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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proveniência sedimentar do grupo São Fidélis, terreno oriental da Faixa Ribeira com base em dados U-Pb / Provenance sedimentary of the São Fidélis group, oriental terrene of the Ribeira belt, based on data U-Pb

Marcela de Carvalho Lobato 27 February 2013 (has links)
O Domínio Costeiro integra o Terreno Oriental, no segmento central da Faixa Ribeira e abriga rochas ortoderivadas com afinidade de arcos magmáticos (Complexo Rio Negro, ca. 790-605 Ma). Os ortognaisses deste complexo possuem clara assinatura para ambientes de zonas de subducção, encaixados em rochas metassedimentares de alto grau, integrantes do Grupo São Fidélis. O conjunto acima descrito é ainda intrudido por várias de rochas granitóides sin a tardi- colisionais, relacionadas às várias etapas de desenvolvimento da Orogenia Brasiliana neste setor do orógeno (ca. 605-480 Ma). Idades U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) em zircões detríticos de rochas quartzíticas do Grupo São Fidélis indicam um amplo espectro com modas significativas no Mesoproterozóico e Paleoproterozoico, além de zircões do Neoproterozóico e do Arqueano. Sinteticamente os resultados obtidos foram: a) Idades concordantes Arqueanas com ca. 2,85, 2,84 e 2,70 Ga; b) zircões Paleoproterozóicos (ca. 2,3 a 1,7 Ga), com máxima concentração em torno de ca. 2,2 Ga, representando a segunda maior moda; c) Idades Mesoproterozóicas (ca. 1,3 -1,1 Ga) com idades de espectro dominantes, com moda em ca. 1,5 Ga; d) Zircões Neoproterozóicos com idades de ca. 0,95-90 Ga e 0,86-0,61 Ga. Em vários grãos detríticos observou-se sobrecrescimento metamórfico em ca. 602-570 Ma. Dados U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) obtidos para zircões para Ortognaisse Rio Grande e o Biotita Ortognaisse, intrudidos na unidade basal do Grupo São Fidélis, apresentam idades em ca. 620 Ma e são equivalentes ao período pré-colisional de geração de rochas do arco magmático Rio Negro. Combinando estas idades com os núcleos de zircões detríticos mais jovens, com assinatura do Arco Rio Negro em ca. 613 Ma, pode-se definir o intervalo máximo de sedimentação da unidade superior do Grupo São Fidélis no Neoproterozóico. Cristais de monazitas selecionadas para análise U-Pb (ID-TIMS) apresentam relações com os principais episódios tectono-metamórficos da Faixa Ribeira. Dois cristais de uma amostra quartzítica e dois do ortognaisse Rio Grande alinham-se em uma discórdia que gerou idade de 603 Ma, referente ao metamorfismo progressivo descrito na literatura, durante a Orogenia Brasiliana. Enquanto a idade concordante obtida em 535 Ma, adquirida em uma amostra quartzítica, é correspontente ao último metamorfismo colisional da Faixa Ribeira. / The Costeiro domain integrates the Oriental terrane of the Ribeira belt that encompasses arc related rocks of the Rio Negro complex (ca. 790-605 Ma). These orthogneisses display a well documented subduction signature and are intruded on high-grade metassedimentary rocks of the São Fidélis group. Both units are crosscut by syn to late collisional granitoids related with the development of different stages of the Brasiliano Orogeny (ca. 605-480 Ma). U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) data of detrital zircons from quartzites of the top unit of the São Fidélis group yielded a large spectrum of ages in the Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic, with subordinated grains in the Archaean and Neoproterozoic. In a synthetic resume, the results are: a) concordant Archean ages of the ca 2,85, 2,84 e 2.70 Ga; b) Paleoproterozoic zircons with maximum in ca. 2.2 Ga (second larger peak); c) Mesoproterozoic grains with two maximums at ca. 2.3 a 1.7 Ga and ca 1.5 Ga (larger peak); d) Neoproterozoic zircons of ca. 0.95-0.90 Ga and 0.86-0.61 Ga. The youngest detrital zircon of ca 613 Ma brackets the sedimentation of the top unit. In several zircons, metamorphic overprints (tips) were identified, with ages between ca. 602-570 Ma. Data from the Rio Grande and the biotite orthogneisses, previously interpreted as belonging to the syn-collisional granites and an homogeneous layer within the basal unit of the São Fidélis Group, rendered similar ages of ca. 620 Ma and are considered as equivalents of this unit. Connecting all the obtained data a possible interpretation is that the basal unit of the São Fidélis intruded by arc related rocks were the source area for the upper unit of the group that should be interpreted as coeval with the Rio Negro Arc evolution. U-Pb (ID-TIMS) of monazite crystals yielded the two metamorphic episodes detected at central Ribeira belt. Two monazites of a quartzite together with two crystals of the Rio Grande orthogneiss are discordant, with an upper intercept of ca. 603 Ma. On the other hand one monazite of the Rio Grande orthogneiss rendered the late metamorphic episode of the belt at ca. 535 Ma.

Proveniência sedimentar do grupo São Fidélis, terreno oriental da Faixa Ribeira com base em dados U-Pb / Provenance sedimentary of the São Fidélis group, oriental terrene of the Ribeira belt, based on data U-Pb

