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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing supply, demand, and professional development needs of employees in water-related careers

Pieschl, Jordan Marie January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Communications and Agricultural Education / Shannon G. Washburn / STEM fields represent between 5% and 20% of all employed in the United States (United States Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). Many employers of job positions in the STEM field have indicated an ongoing challenge of demand for such employees exceeding supply (Hira, 2010). Literature suggests a skills gap exists in some career fields and labor markets (Sentz, 2013). A topic that falls in many STEM fields in water resources. In Kansas, both supply and demand of water resources vary greatly across the state. A growing trend statewide, however, is a need to focus efforts on preserving the quality and quantity of Kansas’ water supply. Anecdotal evidence suggests the focus on water resources increases the demand for employees prepared for careers in related STEM fields (S. Metzger, personal communication, May 3, 2016). Drawing on both the Human Capital Theory and the Theory of Work Adjustment, descriptive survey research and qualitative interviews based in symbolic interactionism were used to gather data from employers of water-related job positions. The data indicated that a variety of employability and technical skills describe both employers’ ability requirements and employees’ ability sets. The results of the study suggest that, while employers have not recently experienced much challenge filling job vacancies, demand for employees could increase in the near future. Additionally, employers utilize a variety of professional development resources, and would utilize others if available. While levels of correspondence range among ability requirements and ability sets depending on the job position, efforts in education and recruitment could help address the supply of candidates for these positions.

Kvinnors upplevelse av att drabbas av bröstcancer : En litteraturöversikt / Women's experience of having breast cancer : A literature review

Tyreskog, Emma, Widell, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor i västvärlden. Trots att behandlingsmetoderna har blivit bättre och dödsantalet minskat skapar det fortfarande omvårdnadsproblem inom sjukvården. En orsak kan vara att kvinnorna som drabbas måste gå igenom svåra behandlingar som ofta påverkar dem både fysiskt och psykiskt.            Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av att drabbas av bröstcancer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på kvalitativa artiklar, som analyserades med en induktiv ansats. Resultat: Fyra kategorier framkom vid analysen: Att få en diagnos, Att få konsekvenser av behandlingen, Att få konsekvenser i vardagen samt Att ha tankar om framtiden. Att få en bröstcancerdiagnos upplevde kvinnorna som omtumlande. Flera av kvinnorna upplevde att bröstcancerprocessen gett dem en ny identitet, både kroppsligt och mentalt. Efter behandlingens slut fanns det fortfarande en rädsla hos en del av kvinnorna att cancern skulle komma tillbaka vilket påverkade deras syn på framtiden. Slutsats: Att drabbas av bröstcancer påverkade kvinnorna på olika sätt. Vissa såg positivt på upplevelsen när behandlingarna var över medan andra bara fokuserade på vad de hade förlorat. Eftersom kvinnornas upplevelse varierade är det viktigt att vårdpersonalen anpassar vården efter den enskildes behov och önskningar samt ger tydlig information för att skapa trygghet och lugn. / Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in the western world. Although treatment is improving and the mortality rate drops, problems still exist within health care. This may be because the women undergo difficult treatments which affect them physically and mentally. Purpose: To describe women’s experience of suffering from breast cancer. Method: A literature review based on qualitative articles, analyzed with an inductive approach. Results: The analysis resulted in four categories: Receiving a diagnosis, Experiencing consequences from treatment, Experiencing consequences in everyday life and Having thoughts about the future. The women experienced the breast cancer diagnosis as overwhelming. Several of the women experienced that the breast cancer process gave them a new identity, both physically and mentally. After completed treatment some women still feared cancer would return which affected their view of their future. Conclusion: Suffering from breast cancer affected women differently. Some women looked positively at the experience after the treatments was completed while others just focused on what they had lost. Because the women's experience varied, it’s important that healthcare staff adjust their care according to the individual's needs and desires, and provides the patients with clear information to create peace and security.

