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Análise de pás para aerogeradores de eixo horizontal aplicados à geração de microenergia / Analysis of blades for horizontal axis wind turbines applied to microenergy generationOliveira, Mariana Schmidt de January 2017 (has links)
A geração de energia elétrica por meio de aerogeradores de microporte vem ganhando espaço em várias partes do mundo; porém, estudos que descrevem e analisam este artefato, ainda são restritos se comparados a aerogeradores de médio e grande porte. Países como China e Estados Unidos, por exemplo, buscam cada vez mais estudar a microgeração de energia eólica, servindo como motivação para que exista maior número de estudos neste campo, também aqui no país. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa apresenta análise de perfis NACA com diferentes ângulos de passo visando a microgeração de energia eólica. Para tanto realizou-se levantamento das velocidades de vento na parte superior de um prédio localizado no centro de Porto Alegre durante 5 dias e os perfis aerodinâmicos foram testados no programa computacional Q-Blade. Selecionou-se 3 perfis NACA (0012, 6409, 1412), 3 ângulos de passo (15º, 30° e 45º) e 5 velocidades de vento (de 1m/s à 5 m/s). Os modelos analisados foram obtidos através de impressão 3D. Foram então realizados ensaios aerodinâmicos utilizando o túnel de vento nos quais foram medidos o número de rotação por minuto (RPM), a velocidade de vento da partida da hélice, a tensão, corrente e a potência elétrica, geradas para diferentes configurações de ensaio. O trabalho contribui no sentido de auxiliar projetos que envolvam design e tecnologia que visem à melhoria da funcionalidade prática de microgeradores eólicos de eixo horizontal para as diversas aplicações possíveis. Os resultados apontam que o ângulo de passo de 45º apresenta os maiores índices de rotação, tensão, corrente e potência elétrica para todos os perfis NACA analisados, sendo o perfil NACA 0012 o de maior destaque em relação a esses mesmos parâmetros. / Electric power generation by small scale wind turbines has been gaining space in several parts of the world, however, studies that describe and analyze this artefact, are still more restrict in comparison to medium and large scale wind turbines. Countries such as China and the United States, for example, are increasingly seek to study wind power microgeneration, working as a motivator in order to increase the number of studies in the field, even here in the country. In this matter, the present research presents an analysis of NACA profiles with different pitch angles seeking wind energy microgeneration. In order to do so, it was gathered the wind speed of the top portion of a building located in central Porto Alegre during 5 days and the aerodynamic profiles were tested in the computer program Q-Blade. 3 NACA profiles (0012, 6409, 1412), 3 pitch angles (15º, 30° e 45º) and 5 wind velocities (1m/s to 5 m/s) were selected. The analyzed models were obtained through 3D printing. Aerodynamical tests were performed using the Wind tunnel and were observed the number of rotation per minute (RPM), the wind speed start of the propeller, electric tension, current and power generated for different test configurations. The work contributes to assisting projects that involves design and technology aimed at improving the practical functionality of horizontal axis wind generators for the various possible applications. The results indicate that the 45º pitch angle presents the highest rates of rotation, electric tension, current and power for all the NACA profiles analyzed, with the NACA 0012 profile being the most prominent in relation to these same parameters.
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CFD investigation of a fin keel.Heide, Jakob, Lans, Patrik January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to help sailboat owners to decide a preferable NACA profile. A CFD comparison in terms of drag and lift coefficients between two NACA profiles have been applied on a typical fin keel. Each profile has been computed with different angles of attack to investigate the impact of small direction changes. ANSYS Fluent 13.0 is used to model the flow according to RANS k-epsilon model. The conclusion is that NACA65 series gives lower drag while NACA64 series gives higher lift. / Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka skillnaderna för olika NACA-kölprofiler med avseende på tryckkoefficienter Arbetet strävar även efter att ge båtägare en tydligare bild av en fördelaktig NACA-profil. Varje kölprofil har beräknats med olika anfallsvinklar för att undersöka effekten av små vinkeländringar. ANSYS Fluent 13.0 har använts för att modellera flödet enligt k-epsilon-modellen. Slutsatsen är NACA65-serien ger en lägre motståndskoefficient medan NACA64-serien ger en högre lyftkoefficient.
