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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O sintagma nominal do caboverdiano: uma investigação semântica / Noun phrase of the Cape Verdean language: a semantic investigation

Wania Miranda 28 June 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação realiza uma investigação semântica do sintagma nominal (NP) do caboverdiano, língua falada no arquipélago de Cabo Verde, localizado na costa ocidental africana. As análises concentram-se na variedade de Santiago, ilha em que está localizada a capital do país, a cidade de Praia. Os nomes no caboverdiano, em geral, não são acompanhados de determinante e podem ser interpretados tanto como definidos quanto indefinidos. A utilização de un / uns está, em geral, associada a introdução de novos referentes, seu uso, contudo, não é frequente. Existe, ainda, a partícula kel/kes que parece veicular, entre outras coisas, definitude. Tal emprego, todavia, tampouco se dá frequentemente. O estatuto de kel, em caboverdiano, causa algumas divergências entre os pesquisadores da língua. Alguns autores advogam que ele desempenha, por vezes, o papel de artigo definido (ver, entre outros, (Alexandre and Soares, 2004), (Baptista, 2007), (Quint, 2000)). Discutiremos alguns dos trabalhos que versam sobre o sintagma nominal em caboverdiano, apresentando argumentos que corroboram ou não essa hipótese. A bem da verdade, a maioria das descrições sobre o caboverdiano não manifesta acordo quanto à existência ou não de artigo definido nessa língua. Os que afirmam sua existência parecem, muitas vezes, apresentar análises da língua centradas na descrição e análise do português, principalmente do português europeu. Diante dessa perspectiva, diversos fenômenos idiossincráticos do caboverdiano podem passar despercebidos, como no caso de uma possível contribuição ilocucional do operador uma, outro modificador do sintagma nominal. Este trabalho procura realizar uma análise do caboverdiano centrada nos fatos da própria língua, investigando as diferentes estratégias de interpretação dos nomes, bem como o papel dos elementos que compõem o sintagma nominal. / This dissertation conducts an investigation of the semantic of the noun phrase (NP) Cape Verdean language, spoken in the Cape Verde, archipelago located on the West African coast. The analysis focuses on the Santiago variety. The nouns in the Cape Verdean are generally determinerless and can be interpreted both as definite and indefinite. The introduction of new referents is generally associated with the use of un/uns, its use however is not frequent. There are also the particle kel/kes it seems vehicle, among other things, definiteness. Such employement, however, nor is often gives. The status of kel in Cape Verdean, cause some disagreement among of the language researchers. Some scholars advocate that kel may assume, sometimes, the role of a definite article (see among others (Alexandre and Soares, 2004), (Baptista, 2007), (Quint, 2000)). I will discuss several works which deal with noun phrase in Cape Verdean, revealing arguments which confirm whether or not this hypothesis. In fact, most of the Cape Verdean descriptions not show agreement on the definite article presence or absence in that language. Those who claim its existence often seem to present analysis of the Cape Verdean centered on the description and analysis of the Portuguese, especially European Portuguese. With that prospect, severals idiosyncratic phenomena of the Cape Verde may go unnotice, as in the case of a possible illocutionary contribution of the uma operator, another noun phrase modifier. This work attempt examine of the an Cape Verdean analyse focused on the language facts theirselves, investigating different strategies for nouns interpretation, as well as the elements role on the noun phrase.

Sistemática do gênero Nectomys Peters, 1861 (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) / Systematics of the genus Nectomys Peters, 1860 (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae)

