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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nové Město pražské ve světle vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru z roku 1725 / New Town of Prague in the Light of the Inspection Protocol of the Theresian Cadastre of 1725

Fúrová, Pavlína January 2019 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis follows up on the prior attempts to introduce and make available a unique historical source called the inspection protocol of the Theresian Cadastre for Prague towns from 1725 to 1726. This thesis focuses on the New Town, but in some cases it also compares the obtained data with the Old Town and Lesser Town. The theoretical part discusses a whole range of questions that can be answered based on the New Town inspection protocol. The questions include the total number of houses or their division by taxation, house prices as well as occupation and income of homeowners. The houses exterior is evaluated based on the building condition, the material used and the number of storeys. It is possible to study the size of areas that are not built on thanks to an accurate register of garden size. Moreover, this part also concentrates on beer brewing and consumption in New Town pubs. The small scope of the theoretical part is compensated by a content-rich appendix (database), which is in fact an edition of the source in a nontraditional form. It is intended for all scholars interested in Prague residential buildings in the Baroque period. The data from the inspection protocol can be used to compile a history of individual buildings and to study the demographic, social, economic...

Villes nouvelles métropolitaines du XXe siècle dans le monde : observation, représentations et identité des paysages urbains / Metropolitan New Towns of the 20th Century in the World : Observation, Representations and Identity of Townscapes

Motta, Caroline 10 December 2013 (has links)
La multiplication de l’alternative d’aménagement « ville nouvelle » à proximité des métropoles au XXe siècle dans le monde, laisse a priori croire à la reproduction d’un archétype urbain, la « cité-jardin » et a posteriori, attendre une évolution vers un prototype propre au XXIe siècle. Ces postulats incitent à un approfondissement sur la forme existante et l’image reflétée : quel paysage urbain fabriqué et à fabriquer. En ce sens, cette thèse de doctorat permet d’exploiter le binôme « ville nouvelle/paysage urbain ».De l’observation à la qualification, l’analyse s’appuie sur les pratiques traditionnelles des précurseurs du townscape (lectures pittoresque et morphologique, analyse séquentielle, silhouette, inventaire urbain), par le biais d’images fixes (photographies) et d’images en mouvement (vidéo) recueillies en France, Chine, Pays-Bas, Finlande, États-Unis et Angleterre. Les composantes de l’aménagement sont développées selon quatre thématiques : le(s) centre(s) ville(s), le tissu minéral (de la mobilité), le tissu de nature, et le « tissu vertical » ou membrane architecturale. Face au constat du manque de renouvellement dans l’interprétation graphique du paysage, une représentation prenant en compte l’expérience sensible de type « carte d’identité » est encouragée. Pluridisciplinaire, achronique et internationale, notre recherche confirme l’identité conceptuelle de la « ville nouvelle métropolitaine » du XXe siècle en s’écartant de l’idée de modèle urbain ; elle reconnait au paysage ses qualités in-transposables et sa capacité de levier dans l’aménagement du territoire ; elle accentue le rôle de l’esthétique urbaine contribuant au plaisir des « villeneuviens ». / The proliferation of new towns as an alternative development near the metropolis in the 20th Century in the world, a priori suggests the reproduction of an urban archetype, the “garden city”, a posteriori a change towards a specific 21st Century prototype might be expected. These assumptions encourage a deepening of the existing form and of its reflected image: what type of townscape built and yet to be built. The present doctoral thesis enables us to take advantage of the binomial “new town/townscape”.From observation to qualification, the analysis is based on the precursors of townscape's traditional practices: picturesque survey, serial vision, skyline, urban inventory and morphological reading. The methodology operates mainly through still images (photographs) and moving images (video) collected through fieldwork in France, China, the Netherlands, Finland, the USA and England.The major components of the “metropolitan new towns” development are presented along four themes: multipolarity or town-center(s), mineral fabric or mobility weft, natural fabric and “vertical fabric” or “architectural membrane”. Considering the lack of renewal in the graphic interpretation of townscapes, a representation such as an “Identity Map”, which expresses a more sensitive experience, is proposed.This multidisciplinary, achronic and international research confirms the facial identity of the “metropolitan new town” of the 20th Century, downplaying the notion of an urban model. It recognizes in the townscape both non-transferable qualities and a leveraging potential for territorial development. It emphasizes the role of urban aesthetics in contributing to the pleasure of new town residents.

