Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bnetwork 2security."" "subject:"bnetwork bsecurity.""
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<p><em>Imbulgoda Liyangahawatte, Gihan Janith Mendis Ph.D., Purdue University, May</em></p>
<p><em>2023. Deep learning for securing critical infrastructure with the emphasis on power</em></p>
<p><em>systems and wireless communication. Major Professor: Dr. Jin Kocsis.</em></p>
<p><em>Critical infrastructures, such as power systems and communication</em></p>
<p><em>infrastructures, are of paramount importance to the welfare and prosperity of</em></p>
<p><em>modern societies. Therefore, critical infrastructures have a high vulnerability to</em></p>
<p><em>attacks from adverse parties. Subsequent to the advancement of cyber technologies,</em></p>
<p><em>such as information technology, embedded systems, high-speed connectivity, and</em></p>
<p><em>real-time data processing, the physical processes of critical infrastructures are often</em></p>
<p><em>monitored and controlled through cyber systems. Therefore, modern critical</em></p>
<p><em>infrastructures are often viewed as cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Incorporating</em></p>
<p><em>cyber elements into physical processes increases efficiency and control. However, it</em></p>
<p><em>also increases the vulnerability of the systems to potential cybersecurity threats. In</em></p>
<p><em>addition to cyber-level attacks, attacks on the cyber-physical interface, such as the</em></p>
<p><em>corruption of sensing data to manipulate physical operations, can exploit</em></p>
<p><em>vulnerabilities in CPSs. Research on data-driven security methods for such attacks,</em></p>
<p><em>focusing on applications related to electrical power and wireless communication</em></p>
<p><em>critical infrastructure CPSs, are presented in this dissertation. As security methods</em></p>
<p><em>for electrical power systems, deep learning approaches were proposed to detect</em></p>
<p><em>adversarial sensor signals targeting smart grids and more electric aircraft.</em></p>
<p><em>Considering the security of wireless communication systems, deep learning solutions</em></p>
<p><em>were proposed as an intelligent spectrum sensing approach and as a primary user</em></p>
<p><em>emulation (PUE) attacks detection method on the wideband spectrum. The recent</em></p>
<p><em>abundance of micro-UASs can enable the use of weaponized micro-UASs to conduct</em></p>
<p><em>physical attacks on critical infrastructures. As a solution for this, the radio</em></p>
<p><em>frequency (RF) signal-analyzing deep learning method developed for spectrum</em></p>
<p><em>sensing was adopted to realize an intelligent radar system for micro-UAS detection.</em></p>
<p><em>This intelligent radar can be used to provide protection against micro-UAS-based</em></p>
<p><em>physical attacks on critical infrastructures.</em></p>
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ASSESSING COMMON CONTROL DEFICIENCIES IN CMMC NON-COMPLIANT DOD CONTRACTORSVijayaraghavan Sundararajan (12980984) 05 July 2022 (has links)
<p> As cyber threats become highly damaging and complex, a new cybersecurity compliance certification model has been developed by the Department of Defense (DoD) to secure its Defense Industrial Base (DIB), and communication with its private partners. These partners or contractors are obligated by the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations (DFARS) to be compliant with the latest standards in computer and data security. The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), and it is built upon existing DFARS 252.204-7012 and the NIST SP 800-171 controls. As of 2020, the DoD has incorporated DFARS and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommended security practices into what is now the CMMC. This thesis examines the most commonly identified security control deficiencies faced, the attacks mitigated by addressing these deficiencies, and suggested remediations, to 127 DoD contractors in order to bring them into compliance with the CMMC guidelines. By working with a compliance service provider, an analysis is done on how companies are undergoing and implementing important changes in their processes, to protect crucial information from ever-growing and looming cyber threats. </p>
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Förändrade säkerhetsrutiner för IT-ansvariga vid arbete på distans : En studie genomförd på små och medelstora företag i Sverige / Changed security routines for IT-responsible when working remotelyBoberg, Filip, Nilsson, Elias January 2022 (has links)