Elisandra de Almeida Chiquito 11 September 2015 (has links)
A tribo Oryzomyini abriga 34 dos 86 gêneros sigmodontíneos e apresenta ampla distribuição geográfica, ocorrendo em diversos habitats desde a Terra do Fogo ao sudeste dos Estados Unidos; com representantes cursoriais, arborícolas ou ainda semi-aquáticos, e com diferentes hábitos alimentares, variando de onívoros a insetívoros. Estudos sistemáticos nessa tribo têm sido desenvolvidos com base em dados de morfologia, morfometria, informações citogenéticas e moleculares, o que vêm contribuindo para o reconhecimento de novos táxons. No entanto, a última revisão taxonômica publicada para o gênero Nectomys data da década de 1940, na qual foi reconhecida apenas uma espécie com diversas subespécies, o que aumentou substancialmente a quantidade de nomes associados ao gênero. Diante disso, o cerne desse estudo foi testar a hipótese levantada por Hershkovitz de que Nectomys é representado por apenas uma espécie com ampla distribuição geográfica pela América do Sul. Para testar essa hipótese, reuni informações acerca dos táxons nominais e empreguei análises de variação geográfica com base na metodologia de transectos, tendo como unidades geográficas as bacias hidrográficas da América do Sul. Para isso, apliquei análises univariadas e multivariadas para dados quantitativos, e frequência de caracteres para dados qualitativos. Os resultados apontaram que o gênero Nectomys é composto por oito entidades, assim nomeadas e distribuídas: N. apicalis, encosta oriental da Cordilheira dos Andes do sul do Peru até o norte da Colômbia, no extremo oeste do Estado do Amazonas, no Brasil; N. magdalenae, ao longo do vale do rio Magdalena e ao norte do vale do rio Cauca, no oeste da Colômbia; N. palmipes, Trinidad e Tobago e nordeste da Venezuela; N. rattus, porção norte e central do Brasil, ao norte da bacia do rio Paraná e a oeste do rio São Francisco, Guiana, Suriname, Guiana Francesa, Venezuela (exceto Península de Paria), e rios Ucayali e Huallaga no Peru; N. saturatus, Ibarra, Equador; N. squamipes, Floresta Atlântica, desde Pernambuco até o Rio Grande do Sul, nos Estados de Minas Gerais e na porção leste do Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraguai e na Província de Misiones, na Argentina; Nectomys sp. A, noroeste da Bolívia, encosta oriental da Cordilheira do Andes; e Nectomys sp. B., Amazônia ocidental, nos rios Purus, Juruá e Javari. As análises que conduzi me permitiram estabelecer que a variação morfológica e citogenética não é aleatória: encontrei descontinuidades nítidas entre amostras ao longo da geografia, e com base no conceito de espécie por mim adotado, estabeleço que estas entidades representam oito espécies distintas. / The tribe Oryzomyini holds 34 of 86 sigmodontine genera and presents a wide geographic distribution, occurring in several habitats from Tierra del Fuego to southeast United States ; it includes cursorial, arboreal and semi-acquatic species with distinct food habits, ranging from omnivorous to insectivorous. Systematic studies in Oryzomyini have been based on morphological and morphometric data, as well cytogenetic and molecular information, which is contributing to recognition of new taxa. However, the latest published taxonomic review of the genus Nectomys date from 1940, where was recognized only one species with several subespecies, what increased substantially the amount of names related to the genus. In this way, the main goal of this study was to test the Hershkovitz\'s hypothesis that Nectomys is represented by only one species widely distributed through South America. To test this hypothesis, I gathered information about the nominal taxa and I employed geographical variation analysis based on the transect method, for what I used the South America river basins as a geographic units. To do so, I applied univariated and multivariated analysis for the quantitative data, and character frequency for the qualitative data. The results suggest the genus Nectomys is composed by eight species, which are so named and distributed: N. apicalis, Andean eastern slope, from southern Peru to northern Colombia, and westernmost Amazonas state, in Brazil; N. magdalenae, through Magdalena and Cauca valleys, in Colombia; N. palmipes, Trinidad and Tobago, and northeast Venezuela; N. rattus, central and north region in Brazil, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyana, Venezuela (except Paria peninsula), and Ucayali and Huallaga rivers in Peru; N. saturatus, Ibarra, Ecuador; N. squamipes, Atlantic Forest, from Pernambuco to Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and eastern Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil, Paraguay, and Misiones province, Argentina; Nectomys sp. A, northwestern Bolivia, in the eastern Andean slope; and Nectomys sp. B., western Amazônia, in Purus, Juruá, and Javari rivers. The analysis conducted allowed me to establish that the cytogenetic and morphologic variation is not random: I found marked discontinuities among samples through the geography, and based on the species concept I adopted, I establish that these entities represent eight distinct species.

