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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo sprendžiant blogai mokyklą lankančių vaikų problemas / The role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance

Tamulionienė, Jolita 08 June 2004 (has links)
This work is about the role of a social pedagogue, while solving problems of bad children attendance. The main aim of the work is to show the opportunities of social pedagogue, solving bad school attendance problem. In the theoretical part of work the following topics are overviewed; the educational reform in Lithuania, socializational problems and their prevention, the purpose of social pedagogue and his work trends, the features of adolescent spread, unwillingness to learn and the ways it is shown. In the practical part the results of the investigation. The information was gathered, while interviews with schoolchildren, dealing with class monitor's information about children, who attend school badly and method's of social pedagogue's work with a contrete pupil. In this work you can find the results of the investigation, which show the reasons of bad school attendance, pupls' and class monitors' opnions, talking about relationship with teachers, classmates, and how it influences the children wish and unwillingness to attend school and the model of social pedagogue's work.

Pamokų nelankymo priežastys: mokytojų požiūris / Causes of school non-attendance: teachers’ opinion

Žarnauskaitė, Vida 23 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Mokyklos pamokų nelankymas yra didelė problema tiek Lietuvoje, tiek visame pasaulyje. Ji negali būti atsieta nuo šalies ekonomikos ir socialinės struktūros. Ši problema siejama su skurdu, bedarbyste, piknaudžiavimu alkoholiu, narkotikais, žema šeimos socialine padėtimi bei pakitusiomis socialinėmis vertybėmis. Kitaip tariant, mokyklos nelankymas – socialinė problema, reikalaujanti sisteminio sprendimo ir apimanti švietimo, socialinės, teisinės apsaugos ir kitų institucijų veiklą. Tyrimo tikslas: ištirti mokytojų nuomones apie pagrindines mokyklos nelankymo priežastis bei mokytojų pastangas šią problemą spręsti ugdymo metodų ir santykių su mokiniais palaikymo priemonėmis. Darbe keliami šie uždaviniai: nustatyti kiek tiriamosiose mokyklose mokiniai per mokslo metus praleidžia pamokų; sužinoti mokytojų nuomonę apie pagrindines mokinių nelankymo priežastis slypinčias šeimoje, mokykloje; ištirti mokytojų ir mokinių tarpusavio santykius; nustatyti klasės auklėtojų santykius su auklėtojais; atskleisti kokius metodus naudoja mokytojai, siekdami sudominti mokinius; ištirti mokytojų nuomonę apie mokinių tarpusavio santykius; išsiaiškinti kas padeda spręsti mokinių nelankymo problemas. Savo darbe lyginau keletą mokyklų tirtais aspektais. Tyrime dalyvavo 86 mokytojai iš 3 mokyklų (viena miesto ir dvi kaimo mokyklos). Tyrimas atliktas anketinės apklausos būdu. Apibendrinant gautus tyrimo rezultatus galima daryti išvadą, kad mokytojai mano, jog dauguma tėvų sudaro sąlygas savo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / School’s nonattendance is a big problem not only in Lithuania but in the whole world. It can‘t be dissociate from national economy and social culture. This problem relates with poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, the drug habit, bad family social position and because of changes in social worthies. In other words school’s nonattendance is social problem which needs systematic solution because it is includes work of education, social sphere, legalese and other institutes. The subject of research is to know teachers’ opinion about school’s nonattendance reasons and to show teachers efforts in solving this problem by training methods and keeping terms with students. The tasks of my work is to assess how many lessons through school year misses students in exploratory schools; to know teachers opinion about main students nonattendance reasons which comes to school and family; to explore teachers and students, form master‘s and pupils intercommunion and to know teachers opinion about that; to educe methods which use teachers to interest students; to ascertain who helps to solve students nonattendance reasons. In my work I compared some schools in research dimensions. In research participated 86 teachers from 3 schools (one town school and two village schools). Work methods: questionnaire survey. The main conclusion: teachers think that most of the parents allow their children attending school. However parents have problems to let them to school because of hard material situation... [to full text]

Mokyklos nelankymo priežastys Vilniaus rajone / Every country confronts a problem of the students who could not graduate or dropped out from their schools