The global Covid-19 pandemic have led to a lot of people working remote, the number of attacks on organizations also increased with teleworking, which means that organizations need to secure their networks to telework safely. The study examines how IT managers at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) communicate to their end users about new and changed threats in telework, how the IT-responsible guide end users on how to work safely in telework and what other methods have been implemented to secure teleworking. The study was carried out by examining previous literature in the field to compile an interview guide with relevant questions. The study had a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews were used to collect the empirical data, after which the data was thematically analyzed. The result from the study shows that IT managers used a lot of emails and referred to their intranet to inform their end users about new and changed threats, but also used meetings and seminars to inform end users. To guide end users when working remotely the IT managers implemented policies on what they could and couldn’t do. There were also guides to show end users how they should work properly. Additional key aspects were to educate their end users and to offer the end users IT support with eventual problems with help from a service desk. The study contributes with a deeper understanding of the various methods and solutions that the IT managers at SME have implemented. Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations were given to small and medium-sized companies: To implement multifactor authentication and that all devices must have updated antivirus and secure remote access to local resources. You should also get a service that enables digital communication and document sharing. Additional recommendations were to inform end users about new and changing threats using intranets, emails or additional mediation methods. Implement policies and guides that guide end users around how to work safely and what they may and may not do while teleworking. Final recommendations are to educate end users to recognize common threats such as phishing by e-mail and to provide IT support to end users with the help of a service desk. As well as providing end users with the hardware that they need for teleworking such as printers. / På grund av den globala Covid-19 pandemin har ett stort antal människor jobbat på distans. Med distansarbete ökade även antalet angrepp mot organisationer vilket medförde att organisationer behövde säkra upp sina nätverk för att utföra distansarbete på ett säkert sätt. Studien undersöker hur IT-ansvariga på små och medelstora företag (SMF) förmedlar till sina slutanvändare om nya och förändrade hot vid distansarbete, hur IT-ansvariga vägleder slutanvändare kring hur de skall jobba säkert vid distansarbete samt vilka övriga metoder som har implementerats för att säkra upp distansarbete. Studien utfördes genom att tidigare litteratur inom området granskades för att kunna sammanställa en intervjuguide med relevanta frågor. Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ ansats där semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för att samla in empirin, därefter analyserades den insamlade empiri tematiskt. Resultatet från studien visar att IT-ansvariga använde sig mycket av mejl och hänvisade till deras intranät för att informera sina slutanvändare kring nya och förändrade hot, men även i mindre grad möten och seminarium. För att vägleda slutanvändare vid arbete på distans hade IT-ansvariga implementerat policyer om vad man fick och inte fick göra. Det fanns även guider för att visa hur slutanvändare skulle arbeta rätt. Ytterligare nyckelaspekter var att utbilda sina slutanvändare och att vid problem kunna erbjuda slutanvändare IT-stöd med hjälp av tillexempel en servicedesk. Studien bidrar med djupare förståelse över de olika metoderna och lösningarna som IT-ansvariga på SMF har implementerat. Utifrån studiens resultat ges följande rekommendationer till små och medelstora företag: Att implementera multifaktorautentisering samt att alla enheter skall ha uppdaterat antivirus och säker fjärråtkomst till lokala resurser. Bör även skaffa en tjänst som möjliggör digital kommunikation och dokumentdelning. Ytterligare rekommendationer var att informera slutanvändare om nya och förändrade hot med hjälp av intranät, mejl eller ytterligare förmedlingsmetoder. Implementera policys och guider som vägleder slutanvändare runt hur de skall arbeta säkert och vad de får och inte får göra vid distansarbete. Slutliga rekommendationer är att utbilda slutanvändare att känna igen vanligare hot som nätfiske via e-post och ge IT-stöd till slutanvändare vid problem med hjälp av en servicedesk. Samt att slutanvändare har den hårdvara som krävs för att kunna arbeta på distans som tillexempel printers.