O uso das expressões nominais referenciais como recurso de argumentação em ensaios de Roberto Pompeu de Toledo

Marra, Cláudio Antônio Batista 21 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:45:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudio Antonio Batista Marra.pdf: 2520681 bytes, checksum: 44591b2657295af567e375c5b1fc05f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-21 / This paper analyses the use of nominal referential expressions in two texts written by journalist Roberto Pompeu de Toledo, Dona Gildair and O Mercosul e a Taça Libertadores, published in Veja magazine of which he is Especial Editor on April 4th and July 11th 2012, respectively. The dissertation pertains to the Textual Linguistic area of studies, whose definition and development were summarized in the beginning of the work in order to clarify such relation. The general purpose of this paper is to study the key role of referentiation in the process of textual constitution, particularly the argumentative role the nominal referential expressions play as they perform their cognitive-discursive functions. The specific purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the nominal referential expressions built in the texts of the adopted corpus, by underlying the way they serve the author's purpose of saying and his argumentation in the attempt to convince and persuade his readers. As its theoretical framework the paper relies on the conception of text and textuality according to contemporary authors, as well as their conception of referentiation particularly of nominal referential expressions and its role in the constitution of discourse objects and in the argumentation. It is our conclusion that the author successfully uses the resources of argumentation, though he argues that claiming the truth of a given proposition is an unacceptable practice today. / Esta dissertação analisa o uso de expressões nominais referenciais em dois textos do jornalista Roberto Pompeu de Toledo, Dona Gildair e O Mercosul e a Taça Libertadores, publicados na revista Veja da qual o autor é Editor Especial nos dias 04 de abril e 11 de julho respectivamente, em 2012. A dissertação localiza-se na área de estudo da Linguística Textual, cuja definição e desenvolvimento são resumidos no início do trabalho para se explicitar essa localização. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é estudar o lugar da referenciação no processo de constituição do texto, particularmente o papel argumentativo das expressões nominais referenciais desempenhado por elas enquanto exercem as suas funções cognitivo-discursivas. O objetivo específico desta dissertação é analisar as expressões nominais referenciais construídas nos textos do corpus adotado, sublinhando-se o modo como elas servem ao propósito do dizer do autor e ao seu objetivo de argumentar para convencer e persuadir seus leitores. Para seu embasamento teórico este trabalho se apoia em concepções de texto e textualidade de autores contemporâneos, bem como em suas concepções de referenciação particularmente as de expressões nominais referenciais e do seu papel na construção de objetos de discurso e na argumentação. Nossa conclusão é que o ensaísta emprega com sucesso os recursos de argumentação, a despeito de suas afirmações de que convencer outros da verdade de uma determinada proposição é prática inaceitável em nossos tempos.

Determinantes da taxa de juros nominal e sua relação com a taxa de câmbio no Brasil no período de 1990 a 2006 / Determination of nominal interest rate and its relationship with the exchange rate in Brazil during the time period from 1990 to 2006