Territorialisation par "ville nouvelle" au Maghreb. Regard croisé sur les projets d'Ali Mendjeli ( Constantine) et de Tamansourt (Marrakech) / Territorial formation by "new town" in North Africa. Comparative perspective on Ali Mendjeli (Constantine) and Tamansourt (Marrakech) projects

Ballout, Jean-Marie 27 February 2014 (has links)
Si l’expression ville nouvelle n’est plus en vogue dans les discours relatifs aux politiques urbaines des pays occidentaux, c’est l’inverse dans le cas des pays à forte croissance économique et/ou de ceux dits du Sud. Depuis une vingtaine d’années, pour des raisons d’ordres divers les annonces de projets de « villes nouvelles » y sont légions. Dans cette profusion, l’Algérie et le Maroc ne font pas exception. Au milieu des années 2000, le ministère marocain en charge de l’urbanisme et de l’habitat annonce la mise en oeuvre d’un programme de « villes nouvelles » comptant une quinzaine de projets parmi lesquels celui dénommé Tamansourt, situé dans la périphérie de Marrakech. En Algérie, dès 1987, le Schéma national d’aménagement du territoire préconise la création de villes nouvelles dans les régions des Hauts Plateaux et du Sud. Parallèlement, des « villes nouvelles », d’émanation locale sont lancées, c’est le cas d’Ali Mendjeli, proche de Constantine. Partant du postulat que le concept de ville nouvelle est dépassé, nous interrogeons les causesqui incitent l’action publique algérienne et marocaine à tout de même s’en saisir. Pourquoi les pouvoirs publics persistent à faire usage de ce type de politique d’aménagement ? Cette première question en entraîne deux autres, complémentaires : Comment ces politiques sont-elles conduites et quels sont leurs effets territoriaux ? Selon notre première hypothèse, lesefficacités performative et iconique de cette représentation intellectuelle, d’avantage que celle opérationnelle, ont orienté ces options. Notre deuxième hypothèse est qu’il n’y a pas eu de capitalisation des expériences étrangères dans la perspective d’une redéfinition ou d’adaptation du concept. Les modalités d’agir étudiées ne relèvent ni de la planificationurbaine, ni de l’urbanisme de projet, cette affirmation constitue notre troisième hypothèse. Notre quatrième hypothèse est que ces actions sont des vecteurs plus ou moins puissants de reterritorialisation des périphéries de Constantine et Marrakech. Il s’agira de vérifier si l’émergence de centralités et/ou de marges urbaines nouvelles y est observable. Nous voulons vérifier l’idée de l’existence d’un fort décalage entre la « ville nouvelle » idéelle, celle du porteur de projet, et la « ville nouvelle » vécue, c'est-à-dire celle des habitants du quotidien. / If the expression new town is no longer in vogue in the discourse on urban policies of western countries, the reverse is true in the case of countries with strong economic growth and/or those called South countries. For twenty years, for reasons of various orders ads projects "new towns" are legion. In this profusion, Algeria and Morocco are no exception. In the mid-2000s, the moroccan ministry for town planning and housing announced the implementation of a program of "new towns" cash fifteen projects including one called Tamansourt, located in the outskirts of Marrakech. In Algeria, in 1987, the National planning scheme recommends the creation of new towns in the Hauts Plateaux and South. Meanwhile, "new towns", local emanation are launched, that is the case of Ali Mendjeli, near Constantine. Starting from the premise that the concept of new town " exceeded ˮ, we question the reasons prompting the algerian and moroccan public action to still be seized . Why do governments continue to use this type of development policy? This first question leads to two other complementary policies: how are they conducted and what are their territorial effects ? According to our first hypothesis , the performative and iconic efficiencies that intellectual representation, over their feasibility that have guided these options. Our second hypothesis is that there was no capitalization of foreign experiences in the context of redefining and adapting the concept. Studied acting arrangements do not fall under the urban planning or urban planning project , this statement is our third hypothesis. Our fourth hypothesis is that these actions are vectors more or less powerful reterritorialisation the outskirts of Constantine and Marrakech. It will check whether the emergence of centralities and/or new urban marginsis observable. We want to verify the idea of the existence of a wide gap between the "new town" ideational , that the project leader, and the "new town" lived , that is to say that the inhabitants of daily life.

Timóteo: o legado urbano de um projeto industrial / Timóteo: the urban legacy of an industrial project