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Information-Theoretic Framework for Network Anomaly Detection: Enabling online application of statistical learning models to high-speed traffic / ITF-NAD : Ett informationsteoretiskt ramverk för realtidsdetektering av nätverksanomalierDamour, Gabriel January 2019 (has links)
With the current proliferation of cyber attacks, safeguarding internet facing assets from network intrusions, is becoming a vital task in our increasingly digitalised economies. Although recent successes of machine learning (ML) models bode the dawn of a new generation of intrusion detection systems (IDS); current solutions struggle to implement these in an efficient manner, leaving many IDSs to rely on rule-based techniques. In this paper we begin by reviewing the different approaches to feature construction and attack source identification employed in such applications. We refer to these steps as the framework within which models are implemented, and use it as a prism through which we can identify the challenges different solutions face, when applied in modern network traffic conditions. Specifically, we discuss how the most popular framework -- the so called flow-based approach -- suffers from significant overhead being introduced by its resource heavy pre-processing step. To address these issues, we propose the Information Theoretic Framework for Network Anomaly Detection (ITF-NAD); whose purpose is to facilitate online application of statistical learning models onto high-speed network links, as well as provide a method of identifying the sources of traffic anomalies. Its development was inspired by previous work on information theoretic-based anomaly and outlier detection, and employs modern techniques of entropy estimation over data streams. Furthermore, a case study of the framework's detection performance over 5 different types of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks is undertaken, in order to illustrate its potential use for intrusion detection and mitigation. The case study resulted in state-of-the-art performance for time-anomaly detection of single source as well as distributed attacks, and show promising results regarding its ability to identify underlying sources. / I takt med att antalet cyberattacker växer snabbt blir det alltmer viktigt för våra digitaliserade ekonomier att skydda uppkopplade verksamheter från nätverksintrång. Maskininlärning (ML) porträtteras som ett kraftfullt alternativ till konventionella regelbaserade lösningar och dess anmärkningsvärda framgångar bådar för en ny generation detekteringssytem mot intrång (IDS). Trots denna utveckling, bygger många IDS:er fortfarande på signaturbaserade metoder, vilket förklaras av de stora svagheter som präglar många ML-baserade lösningar. I detta arbete utgår vi från en granskning av nuvarande forskning kring tillämpningen av ML för intrångsdetektering, med fokus på de nödvändiga steg som omger modellernas implementation inom IDS. Genom att sätta upp ett ramverk för hur variabler konstrueras och identifiering av attackkällor (ASI) utförs i olika lösningar, kan vi identifiera de flaskhalsar och begränsningar som förhindrar deras praktiska implementation. Särskild vikt läggs vid analysen av de populära flödesbaserade modellerna, vars resurskrävande bearbetning av rådata leder till signifikant tidsfördröjning, vilket omöjliggör deras användning i realtidssystem. För att bemöta dessa svagheter föreslår vi ett nytt ramverk -- det informationsteoretiska ramverket för detektering av nätverksanomalier (ITF-NAD) -- vars syfte är att möjliggöra direktanslutning av ML-modeller över nätverkslänkar med höghastighetstrafik, samt tillhandahåller en metod för identifiering av de bakomliggande källorna till attacken. Ramverket bygger på modern entropiestimeringsteknik, designad för att tillämpas över dataströmmar, samt en ASI-metod inspirerad av entropibaserad detektering av avvikande punkter i kategoriska rum. Utöver detta presenteras en studie av ramverkets prestanda över verklig internettrafik, vilken innehåller 5 olika typer av överbelastningsattacker (DoS) genererad från populära DDoS-verktyg, vilket i sin tur illustrerar ramverkets användning med en enkel semi-övervakad ML-modell. Resultaten visar på hög nivå av noggrannhet för detektion av samtliga attacktyper samt lovande prestanda gällande ramverkets förmåga att identifiera de bakomliggande aktörerna.