Marcela de Carvalho Lobato 27 February 2013 (has links)
O Domínio Costeiro integra o Terreno Oriental, no segmento central da Faixa Ribeira e abriga rochas ortoderivadas com afinidade de arcos magmáticos (Complexo Rio Negro, ca. 790-605 Ma). Os ortognaisses deste complexo possuem clara assinatura para ambientes de zonas de subducção, encaixados em rochas metassedimentares de alto grau, integrantes do Grupo São Fidélis. O conjunto acima descrito é ainda intrudido por várias de rochas granitóides sin a tardi- colisionais, relacionadas às várias etapas de desenvolvimento da Orogenia Brasiliana neste setor do orógeno (ca. 605-480 Ma). Idades U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) em zircões detríticos de rochas quartzíticas do Grupo São Fidélis indicam um amplo espectro com modas significativas no Mesoproterozóico e Paleoproterozoico, além de zircões do Neoproterozóico e do Arqueano. Sinteticamente os resultados obtidos foram: a) Idades concordantes Arqueanas com ca. 2,85, 2,84 e 2,70 Ga; b) zircões Paleoproterozóicos (ca. 2,3 a 1,7 Ga), com máxima concentração em torno de ca. 2,2 Ga, representando a segunda maior moda; c) Idades Mesoproterozóicas (ca. 1,3 -1,1 Ga) com idades de espectro dominantes, com moda em ca. 1,5 Ga; d) Zircões Neoproterozóicos com idades de ca. 0,95-90 Ga e 0,86-0,61 Ga. Em vários grãos detríticos observou-se sobrecrescimento metamórfico em ca. 602-570 Ma. Dados U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) obtidos para zircões para Ortognaisse Rio Grande e o Biotita Ortognaisse, intrudidos na unidade basal do Grupo São Fidélis, apresentam idades em ca. 620 Ma e são equivalentes ao período pré-colisional de geração de rochas do arco magmático Rio Negro. Combinando estas idades com os núcleos de zircões detríticos mais jovens, com assinatura do Arco Rio Negro em ca. 613 Ma, pode-se definir o intervalo máximo de sedimentação da unidade superior do Grupo São Fidélis no Neoproterozóico. Cristais de monazitas selecionadas para análise U-Pb (ID-TIMS) apresentam relações com os principais episódios tectono-metamórficos da Faixa Ribeira. Dois cristais de uma amostra quartzítica e dois do ortognaisse Rio Grande alinham-se em uma discórdia que gerou idade de 603 Ma, referente ao metamorfismo progressivo descrito na literatura, durante a Orogenia Brasiliana. Enquanto a idade concordante obtida em 535 Ma, adquirida em uma amostra quartzítica, é correspontente ao último metamorfismo colisional da Faixa Ribeira. / The Costeiro domain integrates the Oriental terrane of the Ribeira belt that encompasses arc related rocks of the Rio Negro complex (ca. 790-605 Ma). These orthogneisses display a well documented subduction signature and are intruded on high-grade metassedimentary rocks of the São Fidélis group. Both units are crosscut by syn to late collisional granitoids related with the development of different stages of the Brasiliano Orogeny (ca. 605-480 Ma). U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) data of detrital zircons from quartzites of the top unit of the São Fidélis group yielded a large spectrum of ages in the Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic, with subordinated grains in the Archaean and Neoproterozoic. In a synthetic resume, the results are: a) concordant Archean ages of the ca 2,85, 2,84 e 2.70 Ga; b) Paleoproterozoic zircons with maximum in ca. 2.2 Ga (second larger peak); c) Mesoproterozoic grains with two maximums at ca. 2.3 a 1.7 Ga and ca 1.5 Ga (larger peak); d) Neoproterozoic zircons of ca. 0.95-0.90 Ga and 0.86-0.61 Ga. The youngest detrital zircon of ca 613 Ma brackets the sedimentation of the top unit. In several zircons, metamorphic overprints (tips) were identified, with ages between ca. 602-570 Ma. Data from the Rio Grande and the biotite orthogneisses, previously interpreted as belonging to the syn-collisional granites and an homogeneous layer within the basal unit of the São Fidélis Group, rendered similar ages of ca. 620 Ma and are considered as equivalents of this unit. Connecting all the obtained data a possible interpretation is that the basal unit of the São Fidélis intruded by arc related rocks were the source area for the upper unit of the group that should be interpreted as coeval with the Rio Negro Arc evolution. U-Pb (ID-TIMS) of monazite crystals yielded the two metamorphic episodes detected at central Ribeira belt. Two monazites of a quartzite together with two crystals of the Rio Grande orthogneiss are discordant, with an upper intercept of ca. 603 Ma. On the other hand one monazite of the Rio Grande orthogneiss rendered the late metamorphic episode of the belt at ca. 535 Ma.

Estudo integrado do Granito Corre-Mar, SC. geologia estrutural, petrologia, geocronologia e geoquímica isotópica

Martini, Amós January 2014 (has links)
O estágio pós-colisional Neoproterozoico no sul do Brasil é marcado por intenso magmatismo granítico controlado por zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes, relacionadas ao Cinturão de Cisalhamento Sul-brasileiro (CCSb). O CCSb controlou a ascensão e o posicionamento de magmas crustais e mantélicos. Neste contexto, O Granito Corre-mar (GCM) representa uma pequena intrusão posicionado em uma zona de baixa deformação localizada entre dois importantes segmentos do CCSb: as Zonas de Cisalhamento Major Gercino e Itajaí- Perimbó. O GCM possui um diagnóstico par de foliações subevetical que forma um par S-C sinistral, presente em todas as intrusões, independentemente do tamanho, e foi posicionado em um sistema conjugado, onde um cisalhamento sinistral de direção NNE, e uma extensão na direção NW-SE, gerando espaço ao longo da direção NE. Deformação de estado sólido associada ao cisalhamento NNE é atestado por microestruturas como recristalização de feldspatos e caudas de recristalização assimétricas. A abertura é atribuída à dinâmica regional destral transcorrente das zonas de cisalhamento Major Gercino e Itajaí-Perimbó, sendo que o posicionamento foi controlado essencialmente pela componente de estensão NW-SE. A idade de cristalização em zircão U-Pb LAMC- ICP-MS do GCM de 615 ± 4 Ma, muito próxima a outros granitos regionais, como as idades de 611 Ma do Granito Serra dos Macacos (GSM) e de 620 Ma do Granito Rio Pequeno (GRP) sugere que esses três corpos graníticos são sincrônicos. As fortes feições de deformação presents no GCM, diferentemente dos granitos Neoproterozoicos próximos, demonstra que o espaço, mais do que o tempo, pode explicar a diferença dos padrões estruturais identificados no GCM. Assinaturas geoquímicas e de isótopos de Sr-Nd, como caráter levemente peraluminoso, altos conteúdos de K, altas razões de ETRL/ETRP, moderados conteúdos de Rb, Nb, Zr e ETR em relação à SiO2, juntamente com baixas razões de 86Sr/87Sri e valores de εNdt fortemente negativos, indicam que o GCM é derivado de fontes crustais antigas, possivelmente relacionadas à rochas quartzofeldspáticas ortognáissicas Paleoproterozoicas do Complexo Camboriú. A relaçãodas das idades das heranças Arqueanas a Paleoproterozoicas do GCM com as idades dos eventos de migmatização identificados no Complexo Camboriú, além da relação das idades de cristalização de ~615-611 Ma dos granitos crustais da área com o último evento de migmatização em 640-610, reforça a conexão genética entre eles. As idades TDM paleoproterozoicas, as assinaturas geoquímicas e isotópicas, a cristalização e as idades de heranças do GCM e do GSM atestam que eles representam pulsos graníticos contemporâneos e comagmáticos, com uma conexão genética com o evento de migmatização Neoproterozoico do Complexo Camboriú. / The Neoproterozoic post-collisional stage in south Brazil is marked by intense granitic magmatism controlled by transcurrent shear zones all related to the Southern Brazilian Shear Belt (SBSB). The SBSB controls the ascent and emplacement of crustal and mantle magmas. In such scenario, the Corre-mar Granite (CMG), represent a small intrusion emplaced in a low strain zone located between two important segments of the SBSB: the Major Gercino and Itajaí-Perimbó Shear Zones. The CMG have a diagnostic subvertical foliation pair that form a sinistral S-C pair, present in all intrusions regardless of their size, and was emplaced within a conjugate system, where sinistral NNE shearing and NW-SE extension were both active, generating space along the NE direction. Solid state deformation associated to the NNE shearing is attested by microstructures as feldspar recrystallization and asymmetric recrystallization tails. The opening is attributed to the regional dextral transcurrent dynamics of the Major Gercino and Itajaí-Perimbó shear zones and magma emplacement was essentially conditioned by the NW extension component. The zircon U-Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS crystallization age of CMG at 615 ± 4 Ma, very close to other regional granites, as the 611 Ma Serra dos Macacos (SMG) and 620 Ma Rio Pequeno Granite (RPG) points these three granitic bodies as quite synchronous. The strong deformation features present in the CMG, as opposed to the other nearby Neoproterozoic granites (RPG and SMG) demonstrate that space, rather than time, must be called upon to explain the difference in the structural patterns identified in the CMG. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic signatures, as slight peraluminous character, high-K contents, high LREE/HREE ratios, moderate Rb, Nb, Zr, and REE contents to regular SiO2, together with low 86Sr/87Sri and the strongly negative εNdt values indicate that the CMG is derived from old crustal sources possibly related to the Paleoproterozoic Camboriú Complex quartz-feldspatic orto-gneissic rocks. The match of the Archean to Paleoproterozoic inheritance ages of the CMG with the migmatization event ages identified in the Camboriú Complex and moreover the match of the crystallization ages of ~615-611 Ma of the crustalderived granites with the last migmatization event at 640-610 Ma reinforces the genetic link between them. The Paleoproterozoic TDM ages, the geochemical and isotopic signatures, the crystallization and inheritance ages resemblance of the CMG and the SMG attest that they represent comagmatic and contemporaneous granitic pulses with a genetic connection with the Neoproterozoic migmatization event in the Camboriu Complex.