Needs Assessment for Patient Focused Healthcare Education in the Over-the-Road Professional Truck Driver and Survey of Intern’s view of Retail Pharmacy Involvement in Healthcare Education

Tholen, David, Dix, Aaron January 2009 (has links)
Class of 2009 Abstract / OBJECTIVES: Truck drivers one of the most vital components of a country’s economy, and also one of the most medically underserved populations. To date, few studies have explored the healthcare needs of over the road truck drivers. The objective of this study is to determine if a need exists for the creation of a healthcare education program for over the road truck drivers and if retail pharmacy could be an effective setting for such a program. METHODS: A needs assessment analysis was used to examine available literature concerning the healthcare of over the road truck drivers. A multi-question survey was designed to illicit the feasibility of initiating a healthcare education program to over the road truck drivers in a retail pharmacy setting. This survey was administered to third year pharmacy interns, and 67 completed surveys were collected. RESULTS: Statistics from the selected literature showed over the road truck drivers had increased health risks and barriers to receive proper healthcare. Sixty-two percent of the pharmacy interns felt they could help provide healthcare education to over the road truck drivers, but 71% of interns felt that management wanted to have as little time as possible expended providing education and counseling. CONCLUSIONS: Over the road truck drivers are at increased risk of healthcare problems due to the demands of the profession and a healthcare education program is warranted to help

Dizajn strategija hotela kao rezultat potreba korisnika / Hotel design strategy as a result of clients needs

Štiklica Monika 11 May 2015 (has links)
<p>Rad istražuje hotela, kao promenjivu kategoriju, tako da<br />analizira procese i zakonitosti nastanka i razvoja različitih<br />tipova hotela. Kroz proces istraživanja različitih hotela,<br />spoznaju se ne samo materijalne potrebe, već duhovne<br />potrebe korisnika hotela u određenom prostoru i vremenu.<br />Istraživanje sprovedeno na ovaj način stavlja dizajn u<br />rečaciju sa strategijom hotela I involvira samog korisnika i<br />njegove potrebe u oblast dizajna.</p> / <p>The thesis approaches hotels as a variable in order to analyze<br />the mechanisms and processes of creation of different types<br />of hotelsThe research gives us an insight not only into the<br />materialistic, but also spiritual needs of didderent clients in a<br />given time and space. The sutvey conducted in this way puts<br />the design into correlation with the hotel strategy and<br />includes the very client and their needs in the area of design.</p>

Music therapy for youth at risk : an exploration of clinical practice through research

Derrington, Philippa January 2012 (has links)
This outcome study investigates whether music therapy can improve the emotional well-being of adolescents who are at risk of exclusion or underachievement. Specifically, it addresses music therapy’s impact on students’ self-esteem, anxiety, attitude towards learning, behaviour and relationships with peers. The setting for the research was a mainstream secondary school and its federated special school for students with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Over nineteen months, a mixed methods design was used to observe change in students before and after music therapy. One group received twenty, weekly, individual sessions, and the other formed a wait-list group for comparison and then received the same treatment. At four different times during the project quantitative data were collected from students, teaching staff and school records, and qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with the students before and after their period of intervention. The study found that music therapy made a positive difference. The high level of treatment adherence (95%) of all twenty-two students confirmed music therapy’s appeal to this client group. The majority of teachers (58%) reported improvement in students’ social development and attitude overall, and for some mainstream students (56%) recognition of self-concept increased. The conviction with which students conveyed their positive experiences of music therapy was striking. The study supports the author’s argument for therapeutic support to be made available at secondary schools and promotes a student-centred approach, as exemplified in the thesis. It concludes that music therapy can be effective for youth at risk but requires more participants in subsequent investigations for it to be proved statistically.