Harfuch, Leila 19 March 2008 (has links)
Nas duas últimas décadas, o Brasil vem praticando elevadas taxas de juros nominais em relação à taxa de inflação existente. Isso encarece o crédito, aumenta o endividamento e prejudica o crescimento econômico sustentado. Além disso, fatores como a implementação de políticas econômicas de combate à inflação, a aceleração do processo de abertura e internacionalização econômicas criam um mix variáveis que se relacionam com a taxa de juros e deixam explícita a necessidade de se analisar os principais determinantes da taxa de juros nominal no Brasil e sua relação com a taxa de câmbio, objetos de estudos do presente trabalho. O modelo teórico apresentado, expandido para incluir uma equação de Fisher adequada à economia brasileira e o risco de default, foi estimado seguindo os seguintes passos: 1) testes de raiz unitária de Dickey-Pantula, Dickey-Fuller, raiz unitária sazonal e raiz unitária com quebra estrutural foram realizados de modo a saber o grau de integração de cada variável e, assim, como cada uma deve ser considerada nos modelos; 2) regressões para taxa de juros e taxa de câmbio foram, inicialmente, estimadas pelo método de Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários e, caso tenham sido constatados problemas de heteroscedasticidade e autocorrelação dos resíduos, as regressões foram reestimadas pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados, Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados com modelo não-linear de correção da autocorrelação dos resíduos e/ou Mínimos Quadrados Ponderados com estimativas consistentes da variância de White ou Newey-West. Inicialmente utilizaram-se dados com periodicidade mensal, mas os resultados não foram robustos. Por isso, foram usados dados com periodicidade trimestral, obtendo melhores resultados. Apenas as melhores regressões são apresentadas no texto, apresentando dois grupos de estimativas para os determinantes das taxas de juros e de câmbio, sendo o primeiro para o período de 1990 a 2006 sem risco de default e o segundo para o período em que há dados sobre risco de default (os melhores resultados incluindo a variável risco ocorreram para o período de 1995 a 2006). Essas regressões fundamentam a definição de quatro modelos VAR (Vetor Autorregressivo). Esta última, ao ser estimada usando a decomposição de Choleski, permite chegar a conclusões convergentes aos das regressões selecionadas. Tanto a análise de regressão quanto o VAR reforçam o papel das variáveis externas em afetar a taxa de juros CDI a partir de 1995, em detrimento das variáveis domésticas, especialmente a taxa de inflação. O modelo para a taxa de câmbio sinaliza para uma conclusão semelhante, sendo a variável CDI a mais importante quando considerado todo o período em análise, mas perdendo poder explicativo sobre a taxa de câmbio quando inserida a variável risco de default. Pode-se afirmar que a conta capital e financeira do Balanço de Pagamentos é semi-aberta e que os fatores externos possuem impactos expressivos sobre a taxa de juros CDI, principalmente após a implementação do Plano Real. Em especial, o risco de default percebido pelos investidores externos possui um papel importante em mostrar a seguinte dinâmica: sob maior risco de default, um aumento da taxa de juros (via política monetária restritiva) pode provocar um efeito perverso, pois ao invés de atrair capital externo (e, assim, poder cumprir com as obrigações financeiras), provoca uma saída de capital e desvaloriza a taxa de câmbio, aumentando a inflação. Esses resultados são de extrema importância para o exercício da política monetária, tal como exposto nas conclusões do trabalho. / During the last two decades, Brazil has been practicing high nominal interest rates, comparing to the observed inflation rate. This fact has a negative impact on credit, increases public debt and reduces the economic growth. In addition, the implementation of economic policies that aim to decrease the inflation rate, together with the economic globalization process, generate a set of variables that are related to the interest rate and, also, explicitly show how important is to analyze the main variables that have impacts on the interest rate determination and its relation with the exchange rate, which are the aim of this dissertation. Theoretical models for interest rate and exchange rate determination for a small and partially open economy were expanded to incorporate not only a suitable Fisher equation to the Brazilian economy, but also the default risk, and they were estimated in the following sequence: 1) Dickey-Pantula, Dickey-Fuller and seasonal unit root tests, and also unit root test with structural changes, were used to verify the integration degree for each variable and how each of them should be considered in the models; 2) interest rate and exchange rate regressions were first estimated by Ordinary Least Squares or, in case of heteroskedasticity and residuals autocorrelations problems, the regressions were reestimated using Weighted Least Squares, Weighted Least Squares with non-linear correction for residuals autocorrelation or Weighted Least Squares with Newey-West or White consistent covariance estimates. Initially, the models were estimated using monthly aggregated data, but they did not present robust results. In sequence, models were estimated using quarterly aggregated data, which had better estimations results and the best results are presented in this thesis. This dissertation presents two groups of results for each determination model of interest and exchange rates, considering the period from 1990 to 2006 without default risk and starting from a year that are default risk data available (the best results including default risk variable happened from 1995 to 2006). These regressions are the base for four VAR (Vector Autoregression) models. Both regression and VAR analysis strengthen the role of external variables in affecting the CDI interest rate for the period starting from 1995, while domestic variables reduced their effect on this process, specially the inflation rate. The results for the exchange rate determination model indicate a similar conclusion because, for the whole period analyzed, CDI interest rate was the most important variable; however, it reduced its influence on exchange rate when the default risk was inserted into the estimations. According to the results, there is evidence that the Brazilian economy is partially open and that the external factors have strong effect on CDI interest rate determination, especially after the implementation of Plano Real (Real Plan). More importantly, the international investors\' default risk perception has an important role showing the following dynamic: under default risk conditions, a larger interest rate (by a restricted monetary policy) can have a perverse effect, because, higher interest rate instead of attracting external capital inflows (which permits financial obligations to be honored) can lead on an external capital outflows, which depreciates the exchange rate and, as a result, increases the inflation rate. These results are extremely important to be considered for monetary policy implementation, as shown on the conclusions of this thesis.