Estudo integrado do Granito Corre-Mar, SC. geologia estrutural, petrologia, geocronologia e geoquímica isotópica

Martini, Amós January 2014 (has links)
O estágio pós-colisional Neoproterozoico no sul do Brasil é marcado por intenso magmatismo granítico controlado por zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes, relacionadas ao Cinturão de Cisalhamento Sul-brasileiro (CCSb). O CCSb controlou a ascensão e o posicionamento de magmas crustais e mantélicos. Neste contexto, O Granito Corre-mar (GCM) representa uma pequena intrusão posicionado em uma zona de baixa deformação localizada entre dois importantes segmentos do CCSb: as Zonas de Cisalhamento Major Gercino e Itajaí- Perimbó. O GCM possui um diagnóstico par de foliações subevetical que forma um par S-C sinistral, presente em todas as intrusões, independentemente do tamanho, e foi posicionado em um sistema conjugado, onde um cisalhamento sinistral de direção NNE, e uma extensão na direção NW-SE, gerando espaço ao longo da direção NE. Deformação de estado sólido associada ao cisalhamento NNE é atestado por microestruturas como recristalização de feldspatos e caudas de recristalização assimétricas. A abertura é atribuída à dinâmica regional destral transcorrente das zonas de cisalhamento Major Gercino e Itajaí-Perimbó, sendo que o posicionamento foi controlado essencialmente pela componente de estensão NW-SE. A idade de cristalização em zircão U-Pb LAMC- ICP-MS do GCM de 615 ± 4 Ma, muito próxima a outros granitos regionais, como as idades de 611 Ma do Granito Serra dos Macacos (GSM) e de 620 Ma do Granito Rio Pequeno (GRP) sugere que esses três corpos graníticos são sincrônicos. As fortes feições de deformação presents no GCM, diferentemente dos granitos Neoproterozoicos próximos, demonstra que o espaço, mais do que o tempo, pode explicar a diferença dos padrões estruturais identificados no GCM. Assinaturas geoquímicas e de isótopos de Sr-Nd, como caráter levemente peraluminoso, altos conteúdos de K, altas razões de ETRL/ETRP, moderados conteúdos de Rb, Nb, Zr e ETR em relação à SiO2, juntamente com baixas razões de 86Sr/87Sri e valores de εNdt fortemente negativos, indicam que o GCM é derivado de fontes crustais antigas, possivelmente relacionadas à rochas quartzofeldspáticas ortognáissicas Paleoproterozoicas do Complexo Camboriú. A relaçãodas das idades das heranças Arqueanas a Paleoproterozoicas do GCM com as idades dos eventos de migmatização identificados no Complexo Camboriú, além da relação das idades de cristalização de ~615-611 Ma dos granitos crustais da área com o último evento de migmatização em 640-610, reforça a conexão genética entre eles. As idades TDM paleoproterozoicas, as assinaturas geoquímicas e isotópicas, a cristalização e as idades de heranças do GCM e do GSM atestam que eles representam pulsos graníticos contemporâneos e comagmáticos, com uma conexão genética com o evento de migmatização Neoproterozoico do Complexo Camboriú. / The Neoproterozoic post-collisional stage in south Brazil is marked by intense granitic magmatism controlled by transcurrent shear zones all related to the Southern Brazilian Shear Belt (SBSB). The SBSB controls the ascent and emplacement of crustal and mantle magmas. In such scenario, the Corre-mar Granite (CMG), represent a small intrusion emplaced in a low strain zone located between two important segments of the SBSB: the Major Gercino and Itajaí-Perimbó Shear Zones. The CMG have a diagnostic subvertical foliation pair that form a sinistral S-C pair, present in all intrusions regardless of their size, and was emplaced within a conjugate system, where sinistral NNE shearing and NW-SE extension were both active, generating space along the NE direction. Solid state deformation associated to the NNE shearing is attested by microstructures as feldspar recrystallization and asymmetric recrystallization tails. The opening is attributed to the regional dextral transcurrent dynamics of the Major Gercino and Itajaí-Perimbó shear zones and magma emplacement was essentially conditioned by the NW extension component. The zircon U-Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS crystallization age of CMG at 615 ± 4 Ma, very close to other regional granites, as the 611 Ma Serra dos Macacos (SMG) and 620 Ma Rio Pequeno Granite (RPG) points these three granitic bodies as quite synchronous. The strong deformation features present in the CMG, as opposed to the other nearby Neoproterozoic granites (RPG and SMG) demonstrate that space, rather than time, must be called upon to explain the difference in the structural patterns identified in the CMG. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic signatures, as slight peraluminous character, high-K contents, high LREE/HREE ratios, moderate Rb, Nb, Zr, and REE contents to regular SiO2, together with low 86Sr/87Sri and the strongly negative εNdt values indicate that the CMG is derived from old crustal sources possibly related to the Paleoproterozoic Camboriú Complex quartz-feldspatic orto-gneissic rocks. The match of the Archean to Paleoproterozoic inheritance ages of the CMG with the migmatization event ages identified in the Camboriú Complex and moreover the match of the crystallization ages of ~615-611 Ma of the crustalderived granites with the last migmatization event at 640-610 Ma reinforces the genetic link between them. The Paleoproterozoic TDM ages, the geochemical and isotopic signatures, the crystallization and inheritance ages resemblance of the CMG and the SMG attest that they represent comagmatic and contemporaneous granitic pulses with a genetic connection with the Neoproterozoic migmatization event in the Camboriu Complex.

