up to the classic journalistic ideals. In today’s media climate, however, the public has greater possibilities to make demands on journalists themselves, on issues such as publishing speed and media content. This also leads to a change in the daily work of source management. The theoretical foundation of this study is based on theories regarding the American media climate. These theories conclude that today’s media climate makes the exercise of proper source verification more difficult. Kovach and Rosenstiel notes that the journalism that is characterized by good source verification ("Journalism of verification") are increasingly replaced by a journalism where messages only are forwarded between the medias ("Journalism of assertion"). McManus states in his marketing theory that journalism today is similar to a product which leads to an increasing influence of capitalistic arguments when it comes to the selection of sources. This leads to a standardized journalism where only influential sources, those several researchers name as "elite sources”, is used to create the foundation of news. This is a case study with the purpose to investigate journalists’ use of and trust in their sources, and the impact this has on the source management in two local Swedish newspapers. The selected newspapers are Nya Wermlands-Tidningen (NWT) and Nya Lidköpings-Tidningen (NLT). The study will, by qualitatively interviewing four journalists on each newspaper, investigate how well they incorporate their journalistic ideals in the everyday work of source verification. The study wishes to locate how, how carefully, and on what parameters the journalists attempt to work with their sources to reassure a news content that withstands the requirements of “good journalism”. The result of our findings is, amongst others, that journalists tend to see scrutinous source verification as an important part of their work in theory. Their view is consistent in that all involved parts of a case must be involved in the article. Even if this is the case it is here that differences between the two research objects have been found.  The differences exist mainly because of the different markets the two newspapers compete in, and the difference in the publication environment this creates. This leads, in certain cases, to newspaper articles being published before all sources are incorporated or sufficiently verified.

En nykter dräng får god arbetsförtjenst : En genusanalys av platsannonser i Nya Wermlands-Tidningen 1885-1905 / A sober farmhand will earn well : a gender analysis of job advertisements in Nya Wemlands-Tidningen 1885-1905

Löfgren, Märta January 2020 (has links)
Kvinnoforskare är eniga att det under historiens gång existerat en kvinnlig underordning. I hemlivet hade de två könen olika uppgifter; kvinnans plats var i hemmet, där hon tog hand om hushållet och familjen, medan mannen skulle arbeta utomhus. Feminismens frammarsch innebar att fler kvinnor började arbeta, trots att idealet fortfarande var att kvinnan utövade sina moderliga egenskaper, vilket hon skulle göra även på arbetsplatsen. Därmed blev olika yrken snabbt könskodade. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka platsannonser i lokaltidningen Nya Wermlands-Tidningen och hur de speglar maktrelationen mellan kvinnor och män i arbetslivet åren 1885-1905. Detta har gjorts genom en kritisk diskursanalys vilken fokuserar på adjektiv som använts för att beskriva den manliga respektive kvinnliga arbetaren samt en kvantitativ studie av antalet platsannonser som riktade sig till eller publicerades av män respektive kvinnor. Resultaten visar hur de adjektiv som beskriver den kvinnliga arbetaren fokuserar mer på hennes personlighetsdrag jämfört med de som används för att beskriva män, vilka istället fokuserar mer på yrkeskompetens. Fler kvinnor än män efterfrågades av arbetsgivare samt sökte arbete genom platsannonser, vilket speglar hur fler kvinnor var benägna att arbeta. Arbetssökande kvinnor kom att under de senare åren mer frekvent använda sig av adjektiv som oftare använts för att beskriva män, såväl som att söka sig till mansdominerade yrken, och utmanade således de manliga privilegierna. / Throughout history women have been seen to have a subordinate role in comparison to men. In the domestic life, the two genders were assigned different tasks. Women were meant to stay indoors, taking care of the household and their family, while men were meant to work outside. As the feminist movement became more widespread throughout Sweden, more women started working, though the standard of women staying indoors, practicing her motherly instincts, remained at her place of work. Thus, different professions were labeled with being either feminine or masculine. The purpose of this essay is to investigate job advertisements in the Swedish local newspaper Nya Wermlands-Tidningen and how they reflect contemporary power structures between men and women in working life in Sweden during the years 1885-1905. This has been carried out through a critical discourse analysis which focuses upon adjectives describing the workers as well as a quantitative study of how many advertisements were addressed to or published by women and men respectively. Results show how working women were described with adjectives that focused more upon their personality than those which were used to describe men, which instead focused more upon their experience in the work field. More women than men were requested by employers as well as sought employment through advertisements, which reflects how more women were prone to work. Job-seeking women were more likely, in the later years, to use adjectives that were previously more common to use when describing men, as well as to seek professions that were dominated by men, challenging the traditional manliness and male privileges.