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Attribute-Based Encryption with dynamic attribute feature applied in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks / Attributbaserad kryptering med dynamisk attributfunktion tillämpad i fordonsbaserade ad hoc-nätverkHuang, Zijian January 2022 (has links)
The Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (VANET) is a promising approach for future Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) implementation. The data transmission is wireless primarily in the VANET system. The secure data transmission in VANET attracts research attention without any doubt. The Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) provides an encrypted access control mechanism for broadcasting messages in VANET. The user’s attributes stand for its current property. However, if we apply vehicle location as the attribute, this attribute has to keep up-to-date with the vehicle’s movement. It is not easy for current CP-ABE algorithms because whenever one attribute changes, the entire private key, which is based on all the attributes, must be changed. In this thesis, we apply fading function to realize the “dynamic attribute” feature in CP-ABE. The dynamic attribute allows the user to update each attribute separately, and fading function gives each attribute a valid period. We introduce the dynamic attribute feature to three different CP-ABE algorithms. Then we design a VANET system that applies the CP-ABE with dynamic attribute feature. We evaluate the processing time of three different CP-ABE algorithms. We apply two different pairing curves for different security requirements. Our results show that the introduction of fading function does not cause significant extra time cost to current CP-ABE algorithms. The fading function causes extra 0.2ms on average for each attribute that participates in encryption and decryption. The sum-up time for encryption and decryption is between 100ms to 200ms when there are ten attributes participating in encryption and decryption. / VANET är ett lovande tillvägagångssätt för framtida genomförande av ITS. Dataöverföringen är i första hand trådlös i VANET-systemet. Den säkra dataöverföringen i VANET är utan tvekan föremål för forskningens uppmärksamhet. CP-ABE ger en krypterad åtkomstkontrollmekanism för sändning av meddelanden i VANET. Användarens attribut står för dennes aktuella egenskaper. Men om vi använder fordonets position som attribut måste detta attribut hålla sig uppdaterat med fordonets rörelse. Det är inte lätt för de nuvarande CP-ABE-algoritmerna eftersom hela den privata nyckeln, som är baserad på alla attribut, måste ändras när ett attribut ändras. I den här avhandlingen tillämpar vi fading-funktionen för att realisera funktionen ”dynamiskt attribut” i CP-ABE. Det dynamiska attributet gör det möjligt för användaren att uppdatera varje attribut separat, och fading-funktionen ger varje attribut en giltighetstid. Vi inför den dynamiska attributfunktionen i tre olika CP-ABE-algoritmer. Därefter utformar vi ett VANET-system som tillämpar CP-ABE med dynamisk attributfunktion. Vi utvärderar tidsåtgången för tre olika CP-ABE-algoritmer. Vi tillämpar två olika parningskurvor för olika säkerhetskrav. Våra resultat visar att införandet av fading-funktionen inte orsakar någon betydande tidsåtgång för de nuvarande CP-ABE-algoritmerna. Fading-funktionen orsakar i genomsnitt 0,2 ms extra för varje attribut som deltar i kryptering och dekryptering. Den sammanlagda tiden för kryptering och dekryptering är mellan 100 och 200 ms när tio attribut deltar i kryptering och dekryptering.
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Impact of interfering rouge access points on modulationand coding in IoT network / Påverkan av störande obehörigaåtkomstpunkter på modulation ochkodning i IoT-nätverkSaif, Amgad Shaher January 2023 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis presents an in-depth investigation into the effects of RogueAccess Point interference within Internet of Things networks. The study focuses onthe impact of rogue APs on the modulation and coding scheme indices, round triptime, and overall network performance. The presence of a rogue AP was found toshift devices from dual-stream to single-stream operation, causing a decrease in themodulation and coding scheme indices and data rates. Additionally, a significantincrease in round trip time was observed, emphasizing the detrimental impact ofrogue AP interference on network latency. The insights gained from this researchcontribute to a greater understanding of the challenges posed by rogue APinterference. This deeper comprehension paves the way for devising effectivestrategies to mitigate these impacts, thereby enhancing the reliability, security, andperformance of IoT networks. / Detta examensarbete presenterar en grundlig undersökning av effekterna avstörande åtkomstpunkter (Rogue Access Points) inom nätverk för Sakernas Internet(Internet of Things). Studien fokuserar på störande åtkomstpunkter inverkan påmodulations- och kodningsschemaindex (MCS), round trip time och denövergripande nätverksprestandan. När en störande åtkomstpunkt blev närvarandetvingades enheterna att omställa sig från att använda dubbelströmsoperation tillenkelströmsoperation, vilket ledde till en minskning av MCS-index ochdatahastigheter. Dessutom observerades en betydande ökning av RTT, vilketbetonar den skadliga inverkan av störande åtkomstpunkt interferens pånätverkslatens. De insikter som vunnits bidrar till en större förståelse för deutmaningar som störande åtkomstpunkter interferens medför. Denna djupareförståelse banar väg för att utforma effektiva strategier för att mildra dessa effekter,vilket i sin tur förbättrar tillförlitligheten, säkerheten och prestanda för IoT-nätverk.