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Nonlinear aerodynamic responses in tow tank study for a two dimensional NACA 0015 airfoilFang, Kuan-Chieh January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Effect of aeroelasticity in tow tank strain gauge measurements on a NACA 0015 airfoilLi, Sihao January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Nonlinear normal force indicial responses for a 2-D NACA 0015 airfoilIslam, Md Monirul January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Global Pressure and Temperature Surface Measurements on a NACA 0012 Airfoil in Oscillatory Compressible Flow at Low Reduced FrequenciesJensen, Christopher Douglas 19 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude électromécanique et optimisation d'actionneurs plasmas à décharge à barrièrediélectrique – Application au contrôle de décollement sur un profil d'aile de type NACA0015 / Characterization and optimisation of a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator - Application to airflow separation control over a NACA 0015 airfoilDebien, Antoine 25 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est effectuée dans le cadre du projet Européen "PlasmAero" dont le but est de développer et d'étudier des actionneurs plasmas, et de démontrer leur capacité à contrôler des écoulements aérodynamiques. L'actionneur plasma à Décharge à Barrière Diélectrique (DBD) de surface est un moyen innovant pour contrôler un écoulement en utilisant le vent électrique induit par la force électrohydrodynamique (EHD) générée au sein du gaz ionisé. Une première partie est dédiée à l'étude des actionneurs plasmas. L'influence de la géométrie de l'électrode active d'une DBD est précisée par des mesures électriques, optiques et mécaniques. Les régimes de la décharge de surface peuvent être totalement modifiés, tout commel'évolution de la force EHD en fonction du temps, calculée ici par bilan intégral. Une géométrie optimisée permet de supprimer le régime de décharge streamer et d'augmenter l'efficacité de l'actionneur de 0,65 à 0,97 mN/W. De plus, des configurations à multi-électrodes (sliding discharge et multi-DBD) sont étudiées et développées. Une multi-DBD à potentiels alternés a permis d'obtenir un vent électrique record de 10,5 m/s.L'étude du contrôle d'un écoulement décollé à mi-corde ou en bord de fuite sur l'extrados d'un profil NACA 0015 fait l'objet de la seconde partie de la thèse. Une DBD standard à deux électrodes, une multi-DBD à six électrodes et une DBD de type "nanoseconde" sont utilisées pour agir sur une séparation à des nombres de Reynolds atteignant 1,3μ106, avec une transition naturelle ou déclenchée. Les résultats démontrent que le contrôle permet de repousser efficacement la séparation, améliorant ainsi les performances aérodynamiques du profil. / This work is conducted in the framework of the European PlasmAero project that aims to demonstrate how plasma actuators can be used to control aircraft aerodynamic. Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) is an innovative solution to control a flow with the electric wind induced by the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) force produced by a surface discharge. A first part is dedicated to plasma actuators study. The exposed electrode shape of a DBD actuator is investigated by electrical, optical and mechanical characterization. Discharges properties and EHD force evolution is fully dependent of exposed electrode shape. With an optimized active electrode shape, streamer discharge is cancelled while actuator effectiveness is increased from 0.65 to 0.97 mN/W. Flow field induced by multiple electrode design is also investigated. An innovative multi-DBD design is proposed. Inhibition of mutual interaction between successive DBD actuators and exposed electrode shape optimization conduct to an electric wind velocity of 10.5 m/s. In a second part, the control of boundary layer separation on a NACA 0015 airfoil is investigated. An ac DBD, a multi-DBD and a nanosecond DBD are used to manipulate separation at a Reynolds number Re = 1.3μ106, with tripped and natural boundary layer. Results show that actuators can effectively remove the separation existing without actuation.
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Major trauma in Northern FinlandRaatiniemi, L. (Lasse) 27 September 2016 (has links)
Trauma patients are a significant patient group for emergency medical services (EMS). Not only are injuries a significant cause of death, they also have a significant long-term impact on functionality and quality of life.
Previous studies have shown that the injury-related mortality rate is higher in sparsely populated areas and that the majority of patients die before the arrival of EMS. Intensive care mortality is significant, and half of seriously injured patients develop multiple organ dysfunction. Airway management is one of the most important procedures that EMS provide for a critically injured patient, but making high-quality care available in a sparsely populated area is challenging. Seriously injured patients also appear to benefit from being transported directly to a trauma centre.
In recent years particular attention has been given to the level and availability of EMS. Hospitals’ readiness to provide acute surgery is also being reorganised. More information is needed about the frequency, circumstances, outcome and acute care of serious and fatal injuries so that health care resources can be allotted appropriately and requirements for prevention can be identified.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the frequency and circumstances of injury-related deaths in Northern Finland and the prognosis of trauma patients encountered by the Finnish helicopter emergency services (FinnHEMS). A particular objective was to examine differences between rural and urban areas. The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) severity score’s ability to predict 30-day mortality was also examined. The fourth part of the study aimed to investigate the pre-hospital airway management performed by non-physicians in Northern Finland.