Fácies e estratigrafia da formação sepotuba: registro da última incursão marinha na transição neoproterozóico-cambriano da faixa Paraguai Norte, Mato Grosso

Silva Júnior, José Bandeira Cavalcante da 26 January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T21:58:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Bandeira Cavalcante da Silva Junior.pdf: 12470278 bytes, checksum: 74ad2851e620318d83405d4efb13f062 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-01-26 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Anomalous events of terminal Neoproterozoic have been mostly reported in the cap carbonates exposed in several cratonic regions worldwide. The records of these events in siliciclastics deposits are still incipient. In this study a siliciclastic succession was investigated that overlies carbonates deposited after Marinoan glaciation (630 Ma) in the southern Amazon Craton and Paraguai Belt, state of Mato Grosso. In this context, part of the sedimentary history contained in the shales and sandstones of the Sepotuba Formation was suppressed from stratigraphic proposals for that area. The Sepotuba Formation is rescued here a stratigraphic which is fundamental to understand this evolutionary history, consequent of the facies and stratigraphic analysis carried out in this work. The Sepotuba Formation unconformably overlies the Raizama Formation, and is gradually overlaid by Diamantino Formation, composing the Alto Paraguai Group. The upper part of the Raizama Formation is composed of: 1) amalgamated beds of fine to medium-grained sandstone, with swaley and hummocky cross-stratifications, wave truncated and even parallel laminations, interpreted as storm influenced littoral deposits; 2) Coarsening upward cycles composed of wavy-bedded rithymite and concave cross-bedded sandstone, interpreted as tidal bars; and 3) siltstone, medium to coarse-grained sandstone with dissecation cracks, ripples marks and evaporites molds related to intertidal deposits. The Sepotuba Formation consists in: 1) pelite and fine to medium-grained sandstone with ripple marks, even parallel lamination, hummocky and swaley stratifications and tidal bundles, interpreted as lower shoreface deposits; e 2) siltstone, pelite and fine to medium-grained sandstone with ripple marks, hummocky cross stratification, even parallel and low-angle cross laminations and climbing ripple-cross lamination that represent offshore deposits. The base of Diamantino Formation comprises: 1) siltstone and claystone with wavy bedding, convolute and even parallel laminations related to lacustrine and/or seaway environment; and 2) clast-supported conglomerate and medium to coarse-grained sandstone with even parallel stratification, through, planar and concave cross stratification, considered as braided river deposits. The Sepotuba Formation records a transgression that reworked littoral deposits of Raizama Formation. This event is the last marine incursion after the Marinoan global glaciation (630 Ma) that preceded the oceanic enclosure associated with the collision of Amazonia and Rio de La Plata blocks during the Pampean-Araguaia orogeny (520-500 Ma). The continuity of the collisional processes resulted in the individualization of foredeep sub-basins, confining the Sepotuba sea and leading to lakes and/or seaways formations that were supplied by fluvial to deltaic sediments (Diamantino Formation), derived from uplifted areas in the collisional blocks, during the final stages of foreland evolution of Paraguai belt. / Os eventos anômalos do final do Neoproterozóico têm sido documentados principalmente nas capas carbonáticas ocorrentes em diversas regiões cratônicas do planeta. Os registros destes eventos em depósitos siliciclásticos ainda são pouco documentados, e neste estudo foi investigado uma sucessão siliciclástica que sobrepõe carbonatos depositados após a glaciação Marinoan (630 Ma) na parte sul do Cráton Amazônico e Faixa Paraguai, estado do Mato Grosso. Neste contexto, parte desta história sedimentar contida nos folhelhos e arenitos da Formação Sepotuba, foi suprimida das propostas estratigráficas para aquela área. A Formação Sepotuba é resgatada aqui como unidade estratigráfica fundamental para o entendimento da história evolutiva, baseada na análise de fácies e estratigráfica desenvolvida neste trabalho. A Formação Sepotuba recobre discordantemente a Formação Raizama e é sobresposta, em contato gradual, pela Formação Diamantino, compondo o Grupo Alto Paraguai. O topo da Formação Raizama é constituído por: 1) arenito fino a médio, formando camadas amalgamadas com estratificações cruzadas swaley e hummocky, laminações truncada por onda e plano-paralela interpretado como depósito litorâneo influenciado por ondas de tempestade; 2) ciclos granocrescentes ascendentes formados por ritmito com acamamento ondulado e arenito com estratificação cruzada côncava, interpretados como barras submaré; e 3) siltito, arenito médio a grosso com gretas de contração, marcas onduladas e moldes de evaporitos relacionados a depósitos de intermaré. A Formação Sepotuba consiste em: 1) pelito, arenito muito fino a médio com marcas onduladas, estratificações plano-paralela e cruzadas hummocky e swaley e bandamentos da maré (tidal bundles) interpretados como depósitos de shoreface inferior; e 2) siltito, pelito e arenito muito fino a médio com marcas onduladas, estratificação cruzada hummocky, laminação plano-paralela e laminações cruzadas de baixo-ângulo e cavalgante, que representam depósitos de offshore. A base da Formação Diamantino compreende: 1) siltito e argilito com acamamento ondulado, laminações planoparalela e convoluta, relacionados a ambiente lacustre e/ou mar restrito; e 2) conglomerado com arcabouço fechado, arenito médio a grosso, estratificações plano-paralela, cruzada acanalada, tabular e côncava, considerados como depósitos de rios entrelaçados. A Formação Sepotuba registra uma transgressão sobre os depósitos litorâneos da Formação Raizama. Este evento é a última incursão marinha após a glaciação global Marinoan (630 Ma) que precedeu o fechamento oceânico associado à colisão de blocos Amazônia e Rio de La Plata durante a Orogenia Pampeana-Araguaia (520-500 Ma). A continuidade dos processos de colisão das placas resultou na individualização de sub-bacias foredeep, confinando o mar Sepotuba em mares restritos levando à formação de lagos e/ou mares restritos supridos por sedimentos flúvio-deltaicos (Formação Diamantino), oriundos de áreas soerguidas nos blocos convergentes, dentro dos estágios finais da evolução foreland da Faixa Paraguai.