Institutional care for children in Trinidad and Tobago: Toward a new model of care for developing countries

Roberts, Petra 20 September 2016 (has links)
Children around the world need care outside their families for a variety of reasons including poverty, war and epidemics such as HIV/AIDS. The majority of these children live in developing countries where there are limited resources to care for them. As a result of concerns about the effects of institutional care on children, and following trends in the developed world, there is a movement in developing countries to replace large residential institutions with a system of adoption, foster care and small group homes. The aim of this study is to examine the experience of orphan, abandoned, and neglected or abused children who grew up in residential institutions in the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago, to learn the positives and negatives of residential care in order to contribute to developing a model of care suited for high need, low resource countries. Oral history methodology was used to collect the stories of 24 alumni (12 men and 12 women) from seven homes in Trinidad and Tobago. The homes were categorized as 1) state— partially funded by the state but managed by the Anglican and Catholic dioceses, 2) faith-based— run by religious communities, and 3) community homes run by individuals in the community. The findings of the study show that overall experiences were positive. For poor and working-class children, life in the home was better than their life would have been if they had remained with their families. However, discharge and transition from the homes were less favourable. Alumni from the state-funded homes experienced more difficulties than the faith-based and community homes as a result of poor planning and a lack of post-departure supports. Women suffered more hardships than men, often leading to sexual exploitation. The findings also show that being admitted with siblings and staying at the same home over the duration of care—as was the norm—correlated positively with educational outcomes for the majority of alumni. Some life-long relationships were maintained with volunteers and with friends made among peers at the homes. The study concludes that large group care is not necessarily harmful for children. It may be even beneficial and may be cost effective—a factor that is very important for low resource countries. An aftercare plan, with planning beginning at admission might ease the transition process and gender must be considered in discharge and transition policies. / October 2016

Patienters upplevelser av att drabbas och leva med kolorektalcancer : En litteraturöversikt / Patients experiences of suffering from and living with colorectal   cancer : A literature review

Wallén, Michael, Lindahl, Lena January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att få en cancerdiagnos innebär ofta en kris för den som drabbas. Kolorektalcancer är den tredje vanligast cancersjukdomen i Sverige och den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken där män och kvinnor drabbas likvärdigt. Eftersom allt fler blir sjuka i cancer ökar också behovet av kunskap och stöd i form av vård och omvårdnad. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att drabbas och leva med kolorektalcancer. Metod: Metoden som användes var en litteraturöversikt. Resultatet bygger på 10 stycken kvalitativa artiklar som sökts fram i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Resultat: Patienterna som drabbades av kolorektalcancer upplevde att känslorna pendlade mellan hopp och förtvivlan. Detta ledde till en känsla av förlorad kontroll över sitt liv. Information hade stor betydelse. Patienterna uttryckte ett behov av stöd från omgivningen i kampen mot sjukdomen. De upplevde också att det fanns olika strategier för hantering som var helt individuella och unika. Konklusion: Patienter som drabbas av kolorektalcancer ställs inför förändringar och starka känslor uppstår. De saknar kontroll över sina liv och är i behov av stöd. För att kunna hantera livet med kolorektalcancer behöver de använda sig av olika strategier. Sjuksköterskan behöver ha kunskap om sjukdomen kolorektalcancer för att kunna möta patienters individuella behov.

A needs analysis of relevant stakeholders on a short course in homoeopathy for pharmacy front shop assistants in the greater Durban area