The study material was comprised of trauma deaths that occurred in Northern Finland in 2007–2011, trauma patients encountered by FinnHEMS units in Northern Finland in 2012–2013, patients encountered by HEMS in Northern Norway in 1999–2009 and a questionnaire regarding pre-hospital airway management to non-physicians.
The study concluded that the rate of trauma deaths is high in Northern Finland, and the influence of alcohol was found in nearly half of pre-hospital trauma death cases. A larger portion of pre-hospital deaths also took place in rural areas. Trauma patients encountered by FinnHEMS units in urban areas who survived to hospital, appeared to have higher 30-day mortality than patients injured in rural areas. The most probable explanation for this difference is that patients injured in urban areas survive to hospital, while trauma patients in rural areas die pre-hospital.
The NACA score was found to reliably predict 30-day mortality. Due to its simplicity, the NACA score can be used to compare patient material from different HEMS bases.
It was found that non-physicians seldom performed airway management. On average, the frequency of performing airway management was low, and there is a need to improve maintenance of skills. / Tiivistelmä
Vammapotilaat ovat merkittävä ensi- ja tehohoidon potilasryhmä. Paisi, että vammautumiset ovat merkittävä kuolinsyy, aiheuttavat ne myös merkittäviä pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia toimintakykyyn ja elämänlaatuun.
Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on osoitettu, että vammakuolleisuus on yleisempää harvaanasutuilla seuduilla ja valtaosa potilaista kuolee jo ennen ensihoidon saapumista paikalle. Tehohoitokuolleisuus on merkittävää ja puolet vaikeasti loukkaantuneista potilaista kärsii monielinvauriosta. Ensihoidon tärkeimpiä tehtäviä kriittisesti vammautuneilla on hengitystien varmistaminen, mutta korkeatasoisen hoidon saatavuus harvaanasutulla seudulla on haasteellista. Vaikeasti vammautuneet potilaat näyttävät myös hyötyvän kuljetuksesta suoraan lopulliseen hoitopaikkaan.
Viime vuosina ensihoidon tasoon ja saatavuuteen on kiinnitetty erityistä huomiota. Lisäksi sairaaloiden päivystysvalmiuden uudelleenorganisointi on käynnissä. Lisätietoa tarvitaan vakavien ja kuolemaan johtavien vammojen esiintyvyydestä ja olosuhteista, ennusteesta sekä akuuttihoidon toteutumisesta, jotta terveydenhuollon resursseja voitaisiin kohdentaa tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja ennaltaehkäisyn tarpeet voitaisiin tunnistaa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vammakuolemien esiintyvyyttä ja olosuhteita Pohjois-Suomessa sekä suomalaisten lääkintä- ja lääkärihelikopteriyksikköjen (FinnHEMS) kohtaamien vammapotilaiden ennustetta. Erityisenä tavoitteena oli tutkia maaseutu- ja kaupunkialueiden eroja. Lisäksi tutkittiin National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)- vaikeusasteluokittelun kykyä ennustaa 30 päivän kuolleisuutta. Neljännen osatyön tavoitteena oli tutkia ensihoitajien suorittaman hengitystien varmistamisen käytäntöä Pohjois-Suomessa.
Tutkimusaineisto koostui vuosina 2007‒2011 Pohjois-Suomessa tapahtuneista vammakuolemista, FinnHEMS:in yksiköiden kohtaamista vammapotilaista Pohjois-Suomessa vuosina 2012‒2013, Pohjois-Norjan pelastushelikopterin kohtaamista potilaista vuosina 1999‒2009 sekä ensihoitajille tehdystä kyselytutkimuksesta hengitystien hallintaan liittyen.
Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että kuolemaan johtaneiden vammojen esiintyvyys on korkea Pohjois-Suomessa. Lisäksi havaittiin, että lähes puoleen sairaalan ulkopuolella tapahtuneisiin vammapotilaiden kuolintapauksiin liittyi alkoholi. Maaseudulla myös suurempi osa menehtyi sairaalan ulkopuolella. FinnHEMS:in yksiköiden kaupunkialueella kohtaamilla vammapotilailla, jotka selvisivät sairaalaan, havaittiin viitettä korkeampaan 30 päivän kuolleisuuteen verrattuna maaseudulla vammautuneihin. Ero johtuu todennäköisemmin siitä, että kaupunkialueella vammautuneet ehtivät sairaalaan kun taas maaseudulla vammapotilaat kuolevat jo ennen ensihoitopalvelun saapumista.