Microbialitos e microfósseis da Formação Sete Lagoas, Neoproterozoico, Brasil: implicações geomicrobiológicas em um contexto de mudanças climáticas e evolutivas / not available

Evelyn Aparecida Mecenero Sanchez 11 February 2015 (has links)
A Formação Sete Lagoas, base do Grupo Bambuí, tem sido alvo de constantes discussões sobre o contexto temporal e ambiental sob a qual esta unidade foi depositada. Sua idade tem sido atribuída a dois momentos distintos do Neoproterozoico, e ambas têm implicações evolutivas significativas. A primeira proposta, baseadas em dados geoquímicos e litoestratigráficos,relaciona a deposição da Formação Sete Lagoas após o fim da glaciação Marinoana (do modelo paleoclimático Snowball Earth), há cerca de 635 Ma, quando mudanças paleogeográficas e geoquímicas levaram a mudanças climáticas de escala global, o quepode ter impactado significativamente na bioprodutividade do Edicarano. O segundo modelo deposicional baseia-se na ocorrência de Cloudina sp., um fóssil-guia do Ediacarano final, em níveis estratigráficos próximos à base da Formação Sete Lagoas, apontando, portanto, para uma idade mais nova que a primeira hipótese. No entanto, ambos os modelos preveem um cenário de mudanças, ocorridas no Neoproterozoico tardio, enquanto a Formação Sete Lagoas estava sendo depositada. Tais mudanças foram de natureza climática, paleogeográfica e geoquímica, que influenciaram a composição da atmosfera e da hidrosfera, e culminaram em profundas mudanças na biosfera. Propôs-se aqui uma análise pormenorizada de microbialitos e microfósseis da Formação Sete Lagoas, visando compreender como os produtores, base dos ecossistemas, teriam respondido a tantas transformações ambientais e ecológicas, além de estabelecer a abrangência estratigráfica dos microbialitos e microfósseis desta unidade. Foram analisadas tramas de microbialitos carbonáticos e precocemente silicificados, amostras de mão para comparação e dados de afloramentos. Uma avaliação de materiais reportados em meados e na segunda metade do século passado também foi necessária, tendo em vista os avanços recentes no campo da Paleobiologia do Pré-Cambriano. Os dados demonstraram que a Formação Sete Lagoas conta com uma riqueza treze formasmicrobialíticas, sendo onze detalhadas neste trabalho e encontradas ao longo de toda a formação, tanto sobre o Cráton do São Francisco, quanto sobre a Faixa Brasília, porém em baixa quantidade. Estas formas são compostas por onze tipos de tramas, cujo conteúdo biogênico em última análise, remete, mesmo que de forma reliquiar, à formas cianobacterianas recentes reconhecidas como formadoras de estromatólitos. Por outro lado, microfósseis silicificados não são comuns, e foram observados apenas em três localidades, onde já tinham sido reportados. Porém, a re-análise deste material permitiu refinar os dados e identificar cinco táxons, quatro cianobacterianos - os gêneros Siphonophycus, Oscillatoriopsis e Eosynechococcus- e um Incertae sedis - o gêneroArchaeotrichion. A baixa diversidade de microfósseis, ou seja, baixa riqueza e baixa abundância, somada à baixa abundância e densidade de microbialitos nos afloramentos analisados foi interpretada como resultados de eventos diagenéticos e tectônicos que resultaram na perda de material. Outra vertente do  presente trabalho foi a re-avaliação de estruturas reportadas como fósseis há cerca de 50 anos, cuja interpretação à luz dos conhecimentos atuais, permitiram a identificação de alguns como pseudofósseis, a reclassificação deuma espécie de acritarco esferomórfico (Leiosphaeridia jacutica[Timofeev 1966]) e de outro espécime como provável Nemiana simplexPalij 1976. De um modo geral, pode-se perceber que, embora poucos espécimes tenham sido preservados, o registro fóssil da Formação Sete Lagoas é variado e inclui microbialitos, microfósseisbentônicos e planctônicos, identificados neste trabalho, além de icnofósseis, biomarcadores e metazoários reportados em trabalhos anteriores, mas que ainda demandam novas considerações. A ocorrência vertical de microbialitos ao longo de toda a unidade e a diversidade de tramas que os compõem demonstram que a bioprodutividade não sofreu declínio com as mudanças paleoambientais, seja por conta de mudanças climáticas, se considerarmos a Formação Sete Lagoas como capa carbonática, seja pelo estabelecimento de metazoários nos ecossistemas, se a considerarmos uma unidade depositada a partir do Ediacarano tardio. / The Sete Lagoas Formation, base of BambuíGroup, has been under constant discussion about the temporal and environmental context under it was deposited. Its age has been attributed to two different moments ofNeoproterozoic, each one comprising significative evolutionay changes. The first one, based on geochemical and lithostratigraphic data, related the deposition of Sete Lagoas Formation to the end of Marinoan glacial episode (the Snowball Earthpaleoclimatic model), ca. 635 Ma, when pelogeographic and geochemical changes resulted in global climatic changes, that could result in significative impacts over the Ediacaran bioprodutivity. The second age model is based on the occurrence of Cloudinasp., an index fossil of Terminal Neoproterozoic, in stratigraphic levels near the base ofthe formation, pointing for a younger age that previously proposed. However, both modelspredict a scenario of environmental changes, occurred during the Late Ediacaran, while the Sete Lagoas Formation deposited. Such changes include climatic, paleogeographic and geochemical, that influenced the composition of atmosphere and hydrosphere, what resulted in profound changes in the biosphere. Here it was proposed a detailed study of microbialites and silicified microfossils of Sete Lagoas Formation, aiming to understand the responses of producers, the framework of any ecosystem, would reacted to suchpaleoenvironmental and ecological changes, as well also establish the stratigraphic occurrence of Sete Lagoas Formatiom microbialites and microfossils. Fabrics of carbonate and early silicified microbialites were analyzed, aswell hand samples for comparison and data acquired in the outcrops. Previous reported material, collect in the past half century was also re-evaluated due to new knowledge concerning the Paleobiology of Precambrian. The data showed that the Sete Lagoas Formation has a richness of thirteen microbialite forms, which eleven were detailed in this paper and found throughout the unit, on the São Francisco Craton, as well on the Brasília Fold Belt, but in low abundance. These forms are composed of eleven types of fabrics, which biogenic content ultimately refers, even if reliquiar preservation, to Recent cyanobacteria recognized as mat formers. Moreover, silicified microfossils are not common, and were only observed in three localities, where they had already been reported. However, re-analysis of this material allowed to refine the data and identify five taxa, four cyanobacteria - Siphonophycus, Oscillatoriopsis, Eosynechococcus- and one Incertae sedis - Archaeotrichion. The low diversity of microfossils, including low richness and low abundance, coupled with the low abundance and density of microbialites in outcrops were interpreted as a result of diagenetic and tectonic events that resulted in the loss of material. Another aspect of this work was the re-evaluation of structures reported as fossils for about 50 years, whose interpretation in the light of updated knowledge, allowed the identification of some pseudofossils as the reclassification ofa species of sphaeromorphic acritarch (Leiosphaeridia jacutica [Timofeev 1966]) and putative Nemiana simplexPalij 1976. In general, it can be seen that, although a few specimens have been preserved, the fossil record of the Sete Lagoas Formation is varied and includes microbialites, benthic and planktonic microfossils, identified in this work, as well as trace fossils, biomarkers and metazoan reported in previous works, which require new considerations. The vertical occurrence of microbialites throughout the unit and the variety of frames that make up demonstrate that bioproductivity did not declined due to paleoenvironmental changes, either due to climate change, considering the formation Sete Lagoas Formation as cap carbonate, or by establishment ofmetazoan ecosystems, if we consider a unit deposited during the Late Ediacaran.