A Palaeoecological Investigation of the Treeline Zone North of Yellowknife, NWT

Moser, Katrina Ann 12 1900 (has links)
<p> The pollen, charcoal and sediment stratigraphies of two cores from small lakes located northeast of Yellowknife, NWT are examined. The focus of this study is to reconstruct post-glacial vegetation changes in this climatically sensitive area. The resulting vegetation history is compared to similar reconstructions from across Canada. The pollen content of twenty-eight modern sediment samples, collected from the forest, the forest-tundra and the tundra zones were used to aid in the interpretation of the fossil record. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the fossil records from these lakes span ~7 500 years. The initial vegetation, shrub Betula tundra, was established at ~7 000 BP and persisted until ~6 000 BP. The presence of Ericaceae, Myrica, and Sphagnum distinguishes this zone from similar zones from western Canada and suggests the existance of large areas of bog environment. This zone is succeeded by a second shrub tundra zone, which is marked by a dramatic increase in Alnus crispa and Alnus incana. This zone spans from ~6 000 BP until ~5 000 BP. A synchronous increase in Alnus is noted from sites across Canada and is attributed to an increase in moisture. The third zone, spanning from ~5 000 BP to ~3 500 · BP, delimits the existance of forest vegetation defined by the northward expansion of Picea mariana. The delay of Picea mariana expansion into the area relative to its arrival in western Canada can be explained by one of the following: 1) geological differences; or 2) remnant glacial ice retarding climatic amelioration; or 3) the long-wave westerly disturbance, which causes cooler temperatures in the east when warmer temperatures persist in western Canada; or 4) some combination of the above. The decline of forest vegetation at ~3 500 BP marks the establishment of modern tundra vegetation at both sites. Climatic cooling coupled with fire caused the extinction of aboreal vegetation at the study sites.</p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Geochemistry and Noble Gases of Permafrost Groundwater and Ground Ice in Yukon and the Northwest Territories, Canada