On Definiteness and Beyond : a Contrastive Analysis of Nominal Determination in English and Arabic / Au delà du défini : étude contrastive de la détermination nominale en anglais et en arabe

Sabra, Yousra 24 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse contrastive de la notion de défini telle qu’elle est exprimée dans le système de l’article en anglais et en arabe moderne standard. L’ensemble des notions associées au défini et à l’indéfini sont examinées d’un point de vue sémantique et d’un point de vue syntaxique, afin de découvrir la manière dont les deux langues traitent ces concepts; les différences et les ressemblances sont répertoriées dans le contexte d’une étude détaillée de corpus. Le récit, The Brook Kerith de l’écrivain irlandais George Moore a été choisi pour des raisons géo-historiques et littéraires: les événements racontés se déroulent en Terre Sainte à l’aube de l’ère chrétienne. Les occurrences du syntagme nominal en anglais et en arabe analysées dans le premier chapitre permettent de dégager les convergences et les divergences des deux systèmes. Les résultats sont soumis à une analyse quantitative et statistique. Il en ressort que la valeur de l’article défini en anglais (“the”) et en arabe (“al”) correspondent dans 76% des emplois. La ressemblance entre la valeur de l’article indéfini (“a / an”) en anglais et son équivalent en arabe s'élève à 96%. Cependant, dans la mesure où l’arabe est une langue sans article indéfini, le fonctionnement de l’article zéro en anglais est sans équivalence; on découvre que l’arabe choisit selon le contexte, soit la marque du défini (al), soit la marque sémiologique de l’indéfini. En dernière analyse, on constate une grande ressemblance entre les mécanismes cognitifs sous-jacents; les différences concernent les transformations sémiotiques de la structure profonde. / This thesis offers a contrastive analysis of the notion of definiteness as conveyed by the system of the article in English and Standard Arabic. Definiteness and other notions associated with it are investigated semantically and syntactically in an attempt to discover how these two languages approach such notions and when the two languages converge and diverge in this respect. To this end, corpus analysis is chosen as a means to inspect these ideas. The corpus, The Brook Kerith, by the Irish writer, George Moore, is chosen for geo-historical and literary reasons: the story takes place in the Holy Land at the dawn of this Christian era. A contrastive analysis of the first chapter along with its translation is analyzed from a pragmatic and semantic perspective. The analysis is followed by statistical and computational analyses. It is found that the article “the” and the Arabic article “al’ are used for seemingly the same purpose in the proportion of 76%. The occurrence of the article “a/an” is 96% consistent with indefiniteness in Arabic. However, the use of the “zero article” shows discrepancy as whether to use the article “al” or no article in Arabic. In the last analysis, the cognitive operations underlying usage in both languages are similar. The differences are on the level of the semiotic transformation of these deep operations.