Crustal evolution of the Arabian–Nubian Shield : Insights from zircon geochronology and Nd–Hf–O isotopes

Yeshanew, Fitsum Girum January 2017 (has links)
The Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) represents a major site of juvenile Neoproterozoic crustal addition on Earth and documents Neoproterozoic tectonics bracketed by two supercontinent cycles, namely the fragmentation of Rodinia and the amalgamation of Gondwana. There is general consensus that the ANS formed by juvenile magmatic arc accretion and subsequent shield–wide post–tectonic magmatism. However, detailed understanding about the timing of events and the nature of magma sources in parts of the shield are lacking. To date, there are no isotopic data from the Paleozoic sedimentary sequences of the ANS, except those from the northern part. New zircon U–Pb, δ18O and whole–rock Nd isotopes are presented for plutonic rocks from the eastern Ethiopia, Yemen and southernmost Arabian Shield in Saudi Arabia. This thesis also presents the first combined in situ zircon U–Pb–O–Hf isotope data on the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstones of the Arabian Shield. The results are used to elucidate the crustal evolution of these parts of the ANS and to evaluate terrane correlations. Specifically, the nature of crustal growth, i.e., relative proportions of juvenile magmatic additions vs. crustal reworking, nature of the magma source and mechanism of crust formation (plume material vs. subduction zone enrichment) and understanding the provenance of the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstone sequences were important research questions addressed. The results from Paper I suggest that the eastern Ethiopian Precambrian basement is dominated by reworking of pre-Neoproterozoic supracrustal material unlike contemporaneous rocks in the remaining parts of Ethiopia— indicating the presence of two distinct lithospheric blocks of contrasting isotopic compositions in Ethiopia. Metamorphic age distributions suggest that the eastern Ethiopian block was amalgamated with the juvenile Western Ethiopian Shield during ca. 580–550 Ma. Importantly, the suture between them may represent the northern continuation of a major suture identified further south in Africa along which Gondwana amalgamated. Similarly, the Abas terrane in Yemen (Paper II) is dominated by reworking of pre–Neoproterozoic crust and shows age and isotopic compositions that are inconsistent with the Afif terrane of Saudi Arabia, precluding correlation between the two regions. The trace element systematics of plutonic rocks from the southernmost Arabian Shield (paper III) point to enrichment due to subduction component, bear no evidence of a plume component, and are consistent with the adakite-like chemistry of some of the subduction–related plutonic samples. This reinforces the notion that the shield grew through juvenile magmatic arc additions. The combined zircon U–Pb–O–Hf data of the Cambrian–Ordovician sandstones (Paper IV) indicate their derivation from both the adjacent juvenile ANS and the more southerly crustal blocks that are dominated by reworking of pre–Neoproterozoic crust. The remarkable similarity in age spectra and homogeneity of Cambrian sandstones deposited across the northern margin of Gondwana point to continental–scale sediment mixing and dispersal regulated by the supercontinent cycle. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Croissance et différenciation crustales au Néoprotérozoique : exemple du domaine panafricain du Mayo Kebbi au Sud-Ouest du Tchad / Neoproterozoic crustal growth and differentiation : example of the Mayo Kebbi massif in southwestern Chad