Quecini, Vanda Maria 03 October 2007 (has links)
Inserida no contexto das cidades empresariais, esta pesquisa objetiva contribuir com ainda incipiente literatura nacional sobre o tema, deixando em segundo plano a abordagem usual que parte da problemática habitacional e direcionando as discussões para o campo da urbanização. Portanto, nessa pesquisa busca-se a compreensão de um processo de urbanização conduzido pela indústria através da construção de cidades novas, mais especificamente das cidades siderúrgicas brasileiras a partir da década de 1940. O método de pesquisa adotado fundamenta-se na contextualização histórica e nos estudos de caso, de forma que dentre os diversos aspectos que tangenciam a questão da produção do urbano pela indústria privilegia-se sua contribuição para a formação e organização do espaço urbano brasileiro no nível local e regional. Assim, apresenta-se e contextualiza-se a ACESITA e Timóteo no processo de industrialização nacional, no universo das cidades siderúrgicas brasileiras, na região do Vale do Rio Doce e do Vale do Aço. Em seguida a leitura da cidade é feita tendo como contraponto a indústria, seja no seu relacionamento com o poder municipal ou com a comunidade local, de modo a que seja possível identificar na cidade atual o legado econômico, político e social da indústria, ou seja, seu legado urbano. / The current research work aims to contribute to the yet-incipient Brazilian literature on company towns departing from the usual approach that considers the housing problem as a starting point the present discussion focus on the field of urbanization instead. Therefore, our goal is to comprehend one special process of urbanization: a process conducted by the industry via the construction of new towns; more precisely, iron-work Brazilian towns built from the decade of 1940s and later. The methodology is based on historical contextualization and case studies in such a way that, among several aspects associated to the industry-dependent generation of the urban space, the main focus is on its local and regional contribution to the formation and organization of the urban space. Therefore, the company ACESITA and the city of Timóteo are presented in the contexts of national industrialization, Brazilian iron-work towns and Vale do Rio Doce and Vale do Aço region. Subsequently, the interpretation of Timóteo is permeated by the industry, considering its role on the municipal authority as well as on the local community. This interpretation allows the identification of the industry legacy on economical, political and social aspects of the current city, therefore its industry urban legacy.

Timóteo: o legado urbano de um projeto industrial / Timóteo: the urban legacy of an industrial project

Vanda Maria Quecini 03 October 2007 (has links)
Inserida no contexto das cidades empresariais, esta pesquisa objetiva contribuir com ainda incipiente literatura nacional sobre o tema, deixando em segundo plano a abordagem usual que parte da problemática habitacional e direcionando as discussões para o campo da urbanização. Portanto, nessa pesquisa busca-se a compreensão de um processo de urbanização conduzido pela indústria através da construção de cidades novas, mais especificamente das cidades siderúrgicas brasileiras a partir da década de 1940. O método de pesquisa adotado fundamenta-se na contextualização histórica e nos estudos de caso, de forma que dentre os diversos aspectos que tangenciam a questão da produção do urbano pela indústria privilegia-se sua contribuição para a formação e organização do espaço urbano brasileiro no nível local e regional. Assim, apresenta-se e contextualiza-se a ACESITA e Timóteo no processo de industrialização nacional, no universo das cidades siderúrgicas brasileiras, na região do Vale do Rio Doce e do Vale do Aço. Em seguida a leitura da cidade é feita tendo como contraponto a indústria, seja no seu relacionamento com o poder municipal ou com a comunidade local, de modo a que seja possível identificar na cidade atual o legado econômico, político e social da indústria, ou seja, seu legado urbano. / The current research work aims to contribute to the yet-incipient Brazilian literature on company towns departing from the usual approach that considers the housing problem as a starting point the present discussion focus on the field of urbanization instead. Therefore, our goal is to comprehend one special process of urbanization: a process conducted by the industry via the construction of new towns; more precisely, iron-work Brazilian towns built from the decade of 1940s and later. The methodology is based on historical contextualization and case studies in such a way that, among several aspects associated to the industry-dependent generation of the urban space, the main focus is on its local and regional contribution to the formation and organization of the urban space. Therefore, the company ACESITA and the city of Timóteo are presented in the contexts of national industrialization, Brazilian iron-work towns and Vale do Rio Doce and Vale do Aço region. Subsequently, the interpretation of Timóteo is permeated by the industry, considering its role on the municipal authority as well as on the local community. This interpretation allows the identification of the industry legacy on economical, political and social aspects of the current city, therefore its industry urban legacy.

Rekatolizace v městech pražských v době pobělohorské. Nové Město pražské v kontextu procesu katolické konfesionalizace / Catholic Reformation in the Prague Towns after the Battle of the White Mountain. Prague's New Town in a context of the process of the catholic confessionalisation

Fejtová, Olga January 2011 (has links)
Catholic Reformation in the Prague Towns after the Battle of White Mountain. Prague's New Town in a context of the process of the catholic confessionalisation Abstract Olga Fejtová This thesis' methodological ground is a conception of both clerical and secular politics of recatholisation in a relation to Prague's New Town within the Post-White-Mountain period as part of a process of confessionalisation, i. e catholic confessialisation, within the paradigm that was introduced into European historiography in 1980s . The recatholisation within Bohemian lands in relationship to the paradigm of confessionalisation invokes a strategy of state and clerical power. Its enforcement and exercise in political practice were illustrated by normative materials that represented attendant signs of a development of the catholic confessionalisation. The target of this thesis is firstly to describe the progress of politics concerning recatholisation in a relationship to one of Prague's towns by using contemporary decrees of both secular and clerical origin. Furthermore, it shall investigate issues echoing within and from life of the New-Prague-Town's society of the 17th century. This within both public and private spheres of burgess' life. In order to reveal a correct reflection of the whole structure of the progression...