An Empirical Study of the Dynamics of Nominal Interest Rates: Australian and Global Perspectives

Kremmer, Michael Leslie, n/a January 2003 (has links)
This study explores the inter relationships between the nominal interest rates of Australia and its principal trading partners. The analysis focus on the short end of the yield curve --specifically, rates of up to one year to maturity. In essence, the study comprises a suite of essays, which together provide an overall understanding of the relevant relationship that is, in both depth and scope, greater than the sum of the individual essays. The inquiry begins with an investigation of the impact of the overnight information content of international interest rates upon the Australian domestic money market. The results indicate that the strongest information impact on Australian interest rates is from the overnight interest and exchange rates of the United States. This is followed, in the second essay, by an investigation of the relationship between domestically and internationally traded Australian dollar denominated, financial assets. The results indicate that a Euro-Australian dollar inter-bank deposit and Australian bank accepted bills are effectively the same assets. Based on this result the third essay investigates the extent to which the short-term nominal interest rates of Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan are consistent with the expectations theory of the interest rate term structure. The results indicate that nominal inter-bank deposit rates in all four currencies are broadly consistent with the expectations theory. In addition, two common stochastic trends are identified, which can be associated with the markets of the United States and Japan. The forth essay focuses on the bilateral relationships between the nominal interest rates of Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan, and aims at establishing the extent to which the observed data is consistent with interest rate parity conditions. It was found that, in the long run, and with some exceptions, there is strong support for all three of the usual parity conditions. These relationships are interpreted as a measure of the efficiency with which the interest rates are simultaneously determined across the four markets. The final essay brings together insights gained in the preceeding essays to help analysis the interactions between each of the four markets at each of the four maturities selected within the consistent framework of a single model. The results indicate that the system can be usefully conceptualised as interactions between two sub-systems. The first sub-system models the nexus between Australia and the United States, and the second sub-system, that between the United Kingdom and Japan. The interactions within and between these two sub-systems are found to change as the maturity increases. At the shortest maturity, Australian interest rates are directly affected by both sub-systems. In contrast, at the longest maturity, Australian interest rates anticipate those of the United States and are not directly affected by the second sub-system.

A study of the information needs and information-seeking behaviour of Australian accredited coaches in the sports of swimming and track and field

Clarke, Nerida, n/a January 1995 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the information needs and information seeking behaviour of coaches in the sports of swimming and track and field who had completed level 2 accreditation of the Australian Coaching Council. The study aimed to identify information needs, the sources from which information is currently obtained and to gauge the level of satisfaction with current information provision in terms of the quantity, content and timeliness of information received. The study also aimed to examine the influence of the independent variables of sport, geographic location and education level on information needs and information seeking behaviour. In line with current theoretical thinking in the examination of information needs described in the literature, the researcher took a 'user-centred' approach in the identification of information needs utilising the structured group discussion process, Nominal Group Technique (NGT) as the first stage of the research. This process established the broad parameters of coaches' information needs and provided the basis for the design of a subsequent survey which was distributed to all swimming and track and field coaches who had completed level 2 accrediation. The survey resulted in a response rate of 69 percent from a total population of 568. The study revealed that coaches have a wide range of information needs many of which would not generally be associated with libraries, that there are few differences between coaches from different sports, those of differing education levels and between those of different geographic locations, although access to information is made more difficult through geographic isolation. The study revealed that coaches use multiple sources to obtain information and that libraries and formal sport information providers are not key sources for most types of information. Low levels of satisfaction were found to exist with the quantity and content of information with the highest level of dissatisfaction being expressed with the timeliness of information received. The study concludes by identifying issues, recommending possible actions in relation to these issues and identifies areas for future research.

Primary school teacher perceptions of the present and future teaching culture : applying the Delphi and Nominal group methodologies as an aid for defining primary school teacher work culture in the Australian Capital Territory