Isseini, Moussa 24 June 2011 (has links)
Le massif du Mayo Kebbi au sud-ouest du Tchad est localisé entre le craton du Congo au Sud, le craton Ouest Africain à l'Ouest et le Métacraton du Sahara à l'Est. Formé au cours de l'orogenèse panafricaine, entre 800 et 570 Ma, il est constitué de deux ceintures de roches vertes (Zalbi et Goueygoudoum), trois complexes magmatiques (Chutes Gauthiot, Léré et Figuil) et des intrusions post-tectoniques distingués sur la base de leurs caractères structuraux, pétrologiques, géochimiques et géochronologiques. L'évolution géodynamique de ce massif comprend les phases suivantes:Phase 1: Mise en place d'un complexe mafique et intermédiaire (CMI) dont la métadiorite de Boloro datée à 748 ± 4 Ma (U-Pb sur zircon). Cette métadiorite, riche en terres rares, se caractérise par LaN/YbN ~ 12, Sr/Y > 32, teneurs en LILE, Cr, Ni élevées et des anomalies négatives en Nb-Ta. Ces caractéristiques sont attribuées à la fusion partielle de la plaque océanique plongeante et interaction des magmas produits avec le coin mantellique au cours de leur ascension.Phase 2: Mise en place des métagabbros et métabasaltes (700 ± 10 Ma: U-Pb sur zircon) de la série métavolcano-sédimentaire de Zalbi. Ces roches sont caractérisées par un découplage LILE/HFSE, des anomalies négatives en Nb-Ta et des rapports LaN/YbN indiquant un fractionnement faible à modéré des terres rares. En particulier, leurs caractères géochimiques sont similaires à ceux des bassins arrière-arcs modernes. La signature isotopique en Sr et Nd de ces roches exclut toute contamination par une croûte continentale ancienne au moment de leur mise en place. CMI et série métavolcano-sédimentaires, regroupés dans le cadre des ceintures de roches vertes, représentent ainsi une accrétion juvénile en contextes d'arc insulaire/bassin arrière-arc.Phase 3: La métadiorite quartzique syntectonique du complexe magmatique des chutes Gauthiot (665 ± 1 Ma: âge U-Pb sur zircon, Penaye et al., 2006) correspond à la mise en place de magmas contemporains d'une première collision, qui implique le massif du Mayo Kebbi et le bloc rigide de l'Adamaoua-Yadé à l'Est. Cet évènement marque le début de la fermeture du bassin arrière-arc de Zalbi et d'un épaississement crustal.Phase 4 : L'épaississement est responsable de la différentiation intracrustale par fusion partielle des roches accrétées au cours des phases précédentes à la base de l'arc. Pendant cette phase se mettent en place des magmas tonalitiques, dont la tonalite à hornblende-biotite de Guegou (complexe magmatique de Léré) datée à 647 ± 5 Ma (U-Pb sur zircon). Les magmas produits ont des caractères de magmas TTG et laissent un résidu à grenat à la base de la croûte continentale.Phase 5: La tonalite syntectonique du complexe magmatique de Figuil, datée à 618 ± 6 Ma (U-Pb sur zircon), se distingue par eNd initial = -3 et 87Sr/86Sr initial = 0,7073. Les signatures isotopiques de cette tonalite démontrent l'implication dans le magmatisme d'une croûte Pré-Néoprotérozoïque. Elle est contemporaine d'une deuxième collision qui fait intervenir le massif du Mayo Kebbi et le domaine Occidental de la Ceinture Orogénique d'Afrique Centrale.Phase 6: La mise en place du granite de type A de Zabili à 567 ± 10 Ma (âge U-Pb sur zircon) est associée aux dernières manifestations magmatiques du cycle orogénique panafricain (intrusions post-tectoniques). Les caractères géochimiques (appauvrissement extrême en Sr, Eu, Ca, Mg, Ni) et isotopiques (eNd initial = +3 à +7) de ce granite indiquent une origine par cristallisation fractionnée à partir de magmas d'origine mantellique et contamination de ceux-ci au cours de leur mise en place dans la croûte supérieure par une composante crustale ancienne / The Mayo Kebbi massif (south-western Chad) is located between the Congo craton, the West African craton and the Saharan Metacraton. It consists of two greenstone belts (Zalbi and Goueygoudoum), three magmatic complexes (Gauthiot falls, Lere, Figuil) and post-tectonic intrusions distinguished on the basis of their structural, petrological, geochemical and geochronological characteristics. The geodynamic evolution of this massif includes the following phases:Phase 1: Emplacement of a Mafic to Intermediate Plutonic (MIP) complex. Boloro metadiorite, which belongs to this complex, is dated at 748 ± 4 Ma (U-Pb zircon age). This metadiorite is enriched in REE and characterized by LaN/YbN ~ 12, Sr/Y > 32, high LILE, Cr and Ni contents but negative anomalies in Nb-Ta. These features are attributed to partial melting of the slab followed by interaction of the produced magmas with the mantle wedge during their ascent.Phase 2: Emplacement of metagabbros and metabasalts (700 ± 10 Ma: U-Pb zircon age) of the Zalbi metavolcanic-sedimentary group. These rocks are characterized by a decoupling of LILE and HFSE, negative Nb-Ta anomalies, weak to moderate LREE fractionation relative to HREE. In particular, their geochemical characteristics are similar to modern back-arc basins. The isotopic compositions of Sr and Nd of these rocks preclude contamination by old continental crust of the related magmas during their emplacement. Accordingly, the MIP complex and the Zalbi metavolcanic-sedimentary group are associated to juvenile accretion in an island arc/back-arc basin tectonic setting.Phase 3: The syntectonic quartz metadiorite of Gauthiot Falls magmatic complex (665 ± 1 Ma: U-Pb zircon age, Penaye et al., 2006) is emplaced during a first collision event, which involves the Mayo Kebbi massif and the Adamaoua-Yade domain to the east. This event marks the beginning of the closure of the Zalbi back-arc basin and crustal thickening.Phase 4: The thickening is responsible of intra-crustal differentiation by partial melting of rocks accreted during the previous phases at the base of the arc. During this phase, several tonalitic intrusions are emplaced, including hornblende-biotite tonalites of Gauthiot Falls and Guegou tonalite (Lere magmatic complex). The latter is dated at 647 ± 5 Ma (U-Pb zircon age). The produced magmas have typical features of TTG magmas, leaving a garnet bearing residue at the base of the continental crust.Phase 5: The syntectonic tonalite of Figuil magmatic complex dated at 618 ± 6 Ma (U-Pb zircon age), is characterized by initial ?Nd = -3 and initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7073 attesting for the involvement of pre-Neoproterozoic crust on its origin. It marks a second collision event between the Mayo Kebbi massif and the Western domain of the Central African Orogenic Belt to the west.Phase 6: The Zabili A-type granite emplaced at 567 ± 10 Ma (U-Pb zircon age) and is related to the last magmatic events of the Pan-African orogenic cycle (post-tectonic intrusions). The geochemical (low Sr, Eu, Ca, Mg, Ni) and isotopic compositions (initial ?Nd = +3 à +7) of this granite point to an origin involving extreme fractionation of mantle-derived magmas which interacted with an old crustal component during their emplacement in the upper continental crust

The Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the western Jiagenen Orogenic Belt and its Early Paleozoic-Mesozoic tectonic reworking / Evolution tectonique Néoproterozoïque de la chaîne de Jiangnan Occidental et sa réactivation au Paléozoïque inférieur Mésozoïque

Yan, Chaolei 29 October 2018 (has links)
La chaîne de collision d'âge néoprotérozoïque de Jiangnan, orientée NE-SW, marque la limite entre les blocs duYangtze et de Cathaysia. Son évolution tectonique reste encore débattue. Une des questions les plus controversées est l'âge de la collision entre les deux blocs. Afin d'acquérir une meilleure compréhension de ce problème, nous avons collecté des échantillons dans les couches sédimentaires situées au-dessus et au-dessous de la discordance dans le but de comparer les spectres d'âge des zircons détritiques et aussi de les confronter à ceux décrits dans les séries néoprotérozoïques des régions du Yangtze, Jiangnan et Cathaysia. En outre, nous nous sommes intéressés aux plutons granitiques d'âge néoproterozoïque de Sanfang et Yuanbaoshan, de type-S, situés dans la partie occidentale de la chaîne de Jiangnan afin de tracer l'évolution tectonique de la région depuis 830 Ma par la mise en œuvre de méthodes pluridisciplinaires : géologie structurale, géochronologie U-Pb, AMS, modélisation gravimétrique et thermochronologie Argon.Notre étude montre les résultats suivants : (i) La chaîne de Jiangnan s'est formée par la collision des blocs de Yangtze et Cathaysia entre ca. 865 and 830 Ma ; (ii) Les intrusions granitiques de 830 Ma se sont mises en place dans des formations encaissantes du groupe Sibao plissées et faillées. Les plutons ont été construits par accumulation latérale E-W de filons N-S, avec un écoulement horizontal du magma du sud vers le nord ; (iii). Un cisaillement ductile du haut vers l'Ouest a été reconnu dans la partie supérieure des plutons. Des âges Ar/Ar vers 420 Ma obtenus sur plusieurs grains de muscovite et biotite déformés impliquent que le cisaillement ductile peut être : a) formé pendant l'orogenèse du Paléozoïque inférieur de Chine du Sud, ou b) pendant la mise en place des plutons au Néoprotérozoïque dans une croûte chaude, sous la température de fermeture du chronomètre argon, puis lors de l'orogenèse du Paléozoïque inférieur, ce domaine crustal de Chine du Sud est passé au-dessous de 350°C; (iv) Durant la période 420-240 Ma, la région de Sanfang-Yuanbaoshana connu un refroidissement lent qui pourrait correspondre au ré-équilibrage isostatique de la croûte. / The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt is a NE-SW trending Neoproterozoic collisional suture, marking the boundary between the Yangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block. Its tectonic evolution is still debated. One of the most controversial questions is the timing of the collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks. In order to have a better understanding of this problem, we have collected the sedimentary rocks from the strata both overlying and underlying the Neoproterozoic unconformities to compare the detrital zircon age spectra between them, as well as to compare the detrital zircon spectra of Neoproterozoic sequences among the Yangtze, Jiangnan and Cathaysia regions. Moreover, we paid attention to the Neoproterozoic S-type granite plutons located in the western Jiangnan region in order to trace the crustal evolution in the Sanfang-Yuanbaoshan area since 830 Ma by multidisciplinary methods, including structural geology, geochronology, AMS, gravity modelling and Argon isotopic dating.Our study shows that : (i) The Jiangnan Orogenic Belt was built up due to the assembly of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks between ca. 865 and 830 Ma ; (ii) The 830 Ma granitic magma intruded into the pre-existing folds and faults in the Sibao group, the tongue-and/orsill-shaped plutonswere constructed by anE-W lateral accumulation of N-S oriented dykeswith adominantly northward horizontal magma flow from south to north ; (iii)A top-to-the-W ductile shearband has been identified on the top of plutons, (iv) the coherent mica Ar-Ar age of ca. 420 Ma, obtained from the deformed muscovite, implies that this shearing may be formed either a)during the Early Paleozoicorogeny, or b) during the Neoproterozoic plutons emplacement, then the plutons were exhumed by the Paleozoic orogeny ; (iv) During the 420-240 Ma period, the Sanfang-Yuanbaoshan area has experienced a slow cool ingrate, which may correspond to the isostatic re-equilibration of the crust.