Utting, Nicholas C. 11 January 2012 (has links)
In Canada’s western Arctic, perennial discharge from permafrost watersheds is the surface manifestation of active groundwater flow systems, yet understanding the mechanisms of groundwater recharge and flow in periglacial environments remains enigmatic. This thesis addresses questions on how and where groundwater recharge occurs. Watersheds were selected in Yukon (Fishing Branch River at Bear Cave Mountain) and the Northwest Territories at latitudes spanning from continuous to discontinuous permafrost (five tributary rivers to the Mackenzie River from Wrigley to Aklavik). All are characterized by perennial flow with open water in the winter, and discharge from sedimentary formations of karstic carbonates and evaporate rocks. Determinations of groundwater contributions to discharge, mixing, recharge conditions and circulation times were made on the basis of a suite of analytical approaches involving measurements of major dissolved ions, δ18O, δD, δ13CDIC, 3H, noble gases and flow gauging was conducted at some sites. The application of these tracers show that hydrogeological conditions and flow paths in permafrost terrains are surprisingly similar to those of temperate regions. Groundwater recharge was determined to be a mix of annual precipitation with contributions from snowmelt and precipitation. All systems investigated show that groundwaters have recharged through organic soils with elevated PCO2, which suggests that recharge occurs largely during summer when biological activity is high. Noble gas concentrations show that the recharge temperature was between 0 and 6 °C, which, when considered in the context of discharge temperatures, suggests that there is no significant imbalance of energy flux into the subsurface. Groundwater ages were found using the 3H-3He method and were dependent on flow path. By characterizing groundwater and surface water chemistry, the proportion of groundwater was found in numerous water courses. The possible impact of ground ice formation and melting on noble gas concentrations in groundwater was considered. To assess this link, a new method to measure the noble gas composition of ground ice bodies was developed. The method can be used to determine the origin of ice, based on changes in noble gas ratios between ice originating from compaction of snow (e.g. glacier ice) vs. ice originating from freezing of water. No significant fractionation of noble gases during groundwater freezing and ground ice formation was identified. Applied to determination of the origin of ground ice bodies, the method was shown to be both diagnostic of ice origin and un-encumbered by reactivity in the subsurface, which compromises the use of the dominant atmospheric gases (O2 and N2).   Résumé Dans l’Ouest de l'Arctique canadien, la décharge pérenne dans certaines rivières en région de pergélisol est la manifestation en surface d’une circulation d’eau souterraine; cependant la compréhension des mécanismes d’écoulement et de recharge des eaux souterraines en région de pergélisol demeure énigmatique. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la question de savoir comment et où la recharge des eaux souterraines se produit. Des bassins versants ont été choisis au Yukon (Rivière Fishing Branch à Bear Cave Mountain) et dans les Territoire du Nord-Ouest à des latitudes s’étendant du pergélisol discontinu au pergélisol continu (cinq tributaires du Mackenzie entre Wrigley et Aklavik). Toutes ces rivières ont un écoulement d’eau pérenne avec des zones non gelées et une décharge dans des formations sédimentaires de roches carbonatées et d‘évaporites. L’identification des contributions des eaux à la décharge, les mélanges, les conditions de recharge, et les temps de circulation ont été faits à partir d’analyses qui ont inclus les concentrations en éléments majeurs, leur valeur isotopique (δ18O, δD, δ13C, 3H), ainsi que leur teneur en gaz rares. A certain des sites analysés des mesures d’écoulement ont été prises. L’application de ces traceurs montre que les conditions hydrauliques et le chemin des écoulements en région de pergélisol sont similaires à ceux des régions tempérées. La recharge en eau souterraine a été identifiée comme étant un mélange de précipitations annuelles, avec des contributions de neige et de pluies. Tous les systèmes étudiés montrent que les eaux souterraines se sont rechargées en traversant des sols organiques avec une PCO2 élevée, ce qui suggère que la recharge se produire largement durant l’été quand l’activité biologique est élevée. Cependant, les concentrations en gaz nobles montre que la température de recharge des eaux souterraines était entre 0 et 6 °C ce qui indique qu’il n’y a pas de déséquilibre de flux d’énergie à l’intérieur de la zone proche de la surface. L’âge des eaux a été déterminé par la méthode 3H-3He et cet âge est dépendant du chemin d'écoulement. En caractérisant les paramètres chimiques des eaux de surface et des eaux souterraines, il a été possible de trouver la contribution des eaux souterraines aux eaux surface. Le possible impact de la formation et de la fonte de la glace souterraine sur les concentrations des gaz nobles a été considéré. Pour déterminer s’il y a un lien entre ceux-ci, une nouvelle méthode pour mesurer la concentration en gaz nobles dans les glaces souterraines a été développée. La méthode peut être utilisée pour déterminer l’origine de la glace; elle est basée sur les changements dans les rapports des gaz nobles entre la glace issue de la compaction de la neige (c’est-à-dire la glace de glacier) par opposition à la glace issue du gel de l’eau. Aucun fractionnement significatif des gaz nobles durant l’engel des eaux souterraines et la formation de glaces souterraines n’a été identifié. Appliquée à l’identification de l’origine des masses de glace enfouies, on a montré que la méthode pouvait permettre d’identifier l’origine des glaces souterraines sans qu’elle soit affectée par des réactions biologiques de sub-surface, lesquelles rendent inutilisables les gaz atmosphériques (O2, and N2).

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