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thesis.pdfJianliang Wu (15926933) 30 May 2023 (has links)
<p>Bluetooth is the de facto standard for short-range wireless communications. Besides Bluetooth Classic (BC), Bluetooth also consists of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Bluetooth Mesh (Mesh), two relatively new protocols, paving the way for its domination in the era of IoT and 5G. Meanwhile, attacks against Bluetooth, such as BlueBorne, BleedingBit, KNOB, BIAS, and BThack, have been booming in the past few years, impacting the security and privacy of billions of devices. These attacks exploit both design issues in the Bluetooth specification and vulnerabilities of its implementations, allowing for privilege escalation, remote code execution, breaking cryptography, spoofing, device tracking, etc.</p>
<p>To secure Bluetooth, researchers have proposed different approaches for both Bluetooth specification (e.g., formal analysis) and implementation (e.g., fuzzing). However, existing analyses of the Bluetooth specification and implementations are either done manually, or the automatic approaches only cover a small part of the targets. As a consequence, current research is far from complete in securing Bluetooth.</p>
<p>Therefore, in this dissertation, we propose the following research to provide missing pieces in prior research toward completing Bluetooth security research in terms of both Bluetooth specification and implementations. (i) For Bluetooth security at the specification level, we start from one protocol in Bluetooth, BLE, and focus on the previously unexplored reconnection procedure of two paired BLE devices. We conduct a formal analysis of this procedure defined in the BLE specification to provide security guarantees and identify new vulnerabilities that allow spoofing attacks. (ii) Besides BLE, we then formally verify other security-critical protocols in all Bluetooth protocols (BC, BLE, and Mesh). We provide a comprehensive formal analysis by covering the aspects that prior research fails to include (i.e., all possible combinations of protocols and protocol configurations) and considering a more realistic attacker model (i.e., semi-compromised device). With this model, we are able to rediscover five known vulnerabilities and reveal two new issues that affect BC/BLE dual-stack devices and Mesh devices, respectively. (iii) In addition to the formal analysis of specification security, we propose and build a comprehensive formal model to analyze Bluetooth privacy (i.e., device untraceability) at the specification level. In this model, we convert device untraceability into a reachability problem so that it can be verified using existing tools without introducing false results. We discover four new issues allowed in the specification that can lead to eight device tracking attacks. We also evaluate these attacks on 13 Bluetooth implementations and find that all of them are affected by at least two issues. (iv) At the implementation level, we improve Bluetooth security by debloating (i.e., removing code) Bluetooth stack implementations, which differs from prior automatic approaches, such as fuzzing. We keep only the code of needed functionality by a user and minimize their Bluetooth attack surface by removing unneeded Bluetooth features in both the host stack code and the firmware. Through debloating, we can remove 20 known CVEs and prevent a wide range of attacks again Bluetooth. With the research presented in this thesis, we improve Bluetooth security and privacy at both the specification and implementation levels.</p>
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An Efficient and Secure Overlay Network for General Peer-to-Peer SystemsWANG, HONGHAO 22 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Effects of Behavioral Decision-Making in Game-theoretic Frameworks for Security Resource Allocation in Networked SystemsMustafa Abdallah (13150149) 26 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Facing increasingly sophisticated attacks from external adversaries, interdependent systems owners have to judiciously allocate their (often limited) security budget in order to reduce their cyber risks. However, when modeling human decision-making, behavioral economics has shown that humans consistently deviate from classical models of decision-making. Most notably, prospect theory, for which Kahneman won the 2002 Nobel memorial prize in economics, argues that humans perceive gains, losses and probabilities in a skewed manner. While there is a rich literature on prospect theory in economics and psychology, most of the existing work studying the security of interdependent systems does not take into account the aforementioned biases.</p>