Bevainienė, Ona 15 June 2005 (has links)
Every country confronts a problem of the students who could not graduate or dropped out from their schools. Its decision cannot be dissociated from economic and social structure of the country. The problem is associated with powerty, unemployment, using of alcohol, narcotic and drugs; very low social position of the family and the changes of social values in Lithuania. After restoration of independence and becoming and equal member of the world. Community, emerged the question, how to maintain an authentic tradition of culture and language. Education is a sphere of the culture of nation which can be the base of the virtue of our national economy and welfare. The achievement of education and knowledge for today’s society is unavoidable. However, we will have to solve one of the most difficult problems of education in Lithuania – nonattendance of school. The motivation problem of learning is mostly revealed in adolescence when the teenagers do not want to study and later not to attend their school. A teenager, who experiences a failure at school constantly is deprived of the desire of learning and it is growing weaker his motivation of learning and very often he tries to cut his lessons. Obviously, all that has a negative meaning for his future life. As usually, such teenagers fall under the group of social risk influence. They fill up the ranks of unqualified, unemployed, vagrants and criminals. Nowadays, our state hasn’t enough capacity to ensure that all... [to full text]

Mokyklos nelankymo rizikos grupės ugdytinių lyties skirtybės / The sex difference of no attending school risk group students

Kašinskaitė, Kristina 12 June 2005 (has links)
Nonattendance is permanent process which is active or passive in some periods of time. This social problem needs systematic solution and includes education, social, juridical security and many other actions of different institutions. Nonattendance of school may be related to bad behaviour in the classroom, not attending lessons and even crime. The social surrounding of children is differentiated according to sex. Sex is one of the most important differentiate features its background of identity and experience. Scientists say that there is a great difference between girls and boys psychology so the nonattendance of both sex should be researched separately. The researches done in 2003 shows that the boys have more problems in learning, staying calm at the lessons and keep close contacts with teachers. The main problems for girls in studies are kept by not clear explanation of the subject. In conclusion we may say that needs and attitudes of boys and girls in studies are different so it is important to make clear nonattendance reasons by researching students sex differences. While doing researches of many different data it wasn��t noticed so many information about children sex differences. The aim of this paper work is to clear the reasons which determine nonattendance between girls and boys. The subject of the research is no attending school risk group students of the 4th – 10th of secondary and main schools. The aim of the research is to research the sex differences of risk... [to full text]

Nesėkmingas mokymasis: šeimos priežastys / Ineffectual study: family reasons

Venskūnaitė, Vaida 29 June 2006 (has links)
This research deals mainly with the impact of a family on an ineffectual studying of children. Unwillingness to study has become one of the most serious problems of general education. It is a very important reason for being absent from school, not attending lessons, repeating studies, and elimination from school. Students, who have to repeat their studies, quite often break them. Such kind of students and teenagers usually join the groups of unskilled labor force, unemployed people or even go with criminal gangs. From the social perspective the group of students who do not want to study and who are absent from school quite often is also problematic. They hate school and teachers, tramp in the streets, quite often use hard drink and drugs, smoke, and behave not socially. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of the families in which children study ineffectually. The goals of the research are: to analyze pedagogical and psychological literature researching the impact of a family on effective/ineffective studying; to interpret effective/ineffective studying in the context of new social changes and the process of education reform; to do the empirical research and to analyze the results from the perspective of social reasons (family) of ineffective studying. A survey has been carried out where questionnaires were given to the ineffectively studying students and their mentors, and the following conclusions could be proposed. Family atmosphere influences the... [to full text]

Mokyklos nelankančių rizikos grupės vaikų interesų ypatumai / Pecularities of risk group children not atending school

Benkienė, Gidita 07 June 2005 (has links)
Non attendance of school is a worldwide problem. It existed for ages. However it got to be comprehensive when we began to realize the policy (the law of education of Lithuania claims that all children and teenagers under 16 must attend school) of compulsory education. Many teachers and parents encounter unwillingness of children to learn and attend school and face the problem of nonattendance. While taking care of nonattendance of pupils, it is important to characterize them. These pupils usually have no wish to attend or attend not properly, commit crimes or stay in the street. At school they irritate teachers, prevent from giving lessons, have problems in learning. Such children feel repudiated by their friends, avoid showing their feelings and joking, they are unable to concentrate and are impulsive. Very often such children are either super responsible or having no responsibility at all. They are very difficult to communicate, don’t think about possible consequences, difficult to achieve aims. Not full and discordant families, use of drugs and alcohol in families, constant rows and conflicts between parents, lack of emotional relationship between parents and children, various mistakes of upbringing and other possible factors negatively influence child’s personality and forming of his interests. Organizing the activity of children we have to stimulate their interests, excite their curiosity and purposefully direct this activity. Intending to change the attitude of risk... [to full text]