NACA-vaikeusasteluokittelun todettiin ennustavan luotettavasti 30 päivän kuolleisuutta. Yksinkertaisuutensa vuoksi se soveltuu potilasmateriaalin vertailemiseen eri tukikohtien välillä.
Ensihoitajan suorittama hengitystien varmistaminen havaittiin olevan harvinaista. Keskimääräisesti suoritteita tapahtui harvoin, ja taitojen ylläpitämisessä oli parantamisen varaa.
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Návrh sacího kanálu turbínového motoru v provedení NACA vstup / Design of turbine engine inlet in NACA-duct configurationBabinec, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on design and aerodynamic analysis of subsonic turbine engine inlet in NACA duct configuration for unmanned aircraft. The first part of this paper is methodics for design considerations for NACA duct, which is based on theoretical analysis of this type of inlet. The acquired knowledge is used to design an inlet for the specified unmanned aircraft that is subject of CFD analysis. The impact of deflectors is considered in the evaluation and the solution is compared to the S-duct inlet. The proposed inlet with deflectors meets DC60 distortion criterion for all specified cases and the pressure losses requirements are met for lower velocities. Based on the results, the recommended application is for aircraft that flies in optimal design conditions for most of the mission.
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Weight Optimization of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine Blades constructed in Swedish Fossil Free Steel : With respect to fatigue life timeHall, Johannes, Larsson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Wind turbines have been utilized for centuries to harness energy from the wind. Commercial wind turbine blades are typically made from composite materials, which are difficult to recycle, leading to blades ending up in landfills at the end of their lifecycle. Additionally, these materials contribute to microplastic pollution. In response to growing environmental concerns, there has been an increased focus on addressing such issues. The Swedish company SeaTwirl AB develops offshore vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWT), and this study focuses on optimizing the weight of a blade from a new 10-15 MW VAWT concept using steel as the material. Steel has long been recyclable, making it an interesting material for wind turbine blades. The specific steel used in this study is the ultra-high-strength steel "Strenx 1300" from SSAB, which is not only extremely durable but is also expected to be fossil-free by 2026, by implementation of the manufacturing technology HYBRIT. The study found that a single blade made from Strenx 1300, when designed and optimized for 35 years of operational use, would weigh approximately 193.4 tonnes and would require 6016.8 meters of welds with a fatigue class of FAT 125. A rough estimation of the weight of a fiberglass VAWT of the same size resulted in approximately 300 tonnes. Therefore, this study concludes that it may be feasible to construct a commercially competitive VAWT blade using environmentally friendly, fossil-free steel. This approach would make wind energy a more sustainable energy source without the problems of recyclability and microplastic pollution. / Vindkraftverk har använts i århundraden för att utvinna energi från vinden. Kommersiella vindkraftverksblad tillverkas vanligtvis av kompositmaterial, vilket är svårt att återvinna och leder till att bladen hamnar på soptippar vid slutet av deras livscykel. Dessutom bidrar dessa material till mikroplastföroreningar. Som svar påväxande miljöproblem har det därför blivit ett ökat fokus på denna typ av frågor. Det svenska företaget SeaTwirl AB utvecklar vertikalaxliga vindkraftverk (VAWT) för offshore-användning, och denna studie fokuserar på att optimera vikten av ett blad från ett nytt 10-15 MW VAWT-koncept med stål som material. Stål har länge varit återvinningsbart, vilket gör det till ett intressant material för vindkraftverksblad. Det specifika stål som används i denna studie är det höghållfasta stålet "Strenx1300" från SSAB, som inte bara är extremt hållbart, men också förväntas bli fossilfritttill 2026, tack vare implementeringen av tillverkningsteknologin HYBRIT. Studien visade att ett enskilt blad tillverkat av Strenx 1300, när det är utformat och optimerat för 35 års driftstid, skulle väga cirka 193,4 ton och kräva 6016,8 meter svets med en utmattningsklass FAT 125. En grov uppskattning av vikten av en VAWT av samma storlek i glasfiber resulterade i cirka 300 ton. Därför drar denna studie slutsatsen att det kan vara möjligt att konstruera ett kommersiellt konkurrenskraftigt VAWT-blad med miljövänligt, fossilfritt stål. Detta tillvägagångssätt skulle göra vindenergi till en mer hållbar energikälla utan problemen associerade med återvinning och mikroplaster.
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