<p>In this thesis, we propose novel mathematical behavioral security game models for the study of human decision-making in interdependent systems modeled by directed attack graphs. We show that behavioral biases lead to suboptimal resource allocation patterns. We also analyze the outcomes of protecting multiple isolated assets with heterogeneous valuations via decision- and game-theoretic frameworks, including simultaneous and sequential games. We show that behavioral defenders over-invest in higher-valued assets compared to rational defenders. We then propose different learning-based techniques and adapt two different tax-based mechanisms for guiding behavioral decision-makers towards optimal security investment decisions. In particular, we show the outcomes of such learning and mechanisms on four realistic interdependent systems. In total, our research establishes rigorous frameworks to analyze the security of both large-scale interdependent systems and heterogeneous isolated assets managed by human decision makers, and provides new and important insights into security vulnerabilities that arise in such settings. </p>
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Advanced metering infrastructure reference model with automated cyber security analysisBlom, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
European Union has set a target to install nearly 200 million smart metersspread over Europe before 2020, this leads into a vast increase of sensitiveinformation flow for Distribution System Operators (DSO’s), simultaneously thisleads to raised cyber security threats. The in and outgoing information of the DSOneeds to be processed and stored by different Information technology (IT)- andOperational Technology (OT)-systems depending on the information. High demandsare therefore required of the enterprise cyber security to be able to protect theenterprise IT- and OT-systems. Sensitive customer information and a variety ofservices and functionality is examples that could be fatal to a DSO if compromised.For instance, if someone with bad intentions has the possibility to tinker with yourelectricity, while you’re away on holiday. If they succeed with the attack and shuttingdown the house electricity, your food stored in your fridge and freezer would mostlikely to be rotted, additionally damage from defrost water leaking could cause severedamaging on walls and floors. In this thesis, a detailed reference model of theadvanced metering architecture (AMI) has been produced to support enterprisesinvolved in the process of implementing smart meter architecture and to adapt to newrequirements regarding cyber security. This has been conduct using foreseeti's toolsecuriCAD, foreseeti is a proactive cyber security company using architecturemanagement. SecuriCAD is a modeling tool that can conduct cyber security analysis,where the user can see how long time it would take for a professional penetrationtester to penetrate the systems in the model depending of the set up and defenseattributes of the architecture. By varying defense mechanisms of the systems, fourscenarios have been defined and used to formulate recommendations based oncalculations of the advanced meter architecture. Recommendation in brief: Use smalland distinct network zones with strict communication rules between them. Do diligentsecurity arrangements for the system administrator PC. The usage of IntrusionProtection System (IPS) in the right fashion can delay the attacker with a percentageof 46% or greater. / Europeiska Unionen har satt upp ett mål att installera nära 200miljoner smarta elmätare innan år 2020, spritt utöver Europa, implementeringen ledertill en rejäl ökning av känsliga dataflöden för El-distributörer och intresset av cyberattacker ökar. Både ingående och utgående information behöver processas och lagraspå olika IT- och OT-system beroende på informationen. Höga krav gällande ITsäkerhet ställs för att skydda till exempel känslig kundinformation samt en mängdvarierande tjänster och funktioner som är implementerade i systemen. Typer avattacker är till exempel om någon lyckats få kontroll over eltillgängligheten och skullestänga av elektriciteten till hushåll vilket skulle till exempel leda till allvarligafuktskador till följd av läckage från frysen. I den här uppsatsen så har en tillräckligtdetaljerad referens modell för smart elmätar arkitektur tagits fram för att möjliggörasäkerhetsanalyser och för att underlätta för företag i en potentiell implementation avsmart elmätare arkitektur. Ett verktyg som heter securiCAD som är utvecklat avforeseeti har använts för att modellera arkitekturen. securiCAD är ett modelleringsverktyg som använder sig av avancerade beräknings algoritmer för beräkna hur långtid det skulle ta för en professionell penetrationstestare att lyckats penetrera de olikasystem med olika sorters attacker beroende på försvarsmekanismer och hurarkitekturen är uppbyggd. Genom att variera systemens försvar och processer så harfyra scenarion definierats. Med hjälp av resultaten av de fyra scenarierna så harrekommendationer tagits fram. Rekommendationer i korthet: Använd små ochdistinkta nätverkszoner med tydliga regler som till exempel vilka system som fårkommunicera med varandra och vilket håll som kommunikationen är tillåten.Noggranna säkerhetsåtgärder hos systemadministratörens dator. Användningen avIPS: er, genom att placera och använda IPS: er på rätt sätt så kan man fördröjaattacker med mer än 46% enligt jämförelser mellan de olika scenarier.
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