Rizikos grupės mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai / The Aspects of Motivation for Learning in School Learners' Risk Group

Tarbūnienė, Lina 16 June 2005 (has links)
Children who have stopped attending school and do not have firm educational, cognition and activity motivation are disappointed about possibility to study, and the losses of learning they themselves and the society experience are long-lasting: their illiteracy makes it harder for them to participate in the society’s activities, social and economic insecurity as well as the probability to belong to socially isolated groups grow. The aim of the research was to state the reasons which weaken pupils’ motivation to study and encourage non-attendance and reluctance to learn. The object of the research was pupils of the 5th – 10th forms who belong to the risk group: 1) those who do not attend school; 2) those who attend it badly; 3) those who are unsuccessful in their studies. The following tasks were set during the research: 1) having analyzed pedagogical-psychological literature to present the concept of the motivation to study, to clarify the reasons for reluctance to learn; 2) to investigate the peculiarities of the motivation to study characteristic of the pupils of the 5th-10th forms; 3) to analyze and compare the differences in the motivation to study in these groups; 4) to compare the reasons for the reluctance to learn. Theoretical and empirical methods as well as the method of mathematical statistics were used in the investigation. The investigation was carried out together with other MA students, 667 informants were questioned. As... [to full text]

Vaikų, kurių tėvai išvykę į užsienį, edukacinės problemos / Educational problems among children whose parents reside abroad

Lekečinskienė, Inga 25 September 2008 (has links)
Emigracija iš Lietuvos įtakoja ne tik šalies socialinę ir ūkio raidą, tačiau daro ypatingą žalą šeimoms bei vaikams dėl šios priežasties gyvenantiems skyrium. Problemos, su kuriomis yra susiduriama, vaikų tėvams laikinai ar nuolatinai išvykus į užsienį, yra kompleksinės, susijusios su vaiko juridinio atstovavimo aspektais, kuomet vaikas paliekamas kitų asmenų priežiūrai, su vaiko emocine, moraline būsena, jo ugdymo procesu ir panašiai. Šiame darbe tiriamos vaikų, kurių tėvai emigravę į užsienį, edukacinės problemos, jų teisių ir teisėtų interesų, gyvenimo sąlygų užtikrinimas. Aptariamas tėvų migracijos procesas ir jo padariniai, Lietuvoje likusio vaiko edukacinės problemos, vaikų teisių ir teisėtų interesų, gyvenimo sąlygų užtikrinimas ir pateikiami įvertintos problemos preliminarūs sprendimo būdai ir rekomendacijos.. Aiškinamasi, kokia šveitimo vadybos vieta bei socialinio pedagogo vaidmuo sprendžiant šių vaikų edukacines problemas. / Emigration from Lithuania has an impact not only on social and economic development of the country but also causes particular harm to families and children residing separately due to this reason. The problems that are encountered, when parents move abroad temporarily or permanently, are complex, related to juridical representation aspects or a child, when the child is left for other persons` supervision, whit emotional, moral condition of the child, his/ her development process, etc. The present thesis analyses educational problems and assurance of rights, legal interests and living conditions for the children whose parent had emigrated abroad. Parents` migration process and its consequences along whit educational problems of the child left in Lithuania, assurance of children`s rights, legal interests and living conditions are discussed as well as preliminary methods with regard to the resolution of the estimated problem and recommendations are provided. Importance of educational management and role of a social pedagogue are discussed when resolving educational problems of children.