Maiden, William, n/a January 1995 (has links)
This thesis examines the views of A.C.T. primary school teachers about their work to build a picture of the culture of primary school teacher work of primary schools in the Australian Capital Territory. I define teaching culture to mean the behaviour, work practices, beliefs and possible habits teachers display in their efforts to perform the task of teaching. This description of teaching is possibly similar to what some authors describe as the 'sociology' of teaching (e.g. Barton and Walker, 1981). It is also a reflection of Deal's suggestion that culture describes 'the way things are done around here1 (Deal, 1985:605). In this case the study builds a picture of primary school teacher perceptions of the way things are, the culture of primary school teacher work, in the A.C.T. primary teaching system. The study has been designed to identify key workplace issues which preoccupy A.C.T. primary school teachers now and what they perceive to be the significant issues of the future, that is by the year 2005. The Delphi methodology was chosen to be the means to gather and refine information and perceptions from teachers its ability to clarify and refine issues and because the Delphi has amongst its advantages anonymity for participants and the use of experts in the data gathering. The study found that a high proportion of teachers feel stressed about attending meetings, yet wanting at the same time a say in the running of their school. Other results were that teachers considered they are poorly supported by the wider community and that a significant reward of the job was the interaction with the children. Teachers also believe that instructional methods will be radically different by 2005. The study aims to provide current information about the culture of primary school teacher work to teachers themselves and to present to interested authorities and institutions, such as the Department of Education and Training and The University of Canberra or the Australian Catholic University, recommendations for further research and practice to assist in policy design regarding the work teachers do. Some recommendations to the Department of Education and Training include: · the culture of primary school teacher work should be actively promoted to inform the community of the complexity of teacher work and to attract quality applicants to the profession; · that classroom teachers are resourced, at comparable levels to Public Servants or Departmental officers, with equipment such as computers and furniture; · that consideration be given to providing more inservice opportunities for teachers to pursue during stand-down (school holiday) time. Recommendations made to teacher-training institutions include: · regular research and reviews of teacher-training programs, with particular emphasis placed on beginning teacher needs and competencies and to highlighting areas newly recruited and experienced teachers consider require more training; · the design of comprehensive upgrading programs catering for the needs of newly appointed and experienced teachers.

Vowel Harmony in Bale : A study of ATR harmony in a Surmic language of Ethiopia

Möller, Mirjam January 2009 (has links)
<p>ATR, advanced tongue root, is a phonological feature among vowels. As vowels assimilate to share the same value of that feature, they display ATR harmony. This is a common phenomenon among many African languages. ATR harmony is examined in this paper as manifested across morpheme boundaries wihin nouns in a Surmic language of Ethiopia called Bale. The data presented was collected at a workshop on ATR harmony held by SIL International in Mizan Teferi, Ethiopia, 2009. The vowel system in Bale displays a nine vowel inventory with a feature dominance of [+ATR] vowels which spread their feature both leftward and rightward to recessive [–ATR] vowels. The [+ATR] dominance is also present as a floating feature without any phonological material. The vowel /a/ is analysed as a neutral vowel, co-occuring with both [+ATR] and [–ATR] vowels within roots.</p>

Los términos de la cerámica en alemán y en español. Análisis semántico orientado a la traducción de los compuestos nominales alemanes.

Oster, Ulrike 21 November 2003 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es el análisis de las relaciones semánticas entre los constituyentes de términos complejos del campo de la cerámica en alemán y en español, con vistas a la traducción de los compuestos nominales alemanes. Con el fin de clasificar dichas relaciones, y basándonos en el estado de la cuestión de la composición nominal alemana y de las relaciones semánticas, proponemos un modelo de esquemas relacionales generales, a partir del cual establecemos una clasificación de relaciones semánticas específica para los términos complejos de la cerámica. Para ello realizamos un estudio contrastivo de los términos de la cerámica en ambas lenguas, basado en el análisis de dos corpus, uno alemán y otro español, similares en cuanto a temática y géneros representados. Analizamos, por una parte, la forma que adoptan los términos y, por otra, las relaciones que existen entre sus constituyentes si se componen de más de un lexema. De esta forma, llegamos a conclusiones sobre las tendencias denominativas que caracterizan la terminología cerámica en español y en alemán. En particular, detectamos una mayor preferencia del español por términos cuyos constituyentes presentan una relación atributiva, mientras que en alemán es más frecuente la relación funcional. Por otra parte, el análisis morfológico de los términos nos permite describir la forma que pueden adoptar los términos cuyos constituyentes se encuentran en una relación determinada.

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