Geochemical investigation of the co-evolution of life and environment in the Neoproterozoic Era

Kang, Junyao 19 February 2024 (has links)
The co-evolution of life and the environment stands as a cornerstone in Earth's 4.5-billion-year history. Environmental fluctuations have wielded substantial influence over biological evolution, while life forms have, in turn, reshaped Earth's surface and climate. This dissertation centers on a critical period in Earth's history—the Neoproterozoic Era—when profound environmental shifts potentially catalyzed pivotal eukaryotic evolutionary events. By delving deeper into Neoproterozoic paleoenvironments, I aim at a clearer understanding of life-environment co-evolution in this crucial era. The first chapter focuses on an important juncture—the transition from prokaryote to eukaryote dominance in marine ecosystems during the Tonian Period (1000 Ma to 720 Ma). To assess whether the availability of nitrate, an important macro-nutrient, played a critical role in this evolutionary event, nitrogen isotope compositions (δ<sup>15</sup>N) of marine carbonates from the early Tonian (ca. 1000 Ma to ca. 800 Ma) Huaibei Group in North China were measured. The data indicate nitrate limitation in early Neoproterozoic oceans. Further, a compilation of Proterozoic sedimentary δ<sup>15</sup>N data, together with box model simulations, suggest a ~50% increase in marine nitrate availability at ~800 Ma. Limited nitrate availability in early Neoproterozoic oceans may have delayed the ecological rise of eukaryotes until ~800 Ma when increased nitrate supply, together with other environmental and ecological factors, may have contributed to the transition from prokaryote-dominant to eukaryote-dominant marine ecosystems. Recognizing the spatial and temporal variations in Neoproterozoic oceanic environments, the second chapter lays the groundwork for a robust stratigraphic framework for the early Tonian Period. Employing the dynamic time warping algorithm, I constructed a global stratigraphic framework for the early Tonian Period using δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> data from the North China, São Francisco, and Congo cratons. This exercise confirms the generally narrow range of δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> fluctuations in the early Tonian, but also confirms the presence of a negative δ<sup>13</sup>C<sub>carb</sub> excursion of notable magnitude (~9 ‰) at ca. 920 Ma in multiple records, suggesting that it was global in scope. This negative excursion, known as the Majiatun excursion, is likely the oldest negative excursion in the Neoproterozoic Era and marks the onset of the dynamic Neoproterozoic carbon cycle. Shifting focus to the late Neoproterozoic, the third chapter delves into the origins of Neoproterozoic superheavy pyrite, whose bulk-sample δ<sup>34</sup>S values are greater than those of contemporaneous seawater sulfate and whose origins remain controversial. Two supervised machine learning algorithms were trained on a large LA-ICP-MS pyrite trace element database to distinguish pyrite of different origins. The analysis validates that two models built on the co-behavior of 12 trace elements (Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Sb, Te, Au, Tl, and Pb) can be used to accurately predict pyrite origins. This novel approach was then used to identify the origins of pyrite from two Neoproterozoic sedimentary successions in South China. The first set of samples contains isotopically superheavy pyrite from the Cryogenian Tiesi'ao and Datangpo formations. The second set of samples contains pyritic rims from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation; these pyrite rims are associated with fossiliferous chert nodules and do not have superheavy sulfur isotopes. For the superheavy pyrite, the models consistently show high confidence levels in identifying its genesis type, and three out of four samples were inferred to be of sedimentary origins. For the pyritic nodule rims, the models suggest that early diagenetic pyrite was subsequently altered by hydrothermal fluids and therefore shows mixed signals. The third chapter highlights the importance of pyrite trace elements in deciphering and distinguishing the origins of pyrite in sedimentary strata. / Doctor of Philosophy / Understanding how life and the environment have shaped our planet's story over 4.5 billion years is like piecing together an intricate puzzle. On the one hand, changes in the environment kickstarted big shifts in how life evolved. On the other hand, living creatures have also left their mark on Earth's landscapes and climate. This dissertation focuses on unraveling the mysterious Neoproterozoic Era (1 billion to 538 million years ago), a time when Earth saw some of its most dramatic changes. A significant aspect of my investigation delves into the evolutionary dynamics within ancient marine ecosystems. Specifically, I'm exploring a critical juncture when organisms with more complex cellular structures, known as eukaryotes, became ecologically more important than prokaryotic life forms in many aspects of Earth systems. By examining ancient rock formations from China, I have found evidence suggesting that nitrate, a vital nutrient, was scarce in the Neoproterozoic oceans. However, around 800 million years ago, there appears to have been a significant surge in nitrate availability. This surge potentially catalyzed a pivotal phase in evolution, possibly driving the shift from prokaryote to eukaryote dominance in these ancient waters. Second, there is a challenge to delineate a robust timeline for the early Neoproterozoic Era. Imagine trying to piece together a story from a time when there were no calendars or clear dates. Employing advanced statistical methods and comparing chemical signals preserved in carbonate rocks from disparate global locations, I endeavor to craft a coherent timeline for this crucial period. Within this timeline, a noteworthy anomaly in the carbon cycle emerged around 920 million years ago known as the Majiatun excursion. This anomaly represents a significant shift in the Neoproterozoic carbon cycle. Furthermore, my investigation plunges into the geochemistry of sulfur, an important element in shaping ancient marine environments. Certain sedimentary rocks harbor anomalous sulfur isotope signatures in the mineral pyrite (also known as fool's gold), hinting at dramatic environmental transformations during the late Neoproterozoic. Employing advanced analytical techniques and machine learning methodologies, I seek to discern the origins and implications of these anomalous sulfur isotope signals found in pyrite, unraveling their significance in reconstructing the environmental dynamics of ancient oceans.

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