Healthy city in Tseung Kwan O: urban planningin Hong Kong into the 21st century

Lee, Ping-kuen, Felix., 李炳權. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

The impact of new town development on urban trees in Hong Kong

Yip, Chiu-wah, Regina., 葉昭華. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Geography and Geology / Master / Master of Philosophy

Vývoj vztahu ke vzdělání v 17. století ve světle měšťanských testamentů (příklad Nového Města pražského) / Development of Relations for Education in the 17th century in the Context of Burghers' Testaments (Example of New Town Prague)

Richter Musilová, Oldřiška January 2016 (has links)
The Development of Relations to Education in the 17th Century in the Context of Burgher Testaments (the Example of New Prague Town) Abstract Early modern testaments represent a unique source of information about many areas of life at a given historical period. They are frequently used in various areas of historical research, including Czech historiography and its new cultural history. Although the cultural history covers many topics, surprisingly, the field of education has been somewhat forgotten. The testaments, which unite the official information and personal testimonies, provide a unique chance to see the attitude of the society towards education in a historical context of a certain era. The testaments might become important especially when researching those periods of the development of scholarly systems and education that have been overlooked by historians, e.g. the development of town schools; respectively, the development of urban education in the period after the Battle of White Mountain (1620). The limited interest of historians has been caused mainly by the lack of information sources that could explain the changes in the organization of the newly formed confessional educational system after the Battle of White Mountain. These changes launched the process of recatholization of the Czech lands...

Mobilités et processus d'ancrage en ville nouvelle : Marne-la-Vallée, un bassin de vie : étude des mobilités résidentielles et des mobilités quotidiennes / Mobilities and rooted settlement process in new town : Marne-la-Vallée, a population catchment areas : Study of the residential mobilities and the daily mobilities

Brevet, Nathalie 08 December 2008 (has links)
Au cours des années 90, la localisation de l'emploi et de la population, ainsi que la géographie des déplacements en Ile-de-France se sont considérablement modifiées. Les rapports entre le centre de l'agglomération et sa périphérie ont évolué. Les villes nouvelles, qui se sont développées à partir des années soixante, ont largement participé à ce phénomène. Leur contribution à l'évolution des dynamiques territoriales a fait l'objet de différents travaux. En revanche, leur fonctionnement interne a été longtemps peu étudié. C'est dans ce cadre que se situe notre recherche. Outre l'objectif qui leur était assigné de réorganiser la région parisienne, les villes nouvelles devaient aussi, selon leurs concepteurs, constituer de vraies villes. Afin de rendre compte de l'évolution de l'organisation francilienne et de surmonter les difficultés attachées au terme de ville lorsque que l'on parle des villes nouvelles, nous avons adopté pour notre recherche la notion de bassin de vie. Au cours des années quatre-vingts, l'émergence de cette notion, dans le champ de la recherche urbaine et de l'aménagement, témoigne des changements qui ont modifié les dynamiques territoriales. Elle révèle aussi la recherche d'un vocabulaire apte à rendre compte de ces évolutions urbaines. Nous défendons la thèse que, quarante ans après leur création, les villes nouvelles sont devenues, des bassins de vie. Partant de l'hypothèse que les mobilités résidentielles et les mobilités quotidiennes participent à l'émergence d'un bassin de vie et témoignent d'un processus d'ancrage, nous analysons les pratiques de mobilité des habitants. La ville nouvelle de Marne-la-Vallée est notre terrain d'étude. / During the nineties, the localisation of employment and population, as well as commuting trends within the Ile-de-France region, have significantly changed. The relationship between the town centre and its outskirts has developed, challenging therefore the relevance of an interpretation of Ile-de-France based solely on a radioconcentric approach. New towns, which started to emerge in the sixties, have largely contributed to this phenomenon. Various studies have addressed their contribution to the changing nature of territorial dynamics. However, their inner workings were little studied for a long time; this is the framework of our research. Aside from having the initial purpose of reorganizing the Paris region, for their planners, new towns were also meant to be real towns. In order to analyse the development of Francilian organisation and to overcome difficulties relating to the use of the term town when describing new towns, we have adopted the notion of population catchment areas for our research. In the eighties, the emergence of this notion in the field of urban research and planning underlined the changes that had impacted territorial dynamics. It also highlighted the quest for appropriate wording to reflect these urban trends. In our view, forty years following their inception, new towns have since become population catchment areas. Based on the assumption that residential mobility and daily mobility contribute to the creation of a population catchment area and underscore a rooted settlement process, we chose to analyse inhabitants' mobility. Our field of study focuses on the new town of Marne-la-Vallée.

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