Mokinių nenoro lankyti mokyklą priežastys ir jų šalinimas / Reluctance of students to attend school and removal

Grikštaitė, Aušra 27 August 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendrosiose programose pažymima, kad visas bendrasis ugdymas yra orientuotas į vaiką, jaunuolį, jaunuolę, jų poreikius ir gebėjimus. Todėl šiandieninės mokyklos tikslas — padėti asmeniui maksimaliai išskleisti individualias kūrybos galias ir gebėjimus, tenkinant jo įgimtas reikmes: savirealizacijos — savęs įprasminimo, laisvės, meilės, pagarbos, kūrybos, tvarkos ir darnos poreikius. Tačiau šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje mokyklos autoritetas mažėja, moksleivių lankomumas prastėja, o motyvacija mokytis taip pat turi neigiamą tendenciją. Siekiant atsakyti į šiuos klausimus autorė analizuoja vieną aktualiausių šiandienos mokyklos problemų- tai mokinių nenoras lankyti mokyklą. Mokinių nenoro lankyti mokyklą yra ne tik švietimo sistemos, bet ir visos Lietuvos valstybės nuostolis, todėl jau kurį laiką Lietuvoje sprendžiama nelankančiųjų mokyklos iki 16 metų apskaita ir sąlygų grįžti į švietimo sistemą sudarymas. Mokyklos nelankymo problema, mokinių požiūriu į mokyklą ir į mokymąsi, domėtasi visais laikais. Priežastys, kodėl mokiniai vengia lankyti mokyklos aktualios nuo pat mokslo atsiradimo iki šių dienų, o vaikų vengimas lankyti mokyklą yra aktualus ir tapęs socialine problema netik Lietuvoje, bet ir užsienyje, nes morališkai ir ekonomiškai susilpnėjo esminė vaiko saugumą garantuojanti institucija — šeima: tėvų abejingumas, nesidomėjimas vaiko mokymusi; nenoras mokytis, motyvacijos stoka; sunki mokymo programa; prastas mikroklimatas ir t.t. Būtent... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / General education programs of Lithuania state, that all general education is oriented to children, young people, their needs and abilities. Therefore, the goal of modern school is to help a person to develop the maximum power of individual creativity and capacity to meet the needs of his or her innate needs such as self - expression, freedom, love, respect, creativity, trim and harmony. However, in modern society, the standing of schools is decreasing, school attendance is falling and the learning motivation has a negative tendency as well. To answer these questions, the author examines one of the most urgent problems - students' reluctance to attend school. Reluctance of students to attend school is the loss not only in the education system, but also in general context of Lithuania as a state. The accounting and the return of the education system of students under the age of 16 who do not attend school in Lithuania has already been in solving process for some time. The school attendance problem s well as the attitude of students towards school and learning has always been under consideration. The reasons why students avoid going to school have been relevant since the origination of science. Nowadays it has become a social problem in Lithuania and abroad because the family as an essential institution for ensuring the safety weakened morally and economically. Parents became indifferent to children‘s success and progress at school. Lack of motivation, stiff school curriculum... [to full text]

Blogai mokyklą lankančių mokinių savęs vertinimo ir elgesio ypatumai / The peculiarities of behaviour and self-assessment of children having school attendancy problems

Brazauskienė, Rita 15 June 2005 (has links)
Nonattendance, behavior problems and social disjuncture of young people shows that pupils have problems: such as the feeling of low self-assessment, lack of self confidence. Economical, social conditions, lack of activities cause different kinds of addiction, breaches of the law, offences among the teenagers. Thus, seeking to see the peculiarities of behavior and self-assessment of pupils who don‘t attend school, it is necessary to perform the detailed objective study by ascertaining which actions define different solutions of problems. The study aim object - 5-10 grade secondary school children not attending school. The aim - to analyse the peculiarities of behaviour and self-assessment of children having school attendancy problems. The main goals: 1. To analyse the teenagers‘not attending school, behavior and self assessment problems, on the basis of scientific-pedagogical, psychological literature. 2. To analyse the attitude of teenagers having school attendancy problems towards themselves, relationship with teachers, parents and contemporaries. 3. To reveal the attitude of pupils, having school attendancy problems towards learning. 4. To prepare recommendations for school administrators and tearchers. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistic methods were used. Target group: 302 5-10 grade students’ pupils, having attendancy problems from cities, small towns and villages of Lithuania and 302 tutors. Conclusions: The study show, that: • a quarter of students... [to full text]

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