Mavela, Nokhuthula Hloniphani January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in partial compliance with the requirements of the degree of Master of Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 2016. / INTRODUCTION: Homoeopathy is a medical system that offers a gentle approach to healing. In the Republic of South Africa, homoeopathic medicines are readily available in most retail pharmacies, hyper-stores, supermarkets and health shops. It is common and expected that in a pharmacy setting, one will find a qualified pharmacist dispensing medicines he/she is highly knowledgeable about, as well as advising customers/patients on the indication, administration and contraindications of these medicines. With this premise in mind, where complementary and alternative medicines are sold, we ideally expect qualified personnel dispensing and advising customers on the use of complementary and alternative medicines also not only conventional medicines. At the time of conducting this study, the knowledge of pharmacy staff was questionable pertaining to the depth of homoeopathic knowledge they possess, as there is limited formal training available on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in their curriculum in South Africa. It has been noted that, prior to the development of short courses, a needs analysis should be conducted. AIM OF THE STUDY: To investigate the needs of pharmacy front shop assistants when dealing with homoeopathic medicines with the prospect of developing a short course. METHODOLOGY: The research was a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study. A measurement of views on what homoeopathy is, where pharmacy staff currently attain training on homoeopathy, and perceptions on the need for further training were conducted by means of a semi structured interview guide. Tesch’s Eight Step method was utilised for data analysis. CONCLUSION: The study clearly highlighted that there exists a poor level of knowledge of homoeopathy amongst pharmacy staff in the greater Durban area of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa, at the time of conducting the study. Despite low knowledge levels, the study was able to establish a keen interest amongst pharmacy staff on furthering and advancing their knowledge of homoeopathy to better serve the public and improve the quality of health care offered by pharmacy staff. / M

Future secondary schools for diversity : where are we now and where could we be? : a 'futures thinking' approach to planning for diversity and inclusion, informed by an investigation of the current over-representation of secondary aged students in special schools in England

Black, Alison Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
In 2011, 65% of the 76,900 pupils aged between 5 and 16 in special schools in England were of secondary age. When this population is broken down further, a constant rise in pupil numbers is seen; from just under 3,500 pupils at age 5, to more than 10,000 at age 15, with a large leap in numbers between the ages 10 and 11. This thesis views these patterns as demonstrations of disproportionality and as indications that inclusion in mainstream secondary schools is not being achieved. The thesis fills a gap in the literature exemplified by the paucity of studies on this phenomenon. It is distinctive in not only exploring a problem and then suggesting ways of overcoming it, it also tests these suggestions. The thesis is in two parts, the first is a standard empirical enquiry, using a survey methodology, the second uses futures studies methodologies and evaluation techniques to create and develop a vignette of a future school that successfully includes those children currently placed in special schools. A critical realist perspective is adopted, acknowledging that explanations are contingent and influenced by personal experience and bias (at the level of researcher and participants). Hence a range of stakeholder views are sought, along with the involvement of groups of practitioners and experts in the refinement of a vignette of a future school. The thesis employs a mixed methods approach, in order to base findings on as many sources as possible. It also involves a futures thinking aspect, in the design of a preferable, transforming, normative image of a future education system. In part one explanations about why the phenomenon of over-representation occur are sought through a literature review, then a questionnaire of key stakeholders (those involved in school placement decisions). Factors that are commented on most frequently are school level factors and within child factors. These findings point to limitations of current models used to understand disability and special educational needs, the thesis posits that an extended multi-dimensional model is needed, and suggests a number of existing models that could be developed. In part two a vignette of a future school is created by considering how problems and issues raised in part one of the study could be circumvented. This vignette is evaluated by experts who have experiential and theoretical knowledge of the field of special educational needs and inclusion. The evaluation contributes to the further refinement of the vignette. This thesis highlights the unexplored phenomenon of secondary over-representation in special schools in England and presents an in-depth analysis of the reasons that stakeholders give to explain this over-representation. Uniquely, this analysis is then translated into an imaginary design of a possible future inclusive school, the evaluation of which in turn highlights some of the persistent issues about the purposes and design of schools in a diverse society.

A Critical Evaluation of the Course for General Mathematics in Meeting the Needs of Youth as Revealed by Several Courses of Study and the Adopted Textbooks for Texas Schools

Armstrong, John H. 08 1900 (has links)
This study is an attempt to determine how a course in general mathematics can satisfy some of the needs of youth. The purpose of this study is to find out how the course in general mathematics can be made to contribute effectively to pupil growth, and how well the present course is contributing to pupil growth.

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